OMAN Formaldehyde Chemical Company Visit: Industrial Hygiene Report

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OMAN Formaldehyde Chemical Company Visit

Industrial Hygiene Report

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Table of Contents
INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE………………………………………………………………………. 4
MEDICAL PROGRAM………………………………………………………………………… 6
PROCESS WASTE …………………………………………………………………………… 6
TANK ENTRY……………………………………………………………………………………6
REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………………. 8

The students visited the Oman Formaldehyde Chemical Company LLC (OFCC) on April
15, 2019 to study the industrial hygiene and occupational health conditions at the
industry. OFCC is the leading formaldehyde production company of OMAN with a
revenue of $4.8 Million. We met the plant personnel and discussed processes and
operations being carried out in industry. Information from walkthrough survey was
shared to understand the level of safety measures. Various aspects of operation and
process flow were discussed.

OFCC is located at 103B Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The design
capacity of plant is 125 MTPD of Urea Formaldehyde Concentrate (UFC) having
formaldehyde and urea concentration of 60% and 25% respectively. UFC and Aqueous
Formaldehyde production take place at different operating units separated by 40 feet.
Following is the picture of plant:

Figure 1. OFCC Plant

The formaldehyde Unit produces two main type of products; Aqueous Formaldehyde
(AF-37) and Urea Formaldehyde Concentrate (UFC-85). The installed capacity of UFC
is 239 TPD and of aqueous formaldehyde is 388 TPD. The company was established in
2006 and its commercial production started in 2008. It operates as a continuous
process 24/7.
The production area’s workforce contains twenty-four employees including supervisors,
chief operators, formaldehyde operators, service operators and shippers. There is also
a maintenance group consisting of 10-12 employees. They usually have 20% of their
time in main production area. Chief operators have most of their time in control room.
Formaldehyde operators are generally devoted to general operational duties like turning
valves, loading tank trucks and spend their 100 percent of time in formaldehyde
production. Service operators provide miscellaneous services and only spend 20
percent of their time in formaldehyde production area.


Formaldehyde is produced in industry by a combination of oxidation and
dehydrogenation processes using catalyst.
CH3OH + O2 → CH2O + H2O
CH3OH → CH2O + H2
Methanol and air are the raw materials used in this process. Air is moved with the help
of a blower and is cleaned before entering reactor. Methanol is brought in trucks and is
used to be stored on-site. In the reactor, it is mixed with air. For optimization of yields,
the temperature is maintained and controlled. Because of exothermic reaction, recovery
of waste heat is possible. Appreciable amount of hydrogen and unreacted methanol is
present in gas product. To cool the gases and dissolution of formaldehyde in water,
product gas is passed to scrubbers that comprise the armor (absorber).
The gas in the absorber contains H2 and N2 with traces of methanol and formaldehyde.
Burning it produces heat which is used in vaporizing process. The gas from burner is
N2, H2O, and CO2. The absorber has a product steam which is an aqueous solution of
formaldehyde with some quantity of methanol as well.

Figure 2. Flow block diagram of formaldehyde production


The responsibility of occupational health, industrial hygiene, employee’s safety, and
environmental concerns is of environmental coordinator. There is also a group of
corporate industrial hygiene and some external consulting groups. The monitoring is
carried out by chemists and laboratory supervisors according to recommendations of
There is also a formulated committee of occupational health and safety. Members are
health personnel and supervisor who serves for coordination and review. Committee
review all the information related to environmental safety and occupational health and
then pass it to on-site employees. Committee supervisors ensure that they have
reviewed the information.

The independent association of employees is careless about forming an independent

committee to look after employee’s health issues but they raise questions and maintain
active interest in health and safety. For example, they review the information passed by
occupational safety and health committee.
There are well defined contingency plans for emergencies. There are fire extinguishers
at every 20m. Employees are mostly aware of how to use it during fire emergency.
There are also fire stations. The nearest one is within blocks. It provides mobilization of
assistance provided by private sector in case of explosion, fire or other emergencies.
Safety precautions have been and continue to be integrated since the birth of plant back
in 2006. Most of the operating procedures have well-defined safety measures.
There are formal lockout procedure and are being used for any operation related to fire
(welding, torching etc.). There is safety equipment located at different sites in the plant
and all well marked. It includes showers, eyewashes, protective clothing, fire
extinguishers and blankets, self-contained breathing apparatus, and first aid kits.


