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2% LEVEY: MEDIARVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING fammoniac! are soaked in water of the sapanwond' {toe a day and a night. On the morning itis kneaded th the fingers in the vessel in which fei. tis then clarified. On it are thrown theee dithams of saffron to ‘obtain a stronger color than gold. Its yellow ia prettier, Preparation of a blackish ink One partof be honey is ten and one part of mica™ and one part of gaged vitvil. The vitriol, mica, and boney are-pounded and pput in a cucurbit’ and alembic™ and distilled. Then the distillate is removed from i into a vest and placed in the sun for twenty days, Every day there is plverived for ita dirham of gum arabie which is put ingot. Ie is sired vigorously uatil the gum is di solved. When one writes with i, it comes out bea fully. Preparation of another. One part of vitriol and one part of green vitriol are pulverized together. With i is 4a bic of gum. Tt is disolved in water f filed galt, Use ig se es yo rn toner io ine {i 5) ind To no fh snd Ren pw oe felt mths al algo soos ca haa ose, Setar ne an oleate Bogs) te ta ls ae ey “Egon, Capi Sn men rl on ip able Sts Shera Shh ae ata Sie it's yc tice ‘er hata iat ce at Spee tt ato at on ebeoaaun UA CE i Mipriney etre te ‘edt Rb ia pn a pny Sa, SHIR estan a aay, nn snore we sical ae BEST Bee i Ses Eemtme ey wren Au a Oa PT A Sie laa ato A Seon eo, le ate fea th linea vce a es Se et antes ater op er sbi sta MyM weet et te mane oe ce daca MP nce "Vleet adr te et a ee sree a tin i a ride ane a ats SRR TR ea ihe be nc erg tt sao el ene ie era tt rat ‘hp 8) yes od a ae Sete ih ei iin pu Kit) ans Teta aon ta) ie an andar ta Sage See Sts Preparation of sumac ink. One half rat! of sumac fs taken. On it are poured three rats of pare water Te is place in the sun fortwo days until the Fe of the sume ‘comes out. It is squeczad, filtered through a fine eloth, and put in the sun for five days. On every ra, five ‘ounces of gum are put—every day an ounce. He ie felt until the gum is dissolved. On it is thrown what is ecessiry of vitriol. Tt is checked so that it is not bbume owing to an excess of vitro, (24) Use it Preparation of an ink with which one waites eo that it eomies out white on black and black on white, tis strange and nice. Four dichams are taken of the best soda." On it is poured one half rail of water. Te is stirted, then left for seven days, As often as the water iownishes, there is added to it an amount that die appeared from it, 1¢ is atitred. After the days pass, the water is clarified on eight dirhams of collyrum, ice. ollyrium of the pulverized dirhams and three dis hams of marcasite* and a dicham of myerh, TT itis spotted, it is pulverized in & mortar one day and there are added to it four dichams of vitriol and two dirhams Tp etn ya er yt ei Rn aa i a it ea erp foe crave Miter ioe ammeter fitted reg Sra no Selewsagwmea vs, seiko menace pe ettice rin i a iatiercaceie es Boca SEE Rea) aw Ste tes 4 gy Se ae ecg Seige tet mace or pegavege nian monies ‘of whige load. Ie all left well pulverized. On it are poured three ounces of water. It is left for five day, then it i oiled. Thon there is taken of water of soda, ‘and of the collyium-one ume. Then water of sx ‘and collyrium are boiled, ounce aftr ounee, and also five dichamis of crushes gallnat. Tei boiled until one. third hes disappeared; two-thieds remains. Te is then clased and mixed. IF there are eon flings with the fallnat, then itis good. ‘Then the water is mixed with the previously mentioned thiags. The two waters are ied together and with ie a bit of um arabic and Starch paste. Weite with ion black; it games out white. On white, it comes out black. Preparation of an ink with which one waites like gold. Six mithgals of lead are taken. (28) On it are fheown for maitigals of vteol. Then itis placed in a uted vessel and put in the higher part of a glass fur nace day ad @ night. Tt is then taken out. On ic is poured water of gant, Write with ity When polished, 5H comes out avery good golden color. Preparation of another ink that is golden Tike 3 A male goats gall is taken, Write witht on new paper ‘with a good pen. Te comes ont as gold ‘Peeparation of «rose colored in. Two parts of white lead are taken and One pare of red lead." They are put together with vinegar in a new pot which is then Ted ‘vith clay and hair. The pot fs put into a glass furnace Jn the upper part for three days. Te is then taken out And the material pulverized, On its poured water of white gallnut. A bit of gum arabie is put into it. Write swith i Preparation of a monk's in, The strong red leaf of the anemone, from which the black part has been re- ‘novi is then boiled in water until is color comes out Jno the water as desid. Then ie is taken down and puri To itis acded water of myrtle, in a amoune Df one quarter of the water, and two dirhams of gum arabic, Write with it Preparation of another green ink, White gallnut is taken’ and crushed Tightly. On i is poured enough water to cover it. Ie is left for an hour or less to the fextent that ie takes the strength of the gallnu. It is then puri. Thon the best pure green vendigyis is taken in the amount desied and pulverized well. On it poured alittle wine vinegar. Tt is kneaded and put on "Aftab. Acitle (70) state that “ti made rom lead an ingarand ebathy forthe we i the ye He trentioed in ayo texte (C43, 9,108) and Das (WS), Jair netone white iad obs bon on pint CH Sta, We'ldns Vien). et 9 Pea ord ted rt AU eauvaleue co the yor f Dios (Ve 88) hs a Ghat Cl). sno sed in crn In, Sa bees Know fara lng ie (Aine 1 S34 888, ha a-A oracsfor slammakeg, already howe ia rc Habytnian fc wera yao yl tnowa ia Babylonia (CAS, 7, 8 10) In Ate (18), Tia stone comes fem end ent) iC changed to bicome rl wen the fre tgs an ec on When fie ito a sve, heals wounds probly was ‘unin many typ each having peels pur ‘TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS 25 4 brick until its moistness disappears. Then ie is well pulverized. The pulverizaton isthe essence ofthe work. On itis poured water of galt. (26) Ie is well beaten and left. Ta itis put powdered gum arabe in the amount ‘desired, I is then stir, Write with i Preparation ofa yellow ink, Water of galls taken jn an amount lke that eaken for the green, and instead of the verdigrs, yellow arsenic is pat ia but with no ‘Vinegar in it Tels then beaten with water of the gallout Sa of sac los water of ran pt, Preparation of «white ink, Gallaut is taken and crushed lightly. On it poured enough water to cover ie Tes left for one hour with a quantity slightly more thaa it. Then sieved powdery white starch! is pule verizd well with water until it becomes as one phase fn appearance. It fs then left until itis clariied. The ‘upper layer is taken ane the residue i left Thea gum arabic is taken and pulverized in the water that was taken previously ind in the starch glue. When it dis- solved, then it beaten with that residue obtained. Tt is stirred and then putt aside. If iis desired to work with i chen itis stirred. Write with it Preparation of a pretty red ink. The same amount of water of gallnut is takon like that used for white ink, Teds put aside. Then red innabar is taken and washed, Doseription of washing! of the cinnabar, Te is washed when water ie poured on it while it isin a ‘esse and ie is being tired. When a foam is raid, it Js assumed that the impurities do not remain in the solution, ‘Then i i put on a brick until the dampness is gone. It is then powdered until i becomes like paste Te'is then beaten with water of gallnut that was put aside, Tes left an hour. The gum arabe is taken, i= di. Cat, Dan xa es wedi dig Ratsloia Levey, 10) tthe at lene ac Belo Ayeingy wool wan at seeper in na tac fore water ‘Then was warmed gety with the dye and monde (Tata Bail Tue, Shoat 98,68), Seu also Tube pba (01), Snr se nyo fae me FB. (209) glean 96 ‘rut robe oan in Dios (1188), sgt piel a 8 ‘Seaplien forkepeony a tamnatons. "aes wiht rom the Pn ahaa (Sten tam Dory) An eld tno (ij sabia. Te the ican wate Ds, (S101) cites yd, a2 db ‘HDL. The Ara wal aarch an snadgny ype ae ne ‘gen (Anal 42404) Ae aed sha ne icp im pestamary (Now 17 18, 28,25). Of Fable ab riba (49)" AER choghe egal obaaons ue ie seal oct pugs gordon tw 8 ‘wth the tyonnyee amar and oa ‘Tae cana swash Dy ang water thn ing “The Arabs ana hat waste fch ich say bl Iinpunuse “Ps ac is ted tothe cal dewelpient of Ina. rath ogee withthe parc and fhe water ‘teeth decaf. Yi was 8 ery common operation, The ‘Pushing operation 1 dered wel Aune (40) for ani Sie woretims added tog the waters tae an eh the Sheraton when al he water hal ben. wade fom {Relea The valoe vented nang wie awe wate 6 LEVEY: MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING solved in water, and ¢hrown on it, then beaten vigor ‘ously (27) Write with i BueTH CHAPTER ON THE PREPARATION oF z1Q Description of red Jig. There i taken of distilled soda! as much as is desired To itis added washed, Powdered red cinnabar which one deems safcient i ‘weight according tothe eye. Iv is then put ie a cleat vessel and on its poured enough water fresh unas sapanwood to cover it. The tg is macle from it, Write with it Preparation of a beautiful red fig. One part of red lead i taken and one part of Indian inigo, Each is powdered separately. ‘Then they are put into a clean ‘ese! and water of gum is pour! over them, Write with ie Preparation of a Bialug™ fg, One part of rd lead is taken and one part of yellow arsene, Each is powdered separately. Then one is added to the other with strong plverization, Water of gum is added, Write with i Preparation of pomegranate lower colored nk ‘What is desired of green gallut is taken. Tie crushed with an equal amount of strong vinegar, ‘Then itis Jefe to settle to become well clarified, tis mined with “sont or hun. Thi i a8 pure alia fom pant Bicer hy J. Kos, Sere and Ke Migdereh, One Stelabchr iu. prec Fayette Tanabe dba 323, ote 4 Se eater note om anda Te ee ts eel ‘ow (Tabas abit, 38) and in Peano ase 1, (6) itl ashngn ap Daving any teil se, Flees so is even as aval whe aban or. May yes ot Sle wore avaiable inthe bene and mali pra ing {incomplete descents pone to knee te ep, he various Kids and Chl many mre, tds (ie) ‘mention it fora ester aim (4) gave the Caeeh ns ae {Bape and Deter as agate "STaiag A‘mistice of peas including salon aa ine srict (Lane), Tei entoned ie many werk: ALi {ain sve he es formas in noe 2, 2 Serene a det owes pulerad in jmine or sesnve a, Honey cod “rupee thea ed The Pen any Senay i Ne = lina ur ea oe and tar "pomegranate Ge = patra To Ae ao Caled staghth aod ame (tain 75) Indy che ewer ‘aw used as a vermifage and stomach (DAR, S18): Dio GE ait) “cone. pomegamte lowers, oer fo he tod foe alutiating of oun athe gue, fo ane fee, Whncer swallows the Sowers yi et be tented ith itis ee The Persian contr the Hosa sane theese “i (Allie 11 32°378 Jala ence om the de pone sinh de tg wl hd porwaraate (ar Rassi, 8) AFA (8) al peo ina vel to fall aaron non 1, IB) I the dpa (Goi, iis weed with other simples for snes, abet 198) ‘ting roe tabletafor mach Useting for eee oa (aos). (94) claimed tse linden fo ug cae Saag i te mac at tee iF eh (94,287) gives symonyas tama mr Pd i el in dhe Beyptian tusare (Dacron 68) ae ade the name of ‘emit cnplayel nly ae 4 angen fos eater a Fetrnat wie Cah Iie of saffon and den bailed with power gum arabic. Then fi sed Preparation of pstachiom™ fi, Ten dhams ae taken of clandine™. (probably macder here) and. water Pure on to nmerve it This done i a small heats ing po. Ie is cooked ntl when feathers are immetsal {ni they wil he dyed. Te taken down fm the fe ‘The water is decanted fom i (28) Then a icaen ot airy salon, complete with sha, pt ithe lean ater Tis bated unl feathers ean be dived. When the soa ie achieved, Tes then well pained, Water of ‘ushe™and water of snd of the pomegranate ee ley jn amounts than ean e taken up and put i, Te aes be the proper amount. Then ta dirham of pve, sieved gum are added. Write with fe Description of beatiful green fg, Gallnt x crushed and water pourel overt, enough toeoves 1s lef an hour un ste of the strength of the gallu goes into the water. Its then purest set Aside, Then the best re eiabar ina amount nese ‘ary is washed in water. Thief done by pulveriing frsing mach water oni, shaking i ad then rane: feng to anther vesel nt foam has come sue Te isle rosette Tis paced unt these doe not sain in abit of water. I is thn set aside uli drys. its dampness dfappenrs Tes then pelvic unit it becomes lke paste. Tt is beaten with some of the water of allnat which had been st aside and sich wo dishans of gum attic or whatever i notre ‘ary has been dsclved. Te ial ised, Wate wich Preparation of a strong yellow tig. Yellow arsenic platelets and salon, ofeach one part ae pulvericel Separately. They are then mixed by pulveraston eit the same quantity of sum arabic snd placed in dea eel. Water of smn then poured on fe to cover ie Wate with Preparation of @ beau blue fg. Two dithams of selandine are taken. Te twig fount atthe dye Teisputina pot and