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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 71, 2016, 82–112 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

& Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

systemic and local
administration in the therapy of
mild to moderately advanced

Periodontitis is a plaque-induced inflammatory con- and limitations of both forms of administration are
dition that affects the periodontium; it is caused by listed in Table 1. Systemic delivery has the potential
the adherence to tooth surfaces of pathogenic bacte- advantage of reaching pathogens widely distributed
rial species organized in complex communities that in the oral cavity, including those in nondental oral
form biofilms (129, 130). Standard periodontal treat- niches, such as the dorsum of the tongue and the
ment consists of mechanical debridement to remove crypts of the tonsils. However, it requires high patient
biofilm and calculus from the affected root surfaces. compliance, can lead to unwanted systemic side
This approach has proven successful for most effects affecting compliance and may contribute to
patients (48, 49, 154, 175). However, mechanical bacterial resistance (160, 189, 228). In contrast, local
debridement is a highly demanding procedure with administration is independent of patient compliance
some limitations, such as the inability to access deep and allows the application of drugs to the site of
pockets, surface irregularities and furcation areas infection at a concentration that cannot be reached
(104). Because of the infectious nature of periodonti- by the systemic route. However, their application is
tis, the rationale for using adjunctive antimicrobial limited to isolated clinically detected lesions, and
agents is to eradicate or reduce the numbers of reinfection from nontreated sites or nondental oral
pathogenic bacteria in deep pockets, root furcations niches may occur.
and concavities or those residing at or within the This review aims to update the current knowledge
periodontal tissues at the biofilm–gingival interface. lt of adjunctive antimicrobial therapy of periodontitis
is hoped that pathogenic organisms which are not based on the most recent scientific evidence. Special
accessible to mechanical removal by hand or power- emphasis is given to the implications for mild and
driven instruments can be reduced in number or moderate forms of the disease. Mild to moderately
eliminated by antimicrobial therapy (220). Biofilm- advanced periodontitis refers to findings from the
associated infections in general are difficult to treat clinical examination and is generally characterized by
with antibiotics unless the biofilm is disrupted periodontal probing depths of up to 6 mm with clini-
mechanically, as in anti-infectious periodontal ther- cal attachment loss of up to 4 mm. Signs and symp-
apy (129, 130). Therefore, the current general consen- toms of edema, erythema, gingival bleeding upon
sus is that if antimicrobial therapy is considered, it probing and/or suppuration may be present and
should be preceded by thorough mechanical debride- associated with increased tooth mobility as well as
ment to disrupt the structured biofilm (66). radiographic evidence of bone loss (16–30% or
Adjunctive antimicrobial therapy can be delivered >3 mm but ≤5 mm) (1, 10). The effects of standard
either systemically or locally. The possible advantages nonsurgical periodontal therapy with regard to

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

Table 1. Comparison of local and systemic antimicrobial therapy

Source: Mombelli (139).

pocket reduction and attachment Ievel gain for the zole plus amoxicillin achieved the best results but the
different categories of initial periodontal probing aspects related to appropriate dosage and duration
depth are well documented and can serve as a bench- remained unclear. Herrera et al. (94) updated their
mark against which the possible additional effects of previous work to include 32 publications and 45 com-
adjunctive antimicrobials can be compared. parisons. The consensus paper of the corresponding
workshop for this paper (176) concluded that, if sys-
temic antimicrobials were used, this should be as part
Effects of adjunctive systemic of nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Indirect evidence
antibiotics suggests that antibiotic intake should start on the day
of debridement completion and be completed within
A wide range of systemic antibiotics, including amoxi- a short period of time. Furthermore, because of prob-
cillin (with or without clavulanic acid), azithromycin, lems related to the indiscriminate use of antimicro-
clindamycin, doxycycline, metronidazole, spiramycin bials (i.e. systemic side effects, adverse effects and
and tetracycline, have been tested in clinical studies. increase in bacterial resistance), the use of systemic
The effects of such adjunctive systemic antimicrobial antimicrobials in periodontitis should be restricted to
therapy in chronic and aggressive periodontitis have patients with aggressive, severe and progressing
been evaluated in a number of reviews and system- forms of periodontitis. Keestra et al. (112, 113) pub-
atic reviews with meta-analyses (57, 58, 66, 84, 94–96, lished two systematic reviews and meta-analyses on
112, 113, 161). Herrera et al. (96) performed a meta- the adjunctive use of systemic antibiotics in patients
analyses of 25 clinical trials (randomized controlled with untreated chronic periodontitis (43 randomized
trials and controlled clinical trials) of ≥6 months’ controlled trials) and aggressive periodontitis (14 ran-
duration, comparing subgingival debridement (scal- domized controlled trials). The authors reported sig-
ing and root planing) with adjunctive systemic antibi- nificant additional pocket depth reduction with the
otics vs. scaling and root planing alone or with use of antibiotics for either condition of periodontal
placebo. The authors reported statistically significant disease. Statistically, no specific type of antibiotic was
additional benefits for spiramycin (probing-depth superior over another. Separate meta-analyses were
change = 0.41 mm) and amoxicillin plus metronida- performed for moderately deep and deep pockets. A
zole (clinical attachment level change = 0.45 mm) in recent systematic review published by Garcia Canas
deep pockets (>6 mm). They concluded that in speci- et al. (66) was designed as an update of the system-
fic clinical situations, such as patients with deep atic review conducted by Herrera et al. (96) and
pockets or with progressive ‘active’ disease or with selected 23 clinical trials published after 2001 with a
specific profiles, use of adjunctive systemic antimi- minimum of 6 months’ follow up and patients diag-
crobials could be clinically relevant. Haffajee et al. nosed with chronic periodontitis or aggressive peri-
(84) published a systematic review including 29 stud- odontitis. Overall, a tendency toward improvement
ies (26 randomized controlled trials and three cohort was found in studies in which systemic antibiotics
studies) with a duration of more than 1 month. were used as adjunctive therapy with scaling and root
Periodontal conditions were aggressive, chronic or planing, but because of the high level of heterogene-
recurrent periodontitis, as well as periodontal ity of the studies the authors could not establish
abscesses. The authors concluded that metronida- definitive conclusions for chronic periodontitis and
zole, tetracycline and the combination of metronida- guidelines regarding the use of adjunctive systemic

