Chapter 2 - Brief Review of Analysis I Seminar Topics

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CHAPTE! 2 BRIEF REVIEW OF “ANALYSIS I” SEMINAR TOPICS 2.0 INTRODUCTION Included in his section wl be abet review o sme ofthe topics which were covered inthe “ANALYSIS I seminar. This particular chaptr wil review thee parla opcs: 24 VIBRATION BASICS AND HOW CAN IT BE USED TO EVALUATE MACHINERY CONDITION? 2.2 UNDERSTANDING VIBRATION PHASE AND ITS APPLICATIONS 2.9 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF TYPICAL VIBRATION INSTRUMENTS. 2.4 OVERVIEW OF VIBRATION TRANSDUCERS AND HOW TO PROPERLY SELECT THEM 2.5 TEST PLANNING CHECKLIST In ation to thee tpi, ether its which Wore covered in “ANALYSIS "wil bo brioy reviewed in other sectone of he “ANALYSIS I seminar text, However, the expressed purpose ot Chapter 2 o ensure everyone reviews the fundamentals before proceeding to more advanced tonics 24. WHATS VIBRATION AND HOW CAN IT BE USED TO EVALUATE. MACHINERY CONDITION? 24.1 INTRODUCTION o ere ee nes (oes not. In andthe Equaion | shows tat he Vibration ‘Ampitucs i drecty proporional othe Dynamic Force, andiverelyproportonal Dynamic Reisance naeping‘mase systom ks tet shown In Figute | an that of te aver machine. For example, a machine isplaced on epxng so.tors, he vbrebon wil ksly Incase due to less dynamic eitanco for the same imposea dynamic forces, The vansmisson of wbraton to the foo and surounding Structures wl be less, But the baton within the machine vl kel erease. Yet, ro adctens! ‘Semage will b done tothe machine since the same forces (and therefore, faligueeesses) wil remain tho same within tis machin (as compared to when the machine was direct mounted to DYNAMIC FORCE) any IBRATION AMPLITUDE RESPONSE « DYNAMIC FORGE ‘Goprigh 6210 Tecrcl anoenos of Chr PG at bration has +. Ftequeney How many tmes does the machine or structure vibrate per minut or second? Rte How much eration In microns, mmisecorg=? ‘RGB How othe member vrating in relation wih a reference point? 2.42 WHATIS VIBRATION FREQUENCY AND HOW DOES IT RELATE TO A TIME WAVEFORM? Fecal rom an example ofa pane te drawn on ip chart recorder (the perc we ‘astoned to a suspended mass which o fn cown on sping), 8 unferm eerie of ‘ne waves would ba dren. Te mas "Would go from ts nual poston to an upper mit of wave, down tough ks neutral poet, ‘hen don toa lower it of ave, ly back ts nautal postion this competes one tye of motion. ay Pk and AMS armpits (his wil be coveredin anche section), Frequency is expressed in ether Cycles per Minute (CPM) or in Cycles per Second (CPS), which Ismow caled Herz where 1 Hertz or Hz = 60 CPM) Frwy = i = f= ER § oper unt Ha\ 8 say} some tne itt SE, (aan oe FIGURE 2, DISPLACEMENT AND FREQUENCY FROM A TIME WAVEFORM Ze ‘Conah 070 Techical Asoo of Cate, When ina tose tie wavelorme ban anaias? “The transducer can be atached cose to the Input or he ouput ng te check fe broken of cipped gear tet. The folowing isa 'ypical example othow adsplay for ane broken oath would apes as a tne waver, shown inFqures, Me (ee) Iypev nevis aey| | See FIGURE 3. HOW A BROKEN TOOTH ON A GEAR IS DISPLAYED IN TIME WAVEFORM AND INASPECTRUM et ‘only arava too which oan be elective} used, Inthe ime wavetorm shown in tho above exerle, an analyst can calcite the requancy of the impactor the speed of tho shaft even though the cspay inthe ime domain. ithe tne between each impact was givon as 5mlisaconds (005 secon), the fequency Wouls be clultod 4 1005 SECONDIGYCLE = 200 CYCISEC X60 SEC/MIN 2,000 CPM ‘Thus, the frequency of the impacts (rte speed ofthe shaftn tis case is 12.000 CPM Laws, ican be realy geen tat the te Debieen mac waa § seconde stead, the ‘requoncy would ony be. 20He (1/5 = 20 eyieee) or 12 CPM - avery low equency indo ‘hs ean be determined ram a te wavotorn ‘oprah © 201 Tesh Aesoios Cari 2.1.3 WHATIS VIBRATION AMPLITUDE? 3.1 hati ation iepasameht? Displacement can Sor eee eT cere, inaieator of vbraton seventy sic the machine or svuctue) may be flexing Yoo mc, simply being bent to fa. Seer ee eee re ge Nota ftom he example ofthe oscilating ‘mass suspended fora spring in igure, thtualanisachas maximum value (ar ak) nin Figure 4. Veloaty is expressed 520) oF a5 millimeters per second (rie). 2 inches per second (ry FIGURE 4. VELOCITY FROM THE DISPLACEMENT CURVE. ty, would satin From an {selloscopedieplay, the peak velocity woul be te het peak nthe depay as shown in Figure 6. was uso to decty measur FIQURE 5. HOW TO DETERMINE PEAK VELOCITY FROM AN OSCILLOSCOPE DISPLAY po a pneu vassowanaet semanas mai Copan ©2510 Tach hos Sain PE iTS iBFRROR AESSIeTOR? \Wnen a machine housing vibrates, experiences acceleration sinoa itcontnualy changes ped aa osiatoe bask ans fr {ate famine nay ss or RRR ek run rte allowing surlacefalures of beerings (aus fe metato-reta cone), These excessive forces {are di-clyproporiona to acceleration (F=ma). Asowesaton is probably the most ieut ‘measure cf ibtaion amplitude to gras, butis the parameter most often rectly meesured in ‘he fl with the use of an accelerometer. Thus, important hat an analyst gana good Understanding oti 2.444 WHATISAVIBRATION SPECTRUM (ALSO CALLED AN“FFT" OR "SIGNATURE? ‘Most wratons in the real word are complox combinstons of vrous wavotorns. Figure ‘220 of which Correspandte an ava requeney (1X REM. 8). Eaeh 0 these Inc! usm wil slgebatcaly add to one anche to genecte ta a wavefarm wrich can be ‘spleyea ether on an oscigscape orn an anlyzr. ‘One tthe most important points to understand about the total tine waveform ‘shows the foal vibration metion of tha machine or siructure fo which the bration ‘Hanactuces le tached. [Fone con beain te comoraend ths pant examiastan a the tne waver i helsing Pm: cause one seve ‘Securing within. machine. In eddllion, the time waveform aives the tre peak (or tre ‘beak: fo-pe0H) vbvation whe an FET spectrum will not However, patoulay wien an analysts just beginning within the ele of wbation analysis {yptaly ess han 3 years fukime experince), spaying and using the ime wave'orm can be ‘very diel and aber intensive if one needs to datermin eauencies. To mpi the process, a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT is generated and dapayed within mast ot ocay'svoeion deta ‘olectors and specrum analyz (nora! ‘operation aso usod in computers) ‘tne analog wert time domain), versus frequency "Th FF ett eique was Gaon by Beto cn Dante Ferner 19 yea can be combed o crate te complex tol waveform, As be sine waves ae seperated fom tho comined wavelor. they are converted to vera! peaks seh have an ampiude a8 determined by thar height) ane are given ¢ poston along tho requancy axl Ts squeno domain presntaon ofa time waveftm scaled a soectum (spac. plu). Asueebumat | sminsttes elated ina. “aanatre” oF 08 01 FET™ ¥ FT anayor ees ‘Sonyign © 010 Testi fanaa of Guo