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Unit Code: MKTG202

Unit Name: Marketing Research

Duration of Exam 3 hours and 10 minutes reading time
(including reading time if applicable):
Part A: 50 MC questions.
Total No. of Questions:
Part B: 13 Short-Answer questions with sub-questions
Total No. of Pages 33
(including this cover sheet):


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Part A: Multiple Choice (50 Questions @ 0.2% = 10%)

Answer ALL the questions. Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Mark your answer on the multiple choice answer sheet provided.

Part B: Short Answer (13 Questions plus sub-questions = 30%)

Answer ALL the questions. Write your answers the space provided on the question paper.
Do not write essays – straight-to-the-point responses are all that is required.
Value of each question is shown.

This exam constitutes 40% of the total marks of this subject


Dictionaries: Unmarked paper translation dictionaries are permitted
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MKTG202 Final Examination, Semester 2, 2016

Part A: Multiple-Choice Questions

50 Questions worth 1/5 marks each, contributing 10% of final grade.
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Answer on the MCQ answer sheet provided

1. A business manager wants to find out how a rise in the price of one of her products will
impact on the buying behaviour of a known consumer segment.

What type of research should she conduct?

a) Secondary research
b) Exploratory research
c) Causal research
d) Descriptive research
e) Case-Study research

2. A market research company wishes to collect information about the purchasing behaviours
of community members on its panel list who demonstrate the following income levels:

10% - < $30,000

60% - between$30,001 and $50,000
20% - between $50,001 and $300,000
10% - >$300,000
What probability sampling method would best be utilised in this scenario?

a) Stratified Sampling
b) Systematic Sampling
c) Simple Random Sampling
d) Cluster Sampling

3. An advantage associated with secondary data research includes:

a) Information was gathered some time in the past.

b) The information was gathered for someone else's needs.
c) Obtaining secondary data information is faster and less expensive compared to
primary data research.
d) Secondary data usually have been preprocessed and in a form suitable for the
original user.

Page 2 of 33
4. An "Operational Definition" is best described as:

a) an explanation that uses big words to define what it is

b) an explanation giving its meaning by detailing all the actions needed to measure it
c) a tool used to define it
d) a verbal explanation of the concept, outlining what the concept is in plain language
e) a step-by-step guide to how the questionnaire should be laid out and presented to

5. A static group is a basic experimental design that is defined by:

a) One group is a given a pre-treatment measurement or observation, the

experimental treatment, and a post-treatment measurement or observation.
b) Two groups are used, but only one of them is given the experimental treatment. At
the end of the treatment, both groups are observed or measured, to see if there is a
difference between them as a result of the treatment.
c) A group of subjects is administered a treatment and then measured. No attempt is
made to randomly assign subjects to the groups, nor does the design provide for any
additional groups as comparisons.
d) Subjects that are blocked into treatment subgroups, based on similar characteristics
or other relevant attributes.
e) None of the above

6. Convenience sampling is a type of....?

a) Purposive sampling
b) Probability sampling
c) Non-probability sampling
d) Simple random sampling

7. What is wrong with this survey question?

Do you agree that the Australian Government should ban smoking in public buildings and increase
taxes on cigarettes? Agree Disagree

a) Double-barrelled
b) Leading
c) A&B
d) There is nothing wrong with this question.

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8. What factor/s play a role in determining the 'right' sample size?

a) degree of precision desired

b) level of confidence desired in the estimate
c) variability of the population characteristic
d) all of the above
e) A and B ONLY

9. Fill in the gaps:- Focus groups are most effective when their members are....
(i)....because ....(ii).....

a) (i) Heterogeneous - (ii) this provides for more diverse opinions thus improving
b) (i) Homogenous - (ii) this allows researchers to focus on their targeted segment.
c) (i) Heterogeneous - (ii) this sparks debate and in turn greater information depth.
d) (i) Homogenous - (ii) this enables a smoother group interview process for

