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A. Short term memories: 2

B. Decision making and attention (among others).: 3

C. Form and retain long term memories: 1

11. James is always lazy. He failed a test last week.

If you weren’t so lazy, you would have passed that test

12. She didn’t have an umbrella, so she got wet.

If she had an umbrella, she wouldn´t have got wet

13. You are so nervous because you drink too much coffee.

If you drink a lot of coffe you will get nervous

14. Paul drove too fast. Now he’s in trouble with the police.

If paul hadn´t driven too fast, he wouldn,t be in a trouble with the police

15. I don’t have a degree, so I didn’t get the job.

If I had a degree, I would have got that job

16. As I haven’t got money, I can’t buy a new car.

I had money, I could buy a new car

17. You missed the party and you didn’t meet my friends.

If you hadn´t missed missed the party, you would have met my friends

18. You didn’t fix the roof. Now it’s leaking.

If you´d fixed the roof, it wouldn´t be leaking

19. He isn’t a good runner because he doesn’t train every day.

If he trained everyday, he would be a good runner

20. He doesn´t bring money, so he cannot have lunch.

If he´d bring money, he could have lunch


OPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A x x

B x

C x x

D x x

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