Forecasting For Diversity: Discussion Questions

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Forecasting for Diversity

How can organizations address the ongoing issues of diversity gaps in leadership?

This question is one that is explored by Rocio Lorenzo in the Ted Talk……. Watch the video.

As identified through Lorenzo’s research, organizations have two decisions to make:

1. Who to hire?
2. Who to develop and promote?

These two simple questions are critical when considering the development of the HR forecasting
plan. When diversity in leadership is actively embedded into strategic goals, the answers to these
two questions help to build a better organization.

Not, as Lorenzo says, that changing the face of leadership is about checking the targeted hiring
box. Token targets through diversity plans are not enough to bring innovative change. Instead,
organizations that think and build creativity into their forecasting plans use leadership
development programs, tools and pools as a solid investment for future success. In order to
change what leadership looks like at the top, a commitment to filling the diversity gaps through
the HR forecasting process must drive through all levels of the organization.

The content for this Ted Talk is based on evidence based research. According to Lorenzo,
diversity in leadership is not just a theoretical ‘nice-to-have’. The research tells us that it is an
organizational ‘must-have’. As Lorenzo points out, achieving diversity with women in leadership
roles is doable.

It takes an organizational commitment and the organizational decision to do better in order to

make the doable achievable. In order to be achievable, the HR forecasting plan must come into
play through targets and goals which implement diversity as a plan of action.

Diversity goes hand in hand with innovation. Together they drive organizational success, for
Discussion questions:

1. Do you agree that organizations should establish active and measurable targets in order to
implement diversity, specifically for women, in leadership? Explain your rationale.
2. What types of HR programs and policies need to be in place in order to support an HR
forecasting plan that promotes innovation and diversity?

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