Luna N Budget - Sheet1

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2 INCOME Annual Gross Wage $159,700 nurse anesthetist
3 Monthly Gross Wage $13,308
4 Net Wage (monthly) $9,335

5 SAVINGS Monthly Savings Account $933 10%

6 Monthly Retirement $933 10%
7 Total Monthly Savings $1,866 14

8 MONTHLY MONEY Monthly Amount for Budget $7,469

9 COST OF LIVING Monthly Rent $500 4 philadelphia 3 people

10 Renter's Insurance $20 0
11 Cable/Satellite $27 0 basic cable
Internet $13 0 3
Home Phone $0 0 # of people
Mobile Phone $75 1 voice and data
Electricity/Gas $54 0 3
12 Total Cost of Living $689 5

13 TRANSPORTATION Public Transportation 0 Record which city's example you used here
14 Car Payment $300 2 10,000
15 Car Insurance $200 2
16 Car Maintenance $100 1
17 Gas $113 1 25
18 Total Cost of Transportation $713 5

19 FOOD Groceries $259 2 moderate cost females

20 Dining Out $120 1 $15 meal 2 times weekly
21 Total Cost of Food $379 3

22 HEALTH Health Insurance $83 1

23 Dental Insurance $25 0
24 Eye Insurance $25 0
25 Haircut $15 0
26 Other Grooming/Hygiene $25 0
27 Gym Membership $58 0
28 Total Cost of Health $231 2

29 EDUCATION Student Loan $230 2 20,000

30 SPENDING "Wants" $500 4

31 MONTHLY SPENDING Total Costs $2,742 21

If you have a deficit, go

back and review your
MONTHLY budget to find ways to
32 BALANCE Balance $4,727 36 balance your budget

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