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Springer NEWS February 2012
qty. top ISBN NEWS hyper last name of authors title subtitle series ed. year pages cover medium bibliography MRW/KBL no. price US $ net main subject
titles icon links 1st author without arabic type of status
affiliation vols.
top 978-1-61779- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-61779-811-5
Dietert Rodney Immunotoxicity, Molecular and 2012 399 Hard Book XI, 399 p. 29 KBL appro $209.00 Biomedicine
811-5 R. Dietert; Immune Dysfunction, Integrative cover illus., 10 in x
Robert W. and Chronic Disease Toxicology Vol. color.
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3228-9
Matthews Jacquelin
(Eds.) Protein Dimerization Advances in 2012 166 Hard Book XIV, 166 p. appro $189.00 Biomedicine
3228-9 e M. and Oligomerization in Experimental cover 43 illus. x
Matthews Biology Medicine and Biology
(Ed.) Vol. 747
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3298-2
Shewfelt Robert L. Becoming a Food To Graduate 2012 190 Softc Book V, 190 p. 48 appro $39.95 Chemistry
3298-2 Shewfelt Scientist School and over illus., 13 in x and
Beyond color. Materials
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28101-3
Watson Ian The Universal From the 2012 302 Softc Book VIII, 302 p. final $39.95 Computer
28101-3 Watson Machine Dawn of over 104 illus., 45 Science
Computing in color.
to Digital
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27617-0
Dezan Shira & Dezan Doing Business in Consciousn India Briefing 3rd ed. 2012 150 Softc Book V, 150 p. 5 appro $59.95 Economics/
27617-0 Associates Shira & India ess 2012 over illus. in x Managemen
Associate color. t Science
s; Chris
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27623-1
Dezan Shira & Dezan
Devonshir The Yangtze River Business China Briefing 5th ed. 2012 150 Softc Book V, 150 p. 5 appro $59.95 Economics/
27623-1 Associates Shira
e-Ellis& Delta Guide to the 2012 over illus. in x Managemen
(Eds.) Shanghai color. t Science
s; Chris Region
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28035-1
Idowu Samuel
Devonshir Encyclopedia of 2012 2400 Hard Book 2400 p. 55 MRW 4 appro $1,349.00 Economics/
28035-1 O. Idowu; Corporate Social
e-Ellis; cover illus., 5 in x Managemen
Samantha Responsibility color. In 4 t Science
L. Jones; Encyclopedia of volumes, not
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28036-8
Idowu Samuel
Liangrong 2012 2400 E- 2400 p. 55 MRW
available 4 appro $1,349.00 Economics/
28036-8 Eunice
O. Idowu;Ku Corporate Social referenc illus., 5 in x Managemen
(Eds.) separately.
Ananda Responsibility e work color. t Science
Das eReference.
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28087-0
Idowu Samuel
Liangrong Encyclopedia of 2012 2400 Hard Book 2400
In 4 p. 55 MRW 4 appro $1,689.00 Economics/
28087-0 Gupta
O. Idowu; Corporate Social cover with illus., 5 in not x Managemen
(Eds.) volumes,
Ananda Responsibility Online color. Print +
available t Science
Das Access eReference.
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3168-8
Ubokudom Sunday
Liangrong E. United States Health
Ideological, Springer Texts in 2012 302 Hard Book XIV,
In 4 302 p. final $89.95 Economics/
3168-8 Gupta
Ubokudo Care Policymaking Social and Business and cover 3 illus., 2 in Managemen
(Eds.) volumes, not
Ananda Cultural Economics color.
available t Science
Das Differences separately.
top 978-94-007- !! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-2776-2
Fromme Johannes Computer Games and A Handbook
and Major 2012 693 Hard Book XXI, 693 p. KBL final $249.00 Education
2776-2 Gupta
Fromme; New Media Cultures of Digital cover 98 illus., 15
(Eds.) Influences
Alexander Games in color.
Unger Studies
(Eds.) page 1 of 24
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affiliation vols.
top 978-0-387- !! http://www.springer.com/978-0-387-77521-0
Huang Howard MIMO Communication 2012 314 Hard Book XVI, 314 p. final $139.00 Engineering
77521-0 Huang; for Cellular Networks cover 146 illus., 8
Constanti in color.
nos B.
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28029-0
Murty B.S.
Papadias; Nanoscience and 2012 300 Hard Book Approx. 300 appro $139.00 Engineering
28029-0 Murty;
SivaramaP. Technology cover p. x
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0519-1
Seedhouse Erik
Raj; B B Astronauts For Hire The Springer Praxis 2012 249 Softc Book XXIII, 249 p. appro $29.95 Engineering
0519-1 Seedhous
Rath; Emergence Books over 104 illus., x
James of a 101 in color.
Murday Commercial
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25196-2
Subic Aleksand Management and Astronaut 2012 350 Hard Book 350 p. 140 appro $179.00 Engineering
25196-2 ar Subic; Design of Sustainable Corps cover illus., 20 in x
Wulf- Automotive color.
Peter Technologies
top 978-1-61779- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-61779-775-0
Agarwal Ashok
Schmidt; Studies on Men's Oxidative Stress in 2012 628 Hard Book XIII, 628 p. KBL final $239.00 Life
775-0 Agarwal;
Lucien Health and Fertility Applied Basic cover 54 illus., 37 Sciences
R. John
Clemens Research and in color.
Koopman Clinical Practice
top 978-90-481- !! http://www.springer.com/978-90-481-3169-3
Burkhart Harold
Juan G.E. Modeling Forest Trees 2012 470 Softc Book XII, 470 p. final $89.95 Life
3169-3 s; Martin
Burkhart; and Stands over 85 illus. Sciences
top 978-94-007- !! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-1597-4
Burkhart Harold E. Modeling Forest Trees 2012 470 Hard Book XII, 470 p. KBL appro $209.00 Life
1597-4 Burkhart; and Stands cover 85 illus. x Sciences
top 978-1-61779- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-61779-787-3
Kavallaris Maria Cytoskeleton and 2012 403 Hard Book XVII, 403 p. KBL final $209.00 Life
787-3 Kavallaris Human Disease cover 42 illus., 22 Sciences
(Ed.) in color.
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28089-4
Barreira Luis Ergodic Theory, Universitext 2012 290 Softc Book Approx. 290 final $69.95 Mathematics
28089-4 Barreira Hyperbolic Dynamics over p. 31 illus.
and Dimension
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3225-8
Hart William E. Pyomo – Optimization Springer Optimization 2012 237 Hard Book XVIII, 237 p. final $59.95 Mathematics
3225-8 Hart; Carl Modeling in Python and Its Applications cover 8 illus., 4 in
Laird; Vol. 67 color.
top 978-88-470- !! http://www.springer.com/978-88-470-1946-1
Sabadini Irene
Watson; The Mathematical Springer Proceedings 2012 290 Hard Book X, 290 p. 11 final $124.00 Mathematics
1946-1 Sabadini;
David L. Legacy of Leon in Mathematics Vol. cover illus.
Woodruff Ehrenpreis 16
top 978-1-4419- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4419-8004-5
Abzug Joshua
StruppaM. Pediatric Orthopedic 2012 300 Hard Book 300 p. 160 final $189.00 Medicine &
8004-5 Abzug;
(Eds.) Surgical Emergencies cover illus., 39 in Public
Martin J. color. Health
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1006-5
Hartstein Morris
(Eds.) E. Midfacial 2012 252 Hard Book XVI, 252 p. final $159.00 Medicine &
1006-5 Hartstein; Rejuvenation cover 247 illus., Public
Allan E. 232 in color. Health
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1012-6
Kaye Alan
David EE Essentials of Regional 2012 816 Softc Book XIX, 816 p. final $89.95 Medicine &
1012-6 David
Holck Anesthesia over 273 illus., 60 Public
(Eds.) in color. Health
top 978-1-4419- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4419-0807-0
Wu JimUrman;
D. S. Bone Tumors A Practical 2012 562 Softc Book 562 p. 675 final $89.95 Medicine &
0807-0 Wu; Mary
Nalini Guide to over illus. Public
Vadivelu Imaging Health
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top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0829-1
Bagnall Philip The Star Atlas What you Springer Praxis 2012 244 Book X, 244 p. appro $34.95 Physics
0829-1 Bagnall Companion need to Books 245 illus. x
know about
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3246-3
Kennedy L. A. One-Shot Color In Less
Constellatio Patrick Moore's 2012 244 Softc Book XI, 244 p. 98 final $39.95 Physics
3246-3 Kennedy Astronomical Imaging Time,
ns For Practical Astronomy over illus., 20 in
Less Money! Series color.
top 978-3-642- !! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27984-3
Scheck Florian Classical Field Theory On Graduate Texts in 2012 400 Hard Book VIII, 400 p. final $79.95 Physics
27984-3 Scheck Electrodyna Physics cover 59 illus.
mics, Non-
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3048-3
Schultz David The Andromeda Gauge Astronomers' 2012 256 Softc Book XII, 256 p. final $34.95 Physics
3048-3 Schultz Galaxy and the Rise Theories, Universe over 137 illus., 70
of Modern Astronomy and in color.
