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FY 2017/2018

August 2016

1|P a g e
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................6

BACKGROUND INFORMATION............................................................................................................6


County Profile.........................................................................................................................................7

Physiographic and Natural Conditions.....................................................................................................7

CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................12

SITUATION ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................12

2.0 Introduction...............................................................................................................................12

2.1: Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development.........................................................................12

2.2 Education, Youth Affairs and Sports................................................................................................19

2.3 ICT, Culture and Social Services Department...................................................................................21

2.4 Trade, Cooperatives, Industrialization, Tourism and Wildlife Department......................................24

2.5 Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Waste Management.................................................28

2.6 Lands, Energy Physical Planning and Housing..................................................................................33

2.7 Finance and Economic Planning Department.................................................................................37

2.8 County Health Services....................................................................................................................38

2.9 Roads, Public Works Services...........................................................................................................43

2.10 Devolution, Public Service and Disaster Management..................................................................43

2.11 County Public Service Board..........................................................................................................44

CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................49

DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES........................................................................................49

3.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................49

3.1 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development..........................................................................49

On-Going Projects/Programmes: Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries.......................53

3.1.3 New Programmes/Projects 2017/2018......................................................................................58

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3.2 Education Youth affairs and Sports..................................................................................................68

3.2.2 Ongoing Programmes/Projects.................................................................................................69

3.2.3 New Programme and Project Proposals 2017/18.....................................................................69

3.3 Information Communication Technology, Culture and Social Services..........................................72

3.3.2 On-Going Projects/Programmes...............................................................................................75

3.3.3 New Projects and Programmes 2017/2018 Financial Year.......................................................76

3.4 Trade Development, Cooperative, Industrialization, Tourism and Wildlife Department.................80

3.4.2 On-Going Projects/Programmes...............................................................................................82

3.4.3 Projects/Programmes 2017/2018 Financial Year......................................................................92

3.5 Lands, Energy, Housing, Physical Planning & Urban Development................................................100

3.5.2 On-going Projects /Programmes.............................................................................................101

3.5.3 New Projects and Programmes 2017/2018 Financial Year.....................................................107

3.6 Finance and Economic Planning Department................................................................................119

3.6.2 On-Going Projects/Programmes.............................................................................................121

3.6.3 New Projects and Programmes 2017/2018 Financial Year.....................................................121

3.7 Department of Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Waste Management......................122

3.7.2 On-Going Projects/Programmes.............................................................................................124

3.7.3 New Projects and Programmes 2017/2018 Financial Year.....................................................133

3.9 County Health Services..................................................................................................................151

Ongoing Development Projects/Programmes..................................................................................151

New Projects/Programs 2017/2018..................................................................................................157

3.8 Roads, Transport and Public Works Services.................................................................................168

On-Going Projects/Programmes......................................................................................................168

New Projects/ Programs 2017/2018................................................................................................171

3.10 Devolution, Public Service and Disaster Management................................................................172

On-going Projects/Programmes......................................................................................................172

New Projects/Programs 2017/2018................................................................................................173

CHAPTER FOUR...................................................................................................................................177

IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION MATRIX..............................................177

3|P a g e
4.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................................177

4.1 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development........................................................................177

4.2 Education, Youth Affairs and Sports..............................................................................................190

4.3 Finance and Economic Planning....................................................................................................193

4.4 Trade, Industrialization, Cooperative Development, Tourism & Wildlife......................................194

4.5 Water, Natural Resources, Environment, Forestry and Solid Waste Management.......................207

4.6 Roads, Transport and Public Works Services.................................................................................212

4.7 County Health Services..................................................................................................................231

Annex: Ward Development Fund Project Proposals................................................................................237

KAMBE RIBE WARD..........................................................................................................................237

4|P a g e

To be a leading, prosperous and secure county for high quality life

To provide an enabling environment and participatory resource management for efficient and
effective service delivery for all


I. The rule of law, democracy and participation of the people.

II. Human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, non-
discrimination and protection of the marginalized.
III. Good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability;
IV. Sustainable development

5|P a g e
Executive Summary
Preparation of the Annual Development Plan is a stage in county government budget process, as
provided by the Public Finance Management Act CAP 412C, which in section 126 requires
every county government to prepare a development plan in accordance with Article 220(2) of the
Constitution. It states that the ADP should include, among others, strategic priorities for the
medium term that reflect the county government’s priorities and plans; programmes to be
delivered with details for each programme of the strategic priorities to which the programme will
contribute; the services or goods to be provided; measurable indicators of performance where
feasible; and the budget allocated to the programme.

The Plan is divided into four chapters as follows:

Chapter One: Provides the purpose of the annual development plan and a brief description of
the County in terms of its area, administrative divisions, main physical features,
settlement and demographic patterns, which includes population densities and
distribution among age cohorts

Chapter two: Analyses the situation of the various sectors in terms of institutional capacity
to deliver on agreed development targets, resource endowments, emerging
issues, opportunities and threats, as well as what the county has so far
achieved in addressing development challenges across the sectors.

Chapter three: Provides details of each department’s sector priorities and

programmes/projects proposed to be undertaken in 2017/18 financial year,
based on the CIDP and sector strategic plans. It lists two sets of
programmes and projects: one of ongoing programmes and projects and
another of new proposals in line with the annual MTEF three-year rolling
expenditure planning.

Chapter four: Presents by sector the programme/project implementation monitoring

matrices, which show the total cost of each programme/project proposed
in Chapter three, its implementation fiscal year(s), the agency responsible
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for each programme/project implementation and funding, output indicators
and how implementation will be monitored.

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The Annual Development Plan (ADP) is a component of the County Integrated Development
Plan (CIDP), the 5-year medium term public investment blue print that guides choice and
formulation of all development programmes and projects in the County. The 2017/18 ADP is the
fourth in a series of five annual plans that strategically prioritizes implementation of CIDP issues in
alignment with the national and county fiscal budgetary cycles. It is a mechanism for linking county
planning with the country’s budgetary system and is, thus, formulated within the Medium Term
Expenditure Framework (MTEF), the annual three-year rolling expenditure planning that sets out
expenditure priorities within budget constraints as a measure of ensuring effective and efficient
utilization of available resources.

Preparation of the Annual Development Plan is a stage in county government budget process, as
provided by the Public Finance Management Act CAP 412C, which in section 126 requires
every county government to prepare a development plan in accordance with Article 220(2) of the
Constitution. It states that the ADP should include, among others, strategic priorities for the
medium term that reflect the county government’s priorities and plans; programmes to be
delivered with details for each programme of the strategic priorities to which the programme will
contribute; the services or goods to be provided; measurable indicators of performance where
feasible; and the budget allocated to the programme.

This chapter gives the background information that has a bearing on the development of the
county. It provides description of the county in terms of the location, size, physiographic and
natural conditions and demographic profiles as well as the administrative and political units.

8|P a g e
County Profile
Position and Size
Kilifi County is one of the six counties in coast region. The county lies between latitude 2 o 20’
and 4o 0’South, and between longitude 39o 05’ and 40o 14’ East. It borders Kwale County to the
south west, Taita Taveta County to the west, Tana River County to the north, Mombasa County
to the south and Indian Ocean to the east. The county covers an area of 12,609.7 km2.

Physiographic and Natural Conditions

Physical and Topographic Features
The county has four major topographical features. The first one is the narrow belt, which forms
the coastal plain and varies in width of 3km to 20km. The coastal plain lies below 30m above
sea level with a few prominent peaks on the western boundary including hills such as
Mwembetungu. Across this plain run several creeks resulting in excellent marine swamps that
are endowed with mangrove forests and present potential for marine culture. This zone is
composed of marine sediments, including coral, limestone, marble, clay stones and alluvial
deposits that support agriculture. To the west of the coastal plain lies the foot plateau
characterized by slightly undulating terrain. The plateau falls between 60m and 150m altitude
and slopes towards the sea.

Climatic Conditions
The average annual rainfall ranges from 300mm in the hinterland to 1,300mm at the coastal belt.
The coastal belt receives an average annual rainfall of about 900mm to 1,100mm with marked
decrease in intensity to the hinterland. Areas with highest rainfall include Mtwapa and to the
north of the coastal strip around the Arabuko Sokoke Forest. Evaporation ranges from 1800mm
along the coastal strip to 2200mm in the Nyika plateau in the interior. The highest evaporation
rate is experienced during the months of January to March in all parts of the county.

County annual temperatures range between 21oC and 30oC in the coastal belt and between 30 oC
and 34oC in the hinterland. The county experiences relatively low wind speeds ranging between
4.8 km/hr and 12 Km/hr.

9|P a g e
Ecological Conditions
The county’s physical and climatic conditions give it ecological conditions that can be divided
into the following five (5) Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ): -

Coconut-Cassava Zone: This zone has the highest potential for crop production in the county
spreading along the coastal uplands and low-level coastal plains. Major farming activities
include tree cropping (mango, citrus, cashew nuts, and coconuts), vegetables (chilli, brinjals,
okra etc.), food crops (maize, bananas, cowpeas, green grams etc.) and upland rice. Dairy
farming also does well in this zone. It has an average precipitation of 1,300mm per annum and
mean annual temperature of 24 0C.

Cashew nut - Cassava Zone: This zone stretches northwards along the coastal plain up to
Sokoke Forest. It has an average precipitation of 900mm and mean annual temperature of 24 0 C.
It has agricultural potential with the same crop types as in Coconut-Cassava zone, but with less

Livestock-Millet Zone: The zone is of lower agriculture potential with precipitation of 700 –
900mm. The area is suitable for dry land farming especially drought tolerant crops and livestock

Lowland Ranching: It varies in altitude of 90-300m with mean annual temperature of 270 C
and annual precipitation of 350-700mm. Major activities within this zone include ranching and

Coconut Cashew nut-Cassava Zone: This zone is mainly found in Kilifi South and North
Constituencies and is the smallest of all the zones. It varies in altitude from 30-310m above sea
level with mean temperature of 270 C and annual precipitation of 900mm per annum.

Administrative and Political Units

The county has seven sub counties namely, Kilifi North, Kilifi South, Ganze, Malindi, Magarini,
Rabai and Kaloleni. It has 17 divisions, 54 locations, 175 sub-locations as shown in Table 6.
Magarini Sub-county is the largest while Rabai is the smallest in terms of area in Km2

Table 1: Area of the County by Sub-County

10 | P a g e
Sub-county Area (Km2) No. of No. of No. of Sub
divisions Locations Locations
Kilifi North 530.30 1 6 22
Kilifi South 400.60 2 6 16
Ganze 2941.60 4 16 48
Malindi 627.20 2 8 18
Magarini 6979.40 2 8 28
Kaloleni 686.40 5 11 21
Rabai 205.90 3 7 12
12,371.4 19 62 165
Source: KNBS Kilifi, 2012

Political Units (Constituencies, Electoral Wards)

The county has seven (7) Constituencies and thirty five (35) electoral Wards as shown in Table 2
below: -
Table 2: County’s Electoral Wards by Constituency
Constituency Area( Km2) No. of county Projected Population
Wards 2017
Kilifi North 530.30 7 274,390
Kilifi South 400.60 5 226,831
Ganze 2941.60 4 181,965
Malindi 627.20 5 215,073
Magarini 6979.40 6 234,278
Kaloleni 686.40 4 205,857
Rabai 205.90 4 128,459
TOTAL 12,371.4 35 1,466,856
Source: IEBC Kilifi Office 2013

Demographic Features
Population Size and Composition
The population of the county was estimated to be 1,217,892 in 2013 as projected from results of
the 2009Kenya Population and Housing Census. The population is projected to rise to 1,336,590
and 1,466,856 in 2015 and 2017 respectively at growth rate of 3.05 percent per annum. Table 3
shows the population projections by gender and age cohort for the county.

Table 3: Population Projection by Age Cohorts

2009 (Census) 2012 (Projections) 2015 (Projections) 2017 (Projections)

11 | P a g e
Age Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
0-4 96446 95740 192186 105845 105071 210916 116161 115311 231473 127483 126549 254032
5-9 88450 87494 175944 97070 96021 193091 106531 105379 211910 116913 115650 232564
10-14 75467 75088 150555 82822 82406 165228 90894 90437 181331 99752 99251 199004
15-19 61388 59872 121260 67370 65707 133078 73937 72111 146048 81143 79139 160282
20-24 41798 55517 97315 45871 60927 106799 50342 66865 117208 55248 73382 128630
25-29 35191 43846 79037 38620 48119 86740 42384 52809 95193 46515 57955 104471
30-34 30029 36098 66127 32955 39616 72571 36167 43477 79644 39692 47714 87407
35-39 24564 25878 50442 26958 28400 55358 29585 31168 60753 32468 34205 66674
40-44 18084 19393 37477 19846 21283 41129 21780 23357 45138 23903 25633 49537
45-49 15270 16917 32187 16758 18565 35324 18391 20375 38766 20184 22361 42545
50-54 12433 16284 28717 13644 17871 31515 14974 19612 34587 16434 21524 37958
55-59 10325 10581 20906 11331 11612 22943 12435 12743 25179 13647 13986 27633
60-64 7902 9512 17414 8672 10439 19111 9517 11456 20973 10444 12573 23017
65-69 5694 6682 12376 6248 7333 13582 6857 8047 14905 7526 8832 16358
70-74 4398 5287 9685 4826 5802 10628 5297 6367 11664 5813 6988 12801
75-79 3058 3544 6602 3356 3889 7245 3683 4268 7951 4042 4684 8726
80-84 4534 6006 10540 4975 6591 11567 5460 7233 12694 5993 7938 13931
85+ 495 470 965 543 515 1059 596 566 1162 654 621 1275
TOTAL 535526 574209 110973 587719 630172 121789 644999 691590 133659 707862 758993 1466856
5 2 0

As indicated in Table 3, the county’s population was estimated to be 1,217,892 people by 2012
with 587,719 and 630,172 male and female respectively. Males represent 47.5 percent while
females represent 52.5 percent of the total population indicating a male: female ratio of 1:1.07.
From the table above it is observed that for most age cohort’s female population is more than
that of males except for those below age fourteen and above 85 years. The county’s dependency
ratio stands at 101.45 percent.

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2.0 Introduction
This section of the plan analyses by sector the county’s institutional capacity to deliver on agreed
development targets, resource endowments, emerging issues, opportunities and threats, as well as
what the county has so far achieved in addressing development challenges across the sectors.

2.1: Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development

The agricultural sector holds some of the main and major economic activities in Kilifi County.
The sector consists of three subsectors in the areas of agriculture, livestock and fisheries
development. The County Agriculture production is dominated by both food and cash crops at
both subsistence and commercial levels. Livestock keeping is another major economic activity
thriving in the county due to availability of extensive rangelands and favourable weather
conditions. There is a wide variety of both large and small stock including poultry and bee
keeping. Fisheries is a major economic activity in the county with commercial and subsistence
marine capture fisheries along the County’s 300km coastline and the 200nm EEZ resource base.

There are both perennial and seasonal cash crops grown within the county at both commercial
and subsistence levels. They include cashew nuts, coconut, castor, Mangoes, Pineapples, Paw
paws, Bananas, Oranges, tangerine ground nuts, peppers, Passion fruits and watermelons. These
crops support community by providing incomes and employment opportunities. However, cash
crop production in the county faces challenges of low yields, lack of value addition in terms of
processing, unreliable rainfall patterns leading to harsh weather conditions and low pricing of
agricultural products. Farming of food crops is mainly under subsistence farming that is mainly
rain dependent. The major food crops grown in the county are maize, wheat, milt, sorghum,
cassava and beans. Other major challenge facing food crop production is low yields, low
adoption of new farming techniques, limited credit line facilitation, low use of appropriate farm
inputs and inadequate extension services.

14 | P a g e
Kilifi county boasts of a wide variety of livestock types reared in the county. The county holds a
good potential in livestock production due to the available large tracts of land suitable for
ranching and favourable weather pattern for livestock keeping. Livestock keeping support the
livelihood of a significant number of the county population. The production potential is however
not being realised due to a variety of challenges. There is widespread keeping of low yielding
animals while adoption of improved animal breeds has not been significant. The extensive
ranches in the county suffer from poor management while animal diseases management at the
community level is weak. This coupled with low use of appropriate inputs due to the low
affordability and minimal adoption of value addition ventures have resulted to low incomes.
Much effort is also required to adopt and strengthen the livestock and livestock products
marketing systems.

The County has a huge potential in both marine capture fisheries and aquaculture in freshwater
and mariculture. This potential is both in terms of the extent of available water resources and in
the variety of marine products available. The industry directly and indirectly supports large
number of people such as fishermen, fish traders and traders in fishing related goods and
services. The industry, however, suffers under exploitation mainly due to low fishing capacity by
the local fishermen. Most fishing activities are artisanal in nature and take place within the 5 nm
stretches along the shoreline leading to overfishing. The industry further suffers from
undeveloped supportive infrastructure, low value addition and processing and weak marketing
structures. The industry further suffers from weak community management and governance
structures resulting in illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. Aquaculture, both fresh water
and mariculture, requires further investment for its potential is realised.

SWOT Analysis
15 | P a g e
Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats
 Skilled and competent  Lean and aging  Existence of  Poverty and
manpower work force stakeholders unemployment
 A well-structured  Centralized  Availability of  Low literacy levels
extension service system. County permanent water  Alcohol and drug
 Dynamic and committed procurement sources abuse
political leadership system  Existence of local,  overfishing
 County Government  Weak information regional and  High prevalence
commitment to enhance international
management of HIV and AIDS
funding to the sector markets
 System  Climate change
 Established agricultural  Existence of 200
 .Unfavourable nm EEZ (Exclusive  Occurrence of pests
work Economic Zone) and diseases
 Collaboration with other
institutions and environment  Existence of new  Competition for
stakeholders ( office space , animal and plant resources
 Collaboration with inadequate Biotechnologies  Insecurity
national Government transport  Existence of  Poor Land tenure
facilities) diversified agro system
 Lack of ecological zones
succession  Existence of
management plan farming
 Weak co- communities
ordination of  Changing consumer
stakeholders Lifestyle and
 Inadequate
 Potential in
access to financial
ornamental and
services recreational
 Existence of a fisheries due to
weak Public high diversity of
private marine species
partnership  Existence of animal
concept and plant genetic
Inadequate legal material for
frame works. improvement and


16 | P a g e
The County Department Agricultural, Livestock and Fisheries Development has had and
continues to develop and implement appropriate programmes to address the challenges facing the
industry and enhance the exploitation of the existing potential. Major programmes and projects
undertaken in 2015/16 financial year include: -

 Procurement and distribution of the following certified seeds: cassava cuttings, cashew nut
and Coconut seedlings to farmers: 100 tonnes of certified maize seeds, 32 tonnes of cow
peas seeds, 32 tonnes green grams, 300,000 cassava cutting, Jap planters 34. Distribution of
20,000 mango seedlings, 66,666 cashew nut seedlings, 100 coconut seedlings is on -going.
 Procurement of 1290 bags NPK, 645 bags DAP, 1290 bags CAN fertilizers to be distributed
in the next season, and 5 cassava chippers.
 Carried out survey and design of 1 irrigation project (Rare River).
 Procured and laid down pipes and fittings for two irrigation schemes - Mangudho and Kwa
 Procured pipes and 7 pumps for two irrigation schemes.
 In terms of infrastructure development, 10 tractors were procured and lining of 1200 metres
distribution canals at Mdachi Irrigation schemes.
 Constructed 3 water pans Mnyumbuni, Adimaye and Kahanga in Ganze Sub County.
 Comlpeted 3 other water pans at Wakala, Marafa Ward, Jimba B and Mleji in Ruruma
Ward , Rabai Sub County.
 On capacity the department employed 21 Agricultural Field Assistants, 2 Cooks, 14 Tractor
Operators and 4 Support Staff at Agriculture Training Centre were engaged on permanent
 10 motor cycles were procured to enhance facilitation of field extension officers.
 The department strengthened the capacity of its workforce by recruiting 68 new staff who
included fisheries officers, Agriculture and Livestock extension officers, tractor drivers, lab
assistants, support staff and cooks.

17 | P a g e
 Development of fish handling and marketing infrastructures by construction of two fish
depots in Mayungu, Kuruwitu fish landing sites and completion of three fish depots in
Magarini, Malindi and Kilifi North.
 Rehabilitation of fish handling facility/depot at Ngomeni fish landing site.
 Supporting the expansion of mariculture development facility by construction of 6000
m2mariculture ponds for Mtepeni community group at Kilifi South.
 Support to fresh water aquaculture through provision of 190,000 monosex Tilapia and 30,000
Catfish Fingerlings to fish farmers.
 Support to improved fishing technologies through provision of 31 outboard fishing engines to
 Procurement and provision of, 8 deep freezers and 17 cool boxes to support quality and safe
storage and transport of fish and fish products among the BMUs.
 Support to sustainable fishing method through provision of 230 recommended gill fishing
nets to fishermen.
 Support for safety of the fishermen through provision of 480 life jackets to fishermen.
 Support to safe, hygienic and sustainable fish marketing equipments through provision of
160 solar lit fish selling boxes to women doing fish marketing.
 Conducted the conduct of 16 elections of BMU executive committees and establishment of 1
BMU in Magarini Sub County.
 Developed Thirty five (35) Farmers Field Schools in the areas of coconut, cashew nuts and
chicken and fish farming.
 Managed to issue 1,642 fisheries management licences, and 2,142 fisheries trading related
 Through collaboration with FAO carried out 3 trainings for 56 farmers (34 men 22
women)and 13 fisheries staff, constructed a 2000m 2 mariculture pond and provided farming
inputs such as fish feeds and fertilizers.
 With collaboration with CAST Kenya assisted Uwezo Women Group (Bofa BMU) to
establish an equipped fish selling out- let and trained30 women group on business skills.

 A total of 8 patrols done with a total of 12 arrests of which 10 resulted into convictions and

18 | P a g e
 Completed construction and electrification of Zowerani milk collection and cooling plant at
Tezo ward in Kilifi North Sub county, partly completed was construction of toilet and
drainage system of the same.
 Completed construction and electrification of Rabai milk collection and cooling centre at
Mkapuni , Ruruma ward in Rabai Sub county.
 Completed construction of Mleji water pan in Ruruma ward inRabai sub county
 Completed construction of Vitengeni Livestock sale yard in Sokoke ward, Ganze sub
 Completed construction of Tsangatsini livestock sale yard in Mariakani ward in Kaloleni Sub
 Completed construction of Kanagoni livestock sale yard at Adu ward in Magarini Sub
 Completed construction of Langobaya Livestock sale yard in Jilore ward in Malindi Sub
 Procured and distributed 65 dairy cows to 35 farmer dairy farmer groups (one dairy cow to
each of the 35 wards) and 30 to 20 dairy groups in Ruruma ward in Rabai Sub County.
 Procured 126000 Napier grass cuttings for dairy farmers in the county.
 The Department of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries lead other county
departments in the county to participate in Mombasa Agricultural show in 2015.
 The department procured 200 bee hives and distributed equally to Magarini, Malindi,
Kaloleni and Rabai sub counties.

 On extension services – technology transfer-: 141 dairy farmers underwent a five days
Residential training at ATC Mtwapa while 7,510 were trained during none residential
course , the department through Livestock Production reached 5,332 farmers during field
days , 3695 during on farm demonstrations, 11,485 farmers during Barazas even as the
directorate conducted 14 Supervision to the wards and 4,631 farm visits.
 Veterinary Services Directorate rehabilitated 6 cattle dips,2 of cattle dips in Kaloleni and
Magarini Sub Counties each and 1 in Ganze and Malindi Sub Counties each.
 The department constructed 11 vaccination crushes that will be used for dipping services.

19 | P a g e
 2 successful vaccination and two baiting campaigns were carried out achieving a total of
3,881 anti rabies,18,426against Foot and Mouth disease,11,097 against Lumpy skin disease,
23,802 against Contagious Caprine pleuropneumonia,13,289 against Anthrax/Black quarter
disease, 74,135 against Rift Valley Fever, New Castle disease 52,909 and 29,411 against
Gumboro disease.
 The Veterinary services Directorate in providing its regulator sanitary standards effecting
release of quality animal products and by products collected Kshs 4,611,751.80 as revenue to
the County.
 The department conducted Artificial Insemination services programme achieving a total
insemination of 1,114 heads of cattle by bull semen from improved exotic breeds ranging
from Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Aryshire and Fleckvier
 A total of 2000kgs of Liquid nitrogen and 2500 doses of bull semen were acquired for


 Low adoption of new technologies among the farming communities.
 Unpredictable and unreliable weather pattern.
 Emergence of new animal and crops pests and diseases.
 High illiteracy levels among the farming communities negatively affecting the uptake of new
 Poor savings culture and investment initiatives among the farming communities.
 Inadequate information on agricultural friendly investment capital sources.
 High cost of agricultural, livestock and fisheries production inputs.
 Weak Fisheries and Veterinary regulations enforcement units.
 No public land available for establishment agricultural development projects.
 Reducing land for agriculture due change of use from Agricultural land to commercial use in
peri-urban centers in the county.
 High cost of quality breeding stock for livestock, plants and fish.
 Low capacity of local fishers in fishing technology and gears leading to reliance of
immigrant fishers for most fish production.
20 | P a g e
 Unavailability of fisheries hatchery for marine cultured fishes.
 Low returns due to few value addition initiatives in agriculture, livestock and fisheries
 Inadequate access to information on new technologies, value additions and marketing.
 Weak Research -extension linkages.
 Underdeveloped post-harvest handling and storage infrastructure for fisheriesand agricultural
 Weak and poor governance in community groups.
 Weak agricultural fish and livestock products marketing systems.
 Fishing grounds and grazing lands and water resources use conflicts.
 Low investment in aquaculture and mariculture industry.
 Weak Climate changes mitigation measures (floods and droughts).
 Inadequate facilitation of extension service providers
 Inadequate veterinary services personnel.
 Inadequate budgetary allocations

2.2 Education, Youth Affairs and Sports

The department is committed towards the achievement of quality early childhood education,
stable and Empowered Youth population and higher standards of sports activities. In addition,
the department is bound to achieve national and international development commitments such as
vision 2030 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) respectively.

The county has 799 public and 830 private ECD Centres with a total of 1718 Teachers in public
ECD centres, 492 primary schools and 120 secondary schools as well as 277 adult literacy
centres. The county will need to emphasize a lot on advocacy on the importance of education and
particularly pre-primary education.

In primary schools, the Teacher/Pupil ratio is 1:59 which is higher than the recommended 1:40.
The Gross enrolment rate is 95.8 percent with boys being more than girls in the primary schools.
21 | P a g e
The completion rate is 83.7 percent but the transition rate is only 45 percent thus implying that
there are a high number of pupils who complete primary school but do not proceed to secondary
school. The proportion of the population that is 5 km or more from the nearest primary school is
65.1 percent and thus there is need to invest in more primary schools.

The literacy level of the population aged 15 and above remains low. Those with ability to read
and write stands at 65.5 percent while 34.5 percent cannot. The adult literacy level in the county
is 65.3 per cent.

The gross enrolment rate in secondary school in the county is very low at 42.5 percent while the
net enrolment rate is 34 percent with differentials being reflected with boys having a higher
enrolment rate than girls. There is need to emphasize on the girl child education as well as put up
more secondary schools especially because 72.4 percent of the community have to travel 5 km
or more to access the nearest public secondary school.

The county has nine private accredited colleges; one middle level college (KMTC Kilifi) and 13
youth polytechnics .These institutions offer youth a chance to further their skills to make them
competitive in the labour market. There is one university and at least four satellite campuses of
various universities.

Swot Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Qualified and competent Lack of co-ordination Goodwill from county Political interference
staff government
GOK programmes for Inadequate staff Availability of High unemployment
training already devolved funds rates
Proposed legislation at an Delays in release of Existence of skilled High population living
advance level funds personnel in poverty
well articulated Insufficient funds Existence of a legal Retrogressive cultural
departmental programs framework practices
Continuous capacity Lack of a well defined High technological High illiteracy levels
building of personnel organizational innovations.
/departmental structure

22 | P a g e

 Phase one construction of an ECD Resource centre Kibarani Ward at Fumbini village.
His Excellency the Governor laid the foundation stone. It consists of 6 classrooms, an
office block, a hostel and toilets. Phase Two is in progress.

 Construction of 35 model ECD centres built in 28 wards across the county. 20 are
complete, others are on-going.

 Equipping and construction of polytechnics

 Conducting of first county graduation ceremony for youth polytechnics

 Issuance of Kshs. 350,000,000 (million) towards the County Ward Scholarship Fund.
Disbursement has been done to students of secondary schools, colleges, universities and
other vocational institutions.

 Equipping of 89 ECD model centres with tables and chairs for children and teachers

 Hiring of 700 ECD caregivers

 Development of policies for pre-primary, sports, youth training and youth affairs.

Emerging Issues and Challenges

 Minimal co-ordination between the consumer department, finance department and the works
department on the tendering and awarding of tenders. This causes a problem when it comes
to implementation of the projects.

 Award of scholarships need to be streamlined to ensure that the objectives of the fund are

 Lack of a policy on the management of the scholarship fund.

 Employment of pre-school teachers has been hampered by a court injunction which demands
all teachers to be under one employer.

 Insufficient number of staff in the devolved units of the department.

23 | P a g e
 Lack of an administrative structure, office space and equipment for the department.


The world economy today is driven by ICT and therefore the County lays great emphasis on the
essence of this sector. The focus for this sector is to establish the most competitive ICT hub in
the county for business efficiency, county government management and ICT enterprises. The
County, in conjunction with the relevant National Government Departments and through Public
Private Partnerships, will put in place dynamic information and communication infrastructure
that can facilitate processing, communication and dissemination of information more efficiently
and cost effectively.


Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

A well established and Inadequate specialized Existence of Public Private High westernization
structured department professional staff. Partnership framework rate of local culture
of ICT, Culture and
Inadequate specialized . The Gaming Industry can Increased number of
Social Services.
professional staff immensely contribute to the murder cases of the
Existence of County County’s socioeconomic aged and elderly
Lack of Departmental development
Culture and Heritage
vehicles for field work High adoption of
policy and bill
supervision Gaming gives a source of western culture.
Existence of basic ICT employment and entertainment Extinction of valuable
Inadequate technical
Infrastructure in most
staff cultural artifacts and
County Offices Rapid development in the ICT values e.g. Kayas
Inadequate trained Sector forests and associated
Possession of basic
field staff symbolisms
ICT skills among Availability of youth
departmental staff Inadequate office polytechnics
accommodation Insecurity and adverse
Competent Gamming A large youthful population travel advisories
Inspectors Lack of legislation .
The existence of ICTA to Illegal gambling and
guide the counties on ICT unlicensed gambling
implementation of
related issues activity practices in
betting control
functions Existence of NGOs and other the county
development stakeholders
Dynamic technology

24 | P a g e
A well cascaded sizeable field changes in the gaming
professional staff industry


a) Participated in the development of The Kilifi County ICT Road map. This was initiated by
The Kenya ICT Authority funded by The World Bank.
b) Built County connectivity infrastructure by ensuring all 7 Sub Counties HQs offices are
connected to The Kilifi County WAN (Wide Area Network)
c) Deployed a Unified communication system in the County HQ Offices.
d) Deployed a Electronic Data management Systems in the County to manage workflows and
reduce paper usage.
e) Equipped 7 more Polytechnics to make the Number 14 Public Youth Polytechnic equipped with
ICT equipment. (Distoni YP , Gede YP, Adu Yp, Mambayandu YP, JIlore YP.Kakoneni Yp,
Pingilikani YP). This is enabling ICT capacity building in the County especially among the
f) Construction of four social halls (Mpirani, Malindi, Mariakani and Kambe Ribe).

Emerging Issues and challenges in the Sector

i. Inadequate policies, legislations, standards and guidelines to mainstream ICT usage in
the County;
ii. Inadequate funding for implementation of key priority/flagship projects, and
promotion of Research in ICT for development;
iii. Inadequate high-end skills in ICT to meet the requirements of both Government and
iv. Slow or lack of efforts to bridge the digital divide between the rural and urban areas
in the County and,
v. Lack of effective coordination in implementation of ICT projects in the County
leading to costly duplication(s).

25 | P a g e
vi. inadequate policies and bills to guide and mainstream culture and social service
activities within the County.
vii. Inadequate budgetary allocations for implementation of key development projects
within the sector.
viii. Lack of utility vehicles for project supervision..
ix. Inadequate technical staff capacity for proper and effective service delivery
x. Lack of unified staff office accommodation
xi. The rapid technological changes in gaming industry

2.4 Trade, Cooperatives, Industrialization, Tourism and Wildlife Department

Trade, Industrialization, Co-operative Development, Tourism and Wildlife is one of the twelve
departments that constitute the executive arm of Kilifi county government. The department
comprises of three directorates with seven sections as follows:

Trade and industrialization - Trade development; Markets development and management;

Weights and measures

Co-operative development - Co-operative management; Co-operative audit

Tourism and wildlife - Domestic tourism Promotion; Wildlife affairs

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

 Existing market  Lack of industrial land  Untapped investments  Industrial pollution
infrastructure  Inadequate standards and  Existence of informal  Unfair competition
 Existence of co- testing equipment for and self help groups from middlemen
operative societies verification and testing  High demand for and brokers
 Vast tourist  Poor marketing structure affordable credit  Undesirable foreign
attraction sites  Inadequate market facilities culture
 Among the best infrastructure  Strategic geographical
sandy beaches in the  Inadequate entrepreneurship position of the county  High insecurity in
world skills  Unexploited tourism the region
 Qualified and  Rampant use of illegal niche products

26 | P a g e
experienced staff measurements  Political goodwill  Climatic change
 Availability of  Dormant co-operative  Community support
standards and testing societies  Availability of  Radicalization
equipment for  Poor succession management potential development  Beach erosion
verification and and affirmative action in co- partners
inspection operatives  Availability of  Uncontrolled
 Presence of offices  Poor governance in co- information development
at the county and operatives technology for
sub counties  Collapse of key agricultural marketing e.g.  Travel advisories
 Guiding policies in sub-sectors e.g. cashew nuts facebook, whatsup,
 Public land
place  Low value addition of local twitter, instagram,
 Existing tourism produce youtube, etc grabbing
facilities  Inadequate tourism standards  Lay-offs in Hotel
and regulations based Sacco’s
 Seasonality of the Tourism
Industry  Low levels of
 Inadequate ICT equipment technology usage
 Inadequate transport  High poverty and
 Low staff morale illiteracy levels
 Inadequate budgetary
 Weak partnership with
government agencies and
 Poor interdepartmental
linkages and co-ordination
 Poor enforcement of the law
 Absence databank and other
real time information on
cooperatives for timely
decision making


The department has achieved the following;

 Trained 350 groups on Entrepreneurship and financial management

 Collected Local revenue amounting to Kenya shillings 1,672,280.00

 Enactment of the Kilifi County Micro- finance Act 2016

 Enactment of Kilifi County trade licensing Act 2016

 Conducted 40 co-operative audits

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 Trained members of 6 dairy co-operative societies

 Organized two co-operative publicity events .i.e International Co-operative Day and Sacco

 Organized and participated in International trade fairs and exhibitions i.e Dar Es Salaam
International Trade Fair

 Organized five Tourism Promotional events e.g. Hosting of Kilifi County Miss tourism, Miss
and Mr World beauty pageant, Malindi Multicultural Festival, Watamu rugby and 4x4 off
road motor challenge

Marketed Kilifi County as a Tourism destination through local and international Trade Fairs
 Trained 205 beach operators and community eco-tourism guides

 Recruited 22 new staff

 Construction of sanitary facilities in four markets

 Facilitated the registration of 30 new co-operative societies

 Registered four Boda boda Saccos

 Ensured fair trade practices by verifying 1,395 trade measurement equipment

 Revived three co-operative societies

Emerging Issues

i. The weakening of the Kenyan shilling affects lending and business growth
ii. Insecurity threat in the region has dampened the vibrancy of businesses and Tourism in the
iii. Emerging of Value chain co-operatives
iv. More Youth and women embracing the co-operative model.
v. Ward development projects
vi. Radicalization of youths threatening security
vii. Close down of financial institutions
viii. Grabbing of public land
ix. Closure of domestic routes by the National carrier
28 | P a g e
Key Challenges

 Court injunction hinders projects implementation

 High illiteracy levels
 Mushrooming of unlicensed and unregulated villas and apartments
 Political interference
 Unstable milk prices and non-payment for milk delivered
 Poor governance in co-operative societies
 Low capitalization/ Inadequate capital to fully operationalizing co-operative activities leading
to weak co-operatives
 Lack of adequate management of marine tourism
 Inadequate funding for development projects
 Inadequate office space
 Grabbing of market land
 Inadequate entrepreneurship skills for MSEs and co-operatives
 Lack of land set aside for industrial development
 poor sanitation and disposal of wastes
 Inadequate transport for office operation
 Inadequate access to affordable credit facilities
 Lack of direct flights/charters to Malindi from Western countries
 Non-compliance with co-operative legislation
 Poor road networks
 Operation of businesses in non-designated areas
 Inadequate trading premises

2.5 Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Waste Management

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The Department of Water, Natural Resources, Environment, Forestry and Solid Waste
Management mandate is to ensure provision of safe water, clean and healthy environment
for all. It holds the sustainability of the Counties Economic Development and Prosperity.
The need to ensure sustainability of all the programmes and projects lies in sound
management of the environment and the natural resources whilst focusing on the social
economic dimensions. This focus on the sustainable management of the environment is
anchored within the Sustainable Development Goals making sound environmental
management a key pillar in economic development. The National Government recognizes
the need for sound environmental management hence the Ministry of Devolution; in the
County 2016/2017 financial year integrated environmental sustainability as a key item in the
performance evaluation. The Department was given the responsibility to manage waste in
the county in June 2015. Appreciating that the county’s waste has not reached
unmanageable levels, key issues to note is the high recurrent costs associated with human
resource wages, vehicle fuel and maintenance costs and waste management infrastructure
acquisition and development including PPEs. The social dimension of integrating
community forms the backbone of waste management as the people are the primary
generators of waste.
The county stands at the national average forest cover of 6.07%. Increasing the forest cover as
envisioned by the constitution faces threats in the county due to increasing deforestation
through illegal logging and charcoal burning, and lack of community motivation to plant
trees. With the finalisation of the Transition Implementation Plans, programs on forestry
should be considered for funding to reverse the above trends. Climate change impacts
continue to be experienced in the county ranging from extreme droughts, rising of the sea
level and erratic weather patterns resulting in poor rainfed agriculture programs in the
County. This threatens the livelihoods of the Kilifi County residents. The focus on
agriculture needs to clearly integrate environmental programs to mitigate climate change
resultant impacts and support coping mechanisms.
The County has plenty of minerals ranging from the already exploited limestone blocks in Tezo,
Ballast in Ganze and Sand in Magarini. Major mining opportunities exist in mineral titanium
in Sokoke and Mambrui and base metals (iron ore and manganese in Ganze Sub County.
Though there is quite a substantial exploitation of minerals in the county, the trickle-down

30 | P a g e
effect to the community is far unreached. The department has managed to do a Minerals
Exploitation Plan, sand harvesting policy and bills with special focus to artisanal and small
scale miners. These programs once supported will improve the livelihood of over fifteen
thousand community members who directly benefit from the minerals exploitation sector.
With the development of the County Outdoor advertisement policy, Environment regulation and
control bill in 2016, the department has developed programs to stream line these areas. Most
revenue collected in the county is currently from the Natural Resources, Environment,
Forestry and Solid Waste Management. This revenue collected can be increased if programs
and projects in the Department are funded. Equally, the section's programmes and projects
would directly support the community cope with climate change impacts of erratic rains,
prolonged droughts, extreme temperatures and crop pests and diseases which are currently
hardly hitting the people of Kilifi county and rarely associated as direct impacts to climate
Water in the county remains a problem for domestic use, livestock and Irrigation. The County
has 1205 shallow wells, 135 water pans, 90 small earth dams and 50 boreholes. The
proportion of households with access to piped water is 48.1 per cent while proportion of
households with access to potable water is 63.3 per cent
Major funding support has been in water infrastructure development in the past year with the
initial focus being in Water Pipeline Extensions, New Water Pipelines, Water Pans, and
storage facilities. This has led to the improvement of the water provided to residents from
63.3% in the county to 75% It has also reduced the average distance of a community
member to draw water from 5km to 3km in the rural areas where water is scarce.

SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Existence of a key  Dilapidated water  Positive attitude  Skyrocketing
water resource base infrastructure towards forest cost of power at
(Sabaki, Rare,  Lack of machinery and conservation by the the water works
Kombeni, Kafuloni equipment to develop community significantly
rivers; well fields, water infrastructure such  Existence of key raising the unit
springs) in the County as dams and boreholes donors and cost of
 Existing water  Constrained capacity of development partners production of
infrastructure within the 2 Water Service such as The World water
the county (boreholes, Providers (WSP) to better Bank, JICA and UN  Infrastructure
31 | P a g e
water treatment works, deliver services keen to work with the vandalism
high lift pumps,  Inadequate knowledge and County in advancing  Unpredictable
transmission and local human capacity on development goals weather
distribution pipelines mineral exploitation  Water demand conditions
and water storage  Low capacity to mitigate outstripping supply  Poor sanitation
tanks) against drought in areas  Availability of  Industrial
 Availability of land not covered by the water suitable sites for pollution
and variety of natural pipeline supply network water resources  Loss of
flora and fauna in the  High wastage (Non- development biodiversity
County Revenue Water) due to  Development of a through Illegal
 Availability of pipe leakages and low sustainable logging and
environmental metering community based charcoal burning
governance  Uncoordinated environmental  Polythene
institutions created by development of water management menace
EMCA e.g. NEMA structures by various strategies such as  Human wildlife
and County players social forestry conflict
Environment  Poor waste disposal  The initiative to  Competing land
Committee  Lack of sewerage systems Gazette all the forests use with forestry
 Ability to generate in major towns in the in the county
revenue through County  Establishment of tree
licensing levies and  Lack of gazettement of nurseries
permits etc. some forests  Environmental
 Existence/formation of  Inadequate involvement of Action Plans
the County communities in  Draft Government
Government environment management policy on recycling
department charged  Weak enforcement of and disposal of non-
with Water and environmental regulations biodegradable
Environment  Lack of Gazetted materials such as
 Availability of wide environmental law polythene bags
range of unexploited enforcement officers  Establishment of
minerals (manganese,  Weak enforcement of environmental clubs
titanium, iron ore, coal mining regulations in learning
and lime) institutions
 Conducting EIAs and
Environment Audits


The Department has been developing legislation and policies to streamline its operations and
management. The legislation includes the Water Bill, The Environmental (Regulation and

32 | P a g e
Control) Bill, The Sand Harvesting Policy, The Quarry Bill and The Outdoor advertisement
policy. This has also been coupled with the development of other strategic documents to guide
management of the resources including the Natural Resources Exploitation and Management
Plan, The County Environment Action Plan and The outdoor advertisement master plan which is
yet to be developed. The Department also developed the Strategic Plan for five years. Several
programmes have been implemented including the green school programme, commercial
woodlots project, education and awareness on environment, urban greening and beautification
programme, and many water pipelines extensions, dams and boreholes.


Challenges being experienced in the management of the Natural Resources, Environment,

Forestry and Solid Waste Management have resulted in both short and long term impacts, some
detrimental to human health and well being. In the natural resources section, lack of legislation
to manage the exploitation of the natural resources is a major challenge especially in the
quarrying of minerals. The county needs to fund projects geared towards artisanal and small
scale miners as exploitation of minerals has always benefitted private investors at the expense of
the Kilifi community. Challenges in environment are also experienced through non existence of
county laws that directly mandate the officers to handle Air, Outdoor advertisement and Noise
pollution. Managing Disco matanga is a major challenge as it is an emerging cultural issue
bedeviling the residents of Kilifi County. This results in higher costs towards monitoring and
follow up and enforcement which the department does not have. The forest section has quite a
myriad of challenges. The delay in the finalisation of the signing of the Transition
Implementation Plan by the Council of Governors has resulted in a management gap of the
forestry function. Deforestation has increased tremendously, illegal logging, charcoal burning
and bush clearing with on farm tree felling for sale very high. This coupled with in ability to
fully enforce the regulations partly due to lack of legislation and or infrastructure and vehicles
escalates the issue. The emerging issues in forestry is the Charcoal transported by BodaBoda.
This category of transporters is not recognized by the law and hence do not require a permit of
transportation. In the Waste Management Section, the Department was given this mandate in
June 2015. This function however did not come with its budget provision. The major challenges

33 | P a g e
experienced relates to underfunding of the function. The staff lack PPEs for safety during their
work, and equipments to aid their work. Little funds are available for maintenance of the
vehicles and dumping areas located far from the collection in Mtwapa, Gongoni and Watamu.

Non integration of the County Projects and Development programs with Environmental matters
results in lack of sustainability of most of the projects and threatens the Kilifi People. This is a
major challenge in the wake of climate change being felt in the county. Erratic rains resulting in
poor rain fed agriculture production has become a common phenomenon in Kilifi County.
Drought experienced in some parts of the county are a direct result of deforestation which
threatens both human, crops and livestock. Agriculture and other development projects and
programs must integrate environment aspects for sustainability.

The main challenges facing the water sub-sector revolve around financing and capacity provision
of clean, safe, accessible and affordable water and sanitation services for all is hindered by single
reliable water source (Baricho), old water infrastructure, less storage facilities, low community
participation in water management issues and saline underground water (such as; Chonyi, Roka,
Mtondia, Ngerenya and Ganze).

The County Government through the Department of Water Environment, Forestry and Natural
Resources, with the support of development partners like the National Drought Management
Authority, the Constituency Development Fund and other agencies has invested heavily in
construction of water pans in the hinterlands in an effort to alleviate water shortage within the
county. The national government (through Coast Water Services Board) has also rehabilitated
the Baricho and Mzima water supplies to improve access to potable water. All these efforts are
geared towards reducing walking distances to water points. The county however needs to embark
on the rehabilitation of the existing water schemes to increase their efficiency, including
construction of earth dams and pans. The communities will further be encouraged to build
shallow wells, sub-surface dams and also undertake roof catchments to harvest rainwater.

Environmental Challenges
 Lack of proper enforcement of the environmental act
 Catchment areas degradation

34 | P a g e
 Lack of interest to activities of common good
 Scarcity of land due to subdivisions (reducing of land sizes as a unit production per
 Limited financial resources
 Lack of adequate understanding of the nexus between human activities and climate
change among the policy makers, land users and the general public
 Weak legal provisions
 Ignorance

Water Challenges
 Old and dilapidated systems
 Low coverage
 Single reliable water source (Baricho),
 Less storage facilities,
 Low community participation in water management issues and
 Saline underground
 Poor storm
 Climate change
 water drainage
 Inappropriate application of resources
 Lack of proper and adequate sewer disposal

2.6 Lands, Energy Physical Planning and Housing

Landlessness exhibited by squatters is a major phenomenon in the county. However, the
Government has taken measures to establish settlement schemes so as to settle the squatters
in the county. Kilifi County is one of those counties in the country which has not benefitted
from the national housing scheme. The town planning was poor as there was no provision
for housing schemes except for Malindi town. The towns of the county have high potential
for slum developments as more unplanned informal settlements have been seen to develop.
To mitigate against this situation the county intends to develop a low cost housing scheme
project for areas with potentials for slums. Secondly, to boost the morale of the county

35 | P a g e
public service, the county government will invest in a low cost housing scheme on mortgage
basis to be introduced through financial institutions so as to provide homes for those
workers in the county who would like to purchase own houses
To ensure planned formal settlement the county government will demarcate land and assign
housing estates to such in all major towns of the county. These estates will be planned to
have all amenities such as water, electricity, sewerage system and other essential services.
This controlled development will have designs and drawings done by the county public
The county government of kilifi in its current economic transformation strategy for employment
and wealth creation identifies energy as one of the critical pre-requisites towards the
achievements of the countys economic development goals.

SWOT analysis
Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats
The Lands office is in Landlessness There is a high demand The unresolved
place for housing land question
Lack of an
Goodwill from the integrated The National Land Uncontrolled
community framework for policy urban development
Availability of building Availability of abundant
development in the
materials (sand, ballast, sources of renewable
cement, coral blocks, energy such as wind and
steel, roofing materials) Weak Building Code solar.
and appropriate building
Inadequate Ongoing energy
specialized development programs
The County Housing unit equipment for land by the national
has staff and office space mapping and government
All urban centres have Development partner’s
electricity from the interests in County
national grid development


In fulfilment of its mandate the department implemented the following projects, among others, in
2015/16 financial year: -

36 | P a g e
 Development of the county spatial plan. The plan identifies programs and projects for the
development of land, indicate areas where priority spending is required and set out a capital
investment framework for the county’s development program.
 County Resource Mapping. This took stock and compiled an inventory on the status of all the
resources within the county. This ensures that resources are exploited in a sustainable manner
for the benefit of the citizens.
 Titling survey of Mwele adjudication section. Registry Index map of 1625 plots. Part of a
total of 17933 surveyed plots for titling purposes in the years under review.
 Titling survey of Mleji adjudication section. Registry Index map of 1800 plots. Part of a total
of 17933 surveyed plots for titling purposes in the years under review.
 Titling survey of Kitengwani adjudication section. Registry Index map of 2675 plots Part of a
total of 17933 surveyed plots for titling purposes in the years under review.
 Titling survey of Tsangalaweni adjudication section. Index map of 2730 plots. Part of a total
of 17933 surveyed plots for titling purposes in the years under review. Registry Index map of
560 plots.
 Titling survey of Petanguo adjudication section. Registry Index map of 560 plots Part of a
total of 17933 surveyed plots for titling purposes in the years under review.
 Titling survey of Baricho adjudication section. Registry Index map of 1605 plots Part of a
total of 17933 surveyed plots for titling.
 Survey of Gongoni squatter settlement scheme. Registry Index Map of 833 plots Scheme
planning & surveying of plots
 Part of a total of 17933 surveyed plots for titling purposes in the years under review.
 Survey of Bureni squatter settlement scheme. Registry Index Map of 251 plots Scheme
planning & survey of plots
 Part of a total of 17933 surveyed plots for titling purposes in the years under review.
 Survey of Chakama II settlement scheme. Registry Index map of 1956 plots Part of a total of
17933 surveyed plots for titling purposes in the years under review.
 Planning of Kaloleni town. Notice of completion published. Inception report, base map,
preparation data capture &processing, stakeholder’sengagements, land use plans,
development strategies and guidelines.

37 | P a g e
 County land audit. Determination of ownership of various land parcels within Mariakani
Township, Mtwapa, Mazeras/Bonje and Kilifi-Mnarani in dispute.
 Housing audit. Auditing of all county housing estates and public buildings, formulation of a
repair and maintenance plan and coming up with projections of county housing needs in all
urban centers.
 Housing survey. Determination of housing units and their physical conditions for both
private and public, documentation of challenges facing the affordability of quality housing,
and finding out the general housing market trend. It was also expected to provide an analysis
of the type of building materials used in the county.
 Energy audit. Kilifi county energy audit.
 Purchase of land. Purchase of 11 acres for bus park ,market, stadium and court

Emerging Issues and challenges in the sector

 Lack of proper land policies

• Absentee landlords
• Commercial squatting
• Lack of proper ownership data
• Conflict between absentee landlords and tenants
• Inadequate funding
• Inadequate staffing
• Lack of clarity on devolved housing functions
• Lack of harmonized housing inventory
• Inadequate capacity
• Inadequate funding
• Lack of clear guidelines
• Inadequate data on energy needs

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2.7 Finance and Economic Planning Department
The department of Finance and Economic Planning is one of twelve departments that constitute
the executive arm of the County Government of Kilifi. It comprises of six sections namely
Accounting Services; Supply Chain Management; Internal Audit; Budget Management and
Economic Planning; Revenue Management and Corporate Services. The mandate of the
department includes mobilizing financial resources; management of County finances and other
assets; provision of advisory services on public financial management and overseeing
formulation and implementation of County development policy and plans.

SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

Elaborate network of Disjointed structures Availability of fibre Vested interest
revenue collection of revenue collection optic cables Corruption
centers Lack of management Availability of a pool Delayed disbursement
Skilled, Experienced support of educated people of funds.
and knowledgeable Poor record keeping Diverse revenue Delay in approval of
staff and retrieval sources enabling legislations
A well coordinated mechanism Availability of
work force Lack of reliable automation service
Decentralized PFM revenue collection providers
operations system Availability of IFMIS
Use of a standardized
financial accounting


The department has in the last three financial years developed and facilitated enactment of
various legislations to streamline its operations; actualize devolution and improve service
delivery. The legislations include Appropriation Acts (2013; 2014; and 2015); Rating Act 2016;
Valuation for Rating Act 2016, the Kilifi County Ward Scholarship Fund Administration Act,
2013; Valuation for Rating Bill 2014, Finance Acts (2014; 2015), Emergency Fund Draft Bill,
Tax Waiver Bill, Ward Development Programme Policy and County Donation Policy, 2016.
This is in addition to developing the first County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2013-
2017), deepening the use of the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS),

39 | P a g e
and training of staff on the same. The department has also prepared a five-year strategic plan
which forms the basis for staff performance and appraisal. This has revolutionized financial
transactions and related services that constitute the core service delivery mandate of the

Emerging Issues and Challenges in the Sector

 Further devolving financial functions

 Participatory and all inclusive budgeting process
 Unjustified and non- consultative budget cuts


The county has five level 5 public hospitals, 13 public health Centres, 120 public dispensaries,
one mission hospital, two private hospitals, one armed forces hospital, five private nursing
homes and 107 private clinics. The bed capacity in hospitals is 498, in health Centres it is 30
and in nursing homes is 16. The doctor/patient ratio is 1:42,625, clinical officer/patient ratio
is 1:30,194 while the nurse/patient ratio is 1:3,396. Malindi, Kilifi and Mariakani district
hospitals are the only referral hospitals in the county. Kilifi District hospital hosts KEMRI
that is involved in various health research activities. The inpatient bed capacity in health
facilities in the county is 508 beds.

The average morbidity rates in the county are 12.9 percent with females having higher
morbidity rates at 15.4 percent as compared with men at 9.9 percent. The most common
causes of morbidity in the county are malaria/fever, lower respiratory infections, stomach
ache, diarrhoea and flu.

The contraceptive prevalence rate is low at 37.3 percent thus implying a low utilization of family
planning services. This is further exhibited by relatively low Anti-Natal Clinics attendance
by pregnant women at 50.5 percent.

40 | P a g e
A healthy population is essential for higher productivity and sustained long term development of
a nation. We have achieved notable progress, especially in controlling communicable
diseases (tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria) and attaining marked decrease in child
mortality, but other health challenges associated with affluence and accidents are emerging –
putting pressure on our health care system. The aim of Kilifi County Government in is to
enable all Kenyans access to modern and well-equipped health facilities and well trained and
motivated health care workers. The county government of Kilifi and other partners, will
implement a second generation health care reform strategy involving; recruitment of more
health workers, expansion of training facilities, development of systems to support and
expand health care services and sanitation at the community level. A program for health care
infrastructure upgrade and equipment modernization, especially through leasing, will be
implemented. Kilifi County Government will also finalize the development of a health
policy and institutional and legal framework for enforcement of health care standards. In
addition an efficient, effective and accountable framework for the management of public
resources and medical supplies at the facility levels will be put in place.


Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threat

Health facilities existing up Human Resource Provision of free maternity Social barriers and
to tier 3 (74 dispensaries, services practices and Tourism
12 Health Centres, 5 Inadequate staffing levels; influence
Hospitals) Low skills development;
Mal distribution of human
Poor staff attitude;
Low staff morale.
Availability of skilled staff Weak supervision Partnership Emerging and remerging

Availability of management Inadequate space and room Existing social structure Societal norms
teams and Structure

Availability of Long procurement CSR ( Cooperate social

funds (County Government beuracractic systems responsibility)
of Kilifi Support)

Availability of essential
health products (Medical
drugs and health

Availability of functional Poor maintenance of Political good will and

health information systems equipment and buildings support
41 | P a g e
Existence of Poor infrastructural ICT  infrastructure
Community health services
(preventive and Promotive);

Medical services
Medical services
Sexual and
Health ( maternal
and child health
TB/HIV/ Malaria.
Availability and use of Inadequate storage space – Beyond zero initiative;
National health policies and warehousing;
guidelines (MDGs, Vision Alternative traditional
2030) Lack of basic and medicine;
specialized health care
equipment; Tour resort sites and hotels
which can be an avenue for
Lack of standard equipment medical tourism;
Peace and stability in the
Lack of ethical research County;

Emerging and remerging


Inadequate transport

Low uptake of public health


Lack of ethical research


Erratic supply of health


Irrational use of medicines;

Insufficient evidence for

decision making (DDU);

Low operational research;

Non-compliance with
standards and guidelines;

Poor dissemination of
guidelines and standards;

42 | P a g e
Inadequate facilitative

Emerging and remerging



The focus is to increase access of health care by reducing the distances that the public have to
cover while seeking for health care. The strategy to achieve this is through construction of new
health facilities. The following facilities were constructed in the period under review: Mrima
mkulu, Migumomiri Dispensary, Uwanjawa Ndege, Boraimani, Marikano, Chiferi, Milalani and
Kamale Dispensary

The department has completed 26 Dispensaries which had been left incomplete by either CDF,
LASDAP or LATIF. The facilities are as below:

Mulunguni Dispensary, Gandini Dispensary ,Mtoroni Dispensary ,Jila Dispensary, Kachororoni

Dispensary, Ndatani Dispensary, Kasemeni Dispensary, Konjora Dispensary, Kiwandani
Dispensary, Mjanaheri Dispensary, Burangi Dispensary, Malanga Dispensary, Dungicha
Dispensary, Shakahola Dispensary, Kadaina Dispensary, Mkondoni Dispensary, Mitsajeni
Dispensary, Makomboani Dispensary, Magarini Dispensary, Mwembe Kati Dispensary, Jimba
Dispensary, Chumani Dispensary, Boyani Dispensary, Tunzanane Dispensary, Rimarapera
Dispensary, Dingiria Dispensary, KadzifisteniDispensaries and Kinuguna Dispensary.

The following health facilities were refurbished to enhance preventive maintenance and continued
provision of Heath care services: Chasimba Health Centre, Ganda, Pingilikani, Mwapula, Jaribuni,
Palakumi Dispensaries and Bamba Sub County Hospital.

To increase access to specialized maternal health care,Maternity and operating theatres were
constructed in the following health facilities: Marafa and Rabai Health Centre, Mariakani, Jibana
and Bamba Sub County Hospital.

In addition, the following maternity wards were constructed to increase access to maternal and
43 | P a g e
health care: Kakoneni, Uwanja wa Ndege , Mrima wa Ndege, Jilole and Lenga Dispensaries

Two hundred medical staff cutting across cadres were employed. This is geared towards reducing
the gaps in the staffing levels to improve efficiency and effectiveness in health care service

To improve the health facilities capacity and to increase access to specialized diagnostic health
care, the following equipment was procured: Physio/Occupational/ Orthopaedic Equipment, Renal
Dialysis,CT Scan, Digital X-ray Machines, Laboratory Equipment, X-ray Machine, 2 Dental
Chairs, Operating Tables (4No.) for Rabai, Bamba, Jibana and Mariakani, anaesthetic machines
and assorted theatre equipment.

Further, the department procured the following equipment, 12 baby incubators , 80 delivery beds ,
120 patient beds and mattresses, 20 stethoscopes, 20 baby weighing scales, 20 adult weigh scales,
20 suction machines, 20 wheel chairs. 40 office tables, 80 office chairs, 40 screens, 40 drug
cabinets. This equipment has facilitated the operationalization of completed stalled health

As strategy to improve Pharmacueticals and non Pharmacueticals and other related commodities
availability has been approached through the construction of a county warehouse at Kilifi County
Hospital. To cater for staff welfare and improve health care service delivery, staff houses were
constructed as below: Mtepeni, Kiwandani, Mtwapa, Jila, Uwanja wa ndege and Ndatani

Emerging Issues and Challenges

Need to decentralise financial management. The Chief Officers need be empowered to manage
finances at the departmental level while the county treasury oversees the financial operations in
the County and gives technical advice.

There is an increase in diabetic cases and there is need to focus and plan on the strategies to

44 | P a g e
address the same.

Cases of cancer have been on an increasing trend. There is also need to focus and plan on
strategies to address the same. The department of health has made cancer sensitization, screening
and treatment one of its programme for a more strategic and structured approach in public
sensitization, education, screening and treatment.

Community strategy empowers community to take care of their health needs. There is need to
embrace this strategy and to focus more on preventive health services.

Access to health services is still a challenge in some of the parts of our County and in some cases
the patients have to travel for long distances as they seek for health services. However, the County
Government of Kilifi is committed to ensure there will be health facility in every county ward. On
realising this, the next strategy will be to ensure there will be a health facility after every 5
Kilometres as per the WHO standards.

2.9 Devolution, Public Service and Disaster Management

This department comprises of three sections namely, Devolution; Public Service; and Disaster
Management. It is charged with the mandate of devolving services to the grass root level; manage
services to the public and disasters preparedness and response.

SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

County public Inadequate Citizens and Prevailing
service in place staffing & Skills development insecurity threat
level partners good
Legal existence Lacko f policy Existence of Disasters
framework. National Laws
Structure in place Inadequate Vested interests
institutional and corruption.

45 | P a g e

The department has in the last financial year achieved the following;

 Completion of 3 Sub county Administration offices in Ganze, Kilifi South

and Magarini.


The Kilifi County Public Service Board was inaugurated on 3rd July 2013. Section 57 of County
Government Act 2012 established the CPSB as a corporate body with perpetual succession and
capable of suing and being sued. According to Article 59(1) of the County Government Act 2012
the Board is responsible for management of human resources in the county. Article 58 gives the
composition of the Board as including a Chairperson, Secretary and five Board Members
appointed by the Governor with approval of the County Assembly.

The Board’s mandate cuts across all County Government Departments due to its composition
and placement in the County Government structure. It provides overall policy and leadership
direction in the management of County Human Resource, coordinates policy formulation,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The specific functions of the Board as provided for
in Article 59(1) of the County Government Act 2012 are to;-

 Establish and abolish offices in the county public service

 Appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the county public service including in the
Boards of cities and urban areas within the county and to confirm appointments
 Exercise disciplinary control over, and remove persons holding or acting in those offices
as provided for under this part
 Prepare regular reports for submission to the county assembly on the execution of the
functions of the Board
 Promote the values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution of
Kenya 2010 in the County Public Service
46 | P a g e
 Evaluate and report to the county assembly on the extent to which the values and
principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232 are complied with in the county public
 Facilitate the development of coherent, integrated human resource planning and
budgeting for personnel emoluments in counties
 Advise the county government on human resource management and development
 Advise county government on implementation and monitoring of the national
performance management system in counties
 Make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, on behalf of the
county government, on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for county public
service employees.

The above functions are implemented through committees with the support of the secretariat.
Each committee is composed of at least two Board members, secretariat staff and co-opted
members. CPSB has five committees namely Recruitment and Selection Committee,
Performance Management Committee, Planning, Monitoring and Reporting Committee,
Human Resource Management and Development Committee and Compliance and Quality
Assurance Committee.

Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Diverse background of  Inadequate human  Good working  Wide and diverse
the Board members resource for CPSB relations with demographics
 Collaboration between  Inadequate stakeholders (competition for the
Secretariat and Board infrastructure  Collaboration few job
members with external HR opportunities)
 Support from MCAs associations and  Higher expectations
and County Executive firms from the members
 Board members of public
involved in decision
 Shared values and

47 | P a g e

During the period under review the Board achieved the following:

 Appointment of Ward Administrators

 Recruitment of an Administrative Officer (Monitoring and Evaluation), HR Officer, Records
Officer, Reception Assistants and Support staff for the Board.
 Implemented the Board Strategic Plan and Service Charter
 Promotion of 713 staff in the Health Department
 Public participation in the sensitization of stake holders on the roles and responsibilities of
the CPSB.
 Recruitment of several cadres of Medical Staff.
 Developed 13 Human Resource Management policies to be shared with stake holders before
being rolled out.
 Developed and submitted end of year report – December 2014
 Participated in the planning and budgeting process for personnel emoluments
 Involvement in management of HR issues including promotions, discipline and transfer of
 Representation in the National Consultative Forum of County Public Service Boards
 Supported HR training on performance management and provided an oversight role on
performance contracting of the County Executive Members
 Participation in the Job Evaluation exercise
 Recruitment of ECD caregivers
 Absorption of ECD Officers
 Absorption of Casuals
Emerging Issues and Challenges in the Sector

During the period under review, the Board faced a number of challenges in the discharge of its
constitutional mandate. The challenges included:

48 | P a g e
 Inadequate human resource due to low remuneration package, mismatch of skills and job
requirements and inability to get staff with the required qualifications on some of the
positions advertised
 The Board was not able to share the policies developed with stake holders
 Managing the transition process and dealing with low morale of employees of the DLA
 Ensuring equitable distribution of the few employment opportunities to meet the
constitutional requirements on gender, youth, religion and marginalized groups
 Criterion for absorbing casuals inherited from DLA with no requisite qualifications
 Gender disparities making it difficult to meet the two thirds constitutional requirement in
 Handling promotion cases for devolved staff where personal files have not been transferred
 Litigations/lawsuits against the Board

49 | P a g e
Chapter Three: Development Projects and Programmes

50 | P a g e

3.0 Introduction
This section provides an overview of departments’ vision, mission, sector priorities and
programmes and projects proposed to be undertaken in 2017/18 financial year, based on the
CIDP and sector strategic plans. It lists two sets of programmes and projects: one of ongoing
programmes and projects and another of new proposals. Ongoing programmes are those initiated
in previous and current financial year, but which implementation are planned to continue into
2017/18 and even succeeding financial years, according to the annual MTEF three-year rolling
expenditure planning. Projects listed as ongoing are those being implemented in phases and will
be requiring second or final budgetary allocation in 2017/18 fiscal cycle. The other set of
proposals, the new programmes and projects are geared to addressing emerging issues and new
priorities, guided by the CIDP, sector strategic plans and other national development plans and

3.1 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development

Vision: The Department’s vision is: “Food security for all people in the County”

Mission: To transform and promote agriculture, livestock and fisheries for improved livelihood
and sustainable development

3.1.1 Sub-Sector Priorities, Constraints and Strategies


Agriculture Sub-Sector
Promote mechanized Poor methods of land preparation; Promotion and operationalization of
agriculture appropriate modern technologies in
Low use of certified inputs - seed;
land preparation;
Develop relevant policies and Manures; fertilizers and agro-

51 | P a g e
regulations chemicals; Enhance capacity building for
farmers and stakeholders;
Improve agricultural Inadequate facilitation for
Streamline Licensing procedures for
productivity extension services
Promote value addition of High cost of farm inputs
Encouraging proper timely
agriculture commodities
High post-harvest loses due to harvesting and storage ;
Increase area under irrigation, incidences of pests e.g. weevils;
Promotion disease resistant crop
Modernize agriculture Low productivity of trees crops varieties;
through Research and like coconut and cashew nuts;
Implementation of tree crop
Poor and fluctuation prices of farm rehabilitation programme for
Promote sustainable land use produce; increased productivity.
and conservation
Poor roads network leading to loss Facilitate access of clean and disease
Develop Market infrastructure in horticultural produce; free planting materials.

Over dependency on rain-fed Promote irrigated agriculture

Rehabilitation of tree crops;
agricultural production. through revival of non functional
Horticultural development; irrigation schemes
Inadequate legislation and policy
Intensification of extension Inadequate access to financial Encouraging small farm based value
services addition and cottage industries.
Development of drought and
Establish sustainable funding
disease resistant crop
Promote use of weather forecasting
on choice of appropriate crop
Enhance use of ICT in provision of
extension services

Fisheries Sub-Sector
Promote sustainable Low capacity fishing fleet. Promote sustainable fishing
development of fisheries technologies
resources. Low productivity in both capture
Build the capacity and structures of
and aquaculture fisheries.
community management and
To reduce post-harvest losses
for fish and fishery products. Weak fisheries management and
governance structures.
Develop the sector human resource
Maintain quality of through Inadequate legislation and policy capacity.
the fish value chain.
52 | P a g e
Weak capacity to stop Illegal, Development of relevant legislation
Develop the capacity, Unregulated, unreported fishing.
Support development of access to
efficiency and quality of
financial services to fisher folk.
service provision. Weak information, research and
extension linkages.
Promote and support initiatives to
Support to value addition
develop aquaculture.
initiatives to fish and fishery Inadequate handling and storage
products. facilities;
Development of fisheries training
Inadequate access to financial facility.
To develop and promote fish services,
and fish products marketing
systems. Inadequate skills capacity among Strengthen enforcement of fisheries
the extension staff. regulations
Promote aquaculture
Inadequate facilitation for Promote development of more
extension services. efficient fishing gears and fishing
Increasing exploitation of
EEZ fishery resources. Inadequate land for establishment
of fish handling infrastructures Promote establishment of
appropriate fish handling,
Development of fisheries
preservation and marketing
training facilities.
Maintain International fish safety
and quality standards along the fish
value chain
Livestock Development Sub-Sector
Develop strategic water Inadequate water for livestock  Construct water pans
reserves – water pans / during drought  Drill boreholes
boreholes Erratic rainfall  Develop dams
Pasture and fodder -Inadequate pasture and fodder for
Reseeding of degraded land.
development livestock during the dry periodsPromote fodder and pasture
-Lack pasture seeds bulking / production.
stockiest in the county Promote fodder and pasture
Inadequate and Erratic rainfall conservation
Facilitate farmer capacity building
Establishment of Hay shed
( livestock feed reserves)
Dairy development -Inadequate knowledge skill in -Capacity building of the dairy
dairy production farmers
Poor quality dairy cattle - Promote use of Artificial
53 | P a g e
Inadequate livestock feeds( home insemination
grown and commercial feeds) - Facilitate dairy groups with dairy
Low levels of value addition of cows for demonstration
milk. -Facilitate farmers to adopt value
addition technologies.
Poorly organized farmer groups -Promote own grown feeds as well
as home farm feed formulation.
Organize and built strong farmer
marketing groups
Facilitate development of milk
marketing infrastructure.
Meat goats Low productivity of indigenous Introduction of Galla goats for
meat goats upgrading the indigenous goats to
Inadequate fodder and pasture in big mature body weights and
the goats rearing areas produce more meat
Beef cattle production Low productivity of indigenous Introduction of Boran bulls for cross
cattle breeding for fast growth rate and big
mature body weights.
Beekeeping Low number of beehives and in Facilitate the farmers to acquire
the county more beehives and harvesting kits
Inadequate bee harvesting kits Capacity building the farmers
Inadequate technical knowledge Facilitate linkage of the farmers to
by the beekeepers the markets

Non ruminants -Low productivity of the

Cross breed the indigenous chicken
Local poultry indigenous chicken with improved cocks for fast growth
-Inadequate poultry feed resourcesrate and bigger mature body sizes
Poor Facilitate introduction of other feed
resources / raw materials such
Promote on-farm feed formulation.
Ranching -Poor management of ranches Capacity built the ranch members
Inadequate feed resources for improved performance
Promote reseeding of the ranches for
Inadequate poorly developed water production of adequate pasture and
resources fodder.
Establishment of Hay sheds to store
Promote hay in strategic sites.
Promote development of water
facilities e.g. earth pans to improve
water availability
54 | P a g e
Livestock marketing Poor linkage to external market of Facilitate construction of Livestock
livestock and livestock products. sale yards.
Facilitate capacity building of
Poorly organized marketing livestock producers and traders.
Provision of extension Inadequate staff at the ward and Employ more technical staff to
services village level. strengthen the existing number.
Inadequate funding for extension Increase funding for extension
services services.
Organize more field days and on
Transport facilities Inadequate transport facilities at Procure more motor vehicles and
the county and sub county and motor bikes.
ward levels
Research , Extension -Farmer Weak linkages with farmers due to Strengthen research, extension and
linkage shortage of extension staff in the farmers linkages.
villages. Promote establishment of farmer
field schools.
Emerging livestock Inadequate technical knowhow on Lobby for harmonized policy.
the emerging livestock enterprises.
Conflict of interest between
Livestock producers and KWs

A. Development Projects and Programmes

On-Going Projects/Programmes: Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries.

Project/Programme Estimated
Name and Location Cost
Objectives (Kshs.) Target Description of activities

P.2: Crop Development and Management.

