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SBE, North South University

Department of Management

Principles of Management Term Paper

Semester: Fall 2018

Course Code: MKT 210, Section: 18

Faculty: MFM2; Date: 22-12-18

S.N. Name ID No
1. Fahim Hossain 1811690630
2. Fardeen Ahmed Rohit 1813587630
3. Md. Zakaria Zim 1812092630
4. Mohammad Imran 1812993630
5. M Nawshad Islam 1812358630
HUM INTERNATIONAL gives the service of reverse osmosis water purification. Reverse Osmosis
(RO) water which is utilized in home, office and industry. It will clear any water up to 100%
which is beyond the realm of imagination by other water purification. RO membrane with six
layers, which will give you 100% refilled water. HUM INTERNATIONAL will exploit an unsatisfied
market requirement for isolated gum recovery on a versatile premise. The organization will
principally concentrate its advertising procedures on offering isolated recovery administrations
to the undiscovered market of clients who require amazing recovery for their Reserve Osmosis
(RO) water treatment offices. The office that HUM INTERNATIONAL will use is situated in Dhaka,
Chittagong and is as of now in restricted generation. Full production will start toward the finish
of February, with deals developing bit by bit to close limit before the finish of the primary year,
with extremely solid gross deals in the principal year, and expanding in the second and third


1. To fragment the market for convenient recovery benefit by focusing on HUM

INTERNATIONAL's ability at giving isolated recovery. The objective is to achieve month to
month offers of 1000000 isolated saps before the finish of the primary year.

2. To develop a dealership system of 15 learned and proficient water benefit organizations who
will speak to HUM INTERNATIONAL in territories outside direct deals from the industrial facility.

3.To set up a mass recovery office with a limit of 30 machines day by day, and move its full limit
in the expansive general versatile trade benefit showcase through its very own business
compel, and through a dealership arrange.


HUM INTERNATIONAL's main goal is to portion the market for unadulterated water by giving
specialty items to specific industry segments that are generally not appropriately overhauled by
huge unadulterated water providers. Isolating a client's HUM INTERNATIONAL's pitch and
recovering it on a convenient tank premise to clinic dialysis units is an astounding case of such a
specialty item, to the point that burdens quality and administration to clients who are set up to
pay an excellent cost.

Organization essential keys to progress are:

1. Good quality control in the manufacturing sector: Customers for high immaculateness water
business have a low resistance edge for blemishes.
2. Fast reaction: For the situation of a large portion of HUM INTERNATIONAL's clients, the
expense of the water is anything but a noteworthy component in their general expenses, yet a
pricey close down could result because of poor or moderate adjusting.

3 .High-profile loyalties: Key to by and large organization achievement is associated intimately

with accomplishment in accomplishing the objective of building up a dealership system of
administration situated water organizations.

Organization Summary:

HUM INTERNATIONAL's assumed control over a client base and a little amount of advantages
from an antecedent organization. By moving to another area with more space, and by
structuring a proficient beneficial capacity, HUM INTERNATIONAL's will be prepared to
forcefully enter the developing business sector for convenient trade by March 2019.

Items and Services:

The organization is in the water cleaning business. HUM INTERNATIONAL is occupied with an
explicit part of this business called “Water Purification." Within this branch, the organization
intends to stress a further administration specialization known as "Reverse Osmosis,." This idea
is clarified in the following sections.

Item and Service Description:

For a rearranged clarification of how reverse osmosis purifies water please observe

The administration items offered by HUM INTERNATIONAL are isolated of compact HUM
INTERNATIONAL's trade filters. The administration is offered in three filter sizes of 3.6, 2.5, and
1.4 cubic feet (cu ft). In these sizes, the organization will offer:

•Mixed bed (blend of anion and cation recovered tar)

•Cation recovered tar

•Anion recovered tar

•Carbon (utilized for pre-sifting)

The utilization of convenient deionizer water is wide. Basically all enterprises utilizing water in
handling are potential records. Size of organization is once in a while a deciding element. There
are applications in gadgets and high weight boilers where stream rates of a few hundred gallons
for each moment are given by compact trade frameworks. The fundamental advantages are:
1. The customer does not need to bring about generous capital expenses to introduce an in-
house deionization plant. The organization can just lease the convenient tanks and pay for the
recovery benefit when the tanks end up drained.

