Improved Secondary and New Tertiary Voltage Control: WM Pwrs

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IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 10,No.

4, November 1995 1851

Improved Secondary and New Tertiary Voltage Control

Marija D. Ilik, Xiaojun Liu, Gilbert Leung, Michael Athans
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139

Christine Vialas, Patrick Pruvot

Electricit6 De France
92141 Clamart Cedex, France

Abstract For instance, in the French system a full automation of

system-wide voltage regulation is achieved by employing
In this paper the basic tole of a secondary (regional such an intuitive reduced information structure at the
level) voltage control in a multi-regional electric power regional level (the pilot busses) and regional controllers
system is reviewed. Specifically, certain limitations of (called secondary voltage controllers) which control the
presently implemented control schemes are described. pilot voltages by adjusting the terminal voltages of the
Next an Improved Secondary Voltage Control (ISVC) regional generators. Particularly relevant is the fact
scheme is proposed. that this scheme assumes negligible interactions with
In the second part df the paper possible enhancements the neighboring regions. In this case the responsibility
of a multi-regional system operation by means of sched- for coordinated voltage regulation of the entire French
uled, Tertiary Voltage Control (TVC) interactions are network is shared among regional closed-loop controllers
proposed. It is shown that the prime role of a TVC is and the operators at the national control center.
in managing limits on voltage control devices, such as As the French power network has become increasingly
generators. The theoretical developments are illustrated meshed during the past decade and is operated closer
on two regions of the French electric power network. to its traihsmission limits thad in the past, Electricit6
De France (EDF) is considering the automation of the
I. Introduction tertiary level in order to improve the security and eco-
nomics of the entire system. In this paper we present
While the voltage control of an interconnected large-
some of the results of an EDF/MIT collaboration on
scale power system is widely recognized as an important
the tertiary coordination of the secondary voltage con-
problem, its basic formulation and solutions are often
utility specific. Most often the voltage control is viewed
Addressing the issue of tertiary coordination leads to
as a static problem, whose solution is identical to a cen-
three open questions:
tralized open-loop optimization-based Var/voltage man-
agement. The most common tool for solving this prob- 0 The definition of voltage optimality - an interest-
lem is an Optimal Load Flow (OPF) type algorithm. ing article documenting hidden essential questions
This approach is often referi-ed to as the tertiary con- in this area is worthwhile reading 161. In context
trol, particularly in the European literature [l,21. The of hierarchical voltage control designs this issue be-
OPF computes changes in generator voltages to regulate comes complicated even further by the questions
load voltages on the entire interconnected system. of regional contributions to a specified system-wide
A second, different, approach to voltage control coor- performance criterion [7].
dination relies on decomposition of a large system into
regions and an on-line decentralized close-loop controller 0 The second question is concerned with meeting per-
for regulating only a few load voltages in each region, formance specifications at the regional level when
referred to as the “pilot” voltages [l,3, 4, 51. interactions are not negligible.
The third question is whether possible improvement
95 WM 137-0 PWRS A paper recommended and approved of the voltage profile in a particular region experi-
by the IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of encing shortage of voltage support can be achieved
the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation by optimizing a system-wide performance criterion,
at the I995 IEEB/PES Winter Meeting, January 29, to instead of regional criteria.
February 2, 1995, New York, NY. Manuscript submitted
June 27, 1994; made available for printing This paper is organized in the following manner :
January 5, 1995. In section 11,a brief overview of a system theoretic for-
mulation of the presently employed regional (secondary)

0885-8950/95/$04.00 Q 1995 IEEE


voltage regulation in France is given [3, 4, 51. Prior deviations at selected nodes (pilot nodes) from their set
to proposing new solutions, critical assumptions under values. The use of pilot point measurements only, in-
which the present Secondary Voltage Control (SVC) is stead of measurements on all load buses, is referred to
implemented are reviewed [9,10, 111. in this paper as the reduced information structure at a
In section I11 of this paper, an improved control design regional level.
at the secondary level is proposed, which uses additiond To introduce these control laws, let us consider the
measurements to cancel the effects of the neighboring dynamics of each region.
regions on a regional performance criterion. This design The reactive power balance at each bus i in the region
is defined so that a regional performance criterion can can be expressed as
be met, independently from the voltage changes in the
nighboring regions as long as sufficient voltage control Qi = Z,BijVj(V, - K) + Fi (1)
reserves are available at each regional level. where Fi is the tie-line flow into bus i. (For non-
In section IV, the issue of the performance of an in- boundary buses Fi = 0).
terconnected system consisting of many electrically con- Linearizing (1)around yo= %o = 1p.u. (or any other
nected regions or utilities is studied. A tertiary level nomind operating point) one obtains
coordination scheme is proposed that optimizes this
system-wide performance criterion. The actual imple-
mentation of the proposed regional voltage coordination
Qi = E,Bij(q - vi) + F% (2)
can be decentralized (at a regional level) or centralized Using vector form to denote all load and generator
(at a tertiary level). The limits of a decentralized imple- variables in the region of interest, one obtains
mentation are addressed from the viewpoint of classes
of performance criteria that can be optimized this way. Q=[ and V =
Finally in section V, the proposed control designs are
illustrated on a large network representing two electri-
cally close regions of the French power system.