SP2.1 Food security initiatives

Cashew nut, coconut and Increase area under Distribution on going for
7,416,610 128,666
mangoes promotion cashew nut and 66,666 cashew, 20,000 mango
productivity and 100,000 coconut seedlings
Increase farmer’s
Construction of Enhance marketing Construction of cassava
12,000,000 1
Agribusiness centre for and income processing plant
55 | P a g e
Cassava processing generation for food
Cassava solar drying shed Enhance cassava Construction of a solar dryer
704,900 1
processing that is like a green house
P.3 Agribusiness and Information management

SP3.1 Agricultural information management

Toilet construction 1 - Improve on work Construction of toilet with
450,000 1
AMS Mariakani environment sewer tank
Completion of fence at Enhance institutional 2,652,900 Construction of chain link
ATC security with concrete posts
Sink a second borehole Improve water 1,994,374 1 Drilling on going
(ATC) provision for the
Construction of a hostel at Development of 26,000 1 Construction of a hostel at
ATC Mtwapa institutional capacity ATC Mtwapa
P.4 Irrigation, Drainage and Mechanization Infrastructure

SP4.1 Promotion of irrigation and drainage development

Balagha Irrigation project Enhance Crop 5,000,000 3 pumps Pipes and fittings,
Production and and pipes 3 water pumps
Burangi irrigation scheme Enhance Crop Pipes and fittings,
8,000,000 4 pumps
Production and 4 water pumps
Productivity & pipes
Dagamra Feasibility Study Enhance Crop Feasibility study done
4,000,000 1
Production and For irrigation scheme
Maghudho Irrigation Enhance Crop Construction of a retention
5,000,000 1
scheme Production and weir
Mdachi Irrigation Scheme Enhance Crop Lining of distribution canals
3,871,999 1200m
Canal Lining Production and
Construction of water tanks Enhance Crop Concrete Platforms
3,875,376 12
platforms and fitting Production and constructed to raise water
Productivity tanks for irrigation
P. 5: Livestock Development
SP. 5.1 Livestock policy and capacity building
Projects Objective Estimated Targets Description of activities
cost (Kshs)
56 | P a g e
Construction of soak pit To create an 2,000,000 1 i)Requisition for the works
tank at Veterinary HQs enabling ii)Preparation of bill of
environment for quantities
livestock iii)Tendering and Evaluation
development iv)Awards of tenders
v)Construction/civil works
SP 5.4 Food safety and animal products (meat inspection

Survey and fencing of To facilitate 2,500,000 1 -civil works

Vipingo Slaughter house marketing of
livestock products
Location: Kilifi South
SP 5.5 Livestock disease control and management
ii)Disease search and 2,000,000 1 -Procurement of sample
surveillance collection equipment
Location: All sub counties -Visiting sites to bleed animals
-Collection of other social
information relevant to disease
out breaks
SP 5.1 Livestock policy and capacity development
Perimeter fence and toilet To facilitate market 1,000,000 One unit Construction
construction for Kanagoni access for livestock
livestock sales yard
Adu ward
Extension To facilitate staff 2,000,000 Assorted Procure and distribute to staff
equipment/materials while doing
extension work
Refurbishment of livestock To improve the work 2,500,000 One unit Renovate one office
Langobaya office environment
Farmer capacity building To enhance the 5,695,000 800 farmer training, tours,
knowledge and skills
for livestock farmers
SP 5.3 Livestock Products Value Addition and Marketing
Construct Milk collection To improve market 4,027,966 One unit completion and equipping the
and cooling centres access for the raw centre
Bamba milk
Construct New Milk To improve market 4,673,018 One unit completion and equipping the
collection and cooling access for the raw centre
centres milk

57 | P a g e
Construct New Milk To improve market 4,227,966 One unit completion and equipping the
collection and cooling access for the raw centre
centres milk
Complete Construction To improve market 1,204,904 One unit Construction and equipping
works of Zowerani milk access for the raw the centre
collection and cooling milk
Construction of Rabai milk To improve market 2,004,000 One unit completion and equipping the
cooling and collection access for the raw centre
centre milk
Tsangatsini livestock sale To facilitate market 1,300,000 One unit Construction
yard perimeter fence and access for livestock
Kayafungo ward
Perimeter fence Langobaya To facilitate market 500,000 One unit Construction
livestock sale yard and access for livestock
toilet construction for
Baolala/ Langobaya
Jilore ward
Purchase of equipments for To improve market 2,500,000 5 Procure and instal the milk
milk collection centres access for the raw cooling tanks at the cooling
( Rabai, Bamba, Ganze, milk centres
Marafa and Manyeso)

Programme 6: Fisheries Development

SP 6.1 sustainable capture fisheries

25,000,000 Feasibility Conduct a feasibility study of
Development of fish study fish port development.
handling processing 1 joint Support joint venture
Development of a fish port facilities venture initiatives;
Location: Kilifi HQs initiated
Development of sea shore Protect fish landing 20,000,000 1 sea shore Development of tender
protection structure at site from erosion structure documents
Ngomeni fish landing site. constructed Construction of sea shore
Location: Ngomeni protection structure.
Gongoni ward
Capacity building of BMUs To develop local 4,000,000 Train Capacity building of fisher
Location: All sub counties. fisher folk and folk through trainings
capacity in fisheries

58 | P a g e
S.P 6.2 Aquaculture Development

Mariculture ponds To increase the 10,000,000 10 Construction of mariculture

development production capacity mariculture ponds and establishment of
Location: Sokoni,Kibarani, of farmers from fish ponds crabs and fish rearing
Matsangoni, mariculture established. facilities.
Magarini, Gongoni,
Development of Fisheries Develop fisheries 7,000,000 1 complete Purchase of laboratory
and aquaculture laboratory training facilities at fisheries equipments
at ATC Mtwapa the ATC. laboratory
Location: Shimo la Tewa
Pond fisheries development To increase 16,000,000 20, ponds Purchase 140 ponds liners
projects. production from completed ( pond liners for every sub
All sub counties. fresh water fisheries. for every sub county)
county Rehabilitate 140 (20 fresh
water ponds for every sub
To improve fish 6,000,000 240 fish Procure and distribute fish
production and ponds fingerlings for 240 ponds.
productivity in stocked
Provision of fingerlings aquaculture
Location: all sub counties production facilities
To develop capacity 4,000,000 Train Capacity building of fish
of farmers and farmers and mariculture
Capacity building of fish stakeholders in groups through trainings
farmers aquaculture and
Location: All sub counties. mariculture
S.P 6.3 Fish Quality Control and Marketing

Completion of toilet at Provide clean 700,000 1 toilet Construction of septic tank,

fisheries office (Kilifi- working block plumbing works and fittings
Sokoni). environment
Sokoni ward
Completion of fish depot – Provide the BMU 1,000,000 3 solar Completion of fish depot –
Marereni. with modern safe powered Marereni.
fish handling freezers, 1
facility. borehole,

59 | P a g e
3.1.3 New Programmes/Projects 2017/2018

Project Objectives Targets Description Of Activities

Est. cost Projected
2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

Programme 2. Crop Development

S.P 2.1 food security

Procurement of tractors;
Agricultural Hire of plant operators;
mechanization Setting up of management
through teams; Capacity building of
Procurement of To increase crop plant operators
tractors acreage 20 112m 123.m 138m
Agricultural Procure agricultural machinery
mechanization Planters - Planters, maize shellers,
programme tractor maize drying machines,
county wide driven 7, 5 Sprayers and cassava chippers
To increase cassava
crop chippers,
productivity sprayers 7. 20M 22M 25M
Increase Purchase of Procurement of fertilizer and
production fertilizer(9 seeds; Identification of
21 bags farmers; Capacity building
DAP, on the use of fertilizer;
Provision Distribution of fertilizer and
of 1842
bags NPK
and 1842
Provision of bags CAN)
fertilizers 18 20m 22m
Rehabilitation of 120,000
tree crops orchards and
-Fruit trees in mangoes
Agriculture 20,000 Procurement and distribution
(Mango and Increase crop of seedlings, Capacity
coconut) productivity building on agronomy 35m 30m 30m
Rehabilitation of
tree crops orchards 120,000 Procurement and distribution
- Cashewnut Increase crop cashewnut of seedlings, Capacity
programme productivity seedlings building on agronomy 18m 19.8m 22.8m
Provision of To increase food Maize Procurement and distribution 7.7m
certified self-sufficiency 10tons, of certified seeds for bulking 7m 8.63m
seeds( Assorted ) and incomes green
60 | P a g e

To establish 300,000 Procurement of improved

cassava seed planting material; Capacity
Provision of bulking sites
cassava cuttings county wide 2M 1.2M 1.5 M

Programme 3 Agribusiness and information management

Farmers capacity service delivery Farmer field School
building through programme on coconut and
FFS 17 cashewnut 5.1m 5.61m 6.28m
Capacity Building in Improve
the Agriculture and extension
Rural Development
Sector of farmers and service
delivery Value addition, proposal
development, SPSS,
10 irrigation, agronomy 5M 6M 7M
building on
climate change Training various aspects
Farmers capacity mitigation on climate change
building 4 2m 2m 2m
market access,
and technology
sourcing, and
household Establishment of cottage
Cottage industry income industry for household
for coconut and processing of fruits
cashewnut 7 20M 22M 23M
Promote market
access, and
Establishment of technology
Agribusiness sourcing Promoting innovation and
Development business incubation
Centre 1 12m 13.2m 14.78m
Promotion of fruit Promote 7 Establishment of cottage 17M 18M 20M
processing market access, industry for household
(Mango,passion,p and technology processing of fruits
ineapple) through sourcing, and
establishment of
61 | P a g e
cottage industry income
in villages county

Programme 4: Irrigation , Drainage and Mechanization

SP4.1 Promotion of irrigation and drainage development and management

Increase the area
Development of under irrigation Develop Burangi irrigation
Burangi Irrigation by 5ha scheme-Rice Production
Scheme (Rice
production) 1 50m 30m 20m
Increase the area
under irrigation Dagamra Irrigation Scheme
Implementation of by 5ha Implementation
Dagamra Irrigation
scheme 1 50m 30m 20m
Water harvesting – Increase access 6 Construction of dams
50m 50m 50m
Construction of to water for
dams domestic and

P. 5: Livestock Development
SP. 5.1 Livestock policy and capacity building
Capacity building To enhance the 7,000 Hold residential & none 8m 8.5m 9m
livestock keepers capacity residential trainings,
of various (knowledge educational tours, field
livestock and skills) of days/demonstrations,
production livestock exhibitions & conferences
aspects keepers for

Construction of Enhance 4 Construction of one earth 40m 42m 45m

water pans & availability of pan per year in each of
boreholes for water for the four s sub counties for
livestock use livestock use in 3 years
Kaloleni Fencing
Magarini, ,
Malindi , Ganze Formation and training of
sub counties earth pan committees.

62 | P a g e
Development of To stabilize 72 acres Fencing, water 35m 45m 10m
the Kavunyalalo livestock feed and development (drilling
livestock farm resource in the borehole), fodder
county 2 establishment & balling,
boreholes construction of farm
4farm structures and equipments.

Dairy cow project Increase 70 Purchase of dairy cows. 14m 14.5m 15m
number of ( 70 cows per year for
farmers with three years)
dairy cows
Distribution of the cows
beneficiary groups

Capacity building of the


Follow ups

Dairy Goats Increased milk 140 Procurement and 6.3m 6.5m 6.7m
development production distribution of 140dairy
goats per year
Kilifi north, Kilifi
south, Kaloleni, Capacity building of the
Magarini, , farmers
Malindi rabai
and Ganze sub Follow ups

Promotion of Increased 700 Procurement and 3.5m 3.7m 3.9m

Rabbits access to distribution of 20 rabbits (
production animal proteins twenty per ward per year)

Kilifi north, Kilifi Capacity building of the

south, Kaloleni, farmers
Magarini, ,
Malindi Rabai Follow ups
and Ganze sub

Up scaling of Increased 700 Procurement and 6m 6.2m 6.,4m

Beekeeping honey distribution of 700 hives
production and accessories to farmers
63 | P a g e
Kilifi South , and bee ( twenty per ward per
Magarini Kilifi products year
North , Ganze,
Malindi, Rabai, Capacity building of the
Kaloleni farmers

Follow ups

Local Poultry Increased 2000 Procurement and 3.0m 2.6m 2.7m

development production and distribution of 40 chicken
Commercializa per ward per year
County wide tion indigenous
poultry Capacity building of the

Follow ups

Meat Goats Upgrading of 1400 Procurement and 28.4m 22.6m 22.8m

(Galla) indigenous distribution of 40 goats
development goats for more per ward per year
meat and
All Sub Counties increased Capacity building of the
income farmers

Follow ups

Improvement of Increased 20 Procurement and 4.6m 4.8m 5m

local Zebu productivity of distribution of 24 Boran
the indigenous bulls per year (6 per each
Malindi, Ganze, zebus through of the four sub counties)
Magarini and cross breeding
kaloleni with Boran Capacity building of the
bulls farmers

Follow ups

Renovation of Improved work 1 Refurbishment of the 2m 0.050 0

Sub-county environment office
production office-
Ganze HQ


Fodder To enhance 3000 kgs Procurement and 4.m 4.5m 5m

establishment and fodder and pasture distribution of 3000 kg

64 | P a g e
conservation pasture seed assorted pasture grass
availability all seeds,600,000 napier grass
All wards year round for 600,000 cuttings
sustainable napier
livestock grass
production cuttings

Construction and Improved work 4 New construction of 4 12m 12.5m 13m

equipping of ward environment office block per year
production office
with toilet

All sub counties

Renovation of Improved work 1 Refurbishment of the 2m 0.5m 0

Ward livestock environment office
production office
and staff quarters


SP 5.3 Livestock Products Value Addition and Marketing

Promotion of Enhanced 3 Pasture conservation 21m 36.6m 0
fodder pasture and -Construction of 2 hay
conservation fodder storage Bandas, purchase of a
structure and livestock lawnmower and a hay
feed reserves bailing machine
7 sub counties
Construction of To improve 1 Construction and equipping 30m 8m 0
Manyeso milk market access the centre
cooling and for the raw milk
collection centre


SP5.1: Livestock policy and capacity building

i) Completion of To create an 3 i)Requisition for the 15m 0 0
construction of enabling works
DFZ offices in environment ii)Preparation of bill of
Rabai, Ganze and for livestock quantities
Magarini Sub development iii)Tendering and
65 | P a g e
-Counties Evaluation
Veterinary HQs iv)Awards of tenders
v)Construction/civil works
ii)Capacity To create an 200 Training of the 3.3m 3.3m 3.7m
building to enabling participan participants
farmers and environment ts
stakeholders on for livestock
livestock policies development
and legal
frameworks: All
Construction of To create an 600m Procurement and civil 3 0 0
fence at head enabling works
quarters environment
for livestock
SP 5.4 : Food safety and animal products development

i) Construction of To facilitate 2 -Evaluation and tendering 28m 30.1m 33.9m

modern slaughter marketing of -civil works
slab livestock
Location: Bamba products
and Adu
ii)Provision of To facilitate 100L of Procurement activities 0.6m 0.66m 0.72m
Meat inspection marketing of inspection and distribution to
equipments livestock ink and slaughter houses
products other
SP 5.5 : Livestock disease management and control

Livestock Disease Enhance 2 surveys Conducting of surveys 4m 1m 1m

surveillance livestock
health and
i) Purchase and To increase 2kgs Procurement, delivery to 2m 2.2m 2.4m
provision of livestock Veterinary offices and
Liquid nitrogen. production distribution to service
Location: All and providers
wards productivity
ii) Provision and To increase 2,500 Procurement and 2m 2.2m 2.4m
distribution of livestock doses distribution to service
quality Bull production providers
Semen. and
Location: All productivity
66 | P a g e
i)Provision of To improve 64 Procurement and .7m 0.73m 0.8m
tsetse control livestock distribution to farmers for
foot pumps to health and spraying their animals
livestock farmers productivity
Location: all sub
iii)Provision of To improve 500Litres -procurement 2m 2.2m 2.42m
acaricide(Syntheti livestock -distribution to cattle dips
c Pyrethroids) for health and for use
dipping productivity
programmes in
iv)Provision of To improve 250 Litres -Procurement 2.45m 2.7m 2.96m
pour-ons for livestock -distribution to farmer
tsetse control to health and groups or Crush pen
areas with no productivity committees
cattle dips to be
used in spraying
of animals
v)Provision of To improve 400,000 -Procurement 5m 5.5 m 6.1m
Vaccines for livestock doses of -use in vaccinating
Vaccination of health and various animals in vaccination
animals(FMD productivity diseases campaigns
Blanthrax, RVF,
NCD, Fowl
Gumboro, Fowl
Pox and Rabies
Location: ALL
vi)Carryout two To improve 2 Vaccination and Baiting 2m 2.2m 2.5m
(2) Vaccination livestock exercises
and Baiting health and
campaigns productivity
Location: All
Capacity building To improve 7,000 Conduct trainings 9m 7m 5m
and training for livestock farmers
farmers on
health and
veterinary services
67 | P a g e

Programme 6 ; Fisheries Development

SP. Sustainable Capture Fisheries

Development of Increase uptake 2 new Promote two new fishing 8m 6m 5m

Fishing gear and of new and fishing technologies such-
technology. efficient fishing technologie -Pole and line
technologies. s adopted. -Drop line

Fishing gear Increase uptake 1000 Procure and distribute the 5m 6m 7m

exchange of new and fishing appropriate fishing gears.
programme efficient fishing gears
gears procured

Procure of To support 51 Procure and distribute 51 23m 26m

outboard engines- modernization outboard out board engines.
All BMUs of fishing engines.
17 BMUs in Kilifi technologies
South, Kilifi North,
Malindi and
Magarini sub
Carry out frame Update the 1 frame Carry out one frame survey 0 2.5m
survey fisheries survey for all fisheries and fishing
industry data effort.
Patrol and Improve the and 4 Carry out licencing 5m 6m
licencing control of IUUs campaigns campaigns (vetting,
campaigns (2 licencing)
licencing Carry out patrols ( arrests
campaigns and charged )
4 patrols)

SP 6.2 Aquaculture Development

Mud crab fattening Develop 30 Training groups on 15m 5m 1m

project diversification operating commercial crab farming
of community Provision of crab cages for
income sources 30 ponds
from mud crab Supply for initial inputs for
farming. 30

68 | P a g e
Establishment of To support 1feed Procure and install a fish 4m 2m 1m
fish feeds growth of production feed production unit.
production unit aquaculture by unit Trains farmers on feed
available and production technology;
affordable high Support subsidized fish feed
quality fish feed
production materials.
16m 17m 18m
Pond fisheries To increase 20, ponds Purchase 140 ponds liners
development production from completed ( pond liners for every sub
projects. fresh water for every county)
fisheries. sub county
All sub counties. Rehabilitate 140 (20 fresh
water ponds for every sub

SP. 6 .3 Fish Quality Control and Marketing

Construct fish Provide for 2 fish depot Development of the tender 18m 2m 0
depot for Kichwa modern fish established. documents
cha Kati BMU and handling Construction of the depot

Revival of To develop the 1 -Support group recruitment 3m 2m 1m

fishermen capacity for the functioning campaign
cooperative fishermen to fisheries co- -train the group on co-
market their operative operative management
fish. Procure fish transport and
fish handling equipments

Development of Support the Develop 1 Develop fish port 50m 60m 70m
fish port at development of PPP for fish establishment
Takaungu fish port facility port PPP.

3.2 Education Youth affairs and Sports

Vision: Excellence in education, youth empowerment and sports

Mission: To provide quality education, empower youth and promote sports for social and
economic development

3.2.1 Sub-Sector Priorities, Constraints and Strategies

69 | P a g e
Sub-Sector Priorities Constraints Strategies
ignorance, child labor and
Education -Early Sensitization and awareness
Childhood campaigns e.g. through whole school
education Inadequate infrastructure, approach programme
-Access and poverty
Engage strategic partners, set aside
transition levels
funds for scholarship.

Stable and
Youth Drug abuse, Creation of more opportunities for
Affairs Hiv Aids, Unemployment, youth
youth through micro-enterprise
population initiatives,
lack of civic education
Construction and equipping of
empowerment and rehabilitation
Sensitization and capacity building
Sports Lack of enough sports Upgrading of the existing sports
development fields.
-Development Insufficient funds Engaging the county
of sports sportsmen/women in county and
infrastructure national sports competitions.
Formation of county sports teams.
Equipping Youth Empowerment programmes in
Youth -preference on white-collar
youth with jobs. polytechnics
skills and
-most courses are limited to -introduction of marketable and
the artisan levels thereby relevant courses.
not attractive to the youth -Free entry and exit and re-entry
- Lack of fees by trainees
- understaffing

3.2.2 Ongoing Programmes/Projects

Project Name Objective Estimated Targets Description Of Activities

70 | P a g e
Cost (Kshs)
Programme 4: Early Childhood Development Education programme

Fumbini To improve access and 20M A serviceable Phase Two of the project
Resource Centre quality of pre primary resource centre

3.2.3 New Programme and Project Proposals 2017/18

Project Name Objective Targets Description Of Est Projecte Projected

/Location Activities Cost d 2019/20
2017/18 2018/19
Programme 1: General administration, planning and support services

Deciding of venue,
ALL setting dates, Sending
Conduction of 1 County POLYTinvitation letters to all
exhibition for Youth To showcase ECHNIpolytechnic managers,
Polytechnic Products talents CS conducting the event 2M 2M 2M
Deciding of venue,
To celebrate ALL setting dates, Sending
Hold a county vocational POLYT invitation letters to all
Vocational training 2nd training students ECHNI polytechnic managers,
Graduation Ceremony. achievements CS conducting the event 2M 2M 2M
Mapping and selection
of participants,
To collect Development of data
information on collection tools, Pilot
youth to help in testing of
laying out of questionnaires,
intervention ALL Execution, data analysis
Research and feasibility programs WARDS and report writing 4M 4M 4M
Programme 2: Technical Vocational Education and Training programme

Sub-Programme 2.1: Infrastructure development and expansion

Identification and
Assessment of the
Construction of 10 polytechnics,
workshops with Improve the preparation of the BQs,
classrooms and hotels quality of tendering and
across 10 wards infrastructure 10 construction 150m 5M 5M
Construction of 15 new Improve the 15 Identification and 150M 10M 10M
Youth Polytechnics quality of Assessment of the
infrastructure polytechnics,
71 | P a g e
preparation of the BQs,
tendering and
Procurement of modern
tools and equipment for Improve the Needs assessment,
training in 13 Youth quality of procuring and
Polytechnics. learning 13 distribution 26M 3M 3M
Identification and
Assessment of the
Construct of computer polytechnics,
labs for 7youth Improve the preparation of the BQs,
polytechnics of 7wards quality of tendering and
and equipping them in infrastructure 7 construction 42M 5M 5M

Sub-Programme 2.2: Technical accreditation and quality assurance

Mapping and selection
of polytechnics,
Check on preparation of
deficiencies in All assessment tools and
the learning Polytech indicators, execution of
Quality Assurance systems nics the exercise 2M 2M 2M

Programme 3: Sports training and competitions

Identification of
participation teams,
ALL Fixing of dates and
Conduct of county POLYT selection of venues,
Youth Polytechnic Sports talent ECHNI conducting the
sports championship. development CS competition 2M 2M 2M

Programme 4: Early Childhood Development Education programme

To improve Identification and
access and Assessment of the ECD
quality of pre centres, preparation of
Construction of 50 ECD primary All the BQs, tendering and
centres across all wards education Wards construction 200M 220M 220M
Identification and
Assessment of the ECD
Fix outdoor play centres, preparation of
materials to 35 model Promote outdoor the BQs, tendering and
centres activities 35 construction 70M 35M 0
Needs assessment,
Purchase of furniture for Improve All procuring and
completed projects learning Wards distribution 30M 30M 30M
Identification and
Assessment of the ECD
Promote health centres, preparation of
Construction of toilets and sanitation of the BQs, tendering and
for 35 ECD centres ECD centres 35 construction 70M 70M 70M

72 | P a g e
Identification and
Assessment of the ECD
Fencing of ECD centres Enhance centres, preparation of
detached from primary security of ECD the BQs, tendering and
schools centres 15 construction 150M 100M 100M
Enhance the
capacities of
parents and
Capacity building of stakeholders in Mapping and selection,
parents and other promoting ECD drawing the programs,
stakeholders education 35 stakeholders’ meeting 35M 35M 35M

Programme 5: School health , nutrition and meals

Development of tender
To increase documents,
School feeding retention of All procurement,
programme pupils in schools Wards distribution 140M 140M 140M

Programme 6: Development and management of sports facilities

7 Excavation, Levelling
upgrade and compaction of loam
Upgrade sports fields Have standard d sports soils and demarcation of
one in each sub county sports fields fields sports coaches 35M 42.35M 5M
Fencing, excavation,
Have standard a levelling, laying and
sports stadium compacting loam soil on
that will act as the pitch, construction
the county talent of a standard football
Renovation of Karisa development pitch and construction
Maitha Stadium centre 1 of a dais 25M 5M 5M
Fencing, excavation,
levelling, laying and
compacting loam soil on
the pitch, construction
of a standard football
Construct modern Have standard pitch and construction
sports stadium sports fields 1 of a dais 100M 100M 100M

Programme 7: Youth training and development

2 Wings youth
empowerment centre at Nurturing and Land acquisition,
Kilifi North Sokoni development of fencing, construction,
Ward talents 1 equipping , ICT 30M 3M 2M
Youth Talent Academy Nurturing and Land acquisition,
phase 2 at Mtwapa development of fencing, construction,
Shimo la Tewa Ward talents 1 equipping , ICT 30M 3M 2M
1 Wing youth Nurturing and Land acquisition,
empowerment centre development of fencing, construction,
Ganze Sub-County talents 1 equipping , ICT 30M 5M 5M

73 | P a g e
3.3 Information Communication Technology, Culture and Social Services

The department’s mandate is to:

 Develop and manage information communication technology
 Promote and deliver e Government services
 Promote and preserve positive culture for socio-economic development
 Promote and manage Social services
Vision: A well-informed and socially responsive County
Mission: To Manage ICT for effective and efficient service delivery, provide social services and
Safeguard cultural heritage for socio-economic development

3.3.1 Sub-Sector Priorities, Constraints and Strategies

Sub- Priorities Constraints Strategies
Improved Inadequate policies, legislations, Enact Bills and policy to Improve ICT
Connectivity standards and guidelines to Governance in the County
ICT services in mainstream ICT usage in the
the County County Train ICT professional staff on
Specific technical ICT skills in tandem
Inadequate funding for with their area of specialization and
implementation of key need
priority/flagship projects, and
promotion of Research in ICT for Develop a coordination framework for
development implementation of ICT projects in the
Inadequate High-End skills in
ICT to meet the requirements of
both Government and Industry
Lack of effective coordination in
implementation of ICT projects in
the County leading to costly

Improve Inadequate policies and bills to Develop partnership programs with

74 | P a g e
Culture social guide and mainstream culture and NGOs and other development
and security and social service activities within the stakeholders.
Social rehabilitation County
Services of vulnerable Formulate policies and bills to guide
groups. Inadequate technical staff and mainstream culture and social
capacity for proper and effective service activities within the County
service delivery
Develop partnership funding
programmes with Small & Micro
Enterprises (SMEs) and other financial
Promote Inadequate policies and bills to Develop partnership programs with
socio- guide and mainstream culture and NGOs and other development
economic social service activities within the stakeholders.
empowermen County
t activities Formulate policies and bills to guide
targeting the Inadequate technical staff and mainstream culture and social
poor and capacity for proper and effective service activities within the County
vulnerable service delivery
Formulation and adoption of a social
members of development policy for regulation of
the self help group registration
across the Develop a social development fund to
county provide grants to groups and
Facilitate Poorly coordinated social service Adoption of public entertainment and
public activities between the two levels Social amenities bill
entertainmen of government and with other
t and social stakeholders
Promote Inadequate budgetary allocations Develop partnership programs with
cultural for implementation of key NGOs and other development
heritage development projects within the stakeholders
activities sector
Promote community cultural festivities
Westernization of local cultures To provide specialized training for
field staff.
Inadequate technical staff
capacity for proper and effective To develop and implement a
service delivery community management plan for
sacred and historically significant
cultural heritage sites.
Betting Establishmen Lack of legislation, policies and Formulation of stakeholder forum in
Control t of the standard the industry

75 | P a g e
Betting Enact Policies to regulate the industry
Control and and address emerging issues

3.3.2 On-Going Projects/Programmes

Project Name, Location Objective Estimates Targets
Cost (Kshs.)

Completion of Chonyi To provide a conducive

Amphitheater, Mwarakaya environment for social,
ward, FY 2014/15. recreational, cultural, leisure and 15Million. Kilifi County.
lifelong learning activities and
other scenic use in culture for
community members within the
Construction of Gede To provide a conducive 9,597,120.80 Residents within
Social hall, Dabaso ward, environment for social, the ward.
recreational, cultural, leasure and
FY 2014/15. lifelong learning activities for
Construction of Marafa community members within the 9,630,009.00 Residents within
social hall, Marafa ward, wards in the County. the ward.
FY 2014/15
Construction of social hall 9,016,146.00 Residents within
at Roka Maendeleo ya the ward.
wanawake, Matsangoni
FY 2014/15.
Construction of social hall 10,879,825.60 Residents within
at Mariakani, Mariakani the ward.
FY 2015/16.
Construction of Multi- 9,828,545.00 Residents within
purpose social hall at the ward.
Kambe Ribe ward,

76 | P a g e
FY 2015/16
Construction of Social 9,616,284.00 Residents within
Hall at Mpirani, the ward.
Magarini Ward,
Construction of Social 9,140,660.00 Residents within
Hall at Malindi, the ward.
Malindi town ward,
FY 2015/16.
Construction of social hall 9,503,145.00 Residents within
at Kibaoni, the ward.
Sokoni ward,

Construction of beach To provide a conducive 2,480,960.00 Members of the

public toilet at Mazingira environment for proper sanitation public.
park, Sokoni ward, for members of the public.
FY 2015/16.
Construction of Public 2,480,960.00 Members of the
toilet at Jumba ruins, public.
Mtwapa ward.

3.3.3 New Projects and Programmes 2017/2018

Project Objective Targets Description of activities Estim Projec Proje

Name and ates ted cted
location Cost Cost cost
2017/1 2018/1 2019/
8 9 20

P1: ICT Infrastructure Development

77 | P a g e
SP1: ICT Infrastructure Connectivity

Connect County To enable shared Conduct survey 25M 3M 2M

headquarters to services cost Connect the WAN with
NOFBI reduction by Fiber to connect all 7Sub
taping from the counties HQs.
national Fibre

Youth To increase ICT Vitengeni, a. Conduct WAN Survey – 15M 3.5M 3.5M
Polytechnic access. Marafa,Muye 0.5M
Connectivity ye,Adu,Gede, b. Building infrastructure –
Infrascture Mkwajuni,kal 11.5M
(WAN) – 15 No oleni,Distoni, c. Connecting Internet -3
YPs. Mwamustung
Develop County To establish a Develop A GIS Application 25M 5M 6.5m
Smart county to establish existing path of
Infrastructure infrastructure Electrict grid,water ,Fibre
Newtwork newtwork for and Road network/
future planning
Lobby To ensure evenly Conduct County ICT 25M 25M 25M
CAK( Comunica distribution of Sector infrastructure
tion authority of internet summit.
Kenya) and broadband & Develop legal frame work
private service mobile network and Incentives programmes
providers coverage to
(Safaricom, households in
Airtel both urban and
orange,zuku rural
fiaba internet,)
to increase
mobile network
coverage in the
SP2: ICT and BPO Development
Establish a To Build up a 1 lot of 6 Conduct project feasibility 59.5 23.1M 25.4
county ICT center of months (70 study – 5M M M
incubation hub innovation in the trainees- two Construct Hub/Lab- 15 M
in conjunction County from each and equip the Incubation
with Pwani ward) Hub/Lab. – 30M
university for Recuriting and training one
ICT innovation, lot -10.5M
78 | P a g e
and development
of software
020800 P2: Information And Communication Services
SP 2.4 E-Government Services
Conduct an e- To establish the 35 wards - Conduct a survey 175M 0 0
readiness survey Digital divide
among the among the County
County residents Residents
Citizen To Build a 1 Develop a web portal for 10M 15M 20M
participation / County resident Citizen registration
Customer Database for easy Develop a County USSD
Relationship communication for Registration using
Management and planning Mobile
(CRM) Develop Loyalty
programmes at a all County
Services points.
Setup Digital To Increase 14 wards. Construction -70M 132M 22M 24M
kiosks in all 14 public service (Two wards Equipping -42 M
wards delivery and in each sub Connectivitity and internet
support County) bills-10M p/a
Services deployment-10M
P.1 General Administration, Planning and Support Services
S.P.4.3 Information Communications Services
Disaster To business Map County ICT Risk 3M 2M 1M
Recovery and continuity Develop disaster Frame
business work.
Social Protection, Culture and Recreation
P 3: Social Development Services
S.P 3.2: Community Mobilization and development
Construction of To provide a Residents Provision of project 12.5M 15.5M 18.5
a social hall at conducive within the specifications. M
Kikambala. environment for ward.
Construction of social, Residents Award construction 12.5M 15.5M 18.5
a social hall at recreational, within the services. M
Bamba. cultural, leasure ward.
Construction of and life long Residents Monitoring and evaluation 12.5M 15.5M 18.5
a social hall at learning activities within the of the project. M
Gongoni. for community ward.
members within Accept and hand over the

79 | P a g e
the wards in the project to the benefissiaries.
Furnishing and To make the 9 Residents 18M
equipping of 9 social halls and 1 within the
number social amphitheatre ward.
halls; and operational.

Construction of To provide a Members of Provision of project 7.5M 8.1M 9M

public toilets at conducive the Public. specifications.
Tezo , Bamba, environment for Award construction
and Mariakani proper sanitation services.
trading centers. for members of Monitoring and evaluation
the public. of the project.
Accept and hand over the
project to the benefissiaries.
S.P 4.1: Social Assistance to Vulnerable Groups
Rehabilitation of To protect All (OVCs) 3M
a rescue center (OVCs) from all magarini
for vulnerable forms of abuse . ward.
children at
Madzayani in
Magarini ward.
S.P 3.1: Social Welfare and vocational rehabilitation
Expansion and To rehabilitate Kilifi 8M
equipping of alcohol and drug Rehabilitatio
Kilifi addicts within the n Center.
Rehabilitation sokoni ward.
P.4 Library Services
SP. 4.1Library Services
Concrete wall To secure the plot Malindi 7M
fencing of from community
Malindi encroachment. library plot.
library plot.
P.2 Culture
SP. 2.1 Conservation of Heritage
Rehabilitation of To conserve the Kaya Bomu Concrete pole fencing and 3M
Kaya Bomu. local community afforestation.
forest (Kaya
80 | P a g e
S.P 2.3 Development And Promotion of Culture
Construction of To have an Kilifi County Site identification 15M
amphitheatre convergence point BoQ preparation and
Phase 1. for coultural contractor identification
activities show Construction of phase 1
SP2.2 Betting Control and lottery Policy services
Building of The garge wll be a. BoQ preparation and 3.5M 0 0
Garage and for the section contractor
Store at the vehicles identification
Malindi Betting b. Construction of the
Control Office garage and store
LandScapping at To level the office a. BoQ preparation and 2.5 0 0
the Malindi ground contractor
Betting Control identification
offices b. Land scapping

3.4 Trade Development, Cooperative, Industrialization, Tourism and Wildlife


Vision: To be a globally competitive and innovative tourism, co-operative, trade and industrial
sector for socio-economic development

Mission: To provide an enabling environment that facilitates investments and development of

tourism, Co-operative, trade and industrial sectors for wealth creation and sustainable growth.

3.4.1 Sub-Sector Priorities, Constraints and Strategies

Sub-SectorPriorities Constraints Strategies

Promote the Inadequate access to Facilitate the provision of affordable
growth and affordable credit credit
Trade and
graduation of
Industry Poor market infrastructure Procure Trade Standards and Testing
Use of unauthorized
Promote measuring equipment Provision of appropriate and legal
Dumping of goods from mechanisms to ensure fair business
of small scale
81 | P a g e
industries outside practices and level playing ground
for the business actors;
Promote fair Inadequate skills to venture
trade practices into other lucrative business Provide training to MSME’s
Create a conducive environment for
Inadequate information the private sector to invest;
and research on potential
investment areas Promote aggressive marketing
strategies by all the stake holders.
Poor market linkages for
MSME’s products;

Promote the Low Capital Base Diversification into other income

growth co- generating activities for improved
Co-operative operative Poor Marketing capital base;
Development movement Structures/Systems
Facilitate access to affordable credit
Improve the Inadequate Co-operative Promote marketing of co-operative
governance of Knowledge and Marketing products and services
Co-operative Skills
Societies Capacity building of committee
Low value addition of Co- members, society members and
operative produce staff;
Promotion of new and revival of
Poor governance in some dormant cooperative societies;
Facilitate Co-operatives to do Value
Non-remittance of co- Addition
operative dues
Develop County legislations and
policies to govern co-operatives
Promote Kilifi Bad publicity denting Tourism promotion campaigns;
as a preferred Kenya’s image in the
Tourism & Encourage domestic tourism;
tourist source markets;
destination Develop new Tourist Circuits
Lack of diversification of
the tourism product; Diversification of Tourist products;
Over reliance on Capacity building in the tourism
International Tourists sector; Improvement of tourism
Inadequate tourism
standards and regulations
Poor infrastructure.