2. The organization additionally spares by not requiring experienced professionals to keep up

an in-house plant.

3. Space is another critical factor. An in-house HUM INTERNATIONAL ability requires a lot of
room, though a compact tank framework utilizing adaptable hose associations can fit for all
intents and purposes anyplace in insignificant space.

4. Ease of establishment. HUM INTERNATIONAL ability can be organized for all intents and
purposes in multi day and can be effectively extended to suit development.

5. There are no synthetic substances, nor recover waste to be taken care of or worried about on

6. Flexibility in water quality gave. Tar types can be effortlessly changed in tanks if water quality
prerequisites change.

7. Even areas that have their very own in-house Reverse Osmosis framework frequently utilize
versatile DI as a back-up since a close down can be over the top expensive.

Giving the support of a client is basic, for the most part requiring just insignificant hardware.
HUM INTERNATIONAL is accessible from a substantial contender, PP Filter and a couple of little

Competitive Comparison:

In the Division zones, outside of a little organization in Dhaka City which needs to subcontract
its recovery business to a "RO" organization in numerous spots. Essentially Clean in Aero, and a
few autonomous Unlived specialists, there is just the specific vast, completely incorporated RO
Filter (proprietor of Unlived) to contend with. This organization, by prudence of its size and
inclusion in all fields of water treatment, isn't suited to fulfilling little clients of DI, nor are they
ready to react to specialty needs. For instance, RO Filter can't deal with isolated tar. All sap
treated by RO Filter is recovered on a mass premise, which implies that different clients'
exhausted gum tanks are joined. This isn't an issue for some clients of DI, however the dialysis
bureau of a healing center may well question their tar being mixed together with pitch utilized
in the metal plating industry. HUM INTERNATIONAL intends to work in compact isolated sap
benefit. RO Filter can endeavor to benefit clients with a craving for isolated DI by promising to
dependably supply tanks with new tar.
Sale's Literature:

Sale's writing will be composed and printed. An arrangement for this has been made in the
anticipated deals and advertising costs.


The administration given by HUM INTERNATIONAL is the recovery of particle trade convenient
tanks. The tanks themselves are provided to clients on either a month to month rental premise
or offered available to be purchased. These tanks, and some other equipment, are promptly
accessible from various providers. By goodness of the proprietors' long association in the
business, they are completely learned of existing hotspots for all equipment, including sap, and
also the supply of the two noteworthy synthetic concoctions utilized during the time spent
recovery. The main other variable expense of generation is the salt utilized in the brackish
water shower; this is additionally promptly accessible from various providers.


Particle trade is a noteworthy method for purging water for modern purposes. The level of
immaculateness relies upon the wellspring of the water and its utilization. Organizations, going
from vehicle washes to the pharmaceutical and semiconductor businesses all need different
sums and degrees of refined water. Particle trade is a compound procedure by which particles,
or ionic substances that are considered "bothersome" in water, are decreased or expelled from
water by utilization of particle exchangers or gums. Most ground water contains undesirable
disintegrated substances, for example, calcium and magnesium, whose sub-atomic structure
contain charged particle particles.

The most widely recognized pollutions with particles of a positive charge are: sodium, calcium,
magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese. These are called captions. The undesirable broke
down substances having negative particle charges, known as anions, are: bicarbonate, chloride,
carbonate, sulfate, nitrate, and Basilicata. At the point when a substance isolates into particles,
every particle is currently ready to consolidate with another particle with inverse charge,
regardless of whether that particle is from an entirely unexpected sort of atom. Substances just
separate into particles when submerged in water atoms. For instance, a particle of hydrochloric
corrosive is comprised of a hydrogen molecule and a chloride iota. Hydrochloric corrosive (HCL),
when inundated in water, will part separated into one emphatically charged hydrogen action
(H+) and one adversely charged chloride anion (CL-). In the event that sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) were added to this arrangement, the NaOH would part into Na+ and OH-, which would
consolidate with the contrary charges of the hydrochloric corrosive particles to shape sodium
chloride, otherwise called "table salt" (Na+CL-) and extra hydrogen and hydroxide molecules
(H+OH-). The field of deionization, known as DI for short, uses this characteristic marvel by
structuring an action trade sap which will substitute hydrogen particles (H+) for all intents and
purposes the majority of alternate captions, and planning an anion trade pitch which will
substitute hydroxyl particles (OH-) for all intents and purposes the majority of alternate anions.
By methods for this procedure we wind up with just H+ and OH-which is equal to H2O (water).
By shaping this dematerialized water, we make water which is never again a conductor. We can
quantify the immaculateness utilizing an ohm meter. Ohms measure obstruction. The higher
the ohm check, the lower the conductivity. HUM INTERNATIONAL is routinely framed to 18
super ohms for each centimeter, which is near zero conductivity (18.23 at 25 degrees
Centigrade). Without giving long synthetic clarifications, what occurs in the process is as per the

