Anova - Example - P60 - 69

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What If There Are More Than

Two Factor Levels?

• Chapter 3

• Comparing more that two factor levels…the analysis of

• ANOVA decomposition of total variability
• Statistical testing & analysis
• Checking assumptions, model validity
• Post-ANOVA testing of means

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 1

What If There Are More Than
Two Factor Levels?
• The t-test does not directly apply
• There are lots of practical situations where there are either
more than two levels of interest, or there are several factors
of simultaneous interest
• The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the appropriate
analysis “engine” for these types of experiments – Chapter
3, textbook
• The ANOVA was developed by Fisher in the early 1920s,
and initially applied to agricultural experiments
• Used extensively today for industrial experiments
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 2
An Example (See pg. 60)
• Consider an investigation into the formulation of a new
“synthetic” fiber that will be used to make cloth for shirts
• The response variable is tensile strength
• The experimenter wants to determine the “best” level of
cotton (in wt %) to combine with the synthetics
• Cotton content can vary between 10 – 40 wt %; some non-
linearity in the response is anticipated
• The experimenter chooses 5 levels of cotton “content”;
15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 wt %
• The experiment is replicated 5 times – runs made in
random order

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 3

ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
A product
product development
development engineer
engineer isisinterested
engineer interested inininvestigating
is interested investigating the
in investigatingtensile
the tensile of a strength
new syntheticof afiber
newthat will be used
synthetic fiber to that
makewillmen’s beshirts.
used The
engineer knows from previous experience that the strength is affected by the
The engineer
percent knows
of cotton
in the blend
from previous
of materials
that theforstrength
the fiber.
is affected
by the weight hethat theofstrength
suspects cotton is affected
that increasing
used in the
theblend byofthe
cotton weight
materials will percent
the fiber.of
strength,used ininitially.
at least the blend Heof materials
also knows thatfor the fiber.
cotton content Furthermore,
should range
suspects 10
he suspects
percent and
increasing increasing
the cottonifthe
the cotton
final cloth
content content
willis increase
the strength,
least initially.
that are He
also knows
The engineer
that cotton decides
contentto test
range between
at five
10 of
40 percent
percent: if the
15 percent,
final cloth20 ispercent,
to have25
other quality
30 percent,
and 35 percent.
that are desired.

•The engineer decides to test specimens at five levels of cotton weight

percent: 15 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent, 30 percent, and 35 percent. He
also decides to test five specimens at each level of cotton content.

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 4

ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different
A single-factor experiment with a = 5 levels
of the factor and n = 5 replicates. The 25
runs should be made in random order.

15 20 25 30 35 Cotton %

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 5

ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different

15 20 25 30 35 Cotton %
Can we determine which is better?
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 6
ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different

15 20 25 30 35 Cotton %
What does replication provide?
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 7
ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different
Tensile Effect
Strength If the sample mean is used
to estimate the effect of a
factor in the experiment,
then replication permits
the experimenter to obtain
a more precise estimate of
this effect.

15 20 25 30 35 Cotton %
What else does replication provide?
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 8
ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different
Tensile Effect
Strength Error
Allows the experimenter to

σ 2
obtain an estimate of the
experimental error. This
σ 2
estimate if error becomes a
xi of measurement
basic unit
for determining whether
observed differences in the
data are really statistically
15 20 25 30 35 different. Cotton %
What assumption does the error estimate depend upon?
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 9
ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different
Tensile Effect
Strength Error
Both the allocation of the
experimental material and the
order in which the individual
runs or trials of the experiment
are to be performed are
randomly determined.
Cotton % 15 20 25 30 35

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 10

ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
Need to randomize run order

COTTON% Experimental Run #

15 1 2 3 4 5
20 6 7 8 9 10
25 11 12 13 14 15
30 16 17 18 19 20
35 21 22 23 24 25

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 11

ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
Test Seq Run # %
1 8 20
2 18 30
3 10 20
4 23 35
5 17 30
* * *
25 3 15
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 12
ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different
Tensile Effect
Strength Error

Cotton %
15 20 25 30 35
What if the measurements varied widely because of human operators?
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 13
ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
– Test if one can do push ups better in the
morning or afternoon. 20 DATA POINTS
– Select 40 people at random

Is PM really
better than AM?

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 14
ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
• What if the PM group of 20 was in better shape then the AM group of
• What if the test was conducted on a Monday morning?
• What if different people counted the push ups between AM and PM?

Is PM really
better than AM?


ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 15

ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
Controllable Factors

Input PROCESS Output

Uncontrollable Factors

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 16

ANOVA: Design of Experiments
Chapter 3
– Used to limit the uncontrollable factors
– Therefore increase precision
– Paired Data = BLOCKING
– Have same person do AM and PM
– You are investigating AM vs PM not which group can
do more pushups.
– Randomly Sort experiment by Days of the Week and
have one grader

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 17

H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different
A block is a portion of the
experimental material that
should be more homogeneous
than the entire set of material.

15 20 25 30 35 Cotton %

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 18

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i Variation
H a : At least one µ i is different Samples

Within 15 20 25 30 35 Cotton %
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 19
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
When very different


Between Sample
Variation Large
Within Sample
Variation Small
15 20 25 30 35 Cotton %

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 20

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
When near equal


15 20 25 30 35 Cotton %
Between Sample Variation near equal to
Within Sample Variation
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 21
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Between Sample Variation
Within Sample Variation


All data is normal with equal variance

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 22

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
SETUP (i = factor; j = replicate)

Level Replicates Mean SD

1 2 3 * j
1 11 12 13 * 1j 1*
2 21 22 23 * 2j 2*
3 31 32 33 * 3j 3*
* * * * * *
i i1 i2 i3 * ij
xi , j = observed value i th level, jth measurement
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 23
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Level Replicates Mean SD

1 2 3 4 5
1 7 7 15 11 9 9.80 3.35
2 12 17 12 18 18 15.40 3.13
3 14 18 18 19 19 17.60 2.07
4 19 25 22 19 23 21.60 2.61
5 7 10 11 15 11 10.80 2.86
xi• = sample mean i th level
x•• = Grand Mean
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 24
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
I = # factors and J = # replicates

Mean Square Treatment ≡ Between Sample Variation

MSTr = ∑
I −1 i
( X i • − X •• ) 2

Mean Square Error ≡ Within Sample Variation

S + S + S + ....S
2 2 2 2
MSE = 1 2 3 I
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 25
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different
Between Sample Variation
Within Sample Variation

MSTr If H 0 true
f = E ( MSTr ) = E ( MSE ) = σ 2
If H 0 false
Fα , I −1, I ( J −1) E ( MSTr ) > E ( MSE ) = σ 2

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 26

Anova Chapter 3 (See pg. 62)

• Does changing the

cotton weight percent
change the mean
tensile strength?
• Is there an optimum
level for cotton
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 27
The Analysis of Variance

SST = SSTreatments + SS E
• A large value of SSTreatments reflects large differences in
treatment means
• A small value of SSTreatments likely indicates no differences in
treatment means
• Formal statistical hypotheses are:

H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = L = µ a
H1 : At least one mean is different

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 28

The Analysis of Variance
• While sums of squares cannot be directly compared to test
the hypothesis of equal means, mean squares can be
compared. ( MS = Estimates of variances)
• A mean square is a sum of squares divided by its degrees
of freedom:
dfTotal = dfTreatments + df Error
an − 1 = a − 1 + a ( n − 1)
SSTreatments SS E
MSTreatments = , MS E =
a −1 a ( n − 1)
• If the treatment means are equal, the treatment and error
mean squares will be (theoretically) equal.
• If treatment means differ, the treatment mean square will
be larger than the error mean square.
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 29
The Analysis of Variance is
Summarized in a Table

• Computing…see text, pp 70 – 73
• The reference distribution for F0 is the Fa-1, a(n-1) distribution
• Reject the null hypothesis (equal treatment means) if
F0 > Fα ,a −1,a ( n −1)

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 30

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Excel Analysis:
ANOVA Single Factor

Setup data in EXCEL Spreadsheet in columns as:

15% Cotton 20% Cotton 25% Cotton 30% Cotton 35% Cotton
Tensile Strength Tensile Strength Tensile Tensile Tensile
lb/in2 lb/in2 Strength lb/in2 Strength lb/in2 Strength lb/in2

7 12 14 19 7

7 17 18 25 10

15 12 18 22 11

11 18 19 19 15

9 18 19 23 11

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 31

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Excel Analysis:
ANOVA Single Factor

EXCEL Data Analysis: ANOVA Single Factor

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 32

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
EXCEL Data Analysis: ANOVA Single Factor

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 33

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
EXCEL Data Analysis: ANOVA Single Factor

