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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 134 (2018) 246–253

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Who will be smart home users? An analysis of adoption and diffusion of T

smart homes☆

Jungwoo Shina, Yuri Parkb, , Daeho Leec
Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, KyungHee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin, Gyeonggi 446-701, South Korea
Department of ICT Industry Research, Korea Information Society Development Institute, 18 Jeongtong-ro, Deoksan-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungchengbuk-do 27872,
South Korea
Department of Interaction Science, Sungkyunkwan University, 25-2 Sungkyunwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea


Keywords: A smart home is considered a primary service of the Internet of Things (IoT), and global leading companies are
Consumer behavior launching smart home services/products based on the IoT. However, the spread of smart homes has been slower
Multivariate probit model than expected, and analysis of smart homes from a demand perspective is required. This study suggests im-
Network externality plications for promoting the smart home market by analyzing factors affecting adoption and diffusion of smart
Smart home
homes. A technology acceptance model was used to describe the adoption of smart homes and a multivariate
Technology acceptance model
probit model was used to describe the diffusion of smart homes. The characteristics of smart homes such as
network effects between services/products and the importance of personal information protection were con-
sidered in addition to demographic variables. The results of this study show that compatibility, perceived ease of
use, and perceived usefulness have significant positive effects on purchase intention. In terms of purchase timing,
unlike other information and communication technology (ICT) services/products, older consumers are more
likely to purchase smart homes within a given time period than are younger consumers. Therefore, a strategy for
promoting smart home purchases by young consumers is required to increase market demand.

1. Introduction allows consumers to control their home appliances through Alexa, an

artificial intelligence-based voice recognition technology. Google pro-
Interest in various Internet of Things (IoT) services is increasing as vides smart home services through ‘Google assistant,’ which includes
most objects can now be connected to a network through the IoT. personal assistant services based on voice recognition and artificial
Among these services, smart home services are regarded as killer ap- intelligence technology. For their smart home services, Amazon and
plications in terms of marketability and consumer accessibility. A smart Google offer smart speakers called ‘Amazon Echo’ and ‘Google Home,’
home is defined as “an intelligent environment that is able to acquire respectively. Telecommunications companies provide similar smart
and apply knowledge about its inhabitants and their surroundings in home devices such as speakers or set-top boxes.
order to adapt and meet the goals of comfort and efficiency” (Perumal Despite the competitive launch of smart home services/products,
et al., 2013). Smart home services include the control and automation the global smart home1 penetration rate of households is 7.5%, with
of lighting, heating (e.g., smart thermostats), ventilation, air con- revenue expected to reach $46,252 m in 2018 (Statista, 2018).
ditioning (HVAC), and security, as well as home appliances such as Greenough (2016) pointed out that the smart home market is currently
washers/dryers, ovens, and refrigerators/freezers. in a chasm between early adopters and the mass market. This chasm, in
Smart homes are emerging as a new competitive market for ICT spite of suppliers actively providing smart home services, means that it
companies as they seek to find new revenue sources due to saturation of is necessary to analyze smart homes from a consumer perspective. First,
the smart phone market. Major players leading the ICT ecosystem are the adoption rate of smart home services will vary depending on the
rushing to release smart home services/products. For example, Amazon consumer utility for automatically controlling connected items such as

This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2017R1C1B5017518) and the Korea Ministry of
Environment as Climate Change Correspondence R&D Program (2014001300001).

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Park), (D. Lee).
According to Statista (2018), smart home services/products include digitally connected and controlled devices, sensors, actuators, and cloud services that support automation, control
hubs to connect sensors and actuators, B2C hardware, and software sales. However, smart TVs, smart gardening devices, and B2B/C2C sales such as hotels are excluded.
Received 12 January 2018; Received in revised form 18 May 2018; Accepted 13 June 2018
Available online 22 June 2018
0040-1625/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.
J. Shin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 134 (2018) 246–253