bed as has boon greveely "aso or fasag The Heb Di cognate to ban of Anladan, rotably pach. The Arabic word paki luge to the Pere. pst (Lane). Die fs 71) eer spats thts Pests Teens a beng god for wee the ate 5 goo for fr iepowy, pear a estapaan, and for tie stents ‘AKind (2) in rcpt 47 use pach to popes alge IB, (Bt gee uug “patio” wi Soca {th 286) cal it ta sr Too Tusa ebsab (St) ave ‘Oat factor was pore rom the Ort. fe was, bwesen widety known in Sora scoring to. 8 ‘rag iti. I. (1825) a9 that thew ace yellow ‘oot of the elaine to found in Spun Crees ad te ism Domo ne a 1 ays for the vison aod the th The peae ean ie toni maj Lie the sh wep fom een Ib the Ratu Paria. These come ener Sr Soren Beno ew bois hea an important spe on. Lane, ios (WV: 82) cll i ext The Tube sree atime fay te ‘noted until the feather i dyed, (29) Ie e then removed from the fico and purified. ‘Then water of indigo is fdded in an amount stfiient for it and for the color ‘esired. Tis then beaten with water of gallnut. Pow ‘dered gum arabie is beaten into it. Then eazry on in ‘what you wish, : Preparation of yellow apricot colored lig. Three parts of yellow arsenic and onc pare of saffron are Taken, These are pulverid together and moistened ‘with fukewarm water with gum and safion until al Is disolved. It is also mixed with the yellow of an ets Te is put ino white wool™ fig. Write with i Preparation of green lig like emerald." Verdigris ig pulverized with an eqtal amoust of white gum arabic in water of gallout. Thea a litle wine is poured fi. Iti then sed ‘Preparation of a green fig. Thrce parts of verdigris and two parts of gum are taken. Those are pulverize together with wine vinegar very well and also one dirham of vinegar. Then wte with i. ‘Preparation of an aprict-colored fig. Yellow arcenic is taken as ncoded and pulverized with water of gallnut andl water of gum tnt itis well dane. Les then dried. ‘Then one-sixth of its weight is taken of Traqi indigo. These are pulverized with water of the leek™ or with water of rocket or coriander. Use it 7 Vell acne may be aed without mom i «wep ation ote yo arte noe aay Ln ta wth maton ap gum MS Bern SS, aS). cea vo head The type of emer ante ie Bighly unce tain. Lane giver cht but this Is mode taint ‘iit ary 2 debs the eer soayad or um ‘an a plean."etapure rec mone; the blo are ‘foe wc are gre.” Emel elon mento ‘nie (19) Zamurad fe given fa TB. (112) ae ead Resa etal in eponyaering tole Te Tut ‘ablas (19, (0) ves ta tops or emer ‘Another gen fy mae rom Yellow arsenic and Inn indigo with gam ade. 1a more elo bain the dered ini te, tain Himty Belk ie a Sumerian eS. SA Rented ine odd Aik gam bly Ai por hele given a Dire (Le py fo the ely ba ‘Guns ousome deus Te ce ulnar of igh, hurt the Siswaeat Ber and Iedgeys Tey howeve, sed for other funposin mesicineAgratady (12) gest for hemor ‘Shem asa th wal ts (10) dtcames he Syria ek ‘Gace B. (0). Main, (8) ante yong ae bls (alr the Sin ee a bara ef hem an or the Skin Ite abies liso, aso called alga Cf. Soo Twbft habia (8) Te je Ie inal atin Arabi (Me 18) Te as known in natgiats negra Tie copnteto Spine grid ado ‘pee Usa ede Brest even sul for Oe ee iid i apbroiie (DAB, 212). Doge" 10), aoe be doesn he rc 1 (47) snes the dea ebm the ‘cle of Caley Disworer aod othe. Pubft wablab aye ‘Rat called bayou ater“ sn Cortana mos el Kn Haynie dans kisi eagate fo the Arabic an tothe Arama Iori roy Chiru stim 1. (DAB, 00 vo) ew known ioe 11168), peo bea ‘TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS a Description of @ white marble lig. White lead is taken ae desired and pulverized with water of gallaut which has been soaked! an hour, Te ie pulveried wel, then dred, and water of gallina gradually introduced, judged according to the appearance. Then write with it Preparation ofa laneard colored ink. Balkh™ lacward ina quantity desired is taken and water i poured on 1 to cover ie, (30) Te is then stized well and left over- hight until is clarified. Then the white water is de fanted from it, Then water of soaked gallnat is poured fom ie together with gum. Write with i reparation of a golden yellow ink. Two parts of honey are take, one part of mica, and one part of very stor Cypriote vitriol, They are powdered together with fhe honey and put in pot and ambi. Tes pared on the fire until stile, ‘The distillate is taken, putin a vyewel, and placed in the sun for twenty days, every Uday of which a dirham of gum aeabie and mica is pole Yerized and added tot, Fe is vigorously sired until ‘the gum arabic is dissolved. It ip removed after that ‘One can write with i as desired. Te comes out the color of gold Preparation of another golden ink. One par of yellow vitrial is taken and alo its fourth of ammonia chlo- ride. (The vitriol fe pounded but i is left coarse. The fal ammoniae is pulverized with it to mix them. Tt is ‘Dound in the bladder of an ox with the head ted. Tis ‘exrancles a infammations of the skin. Later, was know {S'Mgln (Gea ne orander ofthe fx (bua he) Sd ld corte (obtosar alr). Main eat tga che evan ret meine 1 1908) devoted ‘impo sare thin ting tat wae ll Known be bra aad Poste, The Taft at abs (230) may hat {Ral gucar with sa te popular langage. Dacor (199) thas tr al ng ood inte bare u're ge ting stomach abd emdint CY note 10 Tihs maton ofthe cptis of Ketabo (Tansorani), stout i jarsang tr ages fom the Ona or JRO (Se Fue a lsu fo every ba of wie ed, woe: fou haa nds GUS Boi SS, 3, Achar ese Sal mop etx cent Meso i ns ea (poy) Sam THCKCADA Ea TYGER hace ean oat rom chen ae At tabla scat dag Te wus rin eet ery Algo a ALE, the Soman THRONE Degas te te! an word en eens tre cribs = ninco fom tat ‘Goi! 'ncs bab los tail eacca cel Beer cpad tau rae ore na In SEF calioen) th uber and ker mere Sue ttow sn oma ee orl i ad Seta iy 0. Rnrtmanmctehaye water at stan i amntad 4 peace by Ucompnton shots Shem ie ont a are ete ay, 10) 1 “iutmeray gies en, ome a ae este Sa ally desis ser moc cl Arr ay meen aba sane wet tetas pt Rit al nahn pene Bea sesame to pce atl a sea ut Hist fete ath al for econ ne Steno No snd mile Sead Waidse tied d Wises. Pilon kins a5, 00 * pulverized and. put 2% hung in an oven having a low fire for one night. Te i ‘covered. When morning comes, iis remeved. Ie sthea found that what is init has become creamy, thick, axl is viseous. Write with it on cloth, parchment, or what you wi Preparation of a silver fg. raf of the best mica is ‘aves which has been te {touched by fat, Init are put ten dirhams of tata ™ and ‘on it sharp pure vinegar is poured, enough to cover i by a finger" Te is placed in the warm sus for fifteen days, This removed from the sun and put in a thick ‘Koniovan cloth big. Warm water of eon beans is ‘used in which to pres the hg. In it has been pata tle saffton, Ttis rubbed vigorously with the palin of the rand. To what comes aut from it, pulvervedsalfeon and pulverized gum arabic are added. (31) ‘Then write with it for the color of gold comes out. Ifa slver color js wanted, then it is used without the saffron but with the gum. It comes out silvery. Preparation of ialig i. The desired amount of sniea is cut up with shears until iis smaller than the sain of a muscard™ seed. Iti howl in thick cloth fant ny go Sha ig eareetrett ae Pir, Sa dante ee vb SEO A aud aso ies TBS A ed ae ahaa ed ak Seen ee Gg Sra armies eat te st get the ect tas to tts oie aie aie a a earns ah hae i SE era ane eee a ac id Soran a tea wars Se atime coca nate ula Be ee atta ea eta a dia ia leecape teen deme Sie rert eritearecte tay ela inated Reta ions Ea ect a ome ne otey eat g Chora antraee wet Co bh as hte cs caer mentee ae Saris cnn et Some wee ace ane Sract eaitecannie enna oa ht nme ryote ee Soe ED rcs A ca {901 fo the hea, swage, and leprae (Ea, 48) se fae bar and ease, Mat (100) Sates thar te white ype ifm ae he la baieThe mae LEVEY: MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING and rubbed until whatever i necessary comes out. It js sieved with another thick cloth. Then one part of it is taken and one part of red arsenic which has been well pulverized and one part of the mentioned mica. isall gathered and kneaded with water of um arabic Which is described later. Ie is then cried to the extent ddesira. Te is removed. If itis desired ¢o write with it, & sinall amount is taken or whatever desied and dist solved in a shell container with water of gun. Write with it. However, if'a golden color fs desi, in place ‘of red arsenic, yellow is used. The color is then yell. Preparation of water of gum with which the colors are mixed and also others. A of of clarified gum arabic is broken into pices, On it is poured clear water. It then boiled on alow fize until it is dissolved and has the consistency of honey. Te is put ia enongh water to ‘cover it. When eis cooled a Bite, iis oe Preparation of a golden tig from anemones. ‘The black’ part of the petals of anemones is cut off aad thrown away. The red is removed and collected in a pot. On itis poured enough water to caver i. Tes put ‘a the fread broiled until its color comes out into the water aocording to what is desired, Te is then taken down and puried. Two dirhams of water of myrtle are ‘throwa on i and also a quantity of gum arabic (32) as much as one quarter of the water. Write with ji ‘Preparation ofa rose fig. One part of white lea and ‘one part of red lead are pulverized in wine vinegar and then put into a fttle pot luted with clay ofthe are. Te js placed in the upper part of a glass oven and let for three days. Its then removed, powered, and on i & litle water of gallout ie poured, A bit of gum is added. Write with it Preparation of violet ig, Ten dishams of celandine are taken. On jt is poured enough water to cover ft in small pan. [eis cooked until ie disintegrates, Tt Is taken dawn and its water puried. Ten dirhams of hairy saffron are put in the water. Ie is now in the proper portion. Tt is then boiled unt the feather is dyed and then well purified, Then water of myrtle or water of the sind of the pomegranate in the proper Amount is added: if iis more, then ie turns black, Let it be ina pot. Then two dizhams of sieved sum arabic ane thrown into it. Write with i Preparation of another fig. One part of yellow ie enti plae is rah’ nad that of the ee ord, Te Taya (bh hae Te rus (Bassa niga Kock) and ker spe are oy hander in raga en, Shans De. Ve 21) glen it, 89 stomaciead «bul for convulsions in len Caso thos hath Gace may ae come roth Tado Ear tt 0 tare” Tae new the wile aed a Rnd! who mentions th Wold clin wor 3 SS Bie obtained the al hy dain, Aalady (1030) ‘pose ena plate Tor the slr or sonst le pobaly Vat ats LB (383) sayeth ha well ko an tanplosed medial Te Tull aaa (oat 9) sos the Persian synonym en onta. Meycrot ste hat Mates sacl fi om Mn 2) inc aot ‘iti, five parts of pulverized Cypriote vitriol, and ‘water of gallaue are pulverized with water of the gall- hut and then put in glass vese. Ts mouth is luted. Tt is then buried n dung for four days: Then after chat, its contents are disolved in water of gum and water of numa, Write with Fe Preparation of a white pretty fg. Two parts of white lead its equal of ica, two als haf dias of gum, fand the same amount of gun tragacanth® are taken. Te is all poweerized. Fish gluc!