Noah Grinberg - Speed Vs Slope Lab

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Name: Noah Grinberg

Period: 3

Purpose: Measure the speed of a ball on different slopes and test the relationship between speed
and force.

Background Information: Define speed and slope and give formula for each.

Hypothesis: As slope increases, the speed of the ball will rise .

Materials: List all materials used.

metal rod
meter stick
ring stand

Methods: Detailed description of lab procedure in paragraph format.

We took a metal rod and attached it to an adjustable ring stand. Then, we rolled a marble down it
using a stopwatch to track our time. We repeated this process with four different slopes. Next, we
divided the time by the three meters of metal to get our speed. Lastly, we adjusted our cup to try and
get the marble in it.
Height Distance Time (sec) Speed Percent of Slope
(m) (m) (m/s) (Height /Distance) X 100
0.4 3 3.35 0.89 13.3%
0.3 3 3.48 0.86 10%
0.2 3 5.4 0.56 6.6%
0.1 3 5.8 0.52 3.3%


1. What force accelerates the marble and how quickly would it accelerate in free-fall?
10m/s. Gravity accelerates the marble.

2. If the marble fell for 8.2 seconds, how far would it travel? (assume no air

3. What possible sources of error were there in this experiment?

starting the stopwatch too early or too late.
Measuring the slope wrong.
calculating the distance wrong.

4. Rate yourself (not group) on a 1 to 10 scale for the following:

a. Participation during lab 7
b. Focus and attention to details 5
c. Effort on lab report 10

5. For the 0.4 height, what was the starting speed? What was the final speed? What
the acceleration?

A = (fs-is)/t

The final speed is 1.8 m/s. the starting speed is 0 m/s. The acceleration is 0.543 m/s

6. Create a line graph of speed vs. slope. (Speed on the y-axis and slope on the x-

Conclusion: State your results compared to your hypothesis.

My hypothesis was correct. The speed was faster when the slope was steeper.

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