10. If asked to identify what is occurring in a picture and what the people in the picture may do
next, you would be completing which of the following Projective Techniques?

a) Third Person Technique

b) Thematic Apperception Test
c) Word Association Test
d) Role-Playing Technique
e) A and B

11. If the interviewer’s presence influences the respondent’s answer, what type of response bias
is this?

a) Interviewer bias
b) Acquiescence bias
c) Extremity bias
d) Auspices bias
e) Social desirability bias

12. Increasing the size of the sample will impact most favourably upon:

a) construct development error.

b) non-response error.
c) random sampling error.
d) data analysis error.
e) survey instrument design error.

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13. In whole years, what is your current age? (_# of year old)
This measure belongs to which scale?

a) Ratio scale
b) Ordinal scale
c) Interval scale
d) Nominal scale

14. I want to understand students' motivations for studying and succeeding at University. The
better primary research approach would be:

a) Online Survey
b) Face-to-face questionnaire survey
c) Observational study of students' behaviour in lecture theatres and tutorials, and
other places on campus
d) In-depth Interviews
e) Content Analysis of online discussion forum

15. Qualitative research is:

a) mining data to look for patterns identifying who is likely to be a valuable customer.
b) data created, recorded or generated by an entity other than the researcher's
c) initial research and interpretative research that is not based on numerical analysis.
d) telephone interviews conducted from a central location using lines at fixed charge.
e) the research stage in which management seeks to identify a clear cut statement of
the problem or opportunity.

16. Select a corresponding type of problem and research of this question

"Which gender is more likely to favour our products?"

a) Ambiguous problem - Causal research

b) Partially-defined problem - Exploratory research
c) Partially-defined problem - Descriptive research
d) Clearly-defined problem - Causal research

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17. Systematic error is best described as....

a) The statistical differences between a survey that includes only those who responded
and a perfect survey that would also include those who failed to respond
b) The difference between sample result and the result of a census conducted using
identical procedures; a statistical fluctuation that occurs because of chance
variations in the elements selected for a sample.
c) Error resulting from some imperfect aspect of the research design, such as mistakes
in sample selection, sampling frame error, etc.
d) An error that occurs when certain sample elements are not listed or are not
accurately represented in a sampling frame.
e) The square root of the sample variance, divided by the sample size.

18. Systematic or non-sampling error comes from sources such as

a) Mistakes in recording the responses

b) Non-responses from persons who refuse to participate
c) Non-responses from persons who are not contacted
d) (a), (b) and (c)
e) (a) and (b)

19. The following are advantages of personal interviews, except ...

a) The ability to probe respondents for more comprehensive responses

b) The interviewer is able to suggest appropriate answers to respondents
c) The length of the interview can be varied according to research needs
d) There is good opportunity for the interviewer to give respondents feedback
e) Social interaction between the interviewer and respondent ensures completeness of
information gathering

20. The following is an example of what type of rating scale:

"How satisfied are you with the battery life on your Apple MacBook?"

Very satisfied Quite Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Quite Dissatisfied

a) Comparative rating scale

b) Unbalanced rating scale
c) Forced-choice rating scale
d) B&C
e) A, B & C

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21. The 'halo effect' is a common shortcoming of which of the following qualitative research

a) word association tests

b) depth interviews
c) sentence completion method
d) focus groups
e) third person technique

22. The measurement process consists of two distinct aspects: 1. _____________ development:
where the goal is to precisely identify and define what is to be measured; and 2. scale
development: where the goal is to precisely quantify what is to be measured.

a) sample
b) construct
c) test
d) criteria

23. The question 'what comes to mind when you look at this ad?' is an example of which type of
response question?

a) fixed alternative question

b) exploratory question
c) closed question
d) open-ended response question

24. There are many types of research that can be categorized as "descriptive".
These include...

a) Correlational studies
b) Causal research
c) Exploratory research
d) All of the above

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25. To conduct "Probability Sampling", researchers need to...

a) have a list of all members of the sample population from which the researcher
carefully selects appropriate respondents.
b) have a list of all members of the sample population from which respondents are
randomly selected.
c) randomly select from all members of the population who are located within a
chosen area, such as a shopping centre.
d) decide beforehand what sort of person is most likely to answer questions, and then
approach them in a random fashion.
e) use a statistically significant sample, usually with 95% confidence.

