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CPA Brainiac

Thanks for picking up CPA Brainiac. For the longest

time, this traffic source has been a staple for elite CPA
marketers who want to send high volume traffic for the
biggest and most profitable campaigns possible. However,
this wasn’t accessible to most people because the minimum
deposit for every platform was as high $2000. Now, it is
accessible to people of all budgets and skill levels.
This traffic source is native ads, and in this course I
am going to teach about the platform Brainiac. Odds are,
you see plenty of native ads every day browsing online.
These are basically ads on any website mostly in the form
of banners.
With Outbrain, you can target websites in specific
niches to place these ads and promote CPA offers with

Upgrades (limited)
Before we get started, I want to make sure you had a
chance to see the upgrades I have available. These all have
limited availability so be sure to jump in as soon as you
CPA Brainiac DFY Package – This can get you running
profitable CPA Brainiac campaigns in no time. I give you
literally everything you need to set up the entire method
with proven and profitable campaigns. There are limited
spots to grab these.

CPA Brainiac Booster Package – You are leaving a lot of

money on the table if you are not using this booster
package along with the main CPA Brainiac course. This
helps you get going smooth and fast, automate things, and
scale up rapidly with additional powerful techniques. This
is also very limited.

CPA Conquerors - My innovative high end training

content/coaching/DFY program that I have masterfully
designed to take CPA marketers of ANY level, including
beginners, to full time income with CPA. Limited spots

What You Need

• An account with Outbrain
• Autoresponder (optional) – I recommend Aweber
• Landing page builder (optional) – Instabuilder,
Leadpages, and Instapage are good options. You can
use standalone Wordpress as a free option.
• Tracking Platform – BeMob is my number one
• CPA or affiliate offers to promote

With native ads on Outbrain, it is pretty simple to get a
campaign going. There are 3 main things you need which
are targeting, ad image, and ad copy. Also, you can direct
link to the offer you are promoting as long as the offer’s
landing page is within Outbrain’s guidelines.
Sign Up With Outbrain
This is a pretty straightforward step, but there are
some things to consider. Just go to and click on “Advertise with

Scroll to the bottom of the page and then click on


You will land on the registration page, where you will

simply fill out basic information
Now, this is pretty basic stuff that you should be able to fill
out. If you do not yet have a “Company website” you can
simply use a free website (Wordpress, Wix, Weebly, etc.)
or social media URL of your own to fill in that form. For
“Job Title” you can simply enter “Marketer” or
Once you click on “Create Account” you should be sent an
email to verify your account.

Outbrain covers pretty much every niche/vertical
According to Outbrain, here are the niches with the highest
• Health & Fitness
• Entertainment
• Fashion & Retail
• Technology & Internet
And here are the niches with the highest conversions:
• Business & Finance
• Health & Fitness
• Home Services
• Fashion & Retail
These are great ideas to consider if you are still unsure
what you want to promote as they statistically perform the
best across the platform. That isn’t to say that you cannot or
should not run any other niche. You can run whatever is
your preference and do well as long as you follow the best

Creating Your Ad Image

This is a crucial part of the success of your campaign
as this is what will draw visitors to your offer/landing page.
You will need a 1200x800 image related to your
niche. My go-to website for free stock images to use is
Pixabay. Simply go to Pixabay and search for images in
your niche.
With native ads, it is best to use images that adhere to
these points:
• High-resolution pictures. Make sure your images are
sharp and easy to see.
• Include people in the image as opposed to simple text
and solid colors
• Close up photos
Basically, you want the viewer to see clearly what
your content is about and make it easy to see.
Now, there are exceptions where you actually do want
a simple banner with a solid color background and text. I
do that with the bizopp niche to great success so you do
want to test different things, but generally you want to
follow those 3 main points above.
If you want my collection of DFY native ads, you can grab
the CPA Outbrain DFY package here:

Landing Page Creation

While it is possible to direct link on Outbrain, I do
recommend against it. Always make sure you are in
compliancy with their terms of service so you do not get
your account banned. With direct linking, you are not in
control of the landing page so you have a higher risk of
raising red flags.
When creating a landing page, do not complicate
things too much. It is simple and should take you no longer
than 5 minutes to set up. Here is what should be included:
• Have a clear headline highlighting the main benefit of
the offer.
• Have a big call to action that immediately draws the
attention of the viewer.
• Fill your page with relevant content and information
of value
• Make sure you have a privacy policy and disclaimer
links in the footer. This is the bare minimum I
recommend. The more terms of service links you
have, the better.
You can also grab some done for you landing pages I have
used inside of the CPA Brainiac Done For You package
here (if it is still available):

Running Camapaigns
Now I will show you how to actually set up your
campaign on Outbrain. Once you sign into your account,
the first thing you’ll need to do is add a payment account.
You DO NOT have to deposit anything to get a
campaign started. Your balance will build up as you run
campaigns and THEN you will be charged once your
balance reaches a certain amount OR at the end of the
month. To add a payment method, click on this image on
the left hand side

Here is where you will add your payment information.

Once that is done, you can start building your campaign.
Click on this image on the left hand side

Once you get to the next page, click on “Add Campaign”

on the top right of the page

The first thing you will do is name your campaign. This can
be whatever you want

Choose your campaign objective. For this example, we will

choose Traffic
Now you will choose between a single image or carousel. I
recommend using Single for beginners. It is cheaper, and
faster/more simple to test.

Input your bid and budget for the campaign. The minimum
bid is 0.03, which you can choose to start with. You will
also be given a suggested CPC range.
Set up the schedule for your campaign. I typically like to
start my campaigns at 12 AM as it lines up with my
tracking platform (BeMob).

Choose your targeting for location and interests. For

location, it’s simple. Just choose wherever your offer is
allowed to run in.

With interest targeting, you have a lot of options. Click the

form to see the dropdown menu
Also, you can click on the arrows on the left hand side to
get even more specific options such as the example below.
Choose whatever fits your content best, and if you are
unsure, it is always best to go broad as you can always
track your metrics to see what is working best.
Choose if you want Outbrain to target their extended
network. Keeping this checked will results in cheaper
traffic and higher volume.
Also, choose if you want Outbrain to exclude AdBlock
users. This can improve quality of traffic.

Here is where you enter tracking information. Again, my

number one recommendation is BeMob.

Click on “Next: Content”

This is where you will upload your ad image and input the
information for your landing page/offer.
Here are some tips on creating the best headlines:
• Use negativity. With native ads, it often works best if
you agitate the problem as it gives them a bigger sense
of urgency.
• Ask a question. This provokes the reader’s attention.
• Talk directly to the reader. Use the word “you”
These are some highly effective copywriting skills that you
can easily implement.

Once you have everything in place, click on “Launch

Your campaign will be submitted for approval, and
traffic will begin running shortly after.

Native ad traffic is a beast when you now how to
harness it properly. Clicks are cheap, conversions are high,
and there is massive volume to scale.
Remember, there are upgrades you can grab to take
CPA Brainiac to the next level:

CPA Brainiac DFY Package – This can get you running

profitable CPA Brainiac campaigns in no time. I give you
literally everything you need to set up the entire method
with proven and profitable campaigns. There are limited
spots to grab these.

CPA Brainiac Booster Package – You are leaving a lot of

money on the table if you are not using this booster
package along with the main CPA Brainiac course. This
helps you get going smooth and fast, automate things, and
scale up rapidly with additional powerful techniques. This
is also very limited.

CPA Conquerors - My innovative high end training

content/coaching/DFY program that I have masterfully
designed to take CPA marketers of ANY level, including
beginners, to full time income with CPA. Limited spots

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