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Guide to applying for

Australian flight crew

qualification based on the
recognition of
New Zealand flight crew
under the
Trans Tasman Mutual
Recognition Act 1997

Nov 2008


CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 2
BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................... 3
PURPOSE OF THIS PACKAGE.................................................................................................... 3
THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE YOU APPLY ............................................................... 3
An Overview of the Registration Process .................................................................................................. 3
Important note about background security checks. ................................................................................... 4
Duration of Registration.............................................................................................................................. 4
Right of Review .......................................................................................................................................... 4
How do the new language proficiency standards affect TTMRA applicants.............................................. 5
What qualifications are recognised under the TTMRA .............................................................................. 5
Prerequisites for Registration..................................................................................................................... 6

THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ONCE YOUR LICENCE IS ISSUED .......................................... 7

Your Responsibilities.................................................................................................................................. 7
Flight Reviews and Recency...................................................................................................................... 7

HOW TO APPLY .......................................................................................................................... 8

CHECKLIST ........................................................................................................................ 10
NEED MORE INFORMATION? ................................................................................................... 10
CONVERSION CHART .................................................................................. 11
Attachment 2 SAMPLE STATUTORY DECLARATION........................................................ 13


The Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (TTMRA) is an agreement made

between the governments of New Zealand and Australia which provides for the recognition
of each others occupations, products and services.

TTMRA allows for the mutual recognition of civil aviation professional qualifications by
CASA and the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority.


This document explains how a person holding a New Zealand flight crew qualification may
be issued the equivalent Australian qualification under TTMRA.

Australian flight crew licence holders who seek similar recognition in New Zealand should
contact the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority.

Civil Aviation Authority New Zealand

PO Box 31441
Lower Hutt
New Zealand


An Overview of the Registration Process

A person holding a New Zealand Commercial Pilot Licence or Airline Transport Pilot
Licence is entitled, under TTMRA, to use their licence in Australia operating Australian
aircraft once they have completed the registration process.

The registration process is only complete when a fully complete and correct application is
submitted to CASA and the documentation satisfies the registration requirements.

Applications should be submitted to

GPO Box 2005

Registration is a precursor to the process for having the equivalent Australian

qualifications issued.

Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant, registration will not have occurred
and the pilot would not be entitled to use their New Zealand licence in Australia.

Important note about background security checks.

An Australian flight crew licence may be issued under the TTMRA without a security check
being completed. However, the holder of that licence will only be able to use the
Australian licence once a security check application has been received by CASA. If the
licence holder needs to access a security controlled airport, they will have to hold a current
ASIC. A person who obtains a flight crew licence under the TTMRA and subsequently
fails the security check may have their licence suspended or cancelled. More information
on security checks can be found on CASA’s website.

An application for a licence under the TTMRA must include a Commonwealth of

Australia Statutory Declaration form (SD form), which must be signed by an appropriate
person – see below.

The Statutory Declarations Regulations 1993 provides a list of persons (on the back of a
Statutory Declaration form) before whom a declaration can be made. The persons listed
are persons holding Australian qualifications or occupations. For example, a reference to
a legal practitioner is a reference to a legal practitioner registered as such in Australia.
Therefore, a person making a statutory declaration in New Zealand must make it before a
Commonwealth of Australia officer or Australian Consular Officer if they cannot find a
person otherwise listed (on the back of the form) who has an Australian occupation or

Duration of Registration

CASA has one month from the date the registration application is received by CASA.
Should CASA decide to postpone or refuse to grant full registration, it must do so within
that month and in writing.

Australian licences issued under the TTMRA remain valid unless one or more of the
following events occur:

1. If the person's New Zealand licence:

(a) is cancelled or suspended; or
(b) is subject to a condition on disciplinary grounds, or as a result of or in
anticipation of criminal, civil or disciplinary proceedings,
then the person's Australian licence is affected in the same way.

