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Rutchelle R.

Dublin RE 106 TTH 3:30- 5:00



As an ordinary human being created by God living in this unpredictable world it is

my first time to encounter this kind of global crisis due to the global health problem.Corona
Virus also known as CoVid-19 causes world wide crisis. I can really imagine that this is really
happening right now outside as well as in our country. Just like what I’ve said were just living in
unpredictable world. Meaning to say we cant predict what may come in our life except God. We
need to believe in His power. Prayer is the best weapon to win against this silent and invisible
When the Philippine government implemented the Enhanced Community Quarantine
my family talk about what is the best thing to do during this quarantine. As a single mother at the
same time a college student I am worried and uncomfortable handling situations to survive our
daily needs. I don’t have job and I need to sustain the needs of my daughter. Everyday I woke up
thinking and convincing myself that it is just a nightmare. Everynight before I go to bed I
always pray to God to control the crisis so we can go back to our normal life. Despite all of these
there are people who are open in helping those who are in need, I received money from one of
my love ones to buy our basic needs and of my daughter. It hank God for he is not forsaken us.
Even my family and I were apart from each other we make sure that we are connected to build
strong relationship so we can go through this challenges. We motivate each other to feel free
from stress. We communicate and create positivity, power and strength to fight invisible enemy.
God made a a way to give value and importance those things we have taken for granted. Loving
and caring for our family makes great bonding.
However, this pandemic teaches us a lot lessons that I’ve never learned before. There are a lot of
changes, curiosity and regrets. Im so scared knowing that every single day thousands of people
died. A lot of families lost their love ones. Im lucky because my family were safe and in good
health condition. Its sad to hear and watch news that a person got infected will not able to
communicate to their family and other people. They will become isolated and fighting alone
inside the room. I am praying for their healing and protection to all the frontliners. Strong faith
in God it may leads to something miraculous. Eventhough our country doesn’t have enough
facilities to occupy all the patients our governments are doing their best to comply and find
solutions to lessen the problem. Aside from that, our government might don’t have enough fund
to sustain the needs of all people but we are blessed to have somebody who are willing to lend
their own money to help the less fortunate citizen.Many questions may arise on the mind of Mr.
President Duterte on how he will help their country despite of his old age he is very hands-on
and active leader in the Philippine governance.Following the authority in charge to control the
spread of virus may save us and many Filipinos. Let us not have a hard-headed attitude it will
only kill us and our love ones.
I have realized that life is important we have to live it to the fullest. Not all the time we can be
happy and can do anything what we want to do. Let us remember that difficult roads often leads
to beautiful destinations. And despite challenges and trials we currently encountered always
remember that nothing can happen without God’s permission and God will not allow difficulty
unless He has a divine purpose for it. If we will keep our peace we will past the test, and God
will bring us out better than we were before. Looking on the brighter side that this will end soon.

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