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Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah 4 (1): 17-25 (2019)

DOI: 10.24042/tadris.v4i1.3060

Using Guided Inquiry Learning with Tracker Application to Improve

Students’ Graph Interpretation Ability

Yuni Sartika*, Ismu Wahyudi, Abdurrahman

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

______________ Abstract: The graph interpretation ability is an important ability for

Article History: students in conducting physics experiments. The tracker application
Received: October 10th, 2018 in straight motion topic can track objects precisely and accurately.
Revised: January 18th, 2019
This research aims to find out how the effect of tracker use on
Accepted: June 15th, 2019
Published: June 24th, 2019 straight-motion learning based on guided inquiry on the ability of
students' graph interpretation. The sample of this research is students
of class X, in one of the State Senior High School in Bandar
_________ Lampung. The research design used was one group pretest-posttest.
Keywords: Learning is carried out by conducting guided inquiry-based straight-
Graph interpretation ability, line experiment activities, then processing experimental data by
Guided inquiry, analyzing experimental videos using tracker software. Data on
Straight motion, Tracker students' interpretation ability is obtained using a test (pretest-
posttest). Data analysis techniques for student learning outcomes
_______________________ using Paired Sample T-Test. Based on the results of the research
*Correspondence Address: obtained the average score of the ability to interpret the graph increased by 59.00% with a high mean of N-gain (0.71) at a 95%
confidence level. These results indicate that learning by using a
tracker can improve the ability to interpret graphics very well. Based
on the test results obtained a significance of 0.000, which is less than
0.05, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the
ability of students to interpret graphics before and after learning
using a tracker.

INTRODUCTION of reading, mathematics, and science with

Improving the quality of education test questions that emphasize students'
is directed at improving the quality of abilities and competencies (OECD, 2018).
Indonesian as a whole, so that they can One of the test indicators in it is
face challenges locally, nationally, and interpreting data and graphics. This shows
globally (Subekti, Taufiq, Susilo, that graph interpretation takes an
Ibrohim, & Suwono, 2018). Education in important role in improving the quality of
Indonesia must face the challenges of the education, but Indonesian students have
21st century (Jatmiko et al., 2018). But, difficulty in answering graph
the quality is still relatively low interpretation test item.
(Sulistiyowati, Abdurrahman, & Jalmo, The ability to interpret graphics
2018). Based on the 2015 PISA (Program becomes important for students,
for International Student Assessment) in especially when doing physics
science competence, Indonesia ranked experiments, graphics will not be useful if
62nd out of 70 countries. This PISA not interpreted (Emda, 2014). Students
assessment examines students in the fields must be able to present graphics forms of

© 2019 URPI Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
Using Guided Inquiry Learning with … | Y. Sartika, I. Wahyudi, Abdurrahman

