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1. WRITING and SPEAKING: Pair-work.

With a partner, complete the three

following short stories (add at least 8 sentences to each story). You need to use
past tenses and at least one conditional type 3 sentence in each paragraph.
 Yesterday was the premier of a movie I really wanted to see, but the
movie started at 11 pm! The next day, I had an important exam at 8 am so I went
to the exam rally sleepy and I couldn’t concentrate in my exam and I don’t know
how it went, if I’d know the movie was really long. I would not have gone to watch
the movie, but I did not know, and if I’d had known the move was really bad, i
wound have gone to see it.

 I had been saving money for two years because I wanted to buy a
car. However, this year is my graduation and my friends want to go on a trip. I
don’t know what to do because
If id know about the trip, I woud hace get a job to earn more money but if I have
know my friends want to spend my money in a useless trip, I wouldn’t have friends
in first place but that imposible my friends are a bunch of idiots and I love them, if I
had know they were idiots, I woundt talk to then in the first place, I will not spend
my money in a dumb trip I will buy my car first.

 I made a mistake and lied to my parents. Now…the want to kill me in

a figurative way, if I had know the cat was under the tire. I would have see under
the car first. But it was a mistake. The funny thing was that they hated the cat a
lot. Maybe is because of the accident with the iron ut was not my fult it burn the
room, if I had kwno the iron was connected I would have disconnected the thing.
But I didn’t know, but my mother took the blme if my memory dosnt fail me,
therefore the punishment was because the bee hive, if I had know there was a bee
hive under the tree I wound have hit the ball so hard but it was a strike hehehhe
2. WRITING. Watch the video “A short film about shopping,
 Write 5 countable nouns you find
 Write 5 uncountable nouns you find
 Of the items that were chosen, what are the three that you always
3. SPEAKING: Record a 2- 3 minute video where you talk about a typical
shopping day. What items do you usually buy? Do you have a certain routine when
going to the supermarket? Do you buy things in a specific order? Why? Use

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