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Republic of the Philippines


College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences


Submitted by: Year & section:

Bantillo, Jane S. BSNII-Mercer
Centino, Jackielyn L.
Licera, Romeo Jr. G.
Lumanog, Noel B.
Manigos, Nikko R.
Submitted to:
Ms. Jessa Villegas
The Good Life
"The journey towards a good life is by living healthy."

How does unreflective consumption of goods in this case, sugar affect human life?

Jane Bantillo:
“A lot of the sugar we do eat is ‘hidden’ in foods and a lot of the time we
don’t realise it’s there. In the film, the 40 teaspoons a day would be ‘hidden sugars’
found in foods like low fat yoghurt, cereals, muesli bars, juices, sports drinks and
assorted condiments. As a result, there was a real chance that all this sugar-eating
lunacy might amount to nothing. However, in my own perspective an excess
consumption sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar
problems and such complications of diabetes and an increased risk of heart disease,
among other dangerous conditions that can affect to your health. Sugar causes
glucose levels to spike and plummet. Unstable blood sugar can leave you
experiencing mood swings, fatigue, and headaches. It also contributes to cravings,
which begins the cycle of false hunger. Sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes,
and heart disease. While we all like to indulge once in a while, foods that quickly
affect blood sugar contribute to a greater risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
Emerging research also suggests connections between these high-glycaemic diets
and various forms of cancer. These effects are often a result of added sugars
working in your body, so be sure to read those nutrition labels. High sugar foods are
easy to overeat and often leave us wanting more. The food industry has done a good
job of making our food taste amazing.
As a nursing student, we must be the role model in the society. We need to be much
more mindful with our food choices and strike a better balance with our foods. A
healthy diet must be prioritized to prevent the certain disease that could lead to
death. According to The World Health Organisation (WHO) new sugar intake
guidelines for improving health and urges people to keep their intake to less than
10% of their overall energy intake. This equates to approximately 12 teaspoons or
less of sugar per day.”

Noel Lumanog:
“We put in our mind that sugar contains sucrose and undesirable amounts of
polysaccharides, lignin, proteins, starches, gums, waxes, and other colloidal
impurities that contribute colour and/or taste to the crystalline product. Sugar is one
of menu use to produce sweet food taste like cakes, ice cream, and other sweet
products. Overconsumption of sugar is not a journey towards a good life but it will
cause serious disease such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart attack because of the
extra load of sugar that my go with blood circulation and when it will becomes
higher and your body cannot produce enough insulin to convert sugar to energy
hence might blocks the blood vessel and caused undesirable effects all throughout
the body. It affects human life in eating too much sugar in a long period of time in
such their body will increase in size and disturbance of their body image which can
lead to insecurity for many people.”
Jackielyn Centino:
“As sugar enters the body it is being processed and breakdown into glucose
and fructose that both of it makes their way into the liver. Glucose is then used as
immediate source of energy and some of it are stored for later use. However,
fructose needs to be converted into glucose by the liver before it can be used by the
body. If there is too much glucose inside the body that cannot be absorbed it rapidly
turns into a fat. Some of it will stay in the bloodstream and then blocks the arteries
which may cause stroke and heart attacks others are increase risk for diabetes, 
may have a liver and kidney problems and could also results to the resistance of

Eating sugar also affects the mental health of a person because when you eat
something sweet like candies, lollipop, chocolates etc. The sugar level in the blood
will spike or increase really quickly and then falls down again. The reason that there
is a sudden change in the mood that person becomes alert is because the body
releases an hormone called insulin that takes into the cell and used as an energy.
However, the person started to feel a lack of energy after eating sweet because of the
release of stress hormone e.g adrenaline that signals the brain to eat something sweet
to satisfy the cravings and later on may cause anxiety and panic attacks. This is how
sugar affects human life. 

Overall, the journey towards a good life is not indulging yourself in eating lots of
sweet food that leads you in getting heart, liver and kidney problems which is like
you make your journey towards death. This is not the good life we want, but instead
consuming sugar at its moderate amount to provide its purpose into the body is a
rightful way to do. Ignorant about sugar and the products we consume every day
makes as prone to health complications.”
Romeo Licera:
“For me this short film simply exposes the dangers of excessive sugar intake.
Gameau doesn't consume any junk food whatsoever, such as fizzy juice, sweets or
ice cream, he instead purely sticks to food marketed as healthy. It's this more than
anything that sets off alarm bells because this route seems to most people a route to
weight loss and improved physical well-being, yet as the film demonstrates it
actually leads to obesity and mental damage. Time and again we are shown the
volumes of sugar that is hidden in so-called 'healthy' foods and it makes you pause
for thought. What comes out loud and clear is that sugar is clearly a socially
acceptable form of addiction and the sugar industry have been instrumental in
minimising public information on the dangers their product presents. It's very
interesting to note that over the course of his 60 day experiment Gameau eats no
more calories than he did previously, yet he puts on almost a stone in weight. One of
the key lessons, therefore, is that there are calories and there are calories, i.e. sugar
calories affect the body decidedly differently to the way protein and carb ones do.”
Nikko Manigos:
How does unreflective consumption of goods in this case, sugar affect human life?
“It adds to the stress to your liver, regardless of whether it is good or bad.
Your brain needs glucose to function, but your body needs the fibre so that the sugar
is absorbed slowly and your blood sugar doesn’t spike so high. Any sugar not used
by the body must be filtered out. That’s why diabetics’ pee smells (and tastes) sweet.
An excess of ANY sugar (and, honestly, a 20–25g limit of added sugars per day is
COMPLETELY reasonable), will stress your filter, your liver, and will spike your
blood sugar, which stresses your pancreas, causing you to make extra insulin and
throwing ALL your hormones out of whack.”

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