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antibiotics. Therefore, clinicians should make their mean differences were small. In another systematic
treatment decisions for each patient individually after review, Zandbergen et al. (238) analyzed 28 clinical
weighing the benefits and the risks. trials (including 19 randomized controlled trials) on
the effect of concomitant administration of amoxi-
cillin plus metronidazole adjunctive to scaling and
Amoxicillin and metronidazole
root planing over at least 1 month in patients with
In recent years, the antibiotic therapy most widely aggressive or chronic periodontitis. The authors con-
documented in clinical reports has been the combina- cluded that the clinical benefits of nonsurgical peri-
tion of metronidazole and amoxicillin (190, 191, 238). odontal therapy can be enhanced by adjunctive
Sgolastra et al. (190, 191) published two systematic systemic antimicrobial therapy in adults who are
reviews on the efficacy of adjunctive amoxicillin plus otherwise healthy. Rabelo et al. (161) performed a sys-
metronidazole: one in patients with chronic periodon- tematic review and a Bayesian network meta-analysis
titis (four randomized controlled trials) and the other to assess the effects of adjunctive systemic antibiotics
in patients with aggressive periodontitis (six random- in aggressive periodontitis. They found that for clinical
ized controlled trials). All patients had been treated attachment gain/reduction in probing depth, and
with scaling and root planing, alone, or in combina- compared with scaling and root planing alone, the
tion with amoxicillin and metronidazole. The results combinations of scaling and root planing + metron-
of the metaanalysis in patients with aggressive peri- idazole (mean difference = 1.08 mm/1.05 mm) and
odontitis, in which full-mouth data were analyzed, scaling and root planing + metronidazole + amoxi-
showed significantly more clinical attachment gain cillin (mean difference = 0.45 mm/ 0.53 mm) had the
(0.4 mm) and probing depth reduction (0.6 mm) after most beneficial outcomes.
full-mouth scaling and root planing in combination
with systemic administration of these two antibiotics.
Effects of systemic antibiotics in initially
Patients with chronic periodontitis also seemed to
moderate or deep periodontal sites
experience a clinical benefit of this antibiotic combi-
nation compared with scaling and root planing alone. To put the observed weighted mean differences of
The results of the meta-analyses showed significantly 1.4 mm for pocket depth reduction and 0.9 mm for
more mean clinical attachment gain (0.2 mm) and clinical attachment level gain into perspective, and
probing depth reduction (0.4 mm) after adjunctive because not all studies included had a comparative
amoxicillin and metronidazole, although the addi- treatment arm of scaling and root planing only, Zand-
tional mean benefit was less distinct than in the bergen et al. (238) made an indirect comparison with
patient group with aggressive forms of the disease data originating from another review published by
(Table 2). Therefore, these systematic reviews, based one of the co-authors (35) by analyzing the overall
on full-mouth clinical data, seem to support a statisti- effect of nonsurgical therapy alone. In this explora-
cal benefit for the adjunctive use of amoxicillin plus tory analysis, data stratified according to baseline
metronidazole in the treatment of chronic and aggres- pocket depth were compared with data previously
sive periodontitis; however, the observed weighted reported by Cobb (34), for nonsurgical debridement

Table 2. Therapeutic efficacy of nonsurgical periodontitis treatment, with and without adjunctive systemic amoxicillin
and metronidazole, in patients with chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis

From Sgolastra et al. (190, 191). Follow up varied from 3 to 24 months.

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

antibiotics. Patients who received antibiotics at initial sites improving above clinically relevant thresholds,
therapy showed statistically significant improvement compared with patients who received antibiotics at
in pocket depth reduction and in the percentage of retreatment in sites with remaining pockets ≥5 mm.




Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

3. Aimetti M, Romano F, Torta I, Cirillo D, Caposio P, 21. Boyton RJ, Reynolds CJ, Quigley KJ, Altmann DM. Immune
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Table 4. Evaluation of initially deep sites in five studies: probing-depth reduction and clinical attachment gain were determined in test subjects after treatment of gen-
eralized aggressive periodontitis using scaling and root planing in conjunction with amoxicillin + metronidazole compared with placebo control

Initially deep sites (probing depth varied from ≥6 mm to ≥7 mm).

Mann–Whitney U-test.

From Mestnik et al. (136).
*Bonferroni-corrected t-test.
**Student’s t-test.
***Kruskall–Wallis test.
****Mann–Whitney U-test.
*****Analysis of covariance.
******One-way analysis of variance P-value.
Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

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Table 5. Mean reduction of pocket depth and gains in syndromes that substantially modify susceptibility
clinical attachment following scaling and root planing and/or progression of disease (11, 89, 98, 202). An
example of a patient with generalized severe peri-
odontitis treated with adjunctive systemic antibiotics
in a specialist practice is shown in Fig. 2(A–H).

Effects of adjunctive locally

delivered antimicrobials
Various antimicrobials and delivery systems have
been developed with the aim to minimize systemic
uptake of the antimicrobial agent whilst maintain-
ing high levels in the crevicular fluid at the target.
These agents, which provide substantivity of an
antimicrobial system at an effective drug concentra-
*From Hung & Douglass (100). References from which the results were calcu-
lated were 5, 15, 40, 122, 126, 142, 155, 156. Mean numbers, weighted according tion over time, have been investigated mostly in
to sample size, after scaling and root planing were analyzed using baseline localized forms of periodontitis and in nonrespond-
measures of initial probing depth as covariant.
ing, persistent and recurrent sites (60, 114, 221). Sci-
entific evidence using adjunctive locally delivered
deep sites. For patients diagnosed with mild to mod-
antibiotics is currently based on three systematic
erate periodontitis (1), the majority of probing depths
reviews and one meta-analysis (20, 86, 100, 133).
recorded at baseline usually do not exceed 6 mm.
Hanes & Purvis (86) published a systematic review
The effects of mechanical debridement alone are well
of 19 studies that evaluated the efficacy of different
documented for moderately deep sites (4–6 mm),
nonsurgical periodontal therapies, including admin-
and clinicians can expect a mean reduction in pocket
istration of local sustained-release agents (minocy-
depth of approximately 1 mm and a gain in clinical
cline gel, microencapsulated minocycline,
attachment level of approximately 0.5 mm (100)
chlorhexidine chip and doxycycline gel). In a subse-
(Table 5). Thus, the risk is low for residual deep sites
quent systematic review, the statistically significant
(>5 mm) with persistence of high loads of bacterial
adjunctive benefit for adjunctive tetracycline,
pathogens, the limited additional benefit of the use of
minocycline, metronidazole and chlorhexidine
systemic antibiotics in moderately deep sites does not
could be confirmed with modest clinical improve-
justify their use. Exceptions may be very rare cases of
ments in probing depth reductions compared with
young patients with moderate disease who are
scaling and root planing alone (20).
infected with the JP2 genotype of Aggregatibacter acti-
A recent systematic review (133) was based on data
nomycetemcomitans (Fig. 11A–G); This distinct geno-
extracted from 52 randomized controlled trials,
type of A. actinomycetemcomitans has been found to
reported in 56 publications. In most of the studies,
be strongly associated with aggressive forms of peri-
site selection for the application of antimicrobial
odontitis, particularly in patients from African medi-
delivery systems was based on the presence of sites
terranean regions (e.g. Morocco), but is not
with pockets of >5 mm in patients with chronic peri-
associated with known systemic conditions or genetic