A mandatory formal training program is must for a new employee before started to work
in a plant. It is a safety training provided by supervisors and other professionals to
employees assuming new duties. There is also a safety training week being carried out
every year to create awareness among employees about safety and occupational
Training about different sites of plant is also provided. For example, they are trained for
handling procedures and use of appropriate protective equipment. There is also a check
and balance system of job-cycles. These are performed every 2 years. Training
program also includes the use of respirators. Operators are retrained once a year if their
duties require negative-pressure respirators.
The integral part of training program includes training in use of respirators. There is a
safety department which is responsible for maintenance of all respirators. Quality
control is never undermined. A full-face respirator user is fit-test every 6 months.
The specific Personal protective equipment required is as follows:
Formaldehyde Operator Safety glasses (side shield), Hard hats
Startup operator Respirators (Full Face)
Loading operator Rubber gloves, Full face respirator, Cover
all goggles
Opening blocked piping Air mask
Overhead valves operator Overall goggles

OFCC has hired occupational physician and is available at plant-site four days per
week. There is a small medical unit and a full-time registered nurse is employed there.
She is always on call. No work-related illness has been reported so far.
It has been observed that leaking valves and joints are not specific problem areas. For
maintenance procedures, it is essential to have followed lock out procedures and have
essential protective equipment including respirators. For example, it may be required in
opening of blocked pipes.
All the waste materials are transferred to a storage tank. Waste product mainly includes
methanol, ammonia and formaldehyde.
There is a need of tank entry on various occasions like for cleaning and repairing of
tanks. There is a rigid tank entry protocol which is being followed. It includes clearing,
testing, use of respirators, ventilation. Without these safety measures, it may prove
hazardous to permit the tank entry.

The plant has an active occupational health and industrial hygiene program. The
management is fully aware and shows support towards an active hazard control
program. Based on scientific knowledge, it is well-defined program which covers all
important aspects of employee’s safety and health. It is implemented by using operating
control measures to vanish unacceptable exposures of harmful chemicals and using
work practices to limit the exposure already below existing standards. To minimize the
emissions of methanol and formaldehyde, a closed-piped process is used through
engineering controls. A layer of oil is also applied over the waste sump for this purpose.
There is a proper system of monitoring which ensures the effectiveness of control
measures. Additional hazard information is being provided and plant is responsive to it.
To decrease worker’s exposure, several engineering controls have been installed.
The plant is clean and well-established. It has little or no evidence of leaks of methanol
and formaldehyde.

i. There should be a complete ban on tobacco smoking in all indoor work places as
well as public places. The guidelines issued by the Conference of Parties of the
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control should be followed. Improvement in
control, developing guidance on smoke free workplaces and encouragement of
programs that bring smokers back to life
ii. Introduction of guidance, mechanisms and tools which can stimulate initiatives of
healthy workplaces by companies. These are specified in the regulation on
occupational safety and health. It includes such factors which are required for
sustainable life and environment. For example, physical, psycho-social
environment and individual risk factors, such as diet and physical activity of
iii. Training of trainers from enterprises and regions so that they can implement and
evaluate programs and initiatives that are taken for developing healthy, safe, and
environmental-friendly workplaces.
iv. Inspections should be strict and inspectors should be fully trained. Labor
inspectors should be trained in industrial hygiene and occupational health and
safety. It will strengthen workplace health inspections.
v. There should be introduction of healthy workplace criteria for best factories
based on other developed nation’s practices. Also, there should be an award for
excellence in occupational health and safety that covers all industries,
enterprises and businesses. It will boost industrial sector to work towards better
industrial hygiene.
vi. There should be introduction of practical tools for assessment and management
of occupational risks that includes training of trainers.
vii. There should be development of HR department in all levels. For example,
general practitioners and nurses in industrial hygiene and occupational health.
viii. There should be improvement in medical surveillance of workers. There should
be regular medical check-ups.

[4]. Patty’s industrial hygiene and toxicology. 3 rd revised edition. Vol. 2A. Toxicology.

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