82 | P a g e
3.4.2 On-Going Projects/Programmes

Project Name Objectives Estimated Targets Description of activities

Location cost


Refurbishment of Improvement 10M 1 office - Preparation of BQs
Kilifi Co- of working block
operative conditions refurbishe -Floating and awarding of tenders
Building d


Kilifi County Improve 62M Operation Establishment of the fund

Micro Finance access to alize the
Fund programme affordable County Establishment of the management
(Mbegu Fund) - business micro committee/board
All Wards finance finance
Follow up and recovery

Construction of Enhance 25M 1 Market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
Charo Wa Mae efficiency in Constructe capture
Market phase II- trade supply d
Sokoni Ward chain. -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Renovation of the Enhance 25M 1 Market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
old market and efficiency in Refurbish capture
construction of a trade supply ed and a
new unit at Kwa chain. new unit -Documentation(tender documents)
Jiwa Market- construct

83 | P a g e
Phase II-Shella ed -Procument
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of Enhance 5M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Mwarakaya efficiency in constructe capture
market trade supply d
chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Completion of Enhance 5M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Mkwajuni efficiency in completed capture
market-Mnarani trade supply
Ward chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of a Enhance 2M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

market shade at efficiency in shade capture
Tsangatsini trade supply constructe
trading centre- chain d -Documentation(tender documents)
Kayafungo Ward
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)

84 | P a g e
-Management and control

Construction of a Improve 1M 1 toilet -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

4 door toilet hygienic constructe capture
block at standards in d
Mijomboni markets -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of Enhance 5M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Charo Ngoma efficiency in constructe capture
market-Kibarani trade supply d
Ward chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Rehabilitation of Enhance 2M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Sosoni open air efficiency in refurbishe capture
market-Marafa trade supply d
Ward chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Fencing of Enhance 2M 1market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Mariakani open security fenced capture
air market- checks in the
Mariakani Ward market -Documentation(tender documents)

85 | P a g e
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of a Improve 1M 1toilet -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

4 door toilet bock hygienic constructe capture
at Mjanheri standards in d
market-Magarini markets -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of a Improve 1.4M 1 toilet -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
4 door public hygienic constructe capture
toilet block at standards in d
Mtondia/Majaoni the market -Documentation(tender documents)
trading centre- centre
Tezo Ward
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Garashi open air Enhance 2M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
market-Garashi efficiency in constructe capture
Ward trade supply d
chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)

86 | P a g e
-Management and control

Construction of a -Enhance 5M -1 toilet -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

toilet block and efficiency in constructe capture
rehabilitation of trade supply d
Kagombani chain -Documentation(tender documents)
market- Magarini -1 market
-Improve refurbishe -Procument
hygienic d
-Site handing over
standards in
markets -Construction
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Rehabilitation of -Enhance 2.5M -1 toilet -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
Marafa market- efficiency in constructe capture
Marafa Ward trade supply d
chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-1 market
-Improve refurbishe -Procument
hygienic d
-Site handing over
standards in
markets -Construction
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of Enhance 40M 1market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
Mtwapa market- efficiency in constructe capture
Shimo La Tewa trade supply d
Ward chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Completion of Enhance 7.5M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
Matanomanne efficiency in completed capture
market – trade supply
Vitengeni Ward chain -Documentation(tender documents)

87 | P a g e
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of Enhance 6.8M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
Ganze market- efficiency in constructe capture
Ganze Ward trade supply d
chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of Enhance 4M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Cassava market- efficiency in construct capture
Ganze Ward trade supply ed
chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Construction of a Improve 1.6M 1 -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Tailoring block at business Tailoring capture
Buni-Rabai- working workshop
Kisurutini Ward environment construct -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)

88 | P a g e
-Management and control

Construction of Enhance 4M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Malanga open air efficiency in constructe capture
market-Sokoke trade supply d
Ward chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Acquisition and Economicall 1M 1 Posho -Stakeholder involvement and needs

installation of a y empower Mill assessment
Posho Mill at targeted acquired
Shikaadabu- groups and -Procurement
Rabai-Kisurutini installed
-Handing over, follow up and reporting
Purchase of Improve 1.5M 5* Market -Stakeholder involvement and needs
market tents- business tents assessment
Kakuyuni Ward working acquired
environment -Procurement
-Handing over, follow up and reporting

Purchase of Improve 0.5M 3* Market -Stakeholder involvement and needs

market tents- business tents assessment
Marafa Ward working acquired
environment -Procurement
-Handing over, follow up and reporting

Purchase of Improve 0.28M 2* Market -Stakeholder involvement and needs

market tents- business tents assessment
Gongoni Ward working acquired
environment -Procurement
-Handing over, follow up and reporting

Construction of Enhance 4M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Mjanaheri efficiency in construct capture
market-Magarini trade supply ed
Ward chain -Documentation(tender documents)

89 | P a g e
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Charo Wa Mae Improve 4.9M -1 toilet -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
market phase I- efficiency in refurbishe capture
Sokoni Ward trade supply d
chain -Documentation(tender documents)
wall -Procument
-Site handing over
tank -M&E (site inspections and supervision)
d -Management and control


Mariakani market Improve 3.8M -14 -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
stalls-Mariakani business market capture
Ward working stalls
environment constructe -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Mariakani Improve 4M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Highrise market- efficiency in construct capture
Mariakani Ward trade supply ed
chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over

90 | P a g e
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control

Watamu market- Improve 1.25M 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data
Watamu Ward efficiency in refurbish capture
trade supply ed
chain -Documentation(tender documents)
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control


Construction of a Improve 4.75M 1 -Site visit, stakeholder involvement and data

Calibration Hall work calibration capture
in Malindi office- environment hall
Shella Ward for effective constructe -Documentation(tender documents)
service d
-Site handing over
-M&E (site inspections and supervision)
-Management and control



Carry out a Establish the 5M Feasibility Preparation of TOR

Feasibility Study Economic Study
of Mariakani Viability of Report Floating of Quotations Award and Signing
Dairy Co- Reviving the of a Service Contract
operative Dairy Plan
Consultative Meetings


Promotion of Co-operative
Create 5M Boda -Preparation of Sensitization programs

91 | P a g e
Societies Awareness Boda -Bench Marking Exposure Visits to Counties
on the Riders, with Successful Boda Boda, Women and
Importance Women Fishermen Co-operatives
of the Co- and Fisher -Formation of Boda Boda, Women and
operative folk Women Co-operatives
Business Sensitized -Organization of First Annual General
Model on Co- Meetings
operatives -Induction and Capacity Building of Co-
operative Officials
No of



Construction of a Improve the 10M 1 - Preparation of BQs

cultural and marketing of Cultural
tourism market- tourism and -Floating and awarding of tenders
Watamu products Tourist
construct -Supervision and management


Branding Kilifi as Increase 3.5M Tourists -Generating captivating Slogan

a tourism number of numbers
destination tourists enhanced -Publicity
visiting Kilifi
-Branding materials


Capacity builindg Disseminate 20M -35 -Recruitment of participants

and sensitization information Wards
on Mbegu Fund- of Kilifi -Logistical arrangemts
All Wards County
-Preparation of content
Finance -Dissemination of content
Fund) -M&E and Feedback

92 | P a g e
3.4.3 Projects/Programmes 2017/2018

Project Name Objectives Targets Description of Activities Est. cost Projected Cost
/Location 2017/18
2018/19 2019/20



Building staff To improve 3 staff -Generation of indent 0.12M 0.5 0.8M

capacity service



Refurbishment To improve One -Site visit, stakeholder input 10M

of Kaloleni the trading market and data capture
Market environment refurbish - Documentation(preparation
of tender documents)
for traders ed
-Procurement (Floating and
and awarding of tenders)
customers -Site handing over
- M&E (site inspections and
-Management and control
Construction To improve One -Purchase of land 60M 100M 50M
of one market the trading market - Preparation of BQs
in Rabai Sub environment construct -Floating and awarding of
county- for traders ed tenders
Mazeras and -Construction
customers -Supervision and management

Refurbishment To improve One -Site visit, stakeholder input 15M

of New Market the trading market and data capture
Malindi environment refurbish - Documentation(preparation
of tender documents)
for traders ed
-Procurement (Floating and
93 | P a g e
and awarding of tenders)
customers -Site handing over
- M&E (site inspections and
-Management and control
Refurbishment To improve One Preparation of BQs 10M
of Ole tip tib the trading market- -Floating and awarding of
Market Market environment refurbish tenders
in Kilifi for traders ed -Refurbishment
and -Supervision and management
Construction To improve 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder input 10M
of Chanagande trade supply construct and data capture
open air chain ed - Documentation(preparation
of tender documents)
-Procurement (Floating and
awarding of tenders)
-Site handing over
- M&E (site inspections and
-Management and control
Construction To improve 1 -Site visit, stakeholder input 10M
of a sanitary hygienic sanitary and data capture
facility at standards in facility - Documentation(preparation
of tender documents)
Mkoroshoni markets construct
-Procurement (Floating and
open air ed awarding of tenders)
market -Site handing over
- M&E (site inspections and
-Management and control
Market Operationaliz 30 -Repair and maintenance 15M 15M 15M
management ation of markets -Disludging services
and markets operatio -Recruitment of traders
supervision nalized -Allocation of stalls
-Formation of functional
-Routine cleaning of markets
-Garbage collection and

94 | P a g e
Rehabilitation To improve 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder input 5M
of Ganda trade supply rehabilit and data capture
market chain ated - Documentation(preparation
of tender documents)
-Procurement (Floating and
awarding of tenders)
-Site handing over
- M&E (site inspections and
-Management and control
Construction To improve 1 toilet -Site visit, stakeholder input 2M
of a toilet hygienic block and data capture
block at GIS standards in construct - Documentation(preparation
of tender documents)
Market markets ed
-Procurement (Floating and
awarding of tenders)
-Site handing over
- M&E (site inspections and
-Management and control
Construction To improve 1 toilet -Site visit, stakeholder input 2M
of a toilet hygienic block and data capture
block at standards in construct - Documentation(preparation
of tender documents)
Kakoneni markets ed
-Procurement (Floating and
Market awarding of tenders)
-Site handing over
- M&E (site inspections and
-Management and control
Rehabilitation To improve 1 market -Site visit, stakeholder input 10M
and trade supply rehabilit and data capture
construction of chain ated and - Documentation(preparation
of tender documents)
a perimeter 1
-Procurement (Floating and
wall at perimete awarding of tenders)
Kakuyuni r wall -Site handing over
market erected -Construction
- M&E (site inspections and
-Management and control
Securing of To secure 30 Develop TORs 10M 10M 10M

95 | P a g e
Markets land public Land/ Markets Field visits
resources Data capture
Processing of title deeds
Facilitate To formalize 500 -Recruitment of MSEs 3M 3M 3M
registration of the MSE MSEs -Sensitization and capacity
Business sector for building
Names sustainable -Facilitation of registration
growth -M&E

Markets data To maintain 50 -Designing of questionnaires 0.5M 0.5M 0.5M

development up to date markets -Field visits and data capture
records/infor -Data analysis and Reports
mation on all -Regular updates.

Generation of To maintain 0ver -Designing a data capture tool 0.5M 0.5M 0.5M
a County up to date 22,000 -Obtaining businesses licensed
Integrated records/infor licensed details
Business mation on all business -Compiling
Register(CIBR businesses es -Data analysis and Report
) operating in
the County

Promotion of To create job 10 Micro -Facilitate acquisition of tools 3M 4M 5M

Micro and opportunities and and equipment
Small Small -Link MSEs to Markets for
enterprises Enterpris their products
es -Organize/participate in
four(4) Trade Fairs and
Public To 60 -Securing of venues 4M 0 0
participation incorporate centres -Advertisement and Publicity
on the Draft stakeholders covered -Provision of refreshments
Trade & views in -Facilitation
Markets Bill legislation -Content development
-Content dissemination


Capacity To equip 6,000 Carrying out TNA 4M 4M 4M

96 | P a g e
Building them with MSEs Preparation of training
Programme for skills to programmes
MSEs manage their Procurement of venue
businesses and training materials
professionally Facilitations


Acquisition of To facilitate Trade -Preparation of 10M 10M 10M

Trade fair trade standard specifications and
standards and practice s and requisition
equipment equipme -Procurement
nt -Application and
Carry out a To determine Feasibilit -Preparation of TOR 5M 0 0
feasibility the viability, y study -Floating and awarding
study on the identify the conducte of Contracts
Construction ideal location d -Feasibility conducted
of tanker and prepare
Calibration designs



Develop Co- To create an 1 policy Public Participation 1M

operative enabling &2 Meetings
Policy and environment legislatio Inputting views
Legislation ns collected
Forwarding to Cabinet

Enhance To improve 100 co- -Conducting co- 5M 5M 7M

Cooperative management operative operative audits
Governance of co- s
-Inspections and
Implementation and
enforcement of co-
operative legislations
Trainings and

97 | P a g e


Revival of dry To ensure Union Sensitization meetings 20M 10M 5M

produce farmers gets and 13 Restructuring of co-
marketing co- value for their Affiliate operatives
operatives produce s Develop Strategic
Capacity Building
Facilitate partnership
and linkages

Capacity To enhance Six Trainings 5M 5M 5M

building of Co- capacity to do value Facilitate certification
operatives in value and chain of products
the Honey, marketing Facilitate partnerships
Chilli, Dairy, and linkages
cassava, Facilitate participation
Horticulture to in trade fairs, shows
do Value and exhibitions
addition Assist in acquiring
tools and machinery
Revival of To ensure Mariaka Re-view of by-laws 50M 20M 10M
Mariakani dairy farmer ni dairy Formation of board
dairy co- have co- Capacity building of
operative alternative operative board
society place to take Sensitization of
their milk primary diary co-
Refurbishment of
Assist in acquiring
diary plant
Assist in marketing
Facilitate To increase 12 Participation in Trade 3M 4M 5M
Marketing of the Market shows and Exhibitions
Co-operative share of Co-
Products and operative
Services Products
Undertake Co- To Establish a County Co- 3M 2M .5M

98 | P a g e
operative institutionalizoperative Register
Research e research Profile all active co-
and data operative societies in
management the County
Establish a county co-
operative data bank
Carry out continuous
research on co-
Promotion of Formation of 30 new
Sensitization Meetings 2M 2M 2M
co-operative co-operatives co-Facilitate Registration
ventures operative
Induction Seminars
s Publicity and
awareness creation
Strengthen Co- To improve 100 co- - Implementation and 5M 5M 7M
operative management operative enforcement of co-
extension and of co- s operative legislations
advisory operative Trainings and
services societies education
Enhance the Capacity
of staff
Acquire office


Capacity To 600 Community 3M 3M 2M

building of professionaliz beach/to Sensitization
beach, e tourism ur Trainings and
community operations operators workshops
tourism and Meetings
operators commun
Refurbishment To improve Malindi - Preparation of BQs 10M 10M
of the Malindi the Tourist -Floating and awarding
Tourist Market infrastructure Market of tenders
Develop To enhance 2 -Land acquisition 10M 5M 5M
tourist tourism informati - Preparation of BQs
99 | P a g e
facilities infrastructure on -Floating and awarding
centres of tenders
concrete -Construction
benches -Supervision
in 3 sites
4 tourist
Develop and To ensure 5 Capacity building of 10M 5M 5M
Promote local Commun
community eco-
community community itytourism groups
eco-tourism benefit from ventures
ventures Tourism Sensitization
Assist in acquisition of
furniture , equipment
and tools
Feasibility To open up Feasibilit -Preparation of TOR 6M 0 0
study on new other tourist y Study Floating and awarding
tourist circuits destinations Conduct of Contracts
ed Feasibility


Destination To promote 12 Trade -Organize and 8M 10M 10M

Marketing Kilifi as a fairs , participating in Trade
tourist shows fairs, shows and
destination and exhibitions
Exhibitio -Design and production
ns of marketing materials
Organize and To attract 24 -Preparation of TOR 15M 12M 10M
participate in tourist to -Floating and
Tourism Kilifi Awarding of Contracts
promotional destination -Sponsorship of
campaigns and Tourism Events
Re-brand and To make the County -Preparation of TOR 20M 5M 2M
Re-package County Rebrand Floating and awarding
tourism Attractive to ed as a of Contracts

100 | P a g e
products Tourists Tourist Feasibility conducted


The sector is comprised of the following subsectors; lands, energy, housing and physical
Vision: Excellent land use planning management and efficient access to affordable housing for
sustainable development of Kilifi County.

Mission: To improve livelihoods of residents through proper land use, planning and sustainable
management of land resources.

3.5.1 Sub-Sector Priorities, Constraints and Strategies

Sub Priorities Constraints Strategies
Lands and Settle the landless and A big proportion of Clearing of section in advanced stages
physical formalize land community land of the before starting new ones;
planning ownership; Ensure county has not been Accepting payments rates on instalment
proper planning and adjudicated basis; Invite other stakeholders like NGO’s
utilization of land. Many people live in to assist in funding;
unallocated public or Encourage other stakeholders to support
private land in towns and
the town planning with funding;
rural areas as squattersUndertake appropriate surveys;
Many old and upcoming Facilitate establishment of settlement
towns are unplanned schemes ; Facilitate establishment of
adjudication sections
Housing Coordination and Inadequate and insecure Increase budgetary allocation;
implementation of housing
housing policy; Enhance the policy and legal framework;
High cost of housing
Housing infrastructure development Enforce building codes and regulations;
development; Enforcement of physical planning
Resolution of rent and regulations.
other housing sub-
sector disputes

101 | P a g e
Energy Development and Poor exploitation of Strengthen the policy framework;
utilization of clean alternative energy Enhance development of clean energy;
energy sources promote utilization of clean energy ;
Unsustainable utilization Institutionalize clean energy incubation and
of conventional energy development

3.5.2 On-going Projects /Programmes

Project name/Location Objectives cost Targets Description of Activities
Develop and Develop and Develop and implement
implement implement policies and regulations
County energy policy 2,000,000
policies and policies and
regulations regulations
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Adjudication
Secure of Land 5,000,000 3,000 ha individual plots within
sections Mwahera E
tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Adjudication
Secure of Land 5,000,000 3,000 ha individual plots within
section Tsangatsini
tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Survey of Adjudication Demarcation and Survey of
sections Secure of Land 5,000,000 3,000 ha individual plots within
Jimba/Kaliangombe tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Survey of Adjudication Demarcation and Survey of
sections Secure of Land 5,000,000 2,320 ha individual plots within
Viragoni/Migwaleni tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Adjudication
Secure of Land 5,000,000 2,320 ha individual plots within
Sections Maluwani
tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Adjudication
Secure of Land 6,000,000 3,500 ha individual plots within
sections Kamale/Adu II
tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Adjudication
Secure of Land 5,000,000 3,000 ha individual plots within
Sections Misufini
tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Adjudication
Secure of Land 5,000,000 3,000 ha individual plots within
sections Kinangoni
tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Adjudication
Secure of Land 5,000,000 3,000 ha individual plots within
sections Chengoni
tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Survey of Adjudication Secure of Land 5,000,000 3,000 ha Demarcation and Survey of
102 | P a g e
sections Mtsara wa individual plots within
Tsatsu tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Matsangoni
Secure of Land 2,500 ha individual plots within
Trading Centres
tenure 3,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of
Secure of Land 2,300 ha individual plots within
MatanoTrading Centres
tenure 3,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Trading
Secure of Land 2,000,000 1500 ha individual plots within
tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Titlilng of County 4,000 ha individual plots within
Assets Land tenure 1,500,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
To prepare
current and 5,000,000
Preparation Jakaba proposed land Demarcation and Survey of
Informal Settlement use and 2,320 ha individual plots within
Plans infrastructure Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey of Adjudication Secure of Land 4,000,000 2,320 ha individual plots within
Sections Mitsedzini tenure Approximately adjudication sectio
To prepare
plans,showing .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
current and 5,000,000 meetings,Situational
Preparation Makaburini proposed land analysis,Draft
Informal Settlement use and 2,320 ha plan,Publication,Final
Plans infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
To prepare
plans,showing .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
current and 4,000,000 meetings,Situational
Preparation Njoro Chini proposed land analysis,Draft
Informal Settlement use and 2,320 ha plan,Publication,Final
Plans infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
To prepare
plans,showing .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
current and 3,500,000 meetings,Situational
Preparation Njoro proposed land analysis,Draft
Takatifu Informal use and 2,320 ha plan,Publication,Final
Settlement Plans infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
Preparation of Shariani To prepare 4,000,000 2,320 ha .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
103 | P a g e
current and meetings,Situational
proposed land analysis,Draft
Local Physical use and plan,Publication,Final
Development Plans infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
To prepare
plans,showing .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
current and 4,000,000 meetings,Situational
Preparation of Gongoni proposed land analysis,Draft
Local Physical use and 2,320 ha plan,Publication,Final
Development Plans infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
To prepare
plans,showing .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
current and 4,000,000 meetings,Situational
Preparation Ganze proposed land analysis,Draft
Local Physical use and 2,800 ha plan,Publication,Final
Development Plans infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
To prepare
plans,showing .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
current and 2,000,000 meetings,Situational
Preparation of Mkapuni proposed land analysis,Draft
Local Physical use and 2,500 ha plan,Publication,Final
Development Plans infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
To prepare
plans,showing .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
current and 3,700,000 meetings,Situational
proposed land analysis,Draft
Planning and survey of use and 2,320 ha plan,Publication,Final
Roka settlement scheme infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
To prepare
plans,showing .Intension to plan,Stakeholders
current and 4,000,000 meetings,Situational
Preparation of Majengo- proposed land analysis,Draft
KanamaiLocal Physical use and 2,500 ha plan,Publication,Final
Development Plans infrastructure Approximately plans,Endorsement,Approval
Completion of Lands
5,000,000 headquaters Formulatation of BQ,Evaluate
  builiding standards of builiding
Renovation of County Ensure 5,000,000 Mwangea estate  
Estates provision of

104 | P a g e
adequate and
quality housing
one charcoal
construction of modern
Promote the conversion kiln
charcoal conversion
utilisation and 2,000,000 and two brick
kiln) -Magarini
of energy making .Monitor and supervise
saving jikos machine, Construction
development of
housing and
Opening up of Access
also improve
roads in KKB 7,000,000
Settlement Scheme
and living
condition for
the residents 25km site clearance and grading
Promote the
utilisation and
development of
Construction of 4 biogas Four biogas .Monitor and supervise
biogas plants technologies 4,000,000 plants Construction
Development of County Develop and Develop and Develop and implement
Land use policy implement implement policies and regulations
policies and policies and
regulations1,995,000 regulations
Development of County Develop and Develop and Develop and implement
Development Control implement implement policies and regulations
bill policies and policies and
regulations2,000,000 regulations
Development Control Develop and Develop and Develop and implement
Manual implement implement policies and regulations
policies and policies and
regulations2,000,000 regulations
Development of County Develop and Develop and Develop and implement
Housing Policy implement implement policies and regulations
policies and policies and
regulations2,000,000 regulations
Demarcation and Survey of
Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
Land adjudication tenure 7,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Resource Mapping and Digitizing Sub county Expanding land information
GIS system records 9,370,498 Level system to other subcounties
Demarcation and Survey of
Baricho adj Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
section(Malindi) tenure 3,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Viriko adj sec (Malindi) Secure of Land 2,320 ha Demarcation and Survey of
tenure 3,000,000 Approximately individual plots within
105 | P a g e
adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Planning of Jilore Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
adjudication centre tenure 1,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Land survey in
Malanga/Ndugumnani Demarcation and Survey of
and 3,000 acres in Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
Ndigiria Sub-Location tenure 2,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Demarcation and Survey of
Survey for Kambe Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
Polytechnic Land tenure 700,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Kamala Adu Demarcation and Survey of
Adjudication Section Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
tenure 4,456,800 Approximately adjudication sectio
MtsarawaTsatsu scheme Demarcation and Survey of
Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
tenure 3,350,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
MwembeKati/Kasidi Demarcation and Survey of
Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
tenure 3,350,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Viriko Demarcation and Survey of
Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
tenure 5,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Baricho/Bakadha Demarcation and Survey of
Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
tenure 3,350,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Tsangalaweni B Demarcation and Survey of
Adjucation Section Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
tenure 2,450,240 Approximately adjudication sectio
Kidutani settlemt Demarcation and Survey of
scheme Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
tenure 4,120,478 Approximately adjudication sectio
Titling of County Assets Secure of Land Demarcation and Survey of
tenure 4,000 ha individual plots within
7,260,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Preparation of
upgrading development Demarcation and Survey of
plans for:- Misufini, Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
Tsangatsini tenure 14,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Revision of Mtwapa Demarcation and Survey of
Mariakani and Kilifi Secure of Land 2,320 ha individual plots within
ISUDP tenure 2,000,000 Approximately adjudication sectio
Automation of Land Digitizing
Information records Sub county Expanding land information
Management 15,000,000 Level system to other subcounties
106 | P a g e
Land Clinics Sensitization of
public on all Hold public barazas at ward
Land issues 2,000,000 Entire county levels
Completion of lands Ensure adequate
Head quarter building office space for
county staff 2,328,022   Construction of office blocks
provision of
Top up for purchase of adequate and Two hydrofoam Provide specification and
hydrofoam machine quality housing 3,000,000 machines inspect goods supplied
Solar Lanterns and Bio Promote the
gas Kits utilisation and
of energy
saving lights Sub county Provide specification and
and jikos 6,500,000 Level inspect goods supplied
Upgrading of Informal Spur
Settlement:- development of
Prison/Kiwandani, and housing and
Chakama Phase 2 and also improve
Shingila accessibility
and living
condition for 80 km access
the residents 1,505,868 road site clearance and grading

3.5.3 New Projects and Programmes 2017/2018

Project Objectives Targets Description Of Activities Est. Projected

Name/Location cost
2018 2018/ 2019/
(KS 2019 2020
Milli S. M) S. M)
Programme P.1 General Administration, planning and support services
County energy Provide One Report -Formulation of TOR 15 1 1
master plan guidelines in
107 | P a g e
utilization -Hold Barazas
-Present Draft Document
of energy
Promotion and Hold four -Formulation of TOR 5 3 3
training on workshops and 35
-Organize Barazas
renewable people trained on
energy biogas, -Hire Venues and materials
biomass and solar -Monitor and supervise all
energy training work
Supply of -One pyranometer -Formulation of BQ 0.2
-Evaluation of supplied
nd held solar
irradiance tool)
Research and -One report on -Formulation of TOR 10 2 2
feasibility study Mapping of
-Provision of baseline data
on renewable potential solar
energy energy sites -Collect data on renewable
and update existing data
-One report on
potential solar
energy sites
Develop county Enhance Regulations Formulation of TOR 3
energy Sustainable developed on
regulations use of energy solar,biogas and
resources biomass use

Development Facilitate Training of youth

and promotion development and women
of Apropriate of affordable groups on ABMT
Building and quality
Material and housing units
Land dispute Security of Petanguo Settling land cases arising 10M
resolution Land tenure Mleji from Adjudication cases
Adjudication Mwele
sections (4,000 Adu/Kamale
ha Tsangalaweni
Approximately Kitengwani
each) Mtsara wa Tsatsu

108 | P a g e
Mwembe kati
Review of
Security of Settlement
Grants and
Land tenure Schemes within
the county 10M
of public on Hold Public barazas at Ward
Land Clinics 35 barazas
all land levels. Invite all relevant land
issues experts to sensitize the public 10M
Purchase of
survey  Efficient
equipment execution Procurement of  RTK GPS
(RTK GPS ) equipment 20M
Programme 2. Land Policy and Planning
SP. 2.1 Land Information Management
Scanning and geo-referencing
of survey maps and plans.
Expansion of Expanding Attribute data creation
GIS database the land
information Integration with other land
system to information
other sub- 20
counties Kilifi South M
 Detail topographical
Maps contour intervals
indicating all the details
including building,
roads, and footpaths
Digital mapping digital data
 Horizontal and vertical
for GIS for all urban All urban areas
control data whose
Database areas within
nature and position is
the county
fully described using
photographs, and
100 110 120

SP. 2.3 Land Survey

Control Survey Densification Entire County Determination of ground
of control position through computation 50M
points Ground survey and
109 | P a g e
Kilifi/Tana River
Determinatio Determination of ground
n of Kilifi/Mombasa position through computation
boundaries Ground survey and
Kilifi/Malindi monumentation 20 M
Survey of Dulikiza
Demarcation and survey of
Adjudication Migumo miri
individual plots within
section (4,000 Pala Kumi
Security of adjudication section
ha Milore
Land tenure Preparation of Registry Index
Approximately Mwapula/Magog
Maps (RIM)
each) oni B
Preparation of area list
Mwahera F
Malanga 54M
Survey of Security of Marafa Survey of public utilities
trading Centre Land tenure Marereni within trading centres 16M
Titling of Security of No. 8 in Malindi
county assets Land tenure and Kilifi Registration of land
Determination of ground
Densification position through computation
of control Ground survey and
Control Survey points Entire County monumentation 50M
Kilifi/Tana River
Determinatio Determination of ground
n of Kilifi/Mombasa position through computation
boundaries Ground survey and
Kilifi/Malindi monumentation 20 M
Survey of Security of Kinarani/Mwamle Demarcation and survey of 54M
Adjudication Land tenure ka individual plots within
section (4,000 Dulikiza adjudication section
ha Migumo miri Preparation of Registry Index
Approximately Pala Kumi Maps (RIM)
each) Milore Preparation of area list
oni B
Mwahera F

110 | P a g e
-Intension to revise
-Stakeholders meeting
-Situational analysis
Order and
Revision of Mtwapa town and -Draft plan
harmony in
Mtwapa Town its environs -Publication
-Final plans
-Approval 60 00 00
To prepare -Intention to plan
structure -Stakeholders meetings
plans, -Situational analysis
Planning of showing -Draft plan
Lango baya town
lango baya current and -Publication
proposed -Final plans
land use and -Endorsement
infrastructure -Approval 11 00 00
To prepare -Intention to plan
structure -Stakeholders meetings
plans, -Situational analysis
Planning of showing -Draft plan
Mwawesa town
mwawesa current and -Publication
proposed -Final plans
land use and -Endorsement
infrastructure -Approval 11M 00 00
To prepare -Intention to plan
structure -Stakeholders meetings
plans, -Situational analysis
Planning of showing -Draft plan
Ganda town
ganda current and -Publication
proposed -Final plans
land use and -Endorsement
infrastructure -Approval 13M 00 00
Intention notice
-Stakeholders meetings
Prepare a
zoning plan
Zoning plan for -Draft zoning plan
foe Malindi Malindi town
Malindi town -Publication
and its
-Final zoning plans
-Approval 20 00 00
Upgrading of Spur 30km of housing Grading and gravelling 40 4 4
111 | P a g e
of housing
and also
improve the access roads
in Kilifi, Jiwe
Jeupe in
condition of
the residents
Mariakani 4 8.4
Intention notice
-Stakeholders meetings
Prepare -Situational analysis
Urban design for urban Kilifi town and its -Draft design plan
kilifi town design for environs -Publication
kilifi town -Final design plans
-Approval 12 00 00
To prepare
structure -Intention to plan
plans, -Stakeholders meetings
showing -Situational analysis
Planning of Shomela trading
current and -Draft plan
shomela center
proposed -Publication
land use and -Final plans
infrastructur -Endorsement
e -Approval 10 00 00
To prepare
structure -Intention to plan
plans, -Stakeholders meetings
showing -Situational analysis
Planning of Fundisa trading
current and -Draft plan
fundisa center
proposed -Publication
land use and -Final plans
infrastructur -Endorsement
e -Approval 10 00 00
Programme P4 Development of alternative Energy Technologies

SP 4.1 Alternative Energy Technologies

112 | P a g e
-Monitor and Supervise
-Selecting best design of plant
Construction of the
Biogas utilization Formulation of BQ
plant/Bahari and
girls/Mwangea development Three Biogas -Site planning
girls and Ganze of biogas Plants of size
girls technology 70m3 20
Solar street Formulation of BQ
lights / -Site planning
-diamond -Monitor and supervise
tuskys installation work
-Top life G4S
Road (1700M)
-Mnarani to
-extension from
Mazeras to
kombeni girls
-mazeras to Improve
kokotoni security and
trading boost
centre(800m) business Roads light with
operations solar energy 80 00 00
Supply of 5 Enhance Five Kilns . Formulation of BQ
modern Sustainable supplied
charcoal use of wood -Evaluate standards of supplied
conversion fuel Kilns
kiln/Kamale,Ga resources -Commissioning of Kilns
oke and Jaribuni
wards 5 00 00
Construction of Accelerate Two unit to be -Formulation of BQ 8 00 00
Kiln units for modernized established
-Site identification
making biomass
improved energy use -Site planning
/Ganze and Monitor and supervise
Magarini youth installation work
Supply of 7 Enhance Seven briquetting Evaluate the standards of 8 00 00

113 | P a g e
briquetting Sustainable Machines supplied briquetting machines
making use of wood Supplied
machine/Jujus,T fuel
ezo,watamu,chu resources
Kaloleni and
kakuyuni youth
Supply of two Increase ECD students in Formulation of specifications 6
thousand solar access of magarini and
lanterns quality light ganze subcounties
to school
Construction of A training One Centre -Formulation of BQ 50 82 84
an energy and
-Acquisition of Land
Centre promotion
center for -Planning of Site
SP4.2 Rural Electrification
Ten Improve Thirteen -Formulation of BQ 110
Highmast/kakan security and (13)Highmast
-Site identification
juni,marereni,m boost constructed
kwajuni,ngeren business -Site planning
ya,mavueni,kak operations
uyuni,bamba,dz -Monitor and supervise
itsoni,vitengeni installation work
,rabai health
trading centre
and shomella

Programme P.5 Housing Development and Human Settlement

SP. 5.1 Housing Development

Purchase of Enable future 5 acres of landfor Land banking in areas of high 75 00 00

land for housing adequate and each potential for future housing
114 | P a g e
development at affordable
Malindi,Tezo housing development
and Kaloleni development
of affordable
Supply of 5- and quality
diesel propelled housing units 5 diesel-propelled Buying of interlocking block
and 10 manual and also and 10 manual making machines and capacity
interlocking eradicate interlocking block building of housing
block making extreme making machines groups/cooperatives
machines poverty both
in the urban
and rural
areas 30
Upgrading of
of housing
and also 6 high mast Erect security floodlights
improve the floodlights within the settlements
in Kilifi, Jiwe
Jeupe in
condition of
the residents
Mariakani 35
Opening up of
access roads in Spur
settlement development
schemes-Shauri and also
Moya in improve 80km of access
Site clearance and grading
Marafa,Chakam accessibility roads
a Phase 11 in and living
Magarini, condition for
Pumwani in the residents 4 4
Marafa. 40 4 8
of affordable
Construction of and quality
county housing housing units
24 housing units Construction of apartments
apartments at through PPP
Bofa in Kilifi model of
financing and
government 5 1
funds 100 0 0

115 | P a g e
SP 5.2 Estate Management
Renovation of Ensure
county housing efficient
estates ngala 1 management
and ngala 11 in of housing Roofing, painting and drainage
60 housing units
malindi, Ngala and improve works
in Kilifi and the living
Green estate in condition of 0 0
Mariakani the residents 50 0 0
Fencing of
of housing
county housing
and improve
estates- 2 housing estates Construction of wall fence
the living
Mwangea and
condition of
Ngala in Kilifi
the residents
and enhance 0 0
security 40 0 0
Programme. 6 Government Buildings
SP 6.1 Stalled and new Government buildings
Construction of adequate
county office space Construction of office blocks
Headquarters for county 302.
staff 250 275 5
Construction of working
Construction of an extra storey
lands office environment 1 office block
on the existing lands building
space at Kilifi for public
officers 30 15 10

Housing Sub sector

Project name Description of d Cost Projected
Objectives Targets
and Location Activities 2017/18
(Kshs) 2018/19 2019/20
Renovation of Ensure efficient
county housing management of Roofing, painting
estate in Kilifi, housing and improve and drainage works 60.5
Malindi and the living condition 50m 55m m
116 | P a g e
Mariakani of the residents
Ensure efficient
management of
Fencing of 2
housing and improve Construction of wall
county housing housing
the living condition fence
estates in Kilifi estates
of the residents and 48.4
enhance security 40m 44m m
Land banking
Buying of land with
for future Enable future
areas of high
housing adequate and 15 acres
potential for future
development at affordable housing of land
Kilifi,Tezo and development 60.5
Kaloleni 50m 55m m
5 diesel-
Facilitate Facilitate propelle
development development of d and Buying of
of low cost affordable and 10 interlocking block
housing and quality housing units manual making machines
poverty and also eradicate interlock and capacity
eradication extreme poverty ing building of housing
across the both in the urban block groups/cooperatives
county and rural areas making 36.3
machine 30m 33m m
Construction of an
Development Improving working
1 office extra story on the
of public office environment for
block existing lands 36.3
space at Kilifi public officers
building 30m 33m m
30km of
housing Opening up of
access access roads 48.4
Upgrading of Spur development of roads 40m 44m m
informal housing and also
settlements in improve the living
6 high
Kilifi, Malindi condition of the Erect security
and Mariakani residents floodlights within
the settlements
35m 38.5m m
Opening up of Spur development
access roads in and also improve 60km of
Opening up of
settlement accessibility and access
access roads
schemes across living condition for roads
the county the residents 36.3
30m 33m m

117 | P a g e
Ensure development
of affordable and 24
of county Construction of
quality housing units housing
housing units apartments
through PPP model units 60.5
in Kilifi
of financing 50m 55m m

Lands and Survey Sub-Sector

Project name Description of Estimated Projected

Objectives Targets Cost
and Location Activities
2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
Purchase of
RTK GPS sets   Entire County 16.5 18.1
(2 no.)   15m m 5m
Security of
4,000 ha
Land Clinics Land Hold Public barazas at 12.1
tenure Ward levels. Invite all 10m 11m m
Survey of
Demarcation and
Kinarani/Mwa Security of
4,000 ha survey of individual
mleka Land
Approximately plots within
Adjudication tenure 6.6 7.2
adjudication section
section 6m m 6m
Survey of Demarcation and
Security of
Dulikiza 4,000 ha survey of individual
Adjudication Approximately plots within 6.6 7.2
section adjudication section 6m m 6m
Survey of Demarcation and
Security of
Migumi miri 4,000 ha survey of individual
Adjudication Approximately plots within 6.6 7.2
section adjudication section 6m m 6m
Survey of Pala Demarcation and
Security of
Kumi 4,000 ha survey of individual
Adjudication Approximately plots within 6.6 7.2
section adjudication section 6m m 6m
Survey of Demarcation and
Security of
Milore 4,000 ha survey of individual
adjudication Approximately plots within 6.6 7.2
section adjudication section 6m m 6m
Survey of
Demarcation and
Mwapula/Mag Security of
4,000 ha survey of individual
ogoni B Land
Approximately plots within
Adjudication tenure 6.6 7.2
adjudication section
section 6m m 6m
Survey of Security of 4,000 ha Demarcation and
6m 6.6 7.2
118 | P a g e
Mwahera F survey of individual
adjudication Approximately plots within
section adjudication section m 6m
Survey of Demarcation and
Security of
Mirihini 4,000 ha survey of individual
Adjudication Approximately plots within 6.6 7.2
Section adjudication section 6m m 6m
Demarcation and
Expansion of Digitizing Sub-County survey of individual
GIS database records Level plots within 24.2
adjudication section 20m 22m m

Physical Planning

Project Estimated
Description of
name and Objectives Targets Cost Projected Projected
Location 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020
-Intension to revive
-Stakeholders meeting
-Situational analysis
Revision of Order and Mtwapa town
-Draft plan
Mtwapa harmony in and its
Town Mtwapa environs
-Final plans
-Approval 60m 66m 72.6m

3.6 Finance and Economic Planning Department

Vision: Excellence in public financial management and economic planning

Mission: To provide effective coordination and implementation of sound financial and economic
planning policies for sustainable development of the county

3.6.1 Sub-Sector Priorities, Constraints and Strategies

Section Priorities Constraints Strategies

Revenue Increase own  Unavailability of transport to  Sustainably exploit the existing and

119 | P a g e
Managem revenue access interior parts of the new resources in the county
ent collection; County  Revenue Resource mapping
 Poor inspection and  Automation of Revenue collection
enforcement mechanism
 Disjointed structures of
revenue collection.
 Poor contract agreement
terms on revenue outsourcing
Donor fund  Lack of fund raising unit  Develop appropriate laws and
raising  Lack of office for revenue policies to enhance revenue
officers in sub-counties collection
 Unavailability of systems in  Enforce terms and conditions of the
other revenue collection outsourcing revenue collection
 Capacity build revenue collection
 Default in payment of revenue
 Establish a fund raising Unit
 Set up a debt recovery unit
 Strengthen internal controls
 Inadequate office space
Financial Ensure prudent systems
manageme management of  Poor maintenance of ICT  Build capacity of finance staff
nt financial equipment
 Automation of financial systems
 Misallocation of funds in the  Streamline accounting and
budget. reporting systems
 Weak internal controls  Streamline assets management
 Poor record keeping
 Poor asset management
 Constructing of an annex to the
county treasury
 Accumulation of pending
bills.  Refurbishment of the planning
 Lack of standardized building.
operating procedures in  Attain ISO certification
matters of finance  Develop standard operation
procedure for payment.
 Lack of audit committees.  Monitoring and evaluating
Risk  Non-implementation of audit compliance with the stipulated
manageme recommendations laws.
nt (Audit)
Accountability  In adequate training on all  Enforcing implementation of audit
systems recommendation
 Constitute audit committees
 Training on all systems being used
Procureme Reduced  Lack of Re-order levels  Operationalize the service charter
nt turnaround time  Lack of enough capacity  Introduce Re-order levels and
120 | P a g e
departmen on procurement maintain them.
t of goods and  Build capacity of supply chain
services. management
Ensure linkages  Lack of coordination in the  Prioritize Allocation of public
between policy allocation of resources resources
planning and  Vested interest  Ensure development of all inclusive
budgeting and  Improper coordination and
e budgeting systems
implementation poor communication in the  Prudent management of
of programmes budget process
Monitoring and institutional budget
 Failure to implement budget
Evaluation  Improve coordination of budget
according to plan
Allocate  Poor linkages between operations/implementation
resources to planning, budgeting and
priority sectors implementation of County
development programmes
 Lack of a comprehensive  Promote participatory approaches
project/programme in project management.
Economic Implementation,
monitoring and evaluation  Roll out use of County Project
Planning monitoring and
framework Management Information System
evaluation of
 Inadequate Capacity (ProMIS)
management in the County

3.6.2 On-Going Projects/Programmes

Project Name Objectives Estimated Targets Description of activities

cost (Kshs)
Ward Development Ensure equitable Projects worth Kshs Project identification;
distribution of 15m initiated in each Tendering ;
programme 525m
county resources Ward per FY Awarding;
county wide
Monitoring and supervision

121 | P a g e
3.6.3 New Projects and Programmes 2017/2018

Project Objectives Targets Description Of Activities

Estimated Projected Projected
cost 2017/18 2018/2019 2019/2020
Automation of Improve Sub-County Purchase and installation
revenue revenue and Town of IT Equipment for
collection collection Revenue Revenue Collection 15 M 7M 7M
manageme Offices
nt Training of users

Establishment of Enhance Computerized Procurement and

a County Project efficiency Project installation of ProMIS
Management of project Management and training of staff 10 M 5M 5M
Information planning, System
System implementa Procurement and
(ProMIS) tion, installation of requisite IT
monitoring facilities and equipment
Construction of Enhanced Expand office Site identification; 20M 10m 5m
an Annex to the delivery of space
county treasury services Design and preparation of
Construction of Improve Provide offices Site identification; 40M
Sub-county revenue for revenue
revenue offices collection management Design and preparation of 15m 5m
at Rabai and manageme officers BQs
Ganze nt Tendering
Renovation of Improve Provide offices Preparation of BQs 30M 0 0
existing revenue revenue for revenue
offices collection management Tendering
Mariakani manageme officers

122 | P a g e
3.7 Department of Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Waste

Vision: Safe water and healthy environment for wealth creation

Mission: To provide safe water, protection, conservation and sustainable management of the
environment and natural resources

3.7.1 Sub-Sector Priorities, constraints and strategies

Priorities Constraints Strategies

Outdoor Management of the function done by Master plan to guide the management
advertisement finance through revenue collection
master plan section, hence difficult to regulate and Develop appropriate laws and policies to
manage the environmental impacts guide the management of the same.
directly and increase in the revenue
Climate change Climate impacts affect all sectors Enhance coping and mitigation of the
adaptation and mainly agriculture and water. Need for climate change impacts
mitigation integration of the sectors in the impacts
coping and mitigation.
Increase forest Change in weather patterns Farm Forestry
Delay in weather patters Establishment of Commercial Woodlots
Capacity and interest in tree growing
by the community lacking
Reduce impacts of Inadequate funding on rehabilitation Acquire strategic areas that can be used
human and Most degraded areas are private lands for other purposes like recreational sites
livestock of un for the government for revenue
reclaimed places generation.

