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(19) World Intellectual Property

International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2016/066659 Al
6 May 2016 (06.05.2016) P O PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: (74) Agent: ALSTOM TECHNOLOGY LTD; CHTI Intellec
F16L 23/026 (2006.01) F16L 23/20 (2006.01) tual Property, Brown Boveri Strasse 7, 5400 Baden (CH).
F16L 23/032 (2006.01) F16L 23/24 (2006.01)
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
F16L 23/16 (2006.01) F16L 25/00 (2006.01)
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
(21) International Application Number: AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
PCT/EP20 15/074909 BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
(22) International Filing Date: HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
27 October 2015 (27.10.201 5)
(25) Filing Language: English MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM,
(26) Publication Language: English SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
(30) Priority Data: TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
14190667.7 28 October 2014 (28. 10.2014) EP (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
14192705.3 11 November 2014 ( 1 1. 11.2014) EP kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
Brown Beoveri Strasse 7, CH-5400 Baden (CH). TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
(72) Inventors: SCHMALZBAUER, Guenter; Akazienstrasse DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
10, 79618 Rheinfelden (DE). SACHS, Lars; Weizen- LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
strasse 15, CH-5436 Wuerenlos (CH). PONCA, Daniel; SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ,
Gutstrasse 127, CH-8055 Zurich (CH). SHUKLA, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Amitkumar; Allmendstrasse 15 A, CH-5300 Turgi (CH).
PRZYBYL, Ewelina; Stumpenweg 66, CH-5303 Wueren- Published:
lingen (CH). — with international search report (Art. 21(3))


(57) Abstract: A dissimilar piping joint arrangement (28) is described, comprising a first pipe section (30) and a second pipe section
(3 1) and a dissimilar piping joint between the first pipe section and the second pipe section, the first and second consecutive pipe
© sections (30, 3 1) being made of first and second metallic materials (M5, M6) respectively with different material behavior and prop -
v erties. An improved lifetime and extended applicability is achieved in that said dissimilar piping joint (28) is a coupling joint (Fl,
o F2), said first pipe section (30) made of said first metallic material (M5) is provided at one end with a first coupling (Fl) made of
said first metallic material (M5), said second pipe section (3 1) made of said second metallic material (M6) is provided at one end
o with a second coupling (F2) made of said second metallic material (M6), and the first coupling (Fl) and the second coupling (F2)
are bolted together, whereby a first seal is established by direct metallic contact between the front faces of the first coupling (Fl) and
the second coupling (F2).


The present invention relates to the technology of piping comprising sections of

different materials. It refers to a Dissimilar Piping Joint according to the preamble
of claim 1.


The use of different metals/alloys, which differ in their metallurgical behavior and
which are called in this context "dissimilar metals" in a joint being exposed to high
temperature, high pressure loading, high cyclic, and high transients with external
forces and moments, can pose problems of stress and reduced lifetime of this

Present codes and standards /literatures in the industry are less informative about
the behavior and safety of such joint and often situation is unsafe.

Fig. 1 shows the basic scheme of a combined cycle power plant (CCPP) 10 . The
combined cycle power plant 10 of Fig. 1 comprises a gas turbine 11 connected to
a water/steam cycle 12 via a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) 19.
Gas turbine 11 comprises a compressor 14, which aspirates air through an air inlet
13 and delivers the compressed air to a combustor 15 , where it is used to
generate hot gas by burning fuel 16 . The hot gas drives a turbine 17 and the
exhaust gas 18 of the turbine 17 passes through the heat recovery steam
generator 19 and finally exits as flue gas 20.

Heat recovery steam generator 19 generates steam for a steam turbine 2 1 . In

addition, water from the heat recovery steam generator 19 is fed to an air cooler
22 and used to cool down compressed air from the compressor 14, which is fed to
the turbine for cooling purposes. While the water is supplied through a water inlet
pipe 24, the generated steam flows back to the heat recovery steam generator 19
via steam outlet pipe 23.