11. Survey of the EDF Secondary Voltage Equation (2) can be written as
Q=DV+P ’ (5)
A. Modelling
Notice that Equation (5) is written for each region sep-
Since only the mid-term behavior of the power sys- arately, i.e. D is the sensitivity matrix of the discon-
tem is of direct interest in this paper, the transient re- nected region from the rest of the system. Equation (5)
sponse of generators and their primary controls are as- expressed in terms of variable changes at load buses
sumed stable and very fast, i.e. instantaneous relative (“states”) and generator buses (“controls”) separately
to the slow time scale of interest. Under this assump- becomes
tion, only steady state load flow equations are consid-
ered. Loads are modeled as constant power devices. To
review the basic model presently used in designing the
secondary voltage control in France, a standard real/ under the constant load modeling assumption QL = 0,
reactive power decoupling assumption is made. resulting in
The control problem under consideration in this paper
is not a conventional one since no natural dynamics are VL = -D;~(DLGVG +PL) (7)
modeled, i.e. they are assumed instantaneous. Instead,
a sequence of steady state voltages is defined. The load The control variable U is defined as the rate of change
voltages are changing in response to changes of steady of generator voltages and the state variables 5 are actual
state set points of generators. Changes are initiated by load voltages Vh. Then (7) written in a system-theoretic
a load deviation away from the nominal, or by topologi- setting takes on the form
cal changes of network parameters. In order for the load
j: = C,U -D;~FL (8)
flow equation to be satisfied for these new parameters,
one needs to compute changes in set points of genera- where
tor voltages AVG which would bring the load voltage C, = - D ; ~ D ~ ~ (9)
deviations AVL back to zero. In this context, load volt-
One should interpret (7) as a relationship at each re-
ages AV, can be thought of as system state variables,
gional level between its own load voltages and own gen-
which are regulated by changes in generator voltages
erator controls, whereas the effect of the interactions
AVG. I. Furthermore, in the present implementation
i,. France controls react only in response to load voltage 2Throughout this paper an approximate notation is used for
x = (z((i+ 1)T) - z(zT))/T,where the ith value represents the
‘In the rest of the paper for simplified notation A symbol is ith steady state solution in the sequence of solutions of interest.
omitted Here T stands for sample time of the process control computer.
with the rest of the system is only seen through the sec-
ond term proportional to the reactive flow changes FL vp = CVL (14)
into the area. This is a fully decentralized, exact in-
Assume the feedback is proportional to the deviation
terpretation of small signal changes at the regional level.
measurements from their set values
The flow changes can be also interpreted in terms of
slow aggregate variables as defined in [14]. In [14] the = VG = K(Vp - V p )
U (15)
aggregate variables relevant for the inter-regional effects
are defined to be any linear combination of load voltages where VFt denotes the set (desired) values of critical
which does not change if the tie-line flows are kept con- load voltages in the region. For selection of K see
stant, under a n y form of secondary control law. Trans- [4]. With this output feedback control, the closed-loop
lating this definition into mathematical relations, one model describing pilot point load voltage changes can
obtains an intriguing relationship between the aggregate be written as
variables and the tie-line flows. This relationship is con- Vp = A(Vp - VFt> (16)
sidered to be a direct rationale for proposing a reduced
where A = C, K .
information structure for system-wide voltage coordina-
Note that the success of an incoordinated secondary
tion in terms of individual tie-line flows in addition to
control for each region briefly reviewed here strongly de-
the existing regional measurement structure.
pends on a good choice of a voltage control region. A
This leads to the dynamics of the aggregate variables
region is well defined 141 if the following three assump-
tions hold:
y = PC,U - PDLLFL (10)
which, in order to meet the above definition requiring e Assumption 1: When the voltage of pilot node is
that whenever FL = 0 this implies y = PC,u = 13, is maintained at a steady level, the variations of the
defined as y = Px,where matrix P satisfies other load voltages in the region remain small even
with the load variations.
PC, = 0 (11)
e Assumption 2: The control actions in a given
Following the same derivations as in [lo], it is straight- zone do not cause significant voltage variations in
forward to show that the other zones.
e Assumption 3: The zone has sufficient voltage
control $0 keep the pilot point voltages steady in
Relationship (12) states that the aggregate variables each region, in both normal and emergency condi-
defined as above are simply linear combinations of tie- tions.
line flows into the load buses only. These variables are
shown to be essential in forming a reduced-order model For the purposes of this paper the first assumption
for centralized TVC [14]. considering closeness of pilot and non-pilot load volt-
ages in a region of interest is not discussed further, it
B. Presently Implemented Secondary Voltage is considered to hold. The “best” pilot point nodes can
Control (SVC) be chosen for instance using the mathematical measures
introduced in [9, 12, 131. The validity of the second
In this section relations among relevant variables and and the third assumptions and ways of improving the
controls described above are simplified assuming negli- present design when they do not hold are studied in the
gible connections to the neighboring regions. Equation following sections.
(8) becomes
x = c,u (13) 111. A New Improved Secondary Voltage
Control (ISVC)
since the term FL is neglected. This model is identical
to the model used for the SVC in France at present time A. Limitations of the Present SVC
A particularly important feature of the model given The proposed Improved Secondary Voltage Control
in (13) is that it is not fully controllable since the sensi- (ISVC) design is discussed under Assumption 1 of well
tivity matrix C, whose dimension is ( nx g ) is not of full defined voltage regions.
rank for n > g, where n is the number of all loads, and It was proven in [14] that, with the present SVC [4] un-
g is the number of generators. Because the system is der certain assumptions, typically valid for wide ranges
not fully controllable, and because it is not desirable to of voltage changes, no slow persistent inter-regional volt-
measure all load voltages, a measurement (output) feed- age oscillations can take place as a result of strong effects
back z to the control signal U is introduced, instead of a of voltage changes in the neighboring regions; indeed,
feedback to all variables 2. To model this output feed- this can not occur as long as all the generators are oper-
back, suppose measurements (for example, pilot node ating within their limits and the coupling with the real
load voltages) are defined as power changes is negligible.

