Muhammad Hammad Malik 180320 Bussiness Communication 2 BBA-4A

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Express tribune

United media plc,

Human resource department

For the sports press

6 April 2020

Joint venture of Camden football club and united media

In the presences of marketing manager of Camden football club Fawad Rana and chief editor of
united media Malik Mohsin both companies signed a contract of joint Venter.

United Media will sponsor Camden football club for a period of 4 years. The value of contract is
30 million dollars, 25% of total value will be paid for each year. According to singed contract,
Camden football club and players will advertise for United Media (logo on T Shirts, logo in
ground, Mohammad Salah will brand ambassador of United Media). Camden FC will manage
the activates of players and club, United Media will not interfere in the supplier of Camden FC,
Camden players will give interviews which will be published in newspaper , Camden’s player
development program will be reported in united media news paper. No fringe benefits will be
provided to players.

Malik Mohsin says “After this contract now we have our representatives in media industry which
devise new way for both companies to expand its boundaries”

For additional information, contact us through mail

Website: United media .com

Or through contact No: 03471947524

DATE: 7 APRIL 2020

Title: Joint venture of Camden football club and united media

Addresses to: Sports branch

Author: Hammad malik

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