PE 25 (ein FIGURE 6. COMPARISON OF TIME & FREQUENCY DOMAINS Figure 7 surnmaraes the steps evolve n capturing the toa vation waveform and ‘tansforming into thetequency domain (FFT) ashe signals sant rom a varsucer mourted fn the Bearing housing inthe rel worl. Ofcourse hs haure shows the tanstormation 2 ae requency. Inthe fet word machines wil asrerte many hecuerees en any sours machina, Diagnosing inese spectra wa be the an topes ol the cpror in wich the hams nthe iormation wl reed ian “lutrated Vibration Diagnostics Chart ‘eveloped by Technical Asso fol-#-| FIGURE 7. STEPS IN THE CONVERSION OF A VIBRATION INTO AN FFT SPECTRUM ‘248 _DIFFERENGE BETWEEN AlIS, PEAK AND PEAK-TO.PEAK AMPLITUDE FR from voli to aocelaraton, ee. Ths, one paramtar a & peak vue which has been rmoasured, then the parameter which being calculated wil iso be a peak value, TABLE CONVERSION FORMULAS FOR VARIOUS AMPLITUDE UNITS (Ref. 1) 0= 19,00 («WF Dye 1,100 | Bezosriaoo ave |) oye s70x10 ay | | veorros | veoveneteo | ‘Ve 9690 (AVF Te | Ver 93.580 (AE Bera an0 . febemmariaco | apo! evieo0 Se aeoaerton a PR be Acsoorton (a PR evecany nos ‘etc sneP) De Delamont nls Pex) Dz ipiacumans eons PRP) Pe Preqaney (oN) Feretuenoy (OPH). tous, conersions tom ane wreten parametertoanoter te normaly done bythe ste ‘isieatonce ain be imONDARUNEN. A, he ecko can pe a ie ecessery conversions fot peakpeak. peak, and MS (oot mean-square) amps vals. Normaly, Europeans use lS veacty amplitudes. file Ameraans have adoptnc peak values von hough, nro, be numa uy dpay RMS epoca ord tha thorn oeo-caled ‘peak “pea to-peak” spac by nublying each of Ue arodes ofeach the toauencies by 1-44 (72) nthe coe of RiS-o-Paak by 2.820Kinthe case of MS to aktorpeai (assuming such wavelorn s=ucotsa). Figure 8 compares the Engin iron uns wih Me Figue 9 shows now ane unt of ampitude can be conver to another: thts, om RIMS to Peak, peaicto-peat, and vice versa. These conversions ano only pure sinusoidal waves ook {tke caused by almost pure unbelance), sma Yo the waveorm shawn in Figure 8 ee ‘COMMON UNITS OF MEASUREMENT FREQUENCY Cou One CPMOR He wsecrus | MMISEC AMS oe INSECPeAK | MSEC PEAK [ACCELERATION GrEAK onus: PASE DeOREES DEGREES FIGURE 8. COMPARISON OF ENGLISH AND METRIC VIBRATION UNITS (Ref. 1) et J fograt FIGURE 9. COMPARISON OF PEAK, PEAK-TO-PEAK, RMS, AND AVERAGE FOR & PURE. ‘SINUSOIDAL TIME WAVEFORM 28 ‘eprint aro Yahi Facade of Carota FE 24.6 WHEN TO USE DISPLACEMENT, VELOCITY, OR ACCELERATION ‘ScducumumannGeW ADEs, ower eteaans teres ‘splacementto evaluae vibration severity as shown by Figure 10. Fr instance, 808 microns Pk. Pk (2 ml PP) ol vibration at 9600 CAM is much mare des ctve tan fe the same 2.2 ‘microns (2 mij vbraton at 200 CPM (see Figure 10 which ea siglacement end vloaty seventy chart developed years ag for “gonaalotaing machines") ep seaman machine Foie ss tea Se aa Se ‘cols ree naa tne Theae sources may include ‘gear mesh Frequencies (#testhX AP§) and blade passing requencis (#blases X BPM) for high speed centifugl as well as harmonics (ot mulls) of hese requonctes, “sor wears ad though ‘one wil have fo axe inio account theo ir senstvy of veloc at enuencies excsating 20,000 CPM as shawn in Fgute 12), For example tone sowed 8 voloaty of 8 msec (7 nsec) at 120,000 CPM fora fault such a a gear mesa raquency, he would ikely alow onty 8 love of about 72 mens (09 ise at frequency of 200000 GPW [{'20,000/30,000)1.) = 72 mms (68 ise] 25 por the equations ana graphs dnified ag “CONTOURS OF EGUAL SEVERITY" shown in Figure 12 For tha same raason, one allowed a velocity of 6 mmise> (22 injec} at 600 CPN, he shout allow a love! of ony 50 mere (022 nsec. a = requency 62 (CPi ue to fal ofin veloc blow eo0 CPI (FOH2} se shaw by Figure 12. Figure 12 shows ‘ati ci etoned 38 wiry (2 miso). a 6 CPM, ie woul Be equivalent to an txcescive displacement of 2540 microns (Pk-PA) (100 mi PAP, Velocity can sil bs used at ow ‘sp9ces Ik 60 CPM, since bowing dolct Foquancies, goer mesh fequencies and thei harmories wi tl normaly be higher than 600 GPM (10H), which Is corsiceted the "beak cepa 8 are Tecra Acocs a Chae PE oo 2 FIQURE 10 VIBRATION DISPLACEMENT & VELOCITY SEVERITY CHART FOR GENERAL HORIZONTAL ROTATING MACHINERY (Rt. 1) 210 ‘opyran bo Tesh Panos of Otay F VIBRATION ACCELERATION GENERAL SEVERITY CHART ACCELERATION -- G's PEAK FREQUENCY -- CPM VIBRATION ACCELERATION & VELOCITY SEVERITY CHART FOR GENERAL HORIZONTAL, FOTATING MACHINERY (Fe. 1) 24.6.1 Whats the Advantage of Using Velocity? Figure 12 shows the consistency which velo has over a wide, fat raquencyrango 32 compared win displcement and acceleration. They tent aver the tow aed the high ends tf the tequency sole, respacvaly. Note in Figue 12 hat al 3 ampliuce parameters are Clsplayed on te seme graph, using he 5.6 mmisec RMS (31 inisoe Pe) woocy amplitude ‘as bal othe caloaton ol ho CONTOURS OF EQUAL VIBRATION SEVERITY ‘The tolowing example, as ceplayed in Figur 13, hows 3 spectra in (A) displacement (8) vata, ae (C}saeaeraton of ho same wavoionm. Carey analy thoea spectra for 8 Possible beang detect problem. Albough the 1 APM peak (00 CPM) appears inal ee Spacta andi even quite oustanding In Figure 734, eat the most sghantprosarn Irequency a 8720 GPM is nissad entirely nthe placement spectum, as wall as te ide- bands surouncing the 4860 CPN Hoquency in Figure 3A. Thisis very impocant. an a> ‘celeraion spoctum in Figure 136 wasn akan these equencis stl showed up Signi ‘cany in ne gure 138 velocty spectrum. H's deplacementspecum in gute 12 was- nttaken, the 1X RPM epike wee sl gear tb velony spectrum of Figure 28, Thexe- {ore only a velcty spectrum had been taken, asin Figure 128, bot types of probiams wouldbe ceay vse ‘This is e=pecally tue when frequencies are be Bie ‘oprah © 200 Tocbien Restos fats PE (wig) fovenbo1y = (evoroqu) wewese\deig Yees-¥8ed = 0 {Goejunu) Aloojan SWE = A geste 3 (6) uoreuerecoy Si = ¥ :=:2uM N =¥ WOeee =A tt Ob Xesz 4 guoee Vorxesé =o da =v ROO =a 3a =A ALIUZAaS NOLES TADOV 8 ALIDOTIA ‘NAWAOVTdSIG NOLLVHBIA JO NOSIYAWOo sowaNDae 901 ‘ALINBASS ‘TWN i BOnAnaWy 507 (Gs2.enu wi0=p) FIGURE 12. CONTOURS OF EQUAL VIBRATION SEVERITY 28 ‘Conv 2090 Tectia azote of Chote, ena ogg ges 5) feo rato INCH em Giana sera 794. 300.00 ‘ean 62.26-6 420/00 97 85-6. 00:00 2276-8 78000 50.95-6, 4110.0 39.16-6 1589.9 31:36-6 4850.0 ‘eis an 300.00 sclatlgh F 6360. foals | van ® O14 E68 6623. EA PIOK om TUCE 1 9E-3 7200 FIGURE 13. COMPARISON OF DISPLACEMENT, VELOCITY & ACCELERATION ‘SPECTRA ON A 300 RPM FAN WITH BEARING PROBLEMS. 