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Sample of Instructional Objectives for a Lesson

Lesson One - An Introduction to Volleyball

Learning Objectives are strategically prepared statements of desired outcomes with a

specific audience; behaviours and learning conditions applied intended to arrive at deriving

cognition at some level. They are usually constructed from guidelines of a curricular nature for

students of varying levels. These objectives are progressive and builds as conceptual scaffolding

occurs. Over the period of this programme, I have indeed moved through levels of cognition in

better appreciating the need for being specific and thorough in establishing proper learning

objectives for my charges to guide my curricular delivery.


School Vishnu Boys Hindu Subject Physical Education

Teacher Naresh Koonoo Time 9:00 a.m.
Date 12 February 2020 Facility Classroom
Class 2B Nos. in Class 32
Average Age 13 years Nos. of Boys 32
Duration 40 minutes Nos. of Girls 0
Unit Games Training: Volleyball
Lesson Topic An Introduction to Volleyball (History; Basic Rules; How the sport is played
at various levels)
Equipment/ Multimedia materials (laptop, projector, speakers), texts, markers, Bristol
Resources Boards, white board eraser, handouts

Previous Knowledge/ Experiences:

1. Some pupils have seen the game of volleyball played before in school, digital devices or
2. Some students may have also played the sport in school or at club level.
Eshuys, Guest & Lawerence (1987). Fundamentals of health and physical education.
Kitsingh, K. (2012). Physical education and sport for Caribbean CSEC students.
Ministry of Education. (2014). Secondary School Curriculum. Forms: 1-3. Health and
physical education. Trinidad and Tobago; Curriculum Planning and Development Division.
Volleyball Presentation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Concept Statement:
Volleyball is a team sport of six players each, where two teams separated by a net try to reach
the score of twenty-one points first. The ball is kept aerial during play with the maximum of
three touches. Points are scored by grounding the ball on the opposing team court using
specific rules.

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Cognitive 1. Recall basic information on the history of
volleyball. Remember
2. Describe basic rules of the game of volleyball. Understand
3. Describe the three basic touches in the game of Understand
Psychomotor 1. Mimic the actions of the three main touches in
the game of volleyball (no balls used).
Affective 1. Work collaboratively with others and respect
their contributions.

At the end of this unit students will be able to:

1. Trace the history of the game of Volleyball.

2. Apply the rules of the game volleyball in a game situation.

3. Develop the skill in Volleyball (underarm serve, over arm serve, bump pass and set pass).

4. Develop tactics and strategies of competitive play in the game of Volleyball and adapt these
to the strengths and limitations of other players.

5. Understand the need for regular and appropriate practice in an effort to improve technique.

6. Develop leadership qualities and cooperative behaviours through activities.

Objectives Alignment

The alignment of the objectives of the unit to the selected lesson plan are colour coded to

provide a simplified view of the relationship that they share. From the lesson objectives itemised

above, along with the respective classifications of criterial domains highlighted, it can be realised

that there is a distinct and coherent relationships shared when compared to the general objectives

of the unit. The history of the game stated in the general objectives was present in the first

cognitive objectives stated in the elected lesson plan. The initial skills familiarity of the game of

volleyball, that were introduced through the mimic activity in the psychomotor domain and

depicted in the third cognitive objective were also stated within the second general objectives.

The elements of the rules of the game stated as the second cognitive objective of the lesson

actually fulfilled the second and forth component of the unit’s general objectives. Cooperative

behaviours and collaborative engagement found in the general objectives were included in the

affective element of the lesson’s objectives. This indicate substantial credence with the

comparison of the prescribed delivery of the unit’s objectives and it realistic transcendence into

the lesson plan presented. The other unit objectives that were not attended to in this lesson would

definitely be satisfied in subsequent lesson delivery of this unit.

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