Fig. 1. (A) A 23-year-old patient from North Africa observed and plaque index was 54%. (E) Explanation of
unhappy with her smile line. Her maxillary incisors periodontal status. (F) Re-evaluation 8 weeks after com-
showed distinct migration (flaring) with incomplete lip pletion of debridement on two consecutive days with
closure. This patient has localized periodontitis not associ- adjunctive systemic azithromycin; periodontal conditions
ated with known systemic conditions or genetic are clearly improved. Azithromycin was used because of its
syndromes. (B) Clinical view at baseline: distinct black- potent activity against periodontal pathogens, short treat-
stained calculus on the lower right canine. (C) Radio- ment regimen (ensuring good patient compliance), low
graphic documentation; upper incisors show moderate incidence of side effects, persisting antibiotic effects and
bone loss. (D) Periodontal attachment status and plaque even longer-lasting immunomodulatory effects after a sin-
index at baseline. Probing depths ranged from 2 mm to 6 gle course (97). (G) Clinical view 8 weeks after nonsurgical
mm and in localized areas (e.g. upper right wisdom tooth) therapy. Fig. 1 (A), (B) and (G) are photographs courtesy of
were up to 9 mm, generalized attachment loss was T. Waller.

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

odontitis. The overall meta-analysis, combining all with the control groups. Therefore, through subgingi-
antimicrobial products, showed significant pocket val application of an antimicrobial adjunct, an addi-
depth reductions and gains in clinical attachment tional clinical benefit in reductions of pocket probing
level (0.4 and 0.3 mm, respectively) when compared depth could be demonstrated (Table 6a) (133). The


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Fig. 2. (A) Clinical status of a 48-year-old patient with sev- otics (amoxicillin 500 mg, three times daily for 8 days; and
ere generalized periodontitis, showing distinct signs of metronidazole 400 mg twice daily for 8 days). (F) Peri-
acute infections on the upper incisors and lower left odontal status 6 months after debridement and adjunctive
canine. (B) Radiographs of the same patient showing mod- systemic antibiotics; the bleeding score is 8%. (G) Clinical
erate-to-severe bone loss. (C) Periodontal status before status 6 months after localized corrective surgery as well
treatment, with pocket depth up to 12 mm and a bleeding as supportive periodontal therapy, presenting a bleeding
score of 100%. (D) Explanation of periodontal status. (E) score of 4%. (H) Periodontal status 6 months after local-
Clinical status 6 months after completion of debridement ized corrective surgery as well as supportive periodontal
on two consecutive days with adjunctive systemic antibi- therapy; the bleeding score is 4%.

largest effect was demonstrated with the application Antibiotics, in addition to sonic/ultrasonic subgingi-
of tetracycline fibers, resulting in a pocket depth val instrumentation, were applied to sites with
reduction of 0.7 mm, followed by doxycycline pocket depth ≥5 mm. The authors concluded that
(0.5 mm pocket depth reduction) and minocycline topically administered slow-release doxycycline gel
(0.4 mm pocket depth reduction). The effect of may provide a short-term benefit in controlling
chlorhexidine chips and metronidazole rendered inflammation and deep pockets in treated periodon-
minimal additional probing improvements, below tal patients participating in a secondary prevention
0.4 mm. Regarding clinical attachment level gain, the program and able to maintain a satisfactory Ievel of
highest effect (0.9 mm) was demonstrated by the oral hygiene. Bogren et al. (19) studied a total of 128
application of chlorhexidine–xanthan gel, although periodontal maintenance patients, with at least four
these data are based on only one study (133) teeth with pocket depth ≥5 mm treated with local
(Table 6b). Other antimicrobials yielded additional application of doxycycline gel, at baseline and at 1
clinical attachment level gains of 0.2–0.6 mm. How- and 2 years, as an adjunct to mechanical debride-
ever, the application of metronidazole and other ment or mechanical debridement only. The authors
chlorhexidine products did not add any benefit over concluded that although short-term effects on clini-
scaling and root planing alone. In spite of no signifi- cal parameters were found with the adjunctive use of
cant changes in bleeding, and a high heterogeneity of locally delivered doxycycline, applications repeated
data, Matesanz-Pe rez et al. (133) concluded that annually had no clinical effects beyond those
scientific evidence supports the adjunctive use of observed with mechanical debridement alone in
local antimicrobials to debridement in deep or recur- maintenance patients. Tomasi et al. (207) studied 22
rent periodontal sites, mostly when using vehicles patients with chronic periodontitis, who received ini-
with proven sustained release of the antimicrobial. tial root debridement by ultrasonic instrumentation,
An example of a tooth treated with adjunctive locally followed by random assignment to retreatment of
delivered antibiotics as part of the initial treatment residual furcation pockets at 3 months by ultrasonic
phase is shown in Fig. 3(A–G). instrumentation, with or without adjunctive local
application of a 8.8% doxycycline gel, and concluded
that the improvement in molar furcation involve-
Local adjunctive antimicrobials for
ment after nonsurgical periodontal therapy was not
recurrent or persistent periodontal lesions
enhanced by adjunctive locally applied doxycycline.
Although the probability of observing a high percent- An example of a patient treated with adjunctive
age of deep residual pockets after anti-infective ther- locally delivered antibiotics for recurrent disease is
apy in patients with mild to moderate periodontitis is shown in Fig. 4(A–H).
low (Table 5), sites with pocket depth >5 mm repre-
sent an incomplete periodontal treatment outcome
and require further therapy (134). In particular,
bleeding sites, which carry an increased risk of dis- Treatment protocols for adjunctive
ease progression, are difficult to control. Renvert & antibiotics
Persson (167) reported that the presence of deep
residual pockets after treatment was associated with
Time of administration
further disease progression. Tonetti et al. (209) evalu-
ated the efficacy of a slow-release doxycycline gel Griffiths et al. (76), in a follow-up study of a random-
adjunctively administered with nonsurgical therapy ized controlled trial performed by Guerrero et al. (80)
in subjects with recurrent or persistent periodontitis. evaluated whether retreatment with adjunctive

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis


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Table 6. Clinical therapeutic efficacy of scaling and root planing vs. scaling and root planing plus different local
antimicrobials on (a) probing pocket depth and (b) clinical attachment level in patients with chronic periodontitis

From Matesanz-P
erez et al. (133). Follow up varied from 6 months to more than 12 months.