2.1.7 HOW MUCH IS Too MUCH VIBRATION? ‘Trcough the yours, he ganera ibraton severity chart of Figure 10 has been commonly used, Ths chart apotes fo “Tay were geermined hraugh many yrs ‘ois are peo ovr vot eas isc ANS Tog angen ee act eee ‘anes ove ct nt an. one oe mie oasurmer om. > ere racine. separate above ALAPW {wil helt premature probions are Notideried and corecto, "ALARM 2 levels re 50% higher than those of ALAPI ¢" ‘machines are alowed fo apeete above ‘ALAR 2° thay may sulle cetastohie flr Vit ‘This Technical Associates Rating Chart doesnot cover alypes of machines. Further dle msat macnines not include the chart Figo 14 one could use the Figure 10 sovrty Cart 9 Siafistial method to develoo otha alm levels statstcal comparison ean be conducted te ‘machines ar simisr in constucton, dive coniguraton, peraing speeds lacing and 9 Irtemalco/ponents This sation method's especialy estve when sever! suneys.o0 the ‘machines Deve been conducts, Ke practical io evi e ams since th orignal vivation, levels am almost alvavs reduced as machiae iablems and defects ee corrected, ‘hoc Pulse, HED, and Spke Enero, 2s we as other moasurerant parameters, wal be bscussed ietrin several ober chaptors Copyright 010 Tshied Aasocne ot Gaia PE 218 CRITERIA FOR OVERALL CONDITION RATING (RMS OVERALL VELOCITY, mm/sec) {4 Assuning Machine Speed = 6010 69.000 APM. 2. Asso Measures by Azalronetar or oty Pep Pons Bren Hsia sscrely monte ae Case { esuing chine = No union Vibration lt (orale chine - et tar 20% Soon. 4. Sethoar Aleta lr te arta acl Typ noe Orie Ne, Geni Sting lat on nil Ear oarbex Peston abot 25 High hn ate parent ype Gane, cepa Levee woud ny aout 9% of Am waswancy (eau) se] eeeeeeee eectenee "NOTE ns an AG vad ec an ahs ri ah thos as ag ‘Sesto Tyna tw hese a ‘note haem tse aca ao NOTES ovement eee tc oe ‘orrnctTo202- TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES OF CHARLOTTE RG FIGURE 14, CRITERIA FOR OVERALL CONDITION RATING au Techni Aesotes fC PE 22 UNDE! VIBRATION PHASE AND I SATIONS 22.1 INTRODUCTION veto, Phas is easiest to visualize if ono is familar wth using a ming ight to et he ting of an laulomebil engine. Vibration phase is very similar except hat the voaton (ra the spar) the ‘roger Dearing housing in Gach srecton (horizontal vera! and aia), helen detarmine wheter the problem i unbalance, misalignment, sf fo! bert shat, eccentric ro, oosehocown Dots, resonance, caked bearing or several oer potential problems (lf wnhicn can generate \ibraon spectra which appear tobe ential. An exomal tigger, sewing as aeterence, willbe ‘equa 10 take phate measurement using a single shane! anaes \When should phase messuramonts be taken? This secon, slang withthe chapter deeorbing each ofthe tems in te"ilustrated Vibration Diagnostic Chart wil show that hase ‘messurements shou be taken when high ubvatan found at 1X PM, 2k RPM andl 2X RPM In other wore, phase messurements ae nt intended o be taken teach port on ach machine during ron data collection but rather when one is tying to Clagnoee a peru ‘acs prlem, 222. WHATIS VIBRATION PHASE? ratlon pass measured in anguar degrees by using ther asobe hg lactone photocl, Figire 18 snows two masses vbating wit a 80" pase dierones. That ig. Mate #2 ovat oa oye (0) ted oss sh saa eae |#Linphase by 0°. Or, tom he cher point vew, Hass #7 ‘maton ora #2 FIGURE 15, TWO MASSES WITH oo" PHASE DIFFERENCE ‘oni 8 070 Techie Asoo of Ghat PE 2a? ‘igure 16 shows the same bo messes vovalng wih an 100 phase aierance That any Instant in tne, Mass #1 wl move downwards athe some tant as Maes #2 moves upd, sand vice versa Figure 17 shows how phase relates to machine vibraon, The et sketch shows a phase ‘iteence betwen bearing Postiors 1 and? fn-phase motion). The ight ekteh shows 8 180" ‘utophase diterencs between these postions (out ot phase maton), FIGURE 16. TWO MASSES WITH 180° PHASE DIFFERENCE. it 1 if 42 Phase = 0° Phase = 180° Between "1" & "2" Between ‘1 & "2" FIGURE 17. PHASE RELATIONSHIP AS USED WITH MACHINERY VIBRATION 1222.1 How To Read Phase on CAT or ATA Screens 12 Atthe dashed ines he fotowing ilustations of various tne waveforms sow tha the ‘same postion on each wave marian the eae phase relationship, Tha or 90° or any cher angle on each wave the So loeaton (oF anyother ang remain the same Cn al waves regardless a how he wavetorr splayed hat, te ston of i at ‘he highest postive point 160" zero ampitade wih the wavetorm sloping downnarcs; 270" bate lonest neg point; while (or 360) is back at zero ampltuce, but wih ‘he wavetorm sloing upwards (postive sip). ‘Another poiat tobe made about the waveforms of Figure 18 to show how waveforms can be used to compare phesa a various osaions, For example, Waveform A might be athe kiveroutboara basing norzonta: Waveform 8 st he crver inboard bearing zona While Waveform Gea the indoors bearing o! he criven machine. ‘ial waves ware, ‘aati smunecisy. om comcusonasaa baa" cs9 two oe theresa 160 prac itorncebatreen Naveterr kandB wnen A goes u,@ goes ‘own and vice versa Onthe oer hand, there is only a 80" phase dference between Wavetorms A and C 218 ‘epyian o1 Tsio Arsocunn of Ooty PE O FIGURE 16. HOW TO DETERWINE THE PHASE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO TIME, WAVEFORS. '. gure 19 shows now to determine the phase cifrence between Iwo points on the same time wavetor, PROBLEM: WHAT ISTHE PHASE DIFFEFENCE (SHAT BETWEEN PONTA AND POINT ON THE DISPLAY IN DESEES ? FIGURE 19, HOW TO DETERMINE THE PHASE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS ON “THE SAME SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM opin 070 Tse cso o Craba PE 28) Phase elationship-ot Asceteratfo, Velde & Displacement Time Figure 20 shows the phase retatonship botweon acceleration, velociy and displacement tine as vic by 80. ACCELERATION age Ace ACCELERATION eo" | vewocrry DISPLACEMENT FIGURE 20, PHASE RELATIONSHIP BETV/EEN ACCELERATION, VELOCITY AND DISPLACEMENT TIME WAVEFORMS 220 Capron oso Tacha Nason Outs PE 223 Figures 2 and 2 lutate te typi! ercbe Hat methods for aking phase measurements {tobe ight for use wih data elacter ae now avalabe). Aether method, shown igure 23, ilies staorary photocoto laser tach targeted ta piece of elective tape mounted tthe rotating par. To propo coloct pase moasurements,itisimportant that he flaving be done fist. Afr the strobe lights “tuned” tthe fequency af teres the bration amet and phase must bo fecorded. using a swope-fternsrument ike thet shown in Figare 2, he stobe ght can be ‘ventedin any way to best sot rar, but to Yarsaucor must be my mounted in place st each measurement pln. In Cniy the vansduner gots moved to he ston ‘The photocell metrod is more accurate than the sweptite strobe method since the nsrument ‘measures the phase angle win very accutete tolerances, Sine the aebe method Is hand hal, tinetudes human a. FIGURE 21, PHASE REFERENCE WITH A ROTATING REFERENCE MARK AND A ‘STATIONARY ANGULAR REFERENCE Fetereree FIGURE 22, PHASE MEASUREMENTS WITH A STATIONARY REFERENCE MARK AND ROTATING ANGULAR REFERENCE Vibration Tnsvurent Lasortach ‘Angles 50°15" So Light Does Nat Refect Bask In FIGURE 23. PHOTOCELL METHOD OF ACQUIRING PHASE MEASUREMENTS. 