home appliances. Therefore, it is important to analyze consumers' in- Two different surveys were used in this study. One attempted to
tentions to adopt smart home services and the factors influencing the clarify the intention to adopt IoT services, while the other investigated
adoption rate (diffusion) of smart homes in order to determine how to usage behavior of IoT services. The two surveys were used together as
increase smart home demand. each individually was not designed to analyze both adoption and dif-
In addition, smart homes have attributes that are different from fusion factors simultaneously. Characteristics of smart homes were re-
other ICT services or products, such that specific analysis of smart quired to analyze adoption according to the attributes of smart homes,
homes is required. A smart home has individual products or services while purchase timing data was needed to analyze diffusion. The first
interconnected to one other. Therefore, compatibility is an important survey was designed to analyze consumer adoption and did not include
factor when choosing smart home services compared to other IoT ser- purchase timing data. On the other hand, the second survey included
vices since smart home services require connections and communica- data on the intention to use, but the characteristics of services were not
tions among various home appliances. It is also not easy to purchase a investigated. Therefore, the first survey was used to analyze adoption,
smart home all at once because different services/products have dif- while the second survey was used for diffusion despite the lack of a
ferent replacement cycles, many of which are long. The choice of one uniform survey population.
smart home service might depend on other smart home services as The respondents of the first survey used for adoption analysis were
smart home services require communication within a smart home. 310 South Korean smartphone users who could be potential smart home
Consequently, analysis of smart home services from a system perspec- service users. Data were collected through a mobile survey. All 310
tive consisting of interworking (or combining) individual smart devices individuals were smartphone owners, 152 of whom (49%) were male,
is appropriate rather than considering the selection of each device in- and 158 (51%) were female. By age, 23% were in their teens, 19% in
dividually. their 20s, 22% in their 30s, 19% in their 40s, and 18% in their 50s or
Few previous studies have analyzed smart homes from a user per- older. The respondents of the second survey used for the diffusion
spective, while a lot of research has occurred on smart home technol- analysis were 2113 smartphone users, aged 20 to 65. The survey was
ogies. Some studies that have analyzed smart home technologies based conducted online. Of the respondents, 1059 (50%) were male, and 1054
on IoT are as follows. Soliman et al. (2013) suggested an approach to (50%) were female. By age, 22% were in their 20s, 30% were in their
develop smart home applications based on IoT and Cloud. Li and Yu 30s, 26% were in their 40s, 16% were in their 50s, and 5% were in their
(2011) presented smart home system design based on IoT. Chong et al. 60s. The samples were not significantly different from the age and
(2011) analyzed the characteristics and disadvantages of smart home gender distributions of South Korea. In the second survey, smart home
systems. Stojkoska and Trivodaliev (2017) presented a framework for services were divided into three categories based on home appliance
narrowing the gap between current and future smart homes based on size. Respondents were asked about status of use, intention to use, and
IoT. Feng et al. (2017) suggested how to apply IoT and a cognitive when to purchase (if the respondents were willing to become users) of
dynamic system to smart homes. Hui et al. (2017) provided seven major large, medium, and small home appliances.
requirements for establishing a smart home. Mao et al. (2017) analyzed < 4% of respondents currently use a smart home service, but 46.4%
