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Virtual Class

first of all to prepare our class, We have prepared a list readings that all of the members of
the team have read in order to prepare ourselves to get the knowledge for each one of us to
talk about what's going on in Turkmenistan, all of this was prepared by sending documents
to enrich ourselves in a WhatsApp group where all of us contributed and set the topics of
the class were going to be. After all of us studied the documents about Turkmenistan, we
started to study what is the actual scene of the country with the coronavirus crisis that is
hitting us in a worldwide crisis.
Being prepared was the first and main step, after that we scheduled a virtual meeting were
we discussed what are the main topics that were going to be in practice at the moment of
the class and we made a few questions for ourselves as a team on how we wanted to make
the class, such as “How can we make the class attractive” this was one of the main
challenges that we where facing, because as a group we asked ourselves how we really
wanted to be our classes, wondering also how has been all the classes that we have been
into. So being said that we thought in dynamics way to interact with the people, so to begin
we needed to introduce our self as a team and explain to them what the class was going to
be about, after that we will be starting to explain in our words how the word is handling the
situation of the crisis.
Each member of the team was going to be specialized in a topic of preference to make it the
most professional way possible, so we talked that we are going to prepare a few slides to
explain everything they need to know about the country and what it involves in their social
an cultural context, because we think as a team that for us the best way to captivate an
audience is by making them a visual content in which they can interact and they can talk at
all time, because that’s what we think is the main idea of the class to create a great
interaction between the teachers and the students.
We also want to present some videos from the actual situation to create a audiovisual tool
that can help us to entertain the class in a different way, so our plan is to present to them a
video called “Turkmenistán: más allá del asombro” in YouTube where they can learn how
is the political system that has been in progress with this country, this video is presented
with the end to make them know about the country with the voice of the experts and show
them real footage of the country.
After the video our plan is to make them talk by making them questions about the video if
they like it, how do they see the country and make each person talk about his opinion and
make a dynamic class for every one to hear their opinions. Another video that is going to be
shown is a small part of the Netflix documental called “Explained” in which they explain
how is the coronavirus involved with this country and in the worldwide environment so thy
get to know how this can be a political and social issue around the world.
In our opinion the best way to make it a dynamic class we end it after the videos with a
Kahoot in which we test people in a dynamic way to know if they really put attention in the
videos we showed to them, that will be a questioner where will be a series of questions and
we can show to them a series of answers and they got to choose 4 random answers and one
of them is the right one, the plan is to explain to them after every answer that they see in the
kahoot explain to them why the answer is the one we show them, because we think that
people need to understand each question and answer in the most clear way, but also people
can make us questions at every moment of the activity if they need a more clear explanation
so people can learn it in a good way.
Another plan is to organize a more serious test in which we can use a tool such as a google
questionnaire were people can respond to our questions about the class that we taught them
and each question can be dialoged with us as the teacher members if they have any doubt
about the questions that we are going to ask, our goal is to make them learn about the topic
that we taught that at the end of the google test we may open a suggestion box were they
can tell something good or bad about the class if they want us to change something for
future classes even though we recreated the class as we think is the best way to learn in a
dynamic and active way but as we say every suggestion is open for us to improve, because
we never know if we need to teach some other class in the future and the best way to
improve is by the opinion of the people that curse our activity and help us improve every
To end the class we meet with everybody again in the zoom class, explaining them the
methodology that we used to teach them in the best way possible and asking them how they
perceived the class if they like it or not, and hoping for them that they truly learn about this
interesting topic and helped them to understand how is the global crisis and to be more
precise in this country that has a lot to offer in terms on learning in his culture. And that’s
how the class will be dismissed.

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