data obtained from experimental Through these stages, guided inquiry will
activities. However, experiment activities encourage students to actively learn to
will be a problem if data collection is find the concept of straight motion and
difficult to observe directly, for example, help bring up data interpretation activities
in the topic about motion. Experiment using a tracker that involves experiment
difficulties about motion are usually when activities. Inquiry learning is enough to
taking time and position data have a positive impact on students'
simultaneously so that it becomes one of concept knowledge and skills
the factors causing the experimental (Abdurrahman, 2017). Inquiry learning is
results to be inaccurate. a learning activity that can direct students
To improve the accuracy of to make discoveries, so students can gain
experimental results, it is necessary to deeper knowledge (Azizah, Indrawati, &
have motion analysis technology that is Harijanto, 2014; Islami, Nahadi, &
able to track the movement of objects, so Permanasari, 2016; Muliyani, Kurniawan,
that they can find data and equations of & Sandra, 2017). The inquiry that is
motion of objects very precisely. Tracker applied in the learning process can
software can analyze videos about motion improve students' ability to make
events, has the ability to track (track) the observations and express answers to a
motion of objects at a time that is more problem through data interpretation to
precise and accurate. The motion tracking obtain a conclusion (P. S. Dewi, 2016).
results of objects are displayed in the Some previous studies show that the
form of images, tables, graphs, equations, tracker applications have successfully
statistical values as material in the improved students’ learning outcomes
interpretation of experimental results. (Oktriyeni & Putra, 2019), able to
One concept that requires graph improve the teacher's analytical skills
interpretation is the understanding of the towards motion objects video (Asrizal,
concept of straight motion. Supposedly, Yohandri, & Kamus, 2018) and able to
straight motion learning using the tracker improve students' critical-thinking skills
approach is closer to the theory and has a (Fadholi, Harijanto, & Lesmono, 2018).
low error rate. Regular irregular motion What makes this research different
experiment has been tested for deviation from the previous ones is that in this
using the tracker, obtained by the relative research, the researchers will use a guided
repetitive error value of 0.46% and the inquiry-based tracker application to
error relative to the calculated value is improve students' graphical interpretation
3.90%. The low level of deviation states skills in straight-motion learning material.
that the use of video tracker is In line with the elaboration to find out the
recommended and is very suitable for use effect of tracker usage on guided inquiry-
in learning (Nugraha et al., 2017). based straight motion learning on the
To help solve the problem of the ability of graph interpretation, this
low ability of graph interpretation, a research focused to explore the effect of
learning model that is suitable for learning the use of tracker on regular straight
using a tracker is needed. Stages in guided motion learning based on guided inquiry
inquiry learning are problem on the ability to interpret high school
identification and observation, asking students.
questions, planning investigations, Tracker is one of the software from
collecting data and implementing, Video Based Laboratory (VBL) which
analyzing data, making conclusions, and has the privilege of being able to present
communicating results (Kurniawati, real physical symptoms and their
Wartono, & Diantoro, 2014; Minan, 2016; representations, both in the form of
Putra, Widodo, & Jatmiko, 2016). quantitative and graphical data

18 | Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah 4 (1): 17-25 (2019)

Using Guided Inquiry Learning with … | Y. Sartika, I. Wahyudi, Abdurrahman

simultaneously (Yuliana, 2016). Tracker Furthermore, the class was given a final
allows students to track the motion of an test (posttest) in the form of the same
object in a video by creating a trail that problem as the test at the beginning.
follows the motion of objects in the video, Assessment of graph interpretation skills
then will produce various information is done by pretest and posttest to measure
such as the position of the object (x, y) at differences in student learning outcomes
each time (Fitriyanto & Sucahyo, 2016). at the beginning and at the end of
Interpreting a graph is the ability to learning.
identify and understand the main ideas Learning tools used are syllabus,
contained in information, and to lesson plan (RPP), tracker usage guide,
understand the relationships between students’ worksheet (LKPD), test
ideas or ideas presented in the graph instruments, and assessment rubrics.
(Mustain, 2015). The ability to interpret Graph interpretation ability rubric uses
students' graphs measured in this research adoption from Hwang’s rubric (Hwang,
includes four indicators, namely (1) Chen, Dung, & Yang, 2007). The
Identifying graphs and interpreting question instrument consisted of 20
relationships between variables, (2) reasoned multiple choice questions and
Determining data from graphs, (3) tested the validity and reliability of
Describing graphs based on equations and students XI MIPA 3.
determining equations based on graphs, The research data in the form of the
(4) Predicting graph based on textual ability of students' graph interpretation is
descriptions, pictures, or graphics. obtained by calculating N-Gain between
pretest and posttest through the equation
The subjects of this research were
students of tenth grade (X) Science and
Mathematics Program (MIPA) at Senior (1)
High School (SMA Negeri 13 Bandar
Lampung) in the first semester of the The calculation results are then
2018-2019 academic year. Determination categorized as Table 1 (Meltzer, 2002).
of the sample using purposive sampling
technique is sampling based on certain Table 1. Category of N-Gain
considerations. The sampling was done by N-Gain Category
selecting one class to be selected as a N-gain > 0.7 High
0.3 < N-gain < 0.7 Medium
sample to apply the guided inquiry-based
N-gain < 0.3 Low
straight motion learning material. These
considerations are having the same
Normality testing and hypothesis
academic ability seen from the average
testing are performed using statistical
previous learning outcomes that are
tests. Hypothesis testing using paired
almost the same. The sample in this
sample t-test.
research is class X MIPA 6, totaling 28
The experimental design used in
This research was conducted in
this research is one group pretest-posttest.
class X MIPA 6, which was attended by
Classes will be given an initial test
28 students. The learning process lasts for
(pretest) to measure students' initial
3 times face-to-face with an allocation of
abilities. Then, it will be given treatment
to apply the video tracker use in guided 3 hours per week consisting of 45 minutes
per lesson. The results obtained from this
inquiry-based straight-motion learning.
research in the form of quantitative data

