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David M.

Cox Elementary School –

Dream It! Believe It! Achieve Cox Cub News
It! NOT LIMITS! Volume 9, Issue 30 May 18-20, 2020 Mrs. Tara Imboden, Principal

Cox Families,

As we finish to what was the most interesting school year in all of our history, all of us here at David M. Cox
Elementary thank you for your continued support and kindness. It is so difficult to finish the year without our celebrations,
school dance-off, field day, and of course our 5th Grade Aloha. We look forward to beginning the 2020-2021 year and having
the opportunity to recognize our students then. I would like to personally say thank you to all my families for continuing to
support their students in navigating this new “normal” and building their student’s confidence to finish the year strong
together. Have a wonderful summer and stay healthy and safe!

Mrs. Imboden
Your Proud Principal at David Cox Elementary

Student Supplies: As directed by our Governor and the district Superintendent all student supplies from their desks and
classroom will not be returned this year. Teachers will bag all student items and we will store the bags to be returned when we
return next year. If your student is moving to another school, their supply bag will be delivered to that school next year. If you
have a 5th grader, their supply bags will be given out during our Aloha Ceremony when we return or delivered to their middle
schools when we return.
 All Chrome books are being kept over the summer and will be returned to school at the start of next year, including 5th
grade students. We will pick up the Chrome books from the middle school which they are attending (or can be
returned at the Aloha Celebration). If you are moving out of state, please email me ( and we
will arrange a drop-off time.
 All library books are being kept by students over the summer and will be returned when we begin our school year.
 Medications can be picked up this Wednesday (5/20/20) from 7:30am-8:30am in the front of the school.

Report Cards: Report cards will be posted by 4:00 pm in Infinite Campus and mailed by the school district by June 19th
along with other school information.

SOT News: We will be having our School Organizational Meeting this Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 5 pm over Google Meets
platform. The agenda (including the google link meeting) and previous month’s minutes is posted on our school website. As
there was no information to be shared, the April meeting was decided to be combined with our May meeting. Our final
meeting for the 2019-2020 school year will be hosted through the Google Meets platform towards the end of June.

Parents, if you or someone you know has a pre-school student and needs a pre-school program, we are
having a pre-school program AM and PM, Monday through Thursday next year. You’ll need to register on
the CCSD website or email Gianna Penney our Clerk for assistance. We have a lot of openings available for
3-4 year olds.

Schools will remain closed for students through end of school year: May 20, 2020.
THIS WEEK is the final week of the 2019-2020 school year.
Distance Learning from our teachers will end on May 20, 2020.
Our grade books are closed so teachers can finish grading and get the report cards ready for
posting on Wednesday the 20th.
Report Cards, class placements, and school information for the 2020-2021 school year will be
mailed at the end of June.
CCSD This Week’s Learning Packets:
Grades K-2:

Grades 3-5:
Honor Roll Assemblies and 5th Grade Aloha Celebration: Families we have discussed this as a staff for weeks now and
have made the final decisions:
 All Honor Roll Assemblies 1-4 will be held when we return to school in August. The certificates/awards/medals will
be stored at school for the summer to be given out in August.
 In lieu of a Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony, our teachers will be providing an alternative form of celebration
instead of doing a ceremony in August. They will be sending home special recognitions with their supply bags and
gifts they have prepared for all their students. The teachers will be sending home to all families a slide show if their
kindergarten year.
 For 5th Grade Aloha Celebration we will be holding an evening ceremony in August, outdoors at school to hold our
annual 5th Grade Aloha Celebration. We are also going to hold the 5th grade yearbooks to be given out at the
celebration along with their Awards. If students and their families are not able to attend, we will mail their awards and
yearbook to them.
 Yearbooks will be given out the first week we return to school. They are finished, but waiting to be printed as the
printer has closed during COVID19. Any student not enrolled at DMC in August will have their yearbook mailed to

Nurse News: CCSD Immunization requirements have not changed for the 2020-2021 school year. You may take your child to
one of the clinics listed below if they require immunizations for the upcoming school year. SNHD Immunization Clinics are
currently open but limited to appointment only M-F 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. SNHD may be able to take walk-ins depending on
 Main IMM location: 280 S. Decatur Blvd. 702-759-0850
 East Las Vegas Public Health Center: 570 N. Nellis Blvd. Suite D1. 702-759-0850
 Mesquite Public Health Center: 830 Hafen Ln. Mesquite Nevada. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays ONLY.
o 702-759-1682



Online Registration is open for all current CCSD students! Parents please register
your child(ren). Go to your Infinite Campus for each child, click on “more” at the
bottom, then click on 2020-2021 registration for parents only OR go to the CCSD
webpage and click in the blue box on main page for 2020-2021 school year. You
must update each year, it takes less than 10 minutes, and you must complete al the
boxes for EACH child’s school form (code of conduct, acceptable use, etc).
The pictures/sharing information form is “tricky” because it switches the
accept/decline, so please read what the statement is asking. All students must have
an Acceptable Use form completed in order to access any computer in our school.

Signing into the Chromebooks: Families, every student in CCSD has a google email account and password. This
is not gmail, it ends with and their password is supposed to be their birthdate. All classroom teachers
have their students’ emails. Here are some steps to help your child get going using their chromebooks. Have their
ccsd email and password ready along with your household wifi and password.

1. At the bottom left side of the screen after you turn it on, their will be a bubble that
says, “add person” click it.
2. You will need to re-enter your household’s wifi and password.
3. Then you will enter the first part of your child’s CCSD email (the is already
there for you).
4. Then enter their password.
5. The programs (like prodigy, reflex, lexia, google) are all web-based, so there won’t
necessarily be icons on the home screen for them.
If you do not have the student school email account, you will need to get the account from your student’s teacher.
If you need to reset the password for the account you can on this link Once chromebooks
are returned to DMC, they will all be “wiped” of previous users and wifis. If you still are having issues with getting
the students on, please email me and I will get your questions/needs to the correct person.

Third Grade Parents: If you paid for your student’s “Wet n Wild” field trip which was going to be taken prior to closure,
there are two options for reimbursement:
1. You can elect to get reimbursed for your field trip fee paid to school and when we return we can give you a school
check. (if we do not return a check will be mailed to you in June).
2. You can elect to have the field trip fee you paid put into the 4th grade account to be used for your student’s class in the
2020-2021 school year.
Please send an email to Mrs. Janosik ( as to what you would like to do with your field trip fee. She will
maintain a record of your choice.

A Look Ahead:
*Dates are definitely subject to change. Dates/events have been removed and will be added based on our
academic/district situation.
May 20 Distance Learning School Year Ends for Clark County Teachers

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