® is put into it. Write with it. ‘Preparation ofa black tq. (33) Three parts of fresh walnuts beloce they are formed, are taken and one part of vitro. They are pounded with some gum frabic and dissolved in water of the gallout misture Useit ‘Preparation of gold Tig, One part of blue vitriol is ‘akon, one part of mica, three parts of honey and put inva vessel Its head is hited with clay. Tt is buried ina tlung fre for seven days It fs then taken out and put {nan alan, Te is Gstiled with gum arabe in it. One swetes with i Preparation of another excellent ig. Gold is filed, then placed ina clean container. On i s poured enough ‘inegar to cover it. When itis dissolved, che vinegar ver i is filtered of Tittle by Hite. Fish glue je added to the residue, Write with it The pen i dipped in alum, “Another ig, White lead is taken and made stringy impty it into sweet water. Mele the obryzum® and cemply it into the anixture. ‘Then it found softened. Teo then pulverized on stone and mixed with water of gum. Write with i reparation of another red color. dirham of a very oul re earth, called @ “eed vein," a danizP® of gum ati Trgscanth gu in Babylonia (DAB, 272) sine it hon a tol apserage, wae aca nth wie oper lark) and we oon (arab The let was ior Dae”: 35 ne te did the fans (Ait 16-109). Tey eupooe to ave 2 good efecto te sate of the Moo il, 1) stead he um ft hr agua lo called SSSA, Tiss) atte tha ie nbundane the mows ‘tito. nego ge esa te a omer mainly from Asbogalus gammifer Lab. argh 2 Jp Te term may inte may ype of ous Ingenta, noma hen oti he wala ice thi Wat 2ocomron in ancen me, Dion (1128) ton the al Seo Yaron pale ation for poston he SEERES tes ila for aupperatons and alo: Beas 4 Pian word as el known ni (hina rd 160), "The Graco, toh (eu orb ee ee saad, iba, (ears, 00) The Faas a [SBI "tp tnd Matin, (80 fe a nmber fous portant tothe Arab Be (39) gates a Rae eh stated hae the ‘Patou povoics pute lathe mau and Tanaton of te VOUS Ati (3) aod auto fo extract oll acon a and aco et ite Boe cll, On ane of gol fm chur, fab Rl 24 Rae aan 7 TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS » arabic, and a daig of resin of tragacanth are pulverized fogetier, The cooked pure water of lac is added. Work with itas desired. it is desired to have it shaken, the tion is agitated with the band ‘Preparation of the odoriferous verdigis tg. Gon od verdigrs is pulverized on a stone with good vinegar True of el, tix wel pulverized. In itis put powdered from in the measure needed. (34) Te ie eomoved in a ‘lean fz ina glass vescl, When iti dry, iti necessity to moisten i. This i done with vinegar. Water is never tied oft would spl Preparation of @ blue-coloed Hisword Mg, Old lass ward pulverized with water 00 a stone, Tt is then follected in a glazed or glass vessel. Sweet water is poured on it. Te is then felt one oF two hours until the Tnsward remains in the lower part of the vessel. The water ie decanted frm it, Swoot water in the quantity ‘fa fll pitcher is alded. Iris shaken and left an hour luni it fe settled, Thon that wate is decanted from it, “This is done three tines ntl very Kile water remains. ‘The gum is made as has boon previously described, oF tise cooked fish glue Preparation of green Tig. Yellow golden arsenic is pulverized well with water on & stone. Then very good. Indigo fs thrown on the arsenic and well pulverized with ie Tete then patina fg. Write with it SIXTH CHAPTER ON THE MIXTURE, OF DYES, COLORS, AND THEIR PREPARATION Know that the colors are white, black, red, green, yellow, andthe color of the sky 2 The white fs che Ienurag. The black is the soot ink. Lasward is the color Of the’ sky with indigo, and verdigris is green. Red is fmaide with cinnabar and red lead. The shining yellow iB from yellow arsenic, and the red is rom ted anseic. [Asin the dyes, some of them should not be mixed with fome others unless they have been pulverized and fnuistene Te is better when iis so. Through the white ead, which is beurag, a multiplicity of dyes is obtaine Trckanges from tint to tint, [alone is used for a good white and not anythiag else. The arsenic and) the Tisaard do not mix with anything ele, There is not in them anything outside of their cole. (38) There is a Tasoord najida, made by taking one part of Iazward and one part of Bourag. They are pulverized together. 2 For one Lato sores of. Thompson, D, Vf. Mativs colon making: Tract guar iit arti coor fark Suny Ts 28: Goede 58S; mm shoe inex some Abid wer er the ery of inal alia Sore 10-11, 1988 Only on of eg somes oes Be eee ett conn, tw seh aren the tite fo uate, ha retarted le The maroc sted ooain seins of amtesae wrod psig a wring, setbod Frais. wiling king seog ad roanafacrue of vin: aig in, Sting nsrotaent, porcine a eather There an four tase oir for compounding the yon of pst sy the eof naar, the Uc of Todi ing, the te of ie oa” MS Vale 9 fol To 6) 30 LEVEY: MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING ‘Then a small part of bowrag is intrxduced litle by lide, It chaned from tine to tnt, Take from it what is wanted ‘Another color which is das, One part of dry good indigo i taken and one gre‘of bara, ined, and powdered well wether. Then one part of white lead is added, Tt changes every time a Hite is added wnt it comes to the desire color ction oa the cinnabar colors. The color of cinnabar is the color of enriched turquoise A desired amount of cnnaar is pulverized well with grape vinegar wall it ean no longer be felt. Nothing else is mixed with it ‘Another color inferior to it. Two pats of cnnabiir and of baurag are taken together and pulverized, Bourag if added ite by File ut the eto aa gia aimed, Te is w From ithe enh pottery gazes obtained, Three parts of cinnabar are taken and one part of léswcrd se are pulverized together, Use i Section ‘on the green color. Ten parts of yellow arsenic are taken with two parts of good indigo, They are wel pulverized together 90 that it becomes sit ated (36) rich groen. Every time it is desired to enti the color, partieles of arsenic must be added, litle by. « litle, until the noble yen i achieved, There are many tints of this A color like the colo of blood. The best rl cinnabsar is taken and pulverized in water, Iris then lle under cover until it fs stl. The white which rise is decanted. Water is then added to it and then decanted until the water remains clear. The residue isthe color of blond. ‘The cinnabar may be pulverized in water and salt. In that ease, the upper layer is black, When settled, the ‘lack water is decanted from it. More water ia returned tit, with pulverization, setting, and decantation. This is done until the water is pure. The cinnabar is tasted a salty taste isnot found in the layer, then it has ‘een attained. Use ‘Then there isa rose color. Three parts of dowrag are taken and one part of ennabar. ‘These ate mised ¢o- gether by pulverization. Each time one part of bowrag Fe added, it-whitens further unti i is returaed to its Oana Another color ie orange. The best red lead is pls verized well with water when needed. Write jurah. Twawsiae (CAS, $2) was known, the Babylo sana Tt one athe some Arties pany CD). Fhe ‘Ka jety tn te Pena, The targus ined ‘ak coppey coor Foe fain. Rust, J Sud eu de chemin ch rien Reaepsanlungen dy Liber Sacerdotumy Qual ‘Sasa Nutra wed Msn $90, 1908, "nara. Probably rom th Pera 1B. (2208) sayeth it i gon Tor ch heart and act agua naan, ari 80 s1Skwtin The nad, pl snd ofthe aa fe pl ined forthe coach Pe ad macerated i le il good forthe be of the carpio an cer venoms anna Ti Another color ire ruby from the luke, Blow it is ‘made. Description of how to disolve the Buk, Ten funces of fu are broken up after it has beefed of its twigs. Then two dirhams of ssl and two dirhams fof bowrag are pounded very finely. Enough water is poured on to caver them, Te is brought to the fie with the luk until all of the redness of the Tut ix brought fut (37) Te is removed from the fire. Iti iter, re turned to the fire, and boiled until half of the fuk solution remains, Te is then temoved. Write with it If itis desired that i¢ remain diseolved, a piece of hard White sugar is added to i. If itis desieed dry, itis Placed in the shave protected from dust, When it i Ary, it is removed and used for that whichis desieed. ‘The lub is broken into pieces and powdered like the crumbled chick pea I is washed with water and pat ina thick filer. ‘The water fe boiled vigorously, While itis in the filer hot water ix poured on ft so that is Coler, red, wil low from the filter. The filtrate is boiled luni cs decreased by two-thirds, Then dissolved gum smelted in it. Waite with i. Te comes out well Another color isthe gleaming red ruby. Thrve rails of Carthamus*” are pulverina day in the sm, Te is then palveried and sieved" with a sieve which is larger than the flour sieve and smaller thaa a regular slove. Then it s hung in a cloth above a wide Ber on ‘= yaigat. According to Aristotle's lapidary (3), there are three ces rma ts ets imitates ahs ie Sie a ta och ae SENIORS SL chewy OT SOT Recerca a Seen ahs mettre tlt TI Ee te ge lp Ri = tt Sse abate et hy eee Sent, te, Soe RAG Cortes ce ee tas ae is SS Sel oui Mle aur dette iegemnctaechow ae a suppor used by the dyers, While is hanging, abot Sey mil of water ace poured over it Let Ht dep into {bass go that not a drop of water remains ni {Then that water with which Te was washed is poured vert, he Carta nt cloth fe then taken. For ie ten dirhams of lac alum ofthe dyes are pounded Te is sprinkled overt more than once wile sing rubbed well with te hands, Thisie done each tine unt The pans are dyed with its redness. Tei then ung fgain and twenty sof pire water pred on it. 38) it alloyed to drip wn not abit of the water re mains, What hae dipped i the cence of the needed CGirthamas: With ieare mised raf of wine vinegar land some water of gum, It und the same day. Tis for comes xt well; Nothing eae mizes with fe Te ane appt to gold, ver, and cn" Te comes out ‘wel When sed on paper o parchment, £ eames out ‘a wonderful red color. ° m “Another color is blood of dhe gazelle. Gallnut is taken, canely and mestened with water Tt cooked fd ite juice was Carthatnus sd is cooked with water of perfume, Tris al ut with a dirham of Kate ik, neal dirham of alin, and oneal thar of Sabie. Write with ‘Another color i apricot. Yellow, feathered arsenic is pulverized well on a stone. Te i then used Hr an froma of guia rascals i desire the rod areni Is fulverized lone or rl ead is aed, is broken up In pubveszaton, Ite then removed. Write with Te on Anything which is desir “Antler color off The best Tas Hight fadigo i pulveried with water Tis then washed well unt it Be'Gear and the sofe parts remain. It resembles the dneord Tis il When needed, emt in umn water. Use fe “Another color is pistachio, Yellow pulveriacd arsenic is kneaded with litle of the worketaith indigo and rater of gum, A desire amnune of ingots added, Sep by sep nt the goa i reached “Rooter clr is bro. Alte rei earth i added SRO cabo. This probably alam med wih ge ful tay nd to dye enher nd Goth gee. Tok ist) for shod The wn she oe te ite” Tasco aur (Main 358) Se alo Alune (12) “tgs Potubl”f Dean. More fequtiy nie ‘Asari 108). testa se mints Rand yelow cee weee know i Iatylons (CAS 1). fn ding and pining. Thee wee [pobably avons the eret coloring wgets know Ti key ‘apo erie sade stb form of some cart ward to ‘lo lat es Red ert re deserted im Diese (V5 96) where ‘bi rope. (we Sur) the beet ie comes ro Creu it piel tad broute to the ety of Sipe tire ttl Dau rate that tga for laser fr the inp: aod tine, The siber the ania ype Gru) ob isc by etn of plow eckre tm ancien Ton, Rasa ‘Stnasaichays tes wo Kido och ger), fora [uitehnrd aad Copp elon and swarms gute Slow calaed(Rayr 15), Alam (258) gies ee sooyne of nth sme, a cba, ad ati (Pak I TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS st toa needel quantity of bnurag, (39) ‘The procedure is According tothe frst repe. Tt comes out nieely ‘Another color is that of dates beginning to ripen ‘Three ounces of sapanwood are pulverized. well to- ether with an ounce of Yemenite alum. Enough water {E poured over it to cover it. is boiled until the gum ‘of the sapanwoed comes out. Tt is then filtered. The filtrate ie mixed with water of red uke and with three diehams of pulverized gle. Wete with it at the time. Tecomes out wondertully. Another color is light. A desired amount of yellow pulverized arsenic is mixed with water of gallnue and water of gum, ‘They are pulverized well then died. ‘Then a pate oft is pulverized with its sixth of the best indigo, with water of the rocket plant, and water of the freen coriander after its water has been clarified. Use eon what you wis, ‘Another color is marbles" white, White baurag in which there is no bine is well pulverized on a stone. Tt Js then sloved with a silk cloth, Its pulverized again. Water is dripped on it Te is died and sieved, Tes = ‘moved and water of gunn mixed with it Tes kneaded ‘igorously and used for weting what is desired, “Another color is of the colors of the wild. One part of red earth is taken and the same amoust of white lead, and also a litle yellow arsenic. This color is of the fresh wikd animal, If the color of te fon is wanted, then alittle bitoflasward is added. Ie comes out as dex feribad. If the color of the falcon is desied, then the fequined amount of wag i put on a small quantity, of yellow arsenic and. (40) as much as a fourth of frsenie of the black type, Tt may be increased in the measure desired. It comes out beautifully. Another color is Chinese galanga'™ root. Sal am- monic is well pulverized, eneaded with water of gum, fand then removed. Tt comes out nicely, Tt is good for holy books. va ‘Another color ie pomegranate blossoms. What is necessary of the root of the saffcon is mixed with the he Taft abhi (196,197, 198), varous earch ae ewe ‘ut clear Gatintions, Dist (15) sates that fv art heed othe wi inthe banre ana toni devote Qe for dente uibo Marie, Sinks The Tua dab 411) give the yong fot khlon stew a Maroc Te ated o be the oe Alpin afar Hance ‘The Peon i Malin (St fet) which tame. fom Chigew dowlng hang. Thomgsoe Bit "G0 14) tought vat arta and arta AK ‘sre to llogale Tha prota the ete aigale called nl invicta i Syne lower, lang ‘robubiy the eae galing, Te Ine toy come om Td ‘ina and Chow (Duro, 100) (i para indigenous Co ‘he Chins endo inn an acted on the aang ‘Sit of Reanory and Stam: oper (188) tate that ei ‘Slsine spiced eine of the nets Bayt 20) mento {nln Ina eectunry of mk whih a weal for palation Bbc hear, ftng, ad cl ef ee ver ad iene. ei ftnplayed et nati carmative, and aphrodisiac eb owe condiment and somatic aaate the alen ‘Sethe igenoue any to Anata 0 3.81) fe 2 LEVE same quantity of sharp vinegar, It is left to settle. Te js well purified and mixed with hairy salon boiled with pulverized gum arabic. Tt is used for what is desired ‘Anotier color is volt. A litle indigo ig added tothe ‘mentioned safiton until ¢ is pleasing. Tt comes out ‘iolet, It is mixed with water of