metronidazole and amoxicillin would give the original 2 months and the two study groups were crossed-
placebo group benefits comparable with the original over for treatments. The test group was treated with
test group. The previous study was extended for debridement and the control group with systemic

Fig. 3. (A) Frontal view of a 52-year-old man with an acute of inflammatory reactions are still evident in the lower
periodontal lesion on an upper left incisor and generalized incisors. (E) Re-evaluation 8 weeks after root surface
moderate periodontitis (from (106) Quintessence with per- debridement using piezo-surgical instruments (EMS,
mission). (B) Periodontal status before treatment: the Electro Medical Systems, Nyon, Switzerland) and adminis-
probing depth ranged from 2 to 6 mm (localized up to tration of local antibiotics (Arestinâ, OraPharma)
10 mm on the upper-left central incisor), the plaque index subgingivally on the upper left central incisor. Probing
was 100% and the bleeding score was 73%. (C) Radio- depths on that tooth were still between 3 and 10 mm but
graphs of the same patient showing generalized slight to there were no visible signs of suppuration. (F) Clinical sta-
moderate bone loss and the upper left central incisor tus: stable condition 2 years after regenerative procedures
showing severe bone loss. (D) Clinical status 8 weeks after and one year after orthodontics. (G) Periodontal status
administration of local antibiotics (Arestinâ; OraPharma, 3 years after regenerative procedures on the upper left
Horsham, PA, USA), gentle debridement of the upper left central incisor and 3-monthly supportive periodontal
central incisor and nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Areas therapy.

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

antibiotics. Patients who received antibiotics at initial sites improving above clinically relevant thresholds,
therapy showed statistically significant improvement compared with patients who received antibiotics at
in pocket depth reduction and in the percentage of retreatment in sites with remaining pockets ≥5 mm.




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Fig. 4. (A) Clinical status of a 65-year-old otherwise sys- (Arestinâ; OraPharma, Inc.). Before surgery there was no
temically healthy patient receiving supportive periodontal suppuration, but pocket depth remained unchanged. (E)
therapy. Recurrent disease with evidence of suppuration is Evidence of a large intrabony defect to the mesial of the
apparent on the lower right canine. (B) Two periodontal lower canine. Monophilic sutures in place after treating the
examinations carried out 3 months apart. Sudden peri- defect with enamel matrix proteins and bone replacement
odontal breakdown the lower right canine, full-mouth pla- material (Emdogainâ, Straumann; Bioossâ, Geistlich,
que/bleeding score: 10%/12%. (C) Results of a microbial Switzerland). (F) Clinical situation 1 year after regenerative
test taken from the subgingival biofilm of the canine, surgery. (G) Radiographs taken at patient0 s first visit/exam-
including a susceptibility profile to different antibiotic sub- ination with an unexpected periodontal breakdown 2 years
stances. (D) Situation after root surface debridement and later. Radiographic defect fill 1 year after regenerative sur-
application of adjunctive minocycline microspheres gery. (H) Examination 1 year after regenerative surgery.

In deep pockets (≥7 mm), the mean difference was reductions, and changes in the number of pockets
0.9 mm (P = 0.003) and in moderate pockets (4– that were in need of further treatment at 2, 6 and 8
6 mm) it was 0.4 mm (P = 0.036) (Table 7a). Clini- months, are presented in Table 7b. For pockets con-
cally relevant changes of >2 mm in probing depth verting from ≥5 mm to ≤4 mm, the difference was

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

83% for initial antibiotic treatment compared with dontal therapy. They performed a randomized con-
67% for delayed antibiotic treatment (P = 0.041); and trolled crossover clinical trial and investigated the
for pockets converting from ≥4 mm to ≤3 mm, the adjunctive effect of systemic antibiotics on the
difference was 63% for initial antibiotic treatment nonsurgical and surgical treatment phases. The
compared with 49% for delayed antibiotic treatment authors reported similar long-term results, but stated
(P = 0.297). The authors concluded that: ‘patients that antibiotic therapy during the first nonsurgical
that received the antibiotics at the initial therapy treatment phase resolved the disease more quickly
showed significant additional benefits compared to and thus reduced the need for additional surgical
those who received the same regime at the re-treat- intervention.
ment phase.’ A limitation of the study design was dif-
ferent follow-up times of 6 months from initial
Systemic antibiotics and full-mouth
antibiotic treatment vs. 2 months for delayed
antibiotic treatment. Very recently, Mombelli et al.
(140) investigated the possible benefits of amoxicillin In patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis,
and metronidazole in the different phases of perio- the clinical and microbiological effects of a full-

Table 7. (a) Improvements in pocket-depth reduction and in the percentage of sites above clinically relevant thresh-
olds, compared with patients who received antibiotics at retreatment in sites with remaining pockets ≥5 mm; (b) tim-
ing of systemic antimicrobials (metronidazole and amoxicillin) given at either initial therapy or in the retreatment
phase in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis

From Griffiths et al. (76).

*Analysis of covariance for probing pocket depth reduction and gain in lifetime cumulative attachment loss.
**Subset analysis showing clinically relevant changes in probing pocket depth presented at median and interquartile range (IQ) using the Mann–Whitney U-test.

Jepsen & Jepsen

mouth disinfection protocol comprising debride- A prospective multicenter randomized controlled

ment combined with chlorhexidine irrigation, rins- trial designed to investigate the course of peri-
ing and tongue brushing, with or without amoxicillin odontal disease and the long-term impact of
plus metronidazole, were studied (92, 214). Although adjunctive systemic antibiotics was performed by
some short-term advantages were observed for clini- Harks et al. (87). Four-hundred and six patients
cal variables, both clinical and microbiological with moderate-to-severe periodontitis received
observations suggested an important impact, in both nonsurgical periodontal therapy and adjunctive
groups, of the therapy provided; however, after systemic antibiotics (amoxicillin plus metronida-
6 months there were no relevant differences zole) and maintenance therapy at 3-month inter-
between groups with or without the additional vals. After a 27.5-month observation period, both
adjunctive antibiotic therapy. On the other hand, treatments were found to be effective in preventing
Aimetti et al. (2) assessed the adjunctive effect of disease progression (the percentage of sites show-
amoxicillin and metronidazole over a complete full- ing further attachment loss was ≥1.3 mm). The
mouth disinfection protocol, and both clinical and median percentage of sites showing further attach-
microbiological findings revealed significant benefits ment loss was 7.8% in the placebo group
of adjunctive antibiotics after 6 months. In patients compared with 5.3% in the group receiving adjunc-
with chronic periodontitis, no differences in clinical tive antibiotics. Empiric therapy with adjunctive
attachment level gain or pocket depth reduction systemic antibiotics showed a small absolute,
were found when a full-mouth disinfection protocol although statistically significant, additional reduc-
with metronidazole was compared with the same tion of further attachment loss.
protocol with placebo (158).