However, because the interconnections are becoming In conclusion, the advantage of the ISVC over the
stronger, the settling time could deviate significantly SVC lies in that it ensures a guaranteed time-response
from the anticipated response under the presently im- (3 minutes in the French implementation) at the sec-
plemented SVC, which basically assumes no changes in ondary control level independently of the disturbances
the near-by voltages. Therefore, it is expected that the which occur in the neighboring regions and no matter
improvements of any type of ISVC over the presently im- how tightly the regions are connected.
plemented SVC which depend on this assumption will
only be seen in the guaranteed performance criterion de- IV. Coordinated Voltage Control of a
fined at a regional level, independently from the level of Multi-regional Electric Power System
voltage deviations in the neighboring regions. One such
new design for ISVC is described and illustrated by sim- It can be seen from the previous section that an ISVC
ulations on two regions of the Rench network in Section scheme is possible to introduce at a regional level, and
V. that the main purpose of such improvement would be to
guarantee a regional performance independently from
B. ISVC Design the voltage changes in neighboring regions. This is true
as long as the operating ranges are such that the system
The present state of secondary voltage regulators is matrix C,, in Equation (13) remains positive definite and
based only on the regional measurements, i.e. regional as long as no constraints on voltage controls are reached,
pilot point voltages. We are proposing in this section nor secondary units tripping takes place.
possible ways to improve the secondary level, by taking The situation becomes qualitatively more complex
into consideration the effect of interconnections, while when a control design is required for re-scheduling
preserving its decentralized nature. The proposed con- system-wide reserves by changing reactive power tie-line
trol laws will be such that they cancel out the effect of flows among the regions in order to manage the reactive
interactions based on additional feedback signals which power/ voltage constraints in specific regions within an
use the reactive power tie-line flow measurements. To inter-connected system. Two crucial questions could be
introduce these control laws, we start with the regional asked in this context: Is it realistic to rely on reactive
model which does include effects of flow deviations given power/ voltage support from electrically distant areas,
in Equation (10) above. An improved control law of the and if so, when is this needed? While the most economic
form real power tie-line flow scheduling is routinely done at
PG= K(Vp - VFt) GFL + (17) many systems in order to optimize a system-wide cost of
is proposed. It can be seen that this control law has an real power supply, it is not obvious that a similar concept
additional term relative to the presently implemented would be meaningful and feasible for voltage scheduling,
SVC (15) which is intended to respond to deviations in particularly because of the fundamental property of re-
line flows in such a way that their effects are canceled active power not “traveling” far [8].
out as seen at the secondary level. This will lead to the It is only when voltage constraints begin to be ap-
secondary voltage regulation according to exact specifi- proached that the effect of neighboring regions could
cations at the regional level. It was shown that if the become significant. Otherwise, as it was shown in the
gain G in (17) is chosen so that previous section, it is only an issue of ti
and the quality of regional response at which the inter-
connected system would settle.
In principle one could implement a coordination
the closed-loop pilot point response will be according to
scheme relevant for a system-wide performance criter
vp = CC,K(Vp - V p ) in either an entirely decentralized setting (at a regio
level), or one could have a centralized scheme. The later
Gain K i s now chosen at *he regional level, for known implementation is often referred to as a tertiary level.
C and C, of this region, so that the desired response is On the French power network, the centralized scheme
achieved. For example, it is very simple to choose K so would be associated with the national cont
that the regional pilot voltages reach their steady state Paris. A new framework for system-wide coordination
within 3 minutes, no matter what else is happening on and the conditions under which it could be implemented
the system. in a decentralized way are discussed next.
Notice that this control scheme would be extremely
simple to implement by enhancing an already exist- A. Proposed Decentralized Implementation of
ing secondary controller by an additional feedback sig- System-wide Voltage Controls
nal @FL, which would use measurements of line flow
changes into the region. To start with, since the main objective of reactive
power/ voltage inter-regional coordination is to manage
*This statement is qualified in the sense that it strictly holds
only under the assumption that the sensitivity matrix of the in- most effectively voltage control constraints that can not
