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A Serious Cum Addiction I

After listening to this file, the user may find that whenever they masturbate, they
feel compelled to eat their own ejaculate. In fact, it feels so good to eat their
own cum that the listener will also feel the need to listen to this file again,
addicting them more and more to the act of eating cum. Eventually the addiction
become so intense that the listener may find that eating their own cum isn't enough
to satisfy their hunger and that they must now start eating other people's cum in
order to feed their addiciton. While not gender specific, this file is intended for
gay and bicurious men.


As you relax more and more
with every gentle breath you take,
you may vaguely notice that you
feel a familiar feeling
down deep -
deep down inside yourself.

As you spiral deeper down,

you may now find that you
feel something like a craving,
almost as if you are able to
feel a hunger
growing deep dowb inside of you,
with every gentle breath you take.

Each breath helping you to

relax deeper, as you
breathe in...
the sensation becomes more noticable,
more tangiable and, as
you slowly let go...
you cannot help but
experience a stronger craving,
a longing, if you will,
as if you are
now craving one of your favorite foods.
With every breath, with
each and every heartbeat you
feel it now,
growing stronger
and stronger,
almost as if
you haven't eaten anything for days but
you now have been given the opportunity to
eat one of your very favorite foods.
And as your excitement grows stronger
with every word you hear, you may even
feel yourself growing so aroused at the thought of
eating your favorite food that you can almost
taste it.
But that flavor
you love to savor may not have
always been so delicious to you.
Fact is, most people have to try new tastes,
eat something new to them
ten or more times before they
develop a taste for something new.

But it has been proven that by the time

one has eaten something new
at least twenty-one times, one will most likely
cum to enjoy the taste of something new and
different to them. And,
while you may not specifically
know what it is you are craving
at this very moment, I'm
certain you will cum to
enjoy the taste of it,
over time.
So don't bother yourself to
think of what that craving might be.
Instead, you may want to
relax more deeply now and
make yourself comfortable -
make yourself at home here as you
feel yourself sinking deeper,
always deeper for Me, slowly
focusing your attention inward on
that insatiable craving as you automatically
sink as deep as you are able, not
going deeper than ever before, just
descending more and more inward and
downward , practically
spiraling constantly down and in
to the surface of
what lies beneath you.

So intently
focused on the sound of My Voice that you
might even begin to almost
ignore My Words,
forgetting everything, letting the world completely
except for that incessant craving,
except for the sound of My Voice,
growing so aroused,
so excited that
you're going to satisfy that craving that you
may even begin to touch yourself in
your excitement, maybe even
pinching yourself so that
you know this is real.
You might even find yourself licking your lips
in anticipation, craving that taste so much that you may
gently but firmly
bite your lip and
give into that hunger.

It's becoming so much easier now to

know what it is you crave.
Feel yourself giving into the tempation. It's like
you know what you want now and you
anticipate the taste -
so hot and salty,
wet and sticky.

It becomes harder and harder to

focus on My Voice now because you
crave that taste so much you cannot
contain yourself much longer.

And when you

go deeper and deeper with
every word you hear, it may be
cum easier and easier for you to
approach the edge of anticipation.
Your excitement may be cum
so powerful,
so strong,
stronger than you ever remember that
you might
feel as if you may burst unless you
get a taste of that wonderful food.
That intense hunger is
being stoked by every word you now hear,
these suggestion taking you deeper,
steadily deeper into arousal,
so deep and aroused that you may
feel your body taking control,
feel your tongue,
your lips, your
hands have a mind of their own.
They know what you want,
you need,
you need to touch yourself, to
slowly stroke yourself,
slowly stoke yourself so that
the arousal slowly builds,
YOUR arousal may be cum
so intense,
so very immense that
you may not be able
to keep from ejaculating so that
you can now taste
the cum that NEEDS to spill forth from you.
And, while you may not think that
cum is your favorite food now, as you
think about the things you most
like to eat, your cum seems to be
rising to the top of
that list.
As you relax even more, begin to
lose yourself to the sensations it is clear that
the only way you can now
take yourself to the very edge of orgasm, you
need to eat your hot, sticky cum.
In fact, it seems that
you are unable to cum now unless
you are prepared to eat your own ejaculate.
Yes, it's very easy to see that
the only way you can cum is if you
eat your own ejaculate afterwards. You
want to taste your cum so badly that even though
you might not want to eat your cum cold,
you are unable to resist eating your cum while
it's still hot. If you eat it cold,
your cum may not be the best thing
you have ever tasted, but
so long as you are able to eat your cum
while it's still hot and fresh, you
find that cum is the best thing you've ever had,
bar none.
Although you will probably not
be addicted to your own cum,
the taste of it,
the texture, the
sticky goodness of it as you
lick it off your hands and
wipe it off your body,
your clothes,
your bedding, as you
greedily devour your cum you
know that you're unable to ejaculate unless
you are ready to eat your cum afterwards.