gum. Tf eis too rey Tite indigo is added tot. Write wih i. ‘Another color is Meword. Saffron is pulverize, then boiled with water of gum until ite dye comes out ia the water. Then sieved pulverized indigo i thrown into it and some red lead. 1 remains overnight ands hen Filtered inthe morning, Te is put on the fie and with it its fifth of gum arabic and its tenth of fish glue. Tei boll until tis dissolved anc eedened. Write with ft Teeames out beautifully Hike laseard Another color is yellow. Mons arene is pule verizon a elean stone 90 well that itis not affected by the hand stone. It is pt in the sweet water, Some saffron and gum arabic are theown on ie and pulverize. Teis put asde in fig Another type. Shining red arwnic ie pulveried well with water. IF desired, safron is dissolved ini. If de- Sn i ig left as i is, (41) Then eis remowed, ina ig ‘which isin a glass ves. Write with fe after gun has been added. If desired, cinnahar is added to saron, Veet “Another color is green, Yellow monk's arsenic, which js better is pulverize well wth water on a stone. Good indigo is thrown on the arsenic, This is then pulverize pistachio is desired, then the amount offadigo fs not increased. If myrtle is desired, 0 venigris, or sind: ie is experimented? with by increasing the fnigo. Tt i fered, then pu into the fig. Weite with it. Te comes ‘ous heals “Another color ie the whice of fat. Banrag is well pul verized with water. A small bit of dissolved Lull is thrown on ie and then it is pulverized Tt comes out fatwhite, Ia rosy color is desired bh is adel If purple is desited, indigo is added to it together with Water of gum, Tt is removed in fi. Another colo is blue. Bawrag is pulverized well. A small amount of indigo is thowen on ie. Tix pulverize. Use it. Ifa darker bite than that i desired, then indigo and gum arabic. ane added to it, Tt is removed. It various shades of color are desired, these ace obtained by increasing or decreasing the indigo, Another color is the iki cola. ‘Thece dithams of indigo are pulverized on a stone until it sm paste, On it is thrown a disham of verges Tes pulverized ual ite colar is pleasing. Write with i % Yalow mont’ arene is probably 2 parce yellow spies of rene usd by sel moran outlet he ke ‘Sted may oman 4 cor place by Capes a type et inpare voli Cf Dose 10th ae dori i extern ort ot ‘rae is rosably 2 shade of ure Gaon chap MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKI ING aa. ate oe SEVENTH CHAPTER ON THE WRITING ART WITH GOLD, SI "TIN, AND THEIR SUBSTITUTES corer, Section on solution of the gold. (42) Pure gold is beaten toa thin leaf Te is then eut up into small piece, (On is poured borax The fire is hen ngroduced and blown on it until melted. Tr is then cubbed with stone until it becomes lke butter. Tt is then gathered and pressed until the Fiquid comes out and the eo temains. Its then returned co the rubbing stone and rubbed again with water of alum? used for woo! and Andarant salt! table salt, and Greek vitsol. I its Caloris pleasing, then it is completed. Write with it Tike ink. Its good Preparation for goldwriting. A sheet of gold is put fon a rubbing stone and good wine vinegar poured on it, Tes pulverized three days. Then iti washed finely with water. Write with i If desired, water of traga: tanh can be used ia place of vinegar. Water is poured fn it, Iris Kept wet a day and a night untl fe becomes like honey in appearance. ‘Then the powdered gold is ‘washed. On itis thrown a measure of tagacanth such {hac i lows. Write with i Proparation for gold writing. What is desired i ied with fine fle. The lings are poured in glass pot. On itis poured black tr flings. Te turns black. Teis left ini twenty one days ina place where there is no dust, no wind, and no sin, Tt dissolves, If itis dered 10 ‘write with it, them red alum is moistened in sweet water a day until the night, ‘Then the pen is taken, Aigped ino water of alum and then into the gold. The supply comes frm it, Write well with i For a similar writing, i i well filed. Thon an equal amount of mercury is added. Ie then pulverize on * tauag, In this cone, he meanings ras which at ea fas, most eae, however, hawoy ince yp i futon Borax ale nas noe Fae ah 401), aso Tih‘, dg dhol, sot mb riba CfA tous fpiary {46 for ase wth tale CFT a) Wate of ale was well now nora in Hania fe Ageing ro (heey, 18) 1 waalso kre ava vey, 10) nd ne ting a waning age owey, 7D 122 tl) Althoogh ln wae inc Se Fy hee ence hat peptone nck et i 3) blr) Tound at Andre to Tera, Suny ces fen ‘Kader a wlage in Syria, Assring to Nuns (121), tet tha fo Aeron hen cones ae sal che the adr ml ech aro and then the ber Sate sappoel tye he ile yt eso ek han "Sep of tae wise” CI ie. ‘Th eal ne ‘fe alr wa poly al with hes pry of fron compound No ub the mature ra founda mony tons, cig. Mecay wasn the boars a ae ‘eaning "state ofthe re.” Dat. (W298) state twas hep Ina tease, tiny or aor mee se oh cra proper An antdot fr mney maker win with nemo Ii Ara tne gcd deena th proper erry ingen Alu 009, Ase osprey mate cna | | ‘stone three days then put in a hick cloth until (43) ‘there comes out what ie in fof the mereury. What re- imine of fetes away in the flame of the fre. Gum in the necessary amount is then added. Write with i "Another preparation for gold, Yellow sulphur, white alum, and was,=" in equal amounts, are melted, then all of it pulverized with one part of yellow arsenic, a hall part of saffron, three parts of gum, and disolved mica tnt its plveriation i well done. Weite with i ‘Setion on writing with slver, I is thinnest out aa a shoot as much as posible. I is eut into litle pieces and fut into an ion spoon on a fire, eis heated une it fs warm. Thon its weight of good mercury is added. I is pulverizad with « elay pot handle and rubbed with it Yigoronsly ntl alli blackness comes out and the ‘water comes out elear when itis poured in. Iti putin {thick coth and gum arabic is put on it. Write with i ‘Another preparation. Filings of silver are pulverized swith distilod wine vinegar thece days. Ts then dred andl pulverized again with the distil ‘out Tike cay. It is washed from the vinegar Sourness®™ disappears. Gum is added. Write with i “Another preparation. Four parts of white Indian tine are melted. An equ amount of mereury is thrown, iar efit satance for which thei evidence or tii "Wa, rear, soaring tte evince, may have ben the re ‘bance aud for he purpose of pact. eB (188) {iro arom autre wo agree tha tei ea wo ha ‘nd res synanyoes seceding to Mai, 099), were Sed inthe Magi, sane. Zag comestrom the ein PS aa Asoth’s aidcy (25) dacs te varios pes usta rey ello, ie, ad one whe haa thon oe {tiene tha al mire ae flee fr sven, The wate of hip essen tobe plarncolgaly eft for fever torrente "Whe slp bus opti Wis mr inthe thane bart ap Dio, (VE 100) rte te up a) was efecive for orgon tty tel Tielforeuarrytnrdnea of raring sad foe Bee f te er Wa lug pod for eu ad leo ae sates in ook of the Cardone aris taht pla owl er he red ‘abeloher teg te plce af asent inwtening’ Sap Site thee FSS htc 86) n,n shaman The use of wat has long Raory- In Babylonia (Levey, 85:96), ae ae el for pong fara, exsting, wrk upon, Toe medial parpoes. the eas fh ater {Eno conpunded with but a fa of the va dey, ad (ier ciple tobe apple to te eyes Wa wan gol a [rtetve siting on opnerto pont ona. Waa (pa FRAIL) atetalel ez mam, The teri the Beran ‘eanig “boson” Dae: (ie 83) comic wab eer 20 Inve a arg td ining fle, very good fr teeter Teton he eighteenth cary, ax ened for pastes td for bre, Wx was onic from many sures ED (1380) igiapah ha Equant to a Balen soon feta snare iy yan polo Regt i ether tno ead in Turkic eae tine gl Arabs Aoi’ apne (0) ad Mane (iio jn ee ate hee noma to ate eoferion ato ‘he taning of gle nt see fe may ete tert Ur tnd "This ears oo the difealy oun in Semeran abd ‘Reatn feta gar othe ulmances The exe moe deter ‘TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS 38 ‘on it. When mixed, i is pulverized on che rubbing stone until i becomes ike collyrnn. Tes washed with water dnd sale with care until ite blackness and imputity ome out. ‘The gum of tragacanth and gum arabic are ‘added. Weite with it on whatever is desired with quill polished with a shel. Write with the quill Preparation of one similar to silver, Unslaked lime! ‘upon which to water has heen poured is pulverized. (44) On itis thrown thin melted glue. It is kneaded and sade ino fa caes ail deed. I suse Preparation of an ink similar ¢o the Chinese. Ten ‘ounces of sieved soot of chile pen and thre oxmnoes of Dvr! acacia are mixed together with pulveriza- lon, Water of sorrel is poured on it, and! also five Alishams of salt ad thece dishams of ue vitriol. Atl of itis well pulverized and left until dry. Te becomes a powder which may then be sprinkled. Then thirty tlishams ‘of gum arabic and three dirhams of gum traacanth are powderied for it, Tei kneaded with a Tittle water. It fr made into Mat cakes, died, avd put in the shade. Water of gum is added to it when needed alter pulverization. Use i Preparation of ink which takes the place of the chick pea. The surface of paper is brought close to the fire Tris covered bys wooden plate s0 that its strength docs not sa Phen ita blackness drops off This ‘burned material ie then pulverized. The water is ex- tracted from sore! Ieaves which have no veins. Then ‘gum and salts, in the amounts necessary, are added. Tt is then boiled on che fre uati ie dieolved. The froth ig removed bie by bit, Tt is all put together. Te put ina flat dish which is stationary. The ashes are dis- solved in it. eis then kneaded continuously with the palma until ic is completed. The flat dish surrounds it Tis rubbed on warm ashes which had come about in the morning. Ite then removed and used. Tt comes cout well Preparation of another dak. A wiele immersed in Ta aon, ta was alloyed with copper, From the tit pillecntunren, ere are many eames of Baylin roa ‘Tina a dks pert ey wa {ate tect prose (Lae Thmosne (DAC, 11) thoi that iad was AKE are, Samed BAR on Ae ht wre sometimes sotinony. ANNA ie Sm, tnd an svc cna otis en. A edie between the Thetis Ede, he cated one to eva Rid of oxide (rented atbanee) andthe aber, ate tn (ale) (Gan) a eh vn ai ae Eos obra at nd glo The ito of Man Ml Steer ale tse ea Compare Arar ith ARE arab. TA (13401) sa ad snd ragga fed. eran thatthe tofu ee atone fo the ack incon of "he propre of ed Tel ‘ji, Kun erty ia Babylonia, to Dios, (Vs 118), and Iowa Cnn 1: 142108), the Matin eerfore knw wel Miu gies the symanyen ao at Tes abe etre contact ‘water (ain, 20). Fifth (20) Ti mid, Given a rere in. (2098) for abcess and sen deste Ibu Sin ao uo a LEVEY: MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING rads oli i, (48) An iron pot i heated such that itis removed fom the earth dance so that oly at an go under it Remove the soot suspended fa iy itaeto asthe sat ofthe chi pom Preparation of soot nk. Soot of the chick pea is sieved with a bar seve. Pwo handlli® of ieane eal an als five dirhams of tie in Tes wel puleral ‘Then ii put withthe soot ina pot or ing porta Yess Gum arabic is soaked in water day ahd ight, Then the sre! is made fn’ fs water takee aval clase. A solution of two pats of the water of {um and two parts of water of sorrel poured ote Soot bie by bit es collected hy han: When es ook lected ei stretched on a stone or ard I ee the shade nti iis dey. On fa sac, tof wee gum isameaed, Then it fe removed. iia the Rake Jnkeas was fet deri then tn pulvereaheoe wth water as has ben dsr to nan eed find a ight antl ts sete. The water taken fess Ju then fresh water is poured om i. Thief dan for there lays ut the wateremes out eet Pheer remains i the lower part ofthe vers T ssa with the soot an others. Preparation of sot ofthe cick pea. The see i ie solved in a fae dish. For every two oanece thes ae Branded with i two dizhane of gum arabic and val ‘The gum grabicis pone and the water traced Thien stoped ane become ks cae Ae isd ii ened and sn Preparation of sot ik for paper. Light Pesan dink is talon which when brokn up fos net show leg or earth in it (46) Te soaked water a day sd iaht. The the waters poured out nit isd, ot 4 a dirham of gum arabic ts soaked il asa foe Aleks of ink, The lak is pulverized snd ead tester of the sum. Te indi ant put tn the kn Write witht Te comes out asa pu shining gor nk from theft tothe lst. Preparation of another. One part cach of goad Persian sot ink, gum ara and alu, ad atone hat pare‘ burned paper ane pound, eve sed Headed with white of th eng. Balls ae non of snd dried Tes put iat the tnkwell Wate with ie Ie ithe ba ink Preparation of a spel paper ink One part each of suet Pesan ink and gh able ave pound Pl the Nat Est, ane tis ey, hea, ‘api SAR and pag Stk, wor ubiuous vogble (DAB, $1 Mooper, 103. The tis RopBona ens es aes sn Por tar in Kura, ao ao mar Hid oa is) iB, (or) ies the une of the rata heey Bec. (i 112 and Arabs writer forthe dae see athe ine, foe auartan few, dat sconce Tay acy els Provoke nauea and cae Tw a et tie ai eo ae Ea, esrb by Mat. (1 a ipa oer at adam in Spanish lla lth, the tale heh have pangeat tase of uscd ve deri a Brababy A