2. However, CASA may reinstate any cancelled or suspended licence or waive

any such condition if it thinks is appropriate in the circumstances.

(NB. If a licence is automatically suspended or cancelled due to the above-mentioned

reasons, by virtue of the TTMRA, it is not reviewable by the AAT.)

3. The licence is cancelled at the holder’s request; or

4. CASA suspends or cancels the Australian licence under Australian law.

Right of Review

If CASA gives a written notice refusing registration, limiting registration, suspending or

cancelling a licence issued under the TTMRA, a New Zealand licence holder may refer the
matter to the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) for a review of the decision.

Details of the AAT system are set out in the Administrative Appeals Act 1975. The
addresses and telephone numbers of regional AAT hearing centres may be found in local
telephone directories or at their website

The AAT may order a party in proceedings before it to pay costs if the party has acted
unreasonably. The application fee for a review of a decision by the AAT is $682 (as at 1st
August 2008) but is subject to change. The current fee can be seen here any time: AAT

How do the new language proficiency standards affect TTMRA applicants

CASA implemented the International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO's) language

proficiency standards on 5 March 2008 for all licence holders.

CASA recognises language proficiency assessments in the same way that other flight
crew qualifications are recognised as long as the issuing State is fully compliant with ICAO

An ICAO compliant language assessment included on your New Zealand licence would be
recognised by CASA and entered on your Australian equivalent licence.

You will need to have been assessed to at least a level four English language proficiency
to be issued a licence under TTMRA. More information on how to obtain an English
language proficiency assessment in Australia can be found on CASA’s website.

Applications received by CASA from applicants who have not completed a language
proficiency assessment and have not satisfied at least level 4 proficiency cannot be
processed and will be returned to the applicant.

What qualifications are recognised under the TTMRA

Professional flight crew licences (ie. commercial pilot, air transport pilot and flight engineer
licences), including the ratings and endorsements on those licences are recognised under
the TTMRA.

Private Pilot Licences (PPL) are not recognised under the TTMRA.

Operational Approvals

Approvals for aviation activities such as glider towing, formation, aerobatics are not
deemed to be professional qualifications and therefore cannot be considered under the

CAA NZ Examinations

Theory examination credits obtained in New Zealand without the equivalent flight crew
qualification being issued are not transferable under any circumstances (ie. NZ exam
credits are not recognised in isolation). That means, person who has a New Zealand PPL
and the CPL examination credits would not be entitled to registration.

Instrument and Flight Instructor Ratings

Current instrument ratings and flight instructor ratings (except for Cat D & E ratings) may
be automatically transferred and the equivalent Australian ratings issued.

Once registered, to continue exercising the rating privileges in Australia, you must
maintain a current Australian rating. Renewing your New Zealand rating does not renew
your Australian rating and once you have been issued a rating under the TTMRA, you are
not eligible to be issued a renewal of that rating on the basis of a renewed New Zealand

Night VFR Ratings

The Australian Night VFR rating requires the holder to have been tested as competent to
navigate visually at night and by reference to radio navigation aids. Night privileges on a
NZ CPL are not equivalent to the NVFR rating.

CPL holders with night privileges will be issued with a NVFR rating limited to operations in
the circuit area.

Pilots wishing to extend these privileges will have to meet all the requirements (including a
flight test) for the issue of a NVFR rating as specified in CAO 40.2.2 – Appendix 1,
paragraph 1

Agricultural Ratings

Current agricultural ratings may be accepted under TTMRA and the equivalent grade of
Australian issued. The holder of a Grade 2 rating may be awarded an Australian Grade 2
rating if he or she also holds a NZ CPL.

For operations other than top dressing, the applicant must also obtain a Chemical rating
issued by the Department of Agriculture or the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) in
the Australian States or Territory in which they intend to operate.