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3069-8
Seargent David A. Weird Weather Gravitation
Tales of Astronomers' 2012 345 Softc Book XVII, 345 p. final $39.95 Physics
3069-8 J. Astronomica Universe over 88 illus., 31
Seargent l and in color.
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3331-6
Bennett James T. They Play, You Pay Why
Anomalies 2012 200 Softc Book Approx. 200 final $29.95 Popular
3331-6 Bennett Taxpayers over p. Science
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3218-0
Elliott Stephen Handbook of Bridging
Stadiums, the 2012 341 Softc Book XIV, 341 p. final $54.95 Psychology
3218-0 N. Elliott; Accessible Gaps
and Arenas over
Ryan J. Achievement Tests for Between
Kettler; All Students Research,
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3217-3
Gruszka Aleksandr
Peter A. Handbook of Attention,
Practice, The Springer Series 2010 600 Softc Book X, 600 p. final $79.95 Psychology
3217-3 a Individual Differences Owners
Memory, and on Human over
Beddow; and Policy
Alexander in Cognition and Exceptionality
Gerald Players
top 978-1-4614- !! Kurz
Landis Dan Handbook of Ethnic International International and 2012 635 Hard Book XXXVII, 635 final $179.00 Psychology
(Eds.) Control
0447-7 Landis;
Blazej Conflict Perspectives Cultural Psychology cover p. 63 illus.
Szymura D.
top 978-1-4614- !! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3148-0
McQuistion Hunter
(Eds.) Handbook of 2012 648 Hard Book VI, 648 p. 10 final $179.00 Psychology
3148-0 McQuistio Community Psychiatry cover illus., 5 in
n; color.
top 978-94-007- !! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-4058-7
Reilly Nora
e MausP. Work and Quality of Ethical International 2012 540 Hard Book X, 540 p. KBL appro $299.00 Social
4058-7 Reilly;
Feldman;M. Life Practices in Handbooks of cover x Sciences
Jules M. Organization Quality-of-Life Vol.
Ranz; C. s
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3292-0
Boecker Henning
Allen Functional 2012 335 Hard Book VIII, 335 p. KBL final $209.00 Biomedicine
3292-0 Wesley
Boecker; Neuroimaging in cover 106 illus., 73
(Eds.) Exercise and Sport in color.
H. Sciences
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-2382-9
Ceccatelli Sandra
Hillman; Methylmercury and Current Topics in 2012 560 Hard Book VIII, 560 p. KBL final $209.00 Biomedicine
2382-9 Ceccatelli;
Lukas Neurotoxicity Neurotoxicity Vol. 2 cover 59 illus., 15
Scheef; in color.
Heiko K.
978-1-61779- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-61779-841-2
Christiansen Frank
(Eds.) T. Immunogenetics Methods Methods in Molecular 2012 380 Hard Book X, 380 p. final $159.00 Biomedicine
841-2 Strüder
Christians and Biology Vol. 882 cover 160 illus., 2
en; Brian Applications in color.
D. Tait in Clinical
978-1-61779- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-61779-829-0
Hassan Bassem
(Eds.) The Making and Un- Practice Neuromethods Vol. 2012 280 Hard Book 280 p. 48 appro $119.00 Biomedicine
829-0 A. Hassan Making of Neuronal 69 cover illus., 34 in x
(Ed.) Circuits in Drosophila color.

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affiliation vols.
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27903-4
Jain Vartika Pharmacology of SpringerBriefs in 2012 91 Softc Book XII, 91 p. 19 final $49.95 Biomedicine
27903-4 Jain; Bombax ceiba Linn. Pharmacology and over illus., 13 in
Surendra Toxicology color.
K. Verma
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28202-7
Jordan Bertrand Microarrays in Current and 2012 264 Hard Book VIII, 264 p. final $189.00 Biomedicine
28202-7 Jordan Diagnostics and Future cover 47 illus., 20
(Ed.) Biomarker Applications in color.
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3344-6
Minarovits Janos Patho-Epigenetics of 2012 475 Hard Book Approx. 475 KBL appro $209.00 Biomedicine
3344-6 Minarovits Disease cover p. 25 illus., x
; Hans 14 in color.
978-1-61779- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-61779-823-8
Mukai Hideyuki
Niller Protein Kinase Neuromethods Vol. 2012 375 Hard Book w. Approx. 375 appro $139.00 Biomedicine
823-8 Mukai
(Eds.) Technologies 68 cover online p. 71 illus., x
(Ed.) files/upd 35 in color.
ate With online
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-3997-0
Pollock George An Epidemiological The 2012 130 Hard Book XI, 130 p. 1
files/update. final $139.00 Biomedicine
3997-0 Pollock Odyssey Evolution of cover illus.
(Ed.) Communica
ble Disease
978-0-387- ! http://www.springer.com/978-0-387-31282-8
Silva Gabriel A. Nanotechnology for At the
Control Fundamental 2012 234 Hard Book XVI, 234 p. final $189.00 Biomedicine
31282-8 Silva; Biology and Medicine Building Biomedical cover 88 illus., 45
Vladimir Block Level Technologies Vol. in color.
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28095-5
Society for the Society
(Eds.) JIMD Reports - Case JIMD Reports Vol. 5 2012 130 Softc Book VII, 130 p. final $139.00 Biomedicine
28095-5 Study of for the and Research over 36 illus., 19
Inborn Errors o Study of Reports, 2012/2 in color.
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3356-9
Xia Ying
o Current Research in 2012 550 Hard Book 550 p. 157 KBL appro $239.00 Biomedicine
3356-9 Guangho
(Ed.) Acupuncture cover illus., 88 in x
ng Ding; color.
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28058-0
Albrecht Markus
cheng Wu Chemistry of Topics in Current 2012 173 Hard Book XI, 173 p. final $259.00 Chemistry
28058-0 Albrecht;
(Eds.) Nanocontainers Chemistry Vol. 319 cover 117 illus., 87 and
Ekkehardt in color. Materials
Hahn Science
978-3-7091- http://www.springer.com/978-3-7091-1083-6
Asakawa Yoshinori
(Eds.) Chemical Constituents Bio- and Progress in the 2012 760 Hard Book XII, 760 p. KBL appro $449.00 Chemistry
1083-6 Asakawa; of Bryophytes Chemical Chemistry of Organic cover 97 illus., 39 x and
Agnieszka Diversity, Natural Products in color. Materials
Ludwiczu Biological Vol. 95 Science
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28179-2
Califano Salvatore
k; Pathways to Modern Activity, and 2012 278 Hard Book XII, 278 p. final $129.00 Chemistry
28179-2 Califano
Fumihiro Chemical Physics Chemosyste cover 46 illus. and
Nagashim matics Materials
a Science
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28174-7
Chibale Kelly Drug Discovery in Impacts of 2012 500 Hard Book 500 p. final $179.00 Chemistry
28174-7 Chibale; Africa Genomics, cover and
Mike Insights into Materials
Davies- Medicinal Science
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27539-5
Davies Thomas
Coleman; Fragment-Based Drug Chemistry, Topics in Current 2012 225 Hard Book XI, 225 p. 57 final $259.00 Chemistry
27539-5 G.
Collen Discovery and X-Ray and Chemistry Vol. 317 cover illus., 31 in and
Masimire Crystallography Technology color. Materials
mbwa J. Edible Oil Processing Platforms in Science
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3350-7
Dijkstra Albert
Hyvönen 2012 210 Hard Book X, 210 p. 11 appro $189.00 Chemistry
3350-7 (Eds.)
