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MATRICULA: 2905538




Challenge 5.2
a) Helen, a world traveler.
 Helen is traveling around the world. Every times she travels she writes different
posts and puts photos from different places and countries on a traveling website.
each of her posts and match them to the photos. What countries do you think she is
talking about?


“Post” “Answer”
A. I’m taking some photos of this Rome ancient site. Can you believe this?
People fought for their lives in here, I’m glad I was born in this 4

B. Right now I’m lying on the beach and looking how the big waves come
and go. I’m also watching how my friends play volleyball. Two more
days left and I don’t want to go  5

C. You won’t believe this, I’m on the fastest train in the world “the
Shanghai Maglev”. It is an unbelievable experience, this train can reach
its top speech of 267.8 mph from 0 mph in just 4 minutes. BUT my car 3
is faster :P
D. I’m standing right in front of Eiffel Tower. Oh my! It is huge and
amazing, please check out my photos and write what you think.

E. My favorite team is winning the game and all the people are going
crazy. I’m so happy right now, if I come back to Spain, I will come back
here! 2
Challenge5 .2
b) Vacations in your country or abroad.

 Imagine you are on vacation in your country or
abroad. Write four different posts of about 30-35 words
describing what you’re doing in these places.
 Moreover, give a short description of this place:
location, weather and season of the year.
 Explain if you like the place or not and give
arguments for your answers.
 Write a brief recommendation to the readers of all
the activities you can and can’t do. At least write two “can
and can’t” sentences on each post.
 Illustrate the post with drawings or real photos.
Posts Description Illustration
A. In this photo I had gone to San Luis Potosi, “Cascada Potosina”, it was a
sunny day, and we had gone swimming.
You can go swimming and have fun with your family, but you can’t throw
garbage in the waterfall.

In this photo is spring, I had gone to San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.
It was a cloudy day I went to see the beautiful landscapes.
B. You can go to know its landscapes and its gastronomy with your family.

In this photo is spring, is Santiago Nuevo Leon, it is the best place to visit
for this place to visit for its beautiful landscapes, markets, the best ice
C. cream, go out to have fun with the family.
You can go to the Santiago Apostol parish and take pictures in the
touristic places.
In this photo, is Mazatlan Sinaloa, its nice place visit go out to have fun
with the family.
You can go to the malecon parish and take pictures in the touristic places.

Challenge 5.2
c) Helen´s Typical Sunday

 Use what you have previously done and studied in order answer this activity:
 Read about “Helen´s typical Sunday” , find and correct the 12 grammar mistakes.
 Some verbs or auxiliary verbs are missing and others are not in the correct present
continuous tense.

Today Sunday and my friends and I staying in

Peter’s house. My friend Peter washes his car on

weekdays, but he not doing it right now. He is

videogames now. Meanwhile, my friend Gina is

a magazine about fashion. She often cooks for

us, but she not cooking now. Moreover, my

boyfriend usually watches football games on weekdays, but he isn´t football games. He

videogames with Peter right now. And what about me? I usually clean my house on

weekdays, but I not my house now. I’m a great day with them!

How about you? What you doing right now?

 I am playing
 He isn’t doing
 He is playing videogames
 He isn’t watch football games
 He is playing videogames with Peter right now
 I am not cleaning my house on weekend
 I have a great day now
 Gina is talking about magazine about fashion
 My friends and I are staying
 Today is Sunday
 But he is not doing it right now
 She isn’t cooking now

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