Aircraft Type Ratings (Aircraft Endorsements)

Under the terms of the TTMRA, aircraft type ratings (called ‘endorsements’ in Australia)
may be transferred provided the equivalent aircraft endorsement exists within the CAO
40.1.0 and CAO 40.3.0

Prerequisites for Registration

Qualifications presented for recognition under TTMRA must be current at the time of
application (eg. within the last 12 months prior to application for instructor and instrument
ratings). A full certified copy of the renewal flight test stamped in the pilot’s logbook
showing date of test, navaids tested, s/e, m/e, or C Cat, B Cat FIRs, etc, etc.) must be
presented when requesting an equivalent issue.

Aeronautical Experience

Applicants are not required to satisfy any Australian aeronautical experience requirements
if applying for an Australian licence and/or rating under the TTMRA.

Medical Certificate

Pursuant to CAR 5.04 you may use a current Class 1 CAANZ medical certificate to
validate an Australian professional pilot's licence until the certificate expires. The use of
your CAANZ aviation medical certificate in this way is restricted to Australian airspace
only. Your CAANZ medical certificate must be carried with your Australian pilot's licence
whenever exercising the privileges of that licence.
All conditions imposed upon your CAANZ medical certificate must be observed whilst
using the Australian pilot's licence. Where these are contained in a letter issued by
CAANZ, that letter must also be carried with you when you exercise the privileges of your
Australian pilot's licence.

Note you may only use the CAANZ medical certificate you held when you obtained
your Australian licence under the TTMRA until it expires. After that, you must
obtain an Australian medical certificate if you want to keep flying using your
Australian licence.


Your Responsibilities

Once the registration process has been successfully completed, you may only exercise the
privileges of your qualifications according to Australian aviation rules and regulations. New
Zealand rules do not apply to any flying activity in Australian registered aircraft.

Due to the differences in flying conditions between Australia and New Zealand, it is
therefore strongly recommended that you obtain a comprehensive briefing on local
Australian procedures before commencing flying activities, and that you familiarise yourself
with the licence/rating privileges within the Australian regulatory framework. When
exercising the privileges of your flight crew licence in Australian registered aircraft, you
should always quote your Australian aviation reference number or ARN (ie. the six digit
number that also forms your licence number).

Flight Reviews and Recency

To exercise the privileges of your Australian flight crew licence, you must complete a flight
review every two years for that category of aircraft (ie. aeroplane, helicopter etc.) with an
appropriate person.

Once registered, to continue flying in Australia, you must maintain a current Australian
flight review.

Recency requirements also apply to passenger carrying privileges and to the use of flight
crew ratings.


Use the conversion chart at the back of this package (‘New Zealand/Australian Flight Crew
Licence Conversion Chart’) to determine which CASA qualifications you would be eligible
for based on your current New Zealand qualifications.

Complete the application form (TTMRA Application Form) and attach certified true copies
of your New Zealand licence, medical certificate and any other qualifications you hold and
want to have recognised.

Please only send relevant documents and do not send copies of pages from your logbooks
which are not relevant to the issue of a CASA licence. Only those pages (in the logbook)
that reflect your last renewal for a particular NZ rating and/or aircraft endorsement in the
'Type Rating Certificate' page should be copied, and included with the statutory declaration
and application form.

Photocopy BOTH sides (front & back) of the NZ licence and medical certificate – make
sure the copy is clear and legible.

You will note that the registration process requires you to give consent for CASA to seek
additional information, if necessary, relating to your NZ qualifications, from the CAANZ.
This access will be under strict and secure conditions controlled by the CAANZ and will
meet all of the requirements of the Australian Privacy Act.