Dijkstra from a Patent Pursuit of cover illus. x and
(Eds.) New Anti-
Perspective Materials
Parasitic Science
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28092-4
Fleischer Maximilia Solid State Gas Drugs Springer Series on 2012 280 Hard Book 280 p. 50 appro $319.00 Chemistry
28092-4 n Sensors - Industrial Chemical Sensors cover illus. x and
Fleischer; Application and Biosensors Vol. Materials
Mirko 11 Science
Lehmann page 4 of 24
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978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25497-0
Fritzsche Wolfgang Optical Nano- and Springer Series on 2012 329 Hard Book XII, 329 p. final $409.00 Chemistry
25497-0 Fritzsche; Microsystems for Chemical Sensors cover 179 illus., 96 and
Jürgen Bioanalytics and Biosensors Vol. in color. Materials
Popp 10 Science
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28040-5
Hakkarainen Minna
(Eds.) Mass Spectrometry of Advances in Polymer 2012 201 Hard Book XII, 201 p. final $259.00 Chemistry
28040-5 Hakkarain Polymers – New Science Vol. 248 cover 94 illus. and
en (Ed.) Techniques Materials
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28122-8
Heinrich Markus Radicals in Synthesis Topics in Current 2012 447 Hard Book XII, 447 p. final $349.00 Chemistry
28122-8 Heinrich; III Chemistry Vol. 320 cover and
Andreas Materials
Gansäuer Science
978-1-4614- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3255-5
Herrera Maria
(Eds.) Analytical Techniques SpringerBriefs in 2012 66 Softc Book VI, 66 p. 8 final $49.95 Chemistry
3255-5 Lidia for Studying the Food, Health, and over illus., 5 in and
Herrera Physical Properties of Nutrition 3 color. Materials
Lipid Emulsions Science
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28218-8
Lewis David E. Early Russian Organic SpringerBriefs in 2012 123 Softc Book IX, 123 p. final $49.95 Chemistry
28218-8 Lewis Chemists and Their Molecular Science over 103 illus., 12 and
Legacy in color. Materials
978-1-4614- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3249-4
López- Guillermo Microarray Detection SpringerBriefs in 2012 124 Softc Book XII, 124 p. final $49.95 Chemistry
3249-4 Campos López- and Characterization Food, Health, and over 11 illus. in and
Campos; of Bacterial Nutrition color. Materials
Joaquín Foodborne Pathogens Science
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27283-7
Metzger Robert
V. M. Unimolecular and Chemistry Topics in Current 2012 307 Hard Book XI, 307 p. final $349.00 Chemistry
27283-7 Metzger
Martínez- Supramolecular and Physics Chemistry Vol. 312 cover 144 illus., 85 and
Suárez; Electronics I Meet at in color. Materials
Mónica Metal- Science
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28117-4
Reisinger Corinna Epoxidations and An
Molecule Springer Theses 2012 273 Hard Book XV, 273 p. final $129.00 Chemistry
28117-4 Aguado-
Reisinger Hydroperoxidations Approach cover 469 illus., 42 and
Urda; Interfaces
of ?,?-Unsaturated through in color. Materials
Victoria Ketones Asymmetric Science
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25326-3
Abd Manaf Azizah
López- Informatics International
Organocatal Communications in 2011 652 Softc Book 652 p. final $131.00 Computer
25326-3 Abd
Alonso Engineering and Conference,
ysis Computer and over Science
Manaf; Information Science ICIEIS 2011, Information Science
Akram Kuala Vol. 251
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25452-9
Abd Manaf Azizah
Zeki; Informatics International
Lumpur, Communications in 2011 751 Softc Book XXIV, 751 p. final $143.00 Computer
25452-9 Abd
Mazdak Engineering and Conference,
Malaysia, Computer and over Science
Zamani; Information Science, ICIEIS
November 2011, Information Science
Suriayati Part II Kuala
12-14, 2011. Vol. 252
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25461-1
Abd Manaf Azizah
Zeki; Informatics International
Lumpur, Communications in 2011 717 Softc Book XXIV, 717 p. final $143.00 Computer
25461-1 Chuprat; Engineering and
Abd Proceedings
Conference, Computer and over Science
Eyas El- Information Science, Malaysia,
, Part I 2011,
Zamani; ICIEIS
November Information Science
Shamsul Part III Kuala Vol. 253
978-3-642- Suriayati
Abd Manaf Azizah
h (Eds.) Informatics 12-14, 2011.
International Communications in 2011 524 Softc Book 524 p. final $119.00 Computer
Chuprat; Lumpur,
25482-6 Abd
n; Rabiah Engineering and Conference,
Malaysia, Computer and over Science
Manaf;El- Information Science, ,ICIEIS
Part II2011, Information Science
Qawasme November
Salwani Part IV Kuala
12-14, 2011. Vol. 254
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3222-7
Aggarwal Charu
h (Eds.)C. Mining Text Data
Sahibuddi Lumpur, 2012 522 Hard Book XI, 522 p. 37 final $149.00 Computer
3222-7 Mohd
Aggarwal; Proceedings cover illus., 10 in Science
n; Rabiah
Daud; Malaysia,
, Part III
Ahmad; November color.
ng El-
978-3-642- Salwani
Aura Tuomas
Qawasme Information Security 12-14,
15th 2011.
Nordic Lecture Notes in 2012 289 Softc Book X, 289 p. 73 final $72.00 Computer
Mohd Proceedings
27936-2 Aura;
h (Eds.) Technology for Conference Computer Science over illus. Science
Kimmo Applications , Part
on IV IT
Secure Vol. 7127
Eyas El-
Järvinen; Systems,
978-1-4614- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1893-1
Balby Marinho Leandro
Qawasme Recommender
Kaisa NordSec SpringerBriefs in 2012 111 Softc Book IX, 111 p. final $39.95 Computer
1893-1 Balby
h (Eds.) Systems for Social
Nyberg 2010, Electrical and over Science
Marinho; Tagging Systems
(Eds.) Espoo, Computer
Andreas Finland, Engineering
Hotho; October 27- page 5 of 24
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978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1863-4
Barros Alistair Handbook of Service 2012 537 Hard Book IX, 537 p. final $149.00 Computer
1863-4 Barros; Description cover 122 illus., 77 Science
Daniel in color.
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27412-1
Boissonnat Jean-
(Eds.) Curves and Surfaces 7th Lecture Notes in 2012 748 Softc Book X, 748 p. final $131.00 Computer
27412-1 Daniel International Computer Science over 355 illus. Science
Boissonn Conference, Vol. 6920
at; Patrick Avignon,
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1917-4
Camp L. Jean
Chenin; The Economics of France, 2012 159 Hard Book X, 159 p. 10 final $99.00 Computer
1917-4 Camp;
Albert M. Financial and Medical June 24-30, cover illus., 6 in Science
Cohen; Identity Theft 2010, color.
Christian Revised
978-1-4471- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2496-2
Cellary Wojciech Interactive 3D Models for 2012 296 Hard Book V, 296 p. 97 final $129.00 Computer
2496-2 Gout;
Cellary; Multimedia Content Selected
Creation, cover illus., 91 in Science
Krzysztof Papers
Managemen color.
Walczak t, Search
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25509-0
Chen Ning
(Eds.) Internet and Network 7th
and Lecture Notes in 2011 420 Softc Book XII, 420 p. final $95.00 Computer
25509-0 Chen;
Laurence Economics International
Presentation Computer Science over 36 illus. Science
Mazure; Workshop, Vol. 7090
Larry WINE 2011,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28248-5
Chiarcos Christian
Elias Linked Data in Representin
Singapore, 2012 218 Hard Book XIV, 218 p. final $109.00 Computer
28248-5 Schumak
Chiarcos; Linguistics g and cover 44 illus., 5 in Science
er (Eds.) December
as (Eds.) Connecting
11-14, 2011, color.
Nordhoff; Language
978-1-4471- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2725-3
Crabtree Andrew
Sebastian Doing Design Data and Human–Computer 2012 210 Hard Book VII, 210 p. final $99.00 Computer
2725-3 Crabtree;
Hellmann Ethnography Language Interaction Series cover 14 illus., 5 in Science
(Eds.) Metadata color.
978-1-4614- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1902-0
Dai Honghua
ld; Peter Reliable Knowledge 2012 302 Hard Book XVI, 302 p. final $259.00 Computer
1902-0 Dai;
Tolmie Discovery cover 77 illus., 34 Science
James N. in color.
K. Liu;
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28114-3
Daniel Florian
Evgueni Business Process BPM 2011 Lecture Notes in 2012 480 Softc Book LXI, 480 p. final $107.00 Computer
28114-3 Daniel;
Smirnov Management International Business Information over 176 illus. Science
(Eds.) Workshops Workshops, Processing Vol. 100
Barkaoui; Clermont-
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28107-5
Daniel Florian
Schahram Business Process BPM 2011
Ferrand, Lecture Notes in 2012 482 Softc Book LXI, 482 p. final $107.00 Computer
28107-5 Daniel;
Dustdar Management International
France, Business Information over 155 illus. Science
(Eds.) Workshops Workshops,
August 29, Processing Vol. 99
Barkaoui; Clermont-
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25733-9
Das Vinu
Schahram Computational
V First
Ferrand, Communications in 2012 880 Softc Book XXI, 880 p. final $155.00 Computer
25733-9 Das; Revised
Dustdar Intelligence and International
Computer and over Science
(Eds.) Information Conference,
August 29, Information Science
Thankach Technology Papers,
CIIT 2011,Part Vol. 250
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28134-1
Denecke Kerstin 2011,
an (Eds.) Event-Driven Possibilities
Pune, India,
SpringerBriefs in 2012 79 Hard Book VIII, 79 p. 15 final $39.95 Computer
28134-1 Denecke Surveillance and
November Computer Science cover illus. Science
7-8, 2011.