terconnected system remains positive definite. If this is not met, be avoided by using only regional reserves, any poten-
more complicated control strategies are needed. tially useful system-wide criterion for voltage manage-
ment has to include voltage control constraints. Denot- Under certain conditions on the chosen criterion a
ing by uivector of voltage controI deviations from their decentralized up-dating of regional voltage controls in
most desired, optimal values, in region i terms of their measured reactive power tie-line flows ac-
cording to Equation (24) leads to a system-wide opti-
u [ K ]= V Z t [ K ]- v;pt (20) mum of the performance criterion (21) which is the sum
the simplest effective system-wideperformance criterion of all regional performance criteria [14]. These condi-
would be of the form tions reflect mutual dependence of the scheme on the
performance criterion chosen, strength of electrical in-
terconnections among the regions and the rate at which
the coordinating control is implemented. When these
%=I 2= 1
conditions are met a tertiary, centralized implementa-
where r is the total number of regions and control vector tion becomes unnecessary. Moreover for more general
U consists of control subvectors of all individual regions. criterion a partially decentralized scheme can be used
The basic task of the coordination scheme is to compute for tertiary voltage coordination as shown in [14].
system-wide voltage control set values Vgt so that the The system-wide optimization should not be imple-
system-wide performance criterion (21) is optimized, i.e mented at any rate Ti higher than the rate associated
so that the voltage control settings on active generators with the settling time needed at the secondary level TS
and the correspondingpilot point set values deviate least to respond to the newly scheduled set points. For typi-
from their optimal values. Recall that the regional con- cal present implementation of the automated secondary
trollers attempt to reach these set values according to controllers this implies that Tt should not be shorter
the feedback law (15). As long as all voltage controls than 3 minutes, which is present settling time of the
are within their acceptable constraints SVC on the French network.
VfPt = Vf;et[ K ] ~
(22) B. Proposed Optimization at the Tertiary Level
This claim will be clearly illustrated in the section on In the most general case, when the constraints on
numerical simulations. some relevant output variables are hard, a general
Next, we use a conjecture, which is rigorously proven system-wide performance criterion of the type
in [14], that for a wide class of system-wideperformance
criteria which are additive in terms of regional perfor- (YW + ll)TRYIK + 11
mance criteria of the same type, and which are functions J = +(Vp[K+ l])TNVp[K+ 11 (25)
of control vectors only, an entirely decentralized coordi- +
+(u[K l])TMU[K + 11
nation of voltage controls is possible which leads to a needs to be used for which a decentralized implementa-
system-wide optimum. The basic scheme of such a de- tion is out of the question. The most typical example
centralized approach is described next. of such performance criterion is the total transmission
Consider an administratively separated region i loss [7]. This is computationally a much harder prob-
within an interconnected system. The task is to deter- lem, since a centralized information structure is needed
mine controls U ' , in order to minimize a cost function about the inter-connected system level. Using similar
of the form (21), where i = I , 11,...T . The relevant modeling for the entire system as for individual regions,
voltages and controls in each region are related via sys- a centralized implementation, again in terms of mini-
tem constraints given in (7). A discrete-time version of mum system-wide information structure, is possible.
this constraint is obtainable by integrating the model The model
(7) between two successive implementation steps K and
( K 1) of coordinating controls and is of a general form y[K+ 11 = y[K]+PCwKs(CCw)-l(VPIK+11--VP[K])
V j [ K+ 11 = Aiui[K]+ BiFi[K]+ L%[K] (23)
represents the algebraic relationship between the devi-
where A z ,B2, L: are constants, Fi is the vector Qf tie- ations in set points of flows and pilot point voltages on
line flows into the region i. The result of this decentral- the interconnected system. We refer to it as an aggre-
ized optimization process is : gate model since it suppresses constraints which are
not of direct interest for the coordination. However,
ui[K + 11 = f ( F " K ] ) (24) this model is centralized since it requires full knowledge
of the inter-connected system matrices Cw, P and C.
One can then compute the system-wide pilot-nodes set
For notational simplicity we denote
pointe using Equation (23) at each regional level for the
next implementation at step ( K 1). These new set- L = PCwK(CCw)-l (27)
points are solely based on regional flow measurements
at current step K . This matrix L is computed using the inter-connected
system Jacobian.
31t is worth recognizing that this conjecture is the basis for
the present decentralized real power tie-line flow scheduling in the Equality constraint (26) is essential €or the efficient
United States. optimization of the interconnected system.