Urban greening and Budget allocation for beautification Beautification of all major towns of
beautification inadequate Kilifi County
Increase Funding for natural resources Develop appropriate natural resources
community livelihood improvement inadequate policies and legislation
livelihoods from Lack of appropriate legislation to guide
Natural Resources natural resources management Support artisanal and ballast miners

Improve Solid Inadequate budgetary allocation Development of appropriate policies and

Waste Handling
123 | P a g e
Procurement processes affecting legislation
vehicles management
Allocation of funds for Solid Waste
Lack of legislation integrating Management infrastructure development
community groups in waste including PPEs
Unavailability of transport to access the Pipelines construction and extensions
Increase water
interior parts of the County
accessibility Harvest surface runoff for domestic and
Unavailable funds to compensate lands livestock use
used for the projects
Promote participatory approaches in
project identification, design and
Promote participatory approaches in
project identification, design and
Have alternative In Adequate funding to construct
water sources facilities of the desired capacities and Promote participatory approaches in
modern data collection equipments project identification, design and

Security of Unavailability of funds to compensate Pump houses

pumping units lands used for the projects Pump operators’ houses
Insecure personnel manning the pump Promote participatory approaches in
houses project identification, design and

Increase water In Adequate funding to construct Construction of large and climate proof
storage facilities for facilities of the desired capacities and water tanks
use in case of modern data collection equipments
failure of water

3.7.2 On-Going Projects/Programmes

Project Name Objectives Est. cost Targets Description of activities

P1: Environmental Protection, Water and Natural Resources
S P.1 Environment Management and Protection
124 | P a g e
Outdoor Provide a strategic 3M 1 outdoor Procure a consultant to carry out the
advertisement document to guide advertiseme outdoor advertisement activities
master plan outdoor advertisement nt master
in the county plan
Capacity To enhance 40M 7 trainings Mobilize and train key environmental
building on management of stakeholders including landlords,
environmental environment in the disco owners, Administrators,
matters county environmental committee members,
revenue officers, directors,
Environmental To sensitize key 30M 20 Mobilize community groups
education and stakeholders in environment Carry out awareness sessions by
awareness environment al awareness
environment officers to key
sessions stakeholders
Capacity Enhance waste 30M All major Stakeholder mobilization and training
building on management practices towns in on waste management
solid waste in the county Kilifi-
management Malindi,
and Kilifi
Solid Waste To enhance waste 30M 145 Waste Procure PPEs for Waste management
Management management safety and managemen
PPEs security to employees t staff
Purchase of To reduce distance for 28M 1 dampsite Purchase of land for a dampsite
dampsites for waste disposal and for mtwapa
Mtwapa Zone transportation costs Zone
P1003001: SP. 3.1 Forest Conservation and Management
Urban greening To increase the forest Procure and plant ornamental , shade
and cover and trees of aesthetic value.
Kilifi Town Plant and maintain grass in all grass
To enhance urban lawns
greening and Put waste bins in strategic places
beautification of Kilifi Put up reflectors in key strategic
town areas
7M Construct concrete seats for resting
by members of the public in key areas
Commercial To increase the forest 5M 2 woodlots Mobilization of community groups
Woodlots cover per ward Procurement of seedlings
establishment Provide community Planting and maintenance by the
with forestry produce community
125 | P a g e
To ensure conservation 5M Dakatcha Develop Website for Dakatcha
Dakatcha Eco of Dakatcha woodland Woodland Procure GPS, Computers and Printers
tourism projects conservatio Procure furniture and stationary
n Group
To ensure proper 2M Mwangea Community mobilization
management of Hill Surveying and boundary
Mwangea Hill Gazettement identification
Gazettement of Gazettement of the forest
Mwangea Hill Awareness to community for the
P100300: P.3 Natural Resources Conservation and Management
Support To improve the 2M 500 Miners Purchase a ballast crusher
artisinal and livelihood of artisinal Capacity building of the miners
ballast miners miners Marketing enhancement for the group
P.2 Water Resources Management
To enable the County
department to carryout wide
Procurement of surveys without
terrameter contracting
(ABEM) 5m Procurement of terrameter (ABEM)
To enable the County
department to carryout wide
mapping of water
sources pipelines and
storage facilities
ARC GIS without contracting Procure and Installation of ARC GIS
software 3m software
SP.2 .1 Water Storage and Flood Control
Rehabilitation To avail clean and safe 300 people -Survey, Design, de-silting and
of Kakunaa water to the residents & 200L.u of expansion of the reservoir
water project Livestock of Kakunaa 4.5m local breed -Construction of related civil works
To avail clean and safe 300 people -Survey, Design, de-silting and
water to the 200L.u of expansion of the reservoir
Kanyumbuni residents&Livestock local breed -Construction of related civil works
water pan of kanyumbuni 6m
To avail clean and safe 300 people -Survey, Design, de-silting and
Kirumbi water water to the residents 200L.u of expansion of the reservoir
pan &livestock of Kirumbi 6m local breed -Construction of related civil works
To avail clean and safe 800 people -excavation of a 43,000m3 reservoir
water to the residents & 500L.u of -Construction of related civil works
Shomela Dam Livestock of Shomela 13 local breed
To avail water storage 1,000 Construct a 150m3 (blue scope) water
Garashi trading facililties to the people storage tank at Garashi trading centre
Centre water residents of Garashi to augment the current storage facility
project 15m

126 | P a g e
To avail affordable 300 people -Survey, Design, de-silting and
clean and safe water to 200L.u of expansion of the reservoir
the residents of local breed -Construction of related civil works
Girimacha Dam Girimacha 10m
To avail clean and safe 300 people -Survey, Design, de-silting and
Befaraji water water to the residents 200L.u of expansion of the reservoir
pan of Befaraji village 6m local breed -Construction of related civil works
SP. 4.3 Water Supply Infrastructure
To avail affordable 1. Construction of 4km pipeline
clean and safe water to 1 Primary stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Construction of the residents of School 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 3No.
Ngwenzeni Ngwenzeni villages 10,000 amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
water supply households capacity on each
pipeline project 6m
To avail affordable 200 people 1. Construction of 3km pipeline
clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Construction of the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 3No.
Kitsaumbi- Kitsaumbi and Kaloleni amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Kaloleni water areas capacity on each
pipeline project 2m
To avail affordable 300 people Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Kabatheni Kabatheni treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole. 10m reticulation and water fetching points.
To avail affordable 300 people 1. Construction of 4km pipeline
Construction of clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Kibaokiche- the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 3No.
Kajongooni/Got Kajongooni and Gotani amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
ani water capacity on each
project 6m
To avail affordable 300 people Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Ngwenzeni Ngwenzeni treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 10m reticulation and water fetching points

To avail affordable 1300 people 1. Construction of 4km pipeline

Construction of clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Masha the residents of Masha 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 3No.
Kadzinga- Kadzinga and , amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
MrimaMkulu Mrimamkulu capacity on each
water pipeline 6m
Ganze-Bamba To avail affordable 13,000 10” G.I Pipe laying
rising phase II clean and safe water to 20m people Construction of water kiosks
the residents along the
127 | P a g e
Ganze – Bamba
To avail affordable 800 people Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of Gede water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Gede/Shirango treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 15m reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 100 people Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Ndigiria Ndigiria treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 15m reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 300 people Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Maryango Maryango treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 15m  reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 1900 people 1. Construction of 6km pipeline
clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 5No.
Mbonga and Katofeni amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
capacity on each
Mbonga- Construction of a 50m3 blue scope
Katofeni water water storage tank
project 10m
To avail affordable 1300 people 1. Construction of 3km pipeline
clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Makonde- the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 2No.
Katana Ngari Makonde and Katana amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
water supply Ngari capacity on each
pipeline 5m
To avail affordable 900 people 1. Construction of 4km pipeline
clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of Roka 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 3No.
amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Roka water capacity on each
supply project 6m
To avail alternative 200 people Borehole drilling and equipping
KIMAWASCO water source in case of
compound Bore a deficit to the
hole department offices 10m
Mapawa- To extend availability 900 people 1. Construction of 5km pipeline
Kolewa Phase of affordable clean and 9m stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
II Water supply safe water to the 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 3No.
project residents of Mapawa amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
and Kolewa capacity on each

128 | P a g e
To avail affordable 600 people 1. Construction of 6km pipeline
clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 5No.
Kapecha and Shariani amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
capacity on each
Kapecha- Construction of a 50m3 blue scope
Shariani water water storage tank
supply project 16m
To extend availability 500 people 1. Construction of 6km pipeline
of affordable clean and stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
safe water to the 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 5No.
residents of Mtepeni amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Mtepeni- and Majengo capacity on each
Majengo Phase Construction of a 50m3 blue scope
II Water supply water storage tank
project 16m
To avail affordable 5,000 1. Construction of 6km pipeline
clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 5No.
Mtomondoni amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Mtwapa capacity on each
Scheme/Mtomo Construction of a 100m3 blue scope
ndoni water water storage tank
supply project 20m
To extend availability 3,000 1. Construction of 5km pipeline
of affordable clean and people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Bungale water safe water to the 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 5No.
pipeline residents of Bungale amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
rehabilitation capacity on each
Phase II 10m
To avail affordable 2,000 1. Construction of 10km pipeline
clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 8No.
Kambicha and amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Kambicha- Marereni capacity on each
Marereni water Construction of a 100m3 blue scope
supply pipeline water storage tank
project 25m
To avail affordable 1,000 Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to people Equipping (solar panels, pumps,
the residents of Bombi water storage tank), plumbing,
Bombi borehole 15m reticulation and water fetching points
Mitulani To avail affordable 3,000 Drilling, casing, development,
borehole clean and safe water to 15m people Equipping (solar panels, pumps,
the residents of water storage tank), plumbing,

129 | P a g e
Mitulani reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 3,000 Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to people Equipping (solar panels, pumps,
Hawewanje the residents of water storage tank), plumbing,
borehole Hawewanje 15m reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 2,000 Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to people Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Kanyumbuni Kanyumbuni treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 15m reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 3,000 Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to people Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Shakahola Shakahola treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 15m reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 1000 people 1. Construction of 3km pipeline
clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 2No.
Ramada-Kwa Ramada and Kwa amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Mboya pipeline Mboya capacity on each
rehabilitation 4m
To avail affordable 800 people Construct a standard water kiosk and
4 No. Sabaki- clean and safe water to amount a plastic water storage tank
Maboromokoni the residents of Sabaki of 5m3 capacity
Water Kiosks Maboromokoni 2m
To avail affordable 300 people Carryout pump testing at the existing
clean and safe water to 200L.u of well, Equipping (solar panels, pumps,
the residents of kaya local breed raw water tank, reverse osmosis
Dagamra plant, treated water tank), plumbing,
Kaya Dagamra improve the reticulation system to
wells 10m Bate trading center and the environs
To avail affordable 3,000 Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to people Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Karimboni Karimboni treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 15m reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 4,000 Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to people Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Mapotea Mapotea treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 15m reticulation and water fetching points
Construction of To avail affordable 20m 2,000 1. Construction of 10km pipeline
the proposed clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Dagamra well - the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 8No.
Garashi water Dagamra and Garashi amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
pipeline project capacity on each
130 | P a g e
Construction of To avail affordable 3,000 1. Construction of 10km pipeline
the proposed clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Garashi – the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 8No.
Mikuyuni Mikuyuni amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
water pipeline capacity on each
project 20m
Carryout To avail affordable 800 people 1. Construction of 7km pipeline
pipeline clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
extension from the residents along the 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 8No.
the existing pipeline amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Makumba capacity on each
pipeline to
Marafa 15m
Construction of To avail affordable 1,000 1. Construction of 10km pipeline
the proposed clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
Garashi – the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 8No.
Masindeni Masindeni amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
water pipeline capacity on each
project 20m
Construction of To avail affordable 3,000 1. Construction of 10km pipeline
the proposed clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
kundeni – the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 8No.
Borekoromi Kundeni and Bore amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
water pipeline Koromi capacity on each
project 20m
To avail affordable 3,000 Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to people Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Karimboni treated water tank), plumbing,
reticulation and water fetching points
Karimbonibore for Karimboni borehole site to
hole 15m kundeni
To avail affordable Construction of the proposed
clean and safe water to makumba bore hole site –
makumba bore the residents of Kadzifitseni water pipeline project
hole II Makumba area 15m
To avail affordable 3,000 1. Construction of 4km pipeline
clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 2No.
Kaliapapo amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Kaliapapo water capacity on each
project Phase II 5m
KazunguKitho To avail affordable 2,000 1. Construction of 3km pipeline
weo water clean and safe water to 6m people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes

131 | P a g e
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 2No.
kazungukitheweo area amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
capacity on each
pipeline project
To avail affordable 1,000 1. Construction of 3km pipeline
clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of Sabaki 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 2No.
Sabaki- Veterinary areas amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Veterinary capacity on each
water project 6m
To avail affordable 3,000 1. Construction of 3km pipeline
clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 2No.
Baramare amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Baramare water capacity on each
supply pipeline 6m
To avail affordable 200 people 1. Construction of 3km pipeline
clean and safe water to stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 2No.
Manoloni amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Manoloni water capacity on each
supply pipeline 6m
To avail affordable 3,000 1. Construction of 3km pipeline
clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 2No.
Mwakuchi Mwakuchi amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
water supply capacity on each
pipeline 6m
To avail affordable 3,000 Drilling, casing, development,
clean and safe water to people Equipping (solar panels, pumps, raw
the residents of water tank, reverse osmosis plant,
Makonjeni Makonjeni treated water tank), plumbing,
borehole 10m reticulation and water fetching points
To avail affordable 3,000 1. Construction of 2km pipeline
clean and safe water to people stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
the residents of 2. Construction of Water Kiosks 1No.
Kibaokiche- Masaani amounted with plastic tanks of 5m3
Masaani capacity on
pipeline project 5m
To avail affordable 300 people Construct a standard water kiosk and
clean and safe water to amount a plastic water storage tank
Mwachidemu the residents of of 5m3 capacity
water kiosk Mwachidemu 0.6m
Watamu To avail affordable 15M 4 Tourist 1. Construction of 10km pipeline
-Kanani clean and safe water to Hotels stretch of 100mm HDP 16 Bar pipes
pipeline water the residents of 1 Primary 2. Construction of Standard Water

132 | P a g e
Watamu-Kanani Schools Kiosks 5 No.
project Phase villages 10,000
11-Malindi households
Accessibility of clean 4000 people
piped water and One primary BRANCH A
improved sanitation to school Jomeka-Baya Mose primary school
primary school pupils And several Procure UPVC pipes 90mm diam
and the community of livestock class E for a 3km pipeline 500pcs
Baya Mose -Purchase of pipe fittings
-Provide labour for the construction
of pipeline A
-Jomeka-Kadzandani primary school
Procure a UPVC pipes 90 dia class D
for 1.5km pipeline 250pcs
-Provide labour for the construction
of pipeline B
-Purchase of pipe fittings for pipeline
-Purchase of 2 UPVC 10m3 storage
tanks for two primary schools and
transport site
Chasimba -construction of valve chambers,
Mbomboniphas mark posts, support pillars and
eII anchor blocks along the pipelin

3.7.3 New Projects and Programmes 2017/2018

Project Objectives Targets Description Of Est. cost Projected

Name/Location Activities 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
P1. Environment Protection, Water and Natural Resources
P.1.1 Environment Management and Protection
Sewage Offer safe 250,000 Procurement of 2 No. 20M 0 Sewage
Disposal disposal of people sewage exhausters for Disposal
services sewerage services sewerage services
county wide
Construction of Offer safe Four major Land acquisition 50M 50M 50M
sewerage disposal of towns (Kilifi Construction of
systems for 4 sewerage services and Malindi, sewerage treatment
Towns in the county wide Mariakani, works
County Mtwapa)

133 | P a g e
Climate Change To support Ganze Sub -Planting of Drought 30 M 20M 10M
Adaptation community cope County tolerant trees
Project with climate
change impacts - 1000,000 -Purchase and install
drought trees 10 rain water
Grown harvesting tanks to 10
-50 Rain
Water -Create awareness on
harvesting climate change
Tanks adaptation and coping
Installed, 10 mechanisms
water pans
-Awareness to
Climate Put up All wards -Recruit 2 community 30M 30M 30M
Mitigation mechanisms for groups to establish
Project dealing with -2 woodlots woodlots
climate change per ward
impacts -Hold barazas to
Establish educate on Climate
occurrence community
reduction Change
nurseries in
each ward -Integrate
participatory scenario
-Awareness planning to tree
on climate growing
change to 500
people per
County outdoor To increase 10 outdoor Procure outdoor 30M 15M 15M
advertisement revenue from advertisement advertisement
infrastructure outdoor infrastructure infrastructure
project advertisement
Noise To reduce menace -10 modern -Procurement of 10 10M 6M 6M
Abatement from Noise Noise Meters modern noise meters
Project related issues in
the County -1 Noise -zoning of noise
Pollution pollution areas
-7 Anti Disco
matanga -Anti disco matanga
awareness campaign at the sub
county level

134 | P a g e
campaign -Noise pollution road
show from Mariakani,
-1 noise Kaloleni, Mtwapa,
pollution road Kilifi , Malindi,
show Gongoni,
Air Pollution To enhance 1 air pollution -Purchase 1 ultra 30M 15M 15M
Control Project departmental measuring modern Air pollution
capacity to reduce gadget measurement gadget
point and non
point air pollution -Training on air
pollution to
environmental officers
Annual County Inculcate All sub -Procure 10M 10M 10M
Environmental environmental counties-14 environmental awards
Competition consciousness to green schools to 14 green schools
school going in each sub
children county -Set up competition
criteria for the green
competition for the
Annual To come up with 1 County -Mobilize all national 3M 3M 3M
Environment the plan for environmenta and county
Action Plan proper county l management departments to
environment plan document on their
management sectors
-Compile and present
the plan
-publish, print and
distribute the plan to
stakeholders for use
Upgrading of To eradicate 7 landfill in Procure dumpsites 30M 30M 30M
dampsites to dampsites in the all sub machinery
Land fills county county -Bulldozers, shovel
Solid Waste Provide proper All sub Procure 2 Trucks, 14 50M 50M 50M
Collection alternatives for counties Skips, 4 Compactors
Infrastructure waste collection and 2 Skip Loaders
from the

135 | P a g e
Community Awareness on 10 groups Procure equipment for 20M 20M 20M
waste handling solid waste urban centres waste collection
groups support management to in the county
the groups Develop legislation to
aid waste collection by
Development of groups
legislation on
groups waste
Procure solid
equipments for
the groups
incentives for
groups doing
waste collection
in the community

Conduct EIAs to To conduct EIAs All county Carry out EIA/EA for 15M 15M 15M
all county all for all county projects all county projects
count projects
Protection of Safe guard Kilifi and Construction of 20m 5m 5m
public Cemetery encroachment and Malindi perimeter wall and
enhance assembling sites
management for
public use
SP. 3.1 Forest Conservation and Management
Establishment of Establishment of Rabai Construction of walk 10 30m 5m
public public Malindi. way pavements,
recreational recreational parks Mtwapa and concrete seats , land
parks Watamu scaping Public Toilets
Establishment of To improve Magarini and Establishment of 30 10m 5m 5m
tree plantations charcoal Ganze Acres tree plantations
for charcoal production for charcoal production
production industry
Rehabilitation of Reclaim 4 sub -Plant fast growing 50M 20M 20M
degraded areas community lands counties- colonizing trees
almost considered including cassia siamea,
136 | P a g e
waste 10000 casuarinaetc
-Back filling and
leveling of abandoned
quarry sites
Construction of Construction of Dakacha and Construction of forest 20m 10m
forest guards forest guards Mwangea guards houses
houses houses
Improvement of Increase the Procure nursery 8M 8M
County Tree number of maintenance
Nurseries seedlings infrastructure
available for tree
growing in the
River bank Reduce erosion Ganze, Nursery establishment 20M 20M
protection and conserve the Rabai,Malindi
river banks , Kilifi South Vertiver grass growing
Tree planting
Marine Reduce mangrove Kilifi North, Beach clean up 20M 20M 20M
Conservation and marine Rabai,
habitats Malindi, Kilifi Community
degradation South and sensitization
Magarini Mangrove planting
Provision of To provide water Kilif North, Procure Mini Water 1.3M 1.2M 1.2M
water Mini for watering Kilifi South, Bowsers
bowser for flower beds Malindi, Kilifi
watering flower and mariakani
Green Schools To increase the 28 Schools in Fence existing tree 28M 14M 14M
Program forest cover in all sub nurseries
Upgrading schools through counties
Project tree planting by Procure and instal
students and 10000L Water tanks to
teachers 14 schools
Plant more than 1000
trees in each school
Procure and distribute
5000 seedlings to
P.3 Natural Resources Conservation and Management
137 | P a g e
Natural Ganze,Magarini Salt 3 Capacity Building 50M 50M 40M
Resources and Kilifi North harvesting Trainings on NRM and
Investors belt, sand environment
Support Project harvesting conservation
limestone Develop proper 3 Public
miners in Private Partnerships for
Kilifi North natural Resources
and miners in Extraction
Ganze Develop 30 KM access
roads for natural
resources exploitation

P.4 Water Resources management

Survey and Availability of County wide Procure a terrameter and 20m 30m 20m
design of water designed total station
projects proposed water Carryout topographical
projects and hydrogeological
surveys to 60 proposed
water projects
SP.4.1 Water Resources Conservation and protection
Mwanzai spring Spring protection 200 people -fencing of the spring 2.4m 2m Nil
water project for water and several and catchment area 20m
harvesting for livestock by 40m labour at 2.5m
domestic use intervals
-Procure 27 concrete
cast posts
-Procure 6 r0lls barbed
fencing wire
-Procure binding wire
-Procure 8rolls chain
like wire
-Procure 3tons sand and
transport to site
-Procure 5tons ballast
and transport to site
-Procure 15 bags
Portland ordinary
-Transport of fencing
material to site
-Purchase and fix with
concrete painted blue 4ft
wide two way steel door
138 | P a g e
SP. 4.2 Water Storage and Flood Control
Ganze Dam To harvest 600L.U. -Survey, Design, Ksh.1
surface runoff for excavation and 8m
livestock and expansion of reservoir.
domestic and -Construction of related
minor irrigation civil works
Kwa Nzai Water To harvest 4000 people -Survey, Design, de- 12M
Pan surface runoff for and the local silting and expansion of
Mwanamwinga livestock and livestock the reservoir
Kaloleni domestic and -Construction of related
minor irrigation civil works
Water Storage Continuous water One tank Construction of a 500 20m 10m
facility for supply to 500M3 m3 R.C. sump tank at
continuous Kaloleni Town. Lower Ribe for Kaloleni
water supply to
Kaloleni Town
Tsangalaweni To harvest 4000 people -Survey, Design,
Water Pan surface runoff for and the local excavation and
livestock and livestock expansion of reservoir.
domestic and -Construction of related
minor irrigation civil works
uses 8m  0  0
Chengoni dam Create data to 250 families Initiation and awareness 20M
determine size and several creation to local leaders
and estimated livestock and the Chengoni
costs for dam community
construction. This -Bush clearing
dam is to serve -Beaconing
as an alternative -Leveling
source of water to -Traversing
Mwarakaya, -design
Kikambala and Construction of a dam
Mtwapa location (50,000m3)

Lutsangani dam Increased Domestic, -Levelling/Surveying 2m 13m 1m

volumes of water livestock use -Machinery mobilization
for the increase and irrigation -Bush clearing of the
water demand for 1500 people excavated area
Domestic, -Soil excavation and
Livestock and removal of silt all sides
Irrigation of the dam and
purposes extending to about 100m
-Improved along the catchment area
environmental -Tree planting along the
139 | P a g e
protection and dam water catchment
checks to soil area and about 10m all
erosion away from the the dam
both sides

40000m3 Water Provide water 2000 people Carry out survey design 15m 4000 Provide
pan supply to 1 tank and construct a 0m3 water
Kanyumbuni MnagoWa Shibe 40,000m3 dam with all Water supply to
Adu( MnagoWa villlage relevant civil works pan MnagoWa
Shibe) Kany Shibe
umbu villlage
Construction of To increase 5000 people, Carry out survey design Const
Earth Dam at surface water 10,000 and construct a ructio
Sosobora, storage and avail cattle& 40,000m3 dam with all n of
Girimacha water for shoats- relevant civil works Earth
livestock-Jilore Malindi Dam
7.7m acha
Construction of To increase 2000 people, Carry out survey design Constr To
Water Pan at surface water 6000 cattle & and construct a uction increa
Raukani, storage and avail shoats- 40,000m3 dam with all of se
Chakama water for Magarini relevant civil works Water surfac
Location livestock -Adu Pan at e
Rauka water
ni, storag
Chaka e and
ma avail
Locati water
on for
Jeuri Pan To avail 2000 people Construction 20000m3 10m Jeuri To avail
affordable clean water pan Pan affordable
and safe water to clean and
the residents of safe water
Jeuri village to the

140 | P a g e
residents of
Jimba Pan To avail 500 people Construction 15000m3 10M Jimba To avail
affordable clean water pan Pan affordable
and safe water to clean and
the residents of safe water
Jimba villages to the
residents of
Mwanjama Pan To avail 3000 people Construction 20000m3 10m Mwa To avail
affordable clean water pan njama affordable
and safe water to Pan clean and
the residents of safe water
Mwanjama to the
residents of
Katumbiri Pan To avail 2000 people Construction 15000m3 10M Katu To avail
affordable clean water pan mbiri affordable
and safe water to Pan clean and
the residents of safe water
katumbiri village to the
residents of
Kaliangombe To avail 3000 people Construction 20000m3 10M Kalia To avail
Pan affordable clean water pan ngom affordable
and safe water to be clean and
the residents of Pan safe water
Kaliangombe to the
village residents of
be village
Dungicha Water To avail 3000 people Construction 20000m3 10M Dund To avail
Pan affordable clean 60 L.U. water pan icha affordable
and safe water to Pan clean and
the residents of safe water
Dungicha village to residents
Kwa Mulungu To avail 3000 people Construction 20000m3 10M Kwa To avail
Water Pan affordable clean 60 L.U. water pan mulu affordable
and safe water to ngu clean and
the residents of Pan safe water
Kwa Mulungu to residents

141 | P a g e
village of Kwa
Kwa Mwango To avail 3000 people Construction 20000m3 10M Kwa To avail
Water Pan affordable clean 60 L.U. water pan mwan affordable
and safe water to go clean and
the residents of Pan safe water
Kwa Mwango to residents
village of Kwa
Mtsara wa To avail 3000 people Construction 20000m3 10M Mtsar To avail
Magungu Water affordable clean 60 L.U. water pan a wa affordable
Pan and safe water to Magu clean and
the residents of ngu safe water
Petanguo village Pan to residents
Gareheni Water To avail 3000 people Construction 20000m3 10M Gareh To avail
Pan affordable clean 60 L.U. water pan eni affordable
and safe water to Pan clean and
the residents of safe water
Migudomani to residents
village of
Kwa Ngite To avail 3000 people Construction 20000m3 10M Kwa To avail
Water Pan affordable clean 60 L.U. water pan Ngite affordable
and safe water to Pan clean and
the residents of safe water
Migudomani to residents
village of
SP. 4.3 Water Supply Infrastructure
Rima rapera Water Quality 200 people Supply and install a Ksh.6
bore hole enhancement and 60L.U. desalination plant m
Dooni bore hole Water Quality 200 people Supply and install a Ksh.6
enhancement and 60L.U. desalination plant
Kibaokiche- To avail 10,000 people 1. Construction of 15km kshs. 10m 10m
masaaniMikoma affordable clean pipeline stretch of 15m
ni pipeline water and safe water to 100mm HDP 16 Bar
project, Rabai the residents of pipes
Kibaokiche- 2. Construction of
masaaniMikoman Standard Water Kiosk10
i villages No.
3. 100m3 Masonry
Storage Tanks 1 No.
142 | P a g e
Vishakani-Mleji To avail 3,000 people 1. Construction of 4km 7M
pipeline water affordable clean pipeline stretch of
project, Rabai . and safe water to 90mm HDP 16 Bar
the residents of pipes
Vishakani-Mleji 2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosk1
3. 50m3 Masonry
Storage Tanks 1No.

Fumbini water To avail 3,000 people 1. Construction of a 2M

project - kilifi affordable clean pump House
North and safe water to
the residents of
Fumbini village
Kisimachakufa - To avail 3,000 people -Survey and design 5M
Watala water affordable clean -Construction of 3km
project - and safe water to pipeline of 100mm HDP
Magarini sub the residents of 16 bar pipes
county kisima cha kufa 2. Construction of
and Watala Standard Water Kiosks
villages 1No.
Marafa- To avail 1 Secondary 1. Construction of 24km 20M 5M 5M
Chanjalo affordable clean Schools pipeline stretch of
pipeline water and safe water to 2 Primary 100mm HDP 16 Bar
project, the residents of Schools pipes
Bungale. Marafa-Chanjalo 11,000 2. Construction of
Magarini villages Bungale households Standard Water Kiosk14
Marafa Magarini No.
villages 3. 100m3 Masonry
Storage Tanks 3 No.

Gede- chumani To avail 50,000 people Survey and design and 20m 80M 50M
– tezo - Kilifi affordable clean construction
water pipeline and safe water to
project, Kilifi the residents of
North. Gede-Kilifi
Tezo - Chumani To avail 20,000 people 1. Construction of 15km 15M 10M 5M
- Uyombo water affordable clean pipeline of 100mm HDP
project Kilifi and safe water to 16 bar pipes
North the residents of 2. Construction of
Tezo - Chumani - Standard Water Kiosks
Uyombo villages 10 No.
3. Construction of

143 | P a g e
200m3 Masonry Tank
Baricho – To avail 15,000 people -Survey and design 25M 20M 0
Balagha- affordable clean -Construction of 15km
Matolani – and safe water to pipeline of 100mm HDP
Bombi pipeline the residents of 16 bar pipes
extension water Baricho – 2. Construction of
project Magarini Balagha- Standard Water Kiosks
Matolani – Bombi 10 No.
3. Construction of
500m3 R.C. Tank
Kirepwe Island To avail 4000 People -Hydro geological 20M 3M 3M
Borehole affordable clean survey, drilling and
and safe water to equipping with
residents of submersible pumps
Kirepwe Village Construct pump houses
Gede Shirango To avail 2000 People -Hydro geological 20M 3M
Borehole affordable clean survey, drilling and
and safe water to equipping with
residents for submersible pumps
GedeShirango Construct pump houses
Village Ganze
Mwawesa To avail 1500 people -Hydro geological 20M 3M
Borehole affordable clean survey, drilling and
and safe water to equipping with
residents of submersible pumps
Mwawesa Village Construct pump houses
Disaster Availability of Affected areas Procurement of 1 No. 14M
Mitigation clean and safe water bowsers for water
water to hard hit tracking and relevant
areas during accessories
Kamukunji To harvest 15,000 people Development of 20m 20M 20m
quarry water surface runoff for Kamkunji quarry water
system Rabai livestock and system
domestic and
minor irrigation
Water Exploit ground 36 shallow 25M 20M 20m
Resources water for wells 1. identification of sites
Development livestock, 2. Hydro-geological
domestic and survey
minor irrigation 3. Construction of 36
uses No. shallow wells
Mwijo- To avail 4000 people- -Survey and design 9.7m 6.5m
Makomboani affordable clean Kaloleni -Construction of 10km
Water Project and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP

144 | P a g e
Kaloleni Ward 16 bar pipes
2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
5 No.
3. Construction of
100m3 blue scope Tank
Kizurini Water To avail 3500 people- -Survey and design 0 0
Project affordable clean Kaloleni -Construction of 6km
and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
Kaloleni 16 bar pipes
2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
3 No.
3. Construction of 3No.
plastic tanks of 5m3
capacity each Tank 4.5m
Katolani- To avail 4000 people- -Survey and design 10m 5M
Tsangatsini affordable clean Kaloleni -Construction of 15km
Water project and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
Kayafungo Ward 16 bar pipes
2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
10 No.
3. Construction of
500m3 R.C. Tank 20M
Kakunaa water To avail 3000 people -Survey and design
pipeline with affordable clean -Kaloleni -Construction of 7km
50m3 storage and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
tank Kakunaa,Mariaka 16 bar pipes
ni Ward 2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
3 No.
3. Construction of 3No.
plastic tanks of 5m3
capacity each Tank 5M  2M  
Mwareni water To avail -Survey and design
pipeline project affordable clean 4000 people- -Construction of 15km
with 100m3 tank and safe water in Kaloleni pipeline of 100mm HDP
Mariakani Ward 16 bar pipes
2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
10 No.
3. Construction of
500m3 R.C. Tank 15m  10m  0
Tsongoni- To avail 1500 people -Survey and design  10m  0
Kitsaumbi- affordable clean -Construction of 15km 15m

145 | P a g e
Mwabayanyund and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
o water project Kayafungo Ward 16 bar pipes
2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
10 No.
3. Construction of
500m3 R.C. Tank
Kanyumbuni To increase 1500 people -Hydro geological 20m
Borehole access to safe survey, drilling and
water in equipping with
Kayafungo Ward submersible pumps
Construct pump houses  0  0
HademuNguluw To avail 1500 people -Survey and design
eni-Kizurini affordable clean -Construction of 15km
water project and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
mwanamwinga 16 bar pipes
Ward 2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
10 No.
3. Construction of
500m3 blue scope Tank 15m  10m 10m 
Maboyani- To avail 2000 people -Survey and design
Kabateni Water affordable clean -Construction of 17km
Project and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
mwanamwinga 16 bar pipes
Ward 2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
10 No.
3. Construction of
500m3 blue scope .
Tank 25m  10m 8m 
Gotani-Miyani- To increase 1500 people -Survey and design
Kasemeni water access to safe -Construction of 18km
project water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
Kayafungo Ward 16 bar pipes
2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
3. Construction of
100m3 bluescope . Tank 15m  10m  10M
Hademu- To avail 1100 people -Survey and design  5m  
Kilonga Water affordable clean -Construction of 3km 5m
Project and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
mwanamwinga 16 bar pipes
Ward 2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks

146 | P a g e
3. installation of 5m3
water plastic Tanks
Juhudi- To avail 1300 people -Survey and design
Kakomani affordable clean -Construction of 5km
Water Project and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
mwanamwinga 16 bar pipes
Ward 2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
3. installation of 5m3
water plastic Tanks 7m  7M  
Juhudi- To avail 1500 people -Survey and design
Kithengwani affordable clean -Construction of 9km
water project and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
mwanamwinga 16 bar pipes
Ward 2. Construction of
Standard Water Kiosks
3. installation of 5m3
water plastic Tanks 10m  5M  
To avail 1500 people -Survey and design  5M
affordable clean -Construction of 8km 10m
and safe water in pipeline of 100mm HDP
mwanamwinga 16 bar pipes
Ward 2. Construction of
Tsanzuni- Standard Water Kiosks
Migumomiri- 8No.
Mtsengo water 3. installation of 5m3
pipeline water plastic Tanks  
Mida/Matsangon Increase access to 15,000 people -rehabilitation of the 20m 5m 0
i water project safe and portable and several existing pipelines.
water and livestock units -Extension of the
reliability of pipelines to the villages
services to the of Uyombo, Mkongani,
Mida, Madeteni, Kadaini
Mkangagani, -Construction of water
Matsangoni, storage tanks
Mkongani, -Construction of water
Uyombo kiosks
Kaembeni- Increase access to 50,000 people -survey and design 100m 50m 40m
Matsangoni, safe and portable and several -Construction of a
Matsangoni- water and livestock units pipeline from
Tezo, reliability of Kaembenioff taking
Matsangoni- services by from 32’ Baricho
Uyombo water boosting the pipeline through the