Papers, Part
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25919-7
Desai Nirmit Principles and Proceedings
I Lecture Notes in 2012 650 Softc Book XV, 650 p. final $119.00 Computer
25919-7 Desai; Practice of Multi- International Computer Science over 247 illus. Science
Alan Liu; Agent Systems Conference, Vol. 7057
Michael PRIMA
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27653-8
Dinneen Michael
Winikoff J. Computation, Physics International
2010, Lecture Notes in 2012 427 Softc Book XIII, 427 p. final $95.00 Computer
27653-8 Dinneen;
(Eds.) and Beyond Workshop
Kolkata, Computer Science over 64 illus. Science
Bakhadyr on
India, Vol. 7160
Khoussai Theoretical
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28081-8
Filipe Joaquim
nov; Prof. Web Information 7th
Computer Lecture Notes in 2012 221 Softc Book XII, 221 p. final $72.00 Computer
28081-8 Filipe; Systems and 12-15, 2010,
International Business Information over 104 illus. Science
Andre Science,
Nies Technologies Conference,
WTCS 2012, Processing Vol. 101
Cordeiro Selected
(Eds.) Dedicated
Papers to
(Eds.) 2011,
Cristian S. page 6 of 24
Subject to change without notice. Noordwijker springer
Calude on 476400746.xls
Sorted by top titles/ main subject / author hout, springer.com/booksellers
the The
Occasion of
May 6-9,
His 60th
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qty. top ISBN NEWS hyper last name of authors title subtitle series ed. year pages cover medium bibliography MRW/KBL no. price US $ net main subject
titles icon links 1st author without arabic type of status
affiliation vols.
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3087-2
Frické Martin Logic and the 2012 312 Hard Book XV, 312 p. final $99.00 Computer
3087-2 Frické Organization of cover 72 illus. Science
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28046-7
Gaber Mohamed Journeys to Data Experiences 2012 257 Hard Book IV, 257 p. 33 final $99.00 Computer
28046-7 Medhat Mining from 15 cover illus., 25 in Science
Gaber Renowned color.
(Ed.) Researchers
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27900-3
Garcia-Alfaro Joaquin Foundations and 4th Canada- Lecture Notes in 2012 253 Softc Book XIII, 253 p. final $72.00 Computer
27900-3 Garcia- Practice of Security France Computer Science over 58 illus. Science
Alfaro; MITACS Vol. 6888
Pascal Workshop,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28023-8
Gheorghe Marian
Lafourcad Membrane Computing 12th
FPS 2011, Lecture Notes in 2012 380 Softc Book 380 p. 83 final $83.00 Computer
28023-8 Gheorghe
e (Eds.) International
Paris, Computer Science over illus. Science
; Conference,
France, May Vol. 7184
Gheorghe CMC
12-13, 2011,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27977-5
Grana Costantin
Paun; Multimedia for Cultural
Fontaineble Communications in 2012 217 Softc Book VIII, 217 p. final $84.00 Computer
27977-5 o Grana; Heritage Revised
International Computer and over Science
Grzegorz au, France,
Rozenber Workshop,
August Information Science
Cucchiara Papers 23-
MM4CH Vol. 247
978-3-642- g; Arto
Hendrickx Iris Anaphora Processing 26, 2011,
8th Lecture Notes in 2011 199 Softc Book X, 199 p. 31 final $72.00 Computer
Salomaa; and Applications 2011,
25916-6 Hendrickx Discourse
Modena, Computer Science over illus. Science
Sobha Selected
Italy, May 3, Vol. 7099
Lalitha Papers
and Anaphor
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28066-5
Horimoto Katsuhisa
(Eds.) Algebraic and 2011,
4th Lecture Notes in 2012 185 Softc Book X, 185 p. 46 final $72.00 Computer
Devi; Resolution
28066-5 Horimoto;
António Numeric Biology International
Colloquium, Computer Science over illus. Science
Masahiko Selected
Conference, Vol. 6479
Branco; DAARC
Ruslan ANB
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-2325-6
Ivanov Ivan
Nikolaj Cloud Computing and Hagenberg, Service Science: 2012 338 Hard Book VIII, 338 p. final $129.00 Computer
2325-6 Mitkov
Ivanov; Services Science Portugal, Research and cover 127 illus., 77 Science
(Eds.) Austria, July
October 6-7,
(Eds.) 31-August 2, Innovations in the in color.
van 2011. Service Economy
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25140-5
Iwata Tetsu 2010,
Sinderen; Advances in 6th
Lecture Notes in 2011 231 Softc Book XII, 231 p. final $72.00 Computer
25140-5 Iwata;
Boris Information and International
Selected Computer Science over Science
Masakats Selected
Shishkov Computer Security Workshop
Vol. 7038
(Eds.) on Security,
978-1-4471- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2821-2
Jiang Shengmin
Nishigaki Future Wireless and Networking
IWSEC Computer 2012 250 Hard Book XVIII, 250 p. final $99.00 Computer
2821-2 g Jiang
(Eds.) Optical Networks Modes
2011, and Communications and cover 80 illus. Science
Tokyo, Networks
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27871-6
Kannan Rajkumar Data Engineering and Second Lecture Notes in 2012 356 Softc Book Approx. 355 final $83.00 Computer
27871-6 Kannan; Management November
International Computer Science over p. Science
Frederic 8-10, 2011.
Conference, Vol. 6411
Andres Proceedings
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25534-2
Kappel Gerti
(Eds.) Service Oriented 9th
2010, Lecture Notes in 2011 682 Softc Book XVIII, 682 p. final $131.00 Computer
25534-2 Kappel; Computing International
Tiruchirappa Computer Science over 208 illus. Science
Zakaria Conference,
lli, India, July Vol. 7084
Maamar; ICSOC
29-31, 2010.
978-1-4614- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1841-2
Kazar Baris M.
Hamid R. Spatial Parameter
2011, SpringerBriefs in 2012 75 Softc Book V, 75 p. 30 final $39.95 Computer
1841-2 Kazar; AutoRegression Revised
Estimation Computer Science over illus. Science
Motahari- Paphos,
Nezhad (SAR) Model Techniques
Celik Papers
978-3-642- (Eds.)
Kim Tai-hoon Communication and December
International Communications in 2011 472 Softc Book 472 p. final $107.00 Computer
27200-4 Kim; Networking 5-8, 2011,
Conference, Computer and over Science
Hojjat Proceedings
FGCN 2011, Information Science
Adeli; Held as Part Vol. 266
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-26009-4
Kim Tai-hoon
Wai-chi Control and International
of the Future Communications in 2011 392 Softc Book XV, 392 p. final $107.00 Computer
26009-4 Kim;
Fang; Automation, and Conferences
Generation Computer and over Science
Thanos Energy System ,Information
CA and Information Science
Vasilakos; Engineering CES3 2011,
Technology Vol. 256
Adrian Held as Part
Conference, page 7 of 24
Subject to change without notice. Stoica; of the 2011,
Future springer
Stoica; FGIT 476400746.xls
Sorted by top titles/ main subject / author Byeong- Generation springer.com/booksellers
Charalam Jeju Island,
Z. Information
Patrikakis; Technology
Springer NEWS February 2012
qty. top ISBN NEWS hyper last name of authors title subtitle series ed. year pages cover medium bibliography MRW/KBL no. price US $ net main subject
titles icon links 1st author without arabic type of status
affiliation vols.
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27156-4
Kim Tai-hoon Database Theory and International Communications in 2011 197 Softc Book XIV, 197 p. final $84.00 Computer
27156-4 Kim; Application, Bio- Conferences Computer and over Science
Hojjat Science and Bio- , DTA and Information Science
Adeli; Technology BSBT 2011, Vol. 258
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27141-0
Kim Tai-hoon
Alfredo Future Generation Third
Held as Part Lecture Notes in 2011 424 Softc Book XIV, 424 p. final $95.00 Computer
27141-0 Kim;
Cuzzocre Information International
of the Future Computer Science over Science
a; Tughrul Technology Conference,
Generation Vol. 7105
Arslan; FGIT
Information 2011,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27179-3
Kim Tai-hoon
Dominik Grid and Distributed International
Jeju Island, Communications in 2011 615 Softc Book XVII, 615 p. final $131.00 Computer
27179-3 Yanchun Computing
Kim; Technology
Conferences Computer and over Science
Zhang; December
Frode ,Conference,
8-10, GDC2011.2011, Information Science
Adeli; FGIT as
Held 2011,Part Vol. 261
978-3-642- Kim Eika
Ma; Kyo-il Multimedia, Computer Proceedings
in the Future Communications in 2011 424 Softc Book 424 p. final $107.00 Computer
Sandnes; of
27203-5 Kim;
seob Cho; Graphics and Conference,
Generation Computer and over Science
Siti Broadcasting, Part I MulGraB
with GDC Information Science
Song; Information
Gervasi; 2011,
Technology Held
Jeju Vol. 262
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27185-4
Kim Tai-hoon
William I. Multimedia, Computer International
as Part of Communications in 2011 357 Softc Book XXII, 357 p. final $95.00 Computer
27185-4 Xiaofeng
Kim; Graphics and Island,
Conference, Computer and over Science
Song the
Korea, Future
HojjatP. Broadcasting, Part II FGIT
MulGraB 2011, Information Science
Byeong- Generation
Jeju Island,
Pissinou; 2011,
Information Held Vol. 263
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27188-5
Kim Tai-hoon
Ho Kang;
William I. Security Technology International
as 2011.
Part of Communications in 2011 252 Softc Book 252 p. final $84.00 Computer
27188-5 (Eds.)