A more detailed plan of a combined cycle power plant is shown in document US

6,01 8,942, for example.

The high pressure air cooler 22 of the gas turbine 11 usually needs to be made of
austenitic stainless steel to avoid high temperature corrosion product entering the
hot gas path parts of the turbine 17. At the same time, the remaining water/steam
side of the plant, which the cooler 22 is connected to, is made of ferritic steel. The
weld connection at the steam outlet pipe 23 of the cooler 22 is a dissimilar metal
joint or weld of the kind explained above, and thus experiences reduced lifetime

The situation is shown in Fig. 2 in more detail: Steam outlet pipe 23 is connected
to air cooler 22 in a special Dissimilar Piping Joint 25, where pipe sections made
of three different or dissimilar materials M 1 , M2 and M3 are connected with each
other. Material M 1 of the pipe section comprising a level sensing line 27 is for
example an stainless steel, M2 is for example nickel alloy and M3 is for example a
martensitic ferritic steel. While the joint between pipe sections made of materials
M 1 and M2 is less critical, the weld seam 26 between the pipe sections made of
materials M2 and M3 is a mixed weld seam, which is necessary at the joint
between dissimilar metal materials M2 and M3.

One of the main factors leading to premature failure of such a dissimilar metal
connection is the very high temperature gradient in the wall of the pipe during
start-up of the plant.


It is an object of the present invention to avoid the problems described in

connection with a Dissimilar Piping Joint between dissimilar metal materials.

It is another objective of the present invention to provide a Dissimilar Piping Joint

for pipe sections of dissimilar materials, which is free of mixed weld seams to be
performed on site.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a Dissimilar Piping Joint for
pipe sections of dissimilar materials, which achieves extended lifetime considering
creep, fatigue and their interaction and results in low maintenance activities.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a Dissimilar Piping Joint for
pipe sections of dissimilar materials, which requires no major modification to piping
design and support concept and is therefore beneficial for existing service fleet.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a Dissimilar Piping Joint for
pipe sections of dissimilar materials, which has low weight impact and therefore
does not require major modifications of an already existing piping as a working
system, exposed to dead weight, external loading as forces and moments, thermal
restricted expansion, wind and earthquake loads.
These and other objects are obtained by a Dissimilar Piping Joint according to
Claim 1.

The dissimilar piping joint arrangement according to the invention comprises a first
pipe section and a second pipe section and a dissimilar piping joint between the
first pipe section and the second pipe section, the first and second pipe sections
being made of first and second metallic materials respectively with different
material behavior and properties. The pipe sections can be part of piping for
example piping which is subjected to boundary conditions of high pressure, high
temperature, high cycling, high creep and external forces and moments, especially
in a Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP).

It is characterized in that said piping joint is a coupling joint, said first pipe section
made of said first metallic material is provided at one end with a first coupling
made of said first metallic material, said second pipe section made of said second
metallic material is provided at one end with a second coupling made of said
second metallic material, and the first coupling and the second coupling are bolted
together (for example by means of bolts and nuts), whereby a first seal is
established by direct metallic contact between the front faces of the first coupling
and the second coupling.

According to an embodiment of the invention said first and second couplings are
welded to their respective pipe sections.

According to another embodiment of the invention said front faces of said

couplings are slightly conical.

Specifically, said front faces of said couplings are conical with an angle of aperture
in a range between 78° and 79.9°.

According to another embodiment of the invention said first material is a Ni-based

alloy and said second material is a ferritic/martensitic alloy.
According to another embodiment of the invention said first pipe section is welded
at the other end from the first coupling to a third pipe section made of a third
metallic material different from said first and second metallic material.

According to just another embodiment of the invention said first and second
coupling, the front faces of which are slightly conical, each have a central bore,
said first seal is established adjacent to said central bore of said couplings, and a
second seal is provided, which surrounds said first seal and keeps said Dissimilar
Piping Joint tight in case of a failure of said first seal.