26. Two intact groups are used, but only one of them is given the experimental treatment. At
the end of the treatment, both groups are observed or measured to see if there is a
difference between them as a result of the treatment.
This best describes which basic experimental design?

a) One-Group, Pre-Post
b) Pre-Post Randomised Group
c) Static Group
d) Random Group
e) One-Shot

27. Non-probability sampling usually involves...

a) Random Selection
b) Convenience & Purposive Sampling
c) Simple Random Sampling
d) Stratified Sampling
e) Systematic Sampling

28. What is a disadvantage of Secondary Data Research?

a) It is slower to gather secondary data compared with primary data

b) Secondary data are not specifically designed to meet researchers' needs.
c) Secondary data are more expensive compared with primary data
d) The data are never out-dated.

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29. What is a filter question?

a) A filter question is used to determine which version of a second question will be

b) A question that screens out respondents who are not qualified to answer a second
c) Several similar questions arranged in a grid format
d) A general term for questions asking about age, sex, income, occupation, and so on.
e) The next question asked when respondents have agreed to take part in a survey

30. What is a Pilot study?

a) A collective term for any small-scale research to test exploratory technique, or

aspects of a larger research study.
b) Research designed to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon.
c) Research conducted to identify cause-and-effect relationships.
d) Research into operators or aircraft.

31. What is 'concept testing'?

a) An exploratory research technique in which individuals who are knowledgeable

about a particular research problem are questioned.
b) Any exploratory research procedure that tests some sort of stimulus as a proxy for
an idea about a new, revised, or repositioned product, service, or strategy.
c) The exploratory research technique that intensively investigates one or a few
situations similar to the problem situation.
d) A general term used by advertising agencies doing research into new message

32. What is "measurement reliability"?

a) The extent that a measure gives consistent results with minimum random error.
b) The ability of a scale to measure what was intended to be measured.
c) The ability to accurately measure variability in stimuli or responses.
d) Getting the similar results from different groups of people.
e) Making sure that the same question is always used so that there is no change in the
effects of measurement bias.

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33. What is the difference between Basic (Pure) Research and Applied Research?

a) Basic (Pure) Research is conducted to expand knowledge, however Applied Research

is conducted to make decisions
b) Basic (Pure) Research is conducted to make decisions, however Applied Research is
conducted to expand knowledge
c) Basic (Pure) Research is aimed at solving a problem, however Applied Research is
conducted to expand knowledge
d) A and B

34. What is the difference between, "sampling error" and "non-sampling error"?

a) Sampling error is an error that happens in the process of gathering the sample. Non-
sampling error occurs after gathering the sample.
b) Sampling error refers to any type of bias that can be attributed to mistakes made
when drawing a sample. Non-sampling error refers to any type of bias that occurs in
the research endeavour regardless of whether a sample or census was used.
c) Sampling error occurs while sampling. Non-sampling error refers to any type of bias
action that occurs in the research
d) Sampling error refers to any type of bias that can be attributed to mistakes when it
comes to drawing a sample. Non-sampling error is errors that occur after the
sampling is done

35. What is the main aim of "causal research"?

a) To discover possible causal relationships amongst known and unknown variables

b) Identify, and measure the strength of, cause and effect relationships among
c) To get a general idea about a given topic and see if causal relationships might be
d) To run experiments designed to measure exact causal strength between variables
e) To measure the extent of casual relationships amongst men and women.