147 | P a g e
project water supply to Arabuko forest to
Matsangoni, Matsangoni
Uyombo, Roka, -Construct a pipeline
Chumani, from Matsangoni to
Ngerenya, Tezo Uyombo
and hence
increase the
supply to Kilifi
Maweya Kati- Increase access to 4000 people, Construction of pipeline 37m 10m 5m
Timboni- clean portable a school and -construction of water
Watamu water to the several kiosk
residents of livestock -construction of storage
Maweya Kati, tank
Timboni and
Kadzinuni- Increase access to 1500 people, -Construction of a 15m 12m Nil
Tandia pipeline safe and adequate a primary pipeline
piped water and school and -Construction of water
reliability of some kiosk
services to the livestock -Construction of storage
residents of tank
Kizingo As an alternative 250 people -Borehole cleaning 2m 0.8m Nil
borehole water resources to and several machinery mobilization
rehabilitation piped water in livestock to site
Kizingo -Removal of
submersible pump and
draw pipes from the
-Cleaning of the
borehole to the designed
-Fitting of the draw
pipes and installation of
submersible pump
-Pumping test and
service of generator
prime mover
-Purchase and supply of
a 10m3 UPVC storage
tank to site
Matandale – To avail 10,000 people -Survey and design 15m 7m Nil
Junju – Chodari affordable clean -Construction of 10km
pipeline and safe water to pipeline of 100mm HDP
extension water the residents of 16 bar pipes

148 | P a g e
project Kilifi 2. Construction of
south Standard Water Kiosks
8 No.
3. Construction of
100m3 blue scope Tank
Panga Moshi To avail 8000 people -Survey and design 17m 16m Nil
water project, affordable clean -Construction of 12km
Kilifi South. and safe water to pipeline of 100mm HDP
the residents of pipes
Panga Moshi 2. Construction of
villages Standard Water Kiosks
6 No.
3. Construction of 2 No.
150m3 blue scope tanks.
Adu-Ramada- To avail 4000 people -Carry out survey & 12m 25m 10m
Maziachenda affordable clean design. -Construction of
pipeline and safe water to 7.5km pipeline 100mm
the residents of HDPE
MaziaChenda -5water kiosks with
villages 5plastic tanks of 5m3
capacity each
-150m3 blue scope
water storage tank

Sosoni -Kirosa- To avail 11000 people Construction of 20km 16m 50m 50m
Chamari water affordable clean pipeline from Dakacha
project and safe water to tanks to chamari
the residents of Village. Booster station
KirosaKiluluCha 10 water kiosks valve
mari villages chambers and marker
Ramada Bora To avail 20000 people Construction of 45km 100m 100m 100m
ImaniMarereniV affordable clean pipeline from Ramada to
ibaoViiri and safe water to Vibaoviiri 160mm
the residents of
and Kanagoni
Kadzandani- To avail 3000 people Carry out Survey & 0.5M 10m 10m
Mogole- affordable clean design. Construction
Chamari and safe water to works
pipeline the residents of
ogole and Chalalu
Construction of Provide storage 20,000 people Install 4no steel elevated 40m

149 | P a g e
4no.250m3 for Kadzandani & 4 N0. tanks
elevated tanks at Marafa –Chanjalo construction
kisima Cha Kufa pipelines for tanks
Supply to
Ramada, Fundiisa
Bora imani areas
Borehole Provide water 6500 people, Carry out hydro 15m
drillling at supply to 1 borehole geological survey, drill
Madzayani MadzayaniPumw equip and construct
ani and water tower with solar
kadzifitseni power system
Timboni Ground water 20000 people Construct elevated 20m 20m 20m
Gongoni Wells protection and tanks, well slabs
supply water to pumping units and solar
Gongoni town power units
and surrounding
Construction of To increase 50,000 Construction of a
3500m3 buffer storage on the people- 3500m3 blue scope
storage for the main Watamu Malindi tank as a buffer storage
Kakuyuni- pipeline for the Kakuyuni-
Watamu system Kakuyuni, Watamu system &
& Improvement Dabaso, Watamu, Improvement of Mida-
of Mida- Matsangoni Matsangoni Pipeline
Matsangoni system
Pipeline system 200M
Mazeras- Improve water 2000 people Rehabilitation of 90mm 16m 15m 10m
BuniKisimaniM service provision DN HDP pipe16Bar
watsama water for Buni, pipes 20km pipeline
pipeline Kisimani and 2. Construction of
Mwatsama Standard Water Kiosks
Villages 10 No.
3. Construction of 3No.
100m3 blue scope Tanks
Manoloni water To avail 2000 people Pipeline extension 7.7m
pipeline affordable clean 100mm HDPE 1km
and safe water to Construction of 1No.
the residents of water kiosk
Manaloni village
Baramare water To avail 2000 people Extension of 2.5km 7.7m
pipeline affordable clean pipeline 63mm HDPE
and safe water to Construction of 1No.
the residents of water kiosk
Baramare villages
Mwandoni To avail 2000 people Pipeline extension 6.5m

150 | P a g e
Pipeline affordable clean 50mm HDPE 3km
and safe water to 1No. water kiosk
the residents of
MtandikeniMasa To avail 500 people 1km extension 50mm 2.5m
ani affordable clean HDPE
and safe water to
the residents of
Masaani villages
Colorado- Improve water 4000 poeple Rehabilitation with 20M 1M
BwagaMoyo service provision 100mm HDPE 4.5km
rehabilitation for Bwagamoyo
Kibao- To avail 10000 people Construction of a 90mm 30m
KicheMasaaniK affordable clean HDPE 10km
adzuyuni and safe water to
Mwanjama the residents of
Masaani and
Dzivo- To avail 1500 people Pipeline extension 6m
Mwamruu affordable clean HDPE 90mm 2km
and safe water to
the residents of

3.9 County Health Services

Ongoing Development Projects/Programmes

Project Name Location Objectives Est. Cost Targets Description of Activities

Improve access to 3 Supply, Delivery and
Purchase of 3 Ultra sound
diagnostic health commissioning of Ultra
care services 9,000,000 sound machines
Purchase of Improve access to 6,000,000 1 Supply, Delivery and
151 | P a g e
specialized health commissioning
Ophthalmologic camera care services Ophthalmologicofcamera
Improve access to Assorted Supply and Delivery of
Purchase of therapy
rehabilitation therapy equipment
services 5,000,000
Institutionalize 90% of Undertake research,
evidence based the analyse and disseminate
Research, Feasibility medicine and health findings
Studies operational research facilities
4,000,000 to be
Completion of Improve access to 1 construction of dispensary
Kanyumbani Dispensary health care services 8,987,362
Strengthen 1 Rehabilitation of
Refurbishment of roof at preventive dispensary
Gede Dispensary maintenance 5,000,000
Refurbishment of Kilifi Strengthen 3 Rehabilitation of 3
and Malindi & Mariakani preventive hospitals
Hospital maintenance 16,000,000
Construction completion Improve access to 1 Completion of Mortuary
of Mortuary at Malindi mortuary services construction
Hospital 2,000,000
Construction completion Improve access to 1 Completion of Mortuary
of Mortuary at Kilifi mortuary services construction
Hospital 2,000,000
Construction completion Improve access to 1 Construction completion
of Maternity and operating specialized health of Maternity and operating
theatre at Rabai Health care services theatre
Centre 20,800,000
Construction completion Improve access to 1 Construction completion
of Maternity and operating specialized maternal of Maternity and operating
theatre at Mariakani health care services theatre
Hospital 20,800,000
Construction completion Improve access to 1 Construction completion
Kilifi county hospital ICU, specialized health Kilifi county hospital
Casualty & Radiology care services ICU, Casualty &
complex 150,793,880 Radiology complex

152 | P a g e
Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary
Completion of Jimba health care services construction
Dispensary (Ruruma
ward) 4,590,078
Completion of Dispensary Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary
at Mtangani (Sabaki health care services construction
Ward) 8,456,233
Completion of Garithe Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary
Dispensary and Staff health care services construction
Quarters (Gongoni ward) 10,598,453
Completion of Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary
Mwakuhenga Dispensary health care services construction
(Mnarani ward) 7,576,185

Completion of Mongotini Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary

Dispensary health care services 8,099,347 construction

Improve access to 1 Completion of Maternity

Completion of Maternity health care services ward construction
ward at Kombeni 4,000,000
Completion of Kwajuaje Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary
Dispensary health care services 8,528,893
Completion of Dispensary Improve access to 1 Completion of
staff quarter with 2No. health care services Dispensary, staff quarter
Door toilet at Shakahola and 2 No. door toilet
(Adu ward) 7,987,338
Completion of dispensary Improve access to 1 Completion of dispensary
and observation ward at health care services and observation
kadzifitseni and toilets. 3,100,304
Completion of Mwatsama Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary
Dispensary health care services 6,000,000 construction
Completion of Jila Health Improve access to 1 Completion of Health
Centre health care services 8,000,000 Centre construction
Purchase of assorted Improve access to Assorted Supply, delivery and
equipment to furnish specialized health commissioning of
maternity and Theatres care services Maternity and Theatre
Units 10,000,000 units

153 | P a g e
Construction of Drug store Strengthen 1 Construction of Drug store
at Mariakani Sub County commodities storage
Hospital and management 1,700,000
Construction of Drug store Strengthen 1 Construction of Drug store
at Malindi Sub County commodities storage
Hospital and management 1,700,000
Construction of Drug store Strengthen 1 Construction of Drug store
at Bamba Sub County commodities storage
Hospital and management 1,700,000
Construction of Drug store Strengthen 1 Construction of Drug store
at Jibana Sub County commodities storage
Hospital and management 2,000,000
Construction of staff Improve access to 1 Construction of staff
house at Mwembe kati health care services house
Dispensary 8,000,000
Construction of Improve access to 1 Construction of
Laboratory at Bamba Sub diagnostic health Laboratory
County Hospital care services 8,000,000
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Chamari Dispensary
management 882,088
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Mitsanjeni Dispensary
management 589,641
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
management 672,882
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Tsangatsini Dispensary
management 683,885
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Sosoni Dispensary management 698,124
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Kadtfiteseni Dispensary
management 893,668
Septic tank and Soak Pit at Improve liquid 683,885 1 Construction of Septic
Ndatani Dispensary waste disposal
154 | P a g e
management Tank and Soak Pit
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Mulunguni Dispensary
management 882,668
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Jila Dispensary
management 867,281
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Kachoroni Dispensary
management 735,109
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Tunzanane Dispensary
management 683,885
Improve liquid 1 Construction of Septic
Septic tank and Soak Pit at
waste disposal Tank and Soak Pit
Kiwandani Dispensary
management 817,429
Purchase of assorted Improve access to Assorted Supply and Delivery
equipment for diagnostic health assorted equipment for
Laboratories care services 20,000,000 Laboratories

Construction completion Improve access to 1 Construction completion

of Maternity and operating specialized maternal of Maternity and operating
theatre at Bamba Hospital health care services 14,500,000 theatre

Increase bed space 1 Construct inpatient ward

Construct inpatient ward
in the inpatient
at Kilifi Hospital
wards 10,000,000
Increase bed space 1 Construct inpatient ward
Construct inpatient ward in the inpatient
at Malindi Hospital wards 10,000,000
Increase bed space 1 Construct inpatient ward
Construct inpatient ward
in the inpatient
at Mariakani Hospital
wards 10,000,000
Improve access to 1 Construction of Maternity
Construction of Maternity maternal health care
at Chiferi services 5,000,000
Improve access to 1 Construction of Maternity
Construction of Maternity maternal health care
theatre at Marafa services 14,077,042

155 | P a g e
Completion of Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary
Kithengwani Dispensary health care services Construction
(Mwanamwinga ward) 7,397,362
Completion of Chakama Improve access to 1 Completion of Dispensary
Dispensary health care services 15,029,391 Construction
Contraction of twin one Improve access to 1 Contraction of twin one
bedroom staff house for health care services bedroom staff house
Uwanja Wa Ndege
Dispensary 7,340,617
Extension of Mijomboni Improve access to 1 Extension of Dispensary
Dispensary health care services 7,202,618
Extension of Kalimboni Improve access to 1 Extension of Dispensary
Dispensary health care services 7,202,618

Construction of dispensary Improve access to 1 Construction of

at Mrima Mkulu health care services dispensary
Construction of Improve access to 1 Construction of
Dispensary at Uwanja wa health care services dispensary
Ndege 6,000,000

Construction of dispensary Improve access to 1 Construction of

block and 2No. Cubicle health care services dispensary
pit latrines at Boraimani 6,000,000
Improve access to 1 Construction of
Construction of dispensary dispensary
health care services
block, 1 bedroom staff
house and 2No. Cubicle
pit latrines at Marikano
Expansion of Vishakani Improve access to 1 Expansion of Health
Health Centre health care services 25,000,000 Centre

Improved waste 4 Rehabilitation of Public

Rehabilitation of Public
disposal and Toilets
management 4,000,000
Enhance 10 Purchase of mobile
Communication phones
Purchase mobile phones
between CHVs and
the Community 100,000

156 | P a g e
Empower the 2 Establish community units
Establish 14 community Community to take
units Care of their Health
Enhance the 343 Purchase of Bicycles
mobility of CHVs
Purchase of Bicycles and Ease their
Access to
Households 3,432,000
Strengthen 1 Rehabilitation of
Rehabilitation of Ganda
Preventive Dispensary
maintenance 4,000,000
Construction of staff Improve access to 1 Construction of staff
House at Mtwapa Health health care services House
Centre 7,000,000

New Projects/Programs 2017/2018

Project Name Objectives Targets Description of Estimated Projected Projected

/Location Activities cost 2017/18 2018/2019 2019/2020
Kshs million Kshs million Kshs million
P1. General Administration , Planning and Support services
Recruitment To improve Recruitment Advertise, 200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000
of Health the of 600 Health interview and
Personnel doctor/nurs Personnel recruit staff
es / patient
County wide ratio County wide

Construct Staff Improve Construct 14 Construct Staff 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000

houses in access to staff houses houses
Health health care
Facilities at services
157 | P a g e
Chiferi, Mrima
wa ndege,
Mrima Mkulu,
Jibana, Bamba,
Dispensary ,
Jibana, Mwale,
Purchase 15 Improve Purchase 15 Purchase 25,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000
utility vehicles facility utility vehicles 15utility
in all the 7 health vehicles
Sub Counties supervision
Purchase 60 Improve Purchase 60 Purchase 60 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
motor bikes in outreach motor bikes motor bikes
all wards services County wide
Improve Installation of 20,000,000 0 0
security CCTV
and safety
Installation of for
CCTV at patients,
Mariakani staff and Installation of
Hospital assets 1 CCTV
Construct rain Ensure Construct rain Construct rain 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
water availability water water harvesting
harvesting of water at harvesting infrastructures
infrastructures health infrastructures
in rural health facilities in rural health
facilities facilities
county wide county wide
Construction Improve Construction Construction of 30,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000
of new the of 7 new new
administration capacity of administration administration
blocks for the County blocks for blocks for office
office space for health office space space
Sub County manageme
team at Kilifi nt systems
North, Malindi
Rabai, and
158 | P a g e
Kilifi South

Construct Improve Construct 4 Construct 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000

perimeter wall security for perimeter perimeter wall
in 2 hospitals patients, walls in health in 2 hospitals
and 2 health staff , facilities and 2 health
centre facilities assets and centre facilities
(Kilifi/Malindi facility (Kilifi/Malindi /
/ Rabai & land Rabai &
Vipingo) Vipingo)

Construct Improve Construct 3 Construct 20,000,00 30,000,000 0

incinerators at waste incinerators incinerators at
Jibana, Rabai, disposal Bamba and
Gede sub manageme Jibana, Rabai
hospitals nt sub county

Construct 11 Improve Construct 11 Construct 11 11,000,000 0 0

incinerators for waste incinerators incinerators for
the county disposal the county
manageme Health centres
facilities at
Mitsajeni nt
Chiferi, Mrima
wa ndege,
Mrima Mkulu,
Gotani Health
Centre, Mwale,
Install solar Avail Install solar Installation of 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
panels in all alternative panels in all solar panels in
rural primary source of rural primary rural primary
health care
energy health health care
facilities for
lighting facilities

Procure 4 Improve Procure 4 Procure 3 30,000,000 0 30,000,000

laundry diagnostic laundry laundry
machines for
Bamba, Jibana
159 | P a g e
and Gede, health care machines machines
Rabai Sub
Refurbishment Strengthen Refurbishment Refurbishment 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
of all Hospitals preventive of all of Hospitals
County wide maintenanc Hospitals
e County wide
Refurbishment Strengthen Refurbishment Refurbishment 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000
of all Primary preventive of all Primary of Primary
Health Care maintenanc Health Care Health Care
Facilities e Facilities Facilities
County wide

P 2. Curative Health Services

Project Name Objectives Targets Description of Estimated Projected Projected
Activities cost 2017/18 2018/2019 2019/2020
Kshs Kshs Kshs
millions millions millions
Equip all Strengthen Equip 80 Equip all health 32,000,000 32,000,000 32,000,000
Dispensaries health health Dispensaries
faculties with informatio Dispensaries with ICT
ICT n and with ICT infrastructure
infrastructure communica infrastructure
Procure Ensure Procure Procure 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000
Essential adequate Essential Essential
Medicines and medical Medicines and Medicines and
Medical products Medical Medical
Supplies Supplies Supplies
Establish Reduce the Establish 2 40,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000
Gender Based burden of Gender Based
Gender Based
Violence violence Violence
Violence Centre
Centre at and injuries Centres
Malindi and
Mariakani Sub
Construct and Establish a Establish a 30,000,000 30,000,000 30,000,000
Construct and
Equip a standard standard
Equip a Trauma
Trauma Centre accidents accidents and
at Mariakani and emergency

160 | P a g e
Hospital emergency centre
centre to
such cases.
Construct and Increase Construct and Construct and 20,000,000 20,000,000
equip eye access of equip eye unit equip eye unit
centre in Kilifi specialized
County eye care
Construction Improve Construct 1 Construct 25,000,000 25,000,000 10,000,000
and equipping access to cancer cancer
of Cancer specialized diagnostic diagnostic
Diagnostic health care centre centre
Centre at Kilifi services
purchase of Increase purchase of 2 purchase of 45,000,000 45,000,000 0
Oxygen Plant access of Oxygen Plants Oxygen Plant
for Malindi chemical
and Mariakani and
Sub County industrial
Hospital gases and
reduce the
Construct and Improve Construct and Construct and 40,0 40,000,000 40,000,000
equip 4 new last office equip 4 new equip 4 new
mortuaries at services mortuaries mortuaries at 000,000
Bamba &
Marafa & Marafa & Rabai

Expand Improve Expand Expand 30,000,000 30,000,000 30,000,000

Mariakani sub access to Mariakani sub Mariakani sub
county hospital specialized county county hospital
by construction hospital by by construction
health care
of a paediatric construction of of a paediatric
ward, female a paediatric ward, maternity
and male - ward, block, female
surgical and maternity and male -
medical wards, block, female surgical and
casualty and a and male - medical wards, a
new-born unit surgical and theatre and a
medical wards, casualty and a
a theatre and a new-born unit
casualty and a
new-born unit
161 | P a g e
Construct Improve Construct 1 Construct 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
Maternity wing access to Maternity Maternity wing
and ICU at specialized wing and ICU and ICU at
Malindi Sub health care Malindi county
county services hospital.
Construct Improve Construct 15 Construct and 255,000,000 255,000,000 255,000,000
Dispensaries in access to new equip
all the 7 Sub diagnostic dispensaries dispensaries
Counties health care
Upgrade Scale up Upgrade 12 Upgrade 12 30,000,000 30,000,00 30,000,000
dispensaries to provision health health
be health of all Dispensaries Dispensaries to
centres,Makan essential to health health Centres
zani,,Dzikunze health care Centres County wide
,Jaribuni,Mtep services
eni ,Garashi, and
Marereni, Adu, increase
Ziani, Jilole, access
and Sosoni
Upgrade and Increase Upgrade Upgrade 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000
expand Gede access to facilities to facilities to Sub
to be sub specialized Sub County County
county health health care hospitals hospitals
referral County wide
hospitals and
construction of
male and
female wards,
laundry, and
kitchen in the
Construct and Construct and Construct and 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
equip equip 14 equip
laboratories at Improve laboratories laboratories at
health access to health facilities
facilities: Jila, diagnostic
Gotani, Rabai, health care
Matsangoni, services
Gede, Muyeye,
162 | P a g e
Construct Strengthen Upgrade Construct 30,000,000 30,000,000 30,000,000
accident and emergency Casualty in 3 accident and
emergency response health emergency
department at facilities
department at
,Mtwapa Vipingo
,Rabai) ,Mtwapa ,Rabai)

Upgrade Strengthen Upgrade Upgrade storage 13,000,000 13,000,000 13,000,000

storage commoditi storage facilities for
facilities for es storage facilities for primary 13
primary and primary 13 healthcare
facilities in the manageme healthcare facilities
Jila, Gotani, nt facilities
Gede, Muyeye,
Procure Improve Procure 8 Procure 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
resuscitators quality of resuscitators resuscitators
For hospitals. care For hospitals. For hospitals at
(Kilifi, Kilifi, Malindi,
Malindi, Mariakani,
Mariakani, Bamba & Jibana
Bamba &
Jibana, Gede)
Purchase EPI improve Purchase EPI Purchase and 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
refrigerators storage and refrigerators commissioning
for all the 7 manageme for all the 7 of EPI
Sub Counties Sub Counties refrigerators
nt of

163 | P a g e
Purchase of Increase Purchase of Purchase of 600 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000
600 patients bed space 600 patients patients beds for
beds for in the beds hospitals and
hospitals and health centres.
health centres. County wide.
County wide.
Procure Improve Procure 6 Procure 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000
anaesthetic quality of anaesthetic anaesthetic
machines for health care machines for machines for
hospitals, hospitals hospitals
Bamba &
Jibana, Rabai
and Gede).
Purchase of 9 Improve Purchase of 9 Purchase of 9 X- 6,000,000 6,00,000 6,00,000
X-ray diagnostic X-ray ray machines
machines for health care machines
Gede, Bamba,
Rabai, Marafa,
Kilifi and
Purchase 6 Improve Purchase 6 Purchase 6 Ultra 4,400,000 4,400,000 4,400,000
Ultra Sound diagnostic Ultra Sound Sound machines
machines health care machines
Gede, Bamba,
Rabai, Marafa,
Purchase 2 CT Improve Purchase 2 CT Purchase 2 CT 60,000,000 60,000,000 0
Scan (Malindi diagnostic Scan Scan (Malindi &
& Mariakani) health care Mariakani

Procure 20 Improve Procure 20 Procure 10,000,000 10,000,000 0

incubators at diagnostic incubators incubators
Jila, Gotani, health care
Gede, Muyeye,
Kizingo, Kilifi,

164 | P a g e
Purchase Improve Purchase Purchase 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
assorted diagnostic assorted assorted medical
medical health care medical equipment for
equipment all sub County
for all sub
County hospitals
Purchase of Improve Purchase of Purchase of 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000
medical gases diagnostic medical gases medical gases –
– portable health care – portable portable 45kgs
45kgs and 45kgs and and 25kgs
cylinders-All 25kgs cylinders
Health cylinders
Purchase Improve Purchase Purchase 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
assorted diagnostic assorted assorted medical
medical health care medical equipment for
equipment for equipment for all primary care
all primary
care facilities all primary facilities
care facilities

Purchase 72 Improve Purchase 72 4,800,000 4,800,000 4,800,000

portable diagnostic portable 72portable
oxygen health care oxygen oxygen
concentrators concentrators

Purchase Improve Purchase 15 Purchase 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000

patient diagnostic patient patient monitors
monitors health care monitors (Kilifi/Mariakan
(Kilifi, i/Bamba &
Malindi, Jibana)
Bamba , Gede,
Jibana, Rabai,
Establish drug Rehabilitat Establish 2 Establish drug 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000
rehabilitation e drug drug rehabilitation
centre at Kilifi, users rehabilitation centre
Mtwapa, and centre

P 3. Promotive and Preventive Health Services

Project Name Objectives Targets Description of Estimated Projected Projected
Activities cost 2017/18 2018/2019 2019/2020

165 | P a g e
/Location Kshs Kshs Kshs
millions millions millions
Sensitization Ensure Sensitization 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
on HIV/AIDS early on Cancer and
Screening and
and TB in all detection TB in all 35
35 Wards in and Ward in the
the County treatment County
Sensitization Ensure Sensitization 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
on Cancer , early on Cancer and
Screening and
Diabetes and detection TB in all 35
High Blood and Ward in the
Pressure in all treatment County
35 Wards in
the County
Establish 35 Empower Establish 30 4,700,000 4,700,000 4,700,000
Establish and
Community the Community
Units at in all Communit Units
wards. y to take
care of
Purchase 6 Ensure Purchase 6 Purchase 6 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
fumigation infection fumigation fumigation
machines at prevention machines. machines.
Kilifi, Malindi, and control
and Mariakani.

P 4. Maternal and Child Health

Project Name Objectives Targets Description of Estimated Projected Projected
Activities cost 2017/18 2018/2019 2019/2020
Kshs Kshs Kshs
millions millions millions
Construct 11 Improved Construct 11 Construct 11 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
placenta pits in waste placenta pits. placenta pits
the 7 Sub disposal County wide.

166 | P a g e

Construct three Increase Construct Construct of 27,000,000 27,000,000 27,000,000

maternity accesses to three maternity maternity
Homes in specialize Homes Homes
Kilifi, Malindi maternal
and Mariakani.
and Child

Construct and Increase Construct 15 Construct 15 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000

equip accesses to maternity maternity wards
maternity maternal wards
wards in health
and Child
facilities at
Bagamoyo, Health
Mrima wa Care.
Ndege, Uwanja
wa ndege,

P. 5.Health Research and Development

Project Name Objectives Targets Description of Estimated Projected Projected
Activities cost 2017/18 2018/2019 2019/2020
Kshs Kshs Kshs
millions millions millions
Research To Conduct Distribute 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
Feasibility institutiona operational questionnaire,
studies l research Collect data,
operational analyse and
research disseminate the

167 | P a g e
3.8 Roads, Transport and Public Works Services

On-Going Projects/Programmes

Project Name Objectives Program Estimated Targets Description of

me cost Kshs activities
Kwambaji - To enhance SP 1.2 To To carry out routine
Mwatsama road motorability of roads Rehabilita rehabilitati grading and gravelling
tion of 20,000,00 works; bush clearing;
and reduce on 10km
roads 0 unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs road
the road projects
Bondora - To enhance SP 1.2 To To carry out routine
Kinung'una- motorability of roads Rehabilita 43,000,00 rehabilitati grading and gravelling
Nguzo Ishirini and reduce tion of 0 on 15km works; bush clearing;
road roads unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs road
the road projects
To enhance SP1.2 32,000,00 To To carry out routine
Kanamai Rehabilita 0 rehabilitati grading and gravelling
motorability of roads
(Majengo) - tion of on 12km works; bush clearing;
Animo road and reduce
roads road unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
the road projects
Completion of To enhance SP 1.2 To To carry out routine
Maluwani Road motorability of roads Rehabilita rehabilitati grading and gravelling
tion of 10,000,00 works; bush clearing;
and reduce 0 on 4km
roads unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs road
the road projects
Upgrading of To enhance SP 1.2 13,000,00 To To carry out routine
5km Bamba motorability of roads Rehabilita 0 rehabilitati grading and gravelling
township roads and reduce tion of on 5km works; bush clearing;
roads unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs road
the road projects

168 | P a g e
To enhance SP 1.2 10,000,00 To To carry out routine
Mbaraka Rehabilita 0 rehabilitati grading and gravelling
motorability of roads
Chembe Road tion of on 8km works; bush clearing;
and reduce
roads road unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
the road projects
To enhance SP 1.2 20,000,00 To To carry out routine
motorability of roads Rehabilita 0 rehabilitati grading and gravelling
Petanguo to tion of on 15km works; bush clearing;
Dungicha Road and reduce
roads road unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
the road projects
To enhance SP 1.2 20,000,00 To To carry out routine
motorability of roads Rehabilita 0 rehabilitati grading and gravelling
and reduce tion of on 10km works; bush clearing;
Mapimo Road roads road unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
the road projects
Cabro To enhance SP1.1 10,000,00 To Pave To carry out routine
Completion of motorability of roads constructi 0 600m road grading and gravelling
Bus Park - St. and reduce on of works; bush clearing;
Luke's Road roads and unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
bridges the road projects
To enhance SP1.2 25,000,00 To To carry out routine
Majengo Rehabilita 0 rehabilitati
grading and gravelling
motorability of roads
Kanamai to tion of on 8km works; bush clearing;
Jumuia Road and reduce
roads road unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
the road projects
To enhance SP1.1 5,000,000 To Pave To carry out routine
motorability of roads constructi 500m road grading and gravelling
Completion of on of works; bush clearing;
Shella Cabro and reduce
roads and unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
bridges the road projects
To enhance SP1.1 150,000,0 To pave To carry out routine
motorability of roads constructi 00 grading and gravelling
Completion of on of works; bush clearing;
Mtwapa Buspark and reduce
roads and unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
bridges the road projects
4.2km To enhance SP1.1 273,000,0 To pave Upgrading of the roads
Upgrading of A7 motorability of roads constructi 00 4.2km to bitumen standards
(Kanu Office - and reduce on of
Kisumu ndogo roads and
maintenanace costs
(Mbuyuni road), bridges
Bus park -

169 | P a g e

Completion of To enhance SP1.1 72,000,00 To pave Upgrading of the roads

2.5KM motorability of roads constructi 0 2,5km of to bitumen standards
Upgrading of B8 and reduce on of road
- Sultan Palace roads and
maintenanace costs
road bridges

A7(Mzambaraun To enhance SP1.2 15,000,00 To To carry out routine

i) - Chiefs Office motorability of roads Rehabilita 0 rehabilitati grading and gravelling
(mtwapa health and reduce tion of on 4km works; bush clearing;
centre) roads road unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
the road projects

Completion of To enhance SP1.2 5,000,000 To To carry out routine

Chitwa cha motorability and Rehabilita rehabilitati
grading and gravelling
Mkamba Bridge connectivity tion of on 5km works; bush clearing;
roads road unblocking culverts of
the road projects
Beautification of To empower the SP1.5 5,000,000 To Beatify To carry out routine
Malindi Town tourism sector Road grading and gravelling
Roundabout safety and works; bush clearing;
Interventi unblocking culverts of
ons the road projects
Boda boda and To enhance SP1.5 52,000,00 To To carry out routine
passenger sheds protection from bad Road 0 construct/ grading and gravelling
(on B8 road weather condition to safety and Erect works; bush clearing;
from Mtwapa to Interventi sheds unblocking culverts of
passengers and boda
Marereni) ons the road projects
boda drivers

Completion of To enhance SP1.2 5,000,000 To To carry out routine

Sosoni - motorability of roads Rehabilita rehabilitati grading and gravelling
Majengo - and reduce tion of on 5km works; bush clearing;
Mulunguni road roads road unblocking culverts of
maintenanace costs
the road projects
To enhance SP1.3 21,000,00 1no Purchase of bulldozer
accessibility and Maintenan 0 Bulldozer
Purchase of 1no
BullDozer connectivity of ce of

To enhance SP1.3 19,000,00 1 low Purchase of low loader

Purchase of 1 no
accessibility and Maintenan 0 loader
Low loader
connectivity of roads ce of
170 | P a g e
New Projects/ Programs 2017/2018

Project Objectives Targets Programme/ Description of

Est. cost Projecte Projected
Name/Location Sub- Activities d 2019/20
Progamme 2018/19
Construction of To enhance 1 bridge SP1.4 Design Construction of 250,000,000 0 0
Kivukoni accessibility and construct of roads and bridge
Bridge to connectivity of ion Bridges
Takaungu roads.

Rehabilitation To enhance 1 bridge SP1.4 Design Construction of 50,000,000 0 0

of Baricho accessibility and construct of roads and bridge
bridge connectivity of ion Bridges
Kizurini Kwa To enhance To gravel SP1.2 Rehabilitation of 40,000,000 0 0
Demu Road accessibility and 20KM Rehabilitation the road
connectivity of of roads
Mamburui To enhance To gravel SP1.2 Rehabilitation of 50,000,000 0 0
Baricho Road accessibility and 58Km Rehabilitation the road
connectivity of of roads
Ngombeni To enhance To gravel SP1.2 Rehabilitation of 20,000,000 0 0
Jibana accessibility and 18Km Rehabilitation the road
connectivity of of roads
Upgrading to To enhance To SP1.1 Upgrading to 200,000,000 0 0
Bitumen of accessibility and Tarmac construction of bitumen
Malindi-By connectivity of 3km roads and standard of the
pass roads bridges road
Upgrading to To enhance To SP1.1 Upgrading to 150,000,000 0 0
Bitumen of accessibility and Tarmac construction of bitumen
Mtwapa-By connectivity of 2km roads and standard of the
pass roads bridges road
Construction of To enhance To Pave SP1.1 To Pave with 350,000,000 100,000, 50,000,00
Kilifi Township accessibility and construction of paving block 000 0
Modern connectivity of roads and tiles (Cabro
Buspark roads bridges Tiles)
Upgrade and To enhance To SP1.3 Upgrade and 40,000,0000 60,000,0 70,000,00
Expand Road accessibility and upgrade Maintenance of Expand County 00 0
Network connectivity of and roads Roads Network
(county wide roads expand
road) 700km
171 | P a g e
Rural Access To enhance Open up SP1.3 Opening new 40,000,000 55,000,0 75,000,00
Roads County accessibility and 80km Maintenance of access roads in 00 0
wide connectivity of Roads roads rural areas
roads open up per ward
by 2018
Maintenance of To enhance Maintaini SP1.3 Maintenance of 30,000,000 50,000,0 70,000,00
Rural Access accessibility and ng of Maintenance of access roads in 00 0
roads county connectivity of 80Km roads rural areas
wide roads open up Roads
per ward
by 2018
Construction To enhance To SP1.3 Construction 50,000,000 70,000,0 80,000,00
and accessibility and reduce Maintenance of /rehabilitation of 00 0
Maintenance of connectivity of storm roads storm water
Drainage roads open up water drains
Systems in the floods
urban centers
county wide

3.10 Devolution, Public Service and Disaster Management

On-going Projects/Programmes

Project Name and Objectives Estimated Targets Description of

Location Cost Kshs activities
Cash Transfer Program To safeguard the 24,000,000 The Registration &
lives of the elderly elderly& vetting of
and OVC. Orphans and beneficiaries.
Vulnerable Disbursement of
Children. cash monthly to

Construction of Kilifi To offer 30,320,611 Kilifi North Construction of the

North Sub county administrative members of office.
Administrator's office services closer to the public.
Construction of Kilifi To offer 32,242,275 Kilifi South Construction of the
South Sub county administrative members of office.
Administrator's office services closer to the public
Construction Ganze Sub To offer 33,586,339 Ganze Construction of the
county Administrator's administrative members of office.
172 | P a g e
office services closer to the public
Construction of Magarini To offer 32,781,653 Magarini Construction of the
Sub county administrative members of office.
Administrator's office services closer to the public
Construction of Kaloleni To offer 34,728,490 Kaloleni Construction of the
Sub county administrative members of office.
Administrator's office services closer to the public
Construction of Rabai To offer 33,422,733 Rabai Construction of the
Sub county administrative members of office.
Administrator's office services closer to the public
Refurbishment of Deputy To create more 11,931,336 All staff Partitioning,
Governor’s building modern office space members renovation and tiling
to serve the citizens of the office block.
Partitioning To create more 3,000,000 All staff Partitioning the
of town administration modern office space members. office block
offices in watamu to serve the citizens

Renovation of Mariakani To create more 4,000,000 All staff Renovation of the

town hall and toilets modern office space members. offices and 2 No.
and ablution block to toilets.
serve the citizens

New Projects/Programs 2017/2018

Project Objectives Targets Description Estimated Projected Projected

Name/Location of activities cost cost cost
2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
Cash Transfer To safeguard the The Registration 35,000,000 38,500,000 42,350,000
Program lives of the elderly& & vetting of
elderly and OVC. Orphans and beneficiaries.
of cash
monthly to

173 | P a g e
and mid term

Construction of To create a one- All Design & 50,000,000 60,000,000 80,000,000

County stop shop for all departments’ tendering,
Headquarters – services and staff
phase 1 more modern members
of phase 1.
office space to
serve the citizens
Completion of To offer All members Variations; 45,000,000 10,000,000 2,000,000
Sub county administrative of public in
offices. services closer to the sub
of water tank
the people. counties.
and driveway
Refurbishment To create more All members Partitioning, 10,586,761 0 0
of Deputy modern office of staff. renovation,
Governors space to serve the tiling of the
building. citizens better. office block
and 4 No.

174 | P a g e

Project Estimated
Description of
name and Objectives Targets Cost Projected Projected
Location 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020


ONE 1 open
Partitioning plan office;
and three 3 offices;
to create
furnishing of one 1
CPSB boardroom;
office staff
extension one 1 registry;
offices one 1 Partitioning and
storeroom. furnishing 12,000 0 0

175 | P a g e
Chapter Four: Implementation, Monitoring and

176 | P a g e


4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents by sector all projects and programmes, which implementation will be
continuing on or newly initiated in 2017/18 financial year. Ongoing projects/programmes will
be in their second or third year of implementation in 2017/18 fiscal year while those proposed
are those starting during this period and continued in the next two fiscal year (2018/19 and
2019/20) or completed in one year. The implementation matrices therefore indicate the total
estimated cost of each project/programme in its implementation period of one, two or three fiscal
years. The matrices also indicate the agency responsible for each programme/project
implementation and funding, output indicators and how implementation will be monitored.