Kim; Technology
Proceedings Computer and over Science
Grosky; December
the Future
K. Shih;
Garcia Conference,
8-10, 2011. Information Science
Edward Generation
978-3-642- Villalba J. Signal Processing,
Kim Tai-hoon
Held Vol. 259
Communications in 2011 450 Softc Book XIV, 450 p. final $107.00 Computer
(Eds.) in Part of
27182-3 Timothy
Byeong- Image Processing and Technology
Conjunction Computer and over Science
K. the Future
Kang; Pattern Recognition
Javier ,Conference,
Generation2011, Information Science
Seung- J. FGIT
2011, 2011,
as Part
Jeju Vol. 260
978-3-642- Kim Garcia
Tai-hoon Software Engineering,
Rothwell; Information
in Communications in 2011 736 Softc Book 736 p. final $143.00 Computer
Jung Shin
Villalba; of the Future
27206-6 Kim;
Ramos; Business Continuity, Conferences
Generation Computer and over Science
HojjatP. and Education Korea,
,withASEA, Information Science
Ho Kang;
Byeong- GDC
Seung- FGIT
2011, 2011,
Jeju Vol. 257
978-3-642- Kim Ho Kang U- and E-Service,
Muhamm Technology
in 2011. Communications in 2011 348 Softc Book XIV, 348 p. final $95.00 Computer
(Eds.)Shin Science and EL 2011,
27209-7 Kim;
Kon Kim; Conference,
Held as Part Computer and over Science
Hojjat Korea,
FGIT 2011,
Heau-jo Technology
Khurram UNESST
with IFuture
Information Science
Kang; 2011,
Jeju Vol. 264
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25928-9
Kotásek Zden?k
Jianhua Mathematical and 7th
8-10, 2011.
as Part of Lecture Notes in 2012 215 Softc Book XII, 215 p. final $72.00 Computer
25928-9 (Eds.)
Kotásek; Engineering Methods Island,
Proceedings Computer Science over 53 illus. Science
Ma; Wai- with
Korea, GDC
Jung Kim; in Computer Science
Jan Technology
2011, II
Jeju Vol. 7119
chi Fang;
Akingbehi December
Byeong- Workshop,
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27918-8
Kourie Derrick
n Kiumi;G. The Correctness-by-
Ivana 8-10, 2011,
MEMICS 2011. 2012 268 Hard Book XVIII, 268 p. final $99.00 Computer
27918-8 Ho Kang; Construction
Kourie; Korea,
Proceedings cover 37 illus., 11 Science
Cerná; in
Ho Kang W. Approach to Conference,
Conjunction in color.
Park; Lednice,
8-10, 2011,
FGIT 2011.
Sekanina; Programming with
Czech GDC
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27939-3
Kuncak Viktor
Frode Verification, Model 13th
in Lecture Notes in 2012 457 Softc Book X, 457 p. final $95.00 Computer
27939-3 Tomáš
Kuncak; Checking, and 2011,
International Computer Science over 111 illus. Science
Eika Conjunction
Sandnes; Abstract Interpretation October
with GDC 14- Vol. 7148
Rybalche Korea,
978-1-4614- ! Kun
Lee Newton 2011, Jeju
Chang (Eds.) Disney Stories Getting
to 2012 275 Hard Book V, 275 p. 30 final $99.00 Computer
2100-9 Lee;
(Eds.) Digital
8-10, 2011.
Philadelphia, cover illus. Science
Lee (Eds.)
Krystina Korea,
Madej January 22-
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25812-1
Leung Howard Advances in Web- 10th
8-10, 2011. Lecture Notes in 2011 334 Softc Book XIV, 334 p. final $83.00 Computer
25812-1 Leung; based Learning - 24, 2012,
Proceedings Computer Science over Science
Elvira ICWL 2011 Proceedings
Conference, Vol. 7048
Popescu; Hong Kong,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27277-6
Li Daoliang
Yiwei Computer and 5th IFIP TC
China, IFIP Advances in 2012 686 Hard Book XI, 686 p. final $202.00 Computer
27277-6 Li; Yingyi Computing
Cao; 5, SIG 5.1
December Information and cover 301 illus. Science
Rynson Technologies in International
8-10, 2011. Communication
W. H. Agriculture Conference,
Proceedings Technology Vol. 369
Lau; CCTA 2011, page 8 of 24
Subject to change without notice. Beijing, springer
Wolfgang 476400746.xls
Sorted by top titles/ main subject / author China, springer.com/booksellers
(Eds.) October 29-
31, 2011,
Springer NEWS February 2012
qty. top ISBN NEWS hyper last name of authors title subtitle series ed. year pages cover medium bibliography MRW/KBL no. price US $ net main subject
titles icon links 1st author without arabic type of status
affiliation vols.
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27280-6
Li Daoliang Computer and 5th IFIP TC IFIP Advances in 2012 580 Hard Book XX, 580 p. final $177.00 Computer
27280-6 Li; Yingyi Computing 5, SIG 5.1 Information and cover 268 illus. Science
Chen Technologies in International Communication
(Eds.) Agriculture Conference, Technology Vol. 368
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27274-5
Li Daoliang Computer and 5th
2011, IFIP Advances in 2012 562 Hard Book X, 562 p. final $177.00 Computer
27274-5 Li; Yingyi Computing 5, SIG 5.1
Beijing, Information and cover 234 illus. Science
Chen Technologies in International
China, Communication
(Eds.) Agriculture Conference,
October 29- Technology Vol. 370
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27502-9
Liu Chunfeng Information Second
CCTA 2011, Communications in 2011 744 Softc Book Approx. 745 final $143.00 Computer
27502-9 Liu; Jincai Computing and 31, 2011,
International Computer and over p. Science
Chang; Applications Conference,
China, Information Science
Aimin , Part I2011,
ICICA Vol. 243
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27451-0
Liu Chunfeng Information October
Second 29- Communications in 2011 744 Softc Book Approx. 745 final $143.00 Computer
Yang Qinhuangda
31, 2011,
27451-0 Liu; Jincai Computing and
(Eds.) International
o, China, Computer and over p. Science
Chang; Applications, Part II Proceedings
Conference, Information Science
Part III 28-
Aimin 31, 2011,
2011. Vol. 244
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25273-0
Lozano Jose
Yang A. Advances in Artificial 14th
Qinhuangda Lecture Notes in 2011 506 Softc Book XV, 506 p. final $107.00 Computer
25273-0 Lozano; Intelligence Proceedings
Conference Computer Science over Science
(Eds.) o, China,
, Part
José A. of the I 28-
October Vol. 7023
Gámez; Spanish
31, 2011.
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25703-2
MacKinnon Lachlan
José A. Data Security and 27th British
Association Lecture Notes in 2012 155 Softc Book X, 155 p. 42 appro $69.95 Computer
25703-2 MacKinno Proceedings
Moreno- Security Data National
for Artificial
, Part II
Computer Science over illus. x Science
n (Ed.)
Pérez Conference
Intelligence, Vol. 6121
(Eds.) on
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27374-2
Moedersheim Sebastian Theory of Security Joint
Databases, Lecture Notes in 2012 225 Softc Book X, 225 p. 35 final $72.00 Computer
27374-2 Moedersh and Applications 2011, La
Workshop, Computer Science over illus. Science
Laguna, 27,
eim; TOSCA
Dundee, Vol. 6993
Catuscia Spain, UK,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27578-4
Moreno Díaz Roberto June 29 -
Palamide Computer Aided 13th
July 1,2011.
Lecture Notes in 2012 637 Softc Book 637 p. 276 final $119.00 Computer
27578-4 Moreno
ssi (Eds.) Systems Theory -- International
,Revised Computer Science over illus. Science
Díaz; EUROCAST 2011 Conference,
Germany,M Vol. 6928
Franz Selected
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28032-0
Moschitti Alessandr Eternal Systems archPalmas
Papers31-April Communications in 2012 128 Softc Book VIII, 128 p. final $84.00 Computer
Pichler; de Gran
1, 2011,
28032-0 o
Alexis International
Canaria, Computer and over 45 illus. Science
Moschitti; Revised
Workshop, Information Science
Quesada Spain,
Arencibia Social Robotics EternalS
February Vol. 255
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25503-8
Mutlu Bilge
Scandaria Papers 6-
2011, Lecture Notes in 2011 237 Softc Book XV, 237 p. final $72.00 Computer
25503-8 (Eds.)
Mutlu; 11, 2011,
International Computer Science over Science
to (Eds.) Budapest,
Christoph Conference
Hungary, Vol. 7072
Bartneck; Selected
on Social
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27271-4
Obdrzalek David Research and May 3, Part
Papers, Communications in 2011 201 Softc Book VIII, 201 p. final $84.00 Computer
Jaap Robotics,
27271-4 Obdrzalek
Ham; Education in Robotics Conference,
ICSR 2011, Computer and over 109 illus. Science
Achim - EUROBOT 2010 Revised
Rapperswil- Information Science
Evers; Jona,
The Vol. 156
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25654-7
Onoda Takashi
er (Eds.) New Frontiers in JSAI-isAI
Switzerland, Lecture Notes in 2012 342 Softc Book X, 342 p. final $83.00 Computer
25654-7 Takayuki
Onoda; Artificial Intelligence Netherlands,
2010 Computer Science over 122 illus. Science
Kanda May 27-30,
Daisuke Workshops,
2010, Vol. 6797
Bekki; 24-25,
LENLS, 2011.