a design scheme of an intelligent home system. of respondents showed high intention to use in the future. This study
There have been attempts to analyze smart homes from the user's suggests approaches for activating smart home services by analyzing
perspective. Yang et al. (2016) analyzed user adoption of smart home influential factors.
services using a partial least squares method. Park et al. (2018) ana-
lyzed adoption of smart homes using a technology acceptance model. 2.2. Model specifications
Kim et al. (2016) estimated willingness to pay for smart home services
using a contingent valuation method. Richter and Pollitt (2016) ana- 2.2.1. Extended technology acceptance model for analyzing adoption of
lyzed the choice of smart electricity service using a discrete choice smart home services
model. While these studies empirically analyzed smart home services The technology acceptance model (TAM), originally developed by
from the user's point of view, none of them simultaneously analyzed Davis (1989), is one of the most popular methodologies for analyzing
adoption and diffusion. In addition, previous studies analyzed in- consumer acceptance intentions. TAM analyzes consumer acceptance
dividual smart home services/products without considering a system intentions through perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
perspective. According to Davis (1989), perceived usefulness is defined as a user's
This study suggests a strategic direction to overcome the chasm ability to utilize the system to improve his/her performance, while
following early adopters by analyzing how acceptance depends on the perceived ease of use is the degree to which the user can use the system
characteristics of smart home services and factors affecting the diffusion without effort. TAM has been sufficiently explanatory for analyzing
of smart home services. The remainder of this paper is organized as user acceptance in previous studies. However, Legris et al. (2003)
follows. Section 2 describes the research models, and section 3 de- pointed out that it is necessary to extend TAM according to the char-
scribes the survey design and empirical data for adoption and diffusion acteristics of the technology analyzed because consumer objectives for
of smart homes. Section 4 presents an analysis of the main factors in- adopting ICT are different for each technology. In this study, therefore,
fluencing adoption and diffusion of smart home devices as part of a TAM was extended by additionally considering compatibility and
smart home system. Lastly, section 5 presents a summary of our results privacy protection factors beyond the perceived usability and perceived
and provides a market revitalization strategy for smart home systems. ease of use of the basic TAM. The extended TAM was used to analyze
consumer acceptance of smart home services as shown in Fig. 1.
2. Methodology As pointed out earlier, compatibility is a critical factor in adopting
smart home services since it is important to assess how smart home
2.1. Data services are interoperable with various home appliances and external
services. Compatibility was considered an important factor for adoption
Micro-level consumer data is required to analyze factors affecting of ICT products in Chen et al. (2009), Corrocher (2011), and Wu and
consumer adoption and diffusion of smart home services. However, Wang (2005). In addition, Liébana-Cabanillas et al. (2014), Hwang
revealed preference data for smart home service markets, especially (2014), and Yang et al. (2016) analyzed the effects of compatibility on
market data on individual consumer choices, are difficult to obtain acceptance of smart homes, fintech, and wearable services, respec-
since the smart home market is in its early stages. Therefore, instead of tively. Therefore, this study assumes that high compatibility of smart
using revealed preference data, this study used stated preference data home services could be a factor enhancing consumer convenience.
from surveys that included usage behavior for smart home services. Personal information protection has also been recognized as an