City tap water is first gone through a carbon channel to expel chlorine, sand, and other
undesirable substances. Some of the time, turn around assimilation and bright light are utilized
to evacuate non-ionized substances, natural materials, and so forth. Before the deionization

The water at that point goes into an uncommonly treated action tar. This sap appears as little
dots situated inside a tank. The emphatically charged particles from the undesirable broke up
minerals will join themselves to the tar. This happens on the grounds that the sap contains an
over-balance bounty of hydrogen particles (H+) which are "knock off" of the tar dabs and
supplanted by the emphatically charged, undesirable, in-coming action particles. The "knock
off" free hydrogen particles at that point combine up with anions which are left in the water to
frame acids.

The "de-cat ionized" water at that point goes to a tank of anion pitch to get the undesirable
contrarily charged particles that have broken down in the water. Here, the anions and the anion
segments of the acids connected to the hydrogen are pulled in to, and held by, the positive
destinations on the anion trade tar globules. They do this by commencing the negative hydroxyl
particles that were put on the dots (again in excess). The extra hydrogen bits of the acids (H+)
now join the liberated hydroxyl particles (OH-) to frame water (H2O).

On the off chance that a high level of virtue is required, the water will next go into what is
known as a "blended bed" which ordinarily contains gum in a proportion of one section action
tar to a few sections anion. Stages 1-3 happen again here consequently getting the last hints of
undesirable particles of the disintegrated substances.

The tanks of gum will keep on filtering the water coursing through them until the point that the
sap balls extend and their ability to get particles is exhausted.

The water stream must stop until the point when the tanks are supplanted with tanks
containing recovered sap.
To recover the action sap, an answer of corrosive is utilized to shell the sap evacuating all the
already got emphatically charged particles. At that point the tank is flushed to expel any
abundance corrosive. The anion tar tank is additionally given a burning answering for shell the
already gotten negative particles. The anion tar is then flushed to expel any lingering harsh

The tanks currently contain recovered gum and the particle trade process can proceed with the
faucet water turned on.

The recovery procedure can happen at the area where the water is being cleansed, be that as it
may, most clients of HUM INTERNATIONAL don't introduce the costly hardware to do this yet
just orchestrate a specialist organization, for example, HUM INTERNATIONAL, to supplant the
tanks and play out the recovery procedure off-site.

As cutting edge businesses, for example, gadgets, correspondences, and pharmaceuticals, keep
on developing, there will very likely be expanding utilization of deionization innovation and
deionizer water. As instrumentation and investigation strategies enhance, controlling and
observing the deionization procedure will be simpler and increasingly effective, and this will,
without a doubt, help make new uses for deionization that have not yet showed up, and make
HUM INTERNATIONAL progressively reasonable to parts presently utilizing different techniques
for cleansing. As more individuals in the water treatment industry get comfortable with the DI
procedure, the industry for HUM INTERNATIONAL and gear will profit.

Future Product and Service:

Not with standing mass and isolated compact HUM INTERNATIONAL, the organization intends
to extend offers of channels and DI cartridges. These deals have been dismissed in this field-
tested strategy; however they could turn out to be progressively noteworthy later on. These
items loan themselves to mail arrange type deals, as they are little and lightweight. Cartridges
are dispensable things. HUM INTERNATIONAL additionally has plans to build up a reusable
delivery holder for its littlest (8" x 18") DI trade tank with the goal that this can likewise be
transported by means of UPS. This item will be promoted on a site, and additionally through
ordinary standard mail and yellow page publicizing.

Turn around assimilation and electric switching deionization are starting to rival trade tank DI
innovation. HUM INTERNATIONAL intends to offer administration contracts to keep up this
hardware at the client's area. This hardware may to either sold or rented.