Attach an Australian Commonwealth Statutory Declaration Form (a statutory declaration

form is provided here: Stat Dec form

As the TTMRA represents Commonwealth law, Commonwealth statutory declaration forms

must be used. State or territory statutory declaration forms will not be accepted.
Commonwealth forms may be available at Australian newsagents, Australia Post Offices,
police stations in Australia, or Australian consulates or embassies outside of Australia.
Otherwise Statutory Declaration (SD) forms maybe accessed from the internet provided

Note. If outside Australia, do not travel to or visit an Australian High Commission

or Consulate-General office unless you have the required SD form filled out as per
the sample attachment. Diplomatic staff will not sign SD forms unless all of the form
is correctly filled in. Do not ask the same staff to offer you guidance and/or advice
as to how to fill in a SD form, or any other TTMRA form as this is not their role (their
function is to simply sight the original document/s in order to certify copies and
sign the SD form only). If you have a TTMRA query, you may contact CASA at:

These agencies may incur a charge for the above service (please check with them
for details)

Persons who can certify documents within Australia are listed on the reverse side of the
statutory declaration form. Within New Zealand, only those people who are registered and
licensed to practice their profession (or trade) in Australia can sign a SD form. Australian
Defence Officers on exchange with the NZ Armed Forces are able to sign SD forms.
Alternatively, appropriate staff at the Australian Consulate-General or Australian High
Commission offices are approved and authorised to notarise documents. Enquiries can be
directed to:

Australian Consulate-General Australian High Commission

Level 7 72- 76 Hobson Street
PriceWaterHouseCoopers Thorndon
186-194 Quay Street NEW ZEALAND
Tel: +4 4736411
Auckland Fax: +4 4987135
New Zealand Hours Mon-Fri: 0830-1651

Tel: +64 9 9218800

Fax: +64 9 9218820
Hours Mon-Fri: 0830-1651

Complete all items on the Checklist (below) otherwise your application will NOT be
accepted and your registration will not be complete.

Submit the application to:

GPO Box 2005
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

Include with the application, payment of the appropriate fee(s):

Commercial Pilot Licence $AUD160 (includes all ratings and endorsements)

Air Transport Pilot Licence $AUD180 (includes all ratings and endorsements)

Flight Engineer Licence $AUD180

Rating/Endorsement $AUD130 (If not accompanied by Licence application)

Payment can be by cheque, credit card (Visa and MasterCard) or money order. CASA
bears no responsibility for cash sent through the mail.


Check the following before you submit your TTMRA application to CASA:

9 the TTMRA application form is filled out in full and signed;

9 You have filled out an ARN form and attached the required certified proof of ID
outlined on the form;
9 Included an Australian Commonwealth Statutory Declaration Form signed by an
appropriate person;
9 Evidence of holding a current (level 4, 5 or 6) English Language Proficiency
9 Certified true copies of your NZ flight crew licence, medical certificate and log
book entries to support qualifications requested are attached – check that these
qualifications are current; and
9 Correct fees are paid.
9 If you want to use your licence as soon as it is issued, you should include a fully
completed application Form 639 for the security check – decide whether you
require an ASIC or AVID according to the information on CASA’s website;

You are advised to apply for a security check and for an ASIC or AVID along with
your TTMRA application as you will not be able to use your licence without the
Security clearances are usually completed within 28 days. If you fail a security
check, the licence may be suspended or cancelled.


Further enquiries can be directed to:


LICENCES (Note: does not include military)

Private Pilot Licence Not eligible
Commercial Pilot Licence Commercial Pilot Licence
(Aeroplane/Helicopter/Balloon/Gyrocopter (Aeroplane/Helicopter/Balloon/Gyrocopter
Airline Transport Pilot Licence Air Transport Pilot Licence
(Aeroplane/Helicopter) (Aeroplane/Helicopter)
Cadet Flight Engineer Licence Student Flight Engineer Licence (provided
applicant has passed the Australian basic flight
engineer theory examination)
Flight Engineer Licence Flight Engineer Licence
Flight Radiotelephone Operator Rating Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence
NB. All glider-flying activities function under the auspices of the Gliding Federation of Australia.

