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Meteoric interaction with magmatic discharges in Japan

and the significance for mineralization
Jeffrey W. Hedenquist, Masahiro Aoki
Mineral Resources Department, Geological Survey of Japan, 1 -1 -3 Higashi, Tsukuba, 305 Japan

ABSTRACT fluids, intermediate situations can occur at the

The andesitic volcanoes Kirishima, Kyushu, and Esan, Hokkaido, discharge 94 to 225 °C interface of magmatic and meteoric dominance,
HQ-bearing vapors from summit fumaroles. At Kirishima a geothermal system exists on the where acid components are neutralized by wall-
flanks of the large volcanic massif (1500 m relief and 12 km radius). In contrast, Esan is a small rock reaction (Giggenbach, 1988).
dome (600 m relief and 1 km radius) with ephemeral hot springs. The chemical and isotopic
compositions of the fumarole gases and condensates, and of waters from hot springs, indicate GEOLOGIC SETTING AND
that Esan discharges are dominated by magmatic water and gases, whereas those at Kirishima HYDROTHERMAL ACTIVITY
are mainly meteoric. The Kirishima geothermal system contains acid fluids that are neutralized Esan volcano rises to a maximum altitude of
by interaction with the host rock and dilution by meteoric ground water; the acidity is probably 618 m only 1 km from the south Hokkaido
of magmatic origin. A large ground-water carapace at Kirishima condenses a majority of coast (Fig. 1), and comprises andesitic domes
magmatic volátiles and metals before they can discharge to the surface, in contrast to Esan, and lava flows of Holocene age (Ando, 1974).
where the volátiles (including metals) degas to the atmosphere. This suggests that a meteoric The youngest magmatic eruption was several
system may be necessary to condense metals in this high-level volcanic environment to provide hundred years ago, and phreatic eruptions oc-
a situation conducive to hydrothermal mineralization at epithermal depths. curred 140 yr ago. Kirishima volcano, southern
Kyushu (Fig. 1), comprises at least 20 eruptive
INTRODUCTION Vapor discharge from a magmatic-related centers of late Pleistocene to Holocene age (Ko-
In order to examine directly the interaction of acid brine will transport volatiles to the surface bayashi et al., 1981). Cones and lavas that
magmatic fluids and overlying meteoric waters, as high-temperature fumaroles, or it may con- erupted up to about 6 ka overlie Mesozoic sedi-
we sampled the fumarolic discharges of two re- dense to form an acidic, oxidized water (Gig- mentary basement and older andesites. More
cently active volcanoes in Japan, Esan and Kir- genbach, 1987). In contrast, the deep water in than 40 eruptions have occurred since A.D. 742;
ishima. Representative hot springs associated most meteoric-dominated geothermal systems the most recent was at Iwoyama in 1768. The
with each volcano, as well as geothermal wells has a dilute chloride composition, is reduced, composite andesitic cones form a massif 12 km
at Kirishima, were also sampled. The chemical and has a nearly neutral pH (Giggenbach, in radius and having a relief of 1500 m (Fig. 2).
composition, including trace metals of economic 1988), and minor steam-heated acid sulfate The composition of the parent magmas of both
interest, and isotopic signatures of all samples ground waters. Despite this pH and redox dis- andesitic volcanoes is probably similar. Both
were analyzed to identify the degree of mag- tinction between magmatic and geothermal volcanoes have been active recently, and are
matic contribution to the hydrothermal systems.
Pioneering studies of stable isotopes in active
% J \ W 1300-
geothermal systems and extinct epithermal ore Esan Kirishima y \ i ' -
deposits indicated that the water reflects both a 5x
dominantly meteoric source and reaction with N

host rocks (e.g., Taylor, 1979). However, mag- O V 500-
matic fluids are a major source of fluid compo-
Sealevet 100-
nents in deep-seated hydrothermal ore systems
(e.g., Taylor, 1979). If there is a transition from
deep magmatic domination to shallow meteoric
A fumaroles
domination in the hydrothermal environment, V acid springs
then there should be some evidence for mag- • neutral-pH springs
> neutral-pH wells
matic contamination of meteoric systems. This A acid wells
study seeks to identify how magmatic fluids de-
gassing from volcanoes interact with meteoric
waters and their host rocks, and how this inter-
action may affect mineralization in this
Hokkaido \