seaure of «handful Keneadled with filtered water of gallnut. The latter is ‘made from ten lane gallnuts. They ave pressed aad ‘one-half ral! of water is poured on it, If it fs dented to write, chen itis diluted with water of gallout every time the ike dries. Clear water is never added to fe Te fsomes out well and cannot be erased. It docs not de appear from the paper. If i js desired that fies do not fal into i, then fat of the eolcynth is added Preparation of ink of the seeli*#* The Arabic sasatt is burmed well, then well pulverized on a sione or a ‘rubbing stone. Gum or the fruit of the acacia fy ade Te is made into flat cakes, It comes out benutfly Preparation of a Kuli ink. (47) Rags of cloth ace bbumet. Te is covered with a tub after ie has been burned. Ii lefe 2 day and a nighe from the moraing fon. Then itis put ina hair sieve Te ie wubloed with the hand like collyrium, Then a raf, which i the amount nooessary, of gum acacia is moistened. ‘Three-quarters of an ounce of he gum is used, When the gum is di solved in the water, more i poured on it Dut not. too tucks, I is pulverized in 2 morear and then made ite Sat eakes. Tes tried and found yood. Preparation of Kufic ink. A white clean linen doth is scuffed into a new clay vessel never touche! by fat, It is well tuted with good clay until ir cannot enter it, If wind enters i, & spoils, Dung is heapal on fe ‘the fire i Hit for a day and aight, then lefe until ie ‘rows cold. What is inside is then pound, kneaded ‘ith milk, and collected. Te ie then prepared in the form of fat cakes, and dried in the shade: While lkneat ng, moistened! gum arabic ie added. very good ink results, havi. The pap of the cloeynth wa ain Dylon (Gun, Beck 8 Er2sc) SAR anton VRS TT oF be Al ita) a8 ydeaogue tare DAB, 83), the Eon apseun 374), iene na em forthe eet (aps 1. na an ‘se fr intial worn fa tne oe ‘eae (gouty sheumation sity a othe ees Tas (ec 5) Bie: 17 lt iy nner Intestin AV Kio (3) aod Jona aca rate sxlnanc to {Bae che weight of sallronsrdine (1230) sve lg’ Bed of hth a teu le tI an tie ctf cate Sa a Soleo te bedi god for neon into te car Ay a ‘Arabic authors wrote on the‘ceyuh: Te Tail aaa (077) ays a aia ifr or test ee ‘prot the Gra lyr Shel, Dao (08) fhe The tans seeording to Hooper Ubi), n grou ithe Neve Es Tn nod othe gone toy Peay te ed ‘rhasn-bah, sands iv Kuen bacon a Hin llth, The ganas io nceain tt maybe Pera, Bios {00,53 Séy wrote tha sant has drying Tacaly an pe for shunt ota Gr ete ates LB (1178) ee Ghat to he eet cha seat facitatea el dives di {piv concretions, dite satvucions i fond lor the noch, nop wc and combats fate (288 an Ns word for sty gen ab-hond amt Cyc mare {ogo radliyan, a Schon art, Grek Toca Preparation of ink for paper sheets. Good Persian ink and gum arabic, one part of each, and one-half part of burned paper are pulverized and fneaded with flr of exg, and sieved. Balls are made from fe and it dries. It is put in the inkstand. Weite with it for itis ‘extra black Preparation of another ink. Eight mithals of blue vitviolin'a vessel is putin a furnace of the glass wll Froddens. It is removed alter thee days, Its kneaded first with a very sour vinegar, (48) Te is put ina far- ‘nace, When itis taken out, vinegar is poured oni, and also gum and gum arahie, Write with it. Prepsration of a color of ink called "crow." Thiee parts of Kufie ink, one part of fasward, and one part Of luke are all mixed togecher and put fa a flask. eis ppt in a fig. Write with ‘Preparation of another color of ik. One part of ink and nine parts of whice lead are mixed and pat i the fig, Write with it Preparation of another jak from it. Dried «wigs of te pain? are eut up finger large, put in a clay pot, ‘roken up, and introduces into the oven or furnace Tis taken out inthe morning, pulverized, and kneaded ‘with gum pur inco it. Wete with i ‘Pepsration of lead ink, White lead is kneaded with sour vinegar and put into a vestel which is then luted all around with clay of the ar, Te ie pat into the upper part of the glase furnace for three days. Then what is fn itis eemoved sind pulverized. Vinegar and a bit of jum are poured over it Write with i Prepatation of aa ie with gla A desi amount of glass is well pulverized and soaked with water until it becomes black and the glass is puried. Tt is then dried and putin a widemouthod flask. A bit of pure fgum arabie and wine vinegar are mixed well with it, Tes fung in the sun for seven days in the summer in the strongest part of the heat, Tes stinred every day. Every time it dries, i i soaked with wine vinegar. If ite desired to write with ity the pen is inserted in the ask. (49) Then the latter is covered 10 protect i fom the dust as much a8 possible. The glass i tiered every day. The ink is taken out of the well with a topper pen to write. The mouth of the vessel must be ‘covered from dist ‘Preparation of another iak, Whichever soot is de a ote ai pn nln ew de in {ote spol asthe date pl, UHSTAEAEL ‘Cognte to noi. tn Pees i jn also nak Diocaides ad ‘Rind ned the pan bu he theo inatance found where ‘heewge tects are -Kind (sa) oly the mar owe ote tui toed The aa at ely the Phi [Eien Loe dace patty yedes very epost erp in‘ Mwopotimi (Hooper, 149-180) mh Inthe argo ae roving dnt tthe mold Ore a Banded vate of dates ‘Groh glass wat aed os gare The autor hae been informed by eatin of Spin that fe was sll bing ted he ‘TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS 35 sired, the previous oF any other, or any burned sub- Stance, is pulverized until solid feeling is no longer there. Tris sieved with a thick sieve. ‘Then water of the leaf of the sree is pressed out and leneaded ell ‘with it until ie comes out like sofe dough. In every. {xo ounces of ink, ive dishanms of gum arabic are auded and also a bit of mercury. Ie is pulverized with ‘wine vinegar. ‘Then itis pat into a thiele cloth, Write swith it what is dese, Preparation of writing with copper. Water of dis- soled sumac is poured on filings of copper. Te s pale \erized theve das, then dried and water of rocket added. It is pulvervzed until i becomes like fine dust. cis washed with water until i becomes yellow. Gam arabic is added to i. Write with i, Preparation of another writing. Filings of copper ace theown into a glazed pot On it i poured maf and gum arabic. Thi plaoed in the sun for four days Then {is powdered on a stone with water of alum, powder- ing {effctively. The tinge are then pulverized and added to water of gum, Write. That is the writing with Yellow copper by this method. EIGHTH CHAPTER White vitriol is used to write with. Then water of sallaut is smeared on. Or, water of gallut is used € ‘write with, and vitriol is smeared on. ‘The well pul verized vitriol is sprinkled on and. the writing ap- pears. (50) Description of writing with sal ammoniae. Sal ame moniac is dissolved in water. "The water is not in. freased, Te is lefe until i ie dissolved. When i ie dissolved and all of ie becomes liquid, then it can be tused to write with if desired on glazed paper sheet, om paper, of on parchment. Ie i left until tis dry. Then eis seamed with mill. If the soot touches st, then that writing is made to appear. ‘Description of writing with milk, Weite with yoghurt ‘on paper and send it to whom itis desited. ‘The other ‘man will sprinkle on it aces of gory: this from the ‘burning of paper; its asbes are sprinkled ‘Deseription of another method. One-half mithqal of sal ammoniac is dissolved in a manner so that one ca ‘write with i A dirham of blawlan which ig the bax Thorne is ehrown on i, Tei left for twenty days i Be tarmiyah Aha pot ase on the se Saf band, White fe ALTGa (0) dees aa a ting ard bac pecs wihont a sine bat wha eo. Di ‘ed afi dang evant ss AL-R4s 16, 10) fae unerai what maf ndeten Lave sows that wa ‘tppntry, cell wor the womb Haya cd mf In 8 fonfcron or log and eld sores In the fresene Gy, a eis naphtha a pete So'Proaby purer lg" pare alu wel a the Eber pyr forth er waa io (Grae 59) aad or bud in uie ofthe oxtborn, According to Mai a) haga in apie to the ce te plane Mesa aad 36 LEVEY: MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING et exposed to the sin. 1 ie then bailed vigorously, Then two dichams of mercury are kil and elt foe forey days. Ten dthams of Yorhurt are thrown fe One writes with ita kind of writing whieh camer fe read except in the night and in darkncee Deer fair Way T hat wo diane of goat yogurt are taken and two dha of ii of {he wild as Ae iis hoe i ae rape juice where it remains ten days. Te feat in fifteen dirhams of eamil's milk Ts that tame whose whiteness i inclined to maine. Then write wie it Te cannot he read eeept inthe ght of the ene Wf a man tas yellow jaundice and drake one lel dichan, he recovers. Te ao for those wh hive lee fever and similar t that, Another type of it. The heart of the seal of the prunc*® i removed, pulverized, and devel Te ake hams of tie are mid with one dirham of bausey sre two dihaas of Greek galt tis ft fora month In the shade, then ten days inthe aun, Then five dears of the milk of @ woman are thrown on fe, Waite wih te ina book, Ie eanmot be read until power of ele is sprinkled upon i Another typeof it. One and half shams of gum arabic are mixed with cow's mille and one dishes af tum tragaeanth, Te ie boiled but not too much Te Tee fr forty dys. Then thre cane of water ave ‘put on its Write with i Te cannot be weal unt aches sane put on it. (ena (Pars) and he Geek name of hi juice Naw is the collin of Kaul’ (tal hase) ie Pear fa", any ican nay probably CCL {in Sm.) and olga oe Ate) i Hee es ath es see bowser are found in abvlonian tei for ows anda (dt) my tat baad la Rhos cre TAL Se (di) Soe en tk ele, The Tulfo abalone ad faded is lthestte of Mcea” The Berbers wl seas hasan scoring to Feyeag {1 S38) nthe ane toa Men mesic mn lh ey dad wl somash isl known many Tice ol woe ea Duron 18) To doxmay wih many properties (bth py ai) ofrrety, Nagatfoa si ial meas eae dst aw sins Hi, mayan Tut (Ba. To Katachundemarimata "Tarte water that mercary i ebted ieee ids Sa he ugctable mater, utp, anf ober sconces COE ahs To toe; Arata gt iy, The pane hase wl known fr thousands of are in the New East. Mam, 13) pve the wong or Gide ae shar io the Maghrib, “ai doer in Sein ae ao stall aod abshahl. “Ta ater ye Restor 18 leases the eof pene in Acai were sna bios fevers adams Sombie, The Tab afc (05) sontion che J rman ABER Pm se, NINTH CHAPTER OW ine WORK IN WilleH THE WRITING 18 ERADICATED. FROM MANUSCRIPTS AND PARCHMENT, FROM PAPER AND. OUND HOOKS. (Oe part each is taken of yellow Yemenite alum, false bellum. alum of the Cartharms, and white sulphur. I is pound well and soaked in wine vinta, then pulverized until it becomes lke fats Tt ie made into the shape of an acorn. Whatever desired may: bs ‘ubbesl with it in order to make it look whit Another way to eradicate writing. One part each of white and blue bellum and yellow sulphur are tasen and pulverized with wine vinegas: eis shaped ito an ‘cam, With i ak is erased feem paper, It tomes sl (62) Another preparation with which yall i fe ne ‘moved from parchment. Water of sap is mist with a li amount of vineyac. Ii distiled, When is written ‘over the letters then it removes the ink from rer and parchment. Like that ie the water of the distilled ‘onion with water of the distilled soap.