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Using Guided Inquiry Learning with … | Y. Sartika, I. Wahyudi, Abdurrahman

that is the ability to interpret students' end of the learning can be seen in Table 2.
graphics, which are then processed using The average pretest was 17.07, and the
Microsoft Excel and SPSS 21.0 programs. posttest average was 76.29. Based on the
Before the pretest and posttest test data stated that the ability of students'
instruments are used in the research interpretation of graphics increases.
implementation phase, the instrument is
tested first to determine whether or not Table 2. Result of Pretest and Posttest
Parameter Pretest Posttest
the instrument is used. The instrument Lowest Score 6.0 62.00
was conducted with a total of 34 Highest score 29.0 91.00
respondents, and 20 items declared valid Average 17.07 76.29
and reliable. Validity test results obtained
Pearson Correlation values > 0.2869 and The results of the N-gain value are
reliability obtained Cronbach's Alpha shown in Table 3. Based on Table 3, the
value of 0.732 (reliable). value of N-Gain gained an increase of
Quantitative data on the results of 59% with an average N-Gain of 0.71,
the pretest were held at the beginning, which showed in the high category.
while the posttest results were held at the
Table 3. Mean of N-Gain
Highest Gain Lowest Gain Increase of Mean Score Mean of N-Gain Category
77.00 43.00 59% 0.71 High

Based on the data mean graph between variables, namely 85.82 and the
interpretation in Table 4, shows that the lowest on predicting graphs based on
ability to interpret graphs after learning textual descriptions, pictures, or charts
using the highest video tracker on the that are 68.00.
indicator interprets the relationship
Table 4. Mean of the Ability Graph Interpretation of each Indicator
Indicator of the Ability Graph Interpretation Mean
Identify graphs and interpret relationships between variables 85.82
Determine data from the graph 72.26
Graphs based on equations and determines equations based on graphs 75.71
Predict graphs based on textual descriptions, images, or graphics 68.00

Based on the results of the interpret graphics before and after

normality test from the pretest and post- learning using a video tracker.
test, the significance of 0.91 and 0.85 After being treated, there was an
were obtained with the normally increase in the ability of students to
distributed data category. Testing the interpret high graphics. This is evidenced
hypothesis in this research was conducted by the high value of N-Gain, which means
using the paired sample t-test technique. that learning by using a tracker can
The goal is to see the difference in the improve the ability to interpret graphics
average results of the ability of students to very well.
interpret graphs before and after being Based on the results of the research,
treated. Based on the paired sample t-test, it is clear that learning to use a tracker can
the significance of 0.00 is less than 0.05, improve students' ability to interpret
H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted. Thus, it graphics. The use of tracker in straight
can be concluded that there are significant motion learning material can help to track
differences in the ability of students to the motion of objects at a more precise

20 | Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah 4 (1): 17-25 (2019)

