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- Education >> College for Kids?

1. Introduction
I like my child's education as he can learn different things like languages, art, music, gym
and science, what I don't like is that they'll be given entrance exams for kindergarten,
competition or homework assignments.
2. Main Idea
I agree with Eleanor Idle, that programs should offer subjects that children enjoy a like
dance, science, etc. As these activities are fun and they learn. Children shouldn't spend
their time worrying about grades and diplomas. Learning should be a child's play.

Celebrations >> The First Thanksgiving

Is the Christmas the most popular celebration in Peru?  and what are your traditions of

Firstly, in Peru the most popular celebration is the Christmas, as the whole family gathers
to celebrate the arrival of the baby Jesus and they carry of different activities for this

For example, one tradition is that we eat a big dinner, which is baked turkey with roasted
potatoes and apple pie for desert, we also prepared the traditional chocolate drink and
bought panettone. Moreover, we use our best clothes.

As far as I am concerned the most important tradition is at midnight that the figure of child
Jesus is put in the manger and we give a big hug to each of our relatives.

Bad Weather >> Weather

1. Introduction
The weather report in London describes what the weather will be like today and the next
few days.
2. Main Idea (1)
First of all, the weather in London varies constantly during the day and, although there are
usually no extreme temperatures, in the same day it is common to see clouds in the sky
and to have could winds.
3. Main Idea (2)

According to, national weather reports, today it is forecast that there will be a heavy rain
during the night. There is a chance of flooding, and light ships have been warned of the
danger. Furthermore, tomorrow there will be strong winds and for the next few days it is
expected that there will be a constant drizzle.
4. Main Idea (3)
To sum up this week we will have bad weather, therefore is important to carry an umbrella
or rain jacket if you leave work late. Additionally, children should not play outside the
Arts And Entertainment >> The Garbage Man
A very unusual display is Harry's latest collection, which is being exhibited at the Plaza Art
Gallery. Harry Morgan creates works of art from the things he collects.
2. Main Idea (1)
To start with, when you enter the gallery you are amazed at the beautiful things that a man
can do creatively. Harry Morgan has made sculptures which are built from wastepaper only.
One of these, which is called "Harmony," s made of empty cigarette packs and
matchboxes. Another work, called "Love in the Morning," has been made out of breakfast
cereal boxes and pieces of old newspaper.
3. Main Idea (2)
The first sculpture called "Harmony," is very beautiful, you can see the delicate details that
Morgan had sculpted, it is those details that make it cause great inspiration. In addition, he
used elements that are easy to manipulate.
4. Main Idea (3)
The second sculpture called "Love in the Morning", is interesting. On the other hand, it does
not inspire the love he mentions in his name, it is as if it lacked those details, shape and
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, if you are looking for a different exhibition, Harry's latest collection is a really
good choice.

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