2.24 USING PHASE ANALYSIS IN VIBRATION DIAGNOSTICS. “To catomine wneiner ne whole bearing tac ls ving back ana form aay (88 In Figure 24), oF Fite wbrating with a twistng metion (as shown in Figure 28), phase measurements are taxon from lou points on te boring housing i tho ail recon 224.1 Evaluating Asal Motion of a Bearing Housing to Reveal a Possibie Gocked ‘Bearing oF a Bont Shatt Using th co Figure 24, 2a. ana: raneciyoer should be at locatons 1 PHASE 1 180" 150" 150" 150" FIGURE 24, AXIAL PHASE SHOWING PLANAR MOTION. 222 Coppign a0 Testi Aeros faa PS However, ho sare four measurements produce & 0" phase dterence at each locaton, as “sown Figure 25, a bent shat or cocked bearing would be suspected (otc ‘onfrmed wih axial phase measurements on the cher besrng ofthe sam rotor an Figure 26, in hs cas, the 120" phase charge aoss pont | and’ indests an up-end-cown ‘twisting maton whe the 180" ference between poins 2 and 4 reveas a sideto-side Wisk. PHASE 1 60 g FIGURE 25, AXIAL PHASE SHOWING TWISTING MOTION DUE TO BENT SHAFT ‘nunesa.qucioasanana st = oetwoan outboard adruondbsrrge oa Se Bbowoon te riven olor Searing emscives) At erampe fa bent sha is enown in que 20 Darrinant woraton normaly cour a Ki bent noe shat carer, but at 2x bert ner Ne coupling. (Be well to account or tansdueer arentaton for aach ail measurement you reverse tensdveer rection | FIGURE 26, DETECTION OF BENT SHAFT PROBLEMS Sanrio 200 Tc Aran oF roa — "2:2 Phase Behavior Dus to Unbalance ‘To check or an unbalance canton, use te racial phase measurements, susie In Figura27 1.60" sims, signieant departure tom 90 phase erence mens ate bin Sona ether ran sence non tee sc ioardbewngs iin 90. As. the DREN petal be figh Ths shows hte ‘eeullant moton ofthe rotor isthe samen Both the hoszontal and erica drectone. ithe ‘resultant motion snot he sare, th dominant problem is something ater than unde par ae ar ar [aor [aio boor|aar DRT [e[eqe aber [ae [oo a Hor [or | eo 7 FIGURE 27. TYPICAL PHASE MEASUREMENTS WHICH WOULD INDICATE EITHER 'STATIC, COUPLE OF DYNAMIC UNBALANCE 228 ‘oprah 0 2010 Toshi Feeooas of Cnt PE cerry ‘Not he sigiesnt amp ‘use and phase change between the measurements on the baseplate andthe supporting concrete base. Tis problem may be caused by inadequate grauing between these Wo Su ‘aces. it Aso, ook or large ciferences namituges between each interface (ethough this can Occur f teres considerably mare mass ang, therefore lees varaon eepore atone! he itraces). On LICL OI DS FIGURE 28. PHASE MEASUREMENTS FOR LOOSENESS. 2.204 phase Behavior Due to Miselignment: Figure 29 ustats tho two basic types of shat misalignment FIGURE 29, DIAGRAM OF ANGULAR AND PARALLEL (OFFSET) SHAFT MISALIGNMENT Most mizeignments rarely pure angular or pure paral, but usualy a combination of both insted. St mance srarectarant oy ahaoocfreses apachng 160 asoas ecuping "hase trons oro aot snc 480 ove grave oshase tt oscaly Tha cer the ese aifronce isto 180" th higher ethe, probability of misalignment. ada phase roading ar non ‘saignment and atl phase readings to angule misnignment mora sativa o parle ‘Senrign 970 Tshie esooeso Chava PE 225 “ie paso reainge auld be compared ft ‘housings on bot ses of he coung. between the boarng housings on each sida, than between the housings on gach side athe coupling tell A phase sifstence of 1" across fhe souping evongiy inceates shat misaigrment. This phase ference may be measured at alot 1X, 2%, X or even 4X RPM, Sopencing on which of hese peaks are significant. An advantage of scquling phase at 2X, 8X or 4X PM, whan looking for misaligamont, a ths eminaes the contbuton of @ urbe of problems tat generate phase at 1KRPM(.e, unbalance, eccenty. resonance, sof oot, es). To.cbeok for angul mil reatings should bo taken in the 4 quacrant ‘atons ke the conventons shown in Figures 24 and 25 (or in as many ofthe 4 pois as ‘ocessible). An example ofthis is given in Figure 20. Consider the data which provided. Motor Bearings 1 and 2 are maving in union wth one anoher while Beerings 3 and are ‘aso moving togathe hs naleatee there no intemal meaignmen, bent at, or coed Bearings in eer th motor nor he fan. However, noice the 180 phase change across te ‘This inca that. the motor and fn sls eremisslgned between Bearings 2 and {and show tha, a any start of tm, the moter shet is aways moving in 8 directo. ‘opposite to that of tha fan shat nthe al drect aT ezT 3 alee | 2 foe | 2 tos iB | oe |S aor | 5 2m Soop | 4 ae | 4 ae FIGURE 90, AXIAL PHASE COMPARISONS FOR ANGULAR MISALIGNMENT ‘Sino the transducer otan must be tured 180" when making some ofthe axial measurement, member a dé ar subract 180° hom he phase racing ect time tis ‘ented oppose the iefevence drecton (viewing) hat was chosen, so hat he phase Feadings ae forced a arent the sare refernce creation, 2.2.8 uae i sate Te Oren DMsovon Seapwere Machi end- Acquistion ofthe operating deflection shape can go fin helping an analyst lagnos® both the cause anc severty of problema on amacrine or support stuctre. As fhe name pes, ‘ecg vate temerity, Inara, fection ‘nce itdoas hot Tequre action of he quency rexporse unclons (A) ofarrachine ember, Ard itean be prformed using ony a rcs pr revluton tigger and angle channel inerument (oven s swept iter analyzer and strobe igh). While often may raul resanant operation. ‘hata fn can detect mialgnmn, sft et. 228 Copano 2 Tash Acct of Sais PS “The opotaing datocton ofa machine andor is suppor nuchure can be etemined by ding to stuctre into 10 or 12 equary spaced measurement inestone ena record the [hase an vation values at eacnincaton. The obectve ft detrmane th location of he Imaximien and minicar Foxure. Wh thls norman, eaules wih th foring wequency (XM, KPH, or 21K RPM inthe case ofa Gane pump impala) aaotion can be ‘derives to duce te excessive maton resonance i found by ding braces or mass, by changing the forcing fequency fr by replacing anchor bos oF carectng “sprung foot # ‘excessive vibratian is found sa Suppo oot vo), Figuo 21 showe some qualy spaced phase measurement locations on a mactine support ‘ram which had an apparent flexing problem at 1X PW Isto verical rection of the ‘machine mounted ont. iLnivthe vibration ampitude was used wirout the phase Information, a plotof he voraion ampitude on advan of he ae stuture may appear [ke the one shown in Figure 32. Pickup Measurement Points FIGURE 31. PHASE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS ON FLEXING MACHINE BASE USED TO DETERMINE ITS OPERATING DEFLECTION SHAPE FIGURE 32, PLOTTING ONLY AMPLITUDE WITHOUT PHASE WILL CREATE AN INCORRECT OPERATING DEFLECTION SHAPE ‘Copigh 6 910 Yeon! onecer of Chaat PE 2a Figure 8. The piss data vies alo tend ight hate lhe sure we acu ‘moving in opposite drectons. Aso, ote the eignfcant phase change of 165 (270-1057) ‘measured jst 1 ether side ol mic-span inthis particular case, fis was @ song indication ‘he suppor fame was bam seated atts second bending made, Tris waa aubeequanty ‘voriod by a sores f natural frequency tet, FIGURE 99, ADDITION OF PHASE CREATES AN ACCURATE OPERATING DEFLECTION. ‘SHAPE DRAWING [Amore etectve location for such bracing would be alan antiodal point wher tho vbation ‘was te greatast, a shown In Figure 35. The bracing wae added a th location shown Figure 98. As a result te vere! second bending mde increased in Fequency by 10%. AS ‘result, vibration levels cropped cramatcaly rom approxatsly 20.8 meisoc Pk (81 nsec i) to ony3.1 msec Px (122 nbs PR), (855). Antinode FIGURE 4, INEFFECTIVE APPLICATION OF STIFFENING AT A NODE. 228 oprah © 810 Fst anon of San PE Antinode: FIGURE 95, STIFFENING AT THE ANTINODE AS DETERMINED BY THE MODE SHAPE ‘oprah ore Yeaticl asocus of Saat 2-20 23:1 INTRODUCTION “The purpose of oration intumentation i to accurately measure vation amplitudes, frequencies, and phase so tata reliable detormination ofa machine's conden can be mad. 41), Overat Love! Vibration Motors 2), FFT Programmable Data Collectors 3), Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers 4) Instrument Quay Tape Recorders 23.2 INSTRUMENT COMPARISONS ‘This section Is mean o evaluate the general capabiiies of the 4 ypes of instruments sted above. tis mporant fo note hat tal makes and models ofthese instrument ypos which are ‘onigured to wert each of hase charactors wil be featured inthis secon. Nowa, tis eclon provides good checklists rvaw win an netrument manufacturer to fly undratang the struments capabilites “Table wt prosant each type ofinstrument and ist the general capabilites each possesses. The comparzoncharacterstez wl be deine n more deal elon ony they a comet camper |A) Portability -Canthe equipment be easily cared around the pant or mil? How much ‘fone wean? 2) Typical Frequency Range - Describes ine typical range of requencies ftom alow it tala high iret in hich an instrument of each parculr type can accurately measure sctording to a spenfed ampitideileranoe (usualy = 10% or = 38), ©) ata Measurement Format. 1) OL (Overal Level 2) FS (Froquancy Spectum) 3) TWF (Tima Wavetom) ) Typloal spay Types. 4) Le (Lud CryetalDepay) 2) MS (ionachrome Screen) 3) AM (Analog Meter) 8 ‘Typleal Transducer Types - 1)" (Accelerometer 2) V(Velecty Tareducs) 3} P (Proximty Eady Curent Probe) 230 Copycat Toshi Passes of Calin PO Fy Phototach andlor Strobe Light Gapabii he instument ype normaly ose a Phottach os srone ight wth which f ean esse phate, ae wel ae enabling ta possibly pororm operating deflection shape, model analysis and/or synchronous lie averaging? (6) Mult-ChannolAvalabilty- sts instrument ype typical avaiable in moe than one chan? " ‘Spike Energy, HFD, or SPM (Shock Pulse Meseurement) Capability - Can the Insrument ype tpicaty moasiro one of these parameters? 1) High Froquency Enveloped Spectral Measurement Capabilly- High frequency snveioped spectra are known by dfeent vendors as “Spke Energy Spec’, "PeakVue,“Ampltude Demodulsted Spectra" of “Accoeraton Emveloped Spectra", hin are Ususty measured inte 6000 = 80,000 He (200.000 2.000099 CPM) ‘fequency range. However, the "SEE" spectrum cavelopec by SkP Condon Monitoring | meaured Inthe 250,00 - 60,000 Hz (15,000,000 - 21,000,000 CPM) range (where ‘SEE refers to Spectal Emites Envelope). Thess parameter wil be covered In ler chapters ofthe tox 4) SpectelDigplay Update - How fact coos the seran refesh tel wih up to-date data? LEF (Live Time) -Scron uncatas every Ito 4 secand depending on te intron "movel an the eetings, suchas the frequency span, the numberof nes of resoluton, Ye ovrap processing perconiage [RT (Rea Time) -Scroon updates almost stannous, partculaly i higher ‘reqvency spans (again depencs on nsturont soup paramere just = ona data cali 1) Ease of Use - An assessment rating tom simple to complex based cn theta and traning normaly rqured i operate the nsvumentefocbely. The sscoscrent has to Inctucs a consideraton of whether teinstument wil be used regularly (al, Weeki) ‘oF occasionaly (meni. 1b) Time Wavetorm Storage Capability - Can his instrument ype ypeally acqule and store to wavelorn? IM) Frequency Spectra Storage Capability - Can this nsrument ype typialy acquit and store frequency spectra? 1N) Predictive Maintenance (POM) Software Compatibility - isthe instumant compatible with avaiable condition mantocng softare te aot up overland! spect alarms, tend Gata, routes, oto? (0) Natural Frequency Testing Capabitity - Can the nerument be used to conduct pump" or "impulse ets, coasdowrranup tsi, Bods orPolr plot messurements? P) 00s (Operating Detection Shape) Capabiity- Th silty to simutaneously measure ‘he ampli and phase ala partoua fering frequency (auch as 1X or 2x RPM) ae meesured at spoctied iocaons ona sucure or mache anc ypeally are dowrioaded Info a personal computor. Software inthe computor is designed to produce animated ‘operating defection shape plas onthe screen. Tis wil smulate how the remalnder of the machine or structure s moving is relaion to ane ofthe pot. Ths can be done using a single channel analy, akong wit a onoeroveluion tigger, aut beter ‘sccomplisied using an analyzer with we or more channes and aaquling cose channel ‘hase messuremenis ‘Copy © 10 Teowicn Assocs of Chariot, PS 2 282 {G) Experimental Modal Analysie Capablliy- Te capably wo measure "ams required by medal analy auch as natural requoncies, mode Shapes. coherence nd rarster functons. Nodal anal miohves ‘xeting the natural fequencos ofthe structure wih he use of a"modst hammer" ore transducer or by a shaker likewise outited wih 8 force "tense, and messuring the response wih an accelerometer. This analysis equles at ast atwo chavo analy, Fi STA (Synchronous Time Avoraging) Capabiy - The capably to ‘iminate all roquencies tat are nol exact ulipes ofa dasignatod trequanoy. The spectum being measured wil bo ited to ony multiples ofthe tandamerialrequaney (ost on, operating spoed) which is symctvonous with the tigger source (such as aphototach a tobe igh). ‘Tha noneynetonavs Frequencies wil deappea rom the spectrum and {ene wavelor fa sufiiant numa of averages a taken aien 2800 500 averages}. 