Smokers are at a greater risk of developing periodon-
Best maintained clinical results over time
tal disease and tooth loss compared with nonsmokers
A study designed to find a periodontal treatment (17, 146, 203, 204) and respond less favorably to peri-
with the best clinical results that were maintained odontal treatment (92, 108, 146). In general, smoking
over 24 months, as evaluated by changes in pocket reduced clinical responses to all therapies applied,
depth and clinical attachment level, was performed namely nonsurgical, surgical and adjunctive therapies
by Goodson et al. (71). Treatment outcomes of (71). In the maintenance phase of periodontal ther-
scaling and root planing, alone, or in combination apy, heavy smoking was one of the main risk factors
with systemic antibiotics, local antibiotic therapy for disease progression (134). Most of the clinical tri-
and/or periodontal surgery, were compared under als addressing post-therapy microbiological changes
a common protocol. The authors concluded that agree that it is more difficult to control subgingival
patients receiving adjunctive therapies generally pathogens by mechanical periodontal therapy in
exhibited improved attachment gain and/or prob- smokers than in nonsmokers (43, 78, 131, 212, 227).
ing depth reduction when compared with debride- This is probably because of the reduced capacity of
ment alone. Adjunctive locally delivered smokers to combat periodontal pathogens (81), as it
tetracycline had no statistically significant effects. has been demonstrated that smoking affects the cel-
Adjunctive combination of amoxicillin and metron- lular and humoral inflammatory responses (172).
idazole provided additional benefits regarding Therefore, adjunctive therapeutic approaches have
attachment level gain and pocket reduction. Peri- been suggested for treating periodontitis in smokers.
odontal surgery provided pocket reduction, but was Superior clinical outcomes have been reported in
not associated with attachment level gain (Table 8). smokers compared with nonsmokers, with nonsurgi-
This study was conducted with a factorial design to cal treatment using adjunctive systemic or locally
test whether or not treatments interact with each applied antimicrobial agents (115, 132, 198, 206). For
other. The test of interaction between therapies persistent pockets of >5 mm after a course of debride-
(cross products) for 24-month clinical attachment ment, Kinane & Radvar (115) concluded that smoking
level gain and probing pocket depth reduction may have an important role in determining the prog-
revealed no statistical significance. The investigators nosis of periodontal treatment. Treatment outcomes
therefore concluded that among adjunctive thera- may be improved by application of locally delivered
pies, an additive effect, but no synergistic or antag- antimicrobial systems as adjuncts to scaling and root
onistic impact, was observed. planing. Tomasi et al. (206) studied 103 patients (42

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

Table 8. Clinical attachment level gain and probing pocket depth reduction, from baseline to 24 months, in sites with
pocket depth >5 mm at baseline, of patients randomized to eight treatment groups

From Goodson et al. (71).

Data were evaluated using analysis of covariance with treatment as the dependent variable in the eight groups; a matrix of 56 pairwise comparison probabilities was
obtained. Attachment level gain and pocket depth reduction values are given as adjusted means  standard error of the mean, with the same superscript letter
within each column indicating a significant difference at P < 0.0009; significant pairwise differences were determined by post-hoc analysis using Fisher’s Protected
Least Significant Difference test.

smokers and 61 nonsmokers), each having at least microbiota are obtained with the adjunctive use of
eight periodontal sites with probing pocket depth of metronidazole and amoxicillin (Table 9). However, a
≥5 mm, treated with root planing or ultrasonic instru- systematic review concluded that the evidence for an
mentation and application of an 8.5% doxycycline gel. additional benefit of adjunctive antibiotic therapy in
The authors concluded that locally applied antibiotics smokers with chronic periodontitis is insufficient and
may partly counteract the negative effect of smoking inconclusive. Additional well-designed randomized
on periodontal healing following nonsurgical therapy. controlled trials are required to assess the effect of
Matarazzo et al. (132) evaluated the clinical and antibiotics in conjunction with periodontal treat-
microbiological effects of scaling and root planing, ments in smokers (7). Thus, from an overall health-
alone, or combined with metronidazole or with care perspective it can be argued whether it is reason-
metronidazole and amoxicillin, in the treatment of able to compensate for the reduced treatment
smokers with chronic periodontitis over a short time response in smokers by the use of antibiotics or
period, and found that the greatest benefits in clinical whether these patients should be involved in a smok-
parameters and in the composition of the subgingival ing-cessation program (165).

Table 9. Treatment effect in smokers with chronic periodontitis: probing-depth reduction and clinical attachment
gain (pre- and post-treatment) following scaling and root planing, in conjunction with the combination of amoxicillin
and metronidazole, compared with placebo controls, after 3 months

From Matarazzo et al. (132).

*Kruskal–Wallis/Mann–Whitney U-test.

Jepsen & Jepsen

Patients with type II diabetes significant improvement in the glycemic parameters

at any time point (Table 10b).
Miranda et al. (138) studied the effects of adjunctive
systemic amoxicillin and metronidazole in 58 patients
with uncontrolled type II diabetes and generalized Patients with specific microbiologic
chronic periodontitis. The group receiving debride- profiles
ment in combination with antibiotics showed greater As a result of its proven ability to suppress A. actino-
mean probing depth reductions and clinical attach- mycetemcomitans in periodontitis lesions and other
ment gains (Table 10a), as well as a lower number of oral sites (69), the combination of amoxicillin and
sites with probing depths of ≥5 mm as the primary metronidazole appears well suited, especially to treat
outcome variable and a reduced number of subjects A. actinomycetemcomitans-associated periodontitis.
with nine or more of these residual pockets compared Van Winkelhoff et al. (229) reported on the microbio-
with the control group up to 1 year post-treatment logical and clinical effects of mechanical debride-
(P < 0.05). The authors concluded that the adjunctive ment, in combination with metronidazole plus
use of amoxicillin and metronidazole significantly amoxicillin therapy, in patients with A. actino-
improved the clinical outcomes of debridement alone mycetemcomitans-associated periodontitis. The
in the treatment of patients with type II diabetes and results showed that the combined treatment was very
chronic periodontitis. Despite the clinical improve- effective in suppressing subgingival A. actino-
ments obtained with the adjunctive use of antimicro- mycetemcomitans in patients with severe periodonti-
bials, none of the therapies yielded statistically

Table 10. (a) Treatment effect in patients with uncontrolled type II diabetes and chronic periodontitis: probing-depth
reduction and clinical attachment gain (pre- and post-treatment) following scaling and root planing in conjunction
with the combination of amoxicillin and metronidazole compared with placebo controls after 1 year; (b) Changes in
glycated hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose with time and according to treatment

From Miranda et al. (138).