Reg. Pilot Nodes

~ P.CORS71
b'igure 1: Tie lines on the studied network
Table 1: Pilot-nodes and units in the studied regions

The coordination problem, at a tertiary level now

becomes the problem of optimizing (25) with respect
to (Vp[K 11 - V i p t )subject to the system-wide con-
straint, (26). The closed-form solution to this problem
for a particular case when M = 0 and N = 0 is 4: 4
Table 2: Aggregate variables

B. Improved Secondary Voltage Control

In the secondary voltage control practiced by EDF,

In this equation vector Lo[K]is a function of mis-
the control gain parameter is chosen such that the net-
matches at the K-th implementation step of TVC. For-
work will settle to a steady state in 3 minutes. How-
mula (28) can be implemented in closed-loop setting ev-
ever, this is not truly guaranteed if there are interac-
ery 3 minutes in response to whichever changes take
tions among neighboring regions that are not taken into
place on the inter-connected system. These changes are
account. The ISVC adjusts the secondary regulation of
seen through the measurements of variables Vp and y,
the system taking the change in the tie-line flow into
which directly enter the formulae above.
A further generalization of the optimization function However, the initial conditions of the French network
(25) was pursued next in [lo]. This step is motivated by modeled by CODYSIL do not provide a sufficiently large
the fact that in the past one of the practices in regulating change over the 3 minute time in the tie-line flow to
pilot points at the secondary level has been to do so show the effect of ISVC. Thus, tertiary voltage control
subject to maintaining aligned reactive power outputs is employed at t = 200 sec to produce this change. Due
from the generators. .In the approach proposed here this to the interactions between Region 3 and Region 4, the
function can be moved to the tertiary level, enabling system does not settle to steady state in 3 minutes (t =
more degrees of freedom in regulating load voltages at 380 sec) as one can see in the reactive tie-line flows in
the secondary level. Various optimization strategy could Figure 2(a). When ISVC is applied the dynamic inter-
be chosen based on relative values in matrices M , N and actions between the two regions are settled in 3 minutes
R depending on the type of regulation desired. (b) and the system has once again more control reserve
in the decentralized regions.
V. Numerical Simulations ISVC is also effective when reactive exchange support
is created by a large load change. A 1667 MW and 1667
NVAR load drop is implemented in a simulation and the
The numerical examples are given on a two-region difference between the the case with and without ISVC
portion of the French power network. is obvious (Figure 3.)