8), Waterfall or Cascade Plotting Capabilty ~The capsbiity to display one FFT afl anata during a "rp "coastcow andor fom ane POM ‘survey toa nat on the seen, ‘Relative Costs - From abasic instrument “owend cost, the range may vary considerably the “highend cos, depanding onthe stare, ‘abling,pumber of channel, bw ali equipment, and oer “oxas” {tobe purchased, The nominal cost represents whats normaly pad Tor these instumonts andthe necessary “extras ‘pyiah © 010 Teahia asoie of Ch PC TABLET oO ‘TYPICAL VIBRATION MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT (CHARACTERISTICS. amc | He [oe | seecmm | oune se | seats | tte | sec ESe, elisetlet= |e rl iy | aedso | estes | raico | SE eo om Te [eee] ge [om ‘Sonyrah 0 foie Tchr Renesas of Carta 2-38 [3 GENERAL CAPABILITIES OF EACH VIBRATION INSTRUMENT TYPE The flloing i a summary ofthe struments covered provouly in Table I outicing their maior advantages and drawback, 23.8.1 Overall Level Vibration Motes (St tustation A) ‘As tre name ple, these instruments measure cveral vrai (and some mers Ikowiso ‘assure Spire Enetay, or another of the soealed uitasonic bandpass parameter). Overall \braton refers tothe Overall or total amptude suration fall the vibration Inthe orm of [ccaleratin,vloaly, leplaceren:, of ane ofthe igh fequancy pancpase red Parametes. Atone me, these ighwesght, potable nstuments were used extensively, but (because of he lmtatons) have been reiaced today by FFT Programmable Data {Coletors. Some of the max crawbacksn using tee instrument hae aby to splay oF stra ether spectra or time wavetorme; the lined Fequencyrangos in most ‘cetes, and the requirement by most such metas thatthe wibation rezing must ba manually ‘ecorded which le cumberaoms and te consuming. Drawbacks in Measuring Only Total or Overall Vibration ‘ca ala alacant id, Narre tres Co ot wt ony 8 minute irerease (or deoreate a Uo overall iave, artery only ipisearent, ‘oat, of aceleraion usec. Ths ean oct the problem s Bearing wosr, goat ‘woe, cracked gear test, cracked rotor bas, tc. Even if a user fois that he C2 ‘valle machine health by montring beeing canton using vera epke every, HED, o:sneck puts, he shouldbe ana hat ong elomart bearing conation Is nat the only cause for ahighreedng. Lubreatlon, caviton, high pressure stam rai, gear onakton, tr rb, ard bet aqusa also can cause an IncteaseIn eso high weeny ‘bandas paramters. To cetrmine whats causing his parameter to Incease il ‘reaure a spectum analysis ora high frequency enveloped spectum messurement, 2.3.32 FFT Programmable Data Collectors (S FFT Programmabio Data Collectors are the curentstat-oftheartinstumonts of choice for predtve maintenance programs. The FFT capably tancforme tho to waveforms Saptured by nese unt ine requency spectra and most data collectors can csply harm on ‘small LCD screen in “ive-me". Although the data colector was designed to collect data ‘on many plecns of machinery, may of tem can ago be used as an analyzrin he eld due {other graphics, FF, lvetime capabilties, and tor aby to isplay ime waveterms. Most ‘ofthom can measure phase nth the attachment ofa erobe light or protatac and can seo ‘measure figh requeney parameters such ae HFO and Spike Energy. Som can also measure high requency envelopes daa suchas “Spike Gnergy’, "pltuse Demodulated’, "Peake, "Aooeeration Envelope” or “SEE spectra anc waveterms Wie ome ofthe data collectors are single channel insturnts thers have anywhere fom 2104 channels, Only ow PT data colactos are capatla of mut-chanvel data input "whichis advantageous for mada! analyse and oparating detlecon shape tsi. ‘Some data collectors have the abitly to measure dferent parameter (2, vlooty, ‘Acceleration, and spike energy) simutaneously wih one push of he “store” but. Als, ta ‘iaial accelerometer is used, mult-channel uns having at last 3 channels ean dpay the spectra for all3 cractonssimultenocusly, wis Ite oro lose ln snalue processing Speed, tustration 8) 234 ‘epyrah 20 Techn Aesoanien faa PS “Tha quency range ofthe average dala calecor fe noma fom 70% 2.400 000 OPH to 40,000}, bu ome cata caloctors ste now avaiable wih frequency measuring capabtes, aslow as 6 CPM Hans igh co 00009 CP hoo He. Wehthe ners 2335 ReakTime Spectrum Analyzars (See luetrtion ©) ‘The reltime spectrum anaes is he mest power dagnoste tool for advanced agnostic Ichniques on ho market. The “oal-tme" depay Updates “quckor than tne eye" when the ‘fequoncy span ana ther setup parameters fe propery species a oppo tothe Wve tine” disbayn data colecters. In acciton many often havea ulin te bur which lows one t store “rurupa” or “coastdouns” anv play them Oack over and ever again {similar to sing a tape recorder). They also can capture short duration wansiat (as han 20 millseconds) avers anc examine the data locking fox potential prlere, Reale anayzor are excellant n peconming impulse natural Kequancy tests, coastdown! ‘unup tests, and transient capture duet tet peak hold” capabsties. They can also (enerate Bode anc Polar pits to vont tho location of rural Requencis. ‘The mul ‘anne! eapabiltes avalable n many of those units provi an excelent acy to cape ‘atain operating deflection shape ad modal nave, Most ae eapeole operon ‘synchronous tme averaging and oder tacking. Phottech or laser ach inp is valle for ‘hase analysis (or ult channel ATAs can use another accelerometer a ore Waneducer a= 'relerence for phase measurenent Sino a reat epectum analyzer is earmaly comple, th user il rua adconal ttainng ane Fequert use 0 roman protien. Also, ke not ually very pertabie. Soma are ow equiped wth ange ha dives, which provide a vial initess storage capacty for Spectral and ime wavetom deta, Recent RTAs nave bun computers win specal cares wich alow PON software tobe instaied on tim. Some areas equipped wth word Processing, spreaesnoots, and graphics eotvare to provide “onthe spot repo generation. ‘The typlel ea-me snalyer today ie pada of messing tequencles in a very wide ange {tom 06,000,000 CM (0 - 100,000 Hz). In urna, the rea ro anaiyaor ean prove Invaluable for experiences analysts who want fo condi sophiseste cagrestc Invest gators. However, wit the constantly ineeasng capabilies of toay’s data colectars, thoy are no longer an absciute necessity fra "complete" conditen montrng program. coor {instrument Quay Tape Recorders (S stration Insrument quality ape recordar ca simutaneously record many sferent signal (Wethor trom vibration pickups, pressure vanscucor,tachorretars,cuentwarsformr, potctachs, lasertachs, 6). Tape acordars can capture sor:ived transient evens, which caret ‘even be ‘see by an analyzer. Alera signal has been captured on tape ican be analyzed bao no fee ata much lower speed to allow capture of short ved transients, parity noe itmay be played beck over and aver again. “Thre ae tao pes of ape caccscrs mane fd noalog and cgi! The analog type records te actual sgnal npu fom the vansducer without breakeg toa numberof Sarol pons, Hono, ak rare ste 4-488, Orbe aha, "Theretre they are [bout 30 dB mere amoftude sonsive. Tat, dal senders can aelct smal amafade ‘Hequoncios vith ampltudes ovr 20 fines layer han can analog davies tho simutanous ‘reson of much highorampitaderequoncies.Inccontally, tr cgeal tape rece ‘samples he input signal ata specied rato and reproduces as sored number. “Tepe records accurately car the time wavefocm ofthe vrstion which canbe analyzed lal’ wih ream speci anly2ror date callecox. Bath ype of pe recorders have ‘mult-channol capabstes (upto 84 craraels ox more) which alow the eapure of many dts points simultaneous. Homever, instrument quality tape recorders can be very cost. Asan atenative, they can be ‘ested or use, The pice hen wil depend onthe frequency ange, the numberof channele ‘required, and the ype. Furthermore hey may be somewhat completed to use, 20 frequent {se to remain profetant may be requied 236 ‘Spy 970 Tahal sok of Cart wonkSte See Ph SR GOP ILLUSTRATION A [EXAMPLES OF VARIOUS HAND-HELD OVERALL VIBRATION METERS B.COMMTEST VET A ALENBRADLEY ENPAC 2800 1. DLLWATCHMAN Dx . PRUFTECHNIK ViExpert F SKF MICROLOG Gx 70, huusTranion 8 EXAMPLES OF VARIOUS DATA COLLECTORS sal ‘Soprano Teal Ameen OCP (eonechaine esa ‘sone tLusrrarion © EXAMPLES OF VARIOUS REAL-TIME ANALYZERS ‘abot ons Sane) o'eieieinn concen gosnnegeleageecen(e ‘ard ve cvannet ene IuuusTRaTION [EXAMPLES OF INSTRUMENT QUALITY TAPE RECORDERS. 