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In this lecture, we will discuss…

² Blocks
² How they are used
² How to incorporate them into your own methods
² Chunks of code
•  Enclosed between either curly braces ({}) or the
keywords do and end
•  Passed to methods as last “parameter”

² Convention:
•  Use{}when block content is a single line
•  Use do and end when block content spans multiple
²  Often used as iterators
²  Can accept arguments

Often accepts parameter(s)

between ||
Coding with blocks
² Two ways to configure a block in your own method
•  Use block_given? to see if block was passed in
•  Use yield to “call” the block

•  Use & in front of the last “parameter”
•  Use call method to call the block
²  Need to check “block_given?”
•  Otherwise, an exception is thrown
²  Should check if the block is nil?
² Blocks are just code that you can pass into methods
² When incorporating into your own methods:
•  Either use blocks implicitly
•  Or call them explicitly

What’s next?
² Files and Environment Variables

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