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-24907-5
Palmirani Monica Rule - Based Revised
Proceedings Lecture Notes in 2011 313 Softc Book XVIII, 313 p. final $83.00 Computer
24907-5 Palmirani;
Cready Modeling and International
AMBN, Computer Science over 66 illus. Science
Davide Computing on the Papers ISS,
Symposium, Vol. 7018
(Eds.) Tokyo,Japan
Sottara Semantic Web RuleML
, November
978-1-4471- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2753-6
Peer Angelika
(Eds.) Immersive Multimodal 2011 Springer Series on 2012 278 Hard Book XIV, 278 p. final $109.00 Computer
2753-6 Peer; Interactive Presence 18-19,- 2010, Touch and Haptic cover 120 illus. Science
Revised Ft.
Christos Lauderdale, Systems
Giachritsi Selected
978-1-4471- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2759-8
Peters Georg Rough Sets: Selected FL, USA,
Papers Advanced 2012 222 Hard Book X, 222 p. 57 final $99.00 Computer
s (Eds.) November
2759-8 Peters; Methods and Information and cover illus., 12 in Science
Pawan Applications in 3-5, 2011, Knowledge color.
Lingras; Management and Proceedings Processing
Dominik ? Engineering page 9 of 24
Subject to change without notice. l?zak; springer
Sorted by top titles/ main subject / author Yiyu Yao springer.com/booksellers
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qty. top ISBN NEWS hyper last name of authors title subtitle series ed. year pages cover medium bibliography MRW/KBL no. price US $ net main subject
titles icon links 1st author without arabic type of status
affiliation vols.
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28168-6
Picco Gian Wireless Sensor 9th Lecture Notes in 2012 261 Softc Book XII, 261 p. final $72.00 Computer
28168-6 Pietro Networks European Computer Science over Science
Picco; Conference, Vol. 7158
Wendi EWSN
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27693-4
Russo Claudio
Heinzelm Practical Aspects of 14th
2012, Lecture Notes in 2012 314 Softc Book Approx. 315 final $83.00 Computer
27693-4 Russo;
an (Eds.) Declarative International
Trento, Italy, Computer Science over p. Science
Neng-Fa Languages Symposium,
February 15- Vol. 7149
Zhou PADL 2012,
17, 2012,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25288-4
Si Mei Si;
(Eds.) Interactive Storytelling 4th
Philadelphia, Lecture Notes in 2011 384 Softc Book XIV, 384 p. final $83.00 Computer
25288-4 David Proceedings
International Computer Science over 76 illus. Science
PA, January
Thue; Conference
23-24, 2012. Vol. 7069
Elisabeth on
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Sombattheera Chattrakul
André; Multi-disciplinary 5th
Interactive Lecture Notes in 2011 444 Softc Book 444 p. final $95.00 Computer
25724-7 Sombatth Trends in Artificial
James International
Digital Computer Science over Science
Lester; Intelligence Workshop,
Storytelling, Vol. 7080
Joshua MIWAI
ICIDS 2011,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-24321-9
Varbanescu Ana Lucia
Agarwal; Computer Architecture ISCA
2011, 2010 Lecture Notes in 2012 378 Softc Book XXVII, 378 final $95.00 Computer
24321-9 Tanenbau
Varbanes Vancouver,
International Computer Science over p. Science
m; K Hyderabad,
cu; Anca
Udgata; Workshops
India, Vol. 6161
Molnos; November
978-3-642- Kittichai
Xiong Hui Xiong; December
van Knowledge Science,
7-9, 2011.
Lecture Notes in 2011 488 Softc Book 488 p. final $95.00 Computer
25974-6 W.B.
(Eds.) Lee Engineering and
Nieuwpoo International
EAMA, Computer Science over Science
(Eds.) Management Proceedings
2011, Vol. 7091
rt (Eds.)
(Eds.) WEED,
KSEM 2011,
978-1-4614- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3283-8
Zhao Dongmei Power Distribution Irvine, CA, SpringerBriefs in 2012 102 Softc Book V, 102 p. 46 final $39.95 Computer
3283-8 Zhao and Performance Saint-Malo, Computer Science over illus., 37 in Science
Analysis for Wireless December color.
Communication June 19-23,
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28098-6
Zhou Mingquan Digital Preservation 12-14,
2010, 2011. 2012 300 Hard Book Approx. 300 final $199.00 Computer
Networks Proceedings
28098-6 Zhou; Technology for Revised cover p. 150 illus., Science
Guohua Cultural Heritage Selected 3 in color.
Geng; Papers
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27681-1
Broekmans Maarten
Zhongke Proceedings of the 2012 850 Hard Book Approx. 850 appro $409.00 Earth
27681-1 A.T.M.
Wu 10th International cover p. 400 illus., x Sciences
Broekman Congress for Applied 260 in color.
s (Ed.) Mineralogy (ICAM)
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-3845-4
Kreutzmann Hermann Pastoral practices in Agency of Advances in Asian 2012 354 Hard Book X, 354 p. 33 final $129.00 Earth
3845-4 Kreutzma High Asia 'developmen Human- cover illus., 28 in Sciences
nn (Ed.) t' effected by Environmental color.
modernisatio Research
978-3-0348- http://www.springer.com/978-3-0348-0299-4
Marty Daniel Proceedings of the 5th n, Swiss Journal of 2012 178 Softc Book IV, 178 p. final $199.00 Earth
0299-4 Marty; International resettlement Geosciences over Sciences
Jean-Paul Symposium on and Supplement
Billon- Lithographic transformati Supplement 4
978-94-007- http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-4009-9
Na??cz Tomasz
Bruyat; Transboundary
Limestone and Regional NATO Science for 2012 188 Softc Book XVI, 188 p. final $89.95 Earth
4009-9 Na??cz Aquifers in the on
Cooperation Peace and Security over 73 illus., 57 Sciences
Christian Plattenkalk
A. Meyer; Eastern Borders of for Effective Series C: in color.
Loïc The European Union Managemen Environmental
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27999-7
Xu Guochang Sciences of Geodesy Innovations
t of Water Security 2012 400 Hard Book 400 p. 180 appro $179.00 Earth
27999-7 Costeur;
Xu (Ed.) - II and Future cover illus. x Sciences
Basil Resources
Thüring ts
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-4028-0
Yee Young
(Eds.) P. Atmospheric A Springer Atmospheric 2012 300 Hard Book X, 300 p. 26 final $179.00 Earth
4028-0 Yee; Temperature Profiles Compendiu Sciences cover illus., 21 in Sciences
Kueyson of the Northern m of Data color.
Y. Yee; Hemisphere
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0084-4
Backhaus Jürgen
Erik Y. The Liberation of the The The European 2012 83 Hard Book I, 83 p. 2 final $119.00 Economics/
0084-4 Georg
Yee Serfs Economics Heritage in cover illus. in Managemen
Backhaus of Unfree Economics and the color. t Science
(Ed.) Labor Social Sciences Vol.
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Borkar Vivek S. Hamiltonian Cycle International Series in 2012 199 Hard Book XIV, 199 p. 0 $0.00 Economics/
3231-9 Borkar; Problem and Markov Operations Research cover 82 illus., 31 Managemen
Vladimir Chains & Management in color. t Science
Ejov; Science Vol. 171
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3258-6
Cadeddu Davide
Jerzy A. Reimagining On the The European 2012 85 Hard Book IV, 85 p. final $129.00 Economics/
3258-6 Cadeddu
Filar; Democracy Political Heritage in cover Managemen
Giang T. Project of Economics and the t Science
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978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28017-7
Carlberg Michael Unemployment and Olivetti 15 2012 283 Hard Book XII, 283 p. final $139.00 Economics/
28017-7 Carlberg Inflation in Economic cover Managemen
Crises t Science
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27921-8 Klaus; Classical cover 150 illus. x Managemen
Stefanie Contribution t Science
Müller s to the
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Lankhorst Marc
(Eds.) Agile Service Combining
History and The Enterprise 2012 232 Hard Book XII, 232 p. appro $69.95 Economics/
28187-7 Lankhorst Development Adaptive
Conceptual Engineering Series cover 62 illus. in x Managemen
(Ed.) Methods
Foundations color. t Science
and Flexible
of the
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Macaulay Linda A. Case Studies in Solutions Service Science: 2012 230 Hard Book X, 230 p. 20 appro $99.00 Economics/
1971-6 Macaulay; Service Innovation Science of Research and cover illus. x Managemen
Ian Miles; Logistics Innovations in the t Science
Jennifer Service Economy
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-4125-6
Michalos Alex
Wilby;C.Yin Citation Classics from Celebrating Advances in 2012 880 Softc Book Approx. 880 appro $129.00 Economics/
4125-6 Michalos;
Leng Tan; the Journal of the First Business Ethics over p. x Managemen
Liping Business Ethics Thirty Years Research Vol. 2 t Science
C. Poff
Zhao; of
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Passerini Katia
(Eds.) Information Managing
Publication 2012 196 Hard Book I, 196 p. 30 final $129.00 Economics/
3039-1 Babis
Passerini; Technology for Small the Digital cover illus. Managemen
Ayman El Business Enterprise t Science
dis (Eds.)