Specifically, said second seal comprises a metallic seal ring placed in an annular
space being made up by lining grooves in said front faces of said couplings. The
lining grooves are adjacent to one another when the first and second couplings are
attached to one another.

According to another embodiment of the invention said first and second couplings
have outer dimensions substantially smaller than those of standard ASME B 6.5

According to another embodiment of the invention, a combined cycle power plant

with the dissimilar piping joint arrangement described above is provided.

Specifically, said first and second pipe section connect an air cooler of a gas
turbine of said combined cycle power plant and a heat recovery steam generator
of said combined cycle power plant.

The present invention is now to be explained more closely by means of different

embodiments and with reference to the attached drawings.

Fig. 1 shows a simplified scheme of a combined cycle power plant


shows an exemplary prior art pipe connection between air cooler

and heat recovery steam generator HRSG comprising a critical
mixed weld seam;

shows an embodiment of a coupling Dissimilar Piping Joint

according to the invention;

compares the size of a coupling according to an embodiment of

the present invention with the size of a coupling with identical inner
diameter according to ASME standard;

shows details of a coupling with slightly conical front face

according to an embodiment of the invention; and

Fig. 6 shows a longitudinal section of a coupling joint with plural seals

according to an embodiment of the invention.

The problems of a connection of stainless steel pipe sections and ferritic steel pipe
sections in a piping used preferably in a combined cycle power plant are:
• An optimization of CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) mismatch
• Fulfilment of operational pressure and temperature ratings
• Steep transient conditions during plant start up
• Consideration of creep, fatigue and their interaction
· Lifetime and allowable number of cycles
• Maintenance free till end of lifetime - no interference of operation regime
• No mixed weld seams on site
• External forces and moments
• Easy site replacement of existing arrangement
· ASME and PED certification

According to the invention a dissimilar metal coupling joint itself considering

different mechanical properties of material involved, is used to provide the critical
material transition between the coupling faces that have different material behavior
and properties, without the need of fusion of material (mixed weld seam), which
can achieve the required lifetime even considering the combination of boundary
conditions of high pressure, high temperature, high cycling, high creep and
external forces and moments.

Fig. 3 shows an embodiment of a coupling Dissimilar Piping Joint28 according to

the invention. A first pipe section 29 made of material (metal) M4 is connected to a
second pipe section 30 made of material (metal) M5 by means of a less -critical(
material 30 is the integral part of the coupling)) weld seam 32. Second pipe
section 30 and a third pipe section 3 1 made of a third material (metal) M6 are
connected by means of a coupling joint comprising couplings F 1 and F2. Coupling
F 1 is made of the same material as second pipe section 30, i.e. material M5.
Coupling F2 is made of the same material as third pipe section 3 1 , i.e. material
M6. Couplings F 1 and F2 are connected by means of suitable bolts 33 and nuts

The coupling joint F 1 , F2 represents a direct material transition from material M5

to material M6.

Due to this arrangement of material M5 and M6 in Dissimilar Piping Joint 28 only

homogenous welding work on site is necessary (no mixed weld seam on site). The
optimization of different thermal expansion rate is done by the right choice of
material M5 and material M6.

The external dimensions of couplings F 1 and F2 can substantially deviate from

standard coupling dimensions according to ASME B 1 6.5 standard. Fig. 4 shows a
comparison of the outer dimensions of a coupling 35 with welding neck according
to ASME B 6.5 standard and a (compact) coupling 36 with same inner diameter
according to an embodiment of the invention. As can be seen from Fig. 4 , the
overall height h2 of coupling 36 is less than half of the overall height of ASME
standard coupling 35. The coupling height h of coupling 36 is about half the
coupling height of ASME standard coupling 35. The outer diameter d of coupling
36 is approximately 2/3 of the outer diameter of ASME standard coupling 35.