A. Network Characteristics C. Tertiary Voltage Control

C.1. Basic Cases

This portion of the network is summarized in Table
1 and Figure 1. These two regions of interest consist of A simulation was carried out without tertiary volt-
205 nodes, are located in the eastern and south-eastern age control. It can be seen from Figure 4a, pilot
parts of France and are highly interconnected. - node CHAFFS71 does not go to its setting (denoted by
a gray line) because generators BUGEYT2 (Fig. 4b),
4More complex, similar closed-form solutions exist for any LOIRET3 (Fig. 4c) reach their terminal voltage lim-
choice of M , N and R its. When a tertiary control step is applied first at t =
200 sec, these generators are taken away from their con- Using additional measurements on the reactive
straints (Fig. 5b,c) and CHAFFS71 (Fig. 5a) reaches line flows beyond the pilot point voltage structure it is
its new setting. In addition, generator LOIRET 3 is now shown that the present secondary voltage control scheme
producing instead of absorbing reactive power (Fig. 4d, can be improved. This concept could become very use-
5d) ful as the meshing of the French network increases or
It is important to note that typically 2 to 3 tertiary to control the voltage profiles of two tightly connected
control steps are necessary to bring the network to a utilities.
steady state that gives a minimum cost in the perfor- A new system-wide coordination of secondary voltage
mance criterion. It can be seen in Figure 6a that a se- controllers is also defined. The optimization of a system-
quence of tertiary control actions enables the pilot volt- wide performance criterion is proposed as important for
ages to converge to a system optimum suggested by a sharing reactive reserves when control limits are reached.
particular set of nominal values, chosen such that the
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Tuscon, December 1992. Computation: Basic Concepts (Mc-Graw Hill, 1972)
and Systems, Networks and Computation: Multivari-
X. Liu, M. IliC, C. Vialas, “A New Structurally- able Methods (Mc-Graw Hill, 1974). His research inter-
Based Approach to Frequency and Voltage Control ests and contributions span the areas of optimum sys-
of Large-scale Electric Power Systems”, submitted tem and estimation theory, multivariable control sys-
for publication to the IFAC Automatica, July 1993. tems, and the application of these methodologies to de-
fense, large space structures, IVHS transportation sys-
A. Stankovic, M. IliC, D. Maratukulam, (‘Recent
tems, aerospace, power, economic, and C3 systems.
Results in Secondary Voltage Control of Power
Dr. Christine Vialas received her PhD in Auto-
Systems”, IEEE Winter Power Meeting, paper no
matic Control in 1984 from the Institut national Poly-
90WM 255-0, 1990. technique de Grenoble (France). In 1984-1985, she was
P. Lagonotte, J.C. Sabonnadihre, J.Y. Lkost, J.P. a post-doctoral fellow at MIT. Since 1986, she has been
Paul, ”Structural Analysis of the Electrical Sys- a Research Engineer at Electricit6 de France (EDF). In
tem : Application to Secondary Voltage Control 1991-1993, she was a visiting fellow in the EECS Depart-
in France,” IEEE SM, 1988 ment at MIT. Her research interests are in modeling and
control of power networks.
X. Z. Liu, Hierarchical Modeling and Control of Patrick Pruvot was born in France in 1959.
Electric Power Systems, Dept. of Mechanical En- He graduated from the Ecole Nationale SupBrieure
gineering, MIT, May 1993 (Thesis advisor: Dr. M. d’Electricit6 et de Mkanique de Nancy, in 1982. He
IliC). has been with EDF since 1983 and is now Head of the
power system control and operation group in the power
system dynamics and control branch. His main fields of
Author biographies interest include voltage control, OPF, AGC, unit com-
mitment and restoration techniques. He is a member of
Mari.ja IliC received Dipl. Eng., and M.E.E. CIGRE TF 38-02-11 and 38-02-12 on voltage stability.
degrees from University of Belgrade in her native Yu-
goslavia, in 1974 and 1977, respectively, and M. Sc. and
D.Sc. degrees in systems science and mathematics from
Washington University in St. Louis in 1979 and 1980.
She has since been actively involved in teaching and re-
search in the area of large scale elctric power systems
at three major universities, Cornel1 University, Univer- Tie-Line Flow to COULAS71
sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and MIT. She is
presently member of the MIT Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, where she holds a
position of a Senior Research Scientist. She is a recip-
ient of the First Presidential Young Investigator (PYI)
award for the area of power systems. Her research in-
terests are in the areas of control and network theory
applications to large scale power systems, with the spe-
cialty in voltage modeling and control.
DP. Xiaojun Shell Liu received his PhD in Mechan-
ical Engineering Department at MIT in 1984. The topic
of his interest is in structure-based modeling and control
for very large scale power systems. He is presently with 200 300 400 500
the ABB Transmission Technology Institute, Raleigh, Tiinelsec
F x t h Carolina. (a) Without ISVC (b) With ISVC
Gilbert Leung is an undergraduate student in his
senior year a t MIT in the Department of Electrical En-
gineering and Computer Science. Figure 2: The effect of ISVC
Dr. Michael Athans is a member of the MIT Elec-
trical Engineering and Computer Science Department,
where he currently holds the rank of Professor. He also
was the Director of the MIT Laboratory for Informa-
tion and Decision Systems from 1974-1981. In 1978
. . ,....