36. When drawing a sample, I choose every 100th person from our customer list, this is an
example of a:

a) Cluster sample
b) Stratified random sample
c) Simple random sample
d) Systematic random sample
e) A combination of convenience sample with ordered sample

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37. Observation is scientific when it …

a) serves a formulated research purpose

b) is planned systematically
c) takes records systematically and related to general propositions rather than simply
reflecting a set of interesting curiosities
d) is subjected to checks or controls on validity and reliability.
e) all of the above.

38. When trying to assess customers’ perception of value and quality of service, Qantas is most
likely to use which form of data collection?

a) Secondary data gathered from similar airlines

b) Pilot Studies
c) In-Flight observations
d) Surveys

39. Which answer is most correct? The use of a 'drop down box' in an online survey...

a) Makes the survey look more professional thus prompting more people to participate
in it.
b) Reduces the perceived length of the survey to the respondent without actually
removing any content.
c) Makes data processing and analysis easier for the researcher.
d) Is not recommended because it usually requires browser add-ins that not all users

40. Each of the following is a non-probability sampling method, except:

a) Convenience sampling
b) Judgement sampling
c) Cluster sampling
d) Quota sampling
e) Snowball sampling

41. A researcher says that she favours quota sampling for the following reasons.

On which is she wrong?

a) Speed of data collection

b) Less bias
c) Lower costs
d) Convenience

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42. Which of the following best defines construct validity?

a) Ability of a measure to provide empirical evidence consistent with a theory-based

b) Ability of a measure to correlate with other standard measures of the same
construct or established criterion
c) Professional agreement that a scale's content logically appears to accurately reflect
what was intended to be measured
d) Degree to which measures are free from random error and therefore yield
consistent results
e) Ability to accurately measure variability in stimuli or responses

43. Which of the following can be a major advantage of test marketing?

a) identifies the correct research method required.

b) test markets will make sales easier.
c) test markets help to identify target segmentation units and outline the appropriate
approach required.
d) test markets help to identify the purchasing behaviours and perceived value of the
e) test markets estimate the potential of a market segment by making observations of
a 'clone' product.

44. Which of the following defines descriptive research?

a) Research that regularly provides feedback for evaluation and control of marketing
b) Research conducted to identify cause-and-effect relationships among variables.
c) Initial research conducted to clarify and define a problem.
d) Research designed to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon.
e) All of the above

45. Which of the following is a non-probability sampling method?

a) Cluster sampling
b) Quota sampling
c) Snowball sampling
d) A and C
e) B and C

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46. Which of the following is a possible situation that requires "Causal" research?

a) "Will buyers purchase more of our product in a new package?"

b) "Our sales are declining and we don't know why."
c) "What kind of people are buying our product?" "What kind of people are buying our
competitor's product?"
d) Both A & C

47. Which of the following options defines a continuous variable?

a) A variable that has a limited number of distinct values

b) A variable that is expected to influence a discontinuous variable
c) A criterion or variable to be predicted or explained
d) A variable that has an infinite number of possible values

48. Which one is the best advantage of personal interviews?

a) The opportunity for feedback

b) Improve communication skills
c) The opportunity to talk face-to-face
d) Cheap

49. Which one of these is the reason why we should use a SAMPLE rather than a complete
a) Samples give sufficiently accurate results.
b) Samples are needed when measurement involves destruction of the measured unit.
c) A sample is more expensive than a Census but gathers information quickly
d) A and B are correct
e) A, B and C are correct

50. Which of the following problems is best solved with exploratory research?

a) Our sales are declining but we don't know why?

b) Why customers prefer to buy our competitors' products?
c) Who buys our competitors' products?
d) Can advertising improve our sales volume?
e) Both A and B

End of Part A

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MKTG202 Final Examination, Semester 2, 2016

Part B: Short-Answer Questions

13 Questions, with sub-questions. Contributing 30% of your final grade.

Instructions: Write your answer in the space provided on this question paper.

Data Analysis

Data were gathered from students in a MKTG202 class in August 2016 exploring their attitudes
towards the iLearn learning system.

