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Using a 555 Timer chip in order to control the movement of a servo motor

This is a 555 timer in Astable mode which can generate a frequency with a low duty cycle in order to
control a single Servo motor (90+-). By changing the resistance value of POT1 you can change the
duty cycle of the timer roughly within the same frequency (19Hz) which in turn will change the
position of the servo motor arm.

To learn more about the 555 Timer

Below you will find the circuit schematics and list of parts for this setup, and also a video showing
step by step how to build the circuit on breadboard.

Components list:

IC1 – 555 Timer

R1 – 56K

R2 – 3.3M

POT1 –100KΩ

D1 – 1N4148

C1 – 22nF

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