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THE KARTILYA OF THE KATIPUNAN “Kartilya is the best known of all Katipunan texts

and that is the only document of any length set in print

The first move towards independence began on
by the Katipunan prior to August 1896 that is known to
July , 1892 when the Katipunan was established by
be still extant”.
Andres Bonifacio. This was a result of the failure of the
Reform Movement in Spain in which Filipinos attempted The Kartilya was printed as a small pamphlet that
to demand reforms for the Philippines from the Spanish was distributed to the members of the Katipunan. Its
government. Bonifacio bsaw the futility of the efforts of term was derived from the Spanish cartilla which was the
the Filipino propagandists and organized an underground primer used for grade schools during the Spanish period.
movement against Spain. And like the cartillas, this document served as the
primary lessons for the members of the Katipunan.
The Kataastaasang Kagalang-galangang Katipunan
ng mga anak ng Bayan or KKK was a revolutionary The Kartilya presents not only the teachings for
society that espoused independence and freedom for the the neophyte Katipunero but also the guiding principles
Philippines through force of arms. Its main objective was of the society. These teachings are expected from the
separation of the Philippines from Spain and, at 5the members even after the attainment of freedom from the
same time, the development of the Filipino as citizens of clonizers. The Kartilya ends with a document of
their own nation once independence was achieved. The affirmation by the member to the society’s teachings.
latter was done through the written works by Bonifacio
and fellow Katipunero, Emilio Jacinto, who wrote a
number of poems and essays for the society members.

The recruitment process of the Katipunan followed

the Masonic initiation rites while its structure was said to
be based on Rizal’s aborted reformist organization, the La
Liga Filipina. The new members of the society were
indoctrinated with the Katipunan rules and its teachings
that emphasized the value of the love of one’s country
and fellow Filipinos.

TEACHINGS OF THE KATIPUNAN OF THE SONS OF Along the thorny path of life, the man leads the way and
THE PEOPLE his wife and children follow. If the leader goes the way of
perdition, then so do those who are led.
A Llife that is not dedicated to a great and sacred cause
is like a tree without a shade, or a poisonous weed. Do not regard a woman as a mere plaything, but as a
helpmate and partner in the hardships of the existence.
A good deed lacks virtue if it springs from a desire for
Have due regard to her weakness, and remember the
personal profit and not from a sincere desire to do good.
mother who brought you into this world and nurtured
True charity resides in act of compassion, in love for you in your infancy.
one’s fellow men, and in making true Reason the
What you would not want done to your wife, daughter
measure of every move, deed and word.
and sister, do not do to teh wife, daughter and sister of
Be their skin dark or pale, all men are equal. One can be another.
superior to another in knowledge, wealth and beauty...
A man’s worth does not come from him being a king, or
but not in being.
in the height of his nose and the whiteness of his face, or
A person with a noble character values honor above self- in him being a priest, a representative of God, or in his
interest, while a person with an ignoble character values exalted position on the face of this earth. Pure and truly
self-interest above honor. noble is he who, though born in the forest and able to
speak only his own tongue, behaves decently, is true to
An honorable man’s word is his bond. his word, has dignity and honor, who is not an oppressor
and does not abet oppressors, who knows how to cherish
Don’t waste time; lost wealth may be recovered, but time
and look after the land of his birth.
lost is lost forever.
Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor.

An intelligent man is he who takes care in everything

says and keep quiet about what must be kept secret.

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