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[Republic Act No.




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress


SECTION 1: It is the purpose of this Act to protect and promote the welfare of all
animals in the Philippines by supervising and regulating the establishment and operations
of all facilities utilized for breeding, maintaining, keeping, treating or training of all
animals either as object of trade or as household pets. For purposes of this Act, pet animal
shall include birds.

Republic of the Philippines

Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila

Tenth congress

Third Regular Session

Begun and held in Metro Manila on Monday the twenty-eight day of July, nineteen
hundred and ninety-seven.
Thursday, Sep. 23, 2010

While it's technically not illegal, it's morally wrong to throw a dead animal around.

• of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in New Zealand, on a rural
school's possum-carcass-throwing contest

Friday, Mar. 07, 2008

They should create awareness that not every dog is rabid.


• deputy head of the Srinagar Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals, praising the
decision of authorities in Indian-Administered Kashmir to cancel plans to poison
nearly 100,000 stray dogs as part of an anti-rabies program

Alicia Mayer wears lettuce bikini for a cause

By Alexander Villafania
First Posted 15:38:00 02/28/2007

MANILA, Philippines -- "It felt fresh," quipped sexy actress and model Alicia Mayer
after her provocative photo shoot. She was describing her two-piece bikini, which was no
more than seven pieces of Romaine lettuce covering her most private parts.

Mayer was not doing this for a men's magazine but for PETA (People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals), which is campaigning for vegetarianism as an extension of its
main advocacy against animal cruelty.
Peta scores school for animal cruelty
By Tina Santos
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 22:12:00 12/18/2009

MANILA, Philippines—Animal rights advocate People for the Ethical Treatment of

Animals (Peta) has called on officials of a medical school to end the institution’s “cruel
and unnecessary practice” of using animals in class experiments.

In his letter to Dr. Remedios Habacon, dean of the Far Eastern University-Nicanor Reyes
Medical Foundation’s Institute of Medicine, Peta Asia director Jason Baker said they had
received several complaints about rabbits being bludgeoned to death to extract a small
part of their intestines. All this was done without any anesthetic being applied, he added.

The complaints, Baker pointed, came from concerned students.

“The killing of animals for class experiments is not only cruel but also unnecessary as
there are better alternatives currently available. Medical schools are places where
students should learn to care about and respect life, not cause living beings needless pain
and fear,” he said.

“Many of the top medical schools in the world have stopped using live animals for
teaching purposes, and Far Eastern University should follow their lead and modernize its
curricula,” Baker said.

He noted that medical schools in the United States, including Harvard, Stanford and Yale,
have replaced the use of live animals in physiology, pharmacology and surgical-training
exercises with humane and effective non-animal teaching methods.
FEU denies Peta’s animal cruelty claim
By Tina Santos
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 21:18:00 12/19/2009

MANILA, Philippines—a board member of the Far Eastern University-Nicanor Reyes

Medical Foundation’s Institute of Medicine on Saturday denied the claim of animal rights
advocate People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) that the school was engaged
in the “cruel and unnecessary practice” of using animals, particularly rabbits, in class

Peta earlier said it received several complaints from concerned students about rabbits
being bludgeoned to death to extract a small part of their intestines without any anesthetic
being applied.

Abandoned pets: Storm Ondoy’s forgotten victims

By Tessa Salazar
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 06:41:00 09/29/2009

MANILA, Philippines—doesn’t forget the animals.

When calamity strikes, people will always be rescued. Sadly, pets are usually left behind.

For this reason, the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) has offered its Philippine
Animal Rehabilitation Center (PARC) in Quezon City as a temporary shelter for animal
evacuees, especially those coming from Marikina City.

The 5,000-square-meter PARC is located along the corner of Marcos Highway and
Katipunan Avenue at the boundary of Marikina City and Quezon City.

“PARC is open to animals rescued from flooded areas,” said PAWS president Nita
“Tata” Lichauco.
Animal Cruelty: Animal Abuse Facts and Statistics

Animal cruelty is an ambiguous term and the terminology depends from region to region,
state to state and country to country. The definition of animal cruelty may be anything
between comprehensive and non-existent. While animal cruelty amongst individuals may
either be existent

Animal Cruelty: Animal Abuse Facts and Statistics

Animal cruelty simply means cruel unwarranted treatment of animals. Such treatment
generally has a single point program - to subject animals and sometimes pets to
unnecessary harm and pain. One major type of animal cruelty is torture.