Using Guided Inquiry Learning with … | Y. Sartika, I. Wahyudi, Abdurrahman

and accurate time, thus helping students take place very dense, starting from
find their own concepts presented in the observing a problem, conducting
form of tables, graphs, and the real and experiments directly, recording
practical motion of objects. Through these experiments, analyzing experimental data
discovery activities, students will feel using a tracker application, to
something they learned more lasting. he communicating the results of the
tracker has the ability to track the motion experiment. So that students cannot do
of an object so that it can obtain various other activities that are non-educative.
information needed in the analysis of a Students are very enthusiastic in
motion event. conducting learning activities using the
After going through the recording tracker application because this
activity of a real motion phenomenon application is relatively new to students.
using a video recorder, the recording In accordance with Habibbulloh &
results can be processed in the tracker Madlazim's (2014) research, student
application. In this way, students can activity during learning activities using a
interpret various data displayed in the tracker is very active. This is because the
device, making it easy for students to tracker application is relatively new to be
analyze the motion phenomenon. The use applied in physics learning, so students
of video tracker contributes to training feel very interested in knowing the tracker
students' abilities in terms of observing, application that can be applied to various
measuring, designing experiments, data physics experiments.
interpretation, and communication The ability to interpret graphics can
(Habibbulloh & Madlazim, 2014). improve the ability of interpretation of
The high increase in N-Gain can be graphs in each indicator. Based on Table
seen by the completeness of students who 4, the highest achievement of graphical
exceed the Minimum Completeness interpretation ability in guided inquiry-
Criteria (KKM). The average ability of based straight motion learning was found
students to interpret graphs is 76.29, with in the ability to identify graphs and
a KKM value of 73.00. The number of interpret the relationship between
students who complete is 18 people and variables which reached 85.82. This result
not complete 10 people. The student proves that the use of tracker provides
completeness graph is shown in Figure 1. students the opportunity to analyze the
results of real experimental videos
through software to then look for
relationships between physical variables.
Thus, students can find out the
relationship between variables in the
experiment directly; in this case, the
students find themselves without having
to go through a decrease in the formula.
Tracker is one of the software from Video
Base Learning (VBL) which will
encourage teachers to improve students'
ability to solve problems by bringing
Figure 1. Graph of Completeness of the Ability interesting and complex real-world
Graph Interpretation of Student problems into the class and realistically
illustrating (Trudel & Métioui, 2012).
High graphic interpretation ability is
Thus, the use of VBL can improve
supported by active activities of students
in the learning process. Student activities

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students' understanding of material about and equations of motion of objects.

motion. Through these direct and real discovery
The achievement of graph activities, the students could have
interpretation ability in the ability to experiences that can only be experienced
determine data from the graph reaches by scientists. Emda (2014) explains that
72.26. To be able to determine data based various information related to physics is
on graphs, it is necessary to have good often presented quantitatively in graphical
graph interpretation capabilities. Students form. So that the ability to interpret
must be able to identify, read, and graphics is needed to interpret the
determine the value of physical quantities information. Graphs are also used to make
on graph variables that are presented so it easier to interpret the numerical data
that they can find the data information resulting from an experiment or
needed. Interpreting graphs has a major experiment.
role in solving physical problems in A good graph interpretation ability
graphical form (Anisa, Tandililing, & was supported by the students’ activities
Mahmuda, 2017). The ability to interpret in the learning process. Students’
is related to the ability of space (spatial), activities took place intensively starting
logical abilities, and mathematical from observing a problem, conducting
abilities. In order for the ability to experiments directly, recording
interpret graphs well, the three abilities experiments, analyzing experimental data
(space, logic, and mathematics) must be using a tracker application, and
optimally mastered by students (Subali, communicating the results of the
Rusdiana, Firman, & Kaniawati, 2015). experiment. The students could not do
Achievement of graph interpretation other activities that are non-educational.
ability in the ability to describe graphs They were very interested in conducting
based on equations and determine learning activities because tracker was a
equations based on graphs reaching 75.71. relatively new application to be applied in
Through the tracker, students can find out learning physics. This can be seen directly
that the graph is a representation of the from their activeness in managing data
data in the table. This helps students using a tracker starting from tracking and
understand in making and reading graphs calibrating to obtain data in the form of
based on time and distance data. tables, graphs, and equations.
Knowledge of gradients in the graph The lowest chart interpretation
displayed on the tracker can help students ability in this research is on the ability to
make an independent equation predict graphs based on textual
independently. Based on the results of the descriptions, pictures, or graphs that are
research, learning using tracker can 68.00. The low ability of this indicator is
improve students' graph interpretation due to being able to predict graphs based
skills. Using a tracker in straight motion on textual descriptions, images, or
learning material can help the students to graphics, and it requires high graph
carry out discovery activities. After going interpretation where students must be able
through a real motion experiment activity, to interpret graphs by connecting graphs
the students record a motion phenomenon. with the real world and able to represent
The interpretation that the students had them into other data forms.
not been able to interpret themselves by Based on the observation and
conducting experiments can be done analysis of the results of students' ability
accurately and precisely using the tracker. to interpret graphics, an increase in the
The students found their own concepts of ability of interpretation of graphs can
straight motion based on the data occur because of applying guided inquiry
presented in the form of tables, graphs, learning and the scientific approach of

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