EXCEL Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
15% Cotton
Tensile Strength
lb/in2 5 49 9.8 11.2
20% Cotton
Tensile Strength
lb/in2 5 77 15.4 9.8
25% Cotton
Tensile Strength
lb/in2 5 88 17.6 4.3
30% Cotton
Tensile Strength
lb/in2 5 108 21.6 6.8
35% Cotton
Tensile Strength
lb/in2 5 54 10.8 8.2

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 34

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
EXCEL Data Analysis: ANOVA Single Factor Output
H 0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = ... = µ i
H a : At least one µ i is different
If H 0 true Between Sample Variation
E ( MSTr ) = E ( MSE ) = σ 2 TEST STAT =
Within Sample Variation
If H 0 false
E ( MSTr ) > E ( MSE ) = σ 2 MSTr
f =
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Groups 475.76 4 118.94 14.75682 9.128E-06 2.866081

Groups 161.2 20 8.06

Total 636.96 24

P-Value: Probability of wrongly

rejecting the Null Fα , I −1, I ( J −1)
ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 35
The Reference Distribution:

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 36

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
EXCEL Data Analysis: ANOVA
Manual calculations
15% 20% 25% 30% 35%
Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton
Tensile Tensile Tensile Tensile Tensile
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength (Σxj) (Σxj)2 Σ(xj2)
7 12 14 19 7 59 3481 799
7 17 18 25 10 77 5929 1387
15 12 18 22 11 78 6084 1298
11 18 19 19 15 82 6724 1392
9 18 19 23 11 80 6400 1416

49 77 88 108 54 Σ(Σxi) 376 Σ(Σxj) Σ((Σxj)2) Σ(Σ(xj2))

Σ(Σxij) Σ(Σ(xij2))
(Σxi)2 2401 5929 7744 11664 2916 Σ((Σxi2) 30654 376 28618 6292
Σ(xi2) 525 1225 1566 2360 616 Σ(Σ(xi )) 6292

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 37

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
EXCEL Data Analysis: ANOVA
Manual calculations
Manual calculations
SS - sum of MS = SS/df F statistic =
Source of SS - sum of squares estimate of MSBG/MSwithin
Variation squares SS Calculation df sigma G

Between as = [(5 x30654) -

Groups =(r( ΣΣxi )-(ΣΣxi) )/n
2 2
475.76 (376^2)]/25 4 118.94

Within as =
Groups Error 161.2 20 8.06 118.94/8.06 =

as = [(25 x 6292) -
Total =(n( ΣΣxij2)-(ΣΣxij)2)/n 636.96 (376^2)]/25 24 14.76

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 38

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

General Factorial Design


continue ...

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 39

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

General Factorial Design


continue ...

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 40

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

General Factorial Design

Define #

continue ...

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 41

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

General Factorial Design

# and

continue ...

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 42

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

Run experiment
in the defined
random order

continue ...

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 43

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

Design Expert

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 44

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

Design Expert

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 45

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

Design Expert

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 46

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

Design Expert

M for Model

e for error

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 47

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA
same table as before in EXCEL

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 48

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Terms
Model: Terms estimating factor effects. For 2-level factorials: those that "fall off" the normal probability line
of the effects plot.
Sum of Squares: Total of the sum of squares for the terms in the model, as reported in the Effects List for
factorials and on the Model screen for RSM, MIX and Crossed designs.

DF: Degrees of freedom for the model. It is the number of model terms, including the intercept, minus one.
Mean Square: Estimate of the model variance, calculated by the model sum of squares divided by model degrees
of freedom.

F Value: Test for comparing model variance with residual (error) variance. If the variances are close to the
same, the ratio will be close to one and it is less likely that any of the factors have a significant effect on the
response. Calculated by Model Mean Square divided by Residual Mean Square.

Probe > F: Probability of seeing the observed F value if the null hypothesis is true (there is no factor effect).
Small probability values call for rejection of the null hypothesis. The probability equals the proportion of the
area under the curve of the F-distribution that lies beyond the observed F value. The F distribution itself is
determined by the degrees of freedom associated with the variances being compared.

(In "plain English", if the Probe>F value is very small (less than 0.05) then the terms in the
model have a significant effect on the response.)

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 49

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis Information in Help System
Pure Error: Amount of variation in the response in replicated design points.
Sum of Squares: Pure error sum of squares from replicated points.
DF: The amount of information available from replicated points.
Mean Square: Estimate of pure error variance.

Cor Total: Totals of all information corrected for the mean.

Sum of Squares: Sum of the squared deviations of each point from the mean.
DF: Total degrees of freedom for the experiment, minus one for the mean.

