WK 8 May 18-22

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Seachtain 8

18/05/20- 22/05/20

Dia daoibh a pháistí agus tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh ar fad go h-iontach ar maidin, cosúil liom féin!

Chuala mé ó go leor páistí an tseachtain seo chaite agus bhí sé go h-álainn bhur Nuacht a léamh agus
bhur obair a fheiceáil. Go raibh maith agaibh as ucht é a sheoladh chugam.

Leagfaidh mé an treor seo amach I mbealach nua, an tseachtain seo, ar eagla na h-eagla nach bhfuil
Printers/ Computers ag gach duine sa bhaile, ionas go mbeidh sé nios easca teacht ar an obair le
déanamh sna Leabhair ar dtús. Cuirfidh mé na dúshláin bhreise ag an deireadh. Ceart go leor?!

Ar dtús, an gnáthoibre seachtainiúil;

1. DEAR.
2. News Flash daily challenge. Posted online around 9:00. Again, a nice variety of tasks for you
to complete each morning, by the looks of it!
3. 10@10. Agus dean rith timpeall an ti. An bhfuil tu ag éirí níos tapúla fós?
4. RTE hub, ag 11:00 agus Cúla ar TG4 ag 10:00. Dean cibé obair bhaile a thugann na Múinteoirí
ar an Seó daoibh freisin. Remember to look for the challenge in the work, especially if you
think it all sounds a little easy, to make it suitable for YOU.
I noticed from looking at The Hub Extra, last week, that a lot of the youngsters who send in
videos of themselves seem pretty young, but don’t think for a moment that it is only geared
towards 5 and 6 year olds! There’s plenty there to challenge you too, if you look for it.
5. Scríobh chugam/ no cuir pictiúr chugam, uair sa seachtain, le rud éigin! Nuacht, dán, mata a
rinne tu, tionscnamh…Is cuma cad a chuireann tú chugam in email, ach, tá mé ag iarraidh
cloisteáil uaibh agus féachaint conas atá ag éirí libh.

Obair sna Leabhair Scoile:

1. Spellbound, Gaeilge le Chéile, Work it Out- Week 30.
2. Fite fuaite: lth 28/29/30 and 34.
 Tá béim ar poncaíocht/ punctuation. An feidir libh smaoineamh cén áit a théann na
lán staideanna, cinn litreacha etc?
 Ansin, ta seans agat leithscéalta a chumadh to explain why you did/ or cannot do
something. Be imaginative!
 Ar deireadh, leigh na treoracha ar lth 34 agus tarraing an pictiúr.
3. Reading Zone, On Boaster’s Hill. Read and complete carefully the activities.
4. Gafa le Mata.
 Caib 27, Fad 2.
 Dul Siar Tapa.
5. Timpeall an Domhain, Caib28, Foraísí Báistí.
Anois, roinnt elaboration and some Dúshlán Breise!
1. Garraíodóireacht:
Conas atá ag éirí leis na síolta ar chuir sibh ag fás I rith na Cásca? Anything appearing yet?
Chuir mé go leor glasraí agus bláthanna o phaicéidí ag fás agus tá mé ag tabhairt an aire
dóibh. Is próiséis mall é. The cold, frosty nights last week didn’t do them any favours and my
potatoes, which I neglected to cover, got badly frost scorched. Not impressed, a pháistí!!
Chuir mé oráiste, úlla agus líomóid ag fás freisin. Níl mórán ag tárlú fós. Maybe by
September! If you haven’t planted anything yet, look for what you can plant. Use the pips
and seeds from the fruit you eat. Or, if somebody in the house is going to the shops, see can
they pick up something. Sunflowers and broad beans, especially, get going quickly. If you
already have flowers like marigolds and pansies in your garden, see can you find where the
new seeds are made and stored, based on the work you did recently in T an D. If you can find
the seeds, wait till they dry out a bit and ripen, then save them for replanting elsewhere in
the garden.
Recently I watched a gardener suggest trying to grow a pineapple and an avocado, so I’m
trying them too. Who knows, they might grow!
For the pineapple, twist off the leaves firmly. This is what you plant, into compost, if you
have it. ( I put mine suspended in water, for three weeks, to kick start it and think I can see a
root beginning to emerge!)You don’t need any of the pineapple flesh, indeed, pull it off, if
any remains.
These can take up to 6 months to do anything and can be unpredictable growers, so try a
few of them. By the time you go into 5 th class, you might have success!
For the avocado, stick 3 tooth picks into the stone and suspend it in a glass of water. Again, it
will take a while to grow a nice long root and a shoot, with leaves. I’ll possibly see you before
this happens for further instructions!