% ‘Phe opus ‘on s conducted in the same manner, Another type is when the ink for paper and parehc ‘tent i peoled olf and ies traces are remove, White {alm scum is taken from a melting metal, pul rl Btn wa ebay own in ighcenth-Dynasy agp ns 87) hain 3) hare geod eae “Hierame apt onan als dees sca ‘Therein hr ec den founda nae thmonl een (bce biefem) aod nt gund feeb ti Sum) fae han to Die. (6) Se a fre ppt oth tm gb ind ate for pian angers. Be 210 a snr The ony Same SSRI Bike kA hele gaat biter asneet tet by he dll Cpt Dnes ie 15) ene a ee et tere tng aes “isd ‘say for rvng hemor nd ture The ee tame adda Ie ca at nae i ae nthe he tl i {ital thier tn fhe Atal (ts {ia on ris othe min. Win cna aa ye iia eaten fe ches he nla Sn tea er 2 sb Spon minty in mia wasn ety Meso boca nl get Hn olen nei bey tae rom ater tal angina area eae Brasco Ur 0). A Soman mee ooh feta eve anacer pean em Sloe at Sie) and cen any eb ghar a ‘pcan the sane flowed bys eaing a het ewe sa tig cial, want regen es ‘Thetary ape recite puta Sy eo cx seen sje The impure carats af say fost toms woe il ose these ape 2 Saye oe ng Tlic Ho te Ck tte Lal & el aha alte 30) "The meng eee, Mak Sy shea ncrmalacm a ern 0 min poe n rts any ad) oe ‘Sue aoc etal then pace in ey Reon fort ind dren stesso hgh nee eee Fert made lth dye af gach tiene mg verized and soaked with acid of the citron.” ‘Then whatever is desinal is rubbed with i. It comes out Description of the disappearaice of gall ike fom. parchment and paper, Wool i immersed in yoghurt. It fs used to ub the writing by hand. Then a lite bit of Inti st is usd, Te then disappears Preparation of another eraser for paper. One part cach of dnurag, gum arab, and white sulphur are Finely pulverized and made int a ball I is dred in the shade. If it is needed, a litle water is put on the end ff the pen and che material is rubbed on the writing, (83) Write above it whatever ie desired, Preparation of another eraser for paper and parche iment. Its effective. Into a pot which ie plage a the inside, there is put rat of sabkh salt or Andardnt salt or some other whatever ie is. After two dirhams and no more are poured en the salt, then iti put into the distilatory. Te is distilled until the dripping stops ‘The distillate is kept so that nothing enters it to tae its strength. What remains from the salt which was not dlstild is put aside and returned. tn the pot is put one half rdf of another fesh salt. On i ie poured the water. ‘of the irs distillate fom the dsilled salt, The water is separated after it has been Kepe fom the air. The re= ‘mainder of the salt in the pot i thrown away. Another new ro of salt i returned. On itis poured the di late, Th islstl. This i done seven times. At the end ‘of che seventh time, it comes cut white, ‘The pen is ‘pps into this water which i written over the original letters until a trace of these cannot be fous on the Daper. Te comes off at the same time until no trace is noticed. IL uproots all the dyes ofthe eloth aad tanning TENTH CHAPTER OW THE WORK OF GLUE AND SNAILS, SOLUTION OF TISH GLUE, ADHERENCE OP COLD'AND SILUE DESCRIPTION OF POLISHING AND 11S POLISH WRITING INSTRUMENTS OF TALE AND. FEATHER “ALL OF THE INSTRUMENTS FOR GOLD WiTHOU'T Wich Gaub CANNOT BE WORKED $0 THAT fT DOES NOT DISAPPEARS ‘Clean white ish glue is crombled and soaked a night in swect water. Inthe morning the water is poured off it, Ie is neaded with the hand wail whites and be EB, 1826), unr gut, say chat Galen cand that 8 seine ms fried in he eoper foragers Die, {0s 9) tates tae di comes rom th set ekg we len ca isp he face when trams hated reso hs ae Fee heating tor ‘rita tron Pe. tran) whic i ory Sans talang. Tei wobsbly Cra matica Kino or some ser spec, May (0 cite Ein ape” Din (E11) ka ts the aacent Babylonians Ga Sami in Akg na dar) an ede tr sa nce ats Nabe ‘vio, 1°, (1) wrote thatthe con oman and tas ‘fora paltacion, awn sndte fr secon for Selo othe ee foe he moms athe veers sez al e's ase fom oa 218, 2164). 8 iienly with whieh th bok eatenes nen pocrned sain lg of of a als iP ry eer with his hee aes ghent hie acu ‘Aopen chap. 3, ote a, TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS st ‘comes ike wax. Ie is put into a copper vessel whose poison has nen removed. TV is raised ontova low Bre Until itis melted. Tes filtered through a cloth, Use fe Description of the work in preparation of sal glue Te must not disappear: What ie desired, five hands of the desert snail, i put into an iron morta. It is made ‘very fine, then put into a lead pot all day on the fre. (4) Waters sprinkled on it throughout the whole day litle by Title so vhat it will not bara and as much as ‘ne desires of cil until eis ready. When the cooking is ‘completed and it has become viscous, then this is the best glue without which the best work of gold on paper cannot be accemplished. It isthe best glue for pictures since it does not ever brea off aa it emains whole AA hua container is use eseription of the container for dissolving the gle ‘is round aad thiek on the bottom and has a round handle Description of solution of glue and how to make the scold adhere, White sik, easily broken, fish glue is Ut up as small as possible and moistered in sweet water a day until i¢ is soaked and hae become so When itis moistened, it is gathered, and rubbed nel) and gently until iis soft Te ie thea gathered and pat into a vessel. On it fs poured sweet water. Tt is raised fn low fire until it i disolved, When disolved, a litle puverized saffron is added in a-quantity that ‘hanges its olor. Then it ie filtered with a thin clean ‘loth. When the weather is hot of cold ire should be present since it sofiiesquiely. When i is thickened, it is placed on the fre until ie melts: When yon write wih it whatever is desired, the excessively re beaten riz gold leaf is pressed on that glue a day. itis not Aelayed more than that. (55) If the gold does not sic propery wih the glue, then the gold ie heated on the fie and the alum shaken from itso thatthe whiteness ‘cannot change, Whea iis pressed, is lft for two days and polished with a stone ‘Then ku is put on mab till by many that cotainers ae of smears po tothe tee. ons een de oc late the proce of snovng the iT en spread t y rin wrccing the Soe A Later ftetone 2s es, So be ound Hamma Co end i the Oe ree hte sarge ken of tare weaved vee a ne Siiatal ae a hier fant A rece c from wood a vor Sate pac 2 EH Mi of chen athe Arp twas ation sul SBS, bate, iy yng ye Inpuros Ths wns ot only rae wise abe be Se Ribyloiaem, fain, and Grek bore them Bi 18981895, 10) mates shat tal 0 dime Rw byt Muay waza atau forthe ees tone hear hate cea eapoosiory and demic tices, One ot he eas os Sor 2 cosa for mang the spebowr aa fakes Hack Sie belive that fal wan tate satinny Ca 2h Te Alettnes, tino” wan trgucty coat “ibs inthe mediaceal ped cate eed hh he ‘inten tan, Sod thor api of wie a sho _ ee es 38 LEVEY: MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING FRA Aan, at, so; is used in the polish with moisture on the middle finger between the gold letters, then with Aub! alter that List of the poishing agents of gold-—the buarnishers, For this art there are three polishing agente of uma: fue stone: the blue rounded feathered one? that Which fs rectangular in form, proportionate in the face which is at the head of the feathering since the sides are not used; and the third is small, pine tre in shape ‘with a proportionate face. The last i for the plishing (of thin ines and its complications ia fine work, Its fine edge is not pointed but it has a slight width ia order that its purpose may be accomplished. A litle pieces shapes! for it, as much as the quantity of silver, For much gold, put the stone in the middle and lower it into the Iubh. A eover is made for it either of silver or ‘copper. Ie is made tight s0 that it will not shake be auc of the force of the work. For litte gold, hese ae perpendicular pieces at the head of which are the stones. ne periorms' with it ae with the first. Them in the absence of jumahan, onyse is used in its place Description of the polishing tablet, The polishing tablet for the gold is fquare, in the thickness of one Singer. It is made from the willow or the walnut for fineness in the work. (86) If i fil, then a tablec of another type of wood is use. Description of the knife for gluing the gold laf. It is an Indian knife whose length with its handle is the span of a king or two thieds: Its bared blade i wider than is handle to cut a leaf of gold or scmething else. The second side is indented; ts middle section is wider than its extremity. Te is good for softening of the pig amas o jena Soe fo Many ye of ony ave bee now fom r= stitial in Egypt, Mexopora, Chis, ad Toh ‘Ata apiary 6) elaine ht ny as ro oo somes, China and the West. back and wate, yet an pe Teal may bese with grees and low: Whoever ass fr eal hr man trble and contend wth ind teat ea ery hard stone». When Ss pabeindand ued pol the vag ston ents aol rng out eae” Frve the design ‘above the oy not always the sey Bk ‘ogee know by chr tray, ‘S"those were bcrntr or appicaton so metalic witag on pe and eae ran thes haan ate or Blots fe hoe Thi wan wee inners century leks on ‘he mbject, 7, Damo, Fy Primer of denna, 40. Low lon 1a; Donley, Ay Praca hits the at of mai, iat ea Von a ‘> ut. The low grown in he sour Babylon aren sat the Pople apace Oly in Sum SBALEECD, 9 Ab [etuppn Iwas employed nea sora, ct foe Oe fests and asa patie Te nae «poplar dng wd. ta pas Nisei Berit wae wed fo mae a ie ale hea 0 Dion 1" 104} aed the Se or il, ele bo ae sting quality af el, aves aad rks Some of fr thears par an the eyes tate Arup {0s BS), the al at Bia perio of fa wa med ip eta! ‘Whether the willow tenet here Sule cryptca yo sone ihr apes uncertain, Ma. (39) wate hall he ‘Sse a Abt dir pharaoh, ans. The Tier ‘iran (105,412,498) giveth an eared fo he fa mens afer thir occurence on the eat and afer the have dried. * Deserpton of a sponge to push gold a in the preg. pice af a sponge eae hu wh Sse and put aed a, es creed wit Fingers Take some away tom send aces Deseripton ot the gull pen fr wen a so on, he par af the wis eae thik wth father taken From the ard thick ace chose ae he Sul plcked, The pn cat of wth he alors see the kite docs ot do eel cai & soot oe inate for the pn Th fa emvel o oe iCthin. Ts goa for dring and wing The acons Use out heft po ate sho atthe ea ‘he ae of the sis shuld bt Derg of the brsh pen Tf of weasel taken and th tia part baal ft to one de ‘hen nian alos” ot arated eee Ung of eyo dye ied or oe ‘ij abbr. Dio. (Vs 120) gent sponge, exten, for ound co rer edemata, al to open coataciel te e India (Ainii 1 401-02) it'wan conaced to have esac Popetcn to be a toni and desractsand tte god Kei cuptns nd septs aetna” Ce at bred sponge CLT: Wo) or beorrhage ater acon ae ‘igpe into itch (a. Shag 26) sIn Peden aed arent {heard for pong x proeunerd on. Main (9) ote hed ‘wat a ale sod bra gama nthe Mage a Kowa ask oe aft af air I he (5) mre th the Ata thought the spe soa bw ne when Teh whe tl eae groperin ofthe wn. Th Tafa afi 2) calle ‘atu. The mong the Exiponis arnt ls aa ction ‘td nl Mai 296) mathe isa which he poe giage cal pefued wood Iie ml Knows fumigdion eo uc dfn, ald‘ fhamen, gical ce sad alan, and aban tn ancene Greek was Ido Diss (1228) aed i "Aneybn qatechum Lost 0) un chee for sweet vat. IC was also tnplayed at oma, ‘ery ad for oer tact, Ea (0) st ena a Pertti ad aaa ely to tad ite ncotinece The oat Sasi of loowond Knows tothe acats sll wert, ck’ noe p88), The lean fen found onto wih the eeu somtimes being the se mane A Re eka ME roy eins Fel ah ‘cing from India; then comes the ob Semondlet (a llage af Soa of ois sear Bomtay) and then the ane ry Fon of Inn cael Inne The socal tio olay In deveite (Deer, ‘tent, Yom Poin’ sandel which ie from the Suet suing Ai Kind (113) te sandal a Be {emery espe. twas alo condced ava deve Tae (VE 16) tec! to type the we and eda (418) ghotesan Arab author ae ating hat this wore wie cones n Chin of thee Kndere sebuah The foe tata 1s ft Tred pS an a iving el forthe bert aa soma, The alphas. CP hae shen le init eh ul grown in Pein ad ale wont Ue wel erty and in coe forte 'musive ant ante ton nthe genito-inay tact, Dace (046) ste tat te ‘ie and reilsndatwoos te sil wad fede, ride, Mentioned in Dio, (1:98), toon i was eae so that it may be light for it. On its head is made a place forthe attachment, The haie is prepaced around the head after fish glue has been smeared on i. (87) ‘This isto hold the hair fat, ‘The thinnest pens have four hairs. They are made thinse than that but this is stronger: Ie is ttl with a ale thread, Then fabri cated Chinese oil is taken with buttery gu sandarac And is pulverized and sprinkled om the oll, The sill ‘thread ted to fie the hair is oll and pein the sun until dry. Tt becomes lke marble, hard and elegant. If itis washed with water, it isnot changed and is not issolved. OF it, there i made the thick and the thin Tes necesary fo prepare two pens fr every dye, thick and fine; for black, five of them, fe for thin and on Thetween thick aad thin, If this ha fails, then ies subeti= ‘tute is prepared as has heen described. Hair of the cat for squire tails tied in a bundle resembling the ther in hardnese and fineness of the head and shertaes. Tt takes its place, Like the compass, itis easntial that it be light in weight and delicate. itis demonstrated 0 bye proper if, when its opened a litle and then closed 3 lite, fe covers without changing. Then iti good. One Ihead’'of the pen is used o spit it and tie the pen in & necessary manner, Its for delicate and fine werk and what is wonderful in thi art If gol isnot available, then use a substitute in gil ing. 4 raff of gallaut is dried in the sun, then pow: derized well Tis pulverized in a mortar and put in a tloth similar to a sieve. Te is hung up. Sweet water ia poured on it 20 that its puried water goes drop by ‘Urop without being changed. Then fs put in a woolen cloth, ($8) The ends are brought over it. The cloth i press from the ends so that its water does no remain in ie. I any of its water remains, then it will be eor- rupted. Its then spread on the Teather. Four dihans (of dyers’ alum™ are poured between the hands 90 that they are reddened, a red wsual to the hand. Ie is returned co the cloth which ie then spread out with the hand until allies parts are collected. ‘Then sweet ‘water is dropped on iy ite by litle, and the sides are taken care of that itis filtered. ‘The filtrate je col lected. Its quantity is half ofthe residue or lee than (On the filtrate is poured water of sour pomegranates i ‘the quantity of ene ounce, or sharp dite water. Tt is sill; that which is ditilled is pried every time. eis left until ie is settled, Te is repeated util the essence remains, When i elke the viscosity of hone, ‘ne-thied of an ounce af red. gum arabic is thrown om i (9) wats tat the Are med i fr pastas and ae a stomach. ‘The Tabet tabbed (2) myst