240 Ceprign ©2010 Tachi Aaa faa PE 24.1 INTRODUCTION ‘This ection san overview of common transducer types used to measure vibration, Se ‘Aionaly wil lcs important basi considerations when choosing acelacmeters for Indust eopticaions. ‘The specie esign characters foreach vanedcer may vary individually tom vender to vender. Therefore, the reader should uve his chapter asm guide for acuesng Ma need ih @ ‘uaifed vendor before purchasing a paricuar wansducer rset of varacicor, 24.2 TYPES OF VIBRATION TRANSDUCERS ‘The mation measured by transducers can be represented in terms of acceleration, velosty, or deplacement. A ransducer wit an output propertnalo oceleration i called an ‘accelerometer. A tanscce: wih an ouput proportnsl to veloc i know as avlecty Itensccer (or velomete) A transducer wit an outbu propetonalecaplacarant Kou | iopacemont vaneaucer a’ now contact Dplacomentraneduoer. Acosleremeters and ‘velocity vansaucers measure absolute motien. Non-contact cepiacement ansders measure ‘elative moton, ta is the locaton of te shatvtarget relive othe locaton ofthe vansducr tp. 24.2:1 Neceerometer ‘As te nam implies, accelerometers are ansducers ubich provide rect measurement ‘of acaleraion. Fire 96 i a ctanay of general purpose shear mode ccolrometr FIGURE 36. CTC 102-1A ACCELEROMETER (Toots soca of Se PS aa in general, the ascolroroior has the broadeal Woquency and areliude Tange Ove ‘veloc tensducers and non-contact placer probes, Howover, get the widest Possible accseraton range, up 13 dere accelerometers maybe needed, ea hgh ‘requency, general purpose, and iow Fequency acelerometer General comparisons botwoen accelerometers: * Moasures righ Hequences * Less sensitive to empituce than the goneral pupose or ow requency acceerometes + Does not moasix very low frequencies (has more “elope” noise hrs) ns) ‘More sonst to amptage han the righ frequency accelerometer Less senate te amplitude than he low equsney accelerometer Measures higher tequercies than th low Frequency voelwometer Measures loworrequence than the high hequency accelerometer ‘More senstve to amptade than he ganeral purpose er high requency socsleometars ‘+ Does not measure very high raquencies(generaty not ery eeponsive to frequancios above 1500 Hr or 90000 CPM) Figure 37 is atypical requency response cure comparing equency anges between ‘me high tequency, general pure, snd iow requency accelerometers Equal to Low Frequency ‘ccaerometa. Equal to General Puposs| ‘Aceslorometer. Equal to High requency Aecelerometer. cs a or [ie meter Prem Uae } Netra requences FIGURE 37. TYPICAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVES FOR VARIOUS SENSITIVITIES. {Peporercuve nom Wes snc aca Nw Selecting an Accolorometer Accelerometers ave versatile in general bu eolocing the most sulle accelerometer will natural yield beter results. Two ofthe main parameters fer consideration when ‘selecting an accelerometer are te linear requoncy range the accelerometer anche sence. Pa ar aa Tac Aen oS ‘near Frequency ange Bis aera ncnceiontnotioee atc most onthe fighest. Ristmporant to dtinguichthe ference between Fequencies ofr sd forcing or undament raquensas, ‘Example: A goarbox may have fundamental gear mesh requency (GMP) of 40,000 (CPM (6,267 He). The GMF is considored tobe a fring Wequoncy ofr. Most {general purpose accelerometers would adequately messure ts requency (i propery ‘ounted). However, hen anahzing gears, we a interested upto 3 Parmonies ot (ear mesh fequenc (5 for machine tos) and ary sideband that may appear Thus, {hetorm “Foquencies of tres” incudes the drs GME harmorse and te idsbande See Figure 38 In our example the Fg desired is calculated by muting 00% CPM x:925. This ya would allow us to se both he tid harmon of GMF end sdebanas, Tee imes CG andthe sdsbangs ae of interest because they el us aout the gears Condon. Tis is exlaned mt cher chaps of is book. The highest requency of intrest or he selection of he socelerometer woud cost tbs. 1,500,000 CPM (21,057 Hz. inthis case, the general purpose accelerometer would moss nes to the fundamental GMF of 200,000 CPM (6667 Hz) a icicatos by tho Wequency response cuve a the genet purpese accelerometer (100 mVig) in gure butt ‘would not have alinoe response to the highest Requency of irest ner 1, 560000 CPM (21.867 Ha. Arigh equency accalorometer would be nbtdod as incoated bythe ATequency response curve in Figure S7 FIGURE 38. FUNDAMENTAL GEAR MESH FREQUENCIES OF INTEREST Senstivty owing he maximum votage utp of he aoslerometer under conalderaton, the ‘maimam spite expacte, and te rirsmum ampituc fntretenaceesay 10 ‘etermine the proper accelerometer senstvty. We wil focus on the maximum ‘amplitude expected, ‘Con 010 ss Asonin of Charo 2s ‘Bzaplo: Votage culpa ior accelerometers & conmony 7) 6Vore, Acssleromerer sta spec sheets wi provid ths vermaton. ithe maximum acowertion expected i {vied bythe masimum oust vege, the resulting value wl equal te maximum sensitity needed to meesure the ampliude. For eal, ‘As determined by spec sheet Regiment O28 im Seinty mconay Maxima Votage Outpt as perspec sheet - (example) 5 Vets ‘Maximum g's expeced tom machines Being measured - 60 9, Pk 5909's = 055 Vo pec ‘Dssv 1000 = Smo Oru Sent necessary) ‘Tus trom te example above, 55 mV or the net wer avalabte salty would be ‘eeded for this application (he lower he senesvty, the ghar glovl can withstand). In summary, ) ‘San aly be obtained cer vender. 