Market Segmentation:
The market for HUM INTERNATIONAL envelops numerous businesses, and inside them there is
an extensive variety of immaculateness needs. At the low end, a vehicle wash may utilize HUM
INTERNATIONAL in the last flush as it were. Water is just a decent conductor on account of the
amount of disintegrated solids in the water. As the particle trade process brings down the
dimension of aggregate broke up solids (TDS) the opposition, estimated in ohms, increments.
An immaculateness dimension of .5 Me ohms is sufficiently unadulterated for a vehicle wash
last flush cycle, yet way off the mark to sufficiently unadulterated for a gadgets wafer producer.
They would require 18 Me ohms, so, all in all the water would be unadulterated and
unequipped for going about as a conductor. As a rule, those parts of the market that require
the largest amounts of virtue are the clients for HUM INTERNATIONAL fundamental specialty
result of isolated DI trade benefit. This implies the pitch returning from the client is never
blended with some other organization's gum. This is an extremely solid deals include when
managing dialysis units of a doctor's facility, labs and pharmaceutical producers.

Market Needs:

The thinking behind the regard for the most elevated virtue division of the market is that HUM
INTERNATIONAL can give isolated DI trade benefit. A client's in-coming tanks for recovery are
labeled, and after recovery, a similar tar is come back to the client. This specific administration
is a noteworthy moving element over RO Filter, who must coexist clients' pitch in a mass
recovering office. Likewise, mass recovery won't accomplish indistinguishable deionization limit
from HUM INTERNATIONAL isolated strategy which uses more synthetics and longer recovery
times. A client managing blood can without much of a stretch is sold on isolated sap as he
would not feel good that his tar would be mixed together with pitch utilize in a very surprising

Notwithstanding the element referenced above, HUM INTERNATIONAL will focus on those
clients who put a premium on reaction speed and force of administration. Once more, for the
most part the higher quality clients of HUM INTERNATIONAL trade, where a close down would
be over the top expensive, will request the most astounding level of value accessible. Isolated
trade benefit from a littler provider is substantially more liable to fulfill than a colossal
aggregate like RO Filter where convenient trade must be done on a mass grouping premise and
speaks to just a little piece of their general business.

Business Participants:

Industry members are shifted, as there are a few methods for getting filtered water. There are
organizations which plan and specialist turn around assimilation gear. This gear has a sizable
offer of the water advertise toward the end near the metropolitan water delta. Invert
assimilation (R/O), related to carbon sifting and bright light, is utilized (for instance in dialysis)
to convey the TDS down to a lower level. Particle trade, either settled or compact, is then used
to clean away the rest of the contaminations. Different organizations may supply e-cell gear
which deionizers electrically. This innovation has not progressed adequately to contend with
customary HUM INTERNATIONAL yet is still every so often sold related to a R/O framework as
the e-cell can just deal with little dimensions of TDS. Some industry members are principally
occupied with water softening and water filtration for drinking and family purposes. These
organizations may likewise use green sand to expel iron and magnesium hardness got from
maturing city channeling frameworks.

To put it plainly, there is a full scope of industry members from the nearby Mulligan benefit
delegate essentially engaged with private families, to expansive organizations associated with
building, plan, counseling, part fabricating, squander water treatment, and so forth. Concerning
the smaller market for HUM INTERNATIONAL, there are substance organizations who supply (by
the gallon) HUM INTERNATIONAL to little clients. There are a couple of little organizations
occupied with DI trade benefit who do this just as a subordinate to their principle business, for
example, water softening, and who just go about as a merchant of DI trade recovery offices
situated outside of Dhaka.

Strategy and Implementation Summary:

Other than direct deals exertion to extensive clients of HUM INTERNATIONAL, a noteworthy
component of the organization's showcasing endeavors will be to build up a wholesaler system
through existing nearby water benefit organizations. These organizations give nearby water
administration to little organizations and homes all through Dhaka. The greater part of their
business appears as water separating, water softening, invert assimilation support, swimming
pool benefit, and so on. The best of these will be enrolled to add HUM INTERNATIONAL
administration to their product offering.

Value Proposition:

HUM INTERNATIONAL will offer isolated tar recovery to clients needing the largest amounts of
water virtue. Isolated recovery isn't offered by some other organization in Dhaka and signs,
depend on present pre-start-up deals, that clients of HUM INTERNATIONAL will pay a generous
premium for it. It speaks to a type of significant serenity which dialysis units, labs, and so forth
feel is critical.