Thus, compact coupling 36 has only about 60% material volume compared to a
traditional (standard) welding neck coupling 35.

This reduction in material volume of the couplings F 1 and F2 offers various

• Improved thermal stress behavior during transients
• Lower weight
• Negligible impact on piping support system - no modification on support
concept necessary
Other advantages are related to the specific design of the couplings F 1 and F2
with regard to their front faces. According to Fig. 5 the couplings F 1 and F2 have
slightly conical front faces 42 the conicity or tapering of which is defined by two
different angles a and β . Angle β defines the conicity of the main part of front face
42 (inside a circular groove 40) while angle a is related to the conicity of a rim part
outside the connecting bores 37 and circular groove 40. Angles a and β are
related to the angle of aperture Θ of the conical front face 42 by formula

Θ = 180° - 2a or = 180° - 2β , respectively.

With angle a ranging between 0.05° to 0.75° and β ranging between 0.08° to .00°
the angle of aperture Θ can be said to range between 178° and 79.9°.
Furthermore, the back side of couplings F 1 , F2 also has a conicity with an angle γ
ranging between 0.04° and 0.8° (angle of aperture between 179.92° and 178.4°).

The two-stage two-angle design with angles a and β leads to an optimized lifetime
of the joint. The conicity with angle β of the main front face defines a contact
pressure at inner bore (heel) 38 of coupling F 1 , F2 (see seal S 1 in Fig. 6)
Elastic deformation of the coupling faces due to optimized bolt pretension force
close faces with their conicity angle a at outside diameter (see seal S3 in Fig. 6).

In any case, shear forces due to different expansion of ferritic (material M6) and

Ni-base coupling material M5 have to be considered (CTE mismatch optimization).

A coupling Dissimilar Piping Joint according to an embodiment of the invention is

shown in the connected state in a longitudinal section in Fig. 6 . Couplings F 1 and
F2 are connected by bolts 33 extending through connecting bores 37 (Fig. 4) and
nuts 34.

Compact couplings F 1 , F2 have no compressed soft gasket, which is directly

influencing bolt pretension. Due to metal-to-metal contact at the front faces 42 of
couplings F 1 and F2 a defined surface pressure is established. Thus, a bolt
pretension loss can only be driven by metal behavior and not by any gasket
compression loss.

As shown in Fig. 6 the compact coupling design comprises two main seal areas
with a first metallic face-to-face seal S 1 adjacent to central bore 38 (heel) of
couplings F , F2. A second seal S2 surround the first seal S . Second seal S2
comprises a hollow annular space 4 a made up by opposing lining grooves 39 in
the front face of each coupling F 1 , F2. A metal seal ring 4 1 is inserted into said
annular space 4 1 a and compressed in radial direction when the couplings F 1 , F2
are connected.
The outer second seal S2 is only in operation when inner first seal S 1 (heel area)
has opened resulting in a double sealing instead of one main seal only. Metal seal
ring of second seal S2 is self-energized. The gasket is compressed by bolt force
only. Third seal S3 acts as an environmental seal.

The characteristic features of the pipe transition according to the invention and its
various embodiments can be summarized as follows:
• A dissimilar metal coupling joint (F1 , F2) itself considering different
mechanical properties of material involved, is used to provide the critical
material transition between the coupling faces 4 1 that have different
material behavior and properties, without the need of fusion of material
(mixed weld seam), which can achieve the required lifetime even
considering the combination of boundary conditions of high pressure, high
temperature, high cycling, high creep and external forces and moments.
· CTE (Coefficient of thermal expansion) mismatch of the involved materials
is optimized via material selection which covers the given boundary

