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Remember that speech that I did that tried to disprove logic as you know it?

Well it’s happening again. A

dimension is an aspect of a situation. It is also a very confusing and complex topic that is never ending.
There are 5 known dimensions and 6 more theorized, and cubes that somewhat go along with those
dimensions. There are 4 known dimensions that we are actually exposed to starting with the 0th.The 0th
dimension, also known as the 11th dimension is a dot. It represents a place holder. This dimension’s cube
is also a dot. The 1st dimension is the 1st in an endless number off dimension. The 1st dimension is a line.
This line can connect in any way from a dot to a dot. It can be curved but is usually straight. It represents
left and right. A 1st dimensional cube would also be a line. The cube will be the same as the dimension
until the 5th dimension. The 2nd dimension is 2 lines intersecting each other. They can be curved or
straight. This is representing up, down, left, and right. A 2 nd dimensional cube would also be 2 intersecting
lines. The 3rd dimension is when a line intersects the 2 lines intersecting to create a shape that resembles
a cube. The 3rd dimension represents forwards, backwards, up, down, left, and right. A 3 rd dimensional
cube is… well a cube. The superstring theory and M-theory were both theories stating that there were 7
extra dimensions, (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th/0th (the 0th dimension wasn’t considered a dimension
when the superstring/M-theories were conceived),There is no superstring/M-theory that ends how many
dimensions a shape can have, so there is an endless number of dimensional shapes. I even found a 100
dimensional cube. The 4th dimension is where cube is connected to another cube. This is time (somehow).
A 4th dimensional cube is called a tesseract. When one grows the other one shrinks to fits inside the other
and so on so forth. This is called a tesseract. The 5th dimension, a branch, is the first of many dimensions
to be as convoluted as can be. It start pretty much states that there are time lines that you could have had
but through nothing you try can’t change. Unless you go back in time and trigger events to see those new
futures, or you can travel through the 6th dimension. A 5 dimensional cube would be like a square made
out of cubes. There are cubes at each and every corner of the square with lines connecting them. It’s
called a penteract or a 5-cube. The 6th dimension, a fold, is a shortcut to get to your different set of
futures or branches of your life. A 6 dimensional cube is like a bunch of cubes within each other growing
and shrinking inside one another. This is called a hexeract or a 6-cube. Oh God this part. The 7 th
dimension, a point, is one of the most convoluted if not the most convoluted dimension in existence. This
starts by stating that the 7th dimension is all the possible timelines after the big bang. This shrinks down to
an infinite point. A 7 dimensional cube is like a tesseract, but only with even more cubes growing and
shrinking inside each other. This is called a hepteract or a 7-cube. The 8 th dimension, a line, is where two
separate universe have a line connecting them together. Like 2 separate big bangs have occurred and the
universes that they hold is like a dot. An 8 dimensional cube is a complex circle with lines connecting to it.
It has dots everywhere with several different lines connecting to each dot. This is called an octeract or an
8-cube. The 9th dimension, a split, is where another universe or infinite point branches off of the line
connecting 2 infinite points. A 9 dimensional cube is a circle with an endless number of dots with even
more lines connecting to each point. This is called an enneract or a 9-cube.The 10 th dimension is where all
the possible infinite points are treated as one point with a 4 dimensional line connecting 2 10 th
dimensional dots. A 10 dimensional cube is where a lot of lines are connecting to a lot of a lot of dots. This
is called a dekeract or 10-cube. Both M-Theory and String Theory theorize that there are actually a total of
11 dimensions and are both are a way to describe all force and matter. It’s also known as the “theory of
everything.” It pretty much says that the entire universe is made of string. If we shrink down to the world
of quantum mechanics, we’d see that the fabric of space is very chaotic .It tends to rip and tear. A string,
(which the String Theory is based upon), is a small bit of energy vibrating like the strings of a string
instrument. These strings are like guides for “bubbles” that can and will stop the fabrics of space from
ripping. Because of this, we can virtually do anything without consequence. For example, we can change a
donut to a coffee mug, because they both have a circle. They’re the same shape. But how could we
change it to a plate? This would mean we’d have to rip it and reshape it. But Einstein’s laws said that
space can’t rip, but it can stretch and warp. But due to String Theory, this isn’t possible, we can now rip it
and change the shape. String Theory also says that there are small 3-d or even more dimensional objects
called membranes or branes that live inside strings and can grow to even be the size of a universe. This is
important because String Theory also says that we’ve been living inside a brane with only a 3-d space the
entire time and hence states how the universe is made of string. That also explains why we can only see
the 0th- 3rd dimensions. This is like we’re living on a slice of bread. We are part of many membranes or
dimensions, slices of bread, explaining the 9th dimension. Another part of String Theory is that gravity isn’t
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times weaker the electro magnetism. Science
says it is. For example, a magnet can pick up something and gravity doesn’t stop it. Let’s go to a pool
table. The billiards are confined by the walls. This is like the fact that in our brane, there are 2 types of
strings. Closed and open ended strings. The open ended strings are halved and confined to a 3-d plane,
like billiards. There is a closed loop called a graviton. This is responsible for gravity, Gravity seems so weak
because the graviton isn’t an open ended loop that can be on a 3-d plane. As you know the universe was
once a tiny dot, a 0-d space. String Theory says that this dot never existed, that there was always a
universe. That 2 branes have just been colliding with each other and that’s why our universe is
continuously expanding. All the energy from the collision creates heat and causes an explosion. Each
collision also creates new matter. Most strings are too small to see, but they are expanding. There is only
one way we can possibly see the strings, atom smashing. Atom smashing is where hydrogen molecules are
electrically charged and stripped of their electrons to be let free down a 4 mile long tunnel underground
where they are released. But right before they reach the speed of light, they’re steered into collisions with
other molecules going the opposite direction. When they collide, they explode into tiny subatomic
particles. Scientists hope to snap a picture of these particles looking for a graviton floating off into another
dimension. According to String Theory, each subatomic particle has a heavier counterpart called a
sparticle. String Theory says that these exist but nobody has ever seen evidence of them. Although there
has never been any evidence of String Theory and other dimensions, it all makes so much sense. We may
never know if String Theory really is real, but we have pretty good evidence of it.

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