Values are given as mean  standard deviation.
Changes within groups in glycated hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose levels over time were tested by repeated-measures analysis of variance (P > 0.05).
P-values were calculated using analysis of covariance.
*Differences between groups were tested using the Student’s t-test (P > 0.05).

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

tis, but the variation in clinical treatment responses tions. Another complication may be that even com-
between the patients could not be correlated with the mensal bacteria can trigger an immune response if
microbial flora. Dannewitz et al. (41) evaluated the they reach critically high numbers or are present in
clinical and microbiological effects of the combina- an inappropriate habitat within the host.
tion of mechanical and antibiotic periodontal therapy
in subjects who tested positive for subgingival A. acti-
Morbidity/adverse events for systemic
nomycetemcomitans. At an average follow up of
and local antibiotics
39 months with an antibiotic regime of either amoxi-
cillin/metronidazole or ciprofloxacin/metronidazole, Nausea, vomiting and gastrointestinal discomfort are
the clinical situation had improved significantly in all the most common adverse events reported in studies
subjects after systemic periodontal therapy and on the use of adjunctive systemic antibiotics in
remained stable during the course of the postopera- patients with periodontitis (28, 31, 32, 52, 53, 61, 71,
tive follow up. No differences in the clinical data were 79, 80, 121, 132, 136, 168, 194, 233). Other reported
found between the subjects that tested positive and adverse effects include headaches (31, 32, 92, 214), a
negative for A. actinomycetemcomitans in the postop- metallic taste (31, 32, 92, 194, 214), general malaise
erative period. Mombelli et al. (141) studied the (79, 80) or a burning sensation of the mouth or ton-
effects of adjunctive amoxicillin in patients with mod- gue (92, 214). Other side effects include muscu-
erate to advanced periodontitis, with or without loskeletal and respiratory disorders (31, 32), dry
A. actinomycetemcomitans. No specific benefits of the mouth, erythema oral ulceration, dizziness, staining
antibiotics were seen in patients positive for A. acti- of tongue or teeth (92, 214), irritability (194), a rash on
nomycetemcomitans. Oteo et al. (148) investigated the face or neck and nausea after the use of alcohol
systemic azithromycin, as an adjunct to debridement, (61). Griffiths et al. (76) reported a high incidence of
in Porphyromonas gingivalis-positive patients with adverse events, with 42% of subjects affected
moderate chronic periodontitis. This systemic antimi- (Table 11). The majority of these side effects were
crobial was chosen because of its convenient dosage, considered to be minor, but serious adverse events,
and the results showed significant benefits in both sufficient to withdraw the medication, occurred in
clinical and microbiological outcome variables after two patients. One subject developed a severe rash
6 months. These results, however, were not corrobo- and the other had to discontinue the medication
rated in a similar study, in which patients were not because of nausea, diarrhea and drowsiness. For most
selected based on a specific microbiological profile, published reports and studies on locally administered
and where no adjunctive effect was observed at the 1- antibiotics, no significant patient-centered adverse
year evaluation (174). Altogether the studies showed events have been reported (20, 86). However, gingival
inconclusive results. One reason for this may be vari- redness, pain on the first day of local administration,
ations in the susceptibility profiles of these clinically gingival tingling, fever, headache, diarrhea, periodon-
relevant oral pathogens, of which knowledge is criti-
cal to provide the patient with the appropriate antibi- Table 11. Adverse events reported following antibiotic
otic therapy. treatment in a study with 19 patients

Side effects of antibiotics

The side effects and adverse reactions related to the
use of antibiotics in the treatment of periodontitis, or
of infectious diseases in general, must always be
weighed against the possible benefits. Antibiotic-
induced pharmacotoxic adverse reactions are listed
in the summary of characteristics of every product
and should be taken into account. In addition, the
antiinflammatory or immune-suppressive effects of
antibiotics, able to mimic a successful therapy out-
come of the infection, are not well understood. The
intake of multiple antibiotics at the same time leaves
From Griffiths et al. (76).
a patient susceptible to development of yeast infec- Values are given as n (%).

Jepsen & Jepsen

tal abscesses, root sensitivity, taste disturbances and nate use of antimicrobials (149) and has generated
stomatitis have been noted in a recent systematic great concern among health authorities. Whilst the
review (133). discovery of antibiotics 70 years ago has revolution-
ized medicine, this increase of antibiotic resistance in
bacteria is the subject of intense debate driven by
Impact of antibiotic therapy on the
economic and political concerns. In nature0 s complex
gastrointestinal microbiome
ecosystem, antibiotics are found in multiple environ-
Antibiotics have changed the way we are treating ments, fauna and flora. Researchers discovered that
infectious diseases, but we are just beginning to microbes produced metabolites with antibiotic activ-
assess the collateral damage on the symbiotic ity mainly in low concentrations, serving primarily as
microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract signaling molecules for bacterial cooperation and
(18). Repeated exposure to broad-spectrum antibi- only became antimicrobial at much higher concen-
otics dramatically alters the composition of human trations (62). Studies have also shown that ‘antibiotic
gut microbial communities, which may persist for resistance is ancient’ (44) and much larger numbers
long periods of time (46). Experiments in mice have of antibiotic-resistance genes are naturally present in
demonstrated that antibiotic exposure disrupts human commensal microbial genomes, as well as in
intestinal homeostasis and, in addition, has a pro- soil samples throughout the world, than previously
found impact on the intestinal metabolome, affecting recognized (42, 199) Remarkably, resistance has also
the levels of over 87% of all detectable metabolites been detected to antibiotics that have only been
(8). The consequences of such microbial shifts in the recently introduced for clinical use (e.g. telithomycin
intestine can alter the proper maturation of mucosal and tigecycline) (44). Therefore, the reservoir of
immunity and render individuals more susceptible to antibiotic-resistance genes has definitely increased
infection (186). Antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused since the discovery of antibiotics more than 70 years
by Clostridium difficile, reflecting colonization of a ago (118). The global pandemic of antibiotic resis-
disrupted microbial community with a specific tance (Fig. 5) represents a major health and eco-
microbe, can cause severe intestinal illness with nomic burden (Fig. 6), and, together with a relative
potentially life-threatening complications (29). lack of innovation in generating new antibiotics, can
The current view of the impact of antimicrobial only be solved if scientists, politicians, society and
treatment on the gastrointestinal microbiota is that business work together, nationally and internation-
culture-independent studies may show persistent ally, pursuing diverse, coordinated approaches. In the
changes in the microbiota that last for years (36, 106). present day, pathogens can spread quickly through
The clinical significance of these changes is currently the globalized system of travel, trade and food distri-
unknown, but there is growing evidence that chronic bution, presenting a threat to the entire world (171,
diseases are linked to dysbiosis of the intestinal 210). We have to realize the danger of returning to a
microbiota. These include asthma and allergic dis- pre-antibiotic era, with the risk of many infectious
eases (99, 218), autoimmune diseases (22, 23), type 1 diseases becoming untreatable and uncontrollable.
diabetes (211, 223), type 2 diabetes (25, 240), obesity The problem of antibiotic resistance is also of great
(24, 120, 137), metabolic syndrome (30, 50), chronic concern to the dental profession and has been
disorders of the gut (51, 111), atherosclerosis (74), addressed by Walker et al. (219, 220). To date, most
undernutrition (72, 117, 119), celiac disease (157, 187) periodontal antibiotic treatment regimens appear to
and chronic lung infections (21, 45). In addition, have been empirically prescribed without guidance
many investigators have proposed that the vast gath- from a microbiologic analysis of the subgingival bac-
ering of microflora in our intestines could have a terial biofilm populations (56). Patients with peri-
major impact on our state of mind. To paraphrase odontitis frequently yield multiple species of
one of these opinions regarding this link: ‘The micro- periodontal pathogens that may vary in their degree
biome may yield a new class of psychobiotics for the of resistance to antibiotics (197). To provide a patient
treatment of anxiety, depression and other mood dis- with an appropriate antibiotic therapy, it may be criti-
orders’ (185). cal to know the susceptibility profiles of clinically rel-
evant oral pathogens. The oral microbiota also seems
to be an important reservoir for transferable antimi-
Bacterial resistance
crobial resistance (166, 170, 216, 217). Approximately
The development of bacterial resistance has 50% of the Enterococcus faecalis strains isolated from
increased dramatically as a result of the indiscrimi- patients with marginal and apical periodontitis were