The second most essential offer is benefit reaction. At the point when HUM INTERNATIONAL
tanks require changing clients demand, and will get, a prompt reaction.

Competitive Edge:
HUM INTERNATIONAL capacity to isolate a client's gum and return it to him recovered to the
most extreme limit should put the organization in a solid focused position.

Roughly all of HUM INTERNATIONAL business will be coordinated at the versatile administration
DI advertises. This market accentuation ought to rapidly be seen by clients of HUM
INTERNATIONAL, who at present depend on RO Filter. RO Filter's item extend development
through securing and purchase outs has de-stressed the significance of its HUM
INTERNATIONAL trade benefit.

Henceforth, the two noteworthy parts of the company's upper hand would be high caliber
isolated pitch recovery and quick administration reaction. It will be essential to stretch these
points of interest in the business writing.

Marketing Strategy:

HUM INTERNATIONAL advertising system will be to execute and impart its incentive of
administration and market division advantage in giving isolated recovery of client’s

Distribution Strategy:

Wherever HUM INTERNATIONAL can't monetarily move straightforwardly, because of

separation or amounts, it will use a system of water benefit organizations. These organizations
will be cautiously decided for their nature of administration. A plan will be set up whereby the
merchant will offer DI trade benefit alongside its other water administrations. The
establishments can without much of a stretch be taken care of by them. They would label the
tanks and return and get from the HUM INTERNATIONAL plant. Having the capacity to offer this
administration expands the picture of the nearby water benefit organization. It encourages a
believing a one-quit shopping. A 33% rebate off the retail cost ought to be sufficient to fulfill the

Positioning Statement:

HUM INTERNATIONAL capacity to recover pitch on an isolated premise, instead of just mass, is
an ability that ought to give brisk and simple section into the client advertise where the most
noteworthy water virtue is required. These clients, blood examination, hem dialysis units, and
therapeutic research facilities for instance, are particularly touchy to tainting dangers. Just
bringing up to these clients that mass recovery includes the mixing together of their sap with
sap utilized in the metal-completing and vehicle wash businesses for the most part is very
persuading. Isolated recovery results in the further favorable position of accomplishing a higher
DI limit for every cubic foot as more prominent amounts of synthetic compounds are utilized
amid a more extended recovery period.
The second most imperative position articulation is HUM INTERNATIONAL focus on the DI trade
business. This focus will drive HUM INTERNATIONAL to give a more elevated amount of
administration, and all the more rapidly, as well. It must be recalled that the expense for HUM
INTERNATIONAL in the market for the most abnormal amount of water virtue is certifiably not a
critical cost component in the general cost structure. Be that as it may, an administration
shutdown, for quality or for administration reasons, would be expensive to high innovation

Promotion Strategy:

The principle focal point of advancement will be two dimensional: advancement to HUM
INTERNATIONAL end clients, and advancement to wholesalers.

Advancement to wholesalers ought to get essential worry because of the all-encompassing

achieve made conceivable by the distributer connect with its current client base. The business
power of these discount merchants should be taught on HUM INTERNATIONAL situating
articulation so they all comprehend the critical deals favorable circumstances of isolated tar.
Having the capacity to offer DI trade administration to a merchant's client list is an
extraordinary preferred standpoint to the wholesaler, and this reality should be plainly
explained to them. In this way, the HUM INTERNATIONAL association with a dealership arrange
is one in which the two sides advantage.

HUM INTERNATIONAL ought to endeavor to make a residential community, well disposed

association with its clients. Organization handouts will demonstrate a guide with all the HUM
INTERNATIONAL areas, including each recently obtained wholesaler. The merchant trucks, and
HUM INTERNATIONAL vehicles, would convey the HUM INTERNATIONAL logo, helping all to
accomplish name acknowledgment. Cost investment funds would result through sharing
writing, leads (by region as well as industry), center promoting costs, and the sharing of
specialized ability.

Guide promoting to clients inside simple reach of HUM INTERNATIONAL should pressure
benefit. As a noteworthy provider of pitch expressed: "RO Filter is an immense worry that shuts
down at 8 P.M. on Saturday." Customers for HUM INTERNATIONAL need to feel that they can
get benefit night-time, and even on a Sunday if require be. These clients feel significantly more
open to managing a trade benefit that is nearer in size to the client, and where the trade
benefit is a vital segment of aggregate deals income of the provider. Incite conveyances,
inconvenience free establishments, great specialized exhort, and so on are primary building
squares of the advancement system.