Measures included:

Construct Measure
Sex 1=Female 2=Male
Age Years at last birthday
Major 1=Accounting, 2=Arts/Science, 3=Marketing
Semesters Enrolled Number of Semesters enrolled at Macquarie University
Overall evaluation of iLearn 1-7 rating scale anchored with “Dislike a great deal” to “Like
a great deal”
Likelihood of participating in an Score on a 0-100 “likelihood of use” sliding scale, anchored
iLearn discussion forum with 0=“Definitely Not” to 100=“Definitely Would”
Likelihood of recommending renewal Score on a 0-100 “likelihood of use” sliding scale, anchored
of the iLearn license with MQ with 0=“Definitely Not” to 100=“Definitely Would”
Ease of Use Average of four 5-point Likert-Scale (Agree-Disagree) items.
Learning Curve Average of two 5-point Likert-Scale (Agree-Disagree) items.
Complexity Average of three 5-point Likert-Scale (Agree-Disagree) items.

Nine questions were used to measure the three constructs on which iLearn was evaluated: Ease of
Use, Learning Curve, and Complexity. The scales were constructed by averaging the scores on each of
the 5-point Likert scales items (Agree-Disagree questions). The scale items and their internal
reliability scores are presented in the following table.

Page 14 of 33
Construct 5-point Likert-scale Item Cronbach’s
Ease of Use I think that I would like to use iLearn frequently 0.75
I thought iLearn was easy to use
I found the various functions in iLearn were well integrated
I imagine that most people would learn to use iLearn very quickly

Learning Curve I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with iLearn 0.72
I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to
use iLearn

Complexity I found iLearn unnecessarily complex 0.63

I thought there was too much inconsistency in iLearn
I found iLearn very cumbersome to use

On the following pages is the output from various analyses using SPSS.

Note that the researchers didn’t really understand everything that they were doing, so they may
have made some mistakes choosing the correct technique every time.

Data Analysis

Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid Male 63 47 48
Female 69 51 52
Total 132 99 100
Missing 2 1
Total 134 100

Frequency Percent
Valid Management 14 10
Arts/Science 12 9
Marketing 108 81
Total 134 100

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Page 16 of 33
Group Statistics
Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Age Male 63 21.92 4.101 .517
Female 69 20.70 2.024 .244

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of
Mean Std. Error the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Age Equal variances
3.709 .056 2.205 130 .029 1.225 .556 .126 2.324
Equal variances not
2.144 88.653 .035 1.225 .571 .090 2.360

Page 17 of 33
Group Statistics
Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Overall evaluation of iLearn Male 63 3.65 1.824 .230
Female 69 4.17 1.977 .238

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of
Mean Std. Error the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Overall Equal variances
.381 .538 -1.575 130 .118 -.523 .332 -1.180 .134
evaluative assumed
of iLearn Equal variances not
-1.581 129.984 .116 -.523 .331 -1.178 .132

Page 18 of 33
Group Statistics
Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Likelihood of recommending Renewal Male 63 50.30 22.253 2.804
Female 69 50.54 26.198 3.154

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality
of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error of the Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Likelihood of Equal variances
3.174 .077 -.055 130 .956 -.235 4.251 -8.645 8.176
recommending assumed
Renewal Equal variances not
-.056 129.346 .956 -.235 4.220 -8.583 8.114

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Likelihood of recommending Renewal
Major Mean N Std. Deviation
Management 38.50 14 24.84
Arts/Science 40.75 12 28.01
Marketing 53.07 107 23.16
Total 50.42 133 24.21

Sex EaseOfUse Curve Complexity Overall
Male Mean 3.61 2.61 2.97 3.65
Std. Dev. 0.50 1.02 0.83 1.82
Female Mean 3.70 2.42 2.87 4.17
Std. Dev. 0.63 0.87 0.67 1.98
Total Mean 3.66 2.51 2.92 3.92
Std. Dev. 0.57 0.94 0.75 1.92

