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Direction: Select the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following does NOT define sociology?

a. It is the study of human social life, groups and societies.
b. It is the study of individuals in groups and social formations in a systematic
c. It is the study of human values, relationships, beliefs and society.
d. It deals with human culture as well as the physical and social characteristics that
create that culture.

Answer: d. It deals with human culture as well as the physical and social
characteristics that create that culture.

2. According to C. Wright Mills, at the heart of sociology is a distinctive point of view

known as _______.
a. sociological perspective
b. sociological imagination
c. social integration
d. symbolic thought

Answer: a. sociological perspective

3. Which of the following best shows the concept of sociological imagination?

a. Mike believed that he failed his midterm exam because he did not study
b. Alan thought he did not get his dream job for not having the right skills.
c. George realized that the mass layoff in his company is due to recession.
d. Ana hated herself after her long-term boyfriend broke up with her.

Answer: c. George realized that the mass layoff in his company is due to recession.

4. Who is the father of Sociology?

a. Auguste Comte
b. Emile Durkheim
c. Max Weber
d. Karl Max

Answer: a. Auguste Comte

5. Which of the following sociologists wrote The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of

Capitalism which deals with the relationship between the ethics of ascetic
Protestantism and the emergence of the spirit of modern capitalism?
a. Herbert Spencer
b. Max Weber
c. Harriet Martineau
d. Pierre Bourdieu

Answer: b. Max Weber

6. Which of the following does NOT belong to the three major sociological
a. Conflict Theory
b. Social Integration
c. Symbolic Interactionism
d. Functionalism

Answer: b. Social Integration

7. It is a sociological research design that deals with the study of individuals of
different ages who have the same trait or characteristic of interest at a single time.
a. Applied research
b. Cross-sequential
c. Longitudinal
d. Cross-sectional

Answer: d. Cross-sectional

8. Which of the following does NOT describe Symbolic Interactionism Approach?

a. All interactions involve an exchange of symbols.
b. We look for clues on how to behave and how to interpret others' behavior.
c. People see daily activities as a reflection of larger social issues.
d. People assign meanings to each other's words and actions.

Answer: c. People see daily activities as a reflection of larger social issues.

9. _______ is a method of socioeconomic analysis that puts more emphasis on

conflict, class divisions, power, and ideology.
a. Conflict Perspective
b. Marxism
c. Functionalism
d. Postmodernism

Answer: b. Marxism

10. Which of the following best describe culture?

a. It is the languages, customs, beliefs, rules, arts, knowledge, and collective
identities and memories developed by members of all social groups that make
their social environments meaningful.
b. It refers to a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with
symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past.
c. It is a cultural idea that describes a regular, patterned way of behaving that is
considered characteristic of life in a social system.
d. It refers to social expectations that guide behavior and explains why people do
what they do in given situations.

Answer: a. It is the languages, customs, beliefs, rules, arts, knowledge, and collective
identities and memories developed by members of all social groups that make
their social environments meaningful.

11. Which of the following is NOT an example of material culture?

a. Architecture
b. Photographs
c. Garden
d. Gay lingo
Answer: d. Gay lingo

12. Cannibalism results in extreme disgust in a modern society and is an example of

a. Law
b. Mores
c. Taboo
d. Folkway

Answer: c. Taboo

13. Which of the following is NOT a common example of a folkway practice?

a. Waiting in line
b. Marriage before living in together
c. Raising one's hand to take turns speaking in a group
d. Brushing teeth regularly

Answer: b. Marriage before living in together

14. When one violates a law, which of the following shall impose a sanction?
a. Society
b. Religious organization where he belongs
c. Government
d. Family

Answer: c. Government

15. Ana was quite helpless at the time of birth. She was taught to eat, drink, speak,
and walk and to perform all overt actions by all the people around her. This is one
characteristic of a culture that proves:
a. Culture is social.
b. Culture is adaptive.
c. Culture is communicative.
d. Culture is acquired.
Answer: d. Culture is acquired.

16. Which of the following does NOT depict Filipino xenocentrism?

a. Marge asked her OFW brother for an imported pair of shoes.
b. Jess toured his foreign friends to the beautiful spots in the country.
c. Clarisse bought a bathing soap to achieve fairer and whiter skin.
d. Angela’s Spotify playlist includes songs of Korean groups.

Answer: b. Jess toured his foreign friends to the beautiful spots in the country.

17. Some international aid agencies introduced modern technological agricultural

methods and plant species from developed countries while overlooking
indigenous varieties and agricultural approaches that are better suited to the
particular region. This is an example of _______.
a. Cultural lag
b. Cultural Imperialism
c. Cultural Relativism
d. Cultural Change

Answer: b. Cultural Imperialism

18. Symbols—such as gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words—help people

understand the world. Which of the following is not an example of symbol?
a. Trophies
b. Company logo
c. Sports uniform
d. Language

Answer: d. Language

19. Which law makes the Filipino citizens responsible for the preservation of the
natural, historical and cultural heritage and indigenous traditions?
a. Republic Act 7356
b. Republic Act 6736
c. Republic Act 5673
d. Republic Act 6574
Answer: a. Republic Act 7356

20. All of the following are elements of the Filipino culture EXCEPT:

a. The material or natural resources they have
b. All development and innovation they made
c. Their norms or ways of doing, which includes those described by the
d. The ideals, beliefs and attitudes of the people as a national community

Answer: b. All development and innovation they made

21. The bride should never try on her wedding dress before the ceremony. This is an
example of _______.
a. legends
b. myths
c. superstition
d. proverb

Answer: c. superstition

22. The spirit-summoner is a Philippine mythical creature most commonly known as

a. Bakunawa
b. Tikbalang
c. Santelmo
d. Mambabarang

Answer: d. Mambabarang

23. Which of the following is an example of Filipino saying.

a. His hand is heavy.
b. A broom is sturdy because its strands are tightly bound.
c. New king, new character.
d. A thief hates a fellow thief.

Answer: a. His hand is heavy.

24. Eurocentrism in sociology is defined as the assessment and evaluation of
European and other societies from a decidedly European point of view. Which of
the following Filipino heroes is among the first to critique Eurocentric
a. Jose Rizal
b. Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo
c. Marcelo H. del Pilar
d. Valentin Ventura

Answer: a. Jose Rizal

25. Which of the following does NOT describe asiacentricity?

a. It is an assertion of Asians as subjects and agents
b. It is the placement of Asian cultural values ad ideals at the center of inquiry into
Asian thought and action.
c. It refers to the insignificance of the collective interests of Asia and Asians in the
process of knowledge production about Asia.
d. It deals with the Asian contextual orientation to data.

Answer: c. It refers to the insignificance of the collective interests of Asia and Asians in the
process of knowledge production about Asia.

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