4.1 Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Development

Project Name Est. Time Frame Monitori Monitori Impleme Source Projec
Location Cost ng ng Tools nting of t
Kshs Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Indictors Agency Funds Imple
million mentat
P 1. General Administration Planning and Support Services

S.P 1.1 General Administration Planning and Support Services

0.45M Toilet Completio Agric CGK Propos

Toilet constructe n Directora ed
construction 1 - d certificate te
AMS Mariakani Report
2m No of Reports Livestoc CGK Propos
Renovation of office Site visits k ed
Sub-county renovated productio
livestock n
production office- directorat
Ganze HQ e
177 | P a g e
12m No of Reports Livestoc CoGKfi Propos
Construction of offices Site visits k ed
toilet and constructe productio
equipping of ward d n
livestock No of directorat
production office equipment e
with equipments s
All sub counties
in selected wards
Renovation of 3m No of Reports Livestoc CoGKfi Propos
Ward livestock office Site visits k ed
production office renovated productio
and staff quarters n
Bamba directorat
Refurbishment of 2.5m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
livestock improve reports k g
Langombaya the work Completio productio
office environme n n
nt certificate directorat
Langombaya e
Completion of 0.7 % of work Report Fisheries CGK Ongoin
toilet at fisheries completio directorat g
office (Kilifi- n e
Construction of 0.6m Completio Report CDVS CGK new
fence at head n of fence
Construct 2.0m Completio Report CDVS CGK new
ion of soak pit n of soak Completio
tank at Veterinary pit n
HQs certificate
Completion of 9m To create M&E CO/CDV COGK NEW
construction of an reports S
DFZ offices in enabling Completio
Rabai, Ganze and environme n
Magarini Sub nt for certificate
-Counties livestock
Veterinary HQs developm
Capacity building 3.3m -No of M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
to farmers and participant S GOIN
stakeholders: All s G
wards -Training
P 2: Crop Development and management

SP2.1 land and crop development

178 | P a g e
Procurement of 112 M No of Inspection Agric CGK Propos
tractors. tractors Report Directora ed
County wide Delivery te
Log book
farmers capacity 2m No of Training Agric CGK Propos
building on farmers reports Directora ed
climate change trained te
Cashew nut, 7.5m No. of reports Agric CGK ongoin
coconut and cashewnut, Directora g
mangoes mango and te
promotion coconut
Rehabilitation of 18m No. of Delivery Agric CGK Propos
tree crops cashewnut note Directora ed
orchards - seedlings te
Provision of low 18M No. of Delivery Agric CGK Propos
cost fertilizer and bags note Directora ed
inputs. delivered Reports te
County wide List of
Provisionof 7m Tonnes of Reports Agric CGK Propos
certified certified Directora ed
seeds( Assorted ) seeds te
Agricultural 20M No. Of Report Agric CGK Propos
mechanization machinery Photo Directora ed
programme procured te
county wide Number of
SP 2.2 Food security initiative
Promotion of fruit 20M Agric CGK Propos
processing No of Reports Directora ed
(mango, passion, cottage Field te
pine apple) industries visits
establishment of
cottage industries
in villages.
County wide
Farmers capacity 5.1m No of FFS Reports Agric CGK Propos
building through established Directora ed
FFS No. of te

179 | P a g e
mangoes and 35M No. of Reports Agric CGK Propos
coconut beneficiari Directora ed
rehabilitation es te
County wide No of
Cassava 2M No. of Reports Agric CGK Propos
promotion and beneficiari Delivery Directora ed
value addition es note te
County wide No of

P:3 Agribusiness & Information Management

Sp 3.1 Agribusiness & Information Management

Promotion of 17M Agric CGK Propos
fruit processing No of Reports Directora ed
(Mango,passion, cottage Field te
pineapple) industries visits
No. of
establishment of es
cottage industry
in villages
county wide
Establishment of 12m Number of Reports Agric CGK Propos
Agribusiness business Directora ed
Development incubation te
Centre s promoted

P:3 Agribusiness & Information Management

SP 3.1Agribusiness & Information Management

Capacity Building 5.1 M List of Reports Agric CGK Propos

in the Agriculture participant Directora ed
and Rural s trained te
County wide
Completion of 2.7M Farm Completio Agric CGK Propos
fence at ATC fenced n Directora ed
certificate te
Construction of 12M Completio Completio Agric CGK Propos
Agribusiness n n Directora ed
centre for Cassava certificate certificate te
processing One ADC Reports
180 | P a g e
centre Photos
Cassava solar 0.7 One solar Reports Agric CGK Propos
drying shed drier Photos Directora ed
constructe te
Construction of a 26M Completio Completio Agric CGK Propos
hostel at ATC n n Directora ed
Mtwapa certificate certificate te
14 roomed Reports
hostel Photos

5.1 Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure

Balagha Irrigation 5M No. of Agric CGK Propos

project acres Reports Directora ed
developed Photos te
Burangi irrigation 8M No. of Agric CGK Propos
scheme acres Reports Directora ed
developed Photos te
Dagamra 4M No. of Agric CGK Propos
Irrigation acres Reports Directora ed
Scheme developed Photos te
Construction of 3.9M No. of Agric CGK Propos
water tanks elevated Reports Directora ed
platforms and water tanks Photos te
fitting at water
Mangudho 5,000,0 No. of Agric CGK Propos
Irrigation scheme 00 acres Reports Directora ed
developed Photos te
Construction of 3.9M No. of Agric CGK Propos
water tanks elevated Reports Directora ed
platforms and water tanks Photos te
fitting -Mdachi

Sink a second 2M 1 Borehole Agric CGK Propos

borehole (ATC) sunk Reports Directora ed
Photos te
Development of 50m Increase Reports Agric CGK Propos
Burangi Irrigation irrigation Directora ed
Scheme (Rice area by 5 te
production) ha

181 | P a g e
50m Increase Reports Agric CGK Propos
Implementation of irrigation Directora ed
Dagamra by 5ha te
Irrigation scheme
Water harvesting 50m Construct 6 Reports Agric CGK Propos
–Construction of dams Directora ed
dams te

P5: Livestock Development

SP:5.1 Livestock Policy & Capacity Building

Capacitybuilding 8M No of Reports Livestoc CGK; On

livestock keepers livestock Backstopp k Partners going
of various keepers ing producti
livestock trained on
production directora
aspects te
Construction of 40M No of Reports Livestoc CoGKfi Propos
water pans and water pans Survey k Partners ed
bore holes for constructed producti
livestock use on
Kaloleni directora
Magarini, te
Malindi, Ganze Non
sub counties State
Development of 35M Fencing structure Livestoc CoGKfi Propos
the Kavunyalalo No of No of k ed
livestock farm boreholes acres producti
No of farm under on
pasture directora
Dairy cow project 14M No of dairy Reports Livestoc CoGKfi On
cows k going
purchased producti
& on
distributed directora
Dairy Goats 6.3M No of dairy Reports Livestoc CoGKfi On
development goats Field k Partners going
Kilifi north, Kilifi purchased visits producti
south, Kaloleni, & on
Magarini, distributed directora
Malindi Rabai teNon

182 | P a g e
and Ganze sub State
counties Actors
Promotion of 3.5M No of Reports Livestoc CoGKfi On
Rabbits rabbits Field k Partners going
production purchased visits producti
Kilifi north, Kilifi & on
south, Kaloleni, distributed directora
Magarini, , te Non
Malindi Rabai State
and Ganze sub Actors
Up scaling of 6M No of bee Reports Livestoc CoGKfi On
Beekeeping hives Field k Partners going
Kilifi South , No of visits producti
Magarini Kilifi accessories on
North , Ganze, directora
Malindi, Rabai, te Non
Kaloleni State
Local Poultry 3M No of Reports Livestoc CoGKfi Propos
development poultry Field k Partners ed
County wide purchased visits producti
and on
distributed directora
te Non
Meat Goats 28.4M No of goats Reports Livestoc CoGKfi On
(Galla) purchased Field k Partners going
development visits producti
All Sub Counties on
te Non
Improvement of 4.6M No of Reports Livestoc CoGKfi On
local Zebu Boran bull Field k going
Malindi, Ganze, visits producti
Magarini and on
kaloleni directora

SP:5.1 Livestock Policy & Capacity Building

Fodder 4M No of kilos Reports Livestoc CoGKfi On
establishment and of pasture Field k going
conservation seed visits producti
All wards No of on
Napier directora
cuttings te
No of acres

183 | P a g e
SP:5.3 Livestock Products Value Addition and Marketing

Promotion of 21m No of Reports Livestoc CoGKfi On

fodder conservati Site visits k going
conservation on productio
structure structures n
7 sub counties directorat
Purchase of 5 To reports Livestoc CGK ongoin
five(5) milk improve k g
cooling tanks for market productio
milk collection access for n
centres ( Rabai, the raw directorat
Bamba, Ganze, milk e
Marafa and
To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
Construction of facilitate reports k g
Manyeso milk market Completi productio
cooling and access for on n
collection centre milk certificate directorat
Gede e
Perimeter fence 1m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
and toilet facilitate reports k g
construction for market Completi productio
Kanagoni access for on n
livestock sales livestock certificate directorat
yard e
Adu ward

Sp 5. 1 Livestock policy and capacity development

Extension 2m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
equipment/materi facilitate reports k g
als staff while Completi producti
doing on on
extension certificate directora
work te
Farmer capacity 5.7m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
building enhance reports k g
the Completi producti
knowledge on on
and skills certificate directora
for te

SP:5.3 Livestock Products Value Addition and Marketing

Construct Milk 4.03m M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin

184 | P a g e
collection and To reports k g
cooling centres improve Completi producti
Bamba market on on
access for certificate directora
the raw te
Construct New 4.7m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
Milk collection improve reports k g
and cooling market Completi producti
centres access for on on
Ganze the raw certificate directora
milk te
Construct New 4.2m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
Milk collection improve reports k g
and cooling market Completi producti
centres access for on on
Marafa the raw certificate directora
milk te
Construction of 2m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
Rabai milk improve reports k g
cooling and market Completi producti
collection centre access for on on
Rabai the raw certificate directora
milk te
Tsangatsini 1.3m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
livestock sale improve reports k g
yard perimeter market Completi producti
fence and toilet access to on on
Kayafungo ward livestock certificate directora
Perimeter fence 0.5m To M&E Livestoc CGK ongoin
Langobaya facilitate reports k g
livestock sale market producti
yard and toilet access for Completi on
construction for livestock on directora
Baolala/ certificate te
Jilore ward
Construction of 30m To M& E Livestoc CGK new
Manyeso milk improve reports, k
cooling and market completio producti
collection centre access for n on
the raw certificate directora
milk s te

P:6 Fisheries Development

SP:6.1 Sustainable Capture Fisheries

Procure of 20m No of out Delivery Fisheries CGK ongoin
185 | P a g e
outboard board and Directora g
engines- All engines supply te
BMUs document
Development of 8m No of Delivery Fisheries CGK new
Fishing two fishing notes directora
fishing Technologi te
technology. es adopted

Fishing gear 5m No of Delivery/ Fisheries CGK ongoin

exchange gears issue Directora g
programme supplied document te
List of
Carry out frame 2m 1 frame Frame Fisheries CGK new
survey survey Survey Directora
done, report te
Patrol and 4m 6 Patrol Fisheries CGK New
licencing campaigns report. Directora
campaigns done No. of te
SP:6.2 Aquaculture Development

Construction of 10m Number of Field Fisheries CGK On

10 Mariculture ponds reports Directora going
ponds constructed List of te
5m Number of Attendanc Fisheries CGK ongoin
training e list Directora g
sessions Training te
Capacity building Number of reports
of fishermen and persons
fish farmers trained
6m No of Delivery Fisheries CGK ongoin
fingerlings reports Directora g
supplied to List of te
Provision farmers beneficiar
fingerings ies
Development of 20m % Reports Fisheries CGK New
shoreline completion Completi directora
protection of work on te
structure at certificate
Ngomeni fish s

186 | P a g e
landing site
Development of 15m No of Reports Fisheries CGK New
30 Crab fattening cages List of Directora
project developed beneficiar te
No of ies
ponds Delivery
established reports
-No of
Pond fisheries 16m No of Report Fisheries new
development ponds List of directora CGK
projects. establishm beneficiar te
All sub counties. ent ies
4m % of Monitorin Fisheries CGK new
Establishment of Completio g Directora
fish Feeds n of te
production unit establishm
ent of feed

SP:6.3 Fish Quality Control & Marketing

Completion of 1m % of work M&E Fisheries CGK new

fish depot - completion Reports Directora
Marereni Completi te
on reports
9m % of the M& E Fisheries CGK New
Construct fish completion Reports Directora
depot for Kichwa certificate Completi te
cha Kati BMU on
3m Number of Minutes Fisheries CGK new
Revival of campaigns Attendanc Directora
fishermen and e list te
cooperative meetings Beneficiar
ies list
Development of 50m Port M&E port Fisheries CGK new
fish port developme Directora
nt te
Equipping 7m No of Report Fisheries CGK On
laboratory at ATC equipment Delivery Directora going
s procured notes te

Veterinary Services
1)Programme: Livestock policy and capacity building

187 | P a g e
SP5. 2 Artificial Insemination project
i) Purchase and 2m -Kgs of M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
provision of Liquid S GOIN
Liquid nitrogen. nitrogen G
Location: All received
wards and
-Kgs of
Ii Provision and 2m -No of M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
distribution of Doses of S GOIN
quality Bull semen G
Semen. received
Location: All -Doses of
wards semen
Training of 9m Number of Reports CO/CDV COGK new
farmers on farmers Listing of S
veterinary trained training
SP5.3Food safety and animal products development

Completion 28m % M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-

construction of completion S GOIN
modern slaughter of the civil G
slab work
Location: Bamba -
Adu completion
Provision of Meat 0.6m No. of M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
inspection meat S GOIN
equipments inspection G
Survey and 3.54m -tender M&E CO/CDV COGK NEW
fencing of documents S
Vipingo Slaughter -
house procureme
Location: Kilifi nt and
South constructio

SP5. 4 Livestock disease management and control

Provision of tsetse 0.7m - M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
control foot Requisitio S GOIN
pumps to n G
livestock farmers documents

188 | P a g e
Location: all sub Tendering
counties and
n to
ii)Disease search 4m -tender M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
and surveillance documents S GOIN
Location: All sub Sample G
counties collections
iii)Provision of 2.5m -Tender M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
acaricide documents S GOIN
(Synthetic Delivery G
Pyrethroids) for -
dipping Distributio
programmes in n
tsetse/tick control
iv)Provision of 2.5m -Tender M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
pour ons for tsetse documents S GOIN
control to areas -Delivered G
with no cattle dips acaricide
to be used in -
spraying of Distributio
animals n to
v)Provision of 5m -tender M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
Vaccines for documents S GOIN
Vaccination of Delivery G
animals(FMD Vaccines
vaccine, LSD, -No. of
CCPP, Blanthrax, Vaccinatio
RVF, NCD, Fowl ns.
Typhoid, No of
Gumboro, Fowl animals
Pox and Rabies Vaccinated
Location: ALL
vi)Carryout 2,000,0 No of M&E CO/CDV COGK ON-
two(2) 00 Vaccinatio S GOIN
Vaccination and n G
Baiting campaigns
campaigns and
Location: All Baiting of
wards Dogs

189 | P a g e
Carried out

4.2 Education, Youth Affairs and Sports

Project Est. Time Frame Monitoring Monitoring Implementing Source of Project

Name/Location Cost Indicators Tools Agency Funds Implemen
Kshs Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 tation

 P.1: General administration, planning and support services

Conduction of
1 County
exhibition for Department of
Youth Photos, education , County
Polytechnic Number of Schedule of youth affairs governme
Products 2M         attendees activities and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Hold a county
Vocational Department of
training 2nd Photos, education , County
Graduation Number of Schedule of youth affairs governme
Ceremony. 2M         attendees activities and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Number of
and filled Schedule of
questionnair assessment, Department of
es filled education , County
Research and Number of questionnair youth affairs governme
feasibility 4M interviewees es, reports and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
P.2: Technical Vocational Education and Training programme

P.2.1: Infrastructure development and expansion

Construction of over
10 workshops minutes, Department of
with classrooms Number of Photos, education , County
and hotels costructed Completion youth affairs governme
across 10 wards 150m         workshops certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed

Number of handing Department of
Construction of costructed over education , County
15 new Youth youth minutes, youth affairs governme
Polytechnics 150M         polytechnics Photos, and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
190 | P a g e
Procurement of
modern tools Reports,
and equipment Number of Photos, Department of
for training in youth delivery education , County
13 Youth polytechnics notesS13and youth affairs governme
Polytechnics. 26M         equipped S11 and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Construction of Reports,
computer labs handing
for 7youth Number of over
polytechnics of ICT labs minutes, Department of
7wards and constructed Photos, education , County
equipping them and Completion youth affairs governme
in 42M         equipped certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
minutes, Department of
Serviceable Photos, education , County
Fumbini resource Completion youth affairs governme
Resource centre 20M         centre certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Ongoing
P.2.2: Technical Accreditation And Quality Assurance

Schedule of
Number of assessment, Department of
youth filled education , County
Quality polytechnic questionnair youth affairs governme
Assurance 2M         assessed es, reports and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
P.3: Sports Training And Competitions
Conduction of
county Youth Department of
Polytechnic Photos, education , County
sports Number of Schedule of youth affairs governme
championship. 2M         attendees activities and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
P.4: Early Childhood Development Education Programme
minutes, Department of
Construction of Number of Photos, education , County
50 ECD centres ECD centres Completion youth affairs governme
across all wards 200M         constructed certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Number of Site
centres inspection
Fix outdoor supplied/inst Reports, Department of
play materials alled with handing education , County
to 35 model playing over youth affairs governme
centres 70M         equipment, minutes, and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
191 | P a g e
Purchase of Photos, Department of
furniture for Number of delivery education , County
completed ECD centres notesS13and youth affairs governme
projects 30M         equipped S11 and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
minutes, Department of
Construction of Number of Photos, education , County
toilets for 35 ECD centres Completion youth affairs governme
ecd centers 70M         constructed certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Fencing of Ecd minutes, Department of
centers Number of Photos, education , County
detached from ecd centers Completion youth affairs governme
primary schools 150M         fenced certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Capacity attendance,
building of Schedule of Department of
parents and Number of activities, education , County
other trained Minutes and youth affairs governme
stakeholders 35M         stakeholders reports and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
P.5: School Health , Nutrition And Meals
Photos, Department of
delivery education , County
School feeding Number of notesS13and youth affairs governme
programme 140M         beneficiaries S11 and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
P.6: Development And Management Of Sports Facilities
minutes, Department of
Upgrade sports Serviceable Photos, education , County
fields one in sports Completion youth affairs governme
each sub county 35M         ground certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Renovation of Serviceable Site Department of County
Karisa Maitha sports inspection education , governme
Stadium 25M         ground Reports, youth affairs nt of Kilifi Proposed
192 | P a g e
certificates and sports
minutes, Department of
Construct Serviceable Photos, education , County
modern sports sports Completion youth affairs governme
stadium 100M         ground certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
P.7: Youth Training And Development
Number of handing
2 Wings youth programme over
empowerment rolled out, minutes, Department of
centre at Kilifi Number of Photos, education , County
North Sokoni youth Completion youth affairs governme
Ward 30M         empowered certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Number of handing
Youth Talent programme over
Academy phase rolled minutes, Department of
2 at Mtwapa out,Number Photos, education , County
Shimo la Tewa of youth Completion youth affairs governme
Ward 30M         empowered certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed
Number of handing
programmes over
1 Wing youth rolled out, minutes, Department of
empowerment Number of Photos, education , County
centre Ganze youth Completion youth affairs governme
Sub-County 30M         empowered certificates and sports nt of Kilifi Proposed

4.3 Finance and Economic Planning

Project Name Cost Time Monitoring Monitorin Implemen Sourc Project

Estimat ting e of Implementat

193 | P a g e
Location e Kshs Frame Indicators g Tools Agency Funds ion Status

Establishment of a IT equipment Dept of

County Project installed Finance &
20M 2017/18 Reports Economic CGK Proposed
Management – No. of staff
Information System Planning
2019/20 trained
Construction of an Minutes Dept of
Annex to the New building Finance &
20M 2017/18 Reports Economic CGK Proposed
county treasury constructed

Construction of Minutes Dept of

Sub-county revenue New buildings Finance &
40M 2017/18 Reports Economic CGK Proposed
offices at Rabai and constructed
Ganze Planning

Renovation of Dept of
existing revenue Buildings Finance &
30M 2017/18 Minutes Economic CGK Proposed
offices Mariakani, renovated
Kaloleni, Magarini Reports Planning

Ward Development Projects Minutes Various

Fund Countywide implemented County
525M 2017/18 Reports Depts CGK Ongoing
Annual Budget

4.4 Trade, Industrialization, Cooperative Development, Tourism & Wildlife

Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix

Project Est. Time Frame Monitorin Monito Impleme Sour Project

Name Cost g ring nting ce of Implemen
Kshs Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Indicators Tools Agency Fund tation
Location s Status

Micro 69M -No. Of -Status Dept of CGK -Mbegu

finance benefiaciri reports Trade, Fund Act
programme es Industrial enacted
(Mbegu ization,
fund)-All -Amount -
Wards disbursed Formation
of Board
and Sub
194 | P a g e
-Would be
es trained
Construction 25M -Physical Site Dept of CGK -Project
of Charo wa market Meeting Trade, awarded
Mae Market s Industrial
- -
phase II ization,
Document Reports Commenc
ation ement
delayed by
Refurbish 25M Physical Site Dept of CGK -
Kwa Jiwa market Meeting Trade, Evaluation
Market- s Industrial finalized
Phase 2 ization, awaiting
Document Reports
Co-op award
Construction 5M Physical Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of market Meeting Trade,
Mwarakaya s Industrial
- Constructi
market ization,
Document Reports on on-
ation going
Completion 5M Physical Site Dept of CGK -At
of market Meeting Trade, document
Mkwajuni s Industrial ation stage
market ization,
Document Reports

195 | P a g e
Construction 2M Physical Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of a market market Meeting Trade,
shade at s Industrial
- handed
Tsangatsini ization,
Document Reports over and
ation constructi
on on-
Construction 1M -Physical Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of a 4 door toilet block Meeting Trade, and
toilet block s Industrial handed
at ization, over
Document Reports
Mijomboni Co-op
ation -
market Constructi
on on-
Construction 5M Physical Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of Charo market Meeting Trade, and
Ngoma s Industrial handed
market ization, over
Document Reports
ation -
on on-
Rehabilitatio 2M Physical Site Dept of CGK -At
n of Sosoni market Meeting Trade, document
open air s Industrial ation stage
market ization,
Document Reports
Fencing of 2M -Perimeter Site Dept of CGK -At
Mariakani fence Meeting Trade, procureme
open air s Industrial nt stage
market ization,
Document Reports

196 | P a g e
Construction 1M -1 Toilet Site Dept of CGK -
of a 4 door constructe Meeting Trade, Practically
toilet block d s Industrial complete,
at Mjanaheri ization, awaiting
- Reports
market Co-op last
Devpt, inspecetio
Tourism n and
& subsequen
Wildlife t issue of
Construction 1.4M -1 Toilet Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of a 4 door constructe Meeting Trade,
public toilet d s Industrial
at ization,
- Reports on on-
Mtondia/Ma Co-op
Document going
jaoni trading ation
centre &
Garashi 2M -Physical Site Dept of CGK -At
open air market Meeting Trade, procureme
market s Industrial nt stage
Document Reports
Construction 5M -Toilet Site Dept of CGK -
of a toilet block in Meeting Trade, Practically
block and place s Industrial complete
rehabilitatio ization, awaiting
- Reports
n of Co-op inspection.
Kagombani d market
-Water &
tank Wildlife

197 | P a g e
Rehabilitatio 2.5M -New Site Dept of CGK -At
n of Marafa Toilet Meeting Trade, procureme
market block s Industrial nt stage
- Reports
d market
- &
Document Wildlife
Construction 40M -Main Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of Mtwapa market Meeting Trade,
market block s Industrial
-Offices Reports on-going
-Ablution Devpt,
block Tourism
- Wildlife
Completion 7.5M -Perimeter Site Dept of CGK -At
of fence Meeting Trade, procureme
Matanoman s Industrial nt stage
ne market ization,
Completed Reports
and offices
Construction 6.8M -Main Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of Ganze market Meeting Trade,
market block s Industrial
- Reports on on-
Refurbishe going
d toilet
198 | P a g e
block &
Construction 4.75M - Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of a Laboratory Meeting Trade,
Calibration s Industrial
laboratory in ization,
Reports on on-
Malindi Co-op
Construction 4M -Physical Site Dept of CGK -At
of Cassava market Meeting Trade, document
market s Industrial aion stage
Document Reports
Construction 1.6M -Workshop Site Dept of CGK -Awarded
of a Meeting Trade,
- -
Tailoring s Industrial
Document Constructi
workshop at ization,
ation Reports on on-
Buni Co-op
Construction 4M -Physical Site Dept of CGK -At
of Malanga market Meeting Trade, document
open air s Industrial ation
market ization,
Document Reports
Acquisition 1M -Posho - Dept of CGK -At
and Trade, procument
199 | P a g e
installation mill Reports Industrial stage
of a Posho ization,
Mill at Co-op
Shikaadabu Devpt,
Acquisition 1.5M -LPOs - Dept of CGK -Process
of market Reports Trade, Complete
tents for Industrial d
Kakuyuni ization,
Acquisition 0.5M -LPOs - Dept of CGK -Process
of market Reports Trade, Complete
tents for Industrial d
Marafa ization,
Acquisition 0.28M -LPOs - Dept of CGK -Process
of market Reports Trade, Complete
tents for Industrial d
Gongoni ization,
Construction 4M -Physical - Dept of CGK -
of market Reports Trade, Complete
Mjanaheri Industrial d
market ization,

200 | P a g e
Capacity 20M -No of - Dept of CGK -
building for groups Attenda Trade, Concluded
Mbegu Fund trained nce lists Industrial
Construction 4.9M -Perimeter -Site Dept of CGK -98%
of Charo Wa wall meeting Trade, complete
Mae market s Industrial
phase I ization,
Refurbishe -
d sanitary Reports
Construction 3.8M -Market -Site Dept of CGK -
of stalls meeting Trade, Practically
Mariakani s Industrial complete
market stalls ization,
Construction 4M -Market -Site Dept of CGK -90%
of meeting Trade, complete
Mariakani s Industrial
Highrise ization,
market Co-op
Grading of 1.25M -Graded -Site Dept of CGK -98%
access road, and meeting Trade, complete
spot patching patchedroa s Industrial
and toilet d ization,
201 | P a g e
units at -Toilet - Devpt,
Watamu block Reports Tourism
Market &
Construction 10M Cultural Site Dept of Count
of a cultural and Meeting Trade, y
and tourism tourism s Industrial Gove
market- market ization, rnme
Watamu constructe Co-op nt of
d Devpt, Kilifi
Refurbishme 10M Office Site Dept of Count Tendering
nt of Kilifi Refurbishe Meeting Trade, y process on
Co- d s Industrial Gove
operative ization, rnme
Building Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
Revival of 20M -No of Quarterl Dept of Count
dry produce Active Dry y and Trade, y
marketing Produce Annual Industrial Gove
co- Co- Reports ization, rnme
operatives operatives Co-op nt of
(All sub Devpt, Kilifi
-No of Accoun
counties) Tourism
Active ts
Membe Wildlife
-Amount rs
of produce register
Capacity 5M -No of Reports Dept of Count
building of cooperator Trade, y
Co- s trained Industrial Gove
operatives in on value ization, rnme
the Honey, addition Co-op nt of
202 | P a g e
Chilli, -No of Devpt, Kilifi
Dairy, Coops Tourism
cassava, doing &
Horticulture value Wildlife
to do Value addition-
addition in No of
(All sub value
counties) added

Revival of 50M BQs Reports Dept of Count

Mariakani Meeting Trade, y
dairy co- s Industrial Gove
operative ization, rnme
society Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
Promotion 2M No of new Certific Dept of
of co- co- ates Trade,
operative operatives Industrial
ventures ization,
Reports Co-op
(All sub
Enhance 5M No of Reports Dept of Count
Co- Compliant Trade, y
operative Co- Industrial Gove
Governance operatives ization, rnme
Co-op nt of
(All sub Reports
Devpt, Kilifi
Audits Tourism
Undertake 3M Up to Date Reports Dept of Count
Co- data on Trade, y
operative Co- Industrial Gove
Research operatives ization, rnme
Co-op nt of
203 | P a g e
(All Sub Devpt, Kilifi
counties) Tourism

Feasibility 5M Feasibility Meeting Dept of Count Consultan

Study For Study s Trade, y cy
Revival Of Report Questio Industrial Gove Contract
Mariakani naires ization, rnme Awarded
Dairy Co- Face to Co-op nt of
face Devpt, Kilifi
Intervie Tourism
- All Wards ws &
Desk Wildlife
Promotion 5M No of Registra Dept of Count 80%
Of New people tion Trade, y
Co- sensitized Certific Industrial Gove
operatives- No of New ates ization, rnme
All Sub Co- Reports Co-op nt of
operative Visits Devpt, Kilifi
formed Tourism
No of new &
committee Wildlife
Promotion 2M No trained Reports Dept of Count Not taken
Of Co- on value Trade, y off
operative addition Industrial Gove
Marketing ization, rnme
(Dairy,Cash Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
Coconuts) &
(All Sub Wildlife

Capacity 8M Trainings Reports, Dept of Count Not taken

building of Attenda Trade, y off
beach, nce lists Industrial Gove
community ization, rnme
tourism Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
204 | P a g e
Refurbishme 20M Completio BQs, Dept of Count BQ being
nt of the n Contrac Trade, y worked on
Malindi certificate ts, Industrial Gove
Tourist Reports ization, rnme
Market Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
Develop and 20M Number of Reports, Dept of Count Not taken
Promote ecotourism attenda Trade, y off
community groups nce Industrial Gove
eco-tourism handled lists, ization, rnme
ventures receipts, Co-op nt of
certifica Devpt, Kilifi
tes Tourism
Destination 12M Billboards Requisit Dept of Count Not taken
Marketing ions Trade, y off
Industrial Gove
ization, rnme
Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
Organize 25M Attendance Reports Dept of Count Not taken
and lists, Trade, y off
participate invoices, Industrial Gove
in Tourism payment ization, rnme
promotional vouchers, Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
and events
Develop 20M New Certific Dept of Count Not taken
tourist facilities ate of Trade, y off
facilities complet Industrial Gove
ion, ization, rnme
operatio Co-op nt of
205 | P a g e
n Devpt, Kilifi
certifica Tourism
tes &
Feasibility 6M Feasibility Invoice Dept of Count Not taken
study on study Trade, y off
new tourist report Industrial Gove
circuits ization, rnme
Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
Tourism 40M Schedule Promoti Dept of Count Not taken
Advocacy of onal Trade, y off
campaigns advocacy material Industrial Gove
programm s ization, rnme
es Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi
Re-brand 27M Logos Brande Dept of Count Not taken
and Re- d items Trade, y off
package and Industrial Gove
tourism material ization, rnme
products s Co-op nt of
Devpt, Kilifi

4.5 Water, Natural Resources, Environment, Forestry and Solid Waste


206 | P a g e
Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix

Project Est. Cost Time Monitoring Monitoring Impleme Source Project

Name Kshs Frame Indicators Tools nting of Implemen
Location million Agency Funds tation

Climate 60M 3 years No. of people Photos, Departme County New

Change coping with progress nt, Govern project
adaptation climate impacts reports, videos communi ment
project- ty, key
Ganze Sub Reduced deaths stakehold
County from drought by ers
Climate 90 M 3 years No. of trees Meeting Departme County New
Mitigation planted reports nt, Govern Project
Project -All communi ment
wards No. of awareness Photographs ty, key
meetings taken stakehold
Videos ers

Outdoor 3M 1year 1 plan Consultancy Departme County On going

advetiseme procured nt govern
nt master ment
County 60M 3 Years No. of outdoor Photos, Departme County New
outdoor infrastructure Procurement nt, PPES Govern Project
advertiseme procured, installed reports ment,
nt and used Private
infrastructur investor
e project s
Noise 22M 3Years -No of noise Reports, Departme County Ongoing
abatement meters procured Procurement nt Govern
project -Zoning report documents, ment
-No. of
-No. of roadshows

Air 60M 3 years Ultra-modern Reports, Departme County New

Pollution gadgets procured Photos, nt, Govern project
control procurement DOSH,N ment
project No. of Training documents EMA,
Capacity 40M 3Years No of Capacity Training Departme County Ongoing

207 | P a g e
Building on building training reports nt govern
environmen ment,
tal matters Stakeho
Rehabilitati 90M 3 years No. of trees Reports, Departme County Ongoing
on of planted Photos, Videos nt, Govern
Degraded Quarry ment,
Areas No. of Quarries owners Quarry
Rehabilitated associatio owners
n associati
Annual 30M 3 years No. of Reports Departme County Ongoing
county competition held nt, Govern
environmen NEMA, ment
t No. of awards Stakehol
competition given ders
Environmen 30M 3 Years No of awareness Reports Departme County Ongoing
tal sessions held nt, govern
Education Stakehol ment,
and ders Stakeho
awareness lders
Annual 9M 3 Years 1 Plan developed Plan Departme County Ongoing
Environmen nt, Other Govern
tal Action line ment,
Plan ministries NEMA
Livelihood 120M 3 years No. of procured Procurement Dept, County On going
improveme and training NRM Govern
nt of No. of Trainings Reports Cooperati ment,
Artisinal done ves NRM
and small Coopera
scale tives,
miners Private
Natural 140M 3 Years No. of Trainings Training County County New
Resources done Reports Governm Govern Project
Investors ent, ment,
Support PPP Developed Functional PPP
Project Private Private

208 | P a g e
Investors Investor
Capacity 30M 3 years No. of trainings Training Departme County On going
Building on Held reports nt Govern
waste ment
PPEs for 30M 3 Years No. of PPEs Procurement Departme County On going
Waste Procured report nt Govern
managemen ment
Upgrading 90M 3 years No. of landfills Reports Departme County New
of developed nt Govern project
dampsites ment
to landfill
Solid Waste 150M 3 Years No of Procurement Departme County On going
Collection infrastructure reports nt Govern
Infrastructu acquired ment
Community 60M 3 years No. of equipments Procurement Departme County On going
Waste procured and reports nt Govern
handling shared to groups ment
Support Legislation
Establishme 35m 2yrs Public Procurement Departme County New
nt of public recreational parks reports nt Govern project
recreational developed ment
Constructio 10m 1yr 2No. forest guards Procurement Departme County New
n of forest houses in place reports nt Govern project
guards ment
Improveme 16M 2Year No. of Tree Progress Departme County On going
nt of Nurseries reports, Photos, nt Govern project
County Improved Items procured ment
River bank 60M 3 Years River Bank area No. of Departme County On going
protection protected nurseries nt Govern project
established, ment

209 | P a g e
Areas planted
with vertiver,
Marine 30M 3 Years Marine areas No. of Departme County On going
Conservatio conserved mangroves nt Govern Project
n seedlings ment
planted, no. of
Developme 1.3m 2 years 1 master plan Procurement Departme County On going
nt of developed reports nt govern project
County ment
nt and
master plan
Conduct 45 M 3 years EIA reports for all Progress Departme County On going
Environmen county projects reports nt govern project
tal Impact ments
for all
Ganze Dam 18m 1year 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Rima rapera 6m 1year Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
bore hole with RO unit reports nt Govern project
developed completion ment
Inspection and
Dooni bore 6m 1year Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
hole with RO unit reports nt Govern project
developed completion ment
Inspection and
210 | P a g e
Kibaokiche- 35m 3years Water Procurement Departme County New
masaaniMik Accessibility reports nt Govern project
omani through pipeline completion ment
pipeline water storage tank Inspection and
water and water kiosks acceptance
project, certificates
Vishakani- 7m 1 year Water Procurement Departme County New
Mleji Accessibility reports nt Govern project
pipeline through pipeline completion ment
water water storage tank Inspection and
project, and water kiosks acceptance
Rabai. certificates
Fumbini 2m 1 year Water Procurement Departme County New
water Accessibility reports nt Govern project
project - through pipeline completion ment
kilifi North water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Kisimachak 5m 1 year Water Procurement Departme County New
ufa - Watala Accessibility reports nt Govern project
water through pipeline completion ment
project - water storage tank Inspection and
Magarini and water kiosks acceptance
sub county certificates
Watamu- 15m 1 year Water Procurement Departme County New
Kanani Accessibility reports nt Govern project
pipeline through pipeline completion ment
water water storage tank Inspection and
project and water kiosks acceptance
phase II. certificates
Marafa- 20m 1 year Water Procurement Departme County New
Chanjalo Accessibility reports nt Govern project
pipeline through pipeline completion ment
water water storage tank Inspection and
project, and water kiosks acceptance
Bungale. certificates

Kwa Nzai 12m 1 year 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New

Water Pan reservoir and reports Govern
211 | P a g e
Mwanamwi related civil works completion nt ment project
nga developed Inspection and
Kaloleni acceptance
Gede- 150m 3 years Water Procurement Departme County New
chumani – Accessibility reports nt Govern project
tezo - Kilifi through pipeline completion ment
water water storage tank Inspection and
pipeline and water kiosks acceptance
project, certificates
Tezo - 25m 2 years Water Procurement Departme County New
Chumani - Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Uyombo through pipeline completion ment
water water storage tank Inspection and
project and water kiosks acceptance
Kilifi North certificates
Baricho – 45m 2 years Water Procurement Departme County New
Balagha- Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Matolani – through pipeline completion ment
Bombi water storage tank Inspection and
pipeline and water kiosks acceptance
extension certificates
Kirepwe 23m 2 years Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
Island with RO unit reports nt Govern project
Borehole developed completion ment
Inspection and
GedeShiran 23m 2 years Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
go Borehole with RO unit reports nt Govern project
developed completion ment
Inspection and
Rima ra 20m 1 year Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
pera with RO unit reports nt Govern project
Borehole developed completion ment
Inspection and
212 | P a g e
Mwawesa 20m 1 year Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
Borehole with RO unit reports nt Govern project
developed completion ment
Inspection and
Sewage 20m 1 year Sewerage Procurement Departme County New
Disposal exhauster in place reports nt Govern project
services completion ment
Inspection and
120m 3 years Sewerage Procurement Departme County New
Constructio treatment plants reports nt Govern project
n of and sewer completion ment
sewerage networks Inspection and
systems for developed acceptance
2 Towns in certificates
the County
Disaster 14m 1 year Plastic water Procurement Departme County New
Mitigation storage tanks and reports nt Govern project
guttering system completion ment
developed Inspection and
Water 30m 2 years 1500m3Blue scope Procurement Departme County New
Storage tank in place reports nt Govern project
facility for completion ment
continuous Inspection and
water acceptance
supply to certificates
Survey and 70m 3 years Projects Design Procurement Departme County New
design of reports in place reports nt Govern project
water completion ment
projects Inspection and
Kamkunji 60m 3 years Water Procurement Departme County New
quarry Accessibility reports nt Govern project