Any equivalent aircraft that appears as either a
Aircraft Type Ratings type or class endorsement listed in Australian CAO
40.1.0, 40.3.0, 40.7 and 43.1 Appendices
NB. Applicants who hold a Commercial Pilot (Helicopter) Licence are entitled to a Sling Load All Helicopters
without showing the required logbook evidence. This endorsement is part of NZ CP(H)L training

Instructor Ratings (Aeroplanes)

Flight Instructor Rating - Category A Grade 1

Flight Instructor Rating - Category B Grade 2
Flight Instructor Rating - Category C Grade 3
Flight Instructor Rating - Category D No Australian equivalent
Flight Instructor Rating - Category E No Australian equivalent *

Instructor Ratings (Helicopters)

Flight Instructor Rating - Category A Grade 1

Flight Instructor Rating - Category B Grade 2
Flight Instructor Rating - Category C Grade 2
Flight Instructor Rating - Category D No Australian equivalent
Flight Instructor Rating - Category E No Australian equivalent *

Instrument Ratings (Aeroplanes/Helicopters)

Meets the requirements for single pilot instrument Command Instrument Rating (single/multi-engine)
(single engine/multi-engine)
Not valid for single pilot instrument flight (single Command (single/multi-engine) approved for multi-
engine/multi-engine) crew operations only. (entered as a restriction on the
NB: All instrument ratings issued in Australia must be endorsed on either NDB or VOR navigation aid. The
same applies to a NZ IR. A LLZ can be issued when endorsed on ILS.
Agricultural Rating (Aeroplanes/Helicopters)
Agricultural Rating - Grade 1 *Agricultural Rating - Grade 1
(requires CPL)
Agricultural Rating - Grade 2 *Agricultural Rating - Grade 2
(requires PPL min.+ CPL flight time experience) (provided applicant holds a current NZ CPL)
NB: For operations other than superphosphate, a Chemical Rating issued by the Department of Agriculture or
the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) must be obtained in the Australian state from which they intend
to operate.

Night VFR (Aeroplanes/Helicopters)

Logbook evidence that the pilot has successfully
met the requirements for commercial pilot privileges
by night in accordance with NZ CAR 61.205(b), AC Night VFR Rating (Aeroplane/Helicopter)
61-1.5 Subpart E, Appendix I and has Restriction on the NZ licence to circuit area operations.
demonstrated competence in night flying

Miscellaneous Activities
Gliding, hang gliding, power gliding, paragliding, Not eligible under TTMRA. Administered by industry
microlight (known as ultralight in Aus) and private sporting aviation associations
balloon flying

Other Miscellaneous Ratings/Approvals

No cross-recognition available - hours accrued in NZ may be accredited towards the issue of a particular
rating/approval subject to meeting the aeronautical experience requirements as set out in CARs/CAOs, the
relevant theory examination (if applicable) and the successful completion of a flight test.

Industry Contacts
Gliders Gliding Federation of Australia (GFA)
Building 130
Wirraway Road
Essendon Airport Vic 3041
Tel: (03) 9379 7411 Fax: (03) 9379 5519
Hang gliders, power gliders, paragliders Hang Gliding Federation of Australia (HGFA)
Building 130, Wirraway Rd
Essendon Airport
Vic 3041
Tel: (03) 9379 2155 Fax: (03) 9379 2177
Recreational Aviation Australia
Unit 3/ 1 Pirie St
Fyshwick ACT 2609
Tel: (02) 6280 4700 Fax: (02) 6280 4775

Balloon (private) Australian Ballooning Federation (ABF)

PO Box 402
Vic 3782
Tel: (03) 5968 6533 Fax: (03) 5968 6599
Gyroplanes and Gyrocopters Australian Sport Rotocraft Association
PO Box 666
NSW 2264
Tel: (02) 4973 4845 Fax: (02) 4973 5273




(1) Here insert name,
address and occupation
of person making the
I, (1)