conditions on one side and offers the smallest possible difference in CTE.
• One embodiment involves the design of coupling face angles a and β and
pre-stressing, which are optimized to control creep and fatigue behavior of
the whole coupling system to achieve the target values of lifetime and load
• Number and diameter of bolts 33 are optimized considering creep, fatigue
and stresses due to external forces and moments. The bolts loading has
very high pretension (ranging up to 20-160kN) to keep coupling joint 28
together considering high loss of pretension expected during service. The
bolt loading is applied with special hydraulic tools to achieve tension only
and no additional stress due to torsion.
• Double sealing with primary and secondary seals S 1 and S2 is used as a
typical feature of the coupling design: For the primary seal S , the
mechanical integrity calculations are used to control local stress, creep and
fatigue behavior via proper pre-stressing the whole system in order to
achieve given load cycles and lifetime. In such a way, the primary seal S 1 is
still in sufficient contact after intended lifetime. The function of the
secondary seal S2 is not required even at the end of intended lifetime.
Secondary seal S2 will hardly see any contact with fluid and pressure, but is
considered as an additional safety measure against leakage. Even in case
primary seal S 1would lose sufficient contact pressure, the secondary seal
S2 could overtake the full tightness function. This results in leak free design
and is 00% EHS compliant.

The benefits of the solution according to the invention are:

• Prevention of mixed weld seams to be performed on site
• Achievement of extended lifetime considering creep, fatigue and their
interaction. The components involved are designed for increased
operational intervals (as high as up to 50,000 EOH). They do not require
maintenance in between, which would disturb operation. Therefore,
maintenance activities are lower
• Double sealing against leakage makes sure that even in case of primary
seal losing sufficient contact pressure; secondary seal could overtake the
full tightness function.
· No major modification expected to piping design and support concept which
is beneficial for existing service fleet.
• The new coupling concept has low weight impact which means the coupling
installation does not require major modifications of the present piping as a
working system, exposed to dead weight, external loading as forces and
moments, thermal restricted expansion, wind and earthquake loads.


0 combined cycle power plant (CCPP)
11 gas turbine (GT)
12 water/steam cycle
13 air inlet
14 compressor
15 combustor
16 fuel
17 turbine
18 exhaust gas
19 heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)
20 flue gas
21 steam turbine
22 air cooler (e.g. OTC)
23 steam outlet pipe
24 water inlet pipe
25, 28 piping joint
26, 32 weld seam
27 level sensing line
29, 30, 3 1 pipe section
33 bolt
34 nut
35 coupling (acc. to ASME)
36 coupling (acc. to embodiment of the invention)
37 connecting bore
38 central bore
39 lining groove
40 groove
41 seal ring (metal)
4 1a annular space
42 front face
d (outer) diameter
F 1 , F2 coupling
hi , h2 height
M 1 -M6 material
S 1 , S2, S3 seal
, β, Y angle
Θ angle of aperture
A, B distance
14 P 14/1 13-0 SF


. Dissimilar piping joint arrangement (28) comprising a first pipe section

(30) and a second pipe section (31 ) and a dissimilar piping joint between the first
pipe section and the second pipe section, the first and second pipe sections (30,
3 1 ) being made of first and second metallic materials (M5, M6) respectively with

different material behavior and properties, , characterized in that said Dissimilar

Piping Joint(28) is a coupling joint (F1 , F2), said first pipe section (30) made of
said first metallic material (M5) is provided at one end with a first coupling (F1 )
made of said first metallic material (M5), said second pipe section (31 ) made of
said second metallic material (M6) is provided at one end with a second coupling
(F2) made of said second metallic material (M6), and the first coupling (F1 ) and
the second coupling (F2) are bolted together, whereby a first seal (S1 ) is
established by direct metallic contact between the front faces (42) of the first
coupling (F1 ) and the second coupling (F2).

2 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 1, characterized

in that said first and second couplings (F1 , F2) are welded to their respective pipe

sections (30, 3 1 ) .

3 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 1, characterized

in that said front faces (42) of said couplings (F1 , F2) are slightly conical.

4 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 3 , characterized

in that said front faces (42) of said couplings (F1 , F2) are conical with an angle of

aperture in a range between 178° and 179.9°.

