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Multiple Choice Questions:

1.For purely domestic loads, this a.c system is employed for distribution a) single phase 2 wire

b) 3 phase 3 wire c) 3 phase 4 wire d) none of these.

2. Power factor correction substations are located generally in a) receiving end b) sending end c)

both end d) none of these.

3. In any transmission line AD – BC =? a) 0 b) 1 c) infinity d) none of these.

4.The charging current in a transmission line a) lags voltage by 90° b) leads voltage by 90° c) leads
voltage by 45° d) lags behind by 45°

5. Bundled conductors are used to a) reduce inductance of the line b) reduce both inductance &
capacitance c) reduce corona loss d) reduce corona loss & line inductance.

6.The length of short transmission line is upto about a)100 km b) 200 km c) 50 km d)120 km.

7.3 phase 4 wire a.c system of distribution is used for a) balanced load b)unbalanced load c) critical
load d) all of the above.

8.Transposition is done in transmission line to a) reduce line loss b) reduce skin effect c) balance line
voltage drop d) reduce corona.

9.If the spacing between the conductors is increased , the inductance of the line a) decreases b)
increases c) remain same d) none of these.

10.The line constants of the transmission line are a) uniformly distributed b) lumped c) both a) & b)
d) none of these.

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