J. Shin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 134 (2018) 246–253

dependent variable for analyzing the diffusion of smart home products

is the intent to purchase timing of those smart home products. The
purchase timing has five options (within 6 months, 1 year, 2 years,
3 years, and beyond 3 years). The dependent variable has a value of 1 if
there is intent to buy at least one smart home product during that

3. Results

3.1. Adoption of a smart home device as part of a smart home system

The reliability coefficients for the measurement items of each

variable were calculated using the SPSS statistic 23 program in order to
examine the relevance of the measurement items included in the ex-
tended TAM. As shown in Table 1, the values of Cronbach's alpha for all
factors exceed 0.7, which is the general acceptance threshold. There-
Fig. 1. Extended TAM model. fore, all variables used in this analysis are statistically reliable.

3.1.1. Entire model

important factor related to intention to accept. Chen (2006) verified
To estimate the measurement model fit, we used four common
that anxiety about the collection and usage of personal information is
model-fit measures: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
an important factor in mobile payment services. Yousafzai et al. (2010)
(RMSEA), Incremental Fit Index (IFI), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), and
and Yap et al. (2010) emphasized the importance of privacy in con-
Chi-square/degree of freedom (χ2/df). All of the model-fit indices sa-
sumer acceptance. This study defined the variable of personal in-
tisfy the acceptance criteria suggested in the previous literature
formation as the user's concern about the infringement of personal in-
(Table 2).
formation that occurs while using a service. These concerns include the
The estimation results for the entire sample show that compatibility,
possibility of leakage of personal information during the personal in-
ease of use, and usability had a significant effect on attitude (Table 3).
formation process such as the collecting, storing, using, and disclosing
In particular, the more compatible and more useful is the smart home
of information, as well as unwanted advertisements (Featherman and
service, the more enthusiastic are the respondents, and the greater is
Pavlou, 2003). Accordingly, this study assumed that concerns about
the intention to accept. Interestingly, privacy had no significant effect
personal information will have a negative impact on the acceptance of
on attitude. As Kraemer and Flechais (2018) point out, only a few
smart home services.
studies have investigated privacy in the context of smart homes. Ac-
Demographic characteristics of users (i.e., age, gender, income, and
cording to Zeng et al. (2017), users consider physical security more
education level) that affect acceptance intention were also considered
important than privacy when using smart homes.
in this study as moderating effects.
3.1.2. Analysis of differences according to demographic characteristics
2.2.2. Multivariate probit model
The main purpose of this study is to examine factors affecting the
The purchase of smart home products is expected to vary by pro-
adoption and diffusion of smart homes. Therefore, the effects of de-
duct, with respondents having different purchasing timeframes for each
mographic characteristics such as age, gender, education level, and
smart home product. Therefore, a multivariate probit model (MVP)2
income on the adoption and diffusion of smart homes were analyzed. In
was used to consider multiple choices, allowing users various purchase
the TAM analysis, the moderating effect was analyzed by dividing the
timing options for different smart home products. Previous studies have
310 respondents from the first survey into junior/senior, male/female,
used the MVP model to analyze relationships between over-the-top
high/low education, and high/low income groups.
services and traditional broadcasting services (Shin et al., 2016), smart
First, in order to analyze age effects, the total sample was divided
car and smart home services (Hong et al., 2016), and cloud service and
into junior (193 people) and senior (117 people) groups according to an
terminal devices (Shin et al., 2014). The utility function of the MVP
age cut-off of 40 years based on Serenko et al. (2006). The results are
model is as follows:
shown in Table 4. In the senior group, perceived usefulness had a
Uij = γj + ∑ βjd′ Yid + εij greater effect on attitude than did perceived ease of use. On the other
d (1) hand, in the junior group, the effect of perceived ease of use on attitude
was 0.513, which was significantly larger than in the senior group
Here, γj is an alternative specific constant (ASC) for each alternative
(0.206). In general, the junior group was more familiar with advanced
j, and Yid is a social demographic variable. The MVP model assumes that
ICT devices and more aware of the importance of user experience and
the stochastic εij has a multivariate normal distribution with zero mean
user interface.
and covariance matrix Σ. A Bayesian estimation method is used to re-
Second, the analysis of gender effects showed that personal in-
duce the complexity of the calculation process (Allenby and Rossi,
formation did not have a significant effect on attitude in males
1999; Edwards and Allenby, 2003; Huber and Train, 2001; Train,
(Table 4.). While significant for females, the effect size was very small
2003), which has advantages such as solving the integration problem
(−0.117). There were significant differences in compatibility and
for the multivariate probability density function and overcoming the
perceived usefulness by gender. The effects of compatibility on attitude
local optimization and initial value problem of the maximum likelihood
showed that men (0.310) were less affected by compatibility than
estimation method.
women (0.489). On the other hand, the influence of perceived useful-
The smart home products considered in this study include re-
ness was significantly higher in males (0.525) than females (0.310). In
frigerators, washing machines, TVs, air conditioners, boilers, dehumi-
other words, males tended to purchase smart home products even if
difiers, robot cleaners, smart meters, plugs, smart lighting, smart ther-
they were less compatible given that they were useful. On the other
mostats, smart switches, home CCTV, gas locks, and door locks. The
hand, women seemed to value the compatibility of the smart home
product with other products already owned even if the product by itself
See Edwards and Allenby (2003) for more detail about multivariate probit models. was useful.

J. Shin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 134 (2018) 246–253

Table 1
Cronbach's alpha reliability and regression weights of observed variables.
Component Cronbach's α Unstandardized regression weight Standardized regression weight S.E. C.R. P

1 0.887 1.000 0.647
2 1.018 0.642 0.082 12.373 < 0.001
3 1.020 0.637 0.105 9.735 < 0.001
4 1.379 0.808 0.117 11.782 < 0.001
5 1.384 0.826 0.116 11.967 < 0.001

1 0.828 1.000 0.717
2 1.034 0.721 0.067 15.426 < 0.001
3 1.302 0.893 0.090 14.443 < 0.001
4 1.292 0.886 0.090 14.411 < 0.001

Perceived ease of use

1 0.813 1.000 0.791
2 0.831 0.695 0.065 12.743 < 0.001
3 0.918 0.717 0.069 13.223 < 0.001
4 0.777 0.584 0.075 10.396 < 0.001