stows Te Gunther eon fiom. sivee tay as Dioigoras many Roa. o Boe ‘oe ey ta any ype ea Le kas tha our bar. 2 Te ea of the po Bolder is eared with la, hen he aig aking up the ne brah are spied tothe ne el eo ipa Bayt srs i ota ie Le, ‘TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS » “Then it is spread on a stone. When it i dry, it is re- moved when needed. When ie i desired to use it, a solution ie prepared with water and a litle vinegar. One writes with it. It comes out a pretty ruby colo. Tr itis desired to inseribe om silver and on tin, chen it comes out lke gold. Half af the dey mass from the fering of saffon ie putin a copper pot. Tt is put on ‘the fie until a third remains Tis tested with che pen fon a finger nail. IC hocomes like honey and its coor is olden; ie tested during ite cooking eo that ie will noe Stay longer than nocosary. The fie may be heightened ‘or changes since the secret of thie process i=in. the cooking. Te ie removed in alas container. (59) When itis necessary forthe operation of gluing it to silver or fin, then rub ion. Te comes out like gol ELEVENTH CHAPTER ON THE MANUFACTURE OF PAPER, IMPARTING OF DYES BY THE PEN, SOAKING OF PAPER, ITS DYES, Description of the manufacture of paper. The best white flax i purified from its rod. Tt fs moistened and ‘combesl uni it softens, Then i soaked in quicktin ‘night until morsing. Tee then subbed with the bands anc spread out in the sun until al fit dissin the day Tight. Tis then returned to water of quicklime, wot the fst water. Te is 0 the next night wanéil morning. It is ‘then rubbed a night asin the nese rubbing and spread ‘out in the sun. This is done x0 three o five or seven ays. I the water of the quicklime is changed twice & day, then iti better. If is whitenes fs broushe out, then cut i with the scissors litle by lice. Tt is then Jmmered in sweet water for seven days, The water is changed every day. When the quicklime has gone out from ie, thea fis pounded in a mortar very finely while itis moist. Then, nothing will be lefe of the lumps Other water is put on iin a clean vessel. Te ie disolved until i aches silky viscosity. Then ie is intruuced into the molds in the desived se. ‘These are made from straw used for baskets, nails, and the walle are collapsible. Under i is an empty sb. The fax ix beaten ‘with the hand vigorously until tis mixed, Then is ‘thrown with the hand Rat i the mold so that i wl fot be thiek in one place and thin in another. (60) Wher it is evened, then its water dries away. Tt is found proper in it mold. When the desired i attained, itisadjusted on a at tablet, Then iis bound toa wall tnd straightened with the hand. Tis left unt iis dry. Te separates and falls of, One may take powder, shining white, pure chalk&® and starch in eqal aah. Cf. Levey (8%) forthe wes of fax in abyoain The Hibiearcommainas L(ascarngtoHoop) called ji in'Tug and pation in Hin, all ows Cody ta India ad ee Das fre, gail A model ro rr Kowa in Babylola, i was al wll kaon to Diose "We"ig2) an good for eye wes Dios, alt hai eka 40 LEVEY: MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING ‘quantities. The powler and the starch are macerated in cold water until thete is no lumpiess, tis heated to the boiling point. When i boils i is filgered on that power, Te is stirred until it settles and it becomes theet. Then the sheet is drawn back and glazed with fhe hand, then put on @ reed, When all the sheet is slazed, the shoet is dry. Tt ie glaze from the other side, then returned to a fat tablet, Water is sprinkled fn it lightly. Te is then gathered and stacked. This polished as one with a eloth, Write on fe Description of soaking of the paper. A very white ind of rice is cooked vigorously in pot" of i flazed pan Thote ie no fat im the pot, Te is washed, then the water of the rice is filtered in sieve or ity drawn through a clan cloth [eis then spread out on lean cloth, Tis until ifs dry. Some people cook the hhusks and take the water with which it was soaked. Some people wet tragacanth of soak i with stateh ‘This ie after it is boiled with water and sowked as des scribed Description of beautifying the paper that has been tested, In a copper pot, tan raft of sweee water and good clean starch are cooked on the fir, Te is riled tore than once until the water is diminished by- two Fingers or more. Then theee is added! a little saflton in a quantity to strengthen its (61) color of ite purty ‘The solution is poured into a wise basin, The shect to Smmersed in it Hgbtly with care so that it is not torn Tt ie spread with a thin lax string in the shade. One ‘must be eateful that i¢ i not reached by the sun elge it wil be spoiled, Te is examined every hour with a turning over so that ie will not stick, When dry. i polished with glass burnishers on a boar "Another description of ie Old straw is moistenel in water for three days. Ie is then beled until a thi of the water is lost. Starch ia the mentioned weight of the frst description, is theown into i. The operations are carted out as i the fist procedure, Tt comes out improved for pen coloring and drawing, Description of white writing on a black surface by. pens, Sea reed growing i the meadows or the reed watered by rain or the one irrigated from time to time which is prowing in free places, or the hanging vine large quantity of an arm's length is cut up after itis found smooth, hollow, and clear of knots. Te is washed lean. Already wool alum has been dissolved in water. ‘When its color is shown, then the penis immersed in that water all over. ti thin and does not show too much on the body of the pen. The pen i dred in the sun, When the white dyes it blackens. When it sticks to the pen quiekly, then it ie black, I is shiny and it hl ara Probably Oren sai L(G, $8). Rie is 2 feo crop thewsandsof eared oNspotann (Lay, 86 4) Dron {11 98), Sfarpaks of Se medica and ead Lie S fajae mai, stands out. Its whiteness i glittering and shiny—not at the stme time. When fe ie rubbed, the second ese ‘comes off. The black does not stick, There is no form ofits was fist deere, (62) If the water ofthe alum on the pen dries itis thonght tobe good. Te is pulverized very thinly on a stone After proper pulverization ic ie cooked ‘with, good vinegar. Each ‘time, i i well pulverized until ire sembles ink. ‘Then ‘one writes with this pen witha ‘mastery of the art that ie desired, Whatever coloring 5s desired is dyed in it Writing is not made wide or thick i sa plan of che middle ofthe pen, Then take fo pots lange enough for estough material for the length of a book that i 1 be writen ata ite more. Both are introduced into the fre which is blow on strongly. Tt has previously been in contact with the sulphur of the fre. Tt is brakes up and. pounded to Pieces. The two pots are removed fom the fre with pincers and tongs. The material fs placed inthe hands and a litle of good quality silphr is added. A narrow Tine like the pen is mae. The end of the pen is taken ‘with the hand and suspended in this soot. es Iought low to it if there i not flame on the sulphur. If there is, then raise the pen to a small height so that it does not reach the flame. When the flame has diel down, then the pen ie lowered closely to the pot. The seen soot is followed with the pen, That makes the eflort, succesful for that which is desved. If ti evident that ‘the sulphur has not ymned and had not produced feren soot, and the pot has Become col, thet it {ume tothe fire. (68) The other pot inthe fre is thea removed. Sulphur is added to the fire. The pen is then retuned to the soot. This is done until the pen turns quite black. Then itis believed that it has been well ‘dyed. Bee the pot is returned tothe fire with the sulphur to be heated. The white, black, and yellow places are followed by the pen without hurry. I it fs achieved it is stopped at the end. [eis left a while. One may write for a short period. If the redness is disolved. while ‘writing chen it washed well or rubbed in hal cloth Its then taken out and wiped. Te ie examined to sce ‘whether certain places are not dyed with the black. The weting is repeated with the red on the place of the white. Its hung on the door. The work fs begun aa it as first desribed. Te comes out beautifully. The cor rect and the complete then comies out. This isan art Depend on the directions of the burning ofthe sphur ‘on the pot. Ie should not be burned on the fire elge there isa flame tot with only a litle soot, and it comes out Tight and is nor set ‘Description of black writing on a white body as de- sired. Rely on awit” of which you take two part. You alo take of red lead one part, Tt ie well pul: Tis ea dno of the alternate we of two pos won thc the tat depots The pen pp firey ita the Teed soto the atom ofthe pose “ret, Ueknown, Vorlons, = Sum. verized on a stone. Then dough of wheat is dissolved in food winegar. It is sieved and then brought together ‘vith the rod lead and awth which (64) ie well done to the extent the penis rubbed with i. Te i dred in the sua. When that smear is dry, one can write with the mb whatever if desired and whatever i i desieed tenor. Then ic ie suspended in the soot of sulphur as was frst described. Whea the soot leis attained at the end, ic is theown in water and washed well, TE smth remains in it, do not blacken what is de- sited but ail ie with that well made preparation on the ‘white ofthe pen and itis lee in place of the Black, Tt is then returned to the soot, This is done until the resale is satisfactory. ‘Anosher deseription of the coloring by the pens: Red carth is well powderized, mixed, and pulverized. One ‘oan tse it to write, Te dries. Then it fe smoleed with sulphur in two good clay beakers. The writing i wiped Sway from the pens. What is under the writing comes ‘out a black, the steond as white “The good ens are five in number. There is the pen forthe decorative letter, the pen of the qui, the pen of the twosthirds, the pon of the half, and the pen of the third which is the lightest. ‘They’ are used in the ‘opying of lines of weiting in the way ordered. Same prefer the weight of the two-thinls pens to that of the fecorative Teter pens although they are made simi- larly. The quill penis heavier than the half pen by a sixth, Its understood that time isthe essence. Ifthe ‘master of the decorative Teter pen can write a Fetter jn a certain time, then a master of the two-thirds pen fan write i in two-thirds the time, The master of the Thali cam weice St in hall the time. ‘The master of the ‘third can write iin a third ofthe time. (65) Ax tothe suill pen, its time fs long. However, the line is very food for these five pens, Others are inferior to it [the ‘quill pen] such as the lightnese of che twosthird pen fnd the smallness of the one-half pon. There ate alo the multicoloring and the sign working, and the line in the spread dust of the fenugreek” TWELFTH CHAPTER ON THE ART OF BINDING HOOKS IN LEATHER aND "THE USE OF ALLTS TOOLS UNTIL? Is FINISHED ‘BY THE BOOKBINDER, As to these, there aro the slab, the whetstone, the parer, the knife, and the av, the shears the millet, ‘the neetles, the cutter, the press, the serew press, the rulers, andthe compass. ‘Asta the slab, itis necesary that it be of white and black marble, the best, or some other. It is smeoth on its side so that a ruler can he passed over it. Te ie good, for seraping or binding, “As to the whetstone, i i easential that it be smooth eld tba. The dust was spread on parchment and ‘hen wn ff thin ls mane ln which the deg lt {an liek Sodmpare Appts, cape 2,3, 4 ‘TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS 4a fon the surface. Ie should not be s0 soft that an ison scratches it nor so hard that ft harms the ion since Ihariness may dull it. Some erafesmen straighten the sharpening stone, male it exaet, equalize i, acconding fo their wishes up to the handle. Te remains overnighe ina pot to absorb the oil which is best for it Ast the parr, itis necessary that i he of good iron, not sft and not hard. Tes measure in weight and light. ness is according 10 the measure of the haskd of the Craftsman. This ie also true for the Teather shears, The ‘mallet is used forthe gluing, process. The aw is very Fine ‘The shears are very straight, of the best jon, to cut leather and other things ‘There are two types of neadles, one that docs the page sewing and one for binding the book. (66) ‘The ‘ne used for sewing should be perfect and thin in bay. ‘The one for bookbinding should be shorter and thicker ‘The cutter should havea length of twenty or fess than that. The width should be good. Te shonld not be spotted on the body and be ofthe best tempering. Some fraitamen do not appreciate the yse of the eater, Its handle must be adapted to the fullness of the hand. heard that some people of this art do not use a cutter and do not Deautty the art with it They do not ase It wall since they have along iron blade and cut with iv in the way to which they have become accustomed, As to the prose there are two Kinds. One is the poss whieh has a eord, ‘The Traqis use ie a well as the people of Faypt and Khorasan. ‘The other presse the ‘serew press. Its called