Figure 2. Cross sections and plan-view maps of Esan and Kirishima volcanoes
(contours every 400 m). Locations ot Ginyu and Shiramizugoe (Shira.) faults and
Figure 1. Location map Hayashida valley are shown. Cross sections (5x vertical exaggeration) show de-
showing Esan volcano in duced schematic flow patterns. Kirishima waters are neutralized by water-rock
southern Hokkaido and interaction (see Fig. 4) and meteoric dilution during ascent. Solid arrows—deep
Kirishima volcano in U7Kirishima upllow; open arrows—vapor; downward-pointing arrows with bars—meteoric
southern Kyushu, Japan. waters.

GEOLOGY, v. 19, p. 1041-1044, October 1991 1041

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now in repose. However, we have no evidence fault has acid chloride-sulfate waters at ele- METAL TRANSFER BY
of the depth to, or degassing state of, the under- vations near sea level (Kodama and Nakajima, MAGMATIC VAPORS
lying magmas. 1988). The acid waters have higher sulfate High-temperature volcanic discharges contain
At Esan, moderate-temperature (100 to 225 contents and higher temperatures than the C 0 2 , S0 2 , H 2 S, HCl, HF, and other gases in
°C), HCl-bearing fumaroles discharge from the neutral-pH waters, and variable chloride con- decreasing amounts (Giggenbach, 1987). These
highly altered southern flank at an altitude of tents (Fig. 3). vapors also contain many other components as
about 400 m (Fig. 2). An acid sulfate spring The compositions of a range of Kirishima wa- molecular chlorides and complexes (Symonds et
discharges at 100 m altitude, and some neutral- ters are plotted in Figure 4, where full equilib- al., 1987), including alkalies and trace metals.
pH warm springs of low to seawater salinity are rium with K-feldspar-illite-chlorite is repre- Despite low concentrations of metals, an active
present along the coastline. Condensed samples sented by an invariant curve; the opposite andesite volcano such as White Island, New
of the fumaroles contain up to 2000 mg/kg extreme, simple rock dissolution by acidic, im- Zealand, has a yearly metal flux in the vapor
chloride; pH is 1.5, owing to condensed HC1. mature waters (Giggenbach, 1988), is shown by discharging to the surface of Zn—73001; Pb—
At Kirishima, fumarolic discharges of 94 to a line' for varying amounts of Kirishima andesite 600 t; Cu—300 t; As—5 t; Ag—50 kg; and
167 °C occur at altitudes of 1300 m to about dissolved into 1 kg of water. Neutralization of Au—29 kg (i.e., 291 of Au for a 1 ka period of
900 m. The high-altitude fumaroles at Iwoyáma immature waters through water-rock reaction degassing) (Le Cloarec et al., 1989). Merapi vol-
contain HC1 (maximum of 170 mg/kg CI; con- will result in the compositions shifting upward cano, Indonesia, has similar fluxes (within a fac-
densate pH values of 2.5), and are the highest to the full equilibrium mineral assemblage tor of 5 for the base metals; Symonds et al.,
temperature. Lower altitude fumaroles are buffer. 1987), indicating that a degassing calc-alkaline
related tó the geothermál system .on the west Figure 5 shows the S 1 8 0 and <5D values of magma is a signifiant potential source of
flank of Kirishima.,Ebino spring discharges acid fumarolic condensates and hot-spring waters at metals. These figures are minima, because some
(pH 2.3) chloride-sulfate water at an altitude of both locations. In addition to our sampling, we fraction is being absorbed into the volcanic hy-
1200m. , . also summarize results for two Esan fumaroles drothermal system at depth (Giggenbach, 1987).
Before geothermal development for hot- (Matsubaya et al., 1978), a sample of Ebino We have analyzed all samples collected at
spring baths in the Hayashida valley, neutral-pH spring collected in 1974 (Matsubaya et al., Esan and Kirishima for major and minor ele-
chloride springs discharged at altitudes of 800 to 1975), and the compositions of waters dis- ments, including trace metals. Some compo-
500 m; dilute chloride, bicarbonate-rich warm charged from the Ginyu wells, in addition to nents of interest in the fumarole samples are
springs still discharge át altitudes to 200 m as far meteoric waters local to the wells (Shimizu et reported as ranges of concentration in Figure 7
as 15 km from the summit. Steam-heated acid al., 1988). There are no isotopic (or metal) (we have no flux data); the concentrations in
sulfate springs range in altitude from about 900 compositions available for the Shiramizugoe high-temperature Merapi fumaroles are included
to 700 m. Shallow wells reach chloride water at fluids. for comparison. In general, the concentrations of
about 300 m altitude in the Hayashida valley The N2-Ar-He gas signature of vapor dis- elements, particularly the base metals, are high-
where chloride springs once discharged. Water charges indicates the source(s) of these relatively est in the high-temperature Merapi fumaroles,
samples from these wells are plotted on an nonreactive gases (Giggenbach, 1986). Meteoric and lowest in the low-temperature Kirishima
enthalpy-chloride diagram (Fig. 3) to illustrate ground waters that have no other source of these vapors (different by several orders of magni-
their interrelation. gases preserve atmospheric N2-Ar ratios even tude), HCl in the Kirishima fumaroles being at
Several wells were drilled into two major after circulating at depth and heating, though least 1.5 orders of magnitude lower than at
faults for geothermal development. The wells they may acquire some radiogenic helium; con- Merapi; Esan values are intermediate.
penetrating the northern Ginyu fault produce tribution from typical N2-rich magmatic fluids
neutral-pH waters; in contrast, the Shiramizugoe disturbs the meteoric signature. The gas compo- DISCUSSION
sitions of fumarole discharges from Esan and Esan fumarole condensates lie on a simple
Kirishima are plotted in Figure 6. isotopic mixing trend (Fig. 5) between local me-
TOc Parent
/ \ \
1000" V \ ^ \
Xo* .A \