Perceived usefulness
1 0.830 1.000 0.819
2 1.034 0.857 0.059 17.584 < 0.001
3 0.864 0.772 0.055 15.654 < 0.001
4 0.998 0.832 0.059 16.787 < 0.001

1 0.875 1.000 0.863
2 0.973 0.844 0.049 19.668 < 0.001
3 0.946 0.791 0.054 17.578 < 0.001
4 0.960 0.814 0.052 18.440 < 0.001

Intention to use
1 0.855 1.000 0.816
2 0.962 0.745 0.067 14.461 < 0.001
3 1.000 0.832 0.059 16.900 < 0.001
4 0.898 0.730 0.063 14.159 < 0.001

Note: S.E.E = standard error, C.R. = composite reliability.

Table 2 Finally, this study divided the respondents into high and low edu-
Model-fit indices. cation levels and examined differences by education level. The high
RMESA IFI CFI Chi-square/df education group showed a higher acceptance rate for smart home
products when compatibility was high, while the low education group
Level 0.059 0.949 0.949 2.064 was more likely to adopt when product usefulness was high (Table 4).
Acceptance level < 0.06 > 0.9 > 0.9 <3
Reference Bentler and Bagozzi and Bagozzi and Bentler and
Bonett (1980) Yi (1988) Yi (1988) Bonnet (1980)
3.2. Diffusion of smart home products

Table 3 The 2113 respondents from the second survey were used in the
Estimation results. diffusion analysis. The definitions of variables used are shown in
Table 5. The demographic variables were gender, age, education level,
monthly average income, number of household members, and type of
Unstandardized Standardized S.E. C.R. P value housing. In addition, the amount of ICT devices and home appliances
estimate estimate possessed is considered an independent variable because the current
status of ICT devices and home appliances is expected to have a sig-
Compatibility → 0.315⁎⁎⁎ 0.226 0.120 2.621 0.009
nificant impact on the purchase of smart home products. The level of
Privacy → −0.022 −0.020 0.030 −0.735 0.462 recognition and usability of smart home appliances and the importance
attitude of personal information protection were also considered as independent
PEoU → attitude 0.496 0.449 0.129 3.851 < 0.001 variables.
PU → attitude 0.355⁎⁎⁎ 0.340 0.077 4.583 < 0.001 According to the survey results, the most preferred intention to
Attitude → IU 0.954⁎⁎⁎ 0.952 0.056 17.082 < 0.001
purchase timeframe was ‘within one year,’ followed by ‘within two
Note: S.E. = standard error, C.R. = composite reliability; ⁎⁎⁎ indicates a sig- years,’ ‘within three years,’ within six months,’ and ‘after three years.’
nificance level of 99%; PEoU, PU, and IU indicate perceived ease of use, per- The percentage of respondents who want to purchase smart home
ceived usefulness, and intention to use, respectively. products within one year is much smaller than those who want to buy
after one year. Therefore, it is necessary to examine which factors affect
Third, looking at the differences according to income, compatibility timing purchase in order to promote the diffusion of smart home pro-
and perceived usefulness were more important to the low income ducts. In this context, we conducted two analyses to analyze the main
group, while perceived ease of use was more important to the high factors affecting purchase time: 1) purchase timing for overall smart
income group. However, this difference was not statistically significant home products and 2) purchase timing for smart home products by size.
(Table 4). We divided smart home products into three categories: 1) large home
appliances including refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, air

J. Shin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 134 (2018) 246–253

Table 4
Estimation results moderated by age, gender, income, and education.
Group Junior Senior Difference

Unstandardized estimate S.E. C.R. Standardized estimate Unstandardized estimate S.E. C.R. Standardized estimate

⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
Compatibility → 0.433 0.064 6.770 0.482 0.406 0.079 5.172 0.412 0.027
Attitude (−0.262)
Privacy → attitude −0.093⁎ 0.055 −1.703 −0.100 −0.124⁎⁎ 0.061 −2.034 −0.137 0.031
PEoU → attitude 0.513⁎⁎⁎ 0.076 6.785 0.536 0.206⁎⁎ 0.085 2.407 0.175 0.307⁎⁎⁎
⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
PU → attitude 0.286 0.050 5.668 0.361 0.523 0.063 8.288 0.709 −0.237⁎⁎⁎
Attitude → IU 0.852⁎⁎⁎ 0.089 9.591 0.876 1.039⁎⁎⁎ 0.112 9.309 0.948 −0.187