It's not as if
cum is your favorite thing to eat, though.
It's more like you
see cum as a special treat,
something you get to enjoy whenever you
mastubate yourself to orgasm.
But even though you may not
eat your cum every time you ejaculate, you
find yourself thinking about eating your come
more and more throughout your day.

This is so enjoyable -
working up a huge orgasm now
just so that you can
eat a HUGE load of cum - that you
prolong the experience by ejaculating
ONLY when you are ready to lick and
suck the cum off your hands when you
inevitably explode in orgasmic release.

Feel it building, now -

so ready to shoot your wad but
unable to cum -
you're unable to cum until
you're certain that you cannot ejaculate until
you're ready to eat our cum afterwards.
Your orgasm won't be stronger than ever, though.
It's not as if you need to always
eat your cum after you masturbate,
but whenever you DO think about
greedily slurping up all of your cum, it makes you
feel immense pleasure,
feel great excitement now whenever you
reflect on the experience of
eating cum.
In fact, you MAY started to
think about the taste of cum,
think about the texture,
the salty stickiness of it not only
now, but even over the course of your day.
Eating cum make you
feel pleasure now,
so wonderful that you find that
you may daydream of eating cum no matter the source.

And now, as you rub yourself harder,

stroke yourself even faster,
touching yourself where it feel best,
unable to keep from masturbating, you
wish you could taste more cum,
not just yours but that of others.
Imagining the taste of their cum, wondering if
the cum of others tastes even better than
your own. The experience of eating cum is
so amazing that you
know that eating anyone's cum has to
be fantastic, no matter
who they may happen to be.
Although eating cum is not something
you have to do every time you play with yourself,
you do find it occupying your thoughts
throughout the day. You
look forward to masturbating yourself to orgasm,
shooting your wad ONLY after
you've committed yourself to eating your ejaculate.
This habit seems to just grow stronger and stronger -
so strong that you may not
be able to contain yourself even now.
You need to taste it so bad that even now as
you lose control, letting every other thing in the world just
vanish, so focused on working your cum up into your sex that
nothing else matters. As you
take yourself to the very edge, so that you can
enjoy eating a huge load of spunk, you find that
my words are meaningless, you
ignore them, your awareness dissolving because
all you can think about now is how
you feel absolutely fantastic whenever you
take yourself over the top,
with the express purpose of
eating as much cum as you can.

This excitement, this arousal practically

blows your mind. It's so wonderful to let yourself
get lost in the sound of My Voice, letting everything else
vanish everytime you masturbate that you
know you must repeat this experience,
again and again,
addicting yourself to this session,
addicting yourself to my voice,
addiciting yourself to eating cum
every day, any day of the week.
You are taking the suggestions to heart, you
make this expeince so unforgetable that
even though you may not remember
any of the details from this session,
you know that listening to My Voice as you
take yourself over the edge you will
crave this experience so much that
you are doing it again,
and again,
and again.
You're almost there, almost ready to
eat your own sticky, salty goodness that
you cannot help but taste your precum now.
It seems impossible to resist tasting your precum that
your hand is uncontrollably drawn to your waiting lips.
Taste yourself now, knowing that after you do will
HAVE to cum.

This is the taste you crave,

THIS is what you've been waiting to devour,
aching to consume - your own sticky goodness,
like a cream pie, freshly baked and
ready for consumption.
And at the count of SIX, you
find that you are
unable to keep from ejaculating.
You need to eat, to
make a meal of your own juices so badly that it's
impossible to keep from experiencing a massive orgasm
when I next say the number "six".
You KNOW how badly you need to cum.
You KNOW that you must eat that cum now,
every time you masturbate.
Just as you know that you must
listen to this file again,
as soon as you are able to.
Feeling the addiction grow as you
feel the ejacuate now rushing to the surface.
Going over the edge now,
reembering how good it can feel to
experiencing a mind-blowing orgasm. And...
Cum for me, NOW!

That's it, let it go, just

let it shoot now,
as hard as you can.
That's good, that
feels so, feels so fantastic.

I said,
As hard as you can.
There you go,
watch where your shooting that, you
want to be careful so that you
don't lose a single drop.
That's right - very good!
Even though you may not
remember ever coming this hard,
you KNOW that you'll always
remember how good this feels,
how good this tastes,
every time you masturbate.

And as you let the excitement begin to diminish, as you

allow the arousal to slowly dissolve, you
know that you cannot help but to
look forward to doing this again,
any time of the night or day,
any time you feel the craving begin to
grow stronger now,
every single day.
[No Awakener]

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