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28205-8
Peverelli Peter
; KarenJ. Chinese A Social 2012 250 Hard Book Approx. 250 final $129.00 Economics/
28205-8 Peverelli;
Patten Entrepreneurship Capital cover p. 11 illus. Managemen
Jiwen Approach t Science
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28226-3
Snene Mehdi Exploring Services Third Lecture Notes in 2012 371 Softc Book XI, 371 p. final $83.00 Economics/
28226-3 Snene Science International Business Information over 105 illus. Managemen
(Ed.) Conference, Processing Vol. 103 t Science
IESS 2012,
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Sodhi ManMoha Managing Supply Geneva, International Series in 2012 331 Hard Book XX, 331 p. final $179.00 Economics/
3237-1 n S. Chain Risk Switzerland, Operations Research cover 47 illus., 28 Managemen
Sodhi; February 15- & Management in color. t Science
Christoph 17, 2012, Science Vol. 172
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27930-0
Sornette Didier
er S. Market Risk and 2012 263 Hard Book IV, 263 p. 70 final $139.00 Economics/
27930-0 Sornette; Financial Markets Proceedings cover illus., 10 in Managemen
Sergey Modeling color. t Science
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-4070-9
Vandekerckho Wim
Hilary Responsible Issues in Business 2011 234 Softc Book XXVI, 234 p. appro $59.95 Economics/
4070-9 ve Vandeker
Woodard Investment in Times Ethics Vol. 31 over x Managemen
(Eds.) of Turmoil t Science
Jos Leys;
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Weinstein Michael
Kristian Sustainability Science The 2012 401 Hard Book XIV, 401 p. appro $179.00 Economics/
3187-9 P.
Alm; Bert Emerging cover 71 illus., 40 x Managemen
Scholtens Paradigm in color. t Science
;; R.
Silvana Entrepreneurship and and the
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28263-8
Yu Fu-Lai
Eugene Urban 2012 165 Hard Book IX, 165 p. 4 final $129.00 Economics/
28263-8 Signori;
Tony Yu Taiwan's Economic cover illus., 3 in Managemen
Henry Environment
(Eds.) Dynamics color. t Science
(Eds.) page 11 of 24
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Curaj Adrian European Higher Between the 2012 1109 Hard Book XIV, 1109 p. KBL final $279.00 Education
3936-9 Curaj; Education at the Bologna cover 75 illus., 60
Peter Crossroads Process and in color.
Scott; National
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-3973-4
Down Barry
Laz?r Critical Voices in Teaching
Reforms for Explorations of 2012 319 Hard Book VIII, 319 p. 6 final $129.00 Education
3973-4 Down;
Vlascean Teacher Education Social Educational Purpose cover illus., 5 in
u; Lesley Justice in Vol. 22 color.
Wilson Conservativ
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Pease-Alvarez Lucinda
(Eds.) Teachers of English e Times SpringerBriefs in 2012 71 Softc Book VIII, 71 p. 3 final $49.95 Education
3945-1 (Eds.)
Pease- Learners Negotiating Education Vol. over illus.
Alvarez; Authoritarian Policies
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Standish Paul
Davies Education and the Pedagogy Contemporary 2012 178 Hard Book XII, 178 p. 1 final $129.00 Education
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Samway for Human Philosophies and cover illus.
Naoko Philosophy Transformati Theories in Education
Saito on Vol. 1
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-3979-6
Tan Kim
(Eds.) Issues and Moving 2012 210 Hard Book X, 210 p. 35 final $139.00 Education
3979-6 Chwee Challenges in Science Forward cover illus., 21 in
Daniel Education Research color.
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-4094-5
Volante Louis
Mijung School Leadership in International Studies in 2012 235 Hard Book XV, 235 p. appro $139.00 Education
4094-5 Volante
Kim the Context of Perspectives Educational cover x
(Eds.) Standards-Based Leadership Vol. 16
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27968-3
Badescu Viorel Moon Prospective 2012 999 Hard Book Approx. KBL final $279.00 Engineering
27968-3 Badescu Energy and cover 1000 p.
(Ed.) Material
978-1-4471- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2785-7
Benysek Grzegorz Power Theories for Power Systems Vol. 2012 221 Hard Book VII, 221 p. appro $139.00 Engineering
2785-7 Benysek; Improved Power 1 cover 207 illus. x
Marian Quality
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28043-6
Ciofani Gianni
(Eds.) Piezoelectric Engineering Materials 2012 150 Hard Book 150 p. 50 appro $139.00 Engineering
28043-6 Ciofani; Nanomaterials for cover illus., 20 in x
Arianna Biomedical color.
Menciassi Applications
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-2986-5
Deschamps Jean-
(Eds.) Guide to FPGA Lecture Notes in 2012 500 Hard Book VIII, 500 p. appro $129.00 Engineering
2986-5 Pierre Implementation of Electrical Engineering cover 260 illus. x
Descham Arithmetic Functions Vol. 149
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-2385-0
Dolecek Gordana
Gustavo Random Signals and 2011 536 Hard Book XIV, 536 p. appro $129.00 Engineering
2385-0 Jovanovic
Sutter; Processes Primer with cover 317 illus. x
Enrique MATLAB
978-94-007- ! Cantó
Dvorak George Micromechanics of Solid Mechanics and 2012 400 Hard Book 400 p. final $179.00 Engineering
4100-3 Dvorak Composite Materials Its Applications Vol. cover
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Faber Michael Statistics and In Pursuit of Topics in Safety, 2012 230 Hard Book XVIII, 230 p. final $129.00 Engineering
4055-6 Havbro Probability Theory Engineering Risk, Reliability and cover 80 illus.
Faber Decision Quality Vol. 18
978-1-4419- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4419-6189-1
Fernandez- Christine Advanced Color 2012 540 Hard Book Approx. 540 appro $169.00 Engineering
6189-1 Maloigne Fernande Image Processing and cover p. x
z- Analysis
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3271-5
Hasan Syed
(Ed.) Vehicular Disruption 2012 200 Hard Book XV, 200 p. appro $129.00 Engineering
3271-5 Faraz Communications Tolerant cover 72 illus. x
Hasan; Networking
Nazmul with 802.11
Siddique; WLAN page 12 of 24
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978-1-4614- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1504-6
Holambe Raghunat Advances in Non- SpringerBriefs in 2012 102 Softc Book XIII, 102 p. final $49.95 Engineering
1504-6 h S. Linear Modeling for Electrical and over 32 illus.
Holambe; Speech Processing Computer
Mangesh Engineering
978-1-4471- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2716-1
Inderwildi Oliver
S. Energy, Transport, & Addressing 2012 779 Hard Book V, 779 p. KBL appro $279.00 Engineering
2716-1 Inderwildi;
Deshpand the Environment the cover 195 illus., 36 x
e David Sustainable in color.
King Mobility
978-1-4471- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2851-9
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(Eds.) Distributed-Order Stability,
Paradigm SpringerBriefs in 2012 86 Softc Book XII, 86 p. 47 final $39.95 Engineering
2851-9 Jiao; Dynamic Systems Simulation, Electrical and over illus., 37 in
YangQua Applications Computer color.
n Chen; and Engineering
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-3942-0
Kappos Andreas
Igor Seismic Design and Inelastic
Perspectives Geotechnical, 2012 14 Hard Book CCXL, 14 p. final $139.00 Engineering
3942-0 J.
Podlubny Assessment of Methods of Geological and cover 135 illus., 64
Kappos; Bridges Analysis and Earthquake in color.
M. Saiid Case Engineering Vol. 21
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27505-0
Kondo Kazuhiro
Saiidi; M. Subjective Quality Its
Studies Signals and 2012 153 Hard Book XIV, 153 p. final $129.00 Engineering
27505-0 Kondo
Nuray Measurement of Evaluation, Communication cover 170 illus.
Ayd?no? Speech Estimation Technology
lu; and
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Kulshreshtha Manisha Dialect Accent A Case
Applications SpringerBriefs in 2012 89 Hard Book 89 p. 34 final $49.95 Engineering
1137-6 Tatjana
Kulshresh Features for Study Electrical and cover illus.
Isakovic Establishing Speaker
tha; Computer
Ramkuma Identity Engineering
978-1-4471- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2866-3
Langdon Patrick
r Mathur Designing Inclusive Designing 2012 234 Hard Book XIV, 234 p. final $199.00 Engineering
2866-3 Langdon; Systems Inclusion for cover 55 illus.