# "

-100 Wells

Ginyu •
Shiramizugoe (acid)
Hayashida • Figure 4. K / C a - K / M g dia-
500 1000 gram (Giggenbach, 1988)
CI mg/kg showing full equilibrium and
rock dissolution trends; Kiri-
Figure 3. Enthalpy-chloride mixing diagram for shima waters are plotted.
samples from Kirishima wells (reservoir con- (Symbols as in Figs. 2 and 3.)
centrations at quartz geothermometer tem-
peratures), showing dilution relation for Shira- 1000 g
mizugoe and Ginyu fluids, and' another for Parent
Hayashida valley waters. If these are related 9
(through boiling), higher temperature parentis
implied, with neutralization occurring from
Shiramizugoe (and parent) water(s) to Ginyu
and Hayashida waters. Symbols as in Figure 2
(open stars—acid waters). log(K 2 /Mg)

1042 GEOLOGY, October 1991

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teoric water and 900 °C andesitic volcano dis- into every 1 kg of solution; this strong acidity in the Kirishima massif (Fig. 2, cross section);
charges (Matsuo et al., 1974). These results may be related to condensation of magmatic the carapace condenses the majority of mag-
indicate less than a 50% meteoric component in volatiles deeper in the system. Compositions of matic volatiles and other components before
the Esan fumarolic discharges. The ephemeral the ephemeral steam-heated acid sulfate waters they can discharge to the surface.
neutral pH and acid-spring discharges are sim- and bicarbonate waters reflect less aggressive
ilar to local meteoric values, though they could rock dissolution, consistent with their shallow IMPLICATIONS FOR
have a small (<10%) component of magmatic origin. MINERALIZATION IN
water. There is a hydraulic differential of 15 bar VOLCANIC SYSTEMS
In contrast, the Kirishima features are domi- from the Shiramizugoe fault to the Ginyu fault Some mineralization in the volcanic envi-
nated by meteoric water. Local meteoric SD at the same altitude (Kodama and Nakajima, ronment is related to extensive leaching by an
ranges from -50°/oo to -40°/oo with decreasing 1988), suggesting flow from the former to the acid fluid, followed by deposition of copper and
altitude (Shimizu et al., 1988). Iwoyama HC1- latter through 500 m of wall rock; if this is true, precious metals. Such epithermal mineralization
bearing fumaroles and the adjacent acid chlo- neutralization of the acid waters will occur by is commonly termed "acid sulfate" (Heald et al.,
ride-sulfate spring at Ebino (sampled in 1974) reaction with the host rocks (Fig. 4). Dilution 1987) or "high sulfidation" (Hedenquist, 1987).
indicate a maximum magmatic component of and boiling (Fig. 3) can account for the differ- Good examples are the Summitville, Colorado,
30%. The evidence for the magmatic shift from ences in chloride and heat content among the deposit (Stoffregen, 1987) and the Nansatsu
local meteoric SD values for these acid features Shiramizugoe, Ginyu, and Hayashida waters, all deposits of southern Kyushu (Hedenquist et al.,
comes from comparison with the Ebino sample originating from a higher temperature (acid) 1988). Detailed stable-isotope studies of this en-