5 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 1, characterized

in that said first material is a Ni-based alloy and said second material is a

ferritic/martensitic alloy.
15 P 14/1 13-0 SF

6 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 5 , characterized

in that said first material is an Alloy 625 Grade 2 and said second material is an


7 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim , characterized

in that said first pipe section (30) is welded at the other end from the first coupling

(F1 ) to a third pipe section (29) made of a third metallic material (M4) different

from said first and second metallic materials (M5, M6).

8 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 7 , characterized

in that said third metallic material (M4) is steel.

9 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 3 , characterized

in that said first and second couplings (F , F2) each have a central bore (38), said

first seal (S1 ) is established adjacent to said central bore (38) of said couplings
(F1 , F2), and a second seal (S2) is provided, which surrounds said first seal (S1 )

and keeps said dissimilar piping joint (28) tight in case of a failure of said first seal
(S1 ) .

0 . Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 9 , characterized

in that said second seal (S2) comprises a metallic seal ring (41 ) placed in an

annular space (41 a) being made up by lining grooves (39) in said front faces (42)
of said couplings (F1 , F2).

11. Dissimilar piping joint arrangement as claimed in Claim 1, characterized

in that said first and second couplings (F1 , F2; 36) have outer dimensions

substantially smaller than those of standard ASME B 1 6.5 couplings (35).

12 . A combined cycle power plant comprising the dissimilar piping joint
arrangement of Claim 1.
13 . The combined cycle power plant as claimed in Claim 12 , characterized
in that said first and second pipe sections connect an air cooler (22) of a gas
16 P14/1 13-0 SF

turbine ( 1 1) of said combined cycle power plant ( 1 0) and a heat recovery steam
generator (19) of said combined cycle power plant ( 1 0).
INV. F16L23/026 F16L23/032 F16L23/16 F16L23/20 F16L23/24
According to International Patent Classification (IPC) o r t o both national classification and IPC

Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)

EPO-Internal , WPI Data


Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

US 2007/007767 Al (HOWARD ERI K M [US] ) 1-13

1 1 January 2007 (2007-01-11)
paragraph [0023] - paragraph [0038]
f i gures

US 2 739 828 A (SCHINDLER FRANK S ET AL) 1-13

27 March 1956 (1956-03-27)
the whol e document

W0 93/17268 Al (STEELPRODUCTS OFFSHORE AS 1 , 3 ,4,9 ,

[NO] ) 2 September 1993 (1993-09-02) 10
page 3 - page 13
f i gures

□ Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . See patent family annex.

* Special categories of cited documents :

"T" later document published after the international filing date o r priority
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
the principle o r theory underlying the invention
to be of particular relevance
"E" earlier application o r patent but published o n o r after the international
"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
filing date considered novel o r cannot b e considered to involve a n inventive
"L" documentwhich may throw doubts o n priority claim(s) orwhich is step when the document is taken alone
cited to establish the publication date of another citation o r other
"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
special reason (as specified)
considered to involve a n inventive step when the document is
"O" document referring to a n oral disclosure, use, exhibition o r other combined with one o r more other such documents, such combination
means being obvious to a person skilled in the art
"P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than
the priority date claimed "&" document member of the same patent family

Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report

1 1 January 2016 21/01/2016

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer
European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2
N L - 2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040,
Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 Durrenberger, Xavi er
Patent document Publication Patent family Publication
cited in search report date member(s) date

US 2007007767 Al 11-01-2007 NONE

US 2739828 A 27-03-1956 NONE

WO 9317268 Al 02-09-1993 AU 3576993 A 13-09-1993

BR 9305929 A 19-08-1997
CA 2130102 Al 02-09-1993
CZ 9402001 A3 18-01-1995
EP 0630456 Al 28-12-1994
FI 943841 A 19-08-1994
P H07504021 A 27-04-1995
NO 920686 A 23-08-1993
RU 2091657 CI 27-09-1997
O 9317268 Al 02-09-1993

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