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

Fig. 5. Available national data on resistance for nine selected bacterial/antibacterial drug combinations, 2013 (Source:
World Health Organization, with permission).

Fig. 6. Estimates of burden of antibacterial resistance (Source: World Health Organization, with permission).

Jepsen & Jepsen

found to be resistant to one or more of the antimicro- therapeutic potential of single-drug regimens with
bial agents tested, mostly tetracycline and/or ery- beta-lactam antibiotics in periodontal therapy. The
thromycin (164). A description of resistance in the in vitro effectiveness of metronidazole against nearly
oral biofilm as a result of horizontal gene transfer was all beta-lactamase-producing subgingival bacterial
reported in vivo, when Streptococcus cristaceus species recovered further supports clinical periodon-
acquired a transposon that conferred doxycycline titis-treatment strategies involving the combination
resistance from a strain of Streptococcus oralis. Both of systemic amoxicillin plus metronidazole. Recently,
strains were isolated from the subgingival biofilm of Rams et al. (163) investigated subgingival biofilm
patients undergoing doxycycline therapy as part of specimens from inflamed deep periodontal pockets
their periodontal treatment (224). Recently, a taken from 400 adults with chronic periodontitis in
plasmidome within E. faecalis, isolated from patients the USA. Overall, 74.2% of the patients were reported
with marginal periodontitis in Norway, was charac- to have subgingival periodontal pathogens resistant
terized and the authors concluded that the majority to at least one of the antibiotics commonly used in
of E. faecalis strains in marginal periodontitis lesions clinical periodontal practice. The authors concluded
are likely to be a reservoir for diverse mobile genetic that the wide variability found in periodontal patho-
elements and associated antimicrobial resistance gen antibiotic-resistance patterns should concern
determinants (200). clinicians empirically selecting antibiotic treatment
In northern European countries, where antibiotic regimens for patients with chronic periodontitis.
usage is generally restricted and infrequent, antibiotic
resistance was reported to be rare among periodontal
pathogens tested from patients with periodontitis
(215). This is in contrast to southern Europe, Colum- Future challenges and
bia and South America, where access to antibiotics is considerations
less stringently controlled and there is more non-
supervised consumption of these drugs, and where a In the coming years there will be major conceptual
clearly higher level of periodontal pathogen antibiotic changes in health and disease diagnostics followed by
resistance has been found (9, 228). Veloo et al. (215) appropriate treatment concepts. Microorganisms
investigated the antibiotic-susceptibility profiles of inhabit almost every imaginable environment in our
five periodontal pathogens (Prevotella intermedia, biosphere and play an integral and unique role in all
Fusobacterium nucleatum, A. actinomycetemcomi- ecosystems. We have learned that there are thou-
tans, P. gingivalis and Parvimonas micra) to six com- sands of microbial strains and species associated with
monly used antibiotics in periodontics using the the human body, contributing significantly more
European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility genes than the host genome itself. Their structure,
Testing and Clinical and Laboratory Standards Insti- function, interaction and dynamics are critical to our
tute breakpoints for interpretation of the results. In existence, and intense research efforts have been
comparison with a previous study from the Nether- made to understand the impact of the human micro-
lands (227) minor differences in susceptibility profiles biome on health and disease (16, 75, 152, 195). Signifi-
were noted, but the minimum inhibitory concentra- cant progress has been made in the development and
tions for amoxicillin, clindamycin, azithromycin and application of high-throughput technologies for ana-
tetracycline were higher for 90% of A. actinomycetem- lyzing microbial community structure and functions.
comitans strains. In general, geographical differences Complex analysis systems are transforming our ability
were found in the susceptibility profiles of P. gingi- to investigate the composition of microbial commu-
valis and A. actinomycetemcomitans between Euro- nities with its full spectrum of host–microbe interac-
pean countries. A comparison of susceptibility tions (241). Many challenges still remain, although
profiles between European subjects and Colombian metagenome-specific assembly algorithms (159) and
subjects revealed a much higher level of resistance in methods for ‘binning’ genomes from metagenome
the latter. data (192, 231) have led to numerous successes, and
Rams et al. (162) studied subgingival plaque speci- the current stage of cataloging and functional analy-
mens from deep periodontal pockets of 564 adults ses will continue to progress with DNA and RNA
with severe chronic periodontitis before treatment. sequencing.
Fifty-two per cent of the patients yielded betalacta- In the case of periodontitis, dysbiotic and highly
mase-producing species. The authors concluded that organized climax biofilm communities resist host
this finding would raise questions about the elimination and have optimal conditions for growth

Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

in a nutritionally favorable inflammatory environ- tant for developing new therapies for disrupting inter-
ment. Mature subgingival biofilms may have actions between major oral pathogens.
immune-subversive and pro-inflammatory roles, Host-modulation strategies involving anti-inflam-
thereby causing collateral damage to the periodon- matory strategies are another approach to inhibit
tium. The magnitude of this damage is host depen- destructive inflammation by antimicrobial effects
dent, relative to its genetic predisposition, and through limiting inflammatory exudate-derived nutri-
environmental factors may also play a role (85). A ents or blocking immune-evasion pathways. Studies
combination of the ongoing exploration of the indi- on resolvins (64, 88, 188, 234) have shown that stimu-
vidual0 s own genome (68, 145, 147, 177–184, 193) and lating resolution pathways goes a long way to restor-
computer science (63) should make it possible to ing tissue homeostasis and periodontal healing.
generate specific microbiomes for each individual Addressing the underlying inflammatory imbalance
using metagenomic codes for identifying health and by harnessing the body’s own immunoregulatory
disease. These new approaches may change our mechanisms through the recruitment of regulatory
current concepts concerning the prevention, diagno- T-cells may reveal another possibility for the treat-
sis and treatment of periodontal diseases (239, 241). ment of periodontal disease. A recent study has
The concepts of keystone pathogens, along with shown that this can be accomplished by the sustained
polymicrobial synergy and dysbiosis, may serve as the release of small quantities of the chemokine CCL22
basis for more promising therapeutic options in peri- from a point source. Administration of these regula-
odontal disease. The health benefits of antibiotic use tory T-cell-recruiting treatments to the gingiva of
are undoubtedly a major success story of medicine mice and dogs reduced the clinical scores of peri-
but the strategy to target individual periopathogens, odontitis as well as hard- and soft-tissue destruction
such as P. gingivalis, is complicated because the (67). By enhancing protective innate immunity in
organism is difficult to eliminate completely. Besides ways that counteract chemokine paralysis, toll-like
having pathogenic effects, even at low abundance, receptor-4 antagonism (128) or human antimicrobial
P. gingivalis is able to survive inside epithelial cells, peptides (47) are considered to be very promising
well protected from antibiotics and thus is a source templates for the development of new clinical strate-
for recrudescence of infection (54, 107). Moreover, gies in immunology and cancer research without
overuse of these drugs has contributed to the emer- compromising the host.
gence of resistant microorganisms, which has become As an alternate strategy to antibiotic treatment,
a major public health problem (6, 14, 26). Studies manipulation of the microbiome through probiotics
have revealed a major reservoir of antibiotic-resis- and/or genetic modification of bacteria through syn-
tance genes in the human microbiome (62). There- thetic biology represent promising newer antimicro-
fore, some existing antibiotic treatments may lead to bial approaches. Probiotics containing Lactobacillus,
lethal treatment failures. If the use of antibiotics is Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces are available for
the treatment of choice, then there is an urgent need treatment of traveler’s diarrhea and antibiotic-
to discover a new generation of antibiotics (123). induced diarrhea. Synthetic biology has already
As polymicrobial diseases in general are difficult to proved successful in applications for influenza vac-
treat with antibiotics, Guo et al. (82) suggested the cine production and makes it possible to develop
potential of using targeted antimicrobials to modu- modified species that can be introduced into the
late the microbiome. In a recent study of the cario- human body and monitored. Probiotic or engineered
genic Streptococcus mutans group, removal could be strains can be improved for efficiency, altering path-
achieved within an in vitro oral multispecies setting ways that may result in increased production of vita-
using a synthetic antimicrobial peptide: C16G2. In mins or the delivery of bioactive agents. These
addition, a drastic reconstruction of the multispecies modified species include yeasts, small eukaryotes or
communities was observed following treatment. bacteria that produce bioactive compounds at dis-
Another recent study, by Wu et al. (232), revealed the ease sites whilst also acting as a delivery system. They
identity of major genetic components involved in could also be used to produce synthetic natural-pro-
mediating the coaggregation of Candida albicans and duct medicines (222). In addition, synthetic virus bac-
F. nucleatum under planktonic conditions, whereas teriophages may be designed to modulate
mutation of FLO9 in C. albicans and radD in F. nu- populations of bacteria that have negative effects on
cleatum rendered the mutants defective in inter- human health (33). It is almost certain that there will
species binding. These observations of cellular further developments in microbial replacement ther-
components mediating co-adherence may be impor- apies and host-modulation strategies. However, as

Jepsen & Jepsen

Fig. 7. Magnitude of the periodontal benefits of using systemic antibiotic adjuncts to the treatment of periodontitis vs.
health risks to society and the world’s ecosystems. In periodontics, antibiotics should only be used as a last resort (Cour-
tesy: G. Armitage).

new therapies are introduced to restore a health- additional 0.4 mm in pocket depth reduction and
associated homeostasis between the periodontal 0.3 mm in clinical attachment level gain.
microbiota and the host, diagnostic tests will be In conclusion, the slight additional benefits of
required to assess treatment outcomes. adjunctive antimicrobials, which have been shown
for moderate forms of periodontitis, have to be bal-
anced against their side effects, and therefore their
Summary and conclusion prescription should be limited as much as possible.
Therapists should be careful not to underestimate the
A large number of randomized clinical trials and sys- effect of proper mechanical debridement and modifi-
tematic reviews have clearly established that adjunc- cation of behavioral risk factors. The patient’s overall
tive systemic antibiotics, combined with mechanical risk for periodontitis must be considered, and excep-
debridement, offer clinical improvements additional tions that may indicate antibiotic treatments include
to those obtained with scaling and root planing alone. cases of early-onset disease if the periodontal infec-
These effects are more pronounced in aggressive peri- tion needs to be rapidly suppressed, localized deep
odontitis compared with chronic periodontitis and in sites with persistent or recurrent disease and patients
initially deep pockets, whereas only limited additional with uncontrolled diabetes. However, these patients
improvements can be expected for moderately deep should ideally be treated in the practice setting of a
sites. The marginal clinical benefit of 0.3 mm of addi- specialist.
tional pocket reduction and 0.2 mm of additional
clinical attachment gain in patients with moderate
disease has to be balanced against possible severe References
risks (Fig. 7), such as microbiologically adverse effects
and increase in bacterial resistance. The effects of the 1. American Academy of Periodontology Task Force Report
adjunctive local administration of antimicrobials on the update to the 1999 Classification of Periodontal
Diseases and Conditions. J Periodontol 2015: 86: 835–838.
have also been very well documented in several sys-
2. Aimetti M, Romano F, Guzzi N, Carnevale G. Full-mouth
tematic reviews. Overall, in persistent or recurrent disinfection and systemic antimicrobial therapy in gener-
localized deep sites, antibiotic application by sus- alized aggressive periodontitis: a randomized, placebo-
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Adjunctive antibiotic/antimicrobial therapy in periodontitis

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