24.2.2 Volotly Transducers \eloctytansaucers are used or fow to medium frequency measurements. The ety sign used moving pars si the vansducr housing W produce te veloc sign. ‘They ae often called Setaic Velocty Transducers. See Figue 38. i~ FIGURE 39, SEISUIC VELOCITY TRANSDUCERS ‘oprah ©2510 Teno noone ot Saran PE ‘Newer designe do ney on moving para They use a peaoslacne elemento Caphure vibration olatioto acceleration end then peconm sn informa analog signal iteration. “The signal that ts the plezoolectic transduce is flatve to velocty. gure 40s one example of pezoelectc velotytrersducer (en caled a -vetometer). Tablet ‘compares some ofthe capable o he plazoelocri wt the Sosmic vloehy srenadcers FIGURE 40. PIEZOELECTRIC 'VELOCITY TRANSDUCER, Velocity Velocity Reduced Noise al High Froquoncios v x [Genera Low Frequency Capabiliy <175 Hz 10 Hz [Goneral High Frequency Cepobiity >5000 Hz 11000 Hz. Temperature Limits Moderate High [attested by Magnetic Felis x v [Mount any Direction v most modelo) ‘TABLE I GENERAL COMPARISONS OF CAPABILITIES BETWEEN PIEZOELECTRIC [AND SEISMIC TRANSDUCERS ‘An example of hese machine types er turbines and ceriluga sas er Suro Seah ween coi ancora! 0 own as eure robe enon AiDoTeA SURLANONT TION SOLLSRELLOVAVHD WANGSNYALTWHANIO. ‘Copan 2010 Techn Aaoatan of Chara, PE TABLE IV GENERAL TRANSDUCER CHARACTERISTICS om: ncn pec teases win ne i, Tel Aoi done et ay eh 246 2.49 MOUNTING OF TRANSDUCERS (ACCELEROMETERS) 2 stad in Table V and shown n Figure 42, TABLEV ‘TRANSDUCER MOUNT USABLE FREQUENCY RANGE FOR THE WILCOXON 726T "ACCELEROMETER (Ret. 2) —= wane | a | ee ae Tate aoe mene” | aon nr tenet oe Rare Earth Magnet a oo semen | ano | oma Usng 2 2" Probe Table Visa surnmary of an arco writen by Comtations!Systoms, nc. (1), et 2). Many ‘ter factors come ito play when the eectvenes of a ansducer mounng ype consisered, Flor othe referenced aril for an in pth look at vaneducer mounting effeciveness, Figure 42 show ilusations of he high frequency responce fr each wanaducer mouitig mained. 2.431 Traneduoor Mounting Applications Each partcuar ansducer mounting method has cain applications which willbe ascuseed In deta, Following below a descrion ofeach maunt. slong wth som mocrtant Comments wich shoul be made (emember te! an incorrect bansdicsr mur. such ais ‘fa fand.nald pre can como ti dea you are nao acute and can ar miss OXY ‘gonna hist frequency dats pertaining to gears, ling elment bearings and conta slctical robles) SSTUD MOUNT -Stuc mounting i used for permanent meunted ransducer aplcsons. Sometimes, an adhesive wl be used in combination wih stad mourting to arevent te ne {Guar for warn te way of othe sue mount Wrest mounting sno practical for colectng PeM route cst, ven hin eqvency measurements >8,000,000 CP or 50.000 Helare raqued wil have to be used a those dala colecton paris. Als ud mourtng Shs exert cate ct oar ne surly 1 he samt, ce coltenconn-onesecew ha ‘Maximum Frequency Response ‘win 0) =e FIGURE 42, MOUNTING METHODS AND MAXIMUM FREQUENCY RESPONSE (Ret. 3) [ADHESIVE MOUNT -Adosive mounts are vary usetl in dlagrostes where reliable High ‘tequency datas roqutod snes a stud mounts frely found stan exact point where 8 ‘messurements needed. Occasional, achesie mounts are used on a Pal route fp calle lh eequanay date. 2.400.000 GPM ar 40,000 He. Therefore, rea care shouldbe taken en using an adhesive to permanwonty moun’ a enscucer because these moun may ‘wore ooae overlong periods of ie. such as cerrfugal compraccors have gear mesh Fecuendies and harmonics fat ng fom 900,000 to 4,000,000 CPt (15,600 65,000 Ha}, data on thas macros must be taken with snachase of id nowt hsbc ‘hesmndor suming te trscuceand manne flv, tequoncy response oa magost ‘mounted aoseleometa’ canbe gteby enhance at requenoies axcoscng approximately 190,000 CPi (1500 Ha} ne tke 1010 19 second to meer secone grease betes the ‘magnet andthe soceletomete. This was clear llusvated in the Saund/and Vbvaon ‘magazine arte authored by Dr. Ken Piet al sted Reference 2 248 Cepyah 2010 esha aoous f Otaty PE ‘QUICK-CONNECT MOUNT fa sinoe thay provide easy mountrg ana cismeuing. They have a elately igh Irequorcy range which Is abe detet most comman mactinery proems thst ocr in higher tequencies such as bowing defects, However, a quck-comect mount should par Be uucor detecting high quencies above apnouimatsy 420.000 CPM (7000 Ha) suchas ose ose nn Seed cares ge Mes easences and paris zal 2) ‘zqueneyrange Hen hodng a tanedcor or robe wet nharaoreach laces 90h 45 where a screen prevents fe uso ofa magne! o ther mount type. Alo, tis seh Isao 'S a concer and he analyst cannot sce reach info moving parts ofthe machine, However, De aware ht maton in tho inatances descibed cbove, kis wis: to tach {permanently mountos tarelueer in neato ar hard to reach oeations to obtain use Sgroste data that probes oc 25 TESTPLANNING/CHECKLIST 251° INTRODUCTION Peviodlsly examining the stops involved in dat cllecon i a. good pracioe even ora mare Pal program. The formation beow should prove use forthe test planning ota new Pal progrem a wall asa check for mate programs. 252 CHECKLIST 4. Machine Idontteaton: Ensure tw machine names in the vibraon database match he name labels onthe ‘mactines. Each nar must be urique. Some ypcal machine names could be abbreviated. For example, RECIP COMP-2 fra recprocatng compressor. 2. Mark locations to be messured: ‘Cesiy mark anal enaion to be measured onthe actual machines. This may requie te use ofa specs paint or pormanent abo. A magnet mounting base may be ‘ermanenty mounted (weldea 0: adhered) 19 eBch pont on tne machi. Th wi rove a coal vable massuterom pointer consent vibration data sllection and, ‘ra important, «good ft surface on which © mount he vaneducer or mage ‘meu 3. Greate a drawing showing all machines: “Armap o:craning ofall machines tobe evluated within the plant should be made, This yd ‘all Rai he poron calling cata owe) that isl the correct machine When | Collectng data, a wel as hoping hen sel Up an elon route 4. Routes: ‘Group machine togate sing tho Pa sofware to form aouts. Name the route Using a cascrpve name fr te aeato be measured. For expla, “Energy Bulding” Download the route tothe deta callectox 5. Collet vibration dota: Follow te prompts in he deta colector ast leads you to wach achine and measurement locaton as provousy estabshed during the route craton (step 4) ©. Upload routs “Tianster the data stored inthe data collector to the PC which has the Plt software, 7. Back up data: ‘Aftoryouhave verlfod thatthe data has been uploaded propery, back up the Pa database data immediatly aor upleacing, 8 Reports: Use computer goneratos reports to sopaate measured machines tat have lated oration level alarms. Pererm vbraion analysis on ese machines. 2-60 ‘oprah ae Felon srsoonns Ota 26 REFERENCES o Mon nen aaa RD Macwa Catm O S0 2. Bowers, SV: Pity, K. Rs and Piety, RW: Computations! Systoms, Ine; Knosle, TN: Sound and Vibration “ea! World Moundng of Accelerometers for Machinery Montring Magazin’ February, 1991; pages 14-28 8. Connection Technology Cents Inc, 580 Fishers Station Divo, Vctr Now York 14864 - USA. ‘Btosuctanine comfleup/Sersor%20Mouningr20Techniaves oft

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