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1. ADING: Read the following e-mail.

Hi, Robin!

How are you? I am doing really well but I am somewhat confused, and as you are
one of my smartest friends, I wanted to ask for advice. As you know, I finish high
school in a couple of months, so yesterday I went to the academic fair to see my
options when choosing a major. There are so many interesting programs! I visited
all the different stands.

At the beginning I was thinking about a health major, like Medicine, because I like
to help people, but then I thought that if I studied Medicine, I wouldn’t have a lot of
free time, so I would have to quit my piano lessons  L  Then, I thought, well, maybe I
should go for a B.A. in Music! But to be honest I don’t think I’d be a good musician
because I only have a year studying piano… if I thought I were a good pianist I
would definitely choose music because it is one of my passions, but I don’t think I
am talented enough. Then I thought about going to Law school, after all, I like
defending people and I think I’m an ethical person, but… what if at some point I
had to defend a guilty criminal? I do not think I could do that!

Therefore, the thing is that I am so confused because I do not know what to study.
I like helping people, music, I have a strong sense of justice, but I also love
traveling and learning languages… I like everything so I am lost! What would you
choose if you were I? Actually, what if I took a year off? Please, help me!

2. WRITING: Answer the following questions:
 Why is Liz writing to Robin?
She does not know what to study in the university, so she asked her what to sturdy
because she is so indicative about that. She is afraid of losing her free time for
study medicine, she is not so goes playing piano and she is afraid of helping
criminals in the legal system of justice. Thank god, she is not helping people
avoiding jail.
 How does Liz describe herself?
A lovely person that loves to help people, music, a big sense of justice and loves
learning languages.

Standard students: Based on her personality traits, create a video to make a

recommendation of the top three majors where she could succeed. The video must be
maximum 3 minutes. Remember to use conditional type 2 sentences.
On her email, she also mentions taking a year off. Give your opinion about it on your
recording and whether you would do the same.
Intermediate and advanced students: Based on her personality traits, write an email
from Robin’s point of view answering Liz’ mail. Tell her what you would do if you were she
and why. You must suggest three career options. Do not forget to use conditional type 2.
On her email, she also mentions taking a year off. Give your opinion about it on your
writing and suggest a couple of things she could do while
2. Dear Liz!
How are you Liz? So much time without speaking in this case writing. You want my
opinion about your career choice well. I know you very well and if I were you, I
would study the next things
If I had to studies something to travel, I would study something related to tourism,
in this way I could travel and enjoy life, but I would be poor because is not
something really well paid off.
If you were an engineer, you could travel and had a fantastic job but you would
have to study a lot you get your BA.
If you were to study something related to finances you could get a lot of money
and a lot time to travel but only if, you were good in the subject of the stock
If I were you, I would be an engineer and I would invent something to get a lot of
money but I am bad inventing things.
Therefore If I were you. I would follow my heart. That the best advice I can give
Your Friend

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