PETA also says that the behavior of the animals during the circus shows is not at all
natural, in the sense that tigers don't hop around and then lay down in unison, elephants
don't walk trunk to tail and female elephants don't mount each other. All this is possible
only by extreme training, which may translate into extreme torture.

Prevention of Animal Cruelty

Communicate and pass the message. Well, the uneducated need to be educated in this
matter. If you have witnessed any form of animal cruelty in your neighborhood, you need
to approach and talk to the person. You must intervene in this matter. Allowing such a
thing to happen would be a crime in itself.

Work closely with a group that works for the cause of such animals. There are many
organizations, which work towards giving a better life to stray animals in particular. Keep
a watch in your neighborhood. Report any incidents of animal cruelty.

You can also support such groups by being an active volunteer. The more help that joins,
the more would be welcomed! You can collect food and beddings, which would be of use
to the organization. Hold meetings or get-togethers to inform and educate people in your
neighborhood. Bring about awareness amongst people to prevent animal cruelty.
Animal Cruelty Facts

List of different forms of animal abuse:

• Hoarding
• Throwing
• Beating
• Poisoning
• Burning (with either caustic substances or fire)
• Kicking
• Drowning
• Hanging
• Unlawful trapping
• Bestiality
• Mutilation
• Shooting

Cruelty to animals

Cruelty to animals, Willful or wanton infliction of pain, suffering, or death upon an

animal or the intentional or malicious neglect of an animal. Perhaps the world’s first
anticruelty law, which addressed the treatment of domesticated animals, was included in
the legal code of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (1641); similar legislation was passed in
Britain in 1822. The world’s first animal welfare society, the Society for the Protection
of Animals, was established in England in 1824; the American Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals was chartered in 1866. In varying degrees, cruelty to animals is
illegal in most countries,

Animal cruelty

Merriam Webster Encyclopedia:

Page 65

Animal cruelty – to willful or wanton infliction of pain, suffering, or death upon an

animal or the intentional or malicious neglect of an animal.

The world’s first animal welfare society, the society for the protection of animal, was
established in England in 1824; the Amer. society for the prevention of cruelty to
animals was chartered in 1866.

In varying degrees, cruelty to animals is illegal in most countries, and interest in

endangered species gave further impetus to the anti-cruelty movement in the late
20th century.

About PETA

Our Mission Statement:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are the largest animal rights
organization in the world, with more than 2 million members and supporters.

PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals
suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing
trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of
other issues, including the cruel killing of beavers, birds, and other "pests" as well as
cruelty to domesticated animals.

PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue,
legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.
PETA People

Who Are the People Behind PETA and the PETA Foundation?

Michelle Cho
Special Projects Manager

Ryan Huling
Assistant Manager of College Campaigns

Ashley Byrne
Senior Campaigner

Lori Kettler
PETA Foundation's Senior Regulatory Counsel

Shalin Gala
Laboratory Methods Specialist

Emily Allen
Community Animal Project Assistant Manager

Pulin Modi
Action Team Manager
All about PETA

PETA was founded in 1980 and is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of
all animals. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat,
wear experiment on, or use for entertainment. PETA educates policymakers and the
public about animal abuse and promotes kind treatment of animals. PETA is an
international nonprofit charitable organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, with affiliates

PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into
consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Like you, they are
capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives.

Kitten stomped to death in front of police

Chattanooga, TN (US)

A kitten was stomped to death right in front of a police officer on Thanksgiving night.

It is something the local animal center has never heard of.

The woman accused of attacking the animal is in trouble with the law.

What is Animal Cruelty?

Legal Definition of Animal Cruelty v. Common Understanding

By Doris Lin,

The term "animal cruelty" gets thrown around a lot, but an animal activist's definition of
animal cruelty may be very different from that of a hunter, a vivisector or a farmer.

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