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Leisure time

Spare time/free time

Spend time doing something

Free time activity

Like/Love/Hate/Enjoy + doing something (very much)

Be keen on/Be fond of + doing something

I would rather do sth than do another thing

Be crazy about something

Be your thing/Be right up your alley

Be a sth lover/enthusiast/freak

Find sth challenging/stimulating/fun/amusing/entertaining/exciting/relaxing/creative/inspiring/boring

It suits me fine

It makes me feel…

Get bored

Do something for fun

Give something a go

I found about (a hobby) first when… (a friend showed me…)

What got me into it was…

Every week

Once, Twice a week

Less often than I would like

Find the time to do something

Go fishing/horse-riding/swimming/climbing/hiking/cycling

Go shopping

Go for a drink

Go for a walk

Go clubbing

Play musical instruments (the piano, the guitar, the violin, drums)

Play videogames, board games

Watch TV, films, TV shows, series, sports events

Read books, magazines, newspapers

Surf the net

Hang out with friends

Relax with your family

Eat out

Spend time on your own

Do exercise

Do gardening

Take up a hobby

Take lessons

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