Tie-Line Flow to COULAS71

________-__------ __-____-____
-, . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .

0 100 200 300 400 500

(a) Pilot voltages

0 100 200 ux) 500 600 700

(a) Without ISVC (b) With ISVC

Figure 3: ISVC at 1667 MW and 1667 MVAR load drop

................................. .....
0 100 200 300 400 500
(b) Unit voltages

0 lo00 1500
[a) Scheduling with higher voltages
0 200 300 400
(c) Unit voltages

41 14 -1
___ t/ CPNIES71 (4)
loo0 1500
1.-_......................................... * ...............
~ ..-.:-.’ . -1
(b) Scheduling with lower voltages

0 100 200 300 400 500

Figure 6: Pilot voltages under Repeated Tertiary I-olt- Timdsec
age Control (d) Unit reactive output

Figure 4: Plain case


0 100 200 300

(a) Pilot voltages

(b) -4daptive scaling by 2.0

(b) Unit voltages
Figure 7: Unit voltages with adaptive weighting

0 100 200 300 500

(c) Unit voltages

0 200 300 400 500

loo Timdsec
(d) Unit reactive output

Figure 5: TVC case

Discussion does not counteract, in general, the voltage changes at pi-
lot buses produced by the reactive power flow changes at
J.I. de la Fuente, T.G6mes (Instituto de Investigaci6n the interconnection lines from other control regions.
Tecnol6gica, Univ. Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain).
The authors are congratulated by this paper on coordi- 2) In our opinion is necessary to include a term in the
nation of secondary voltage controllers. We consider that control law of every controller which compensates the pre-
some additional aspects need a further clarification. dicted changes at the pilot bus voltages produced by the
1) One point of discussion is related to the implementation control generators from the neighbouring controllers.
of the proposed control scheme to counteract couplings As an example, consider a system divided in 2 regions
between control regions at the secondary level. (denoted by subindex 1 and 2). The linear model which
If a discrete, instead of a continuous, formulation is used reflects the voltage deviations at pilot buses of region 1
to describe the control law, equation (17) in the paper due to the own control actions and to the couplings with
becomes: region 2 is given by:

Avp1 = CCullAVgl+ Ccv12AVg2 (6)

where CCvlz denotes a sensitivity matrix which represents
the couplings of control generators of region 2 with pilot
bus voltages of region 1. The proposed control law which
where counteract interactions between regions has a local part
and a corrective term. In the case of region 1 (the same
procedure is applied in the case of region 2):

According to the authors notation, the relationship be-

tween voltage changes at pilot buses, generator control ac-
tions and reactive flow changes into interconnection buses The local term keeps the voltages at pilot buses with a
is given by: specified dynamic without taking into account the cou-
plings with other regions:

Vp(k+1) = Vp(k) + CCuAV~(k) AVg11 = K1 ( VPl - vgt ) (8)

- +
CO,; ( F L ( k 1)- F L ( k ) ) (3)
The corrective term should counteract the effect of control
Substituting (1) into (3) yields: generators of region 2:

Vp(k + 1) = Vp(k) + CC,K( Vp(k) - VFt )

-COL:, (FL(k + 1) - 2FL(k) + FL(k - 1)) (4)