collected in 1989, the day following 300 mm of parent. Neutralization by reaction with the host vironment (Rye et al., 1989) indicate that mag-
rainfall; although still acid, the isotopic composi- rock is also implied, from the Shiramizugoe (and matic fluids interact with meteoric waters during
tion of the spring lies on the meteoric line 10°/oo parent) fluid to the neutral waters. These proc- alteration and mineralization.
lighter in <5D than the 1974 sample. High- esses (neutralization, boiling, and dilution) may Much the same situation could be envisaged
chloride samples from wells in the Hayashida account for the low metal concentrations of the to be occurring at depth beneath Kirishima now,
valley (Fig. 3) are also shifted a similar amount neutral waters (Fig. 7), compared with higher the magmatic volatiles and metals condensing
from local meteoric compositions of S 1 8 0 and metal concentrations implied for the deep into a hydrothermal system dominated by me-
SD, the shift lying along a magmatic mixing magmatic component. teoric water; dissociation of the acids (HC1,
trend. The Ginyu waters, on the same trend, The Esan hot-spring waters have not been H2SO4) will result in extensive leaching of the
may also have a small magmatic component. plotted in Figures 3 and 4 because they are host rock. The composition of fluid from the
Steam-heated acid sulfate hot springs all he close simply steam-heated acid sulfate waters or are Shiramizugoe wells (Fig. 4) indicates that such
to the meteoric line. located close to the shoreline and are domi- leaching is now occurring. Although there may
The residual gas compositions of fumaroles nantly meteoric water or contaminated by also be acid condensates at depth at Esan, we
(Fig. 6) indicate magmatic dominance at Esan seawater. have no direct evidence for their presence. If we
(N2-rich) vs. meteoric domination at Kirishima On the basis of our chemical and isotopic assume that the deep, high-temperature mag-
(N2/Ar ratios similar to atmospheric). These results, magmatic fluids reach the surface at matic component at both Kirishima and Esan is
data independently support the evidence from Esan with a relatively small degree of interaction relatively rich in metal (e.g., similar to Merapi;
water isotopes and suggest that the sources of with meteoric waters (<50%), though extensive Fig. 7), it is clear that the lower temperature
these gases and the water in these systems are cooling has occurred from the underlying mag-
coupled. matic system (degassing magma and/or mag-
At Kirishima the waters from Hayashida val- matic brine). In contrast, fumaroles at the
ley wells and representative water from wells summit of Kirishima, as well as geothermal dis-
penetrating the Ginyu fault (Shimizu et al., charges on its lower flanks, are dominated by
1988) fall close to full equilibrium with the meteoric waters, though with a minor magmatic
neutral-pH assemblage of hydrothermal miner- component (possibly up to 30%; Fig. 5). This
als (Fig. 4). In contrast, waters from the Shira- difference may be caused by the presence of a
mizugoe fault derive their alkalies from the larger carapace of meteoric water at high levels
partial dissolution of 100 to 300 g of andesite