by the bookbinders and by the Carpenters "Solomon's binder.” The Greeks call it blu AN! the people of Iraq use it, As to the cord press, its length should be related to the section to be tied. If itis half-ManstrP™ size, ie is proper for the ‘operation thatthe press be longer than the hook. The ‘ook should be in the middle of the press. ‘That is casier for the craftsman and safer for hi dasing: the pressing. The chicks should be of good wih and Perfect fn form, This eso that when fe deine hey be closed, they hold a paper sheet fly. The cord should be of hair newly eut when iis twisted. Teshould be fine and fully black, with no odor except a good one. 67) There should be no defect ini. Tes soem in the work of the eanners in depilation. It is necessary that fond of the best hair as has been mentioned be used for this pres. [tis fine, finer than fax, and fts length fg enough 10 go around the press on all sides four times, If one ads to this number, then iti less tring Sah A ting ntramen. na ot given Pally ogee, cack equivalent co ap Star The aso te term wed fr the wine pres an i oe ‘Sieatd won a er. Camda, hl lis gly Grey mae rein rs Orci 4 1-3, 196, ler! wot Jamin states ht Mans eae xy ae a ray is bain pole races ® 2 LEVEY: MEDIAEVAL ARAB BOOKMAKING to the craftsman because as often as one adds strands the less difcule cis to pull. When the cord is in too strands on every side, it is necessary that the stick be ‘twisted many times. Bur if there ave fout etanda ste turned ese than eight times, When there are mane thao four strands, i i twisted less than that or hans turnings: The length of the stick is arvonding to the length of the finger in tha iis light, thin, and pore 11 is nocesary for this press that the two cheeks her slots in the places where the cor is to be: Tei hear ben the cheeks of the press be shortened. ‘This is ce that when the cutter fells along the edge of the prose ‘edoes not cutoff a it of the cord, ‘The best strightedget™ is made of ebony or boxe Nol For drawing, inking, and lining, itis betier {bat they be of thee materials. As tothe straighter for the usual work itis desirable that it be of de moet f the willow, The willow should be on the edge, that fs, on the sides of the straightedge. This is tc avian ‘damage which could happen to ebony: ie would ate the inesby the imperfections ofthe straightedge (68) he to the straightedge for drawing, itis necessary fer fo be very long. It is not made thick or thin, Seah, ‘dees for inking are very thin because they are eee by two fingers. As to the straightedge for Ising, ie feoessary that it be like the later in thianess Sql lightness. Lining will be noted inthe chapter em pct drawing, As to the folder which isthe “trained of the ain" itis the one used for work on leather ael {te craft to force the air out from under the eathe.te ormect wrinkling and crookedness and to strahieg the leather ona level surface, It must be of gee he ‘ess and a span in length. Ie sof wood ef te best wah 1k is square and thin at the elges wo that ie eeoeaks the leather when it is pasted over it The hondie ‘me of oak since ebony and boxwood, if pooaed ce the press, have their edges dull and they’ Deed For the divider to be good, itis necessary thet the Dedly be Hight. The divider marker should be thin oy that it makes a fine fine and the opening and cosine joint of the divider should be accurate, Thi nee ect, itis necessary that it be adjusted. The divaler {to make the suns. These ace circles in pretty drowns that are in the middle of the bole, The desiputey ot ‘i and the description of the work will be measeren ‘Then there are the irons for tooling. These ave the oui, and the “breast” which is called “the beset od the falcon.” There are also the ornament, the dot the setcicled,” and the polisher which fs called ies ‘Thon there is a fine polisher. ‘There ‘ane differs seis ain 0) A with i {1 Bis 1st) Thee ate eget i sine the woes smn ad hams. Bug ey Pion 48 applations fr contuon af he hel aad ese Te Snglvn by DAB (te) ap Sie S17 Seed Spee ‘imesh io Ake 1 was doe in Baboon ml foe the hed tnd nee ‘Yodan Mme ede, amps, The dots for impressing will be mentioned in ‘their place, This is the total of instruments, Ie heme plete. (69) One who seeks this art should have quick under- {tatuling, good observation, dexterity of the hand, aod be certain without being hasty, The later 2 evel ‘manner of getting along and ie has the closance ot attracting others of grace and good chametcr ‘The firs thing to do to begin this art isto place the Part to be sewed beside you on a slab, Te is put to yous Jef. & cuits is picked up with the left hand. Is opaced with the right hand. It is pu down on the else oc ‘pene. Then the folder is passed over its center where the biting thread is to be. Then itis folded and the fend paper is cut properly. This iy a double sheets one Pe is pasted on the lather and the other rematee oe the aires, to. protect the book from harm and dice ‘Then this is done to the remainder of the quis al the fast. When finished, the thread is then twisted for tying. It is in three strands according to the means (ofthe fineness of the thread. Te i beat if the chad fine for then the twist is best. If tis cours, this pars {is damaged since it turns in every sheet and praia cexunt bulk, If i is enarse and the book is Bote te ress will fll on the end of the thread whieh male and will eave a mark. Te is similarly 0 if one ek ‘theead on his finger to the end, Thus it cawace coor thickness in the interior of the book, ‘There are ways of bundling (gathering in sewing). ‘Same are used by crafismen for case an! quiches (70) Its thav the needle penetrates two place Onley work with two needles or three I saw the Greeks dip but T cannot approve of it. cannot describe ie; Whe the section is ted together with string, the place whee ie is bound is then pounded with the folder proves Aescribed. 1 is then put between the knees The precy {salen and one ofthe checks ist aganst the left nee tthe ether against the right. The book bin the ddl between the knees. The end of the cord pot in the Iefe hand and wrapped around the press, Both tends ofthe cord ate tied together. Then it (ihe book) taken from between the knee while it isin the prose ‘The protruding spine is put onthe sla. Then the eocs of the sections are pounded with the folder where secs tsi! even, There is no diference between where ity and where it is not sown. Then it's raised inom ihe Knees, The two sticks, called the mardin ane tieds these ate tied fightly, but not too much, since ithe tying is 1 strong, the spine of the bone fs twisted ar harmed. The paste is then dissolved loosely. A spall ot is taken and a little water poured into fi. In hes fhrown some paste. The paste™ is heaten a steed vith the midale finger of the right hand. Tes loose not 8 Mua states eatin Sot Arabia, an Egypt th sues wer ele together andthe volun eased aN eee {oro Te Phin the sepboel pate feta) ase gt fe igi wheat sarc pace (tara) a we Dibtang aa, 9108 thick, It must be fast in deying. Then a. ea is taken, folded, and cut in the middle. Bach half will be the width ofthe spine oF more than it by two fingers. (71) ‘The glue is taken up with the middle finger the rest of the fingers hanging, and the spe is smeared lightly, letting the slime ot the glue fall on the book. There does not fall inward ait of i feom the spine. ‘Then the shect is apple so that the excess width is on one Se, The spine js smesces again. Then the other half sheet is pasted in the opponite way. ‘The reason I may ‘the opposite is because the excess falls on the othe side. ‘Then a sheet is placed aver the spine I is grasped with the left hand and smoothed because, if the folder js put on the moistened abeet, it will be pulled and spoiled. ‘This is from the mysteries of this keting ‘When this is dane itis let in the air or if desired the sun, If there is any haste, itis put neat to a ow fire. eis not pulled until itis dried out evenly ot eae ie wll ist. Be carol. Te is necessary that a measure has been taken of the book before it is lef in the pre ‘The pot is put beside You on the slab and the paste fe Applied as desired. Then the shect is cavered by ant other. Tis left over i. It ie rubbed with a cloth and then the folder, Then more (paste) is cook as it be: comes necessary. The Iagis paste the book cover to the pages without the end. papers, Te i called the fagowi. Others who have seen this believe that it pe tects the book and iti ike loth any! board in streageh When the book is dred, che hoard is seoag. Te is taken ‘out from the pres with care, (72) Its put onthe slab tnd over it is folded the excess of the two shects (hinges). Then the boards are well smoothed ale which the straightedge is put on its edge and a ine drawn along whieh it will be pasted Tt is stuck to aether in par, that is, By removing the sheet that was Dasted at the lower part and then putting the board fon the book, ‘Then itis pasted. When it pasted, ft 2 done on the «wo sides. A long narrow sheet whose Width is two fingers is pasted on ie from the other side ‘to prevent it from being apened excessively. When this stage has been reached, the leather is applied tof ‘As to the leather, i'should be unspatied, and, if i is imported, Vemenie. Tes mae diflerenty from the ‘Tai and Iike the one made in this district, Tt iseasene Hal that i€ be clear and prety of color. Te is nicely tanned so that if iia rublwed in che hand and appears soft, then it is the bes. If tis not like thet, thea iti not good. Te should be washed in warn bath for ‘warmth opens the pores and males it of, In the ease of imports om ‘Tif province, the water should be salty ince they tan with salt-water. I it is washed with warm wate, its oil comes ont to enhance its beauty AAs for the leather which is Egyptian tanned by: the ‘method of the Yemenites using gellnus, ie Is washed wich sweet water because it ie sanned with it. Ifthe leather is for tooling, then it Renible, ght of weight and is less than two pounds. Te sof good tanning. IF 4s tobe plain its weight is two pounds and its grained ‘TRANSLATION OF MANUSCRIPT OF IBN BADIS. 43 fn the (73) surface. If tis of this description, then it ‘is washed in a clean place. Its necessary to Uae caution s chat anything that blackens i ke icon ora mal wil fot be in contact with ie. When the gallaut lether i washed, itis rubbed well on the surface with a potsherd Yo get rid of what remains of the gallnut ad. the gnawed. Tt is presed out well and put face to face, ‘Then its opened out until the above has diappraced Its ends are cut off. It is then cut according to. the ‘measure desi. Tr spread out onthe lay and rubbed with the straightedge previously mentioned. anything separates, then the outer surfce of it is scraped off ‘The best scraping’ is done when i is neaely dry. Then the knife does not pull it as it does when it is dey. ‘When itis scraped, its necesary that there should not toe any scrapings under the leather, It should be ent oa that place. When the seaping i finish, hen comes the washing. Its washed until the water comes out very clear. IF tts seem that the water stays in spa he surface of the leather, know then that there fa an exert of fat. Tewill nt make a good job, I ts desied to tes rove the vl from it, twa ounces of powdered gallu are throw on every'layer. The pct is stretched. he toecen the hands. The gallnut is spread and all of tf ‘moistened over and over again. The lather is returned to a pot with water in ie and itis coverad with more water Tt io made heavy by something so that i cannot float, and itis lef in a night or a day until ate ae night It is then removed from the water and rubbed well Tf ‘this can be done with & bit f fran it is better (74) IF the leather lacks proper tanning, it blakens and is oily to the touch. Carry on as has been done with the fat. Te is good fori ‘As to the nacure of the gallnut in the leather which is supple, it hardens it; fis hard, i softens Se If there is fat, it removes itt ic ie without fat it provides some. Understand that. Then dye i Description of dyeing leather and paper. The red in dyeing is of many types. In one, the best possible sapanwood is taken. ‘There ae two types; ont fe the “icle” and the other is the "princely." An ounce is taken of the powder. Its immersed in water @ night or a day. Teis then put into a copper pot. a clean ‘utensil. On it is poured ten rails of water and the best powdered, sieved wild gat. Tes then holed on good Sire until half of the water fs lost. The essential of the process is that a rod i lett int, Dep it on pote thumbs Ite remains and does not drip, then i iy succes ‘eis taken down and pusifed. Tf desired, this may be repeated on that type which is sold, ‘The frst is the Detter of the two. Tels left until i ovis, Then dye with it. For dyeing, paper is put i the solution with care and then spread out in the shade. For leather, pie ‘sapanwood ina vessel to which has beon added Welter ‘af sapanwood. Tt soaks i up. A hair brush is put in the water of sipanwood, or @picce of felt is weatnd on

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