Comparing (4) with equation (19) in the paper under dis- +

where denotes pseudoinverse matrix (in general CCull
cussion it is possible appreciate the existence of a new is not an square matrix, as is discussed in point 3).
term (apart from the differences between continuous and The problem is that region 1 should predict the value of
discrete notations), which does not appear in the paper. AVgz to compute the corrective control action. Assuming
Notice that in (4), the third term of the right-hand side that, usually, the local action is greater than the corrective
becomes zero only if changes in reactive flows into inter- action, one simplified approximation to the control law of
connection buses are monotonous: region 2 is to consider only its local term :

Notice that the evaluation of A c z requires the availability

of pilot bus voltages of region 2.
i.e., only if (Fr;(k 1) - FL(k)) = ( F L ( ~-) &(k - 1)) Using the equations (6) to (ll),the resulting dynamic of
pilot bus voltages of region 1 is given by:
the mentioned term becomes zero. But this is not always
warranted since, from our experience, dynamic couplings
at secondary level are frequently characterized by oscil-
lations in reactive flows among
- regions.
- The conclusion
is that the compensation scheme proposed in the paper

where AV,,, denotes the corrective action in region 2. 1) Due to the static nature of the network constraints, all
Thus, the proposed scheme reduces the effects in region 1 deviations for different quantities must be defined for the
due to region 2 from C C u ~ ~ ( A V g ~ i + A VtogCCvi2AVg2,,
~,) same time interval. For example, the voltage deviation is
which, taking into account the predominant effect of the defined as:
local action, constitutes an important coupling reduction.
Other coordination schemes are also possible, for instance AI’C: = VG ( k + 1) - I G ( k )
a control law in which the corrective term is designed to ay noticed in (2) of the discussions. The line flow is defined
minimize voltage changes a t frontier buses (with other for the same time interval, i.e.,
control regions). Notice that with this scheme, no infor-
mation is required from neighbouring regions. AFL = FL ( k + 1) - F L ( ~ )
3) Another point of discussion refers to expression (18) of With the consistent definition, the feedback control law
the paper, in which the authors consider the inversion of can be explicitly written as:
the matrix (CC,), so it is assumed that the number of
pilot buses is equal to the number of control generators, A\b(k) = IC (I>(k) - \,yet)+G(F’(k+ 1)- F L ( ~ ) )
so that (CCu)is an square matrix.
Usually, the required number of pilot buses is much smaller instead of (1) in the discussions. This, of
than the number of control generators. In [l] a suitable mea,surenient of the line flow at, the same ti
objective function to select pilot buses is proposed. It would argue that this is not practical. With the line flows
is shown that a reduced set of appropriate selected pilot varying not rapidly, it does not make much difference to
buses saturates the objective function so is useless to con- use a delayed version of the line flows.
sider a greater number of pilot buses. The same conclusion
can be obtained considering an objective function such as 2) It, is true that any generat,or voltage changes in one area
the one proposed by one of the authors in reference [I21 will affect the rest of the system. However, this effm~,is
of the paper under discussion. s e n by any area in the form of changes in tie-line flows.
This is exactly one of the motivations for the proposed
In addition, the freedom degrees between the number of contsol scheme. No detailed information on t,h
required pilot buses and the number of control generators ling generator voltages of other areas is needed. If one can
could be used to coordinate reactive power reserves to measure the tie-line flows, and use them in the feedhack
improve the security margin to the voltage collapse. signal for controls, then any variations iri the rest of the
We would appreciate any comments on the previous is- system can be completely cancelled in the pilots (not in all
sues. voltages), provided that nieasurenients at the same instant
are available.

eferences 3 ) It is true that the number of pilot voltag I,? leis

than the number of controlling generators. Extra frwdoni
[l] T. Gbmez, A. Conejo, J.I. de la Fuente, and F.L. can be used to control other quantities, surli as reac+,-e
Pagola. Decentralized Secondary Voltage Control and reserves. In our paper, “pilot” is a general coIirept for
Pilot Bus Selection. IFAC Simposium on Control of any quantity that is critical to the svstem and is to Le
Power Plants and Power Systems, Munich, Germany, controlled. It does not have to be physical voltages. It
pages Vol, 2, pp 77-83, March 1992. includes reactive reserves or any other variables that will
be regulated. Because reserves or these pilot quantities,
Manuscript received March 7, 1995. similar t o the pilot voltages, are functions of generator
voltages, there is no qualitative change in the forniulatioii
of the problem. The only quantity that will be different
X. Liu: for different choices of the pilots is matrix C.
We wish to thank t,he discussers for the excellent questions
raised in their discussions. The following is our response. Manuscript received May 12, 1995.

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