Sales Strategy:
The business procedure is to focus on that section of the market most effortlessly caught by the
accompanying deals highlight: isolated recovery of versatile tar. Also, the quickest method to
achieve the business objective for the initial quite a while is by effectively attempting to build
up a dealership arrange for HUM INTERNATIONAL.

Management Summary:

The administration of HUM INTERNATIONAL is comprised of individual investors with broad skill
in the water treatment industry, and also business and budgetary foundation.

Personal Plan:

1. Regeneration Personnel:

A creation administrator must be a gifted synthetic architect with involvement in water

treatment applications. This individual must be a hands-on individual directing two partners.
The creation administrator will name the tanks as they are gotten to guarantee client isolation
and oversee the best possible recovery cycle, from division through discharge, draw, flush,
blend, and testing. The associates will basically be kept caught up with moving tanks from one
phase in the recovery cycle to the following, interfacing the hosing, playing out the substance
blend and attract as per the directions of the generation director, adding salt to the saline
solution tank, and so on. The creation director is set up. One right hand is currently set up. A
second is required. An architect/fitter is likewise expected to keep up the hardware and to
make establishments. This individual is set up.

Deals and Marketing Personnel:

It is arranged that the two proprietors will keep on keeping up their present positions. These
business positions expect them to move about the region which gives a superb wellspring of
learning of clients for HUM INTERNATIONAL. This data will be conveyed to the deals and
advertising administrator who will invest his energy calling and visiting potential HUM
INTERNATIONAL clients. He will be paid a base compensation in addition to commissions. The
commission will be higher for finding another client, and lower for rehash deals. The
commission calendar will be built so as to allow a yearly aggregate remuneration that will
empower astounding deals results.

General and Administrative:

An office chief is required. Noting telephones, essential contact with clients, approaching and
active mail, and so on. He will be the primary association between the proprietors and the
activities of the office. Inside a half year, low maintenance aide should be added to keep pace
with accounting and the executives.
Break-even Analysis:

The accompanying table and outline demonstrate the Monthly Units and Monthly Revenue
Break-even figuring’s dependent on the Average Per-Unit Revenue, Average Per-Unit Variable
Costs and the Estimated Monthly Fixed Costs, as drawn from the other money related tables in
this arrangement.

Business in Global Market:

Yes, in future HUM INTERNATIONAL has decided to go global. HUM INTERNATIONAL goal is to
provide their product to the Bangladeshi people as well as other countries in the world too.
Before going global HUM INTERNATIONAL have to focus on 2 main points. Number 1 is market
strategy or market policy and the other one is promotion.

We know going global means extend any business to the global level toward economic,
financial, trade and communication integration. So, going global we have to follow some steps-

1. They have to prepare a market segment strategy. And analyze the market
segmentation. Because local market and global market is not same.
2. They could be global by developing a strategy and business plan.
3. Extend HUM INTERNATIONAL business to the global level is a big challenge. So, their
executives and senior managerial teams should have much knowledge about it.
4. Promotion is very important.HUM INTERNATIONAL will be new for the global
perspectives. So they have to do a vast promotion through the social media like- Face
book, YouTube, Instagram and many on. In Face book, HUM INTERNATIONAL have to
boost our product’s promotion in their Face book page and groups. By boosting the post
they will be able to reach many people. Besides, they can post on our Face book groups
too. On the Instagram, they can post their products picture with the features. It will be
attractive too. Considering YouTube, it will be a good platform for HUM INTERNATIONAL
product’s promotion. Because nowadays a huge number of people are using YouTube.
And before purchasing any product they will check the video review on the YouTube. So,
HUM INTERNATIONAL has to make attractive video for THEIR customers. It would be
another good promotional strategy too.
5. HUM INTERNATIONAL has to improve their website very much. Because for going global
a well-designed and a strong website is mandatory. HUM INTERNATIONAL will get order
through the website.
6. HUM INTERNATIONAL has to increase their production capacity too before entering the
global market. Because in the global there is a huge consumers.
7. In the global market, they have to check their opponent market strategy. For that, they
will able to improve the competitive advantage.
8. Here the price is very important. So, they will provide better service with a reasonable

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