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Subject English Language

Form 2 Neptune

Time 9.10 a.m – 10.40 a.m

Type of lesson Textbook

Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness

Topic Shopping

Focus Skill 3.0 Reading

Complementary 3.0 Reading


Content 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading

Standards strategies to construct.
Learning 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
Standard on a range of familiar topics.

3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts on a range of

familiar topics.

Learning At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :

1. Pupils should be able to read about charity shops, carboot sales and
swap shops.
2. Pupils should be able to answer the comprehension question based on
the reading material.
3. Pupils should be able to compare the shopping habit of their country.

Cross Curricular Financial Education


Teaching Handouts
Manilla Card

Coloured Pen


Activities : 1. Teacher enters the class and greet the students.

“Good Morning class!”

“ Have you had your breakfast?”
i. Pre-Lesson 2. Teacher then asks about class attendance to the monitor.
3. Teacher introduces the topic for the day “ Shopping” and write the
ii. Lesson
objectives of the lesson on the board.
4. Teacher then asks where do they usually go shopping.
‘ Where do you usually go shopping?’
iii. Post-Lesson
‘What do you always buy during shopping?’
‘What are the conditions of the items that you buy?’


1. Teacher shows a video “ Second-hand Shopping”
2. Teacher then asks the students about the video.
‘Do you know the meaning of ‘second-hand’.
3. Teacher appreciates students answer and teacher then explains the
meaning of ‘second-hand’.
Second hand in this context means that the goods have had a
previous owner’.
4. Teacher then proceeds to ask more questions about the video.
a. ‘What’s the difference between the video from normal
b. ‘ Do you have any experiences buying second-hands things?’

3. Teacher further explains and introduces today’s topic.

‘ Today’s topic is shopping, but not the brand new item. We will
learn and read about Second-Hand Shopping’

1.Teacher then distribute handouts containing reading material and
comprehension questions.
2. Since there are 3 groups in the class, the teacher asks each group to
read each sections of the article. Teacher then assigns each segment
for each group.
‘There’s a text about second-hand shopping. Teacher will be reading
the top part and i want each group to read one section each.’
3. Teacher discusses the vocabulary, teacher asks the students to try to
guess the meaning through contextual clues.

‘Do you know the meaning of these words ?

I. Charity
II. Poverty
III. Good quality

4. After the students try to guess the meaning only then the teacher gives
the meaning.
5. Teacher then proceed to ask regarding the text.
a. Before we go futher into the text, do you have any problems
understanding the text?
b. Do you have any experience shopping at the charity shops?’
c. ‘Do you know what is car boot sales? Have you been to one?’
d. ‘ I’m pretty sure this is new for all of us, but do you know what is
swap shop’
e. Can you identity the difference of second-hand shops in
Malaysia and United Kingdom

6. After reading the text and go through the vocabs, teacher asks the
students to answer the comprehension questions in 5 minutes.

7. Teacher will then walks around the class and helps the students that
need extra attention.
8.Together in class, teacher will discuss the answers for the
comprehension questions.

1. The teacher asks the students to sit in 3 groups.
2. Teacher then gives them a piece of manilla card for each group.
3. The manilla cards contain intruction for the group.
a. Advantages of second-shopping.
b. Disadvantages of swapping clothes.
c. Benefits of buying from charity shops.
4. In 5 minutes the students have to complete the task.
5. After completing the task, representative of the each groups have to
present in front of the class.

Post Lesson

1. Teacher will ask the students whether they enjoy the activities.
2. Teacher recap the cultural dfferences between United Kingdom &

Differentiation 1. Differentiate by the time pupils are given to complete a task.

2. Differentiate by the type and amount of support provided.

Teacher’s Attendance

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