Group Male Female Difference

Unstandardized estimate S.E. C.R. Standardized estimate Unstandardized estimate S.E. C.R. Standardized estimate

⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
Compatibility → attitude 0.310 0.061 5.064 0.364 0.489 0.077 6.322 0.513 −0.179⁎
Privacy → attitude −0.073 0.055 −1.334 −0.084 −0.117⁎ 0.060 −1.956 −0.128 0.044
PEoU → attitude 0.401⁎⁎⁎ 0.087 4.625 0.367 0.375⁎⁎⁎ 0.076 4.914 0.387 0.026
PU → attitude 0.525⁎⁎⁎ 0.065 8.084 0.658 0.310⁎⁎⁎ 0.050 6.152 0.432 0.215⁎⁎⁎
⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
Attitude → IU 0.872 0.096 9.059 0.866 0.934 0.102 9.170 0.918 −0.062

Group Low income High income Difference

Unstandardized estimate S.E. C.R. Standardized estimate Unstandardized estimate S.E. C.R. Standardized estimate

Compatibility → attitude 0.406⁎⁎⁎ 0.065 6.286 0.430 0.370⁎⁎⁎ 0.085 4.373 0.416 0.036
Privacy → attitude −0.109⁎ 0.060 −1.830 −0.106 −0.090⁎ 0.053 −1.682 −0.131 0.019
⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
PEoU → attitude 0.337 0.064 5.234 0.354 0.550 0.154 3.567 0.398 −0.213
⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
PU → attitude 0.462 0.054 8.514 0.594 0.343 0.067 5.151 0.459 0.119
Attitude → IU 0.901⁎⁎⁎ 0.086 10.418 0.879 0.916⁎⁎⁎ 0.131 6.984 0.927 −0.015

Group Low education High education Difference

Unstandardized estimate S.E. C.R. Standardized estimate Unstandardized estimate S.E. C.R. Standardized estimate

⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
Compatibility → attitude 0.311 0.082 3.805 0.304 0.501 0.066 7.574 0.575 −0.190⁎
Privacy → attitude −0.044 0.071 −0.619 −0.045 −0.156⁎⁎⁎ 0.049 −3.180 −0.180 −0.093
PEoU → attitude 0.548⁎⁎⁎ 0.111 4.922 0.460 0.300⁎⁎⁎ 0.062 4.835 0.319 0.248⁎
PU → attitude 0.394⁎⁎⁎ 0.067 5.862 0.467 0.403⁎⁎⁎ 0.049 8.154 0.559 −0.009
⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
Attitude → IU 0.707 0.091 7.780 0.791 1.104 0.101 10.972 0.991 −0.397⁎⁎⁎

Note: S.E. = standard error, C.R. = composite reliability; ⁎, ⁎⁎, and ⁎⁎⁎ indicate significance levels of 90%, 95%, and 99% respectively; PEoU, PU, and IU indicate
perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and intention to use, respectively.

conditioners, boilers, and dehumidifiers; 2) small home appliances in- size. Older people are more likely to purchase smart home products
cluding robot cleaners, smart meters, plugs, smart lighting, smart within six months or one year but prefer to purchase ‘small home ap-
thermostats, and smart switches; and 3) safety and security appliances pliances’ and ‘safety and security’ products within six months.
including home CCTV, gas locks, and door locks. According to Kooti et al. (2016), the results of analyzing online
The results of analyzing the diffusion factors of smart home pro- purchasing behavior showed that purchase time was delayed in the
ducts and product size using the MVP model are shown in Tables 6 and younger age group when the purchase price was higher. Even though
7, respectively. The effects of demographic characteristics on purchase young people are willing to purchase due to their curiosity regarding
timing show that males tend to purchase more smart home products new technology, purchasing smart home systems could be delayed in
within two years, but purchase timing varied depending on product younger people since it consists of household appliances that are