213 | P a g e
water through pipeline completion ment
system water storage tank Inspection and
Rabai and water kiosks acceptance
Water 41.6m 2 years Water resources Procurement Departme County New
Resources map in place reports nt Govern project
Developme completion ment
nt Inspection and
Mwijo- 16.2m 2 years Water Procurement Departme County New
Makomboa Accessibility reports nt Govern project
ni Water through pipeline completion ment
Project water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Kizurini 4.5m 1 year Water Procurement Departme County New
Water Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Project through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Katolani- 30m 2 years Water Procurement Departme County New
Tsangatsini Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Water through pipeline completion ment
project water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Kakunaa 5m 1 year Water Procurement Departme County New
water Accessibility reports nt Govern project
pipeline through pipeline completion ment
with 50m3 water storage tank Inspection and
storage tank and water kiosks acceptance
Mwareni 25m 2 years Water Procurement Departme County New
water Accessibility reports nt Govern project
pipeline through pipeline completion ment
project with water storage tank Inspection and
100m3 tank and water kiosks acceptance
Tsongoni- 35m 2 years Water Procurement Departme County New
Kitsaumbi- Accessibility reports Govern
214 | P a g e
Mwabayany through pipeline completion nt ment project
undo water water storage tank Inspection and
project and water kiosks acceptance
Kanyumbun 20m 1 year Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
i Borehole with RO unit reports nt Govern project
developed completion ment
Inspection and
Tsangalawe 8m 1 year 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
ni Water reservoir and reports nt Govern project
Pan related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
HademuNg 8m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New
uluweni- Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Kizurini through pipeline completion ment
water water storage tank Inspection and
project and water kiosks acceptance
Maboyani- 35m 3yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
Kabateni Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Water through pipeline completion ment
Project water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Gotani- 43m 3yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
Miyani- Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Kasemeni through pipeline completion ment
water water storage tank Inspection and
project and water kiosks acceptance
Hademu- 25m 2yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
Kilonga Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Water through pipeline completion ment
Project water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Juhudi- 7m 1 Water Procurement Departme County New
Kakomani Accessibility reports Govern
215 | P a g e
Water through pipeline completion nt ment project
Project water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Juhudi- 9.8m 1 Water Procurement Departme County New
Kithengwan Accessibility reports nt Govern project
i water through pipeline completion ment
project water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
10m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New
Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Tsanzuni- through pipeline completion ment
Migumomir water storage tank Inspection and
i- Mtsengo and water kiosks acceptance
water certificates
Mida/Matsa 25m 2yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
ngoni water Accessibility reports nt Govern project
project through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Kaembeni- 190m 3yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
Matsangoni Accessibility reports nt Govern project
, through pipeline completion ment
Matsangoni water storage tank Inspection and
-Tezo, and water kiosks acceptance
Matsangoni certificates
Maweya 52m 3yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
Kati- Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Timboni- through pipeline completion ment
Watamu water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Kadzinuni- 27m 2yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
Tandia Accessibility reports nt Govern project
pipeline through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance

216 | P a g e
Mwanzai 4.4m 1yr Protected spring Procurement Departme County New
spring developed reports nt Govern project
water completion ment
project Inspection and
Chengoni 26.3m 1yr 53,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
dam reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Kizingo 2.8m 1yr Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
borehole with RO unit reports nt Govern project
rehabilitatio developed completion ment
n Inspection and
ChasimbaM 12m 3yr Water Procurement Departme County New
bomboniph Accessibility reports nt Govern project
aseII through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Lutsangani 16m 3yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
dam reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Matandale 22m 2yr Water Procurement Departme County New
– Junju – Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Chodari through pipeline completion ment
pipeline water storage tank Inspection and
extension and water kiosks acceptance
water certificates
Kilifi south
Panga 33m 2yr Water Procurement Departme County New
Moshi Accessibility reports nt Govern project
water through pipeline completion ment
project, water storage tank Inspection and
Kilifi and water kiosks acceptance

217 | P a g e
South. certificates
Adu- 47m 3yr Water Procurement Departme County New
Ramada- Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Maziachend through pipeline completion ment
a pipeline water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Sosoni 116m 2yr Water Procurement Departme County New
-Kirosa- Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Chamari through pipeline completion ment
water water storage tank Inspection and
project and water kiosks acceptance
Ramada 300m 3yr Water Procurement Departme County New
Bora Accessibility reports nt Govern project
ImaniMarer through pipeline completion ment
eniVibaoVii water storage tank Inspection and
ri and water kiosks acceptance
Kadzandani 20.5m 3yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
-Mogole- Accessibility reports nt Govern project
Chamari through pipeline completion ment
pipeline water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Constructio 40m 1yr 4no.250m3 Procurement Departme County New
n of elevated tanks at reports nt Govern project
4no.250m3 kisima Cha Kufa completion ment
elevated developed Inspection and
tanks at acceptance
kisima Cha certificates
3500m3 buffer
Borehole 15m 1yr Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
drillling at with RO unit reports nt Govern project
Madzayani developed completion ment
Inspection and
40000m3 15m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
Water pan reservoir and reports nt Govern project

218 | P a g e
Kanyumbun related civil works completion ment
i developed Inspection and
Adu( Mnag acceptance
oWa Shibe) certificates
Timboni 60m 3yr Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
Gongoni with RO unit reports nt Govern project
Wells developed completion ment
Inspection and
Constructio 200m 1yr 3500m3 buffer Procurement Departme County New
n of storage in place reports nt Govern project
3500m3 completion ment
buffer Inspection and
storage for acceptance
the certificates
system &
nt of Mida-
Constructio 15m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
n of Earth reservoir and reports nt Govern project
Dam at related civil works completion ment
Sosobora, developed Inspection and
Girimacha acceptance
Constructio 15m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
n of Water reservoir and reports nt Govern project
Pan at related civil works completion ment
Raukani, developed Inspection and
Chakama acceptance
Location certificates
Mazeras- 41m 3yrs Water Procurement Departme County New
BuniKisima Accessibility reports nt Govern project
niMwatsam through pipeline completion ment
a water water storage tank Inspection and
pipeline and water kiosks acceptance
Manoloni 7.7m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New

219 | P a g e
water Accessibility reports nt Govern project
pipeline through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Baramare 6.6m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New
water Accessibility reports nt Govern project
pipeline through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Mwandoni 6.5m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New
Pipeline Accessibility reports nt Govern project
through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Mtandikeni 2.5m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New
Masaani Accessibility reports nt Govern project
through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Colorado- 20m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New
BwagaMoy Accessibility reports nt Govern project
o through pipeline completion ment
rehabilitatio water storage tank Inspection and
n and water kiosks acceptance
Kibao- 30m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New
KicheMasa Accessibility reports nt Govern project
aniKadzuyu through pipeline completion ment
ni water storage tank Inspection and
Mwanjama and water kiosks acceptance
Dzivo- 6m 1yr Water Procurement Departme County New
Mwamruu Accessibility reports nt Govern project
through pipeline completion ment
water storage tank Inspection and
and water kiosks acceptance
Jeuri Pan 10m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
220 | P a g e
reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Jimba Pan 10m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Mwanjama 10m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
Pan reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Katumbiri 10m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
Pan reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Kaliangomb 10m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
e Pan reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Ribe Girls 15m 1yr Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
Borehole with RO unit reports nt Govern project
developed completion ment
Inspection and
Ribe Boys 51m 1yr Solar driver fitted Procurement Departme County New
Borehole with RO unit reports nt Govern project
developed completion ment
Inspection and
Pumping 10m 1yr Pumping units in Procurement Departme County New
221 | P a g e
units for place reports nt Govern project
Mazeras completion ment
Pump Inspection and
House acceptance
15 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Chapungu acceptance
earth dam- certificates
15m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Gwaseni acceptance
earth dam – certificates
15m 1yr 43,000m3 Procurement Departme County New
reservoir and reports nt Govern project
related civil works completion ment
developed Inspection and
Kajiri earth acceptance
dam- certificates

4.6 Roads, Transport and Public Works Services

Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix

Project Name Cost Time Monitorin Monitoring Implementing Source Implement
Estimates Frame g Tools Agency of ation
Location Kshs Indicators Funds Status

Kwambaji - 20,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Mwatsama road 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Bondora - 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Kinung'una-Nguzo 43,000,000 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
Ishirini road reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

222 | P a g e
Kanamai (Majengo) 32,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed
- Animo road 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Completion of 10,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Maluwani Road 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Upgrading of 5km 13,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Bamba township 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
roads reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Mbaraka Chembe 10,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Road 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Petanguo to 20,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Dungicha Road 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Mapimo Road 20,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Cabro Completion of 10,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Bus Park - St. Luke's 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
Road reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Majengo Kanamai to 25,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Jumuia Road 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Completion of 5,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Shella Cabro 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Completion of 150,000,00 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Mtwapa Buspark 0 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

4.2km Upgrading of 273,000,00 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

A7 (Kanu Office - 0 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
Kisumu ndogo reports,billl and Public works
of quantities
(Mbuyuni road), Bus
park - Muyeye)
223 | P a g e
Completion of 72,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed
2.5KM Upgrading of 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
B8 - Sultan Palace reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

A7(Mzambarauni) - 15,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Chiefs Office 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
(mtwapa health reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Completion of 5,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Chitwa cha Mkamba 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
Bridge reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Beautification of 5,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Malindi Town 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
Roundabout reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Boda boda and 52,000,000 2016/201 No of Survey, Department of Gok proposed

passenger sheds (on 7 sheds inspection Roads Transport
B8 road from constructed reports,billl and Public works
of quantities
Mtwapa to

Completion of 5,000,000 2016/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Sosoni - Majengo - 7 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
Mulunguni road reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Purchase of 1no 21,000,000 2016/201 No of Procurement Department of Gok Proposed

BullDozer 7 buldozzer report Roads Transport
and Public works

Purchase of 1 no 12,000,000 2016/201 No of Procurement Department of Gok proposed

Roller 7 roller report Roads Transport
and Public works

Purchase of 1 no 19,000,000 2016/201 No of low Procurement Department of Gok Proposed

Low loader 7 loader report Roads Transport
and Public works

Construction of 250,000,000 2017/201 No of Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Kivukoni Bridge to 8 bridges inspection Roads Transport
constructed reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Rehabilitation of 50,000,000 2017/201 No of Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

224 | P a g e
Baricho bridge 8 bridges inspection Roads Transport
constructed reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Kizurini Kwa Demu 40,000,000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed
Road 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Mamburui Baricho 50,000,000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed

Road 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Ngombeni Jibana 20,000,000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Upgrading to Bitumen 200,000,000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

of Malindi-By pass 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Upgrading to Bitumen 150,000,000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

of Mtwapa-By pass 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Construction of Kilifi 350,000,000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Township Modern 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
Buspark reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Upgrade and Expand 40,000,0000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok proposed
Road Network (county 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
wide road) reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Rural Access Roads 40,000,0000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed
County wide 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Maintenance of Rural 30,000,0000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Access roads county 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
wide reports,billl and Public works
of quantities

Construction and 50,000,000 2017/201 Km of road Survey, Department of Gok Proposed

Maintenance of 8 upgraded inspection Roads Transport
reports,billl and Public works
Drainage Systems in
of quantities
the urban centers
county wide

225 | P a g e
4.7 County Health Services

Est. cost Timefram Monitoring Impleme Source Project

KShs e tools nting of Implementat
Million agency Funds ion Status
Project Name Location

P.1: General Administration , Planning and Support services

Recruitment of Health Personnel 200m 2017/2018 Staff returns Health CGK Proposed
County wide
Construct Staff houses in Health 50m 2017/2018 Reports on Health CGK Proposed
Facilities at Mitsajeni Dispensary, constructed Services
Makomboani Dispensary, staff houses
Chumani Dispensary, Boraimani,
Kamale, Chiferi, Mrima wa ndege,
Mrima Mkulu, Mwale,
Kanyumbani, Kwajuaje, Jibana,
Bamba, Boyani Dispensary ,
Kinuguna Dispensary, Jibana,
Mwale, Buni
Purchase 15 utility vehicles in all 25m 2017/2018 Logbooks Health CGK Proposed
the 7 Sub Counties Services
Purchase 60 motor bikes in all 10m 2017/2018 Logbooks Health CGK Proposed
wards Services
20m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Installation of CCTV at Mariakani reports and Services
Hospital completion
Construct rain water harvesting 10m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
infrastructures in rural health reports and Services
facilities county wide completion
Construction of new 30m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
administration blocks for office reports and Services
space for Sub County team at completion
Kilifi North, Malindi Kaloleni, reports
Ganze, Magarini, Rabai, and
Kilifi South

Construct perimeter wall in 2 20m 2017/2018 Reports on Health CGK Proposed

hospitals and 2 health centre fenced facilities Services

226 | P a g e
facilities (Kilifi/Malindi / Rabai &

Construct incinerators at Jibana, 20m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed

Rabai, Gede sub county hospitals reports and Services
Construct 11 incinerators for the 11m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
county Health facilities at reports and Services
Mitsajeni Dispensary, completion
Makomboani Dispensary, reports
Chumani Dispensary, Boraimani,
Kamale, Chiferi, Mrima wa ndege,
Mrima Mkulu, Mwale,
Kanyumbani, Kwajuaje, Gotani
Health Centre, Mwale, Buni
Install solar panels in all rural 10m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
primary health care facilities for reports and Services
lighting completion
Procure 4 laundry machines for 30m 2017/2018 Project Health CGK Proposed
Bamba, Jibana and Gede, Rabai Progress Services
Sub County Hospitals. reports
Refurbishment of all Hospitals 50m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
County wide reports and Services
Refurbishment of all Primary 100m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Health Care Facilities County wide reports and Services
P.2: Curative Health Services

Est. cost Timefram Monitoring Impleme Source Project

2017/18 e tools nting of Implementat
Project Name Location Kshs mill agency Funds ion Status
Equip all Dispensaries faculties 32m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
with ICT infrastructure reports and Services
Procure Essential Medicines and 500m 2017/2018 Project Health CGK Proposed
Medical Supplies Progress Services
Establish Gender Based Violence 40m 2017/2018 Reports on the Health CGK Proposed
Centre at Malindi and Mariakani established Services
Sub County Hospital GBV

Construct and Equip a Trauma 30m 2017/2018 Report on the Health CGK Proposed
Centre at Mariakani Hospital established Services
Trauma centre

227 | P a g e
Construct and equip eye centre in 20m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Kilifi County Hospital reports and Services
Construction and equipping of 25m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Cancer Diagnostic Centre at Kilifi reports and Services
County Hospital completion
Purchase of Oxygen Plant for 45m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Malindi and Mariakani Sub reports and Services
County Hospital completion
Construct and equip 4 new 40m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
mortuaries at Mariakani, Bamba reports and Services
Marafa & Rabai completion
Expand Mariakani sub county 30m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
hospital by construction of a reports and Services
paediatric ward, female and male - completion
surgical and medical wards, reports
casualty and a new-born unit
Construct Maternity wing and ICU 50m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
at Malindi county hospital. reports and Services
Construct Dispensaries in all the 7 255m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Sub Counties reports and Services
Upgrade dispensaries to be health 30m 2017/2018 Reports on Health CGK Proposed
centres,Makanzani,,Dzikunze,Jarib Dispensaries Services
uni,Mtepeni ,Garashi, Marereni, upgraded to
Adu, Ziani, Jilole, Kakuyuni, Health Centres
Mambrui, Marikebuni, and Sosoni
Upgrade and expand Gede to be 20m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
sub county health referral hospitals reports and Services
and construction of male and completion
female wards, laundry, and kitchen report
in the hospital.
Construct and equip laboratories 50m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
at health facilities: Jila, Gotani, reports and Services
Rabai, Matsangoni, Chasimba, completion
Ganze, Vitengeni, Gede, Muyeye, report
Marafa, Gongoni, Jilole,
Chasimba, Vipingo, Mtwapa,

228 | P a g e
Kizingo, Makanzani
Construct accident and emergency 30m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
department at Vipingo reports and Services
,Mtwapa ,Rabai) completion
Upgrade storage facilities for 13m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
primary healthcare facilities in the reports and Services
Jila, Gotani, Rabai, Matsangoni, completion
Chasimba, Ganze, Vitengeni, report
Gede, Muyeye, Marafa, Gongoni,
Jilole, Chasimba, Vipingo,
Mtwapa, Kizingo
Procure resuscitators 4m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
For hospitals. reports and Services
(Kilifi, Malindi, Mariakani, Bamba delivery report
& Jibana, Gede)
Purchase EPI refrigerators for all 10m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
the 7 Sub Counties reports and Services
delivery report
Purchase of 600 patients beds for 7m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
hospitals and health centres. reports and Services
County wide. delivery report
Procure anaesthetic machines for 20m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
hospitals, Bamba & Jibana, Rabai reports and Services
and Gede). delivery report
Purchase of 9 X-ray machines for 6m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Gede, Bamba, Rabai, Marafa, reports and Services
Jibana, Vipingo, Mariakani, Kilifi delivery report
and Malindi
Purchase 6 Ultra Sound machines 4.4m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Gede, Bamba, Rabai, Marafa, reports and Services
Jibana, Vipingo delivery report
Purchase 2 CT Scan (Malindi & 60m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Mariakani) reports and Services
delivery report
Procure 20 incubators at Jila, 10m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Gotani, Rabai, Matsangoni, reports and Services
Chasimba, Ganze, Vitengeni, delivery report
Gede, Muyeye, Marafa, Gongoni,
Jilole, Chasimba, Vipingo,
Mtwapa, Kizingo, Kilifi,
Mariakani, Malindi
Purchase assorted medical 50m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
equipment’s for all sub County reports and Services
hospitals delivery report
Purchase of medical gases – 6m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
229 | P a g e
portable 45kgs and 25kgs reports and Services
cylinders-All Health Facilities delivery report
Purchase assorted medical 50m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
equipment for all primary care reports and Services
facilities delivery report
Purchase 72 portable oxygen 4.8m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
concentrators reports and Services
delivery report
Purchase patient monitors (Kilifi, 4m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Mariakani, Malindi, Bamba , reports and Services
Gede, Jibana, Rabai, Marafa) delivery report
Establish drug rehabilitation centre 20m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
at Kilifi, Mtwapa, and Mariakani. reports and Services
P.3: Promotive and Preventive Health Services

Est. cost Timefram Monitoring Impleme Source Project

2017/18 e tools nting of Implementat
Project Name Location Kshs milli agency Funds ion Status
Sensitization on HIV/AIDS and 5m 2017/2018 Reports on Health CGK Proposed
TB in all 35 Wards in the County Sensitization Services
and TB
Sensitization on Cancer , Diabetes 5m 2017/2018 Reports on Health CGK Proposed
and High Blood Pressure in all 35 Sensitization Services
Wards in the County on Cancer ,
Diabetes and
High Blood
Establish 35 Community Units at 4.7m 2017/2018 Reports on the Health CGK Proposed
in all wards. establishment Services
of Community
Purchase 6 fumigation machines at 10m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Kilifi, Malindi, and Mariakani. reports and Services
delivery report
P.4: Maternal and Child Health

Est. cost Timefram Monitoring Impleme Source Project

2017/18 e tools nting of Implementat
Project Name Location Kshs milli agency Funds ion Status
Construct 11 placenta pits in the 7 5.5m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
Sub Counties. reports and Services

230 | P a g e
Construct three maternity Homes 27m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
in Kilifi, Malindi and Mariakani. reports and Services
Construct and equip maternity 50m 2017/2018 Progress Health CGK Proposed
wards in health facilities at reports and Services
Bagamoyo, Mrima wa Ndege, completion
Uwanja wa ndege, Chasimba, report
Mtwapa, Mitsajeni,Ndingiria
Dispensary, Ganze, Kizingo,
Mitangani/ Rimarapera, Magarini
Dispensary, Ndatani Dispensary,
P.5: Health Research and Development

Est cost Timefram Monitoring Impleme Source Project

2017/18 e tools nting of Implementat
Project Name Location Kshs milli agency Funds ion Status
Research Feasibility studies 10m 2017/2018 Progress report Health CGK Proposed

231 | P a g e
Annex 1: Project Proposals from Ward Development Committees



County Department Proposed Projects Financial year Location

a. Construction of ECDE in Mitsajeni
Primary School
Department of Youth and Ribe
Sports b. Construction of ECDE in Pangani
Primary School PanganiMaereni
c. Construction of ECDE in Maereni PanganiMaereni
Primary School
d. Construction of ECDE in Ribe Primary
School Ribe
e. Construction of ECDE in Maereni
Primary School
Water, Natural Resources a. MangaleGede Water Project Kambe
Environment, Forestry and b. MakinikwaNgongoMuleji Water Project
Solid Waste c. KwaBadiMaoni Water Project
Department of Roads, Public a. Grading and murraming of PanganiMaereni
Works and Physical Planning PanganiBungu Road
b. Grading and murraming of Muleji to old
Mianzini via RibeMadukani Ribe
c. Tito road from Ribe Methodist Church
via MakaburiyaWazungu to Mitsajeni.
Health a. Modern Maternity wing at Kambe Kambe
b. Staff house for Ribe dispensary of
Mitsajeni Dispensary Ribe
Agriculture Livestock and a. Farm tractor plus trailer. PanganiMaereni
ICT Culture and Social a. Multi purposes Hall PanganiMaereni
b. ICT class at Kambe Youth Polytechnic Kambe
Lands, Energy Housing and a. Flood light at Ribe-Chauringo Trading Ribe
Physical Planning
232 | P a g e
b. Flood light at Bondora Kambe
c. Public toilets at RibeChauringo Trading Ribe


Education Youth Affairs and Sports
ECDE school at Mwakuwawa- two classes.
Madzimbani ECDE school two class
Renovation of dairy ECDE school.
Construction of Youth Polytechnic at Katolani.
One ecde classroom at shangia
One classroom at kadzandani
One classroom at kadzonzo
Creation of a youth Centre at mariakani
Devolution,Public Service and Disaster Management.
Introduce cash transfer program for disabled.
Construction of ward administrator’s office.

Health Services
Toilet construction at Madzimbani dispensary
Fencing of Madzimbani,Kamkomani and Shangia dispensary to prevent encroachment
Land,Energy,Housing and Physical Planning
Grading and gravelling of Misufini primary to ChibandaHassara road.
High mast light at Misufini.
Street lights at Misufinistreet.
Trade,Industrialization,CooperativeDevelopment,Tourism and Wildlife
Construction of toilet at Katolani open air market.

233 | P a g e
Sensitization of small scale business people at Mariakani.
Transport and Infrastructure
Kaloleni-Mariakani stage cabro road
Murrum road from Mariakani stage to Kakunaa
Murrum road from Mariakani primary through Majengo to imam clinic
Gradding and gravelling of shangia-mwakuwawaroaad
Water, Environment, Mineral and Natural Resources
Digging of water pans at Shangia, Mwakuwawa and Katolani,Kitsamini
Beautification of Mariakani town.



Agriculture livestock & 1. Construction of a dam at Mwele – Kombeni River for irrigation purposes.
fisheries 2. Construction of open air market for livestock at Kibarani and farm
3. Fish ponds rehabilitation and addition of new fish ponds.
4. Dairy cattle projects for farmers – 40 cows
5. Two tractors proposed.
6. Construction of Kaliang’ombe cattle dip.
Devolution public 1. Fire bridge vehicle for disaster management preparedness at Mazeras
service & disaster Town
Education, Youth 1. Construction of E.C.D training centre at RabaiKisurutini
Affairs and sports 2. Upgrading of Lugwe Primary Sports ground as a stadium.
Finance & Economic 1. Funding of Mazeras Township planning projects.
Health services 1. Building of X- ray block at Rabai health centre with equipments e.g.
proposed projects X- Ray machine and ultra sound.
2. Extension of Rabai health centre laboratory and installation full imogram

234 | P a g e
machine and viral load machine.
3. Construction of 3 – units block for staffs.
4. Construction of administration blocks and board room.
5. Construction of dental unit.

ICT, Culture and social 1. Construction of multipurpose social hall at Rabi & ICT training centre.
services 2. Rehabilitation of Rabai cultural village centre at Kaya Bomu
Lands, Energy, Hosing 1. Installation of mega musk light at Rabai Health centre, WanjaNdege stage
and Physical planning and Kokotoni trading centre.
2. Extension of streets lights from Mazeras town to Kombeni girl’s secondary
school and from Mazeras to Kokotoni Trading Centre.

Trade, Industrialization, 1. Rehabilitation Rabai museum and all Rabi historical sites.
Cooperative 2. Installation of markets tents for Mazeras market and Rabai at large -
Development, Tourism 40 units required.
and Wildlife 3. Construction of Bodaboda shade - 8 shade at Mazeras, Wanja, Kibaoni,
Kokotoni&Bengo stage.
4. Construction of a village bank at Rabai.
Transport & 1. Rehabilitation of Gandani Primary school to KwaMbaji stage road.
Infrastructure & Public 2. Rehabilitation of Rabai Health centre road.
work 3. Rehabilitation of KwaMbaji, MwatsamaJitoni road.
4. Rehabilitation of Bengo to Museum road.
5. Rehabilitation of MwembeNgama to Kaya village road.
6. Rehabilitation of Mwele to Chikobweni road
Water, Environment, 1. Extension of Mazeras – Kombeni main water pipe towards left side to
Minerals & Natural KaloleniGiriama.
Resources 2. Construction of storage tank at Boyani dispensary.
3. Construction of Rabi health Mega water storage tank.
4. Establishment of County tree Nursery at Rabai cultural village.


235 | P a g e
Agriculture livestock & 7. Dairy cattle projects – 40 leads.
fisheries 8. 2 Tractor
9. Rehabilitation of Nyamini irrigation scheme.
10. Dairy goats – 60 heads
11. 3 Cattle dip
- Mwamtsunga
- Mikahani
- Bwagamoyo
Devolution public 2. Fire fighter (brigade) Mkapuni trading centre proposed by Nyama
service & disaster seconded all.
management. 3. Scholarship fund Kshs. 20 million - Wale Dena seconded all
Education, Youth 3. Construction of 4 classroom ECD modern class at Bwagamoyo Primary
Affairs and sports 4. 2 Classroom additional at Chiferi Primary school
5. 4 Classrooms at Kambini
6. 4 Classrooms at Mwatsunga polytechnic
7. Mikahani resource centre.
Finance & Economic 2. Funding Mkapuni town planning.
Health services 6. Construction of laboratory at Chiferi health centre
proposed projects 7. Ambulance proposed for Chiferi health centre.
ICT, Culture and social 3. Construction of cultural centre at Chikahikahi proposed by Wale and
services seconded by all.
4. Construction of Chango’ombemiseum proposed by Edward Saha seconded
by all.
Lands, Energy, Hosing 3. High mask installation at
and Physical planning - Kwajuaje trading centre
- Chonyi trading centre.
- Changombe trading centre
- Bwagamoyo at Vifanjoni
4. Extension of streetlights from Kombeni girls to Mleji bridge.
236 | P a g e
Trade, Industrialization, 5. Construction of open air market at Bwagamoyo trading centre.
Cooperative 6. Jua kali sheds at Mkapuni
Development, Tourism 7. Construction of village bank at Bwagamoyo trading centre.
and Wildlife 8. Installation of market tents at Bwagamoyo trading centre.
Transport & 1. Kwajuaje to Bwagamoyo road.
Infrastructure & Public 2. GolomoyaKanyumbani road
work 3. ChonyiNdunduniHidaya road.
4. Chang’ombepwani road.
5. MwembeniMwamsabuChangombe road.
Water, Environment, 5. Construction of Kambini dam.
Minerals & Natural 6. Construction of Mwamrama bore hole
Resources 7. Construction of Chang’ombe dam.
8. Bedida bore hole.
9. Construction of Chiferi bore hole
10. Construction of Bwagamoyo borehole at Gurube.
11. Water reservoirs at Chonyi and Chiferi.
12. Kazameni borehole.
13. Pwani borehole.



Water, Environment and Natural Junju Desiltation and construction of dam walls
Resources at Gongoni and Mikaoni dams.
Distribution of fresh piped water from
Kolewa to Gongoni to Mwembetsungu to
Junju to Vipingo and Shariani.
Chasimba Water connection 2km from Chasimba
central to GandinikwaJomo
Water connection 2km from Swere to
Manjewa village
Borehole drilling at Dindiri.
Construction of Chirome dam- land
Physical Planning, lands and Junju Adjudication of plot 71/1/IV/MN.
housing and Energy. Chasimba Lands re- adjudication at
Bedzombo/Kitsoeni scheme.
Lands re-adjudication at Chasimba
237 | P a g e
/Galanema scheme.
Shimo La Tewa Preparation of a master plan for Mtwapa
Roads, Transport and Public Junju Murraming of Gongoni -Kolewa road
Works Chasimba Mulikamwizi lighting at Chasimba,
Dzitsoni and Kolongoni trading centres.
Jomeca- KwaMwangudza- Mwango-
Mwakolo primary – Kolongoni trading
centre road opening.
KwaMwajedi – Madzimeruhe –
Kolongoni trading centre road opening.
Kitsoeni- Chinyume –Mwakuhenga road
grading and murraming.
Kolongoni primary school- Gandini –
Kizingo road opening.
Shimo La Tewa Grading and murraming of Mtomondoni
Beach- Kwetu Junction- FTC Gate-
Makuruhu junction Road
Grading and murraming of
Mzambarauni- Kipepeo Lodge-Jankis
junction-Kizingitini Corner junction road
Grading and murramingof Mtwapa
Beach- Jumba Ruins road
Grading and murraming of Mtwapa
Weighbridge-Jumba Ruins Road
Grading and murraming of Kwa Goa-
Mikanjuni- Dzalamukadze Road in
Mtomondoni slum
Grading and murraming of Kwa Goa-
KARI fence- Mwangaza road
Grading and murraming of
MtwapaHealth Centre- Dzalamukadze-
Mwangaza road in Mtomondoni slum
Grading and murraming of Mtwapa
Health Centre-Mtomondoni Primary
School- KwaMwandinda junction of
Mtomondoni Scheme
Grading and murraming of Mtwapa
Health Centre- Mtomondoni Primary
School- Mwangaza- Kwetu junction-
Kwetu Centre Road
Grading and murraming of Mr. De Souza
farm - Messrs.’LukosoMubie and Zulu
Yusuf farms towards the creek
Grading and murraming of Mr. Joshua
Kituri- Mama Elizabeth Mwandoto
238 | P a g e
towards the creek
Grading and murraming of Mwembeni
Café- Jeneby’s House- Sokoni road.
Grading and murraming of Mr.Talua
Patel farm - Kizingitini nursery school
and Mr. Robert Menis Farm towards the
Grading and murraming of Biladi Café -
Jack Paul
Grading and murraming of Mwembeni
Café -Coral High School road
Tarmacking of Mtwapa weighbridge
-Jumba ruins- Timboni road
Construction of cabro for Nyambura
Stage- Sacramento -Dutch water road
Construction of cabro for
Tusky’sBodaboda Stage- SokoMjinga -
Mtwapa Health Centre road
Installation of street lights for all roads in
Mtwapa central, Mtomondoni and
Mikanjuni slums
Construction of cabro road for Kenol taxi
stage- SokoMjinga - Mtwapa Health
Centre road
Construction of drainage system for
Mtwapa central and Mtomondoni-
Mikanjuni slums area
Mtepeni Grading and murraming of Majengo-
Jumuia-North Coast and Sun n Sand road
Education, Youth and Sports Junju Construction of youth polytechnic at
Kolewa (community already allocated
land when plot 79 was being
Construction of E.C.D.E classrooms at
Gongoni primary, Kolewa primary and
Chodari primary.
Chasimba Madzimeruhe ECD 3No.Classrooms and
2 door pit latrine.
Bundacho ECDE.2 No Classrooms and 2
door pit latrine.
Dzitsoni ECDE. 3no. Classrooms and a 2
door pit latrine.
Ngamani ECDE 2no.Classrooms and 2
door pit latrine.
Ziani ECDE 3no.Classrooms and a 2 door
pit latrine.
239 | P a g e
Mafisini ECDE 2no. Classrooms and a2
door pit latrine.
Chasimba Lutsangani ECDE 2no .Classrooms and a
2 door pit latrine.
Dzitsoni playground upgrading.
Madzimeruhe ECD 3No.Classrooms and
2 door pit latrine.
Mtepeni Two E.C.D.E classrooms at Ushindi
nursery school Kikambala
One toilet with five doors at Matandale
Construction of Matandale youth
Shimo La Tewa Purchase of approximately two acres
land for ECD at Mtomondoni scheme to
ease congestion at Mtomondoni primary
Purchase of approximately two acres of
land within Shimo la tewa ward
forShimo la tewa youth polytechnic
Construction of four ECD classes and
toilets at Mtomondoni primary school
Improvement and fencing of
Mtomondoni playing ground next to
Mtomondoni Primary school
Health Junju Renovation of staff houses in Junju-
Gongoni dispensary and BomaniMalde
Equipping of community hall donated to
Malde dispensary to a maternity wing.
Expansion of Vipingo dispensary to a
health centre
Construction of two toilets and a
maternity wing at Gongoni dispensary.
Construction of Ng’ombeni dispensary.
Land available.
Construction of Bayamose dispensary.
Construction of a public toilet at Dzitsoni,
Chasimba, and Kolongoni trading
Mtepeni Renovation of Tunzanani/Kidutani
Twin staff house at Msumarini dispensary
Shimo La Tewa Purchase of approximately three acres of
land in Mtomondoni scheme for Shimo
la tewapublic cemetery.
240 | P a g e
Purchase of approximately one acre of
land at Mtomondoni scheme for a
dispensary to decongest Mtwapa Health
Completion of construction and kitting of
Mtwapa primary school dispensary
Construction of public toilets within
Mtwapa Township and its suburbs
Completion of a pediatric ward, female
and male wards, theatre, laundry and
laboratory which are ongoing at Mtwapa
Health Centre
ICT, Culture and Social Chasimba Construction of a social hall at Bundacho
Services water project ground.
Shimo La Tewa Purchase of approximately half acre plot
at Mtwapa town for Mtwapa ICT
Resource Centre/Public library
Trade, industrialization and co- Chasimba Construction of Chasimba modern open
operatives air market.
Construction of Dzitsoni modern open air
Construction of Bodaboda shade at
Dzitsoni shopping center
Construction of Bodaboda shade at
Chasimba shopping center.
Construction of Bodaboda shade at
Kolongoni shopping center
Construction of Bodaboda shade at
Ng’ombeni junction.
Shimo la Tewa Improvement of Mtwapa Beach
Recreational Park
Construction of Shimo la tewa Beach
Recreational Park at former Shimo la
tewa Ferry
Devolution, Public Service and Shimo La Tewa Purchase of a half-acre plot at Mtwapa
Disaster management for construction of an elderly persons
home within Shimo la tewa ward
Agriculture, Fisheries and Chasimba Construction of Malomani dam for
Livestock. irrigation –land available.
Rehabilitation of Ng’ombeni dam for
Digging a fishpond at Dzitsoni Sec.
Digging a fishpond at Lutsangani Sec.

241 | P a g e
County Proposed Project Sub Location
Education Youth Construction Of Polytechnic at Bofu Primary Miyuni
And Sports School
Construction Of 2 classrooms Mutsangamali- ECD Miyuni
Construction of 2 classrooms ECD at Masaani Jimba
Primary School
Construction of an 2 classroomsECD at Mikomani
Construction of a YOUTH POLYTECHNIC at Mikomani
Construction of a YOUTH POLYTECHNIC at Jimba
jimba mission
Construction of 2 ECD classrooms at Kasidi Mleji
Primary School
Construction of a YOUTH POLYTECHNIC at Mleji
Mwanjama B
Water Natural
Forestry And Solid
Establishment Of four (4) Tree Nurseries, one Ruruma Ward
each sub location for The Forest Trees;
Mivinjeand other forest trees
Construction Of 3 Water Tanks At- Mtsangamali Miyuni
Maji – Mtsara (Dzanikeni) –Mfereji: Juaje/Kasidi Mleji
Construction of a bore hole at Mikomani Primary Mikomani
Construction of a water pipe jimba school to kailo Jimmba
Construction of a Rabai cultural village at Kasidi- Mleji

TRADE, Establishment of Dairy Milk cooperative and Ruruma Ward

20 groups identified to benefit from Mbegu Fund Ruruma Ward
242 | P a g e
Mkapuni Shopping Centre urban planning Ruruma Ward
Department of Sub Location
Roads Public Works
and physical
Gradding Of Batan- Makondeni access road
Construction of a road Miyuni
joingingKadzuyuni/Dzanikeni/Vishakani –
Tsulutune/Makanzani –Juaje/Kasidi
Cutting of a new road from Mtandikeni to Mleji
masahani )
Construction of culvert along Mleji River Jimba
Construction of culvates on Mleji River joining Mleji
Construction of a bridge Dzanikeni/Vishakani, Mleji
All roads in MIKOMANI to be graded. Mleji
New road to be cut at MIKOMANI KWA JUNGO Mikoman
Construction of a ROAD from mtandikeni to Mikomani
masahani )
Agriculture, Jimba
Livestock and
360 Dairy Cows to be distribution 60 Groups
One metric tonne of Maize, beans, cowpeas, Ruruma Ward
pigeon peas and green grams
Farm inputs (fertilizer and pesticides) Ruruma Ward
600 Local chicken chicken feed and medicines RurumaWardr
100 Milk Goats for raring Ruruma Ward
2 Tractors Ruruma Ward
Four thousand (4,000) seedlings of Cashew nuts, Ruruma Ward
Coconuts, Mangoes and Banana cuttings
[5] Health Ruruma Ward
Construction of a DISPENSARY at MIKOMANI,
Land is available
Cibstruction of a DISPENSARY at Jimba mission Mikomani
Construction of wards and other necessary Jimba
facilities and staffing to upgrade of Makanzani
Dispensary to a Health Centre

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