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using namespace std;

int main(){

int arr[]={2,5,3,9,7};

list<int> mylist (arr,arr+5);

list<int>::iterator it;

//********** Print the first element of the list***********


//cout<<*it; //2

//*********** Print all elements of the list ****************


cout<<*it<<" ";

} */

//*********** Incrementing Point*****************



it++; // Increment the it,so It will point the next element

cout<<*it<<endl; //5

it++; // Increment again,so it will point next next element

cout<<*it<<endl; //3

//***********Inserting element before any element of list*********** //



it++; // it will be pointing now to second element 5

mylist.insert(it,7); // Insert 7 before the second element 5


cout<<*it<<" "; // 2 7 5 3 9 7


//***********Inserting element before any particular element of list*********** //


it=find(mylist.begin(),mylist.end(),9); //Searching 9 in the list and IT will be

//pointed to the list.

cout<<*it<<endl; //9

mylist.insert(it,4); // Insert an element before 9


cout<<*it<<" "; // 2 5 3 4 9 7 //4 is inserted before 9


//*****************Checking element is in the list or not*******************

it=find(mylist.begin(),mylist.end(),22); //There is no element 22 in the list so it will be

//pointed to the end of the list.


cout<<"Not Found.";




/*************************** Erase element*********************************/



mylist.erase(it); // Erase the first element from the beginning


cout<<*it<<" "; 5 3 9 7



it=find(mylist.begin(),mylist.end(),3); // it* will point tho the 3

mylist.erase(it); // 3 will be erased from the list


cout<<*it<<" "; 2 5 9 7


/**************Check list is empty or Not*******************/







/********************More Functions************************/


cout<<mylist.front()<<endl; //2

cout<<mylist.back()<<endl; //7

mylist.pop_front(); // Pop any element from the front

mylist.pop_back(); // Pop any element from the last

mylist.push_back(); // Push any elemnet at the lat

mylist.push_front(); // Push any element at the front


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