Page 20 of 33
Learning evaluation of Semesters
Sex Age Ease of Use Curve Complexity iLearn enrolled
Sex 1
Age -.190 1
Ease of Use .078 -.041 1
Learning Curve -.098 .381 -.133 1
Complexity -.063 .114 -.152 .403 1
Overall evaluation of iLearn .137 -.210 .397 -.373 -.383 1
Semesters enrolled -.038 .019 .588 -.247 -.345 .316 1
Note: n=133, correlations >0.18 significant at 95% confidence level

Page 21 of 33
Likelihood of recommending Renewal
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 3860.129 2 1930.064 3.413 .036
Within Groups 73514.292 130 565.495
Total 77374.421 132

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Likelihood of recommending Renewal
Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval
(I) Major (J) Major (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Management Arts/Science -2.250 9.355 1.000 -24.94 20.44
Marketing -14.565 6.759 .099 -30.96 1.83
Arts/Science Management 2.250 9.355 1.000 -20.44 24.94
Marketing -12.315 7.239 .274 -29.87 5.24
Marketing Management 14.565 6.759 .099 -1.83 30.96
Arts/Science 12.315 7.239 .274 -5.24 29.87

Page 22 of 33

Major * Sex Crosstabulation

Male Female Total
Major Management Count 7 7 14
% within Sex 11% 11% 11%
Arts/Science Count 7 2 9
% within Sex 11% 3% 7%
Marketing Count 47 54 101
% within Sex 77% 86% 82%
Total Count 61 63 124
% within Sex 100% 100% 100%

Chi-Square=3.23, df=2, Sig<0.20

Page 23 of 33

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .564a .319 .302 1.597
a. Predictors: (Constant), Complexity, EaseOfUse, LearningCurve
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 151.481 3 50.494 19.789 .000b
Residual 324.046 127 2.552
Total 475.527 130
a. Dependent Variable: Overall evaluation of iLearn
b. Predictors: (Constant), Complexity, EaseOfUse, LearningCurve
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.311 1.197 1.931 .056
EaseOfUse 1.201 .254 .353 4.732 .000
LearningCurve -.476 .162 -.236 -2.942 .004
Complexity -.563 .208 -.219 -2.705 .008
a. Dependent Variable: Overall

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Part B: Short-Answer Questions
Q1: The data were gathered from as sample of 133 Macquarie University students who were
enrolled in MKTG202. Respondents completed the survey in a tutorial exercise, in the PC
labs, introducing them to the Qualtrics® survey software.

Q1a: For the purposes of this research study, is this an acceptable sampling frame for the
population of Macquarie University Undergraduate Business-School students?

Yes No (circle the better answer)

Explain: (1 mark)




Q2: The construct “Ease of Use” (Ease of using iLearn) is measured by averaging responses
to four 5-point ratings (Agree-Disagree) questions:

• I think that I would like to use iLearn frequently

• I thought iLearn was easy to use
• I found the various functions in iLearn were well integrated
• I imagine that most people would learn to use iLearn very quickly

Q2a: Comment on the construct validity of this measure (1 mark)




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Q3: The construct “Complexity” is measured by averaging responses to three 5-point ratings
(Agree-Disagree) questions:

• I found iLearn unnecessarily complex

• I thought there was too much inconsistency in iLearn
• I found iLearn very cumbersome to use

Q3a: Comment on the face validity of this measure (1 mark)




Q3b: Comment on the internal reliability of the measure Complexity. (1 mark)




Q4: Consider the variables Sex and Age

Q4a: Male undergraduate students are older than female undergraduate students in the
Business School at Macquarie University.

True False (circle the better answer)

Explain: (2 marks)




Q4b: On average, do female students have a higher overall evaluation of iLearn than male

Yes No (circle the better answer)

Explain: (1 mark)



Page 26 of 33
Q5: Based on the data here, who is more likely to be enrolled in a Marketing Major at
Macquarie University?

