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4/20/2014 Assignment Results

QM2241 Lind15e: QM2241 Sp14 Hai Dang Trinh

Chapter 10/11 Connect Homework instructions | help

Score: 0 out of 23 points (0%)

7. 0 out of
3.00 points
The amount of water consumed each day by a healthy adult follows a normal distribution with a mean of
1.22 liters. A sample of 10 adults after the campaign shows the following consumption in liters:

1.44 1.80 1.20 1.32 1.44 1.32 1.90 1.64 1.32 1.60

At the .05 significance level, can we conclude that water consumption has increased? Calculate and
interpret the p-value.

State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)

H0: μ ≤ n/r
H1: μ > n/r

(b) State the decision rule for .05 significance level. (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.)

Reject H0 if t > n/r

(c) Compute the value of the test statistic. (Round the value of standard deviation and final answer to
3 decimal places.)

Value of the test statistic n/r

(d) At the .05 level, can we conclude that water consumption has increased?

n/r H0. and conclude that water consumption has n/r .

(e) Estimate the p-value.

p-value n/r

rev: 04_17_2012

eBook Link

Learning Objective: 10-07 Compute and

Worksheet Difficulty: Medium
interpret a p-value.

The amount of water consumed each day by a healthy adult follows a normal distribution with a mean of
1.22 liters. A sample of 10 adults after the campaign shows the following consumption in liters:

1.44 1.80 1.20 1.32 1.44 1.32 1.90 1.64 1.32 1.60

At the .05 significance level, can we conclude that water consumption has increased? Calculate and
interpret the p-value.

State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)

H0: μ ≤ 1.22
H1: μ > 1.22

(b) State the decision rule for .05 significance level. (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.)

Reject H0 if t > 1.833 1/2
4/20/2014 Assignment Results

(c) Compute the value of the test statistic. (Round the value of standard deviation and final answer to
3 decimal places.)

3.839 ± 0.001
Value of the test statistic

(d) At the .05 level, can we conclude that water consumption has increased?

Reject H0. and conclude that water consumption has increased.

(e) Estimate the p-value.

p-value between 0.005 and 0.0005

rev: 04_17_2012



Reject Ho and conclude that the drug has increased the amount of urine.

The p-value is between .005 and .0005.

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