Figure 7. Concentrations of selected compo-

nents in volcanic fumarole condensates for
Figure 5. ôD-ô O diagram showing magmat- Figure 6. N 2 -Ar-He residual gas relations for Esan and Kirishima (this study) and, for com-
ic-dominant signature of Esan fluids, and Esan and Kirishima fumaroles. Several Kiri- parison, Merapi, Indonesia (Symonds et al.,
meteoric-dominant signature of Kirishima shima samples are from geothermal wells. 1987). No data (-) and below detection limit
fluids. Symbols as in Figure 2. Symbols as in Figure 2. (<) are also noted.

1042 GEOLOGY, October 1991

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(and lower HC1) vapors at both volcanoes are roles (including water, gases, and metals) is Mineral Resources Conference: Singapore, 1986:
Tulsa, Oklahoma, American Association of Pe-
less able to transport metals than chloride-rich larger at Esan because of less meteoric interac-
troleum Geologists, p. 513-524.
vapors at 600 °C or more. However, the tion. At Kirishima, an extensive meteoric cara- Hedenquist, J.W., Matsuhisa, Y., Izawa, E., Marumo,
meteoric-water dominance in the Kirishima hy- pace is effective at condensing and diluting most K., Aoki, M., and Sasaki, A., 1988, Epithermal
drothermal system in comparison with that at of the magmatic components. In contrast, the gold mineralisation of acid leached rocks in the
Esan suggests that the extensive meteoric system hydrology of the Esan system, perhaps related to Nansatsu District of southern Kyushu, Japan, in
Proceedings, Bicentennial Gold 88: Geological
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Although the later fluids still contain magmatic tion. Where there is not extensive meteoric in- Island, in Giggenbach, W.F., ed., Newsletter 4,
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Wellington, New Zealand, International Associa-
tive due to waning of the volatile discharge from metals exsolved from a near-surface (1-3 km tion of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's
the parent magma, an increase in the degree of deep?) magma largely degas to the surface rather Interior, p. 12-15.
water-rock interaction, and/or an increase in the than condensing at shallow (< 1 km) depth. This Matsubaya, O., Ueda, A., Kusakabe, M., Matsuhisa,
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alization may be possible if a precipitating study of the volcanoes and the hot springs in
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cused into a restricted volume. This model ex- in this environment. p. 375-392.
plains the strong leaching of host rock and the We have examined the possible effect of near- Matsubaya, O., Sakai, H., Ueda, A., Tsutsumi, M.,
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eralization. It is clear that the compositional var-
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parative anatomy of volcanic-hosted epithermal Giggenbach, Yukihiro Matsuhisa, Dick Sillitoe, Stuart
deposits: Acid-sulfate and adularia-sericite types: Simmons, Neil Sturchio, and particularly Noel White
CONCLUSIONS Economic Geology, v. 82, p. 1-26. and Stanley Williams for constructive reviews.
Hedenquist, J.W., 1987, Mineralization associated
Magmatic volatiles discharge to the surface at with volcanic-related hydrothermal systems in Manuscript received March 21, 1991
both Esan and Kirishima volcanoes, though the the circum-Pacific Basin, in Horn, M.K., ed., Revised manuscript received June 24, 1991
degree of magmatic contribution to the fuma- Transactions, Fourth Circum-Pacific Energy and Manuscript accepted July 8,1991

1044 Printed in U.S.A. GEOLOGY, October 1991

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Meteoric interaction with magmatic discharges in Japan and the significance for
Jeffrey W. Hedenquist and Masahiro Aoki

Geology 1991;19;1041-1044
doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1991)019<1041:MIWMDI>2.3.CO;2

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