IP Society, Laws & Ethics

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Q. What is IPR/Intellectual Property Rights?

For their benefit or usage such as copyright, trademark, patent and digital date. It is
therefore unethical to copy or seal the creativity of someone else. IPR is divided into 2
Industrial Property: includes commercial names, industrial designs, trademarks,
geographic indications, etc.
Copyright: protects literary and artistic work
It is the product of human … including creativity, concepts, inventions, industrial model,
trademarks, etc. they do not differ from other property rights. They allow their owner to
completely benefit from his/her product. They also entitle him/her to prevent others
from using, dealing, or tempering with the product without prior information from
him/her. Protection of IPR allows the …. brand owner and copyright holder to benefit
from his/her work.

Q. What is plagiarism?
Ans. It is copying another person’s idea, words, or writing and pretending that they are
one’s own work. It can involve violating copyright laws. It involves cheating, theft and
dishonesty. There are different types of plagiarism:
1. Global Plagiarism
2. Paraphrasing Plagiarism
3. Verbatim
4. Mosaic
5. Self-Plagiarism
6. Incorrect Citation
Q. what are the various ways in which IPR are protected?
Ans. 1. Patent:

2. Copyright:

3. Trademarks:

Q. What is Cybercrime?
Ans. It is defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of crime which is used as a
tool to commit crimes. Cybercriminals may use comp. technology to access personal info,
business secrets or use the internet for exploitative or malicious ... Criminals can also use
computers for communication. They can perform illegal activities which are often
referred as hackers. Common cybercrimes are:
1. Hacking: it is the process of gaining unauthorised access in a computer system. It is
done through cracking of passwords and codes which gives access to the system.
Hacking means using computers to commit fraudulent acts such as stealing personal
data, privacy attack, fraud, etc.
2. Phishing: it is an attempt to acquire information such as username, password and
credit card details by posing as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

Q. What is cyber bullying?

Ans. It is the harassment or bullying executed through digital devices like computers,
laptops, smartphones and tablets. The platforms where it occurs are social media, chat
rooms and gaming platforms where people can view and participate in the sharing of
content. Different types are: causing humiliation through hateful comments on online
platforms or through SMS or messaging. It comprises posting, sending or sharing
negative, nasty or false information about another individual for causing humiliation.

Q. What are cyber laws and what is its importance?

Ans. It is a part of overall legal system that deals with the internet, cyberspace and their
respective legal issues. It covers broad are including freedom of expression, access to and
usage of the internet and online privacy. Generally, cyber law is known as law of the
1. Covers all transactions over internet
2. Keeps eyes over activities on internet
3. Touches every action and reaction in cyber space
In India, cyber laws are contained in the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT 2000 (IT
ACT). It is important because it touches almost all
And helps to control cybercrime.

Q. What is IT ACT 2000?

1. IT ACT 2000 is an act of Indian Parliament notified on 17 Oct 2000
2. It deals with cybercrime and e-commerce in India
3. It has provisions that permits the interception and monitoring of traffic data
4. It consists of 94 sections that are divided into 13 chapters and 4 schedules

Q. What is meant by Data Protection?

Ans. It is the process of safeguarding important info from corruption, compromise or
law. Key pieces of info that are commonly stored by the businesses employ records,
customer details or transactions need to be protected. This is to prevent data being
misused by third parties for fraud such as phishing, scams and identity theft.

Q. How can we protect our data?

Ans. We can do it in following ways:
1. Use security softwares: they can be used to protect your devices from the latest
2. Protect your account with Powerful and unique password.
3. Do not open personal data or accounts on social media via unsecured Wi-Fi network.
4. Use a spam filter to filter most unsolicited e-mail.

Q. What is e-waste?
Ans. It refers to the disposable of broken or obsolete electronic components and
materials. The material may be valuable and recyclable such as RAM, reusable laptops,
etc. Common discarded electronic products include computers, laptops, televisions,
stereos and machines.

Q. What are the various e-waste hazards?

Ans. They are:
1. Most electronic waste comprises of toxic chemicals such as lead, mercury, etc.
2. Improper disposing of gadgets and devices increases the amount of these toxic
chemicals; thus, contaminate the soil causing air and water pollution.
3. Improper e-waste recycling such as open- burning and acid baths creates hazardous
and toxic compounds that are very harmful. It can damage the immune system and can
cause skin diseases as inhalation of toxic fumes is not good.

Q. What is e-waste management and what are the various ways to reduce e-waste?
Ans. E-waste management requires proper recycling and recovery of the disposed
material. The process includes following steps:
1. Recovery of valuable material.
2. Dismantling: removal of parts containing valuable items such as copper, silver, gold,
teal and removal of parts containing dangerous substance such as mercury, lead, etc.
3. Separating metal and plastic.
4. Disposable of dangerous materials such as mercury, lead, etc.

Ways to reduce E-waste:

1. Re-evaluate
2. Extend the life of electronics
3. Buy environmental friendly electronics
4. Donate used electronics to social programs

Q. What are the various Govt. measures to reduce e-waste?

1. E-waste recycling and disposing should be encouraged by giving special concession
2. Collaborating with the industry to draw out the formal /standard operating
procedures and a phased approach towards the agenda of reducing e-waste to the
3. The govt. should encourage the new entrepreneurs by providing the necessary
financial support and technological guidance.

Q. What is the health concerns related to the use of technology?

1. Failing memory
2. Emotional instability
3. Too much co- dependence
4. Sleep deprivation
5. No alone time
6. Strained vision, blurred vision and double vision, leading to fatigue and head ache.
7. Muscle and joint pain


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