2. Gaeilge:
Is feidir leatsa treoracha a scríobh do do chara/ do sibling chun phictiúr a dhéanamh.
Beidh orthu, cibé rud a scríobhann tu a tharraingt, mar sin, beidh ar do threoracha a bheith
an shoiléir! Make sure they know what you’re asking them to draw or you mightn’t like the

3. English/ OSPS:
On Boaster’s Hill: well, what do you think of it as a story? Is it a good title for the story? Is
boasting about oneself generally a good idea?
Personally, I’m not wild about this story, but, using it as a starting point, I do want you to
think about yourself now.
Take a minute or two to think about your abilities, your achievements, about things that
make you proud about yourself. We won’t call it ”boasting”, we’ll call it “self
I’d like you to write about yourself- title “What makes me most proud of myself”.
Perhaps you have learned some new skills since schools closed down. Perhaps you have
become patient and more independent? Perhaps you developed a love for reading, or for
being creative, or for being kinder to your siblings, or for helping out around the house. It’s
completely up to you what you consider is worth being proud of! When finished, read what
you have written to your family and see what they think! I’m sure they are very proud of you

4. Tír Eolaíocht/ Ealaín: Foraoisí Báistí.

Phléamar in Caib 6 Tan D, an coill.
Táimid ag taisteal níos faide anois, chomh fada leis an bhForaoís Báistí.
Obair san Atlas, ar dtus.
Léarscáil an Domhain.
Féach don mheánlíne, The Equator. This is where you will find many Rainforests,- what do
you think they are?- the clue is in the name!
Dean liosta de na tíortha ina bhfuil Foraóisí Báistí anois.
Cad iad na príomh cathracha sna tíortha sin?

**Cúpla Dúshlán eile anois le roghnú eatharthú.( Ealaín/ Creative writing).

 Déan research ar roinnt créatúr a chonaíonn san Fhoraoís. Scríobh futhu agus tarraing iad.
Or indeed, make a Rainforest animal, out of Papier Mache. Then paint it decoratively.

 Pretend that you have won a fantastic prize in a competition to visit a Rainforest for a week.
Imagine what you get up to, what you see, hear etc.
Either write about/ or paint your favourite “memory”.

 You work for a Travel company and you are in charge of organising a tour to the Rain Forest.
What’s on your agenda? Where will you bring your guests and what will you show them?
Design a Tourist Brochure/ Poster to encourage people to choose to travel with your
company. It should be both eye-catching and informative
( Think about what info you will need to include on the poster…price, dates of travel, type of
accommodation, activities etc).
I’m looking forward to seeing what you can offer!

5. Fad.
Since schools closed, we have been asked to keep within a certain distance of our homes,
2km for a while and then 5km. more recently.
2km=2000méadar. 5km= 5000méadar.
What is within your 2km or 5km range?
What did you notice or enjoy seeing as you walked or cycled about, that perhaps, you didn’t
notice/ appreciate before?
Draw a map of your route as you travel either 2/5 km from your house. Put in your house as
a starting point. Put in the road/ street names and any thing else you consider memorable
on your route.
Remember the work we did earlier in the year with maps, that In Ní Nualláin helped us
with? We discussed how you show places/ things using symbols to represent them.
You’ll have to come up with symbols to represent what buildings, parks etc you pass en-
This is a nice activity, but it will take quite a while and will need all your concentration.
Are you up for it??! Well then, get a big sheet of paper and plenty of colours. Ar aghaidh

Sin é a pháistí don tseachtain seo. Bain taitneamh as cibé rud a dhéanann sibh agus ná dean
dearmad pictiúirí a sheoladh chugam.

Slán go fóill,


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