Eating Out: 1) Do The Class Preparation For 10 Words You Do Not Know About The Each Reading. 2) Answer The Questions

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1) Do the class preparation for 10 words you do not

know about the each reading.

2) Answer the questions.

Eating out

1. The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2 months ago. My wife and I
wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a good meal so we went to an
expensive Italian restaurant in downtown Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and for
the main course my wife ordered a steak and I chose fish. For dessert we both ate
chocolate cake topped with fresh cream. Delicious!

2. I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister's children. It wasn't very

expensive and the menu was very limited. We all had a burger and French fries, and
drank cola. It wasn't very good.

3. My boyfriend loves spicy food so this restaurant was perfect. The waiters were all
really friendly and polite, and they played traditional sitar music which was very
relaxing. The menu offered vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice
and a sauce - it depended on how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef curry but
my boyfriend had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he also drank 2 liters of water!!

4. My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very popular type of
restaurant in my country. It generally offers one type of food (a kind of bread with
cheese and tomato sauce) which you then choose what ingredients to add on top of
it. I asked for olives and mushrooms on mine and my classmates each had
something different so we could taste a piece of each person's meal.
1. In which text did the person go there for a special occasion?  

2. In which text did the person visit an Indian restaurant? 

3. In which text did the person eat pizza? 

4. In which text did the person eat fast food? 

5. In which text did someone eat seafood? 

6. In which text did the person talk about the atmosphere of the restaurant? 

7. Which restaurant was cheap? 

8. In which text didn't the person enjoy their meal? 

9. In which text did someone eat a very hot dish? 

10. In which text did the person have a vegetarian meal? 

Pen Pals
Read this letter from Milena to her pen-pal, Elena. There are six paragraphs. Match each
paragraph to a subject by writing the correct letter (A-F) for what it talks about.

Dear Elena,

Thank you for the letter you sent me last week. I'm very happy to hear that you and
Francesco are well and that your exam results were so good. Well done! I know you
studied hard and you deserve your success.

Mine are next week so at the moment I'm studying a lot. I'm really nervous about
them because, if you remember, I was ill for a couple of months at the end of the
year and so I missed a lot of lessons. When they finish I would like to come and visit
you for a few days, if that's OK with your mom and dad.

Do you remember I told you about my friend Amanda from Scotland? She's going to
come here next month and is going to stay for two weeks. I'd like you to come too so
you can meet her and we can all go out together. What do you think? We can
practice our English!

I remember last year we had such a good time. The beaches near your house are
wonderful and I really enjoyed meeting your friends (especially Roberto! Is he still
single?) I can't remember the name of the disco next to the train station but I'd like to
go there again - it was fun.

Oh, guess what! Jason broke his arm last weekend! He went to the skateboard park
with his friends from school and fell down some steps (he doesn't know how to
skateboard!) He's got a plaster cast and he's going to have it for at least six weeks.
He's such an idiot!
My mom's calling me for lunch so I'll finish this letter now. Say hello to your family
and don't forget to congratulate Francesco for me.

lots of love
Milena   x x

PS. Say Hi to Roberto too!

A. Memories

B. Well done!

C. Plans

D. Me

E. News

F. Bye!

Paragraph 1.     

Paragraph 2.     

Paragraph 3.     

Paragraph 4.     

Paragraph 5.     

  Paragraph 6.     
Tim’s day
Read about Tim's normal day and then answer either Yes or No for each

Every day Tim wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up
and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes
breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tim has coffee and two slices of toast
and Betty drinks a cup of tea and eats a bowl of cornflakes. At six o'clock Tim
brushes his teeth, always before he gets dressed because it is very important
that he doesn't get toothpaste on his clothes - Tim is a train driver and he
wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby son and leaves his house
in Watford at a quarter after six.

Tim starts work at seven o'clock and drives trains on the London
Underground. He usually works in the mornings from Monday to Friday, but
he sometimes works on the weekends too. At noon he stops work for half an
hour to have his lunch. He eats cheese and tomato sandwiches which Betty
makes for him, and drinks a bottle of milk. After lunch he works until four
o'clock and then he goes home. In the evening he plays with his baby son,
Ben, and watches TV with Betty. At ten thirty they all go to bed because they
are very tired - and because they get up so early in the morning!
1. Does Tim wake up before his alarm clock rings? 

2. Does he have a bath in the morning? 

3. Is Tim married? 

4. Does Betty eat toast in the morning? 

5. Does Tim brush his teeth every day? 

6. Does Tim drive a car for his job? 

7. Does Tim have 30 minutes for a lunch break? 

8. Does Tim finish work late in the evening? 

9. Do Tim and Betty have any children? 

10.Does Tim go to bed early? 

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