Winter Term Reflection

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There are many ways Noah was successful during the winter term.

When there were

writing assignments, he put in extra effort. In the last journal entry, he had trouble, and he came

up to me at dinner to ask for help. There was also the “Set Your Heart at Rest” monologue,

where Noah recited a passage from the play from memory with very few prompts. He attempted

every homework assignment. Also, Noah put time and energy in preparing for his two small

group performances, so he got good grades. For independent reading, Noah read Lifeboat 12 by

Susan Hood. That went well. He read extra almost every time I assigned independent reading.

Noah also had his struggles. When he was given a paraphrasing quiz and a vocabulary quiz, he

had a difficult time. It was not his best work. He hopes to improve his understanding of how

characters develop during the next term.

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