(2) Here insert matter do solemnly and sincerely declare (2)

declared to. Where the
matter is long, add the
words ‘as follows:’ and that the statements and information in my application/letter dated dd/mm/yyyy are
then set the matter out in true and correct and the copies annexed to the application are complete and
numbered paragraphs.
accurate. These annexures are as follows:

a) attached and marked with the letter “A” is a complete and accurate copy
of my Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) No. 54321 issued to me on
15 April 1996 by the CAANZ;
b) attached and marked with the letter “B” is a complete and accurate copy
of my CAANZ Class 1 Medical Certificate;
c) attached and marked with the letter “C” is a complete and accurate true
copy of a page from my New Zealand Pilot Log Book showing proof of a
current CAANZ command multi-engine instrument rating (log book
entry); and
d) attached and marked with the letter “D” are complete and accurate true
copies of a total number of x pages from my New Zealand Pilot Log
Book showing proof of my aircraft type endorsements as issued by the

Note: All attached documents that are submitted with the applicant’s application
should be clearly identified and listed on the statutory declaration form.

Statutory declaration forms may be obtained from a lawyer, barrister or

solicitors office, local courthouse, an Australian newsagent or the Australian
Government Publishing Service.

I make this solemn declaration by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 as
amended and subject to the penalties provided by that Act for the making of false
statements in statutory declarations, conscientiously believing the statements contained
in this declaration to be true in every particular.
(3) Signature of person
making the declaration.
(3) ……………………………………
Declared at …………………………..

on …………………………….19 ,

before me,
(4) Signature of person
before whom the
declaration is made. (4) ……………………………………
(5) Here insert printed
(5) …………………………………..
name, qualification and
address of person before …………………………………….
whom the declaration is
made. Note 1 - A person who wilfully makes a false statement in a statutory declaration
under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 as amended is guilty of an offence
against that Act, the punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of four
Please note that Statutory Declarations made outside of Australia may be made before an Australian
Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Australian “Consular Fees
Act 1985)”

Statutory declarations under the Statutory Declaration Act 1959 as amended, may be made in Australia
before any of the following prescribed people:-

Part 1 - Member of Certain Professions

Chiropractor Optometrist
Dentist Physiotherapist
Legal practitioner Psychologist
Medical practitioner Pharmacist
Nurse Trade marks attorney
Patent attorney Veterinary surgeon

Part 2 - Other Persons

• Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public
• Bailiff
• Bank officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
• Building society officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
• Chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court
• Civil marriage celebrant
• Clerk of a court
• Commissioner for Affidavits
• Commissioner for Declarations
• Credit union officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
• Fellow of the National Tax Accountants Association
• Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
• Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this Part
• Judge of a court
• Justice of the Peace
• Magistrate
• Master of a court
• Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants
• Member of the Australian Defence Force who is:
(a) an officer; or
(b) a non-commissioned officer within the meaning of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 5 or more years of
continuous service; or
(c) warrant officer within the meaning of that Act.
• Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants or the
National Institute of Accountants
• Member of the Institute of Corporate Managers, Secretaries and Administrators
• Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, other than at the grade of student
• Member of:
(d) the Parliament of the Commonwealth; or
(e) the Parliament of a State or Territory legislature or
(f) a local government authority of a State or Territory
• Minister of religion registered under Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961
• Notary public
• Permanent employee of:
(g) the Commonwealth or of a Commonwealth authority; or
(h) a State or Territory or of a State or Territory authority; or
(i) a local government authority with 5 or more years of continuous service who is not specified in another item in this Part
• Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office
supplying postal services to the public
• Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is made
• Police Officer
• Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court
• Senior Executive Service officer of the Commonwealth, or of a State or Territory, or of a Commonwealth, State or Territory authority
• Sheriff
• Sheriff’s officer
• Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution

NB: A Statutory Declaration may be made outside of Australia before any of the prescribed people listed in
Part 1 or Part 2 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 as amended who are authorised to practise under a
law in force in a State or Territory of Australia.


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