J. Shin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 134 (2018) 246–253

Table 5 purchase ‘safety and security products’ within six months is relatively
Definitions of variables and sample statistics. high. Therefore, it is expected that early recognition of smart home
Variables Explanation Mean services will have little impact on the initial diffusion of most smart
(Std) home markets, except for safety and security products. Inconsistency in
attitude and behavior has been shown in previous research (e.g., Chung
Dependent Within_6M 1 = intention to purchase 0.125
and Leung, 2007; Cho and Shin, 2017; Claudy et al., 2013; Lapiere,
variables products within 6 months, (0.331)
otherwise 0
1934; Gupta and Ogden, 2006; Claudy et al., 2013). This tendency also
Within_1Y 1 = intention to purchase 0.258 appears in the spread of most smart home systems. On the other hand,
products within 1 year, otherwise (0.438) respondents who believe that smart homes are useful tend to buy within
0 one or two years, although safety and security products are commonly
Within_2Y 1 = intention to purchase 0.241
purchased earlier. These results suggest that strategies to increase re-
products within 2 years, (0.428)
otherwise 0 cognition of the usefulness rather than awareness of smart home ser-
Within_3Y 1 = intention to purchase 0.152 vices will be more effective for increasing the smart home market for
products within 3 years, (0.359) most smart home products. However, for safety and security products,
otherwise 0
strategies to increase recognition of the usefulness and awareness of
In_3Y 1 = intention to purchase 0.118
products after 3 years, otherwise (0.322)
smart home services will be effective for the diffusion of smart home
0 products.
Independent GENDER Male = 1, Female = 0 0.501 Finally, analysis of the effect of personal information protection
variables (0.500) shows that people who think that personal information is important
AGE Age 40.046
tend to postpone smart home appliance purchases. Therefore, in order
EDU Education level 15.525 to improve the smart home market, the personal information protection
(years) (2.081) issue should be resolved first.
INCOME Monthly income 477.840
(10 thousand Korean Won) (250.625)
N_Family Number of household members 3.378 4. Conclusion and remarks
(persons) (1.161)
T_Residence Residence type 0.668
For initial activation of the smart home market, it is necessary to
(apartment = 1, otherwise = 0) (0.471)
N_Device_I Number of information devices 1.920 establish a marketing strategy by setting the target consumers as those
(0.762) with high purchase intention and willingness to purchase in the near
N_Device_L Number of large home appliances 4.993 future. According to Rogers (2003), these consumers are likely to be
(1.307) early adopters and the early majority of the smart home market in
N_Device_S Number of small home appliances 1.556
terms of diffusion of innovation. Therefore, it is important to determine
A_Home Recognition of smart home 3.480 who will be the consumers with high and early adoption in order to
(5-point Likert scale) (0.792) overcome demand stagnation until popularized.
V_Home Usability of smart home 3.886 The results of this study show that compatibility, perceived ease of
(5-point Likert scale) (0.684)
use, and perceived usefulness had positive effects on purchase inten-
I_Personal Importance of personal 4.329
information protection (0.759) tion. Perceived usefulness was greater in the older and male groups,
(5-point Likert scale) while compatibility was more important in the high education and fe-
male groups. In terms of purchasing time, people who are older, have a
higher income level, and have more large household appliances are
relatively higher priced than other smart devices for individuals. The more likely to buy a smart home within one year. In addition, the
effects of the income variable indicate that the purchase of smart home usefulness of smart home services rather than pre-recognition had a
appliances will be faster at higher income levels. On the other hand, positive effect on purchase time. Unlike other advanced ICT services/
education level and housing type do not have a significant effect on the products, older consumers were more likely to purchase smart home
adoption time of smart home appliances. Adoption time of overall smart services and wanted to purchase relatively earlier than younger people.
home products is not statistically significant depending on family size. However, for continuous growth of the smart home market, market
However, adoption time of smart home products shows that relatively strategies for consumers with low purchase intention and who are late
small families postpone their purchase time of smart home products for in purchasing are also needed. In other words, it is necessary to plan the
two or three years depending on product size. Overall, older people diffusion of smart home services with strategies for the laggards group,
with higher income tend to purchase smart home appliances relatively which is the long tail part of the innovation diffusion curve. Among
early, while young people and small families tend to buy relatively late. consumers with relatively low purchase intention, the importance of
Analysis of the effect of prior recognition of smart home appliances perceived usefulness was low in younger generations and women, while
revealed that people who are aware of smart home appliances are likely the importance of compatibility was low in the low education group
to purchase them within two or three years, while the tendency to and men. Those consumers who wanted to delay purchases were

