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OCC Global Literacy Endorsement (GLE)

You must be a current OCC student to apply. Contact the Office of Global Education ( for more information.
The OCC Global Literacy Endorsement (GLE) helps students become globally competent by developing the skills, practices, and
perspectives needed to navigate a complex and interconnected world. The student earns this endorsement through three
categories of activity and a capstone project. The three areas of activity and the capstone project emphasize global awareness,
empathy, and collaborations. These capabilities can help prepare GLE students for transfer, jobs, and lifelong learning.

Category 1 - Global Academic Experience: Complete a minimum of 4 of the following courses from at least two different disciplines
with a grade of C+ (2.3) or above. At least one semester of language is required. Unless otherwise noted (*), courses satisfy Michigan
Transfer Agreement (MTA) requirements. This list will be updated periodically.

Courses: PHI 1510, 1520*

ANT 1520, 1540, 2750 POL 2530, 2610, 2990*
ART 1560 SOC 2510, 2530*, 2620
BIO 1500, 1512* THE 1561
BUS 2150*
COM 2290 Language Courses:
CUL 2311*, 2312* ARB 1510, 1530
ECO 2610, 2620 CHI 1510
ENG 2530, 2540, 2550, 2560, 2570 ESL All courses*
FSH 1500 FRE 1510, 1530, 2610, 2620
GEO 1510, 1520 GER 1510, 1530
GLS All Courses* ITA 1510, 1520
GSC 1620 JPN 1510, 1530, 2610, 2620
HIS 1510, 1520, 1550, 1660*, 1661*, 1662*, 1663*, 2610, 2620 SLS 1000, 1001*, 1010, 1020*, 1030,
HLS 1006* 1040*, 1045*, 1501*
HUM 1510, 1520, 1710, 2101*, 2720 SPA 1510, 1530, 2610, 2620
MUS 1585

Category 2 - Global Life Experience: Complete one of the following options with approval from the Office of Global Education, and
submit a reflection on your GLE-D2L site. Contact us to learn more and for current updates about available opportunities.
Option 1: Education Abroad (must complete a minimum of one education abroad experience)
• Participate in a study, volunteer, service learning, or internship abroad program sponsored by an accredited college or university.
Programs not affiliated with a college or university will be considered on a case by case basis.
Option 2: Domestic Opportunities (must complete a minimum of two globally focused domestic experiences). Prior approval from
the Office of Global Education is required.
• Work with a faculty coach to identify and participate in a volunteer, service learning , co-op, or internship project with a local
organization that has a global focus.
• Work with a faculty coach to complete an academic or creative project on an international topic that involves personal interactions with
individuals, artifacts, or ideas from a culture different from your own.
• Propose an alternative experience that demonstrates your development of global literacy.

Category 3 - Global Activities & Events: Attend at least four global activities and events, including a minimum of at least one
per semester that you are pursuing the GLE. Submit a reflection on your GLE-D2L site after each activity. For a list of
opportunities visit the Global Literacy Endorsement calendar of activities and events
( or contact the Office of Global Education at or 248.232.4730.

Capstone Project: The capstone is a final summary of the students’ experiences in pursuing the Global Literacy Endorsement. As a
starting point, students will keep a journal and reflections while completing the three categories of GLE activities. Finally, students will
prepare a comprehensive reflection of their GLE experience and present it at a global learning event. When completed, the GLE will be
posted on their OCC transcript.
Student Checklist
Directions: In whatever order works best for you, complete experiences in each of the three following categories. Then begin your
capstone project and schedule a presentation date to earn your GLE.

Category 1: Global Academic Experience (minimum of 4 classes in at least two disciplines with grade of C+ COMPLETED
(2.3) or higher)

Semester Grade Class Reflection

Date Submitted



Category 2: Global Life Experience (complete one option below)

OPTION 1: Education/Internship/Study Abroad (minimum of 1 approved experience)
Semester Location Experience Reflection
Date Submitted


OPTION 2: Domestic Experiences (minimum of 2 approved experiences)
Semester Organization Experience Reflection
Date Submitted


Category 3: Global Activities (attend a minimum of 4, including at least one each semester and record a reflection
on your GLE-D2L site after each activity)

Date Location Event Reflection

Date Submitted


Capstone Project

Written Reflection – Date Submitted Presentation Date GLE Completion Date

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