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 50

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor

STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 51

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Information in Help System
Next you see a collection of summary statistics for the model:

Std Dev: (Root MSE) Square root of the residual mean square. Consider this to be an estimate
of the standard deviation associated with the experiment.

Mean: Overall average of all the response data.

C.V.: Coefficient of Variation, the standard deviation expressed as a percentage of the mean.
Calculated by dividing the Std Dev by the Mean and multiplying by 100.
PRESS: Predicted Residual Error Sum of Squares – A measure of how the model fits each point
in the design. The PRESS is computed by first predicting where each point should be from a
model that contains all other points except the one in question. The squared residuals (difference
between actual and predicted values) are then summed.
R-Squared: A measure of the amount of variation around the mean explained by the model.

1-(SSresidual / (SSmodel + SSresidual))

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 52
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Information in Help System
Summary statistics for the model continued:

Adj R-Squared: A measure of the amount of variation around the mean explained by the model,
adjusted for the number of terms in the model. The adjusted R-squared decreases as the number of
terms in the model increases if those additional terms don’t add value to the model.

1-((SSresidual / DFresidual) / ((SSmodel + SSresidual) / (DFmodel + DFresidual)))

Pred R-Squared: A measure of the amount of variation in new data explained by the model.

1-(PRESS / (SStotal-SSblock)
The predicted r-squared and the adjusted r-squared should be within 0.20 of each other. Otherwise
there may be a problem with either the data or the model. Look for outliers, consider
transformations, or consider a different order polynomial.

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 53

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Information in Help System
Summary statistics for the model continued:

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 54

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Scroll down

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 55

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Scroll down

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 56

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Scroll down

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 57

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Scroll down

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 58

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Scroll down

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 59

Model Adequacy Checking in the ANOVA
Text reference, Section 3-4, pg. 76
• Checking assumptions is important
• Normality
• Constant variance
• Independence
• Have we fit the right model?

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 60

Model Adequacy Checking in the ANOVA
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Diagnostics

• Examination of residuals
(see text, Sec. 3-4, pg. 76)
eij = yij − yˆij
= yij − yi.

• Design-Expert generates
the residuals
• Residual plots are very
• Normal probability plot
of residuals

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 61

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
STAT EASE Design Expert: ANOVA Single Factor
STEP 10 Design Expert Analysis ANOVA Model Graphs

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 62

Other Important Residual Plots
5.2 5.2

2.95 2.95

R es iduals
R es iduals

0.7 0.7

-1.55 -1.55



1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25
9.80 12.75 15.70 18.65 21.60

Predicted R un N um ber

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 63

Post-ANOVA Comparison of Means
• The analysis of variance tests the hypothesis of equal
treatment means
• Assume that residual analysis is satisfactory
• If that hypothesis is rejected, we don’t know which specific
means are different
• Determining which specific means differ following an
ANOVA is called the multiple comparisons problem
• There are lots of ways to do this…see text, Section 3-5, pg. 86
• We will use pairwise t-tests on means…sometimes called
Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (or Fisher’s LSD)

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 64

Graphical Comparison of Means
Text, pg. 89

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 65

For the Case of Quantitative Factors, a
Regression Model is often Useful
ANOVA for Response Surface Cubic Model
Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares]
Sum of Mean F
Source Squares DF Square Value Prob > F
Model 441.81 3 147.27 15.85 < 0.0001
A 90.84 1 90.84 9.78 0.0051
A2 343.21 1 343.21 36.93 < 0.0001
A3 64.98 1 64.98 6.99 0.0152
Residual 195.15 21 9.29
Lack of Fit 33.95 1 33.95 4.21 0.0535
Pure Error 161.20 20 8.06
Cor Total 636.96 24

Coefficient Standard 95% CI 95% CI

Factor Estimate DF Error Low High VIF
Intercept 19.47 1 0.95 17.49 21.44
A-Cotton % 8.10 1 2.59 2.71 13.49 9.03
A2 -8.86 1 1.46 -11.89 -5.83 1.00
A3 -7.60 1 2.87 -13.58 -1.62 9.03

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 66

The Regression Model
Final Equation in Terms of 25

Actual Factors:

Strength = +62.61143
2 2
-9.01143* Cotton Weight 2 2

% +0.48143 * Cotton 16

Weight %^2 -7.60000E-

003 * Cotton Weight %^3

This is an empirical model of

the experimental results
7 2

15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00

A: C otton Weight %

ANOVA_EXAMPLE P60 Brainerd 67

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