Table 6
The estimation results of diffusion.
Alternative MVP model

ASC GENDER AGE INCOME EDU N_Family T_Residence N_Device_I N_Device_L N_Device_S A_Home V_Home I_Personal

1 Within_6M −4.875** 0.142* 0.006* 0.0003** −0.003 0.003 0.042 0.0350 0.045* 0.072** 0.136** 0.411** −0.121**
2 Within_1Y −7.557** 0.191 0.010* 0.0003** −0.0008 0.007 0.035 0.0350 0.030 0.118** 0.192** 0.754** −0.182**
3 Within_2Y −7.030** 0.431** 0.009 0.0003* −0.022 −0.017 0.085 0.001 −0.047 0.124** 0.276** 0.754** −0.140*
4 Within_3Y −5.973** 0.335** −0.003 −0.0001 −0.011 −0.037 0.089 0.007 −0.008 0.045* 0.266** 0.595** −0.120*
5 In_3Y −5.148** 0.254* −0.012** −0.0002 −0.020 0.039 0.050 −0.001 −0.025 −0.042* 0.091* 0.572** 0.078

⁎⁎ ⁎
Note: Significant at a 5% level; Significant at a 10% level.

J. Shin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 134 (2018) 246–253

younger, had fewer large home appliances, and cared about privacy



protection. Overall, younger consumers had lower intention to pur-






Income and the importance of protecting personal information had
0.2222** a significant effect on purchase timing but not on purchase intention.
Personal information is emerging as an important issue as the number

of IoT-based services, including smart homes, increases. However, ac-

cording to this study, potential smart home users are not concerned
about personal information protection in their decision on when to





adopt smart home services. Therefore, more detailed analysis is re-


quired to understand the different factors influencing purchase inten-
tion and purchase timing.
The following strategic implications can be obtained from this




study. Smart home operators need to establish cooperative relationships


with a wide range of providers as well as other smart home operators to
ensure interoperability and compatibility between services/products, as
compatibility had a significant positive effect on purchase intention. In





fact, many smart home operators are already working together on





building smart home ecosystems. For example, Nest Labs, one of the
leading smart home operators, provides various smart home products
such as learning thermostats, security cameras, and door-bells run by a



program called ‘Works with Nest’ in order to collect as many partners as




Usefulness was a significant factor affecting both the adoption and
purchase timing of smart homes; thus, smart home operators should

also consider how smart homes can create a direct utility to consumers.




Unlike other ICT products, consumers already own a large number of

home appliances, so they are likely to have a low incentive to purchase
a new smart home product unless the smart home product offers dif-






ferentiated value. Therefore, operators need to create additional value




beyond simply connecting to the Internet.

According to this study, the main target customers for smart homes
are older people with higher income. Thus, it is necessary to think about



making services/products intuitive and convenient for the older age



group who are relatively unfamiliar with new technologies. Smart TVs

are a good example. Various types of remote controls have been de-
veloped and provided for convenient use of smart TVs, but the smart


functions of the TVs are not used much.








This study has limitations in that it does not reflect the revealed
preference of consumers since survey data was used. However, as the
smart home market is in an early stage, it is almost impossible to obtain



market data, especially personal microdata. In this situation, it is ex-







pected that this study can provide useful information on the smart

home market. In addition, it is difficult to generalize the results to

global consumers as the sample of this study was South Korean con-
MVP model

sumers. Despite these limitations, this study is meaningful as the first











attempt to simultaneously analyze the adoption and purchase timing of

Significant at a 10% level.

smart home systems rather than individual smart home services/pro-

ducts. With the evolution of smart homes, new characteristics and is-


sues that were not considered in this study may emerge. We hope that
The estimation results of diffusion by product size.

this study will trigger more discussion and further studies on the smart

home market.








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