Men Women Neither (circle the better answer)

Explain: (1 mark)



Q6: The researchers felt that older students were more likely to have difficulty learning to
use iLearn than younger students?
Is that proposition supported here?

Yes No (circle the better answer)

Explain: (1 mark)



Q7: Consider the three majors, Management, Arts/Science and Marketing, and their
willingness to recommend renewal of the iLearn license.

Q 7a: Is there any one group that is more likely to recommend renewal than the others?
Which? (circle the better answer)

Management Arts/Science Marketing None

Explain: (1 mark)




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Q 7b: Consider also the variables Likelihood of recommending renewal of the iLearn service. Is
there a difference between men and women on this measure?

Yes No (circle the better answer)

Explain: (1 mark)




Q8: In this survey respondents directly input their answers into an online questionnaire in a
PC lab during tutorials. In a different research study the researcher might intercept
students as they walked on campus and ask them to input their answers using a tablet
computer? Why would she do that? (1 mark)





Q9. Draw a sample graph to show the distribution of Major in the survey data? (No need to
be fussy - Provide sufficient information to help a graphic artist reproduce the graph for a
report) (1 mark)

Page 28 of 33
Q10: We want to see if overall evaluation of iLearn is affected by the combination of the three
evaluative measures Ease of Use, Learning Curve, and Complexity.

Q10a: How much of the variation in overall evaluation of iLearn is explained by the combined
effects of Ease of Use, Learning Curve, and Complexity? (1 mark)


Q10b: What accounts for the remaining variation? (1 mark)



Q10c: Which predictor variable has the greatest influence on overall evaluation of iLearn?
(Circle the better answer)

i. Ease of Use
ii. Learning Curve
iii. Complexity
iv. None - they’re all about the same
Explain: (1 mark)



Q10d: If I have accurate measures of Ease of Use, Learning Curve, and Complexity then can I
make a good prediction of overall evaluation of iLearn?

Yes No (circle the better answer)

Explain: (1 marks)



Q10e: What is the correlation between Complexity and overall evaluation of iLearn, after
removing the effects of Ease of Use and Learning Curve? (1 mark)


Q10f: What proportion of the variation in Overall evaluation of iLearn is explained by

Complexity only, after removing the effects of Ease of Use and Learning? (1 mark)


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Q10g: What additional measures do we have in this data set that may be added to this
analysis? (1 mark)


Q10h: How might these additional measures help our analysis? (1 mark)



Q11: On the basis of information presented here, do students approve of renewing the iLearn

Yes No Not enough information (circle the better answer)

Explain: (2 marks)





Q12: These questions ask about Sampling frames and Sampling methods

Q12a: Briefly describe how you would go about gathering a sample of 300 undergraduate
students, postgraduate students and teaching faculty from all faculties of Macquarie
University to ask about their attitudes towards iLearn. (1.5 marks)







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Q12b: National Australia Bank (NAB) wants to survey University students who have NAB
accounts to ask about quality of service. Briefly describe how you would go about
gathering an appropriate sample. (1.5 marks)







Q13: The following questions come from a recent questionnaire. They can be improved.

Q13a: Rewrite the following question so that it better captures the intended construct, or
otherwise explain how the desired information could be gained (1.5 marks)

How often do you access iLearn from a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet

a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
d) Always









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Q13b: Rewrite the following question so that it better captures the intended construct, or
otherwise explain how the desired information could be gained (1.5 marks)

The University should put greater functionality into iLearn?

Strongly Somewhat Neither Somewhat Strongly

agree agree agree or disagree Disagree

Why? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .









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Q13c: Rewrite the following question so that it better captures the intended construct, or
otherwise explain how the desired information could be gained (1.5 marks)

Would you use iLearn more if it included smartphone support and included
assignment alerts?

□ Yes □ No □ Not sure







(End of Part B)

(End of Examination)

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