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Be Aware of Strokes and ACT F.A.S.

F ‒ Face Drooping: Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person’s smile uneven or lopsided?
A‒ Arm Weakness: Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
S ‒ Speech: Is speech slurred? Is the person unable to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence.
T ‒ Time to call 9-1-1: If the person shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get them to the hospital

Common Symptoms: Chances of survival is greater when emergency treatment

What Is a Stroke? begins quickly. In a survey, 93% of respondents realized a
• The sudden death of brain cells due to lack of Sudden confusion,
Sudden numbness or sudden numbness on one side as a symptom of stroke;
weakness of the face,
trouble speaking, or arm, or leg. Especially only 38% were aware of all major symptoms and knew to
oxygen, caused by blockage of blood flow or understanding. on one side of the body.
call 911 when someone was having a stroke.
rupture of an artery to the brain.
• Also known as “Cerebrovascular Accident” or CVA
Types of Strokes:
1. Ischemic Stroke 38%
Sudden trouble
• When the arteries that supply blood to the walking, dizziness, 93%
loss of balance or
brain becomes narrow or blocked leading coordination.
Sudden trouble
to blood clots. seeing in one or
• Blood clots limit the blood flow to the brain both eyes.
• 87% of strokes are Ischemic Sudden severe
headache with
2. Hemorrhagic Stroke no know cause.
• When a blood vessel in the brain ruptures
and bleeds to the surrounding tissues Strokes are the leading cause of serious long-term disability. It
within the brain. The blood accumulates reduces mobility in more than half of stroke survivors age 65
and compresses surrounding brain tissue. and over. A stroke can occur at any age and 2/3 of 7 million of
• Makes up out 13 percent of stroke cases. Every year, more than 795,000 stroke survivors are disabled.
3. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) people in the United States suffer
from a stroke.
• Mini-stroke that has similar symptoms to a
full stroke. More than 140, 000 people die
• These symptoms can sometimes go away each year from stroke in the U.S.
within a few minutes or last up to 24 hours (1 out of every 20 deaths) If you have a stroke, you are at a higher risk of
and the person can appear normal again. having a 2nd stroke or possibly a heart attack.
• This is caused by a brief blockage of the About 185,000 strokes (nearly 1 of 4) are
oxygen’s flow to the brain. About 40% of stroke deaths people who had a stroke previously. Around
• Up to 10 – 15% who experienced TIA also occur in males and 60% in 25% who recover their first stroke will have
Someone in the U.S. has a stroke every females. another within 5 years.
had a major stroke within 3 months.
40 seconds, and every 4 minutes,
someone dies from a stroke.
IMPORTANCE of Calling Medical Emergency:
• Patient with stroke can get medical attention as soon
as possible. They will get the emergency treatment Female Male
that is needed while being transported to the
hospital to not waste any precious time.
Risk Factors à How to Minimize Them

• High Blood Pressure à Maintain healthy BP by making modifications to

The Effects of Stroke Within Different Body Systems lifestyle. There are also prescribed medicine by your doctor for BP control.
Respiratory System Circulatory System • High Cholesterol à Control lipids with prescribed medicine, maintain
• Dysphagia is a common symptom • The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system, healthy body weight, exercise regularly, and maintain healthy diet.
where the damaged area of the brain
consists of the heart d the blood vessels that delivers • Obesity à Maintain a healthy weight and diet. There are many resources
causes trouble eating and swallowing.
If the muscles in your throat, tongue, nutrients and oxygen all cells throughout the body. to assist with healthy weight management.
or mouth are not able to direct food • A stroke happens when one of the vessels that lead to the • Smoking à The risk is higher than non-smokers because smoking reduces
down the esophagus, food and liquid brain becomes blocked a blood clot or bursts. This stops the oxygen flow to the brain which makes your heart work harder. As a result,
can get into the airway and settle in blood flow and prevents oxygen from getting to the brain blood clots will form. Your body will thank you when you quit smoking.
the lungs, which can lead to which can lead to many factors such as brain damage.
pneumonia. • Heart Disease à Medications can help support your heart function.
Muscular System
Antiplatelet or Anticoagulation medicines help prevent blood clots.
Nervous System • Depending on the area of the brain that is affected, a
stroke can affect many muscle groups. • Diabetes Mellitus à Control and monitor blood sugar levels. Maintain
• This system is made up of the brain,
spinal cord, and a network of nerve • Messages that are unable to travel properly from the regular exercise and a healthy diet.
throughout the body that sends signals brain to body can lead to paralysis and muscle • Excessive Use of Alcohol à Do not drink more than what is recommended
back and forth from the body to brain. weakness. as your safe limit. Reduce the intake of alcohol for a lower risk.
When the brain is damaged, the • Weak muscles can be experienced in one limb, or part • Low Physical Activity à 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most
messages will not be received correctly. of a limb, and this can limit the body’s mobility.
• Pain may be more present, and vision
days is recommended for good health.
• The inability to move limbs due to severe weakness in • Drug Abuse à Drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine can cause high
can change if the parts of the brain that
communicates with the eyes get muscle groups is called paralysis. Paralysis is BP and inflame your arteries which makes it easier for them to burst and
damaged. Which can lead to a loss of different from hemiparesis which is weakness on one
bleed into the brain. Seek for help if you have an addiction to drugs.
vision, losing one side or parts of the side of the body. Paralysis on one side of the body is
field of vision, and problems moving the referred to as hemiplegia. These conditions cause the
eyes. distilment in muscle groups that limits the body’s
• Nerve damage can be seen through foot mobility.
drop, which is a weakness or paralysis Digestive System
that makes it hard to lift the front part
• Stroke can affect the part of the brain that controls the
Treatment: What to Expect in the ER
of the foot and causing you to drag your
toes when walking.
bowels. This can cause incontinence meaning the loss of
control over bowel function. 1. When brought into the ER, stroke victim will get a computed tomography
• Damage to Parts of the Brain:
• Front part may cause changes • Less mobility can cause a person to be more prone to scan (CT scan) immediately for a suspected stroke. CT scans can quickly
in intelligence, movement, constipation which is difficulty emptying the bowels. show if there is bleeding in the brain; a “clot-buster” drug might be used
logic, personality, and • Swallowing can be an issue after a stroke; therefore, a if stroke is not caused by a bleed, however, you will need to meet specific
thinking patters. feeding tube would be necessary to help direct food to the guidelines before you can receive this drug (e.g.: it has to be within 3-4
• Right side can cause loss of digestive system for nutrients.
attention span, focus and hours since your stroke symptoms were first noticed).
memory issues, and trouble Urinary System 2. Specific methods to remove blood clots but must meet the guidelines for
recognizing faces or objects. • Strokes cause neurological damage to the body, the procedure.
This all can result in especially the nerves that control the bladder. The
• If stroke caused by bleeding instead of blood clot, then surgery
behavioral changes like damaged nerves will not be able to properly
impulsiveness, communicate with the bladder leading to urinary may be an option.
inappropriateness, and frequency, urinary incontinence, urinary urgency, and • If you receive the “clot-buster” drug, you will be monitored in the
urinary retention. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at least overnight.
• Left side can cause difficulty • If you get surgery, then you will also spend time in the ICU.
speaking and understanding
language, memory problems, 3. First, they must determine the extent of the damage caused by the
trouble reasoning, organizing, stroke (some people have issues thinking, speaking and communicating,
and thinking others cannot swallow without choking, some have weakness in arms
mathematically/analytically. and legs
• Higher risk of having a seizure depends
on size, location, and severity of the 4. Safety is crucial at this time like making sure you do not fall or get
stroke. pneumonia from choking.

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