John Real-world
Clarkson; Applications
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27956-0
Lee Gary
Peter Lee Advances in Selected Advances in 2012 392 Softc Book XII, 392 p. final $259.00 Engineering
27956-0 (Ed.)
Robinson; Computational papers from Intelligent and Soft over 186 illus.,
Jonathan Environment Science 2012 Computing Vol. 142 113 in color.
978-3-642- ! Lazar;Lee Advances in Intelligent International
Lee Gary Selected Advances in 2012 392 Softc Book XII, 392 p. final $399.00 Engineering
Ann Conference
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on from Intelligent and Soft over 182 illus.
Heylighen 2012 Computing Vol. 138
(Eds.) Environment
978-3-642- ! Affective Computing Science
Luo Jia Luo Conference Advances in 2012 980 Softc Book XVI, 980 p. KBL final $399.00 Engineering
27865-5 (Ed.) and Intelligent (ICES Intelligent and Soft over 333 illus.
on Control
Interaction Systems Computing Vol. 137
978-1-4471- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2878-6
Mahmoud Magdi S. Applied Control (ICCS
Melbourne, 2012 578 Hard Book XXII, 578 p. KBL final $229.00 Engineering
2878-6 Mahmoud Systems Design 2012),
15?16 cover 363 illus.,
; March 1-2,
January, 220 in color.
Yuanqing Hong
2012 Kong
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Naser Arab
Xia Intelligent A Modeling- 2012 129 Hard Book X, 129 p. 52 final $129.00 Engineering
2142-9 Naser; Ali Transportation and Based cover illus.
K. Evacuation Planning Approach
978-94-007- ! http://www.springer.com/978-94-007-4067-9
Natal Jorge Renato M. Technologies for Lecture Notes in 2012 300 Hard Book 300 p. 180 final $129.00 Engineering
4067-9 Natal Medical Sciences Computational Vision cover illus.
Jorge; and Biomechanics
João Vol. 1
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27517-3
Nguyen- Hung
Manuel R. Rotordynamics of Linear and 2012 340 Hard Book 340 p. final $139.00 Engineering
27517-3 Schäfer Nguyen-
S. Automotive Nonlinear cover
Tavares; Turbochargers Rotordynami
Marcos cs – Bearing
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27962-1
Ni Yi-Qing Proceedings of the 1st Design
Volume–2 Lecture Notes in 2012 500 Hard Book 500 p. final $179.00 Engineering
27962-1 Pinotti
Ni; Xiao- International Electrical Engineering cover
Barbosa; Rotor
Wei Ye Workshop on High- Balancing Vol. 148
(Eds.) Speed and Intercity
Slade Railways page 13 of 24
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978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27959-1
Ni Yi-Qing Proceedings of the 1st Volume 1 Lecture Notes in 2012 500 Hard Book 500 p. final $179.00 Engineering
27959-1 Ni; Xiao- International Electrical Engineering cover
Wei Ye Workshop on High- Vol. 147
(Eds.) Speed and Intercity
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-2295-2
Onabajo Marvin Analog
Railways Circuit Design 2012 187 Hard Book XI, 187 p. final $129.00 Engineering
2295-2 Onabajo; for Process Variation- cover 125 illus.
Jose Resilient Systems-on-
Silva- a-Chip
978-1-4471- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4471-2818-2
Poler Raúl
Martinez Enterprise Shaping Proceedings of the I- 2012 497 Hard Book XI, 497 p. final $259.00 Engineering
2818-2 Poler; Interoperability V Enterprise ESA Conferences cover 159 illus.,
Guy Interoperabil Vol. 5 116 in color.
Doumeing ity in the
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28084-9
Quiza Ramón
ts; Hybrid Modeling and Combining
Future SpringerBriefs in 2012 103 Softc Book VI, 103 p. 67 final $49.95 Engineering
28084-9 Quiza;
Bernhard Optimization of Artificial
Internet Applied Sciences and over illus.
Katzy; Manufacturing Intelligence Technology
Ricardo and Finite
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27971-3
Resconi Germano
Armas; J. Geometry of Element Studies in 2012 299 Hard Book Approx. 300 final $129.00 Engineering
27971-3 Chalmeta
Resconi Knowledge for Computational cover p.
(Eds.) Method
Davim Intelligent Systems Intelligence Vol. 407
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27466-4
Sanchez Ernesto Industrial Applications Intelligent Systems 2012 114 Hard Book XII, 114 p. final $129.00 Engineering
27466-4 Sanchez; of Evolutionary Reference Library cover 21 illus., 12
Giovanni Algorithms Vol. 34 in color.
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0102-5
Schwaderer David
Alberto Introduction to Open Fastpath to 2012 200 Hard Book 200 p. 75 appro $129.00 Engineering
0102-5 Schwader
Tonda Core Protocol System-on- cover illus. x
er Chip Design
978-1-4614- http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1070-6
Sharma Rohit Compact Models and SpringerBriefs in 2012 73 Softc Book XIII, 73 p. 29 final $49.95 Engineering
1070-6 Sharma; Measurement Electrical and over illus., 6 in
Tapas Techniques for High- Computer color.
Chakravar Speed Interconnects Engineering
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28110-5
Simeonov Plamen
ty L. Integral Biomathics: Results from 2012 460 Hard Book 460 p. appro $179.00 Engineering
28110-5 Simeonov Tracing the Road to the first year cover x
; Leslie S. Reality project
Smith; activities of
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-25840-4
Stein Michael
Andrée C. Information A
INtegral 2012 280 Hard Book VIII, 280 p. final $129.00 Engineering
25840-4 Stein;
Ehresman Ergonomics approach
BIOmathics cover 99 illus., 56
n (Eds.) and practical
Support in color.
Sandl experience
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-3127-5
Sun Jian-Qiao
(Eds.) Global Analysis of in 2012 284 Hard Book X, 284 p. final $129.00 Engineering
3127-5 Sun; Nonlinear Dynamics (INBIOSA), cover 187 illus., 78
funded by
Albert C. n in color.
J. Luo the EU
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-28002-3
Touri Behrouz
(Eds.) Product of Random Future and Springer Theses 2012 142 Hard Book XV, 142 p. final $129.00 Engineering
28002-3 Touri Stochastic Matrices Emerging cover 12 illus.
and Distributed Technologie
Averaging s initiative
978-1-4614- ! http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0283-1
Uchiyama Kunio Heterogeneous 2012 234 Hard Book VI, 234 p. appro $129.00 Engineering
0283-1 Uchiyama Multicore Processor under the cover 200 illus. x
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Arakawa; Embedded Systems 7
978-3-642- ! http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27990-4
Uckelmann Dieter
Hironori Quantifying the Value programme: 2012 190 Hard Book X, 190 p. 25 final $139.00 Engineering
27990-4 Uckelman
Kasahara; of RFID and the selected and cover illus.
Tohru EPCglobal invited
Nojiri; Architecture papers from
978-3-642- http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-27924-9
University of Lakshmi Framework
Migration oninWings Aerodynami SpringerBriefs in 2012 80 Softc Book IV, 80 p. 27 final $49.95 Engineering
Hideyuki the
27924-9 Colorado Kantha Logistics cs and Applied Sciences and over illus.
Noda; iBioMath’20
University Energetics Technology
Yasuhiro 11
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Vasca Francesc Dynamics and Control Advanced Advances in 2012 494 Hard Book XVIII, 494 p. final $179.00 Engineering
2884-7 o Vasca; of Switched Electronic Perspectives Industrial Control cover 239 illus., 59
Luigi Systems for in color.
Iannelli Modeling,
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Xie Anne
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(Ed.) Contamination and Contamination and in color.
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Nemessá the World and Justice Vol. 15
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and Possible Contemporary 3rd ed. 2012 566 Hard Book X, 566 p. KBL final $239.00 Medicine &
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files/update. final $129.00 Philosophy
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Oral; Physics Of Strongly Training Proceedings Vol. over p. x
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Kees de The 4th International 'From Parity AIP Conference 2012 232 Softc Book Approx. 230 appro $143.00 Physics
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Suhonen of Solar Flares 22-26 June cover 284 illus., 81
(Eds.) R. 2009 in color.
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Robert P. Plasmonics From Basics Springer Series in 2012 280 Hard Book 280 p. 200 final $129.00 Physics
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t of the AIP Conference 2012 456 Softc Book Approx. 455 appro $173.00 Physics
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Chang Hasok Is Water H2O? Evidence, Boston Studies in the 2012 340 Hard Book X, 340 p. 29 final $189.00 Science,
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ski (Ed.) Populations and Methods and
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Deniz Confronting Genocide alism Ius Gentium: 2011 374 Softc Book XX, 374 p. appro $69.95 Social
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Akhavan and Justice Vol. 7
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4049-5 Rowland Transformati Perspectives on cover Sciences
on of Aging Vol. 2
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Stallwitz Anke The Role of A Case 2012 380 Hard Book XV, 380 p. 4 final $179.00 Social
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Mindedness in the the Shetland
Self-Regulation of Islands
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Drug Cultures in 2012 160 Hard Book IV, 160 p. 16 final $129.00 Social
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