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Vaykra: Don´t rely on miracles

I love the idea of miracles but at the same time I´m afraid of them. On the one hand the
notion of a miracle helps us believe that “anything” is possible, that all of the sudden a terrible
situation may change dramatically to have a positive outcome after all. Belief in the possibility
of miracles gives hope. But on the other hand believing in miracles may induce people not to
do everything in their power to control a situation counting on a miracle happening.

At the beginning of the book of Vaykra many different types of sacrifices are described.
Among the preparations for these offerings it is stated, “And the descendants of Aaron the
kohen shall place fire on the altar, and arrange wood on the fire.” (1:7). But the Talmud
(Zevachim 18a) tells us that the fire, which consumes the sacrifices, descended miraculously
from heaven. This was the way to show the people that God accepted their offerings. So if the
fire came miraculously from the sky, why did the priests have to bring the wood to make the
fire? To teach us, I would like to argue, that even though miracles may occur we should
operate in our world and in our daily tasks as if miracles don´t exist. The priests knew that
every day Hashem will make his fire descend from heaven but still they went and brought
wood. For this type of thing the Talmud says: “We do not rely on a miracle” (BT, Pesachim
64b). Believing in miracles is good, relying on them not so much.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Uri

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