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What is a session layer protocol?

Communication sessions consist of requests and responses that occur between

applications. ... An example of a session-layer protocol is the
OSI protocol suite session-layer protocol, also known as X.225 or ISO 8327. In case
of a connection loss this protocol may try to recover the connection

What is the function of the session layer?

Session Layer Functions and Protocols

As a functional part of the OSI model, the session layer establishes, controls, and
ends sessions occurring between communicative applications. Primarily, the goal for
the session layer is to coordinate active applications on various hosts using assigned

Definition - What does Session Layer mean?

In the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, the session layer is the fifth layer,
which controls the connections between multiple computers. The session layer tracks
the dialogs between computers, which are also called sessions. This layer establishes,
controls and ends the sessions between local and remote applications.
What is the responsibility of session layer?
Session Layer - OSI Model
The Session Layer allows users on different machines to establish active
communication sessions between them. It's main aim is to establish, maintain and
synchronize the interaction between communicating systems
Where is session stored?
The session can be stored on the server, or on the client. If it's on the client, it will
be stored by the browser, most likely in cookies and if it is stored on the server,
the session ids are created and managed by the server.

Which protocol works on Session Layer?

Other examples of session layer implementations include Zone
Information Protocol (ZIP) – the AppleTalk protocol that coordinates the name binding
process, and Session Control Protocol (SCP) – the DECnet Phase IV session-layer

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